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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nuotolinis mokymas(is) bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje: situacijos ir poreikio analizė / Distance learning in comprehensive school: situation and need analysis

Barabanova, Irina 07 September 2010 (has links)
Nacionalinės ir pasaulinės mokymo(si) sistemos išgyvena krizę: didėja atotrūkis tarp piliečių, turinčių galimybes įgyti kokybišką išsilavinimą ir jų neturinčių. Šiai problemai spręsti aktuali mokymo(si) visą gyvenimą sistemos plėtra. Lietuvoje sukurta valstybės švietimo strategija 2003–2012 metams, jos esmė – išplėtoti socialiai teisingą, visiems prieinamą švietimo sistemą, sudarančią sąlygas visuomenei mokytis visą gyvenimą. Viena tokio mokymo(si) formų – nuotolinis mokymas(is), grindžiamas moderniųjų IKT panaudojimu. Lietuvos nuotolinio švietimo esmė – plėtoti nuotolinio mokymo(si) tinklą, užtikrinantį kiekvienam prieinamą, visą gyvenimą trunkantį mokymą(si). Mokinių mobilumas, tėvų migracija ir kt. byloja, kad nuotolinio mokymo(si) poreikis gali būti jaučiamas ir bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, todėl analizei pasirinkta tema ,,Nuotolinis mokymas(is) bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje: situacijos ir poreikio analizė“. Tyrimo objektas – nuotolinis mokymas(is) Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti nuotolinio mokymo(si) situaciją ir poreikį Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti šiuolaikinę nuotolinio mokymo(si) sampratą, jo teorinius pagrindus; išanalizuoti nuotolinio mokymo(si) situaciją Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje; atskleisti nuotolinio mokymo(si) poreikį Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, tokį poreikį lemiančius veiksnius ir tikslines grupes. Tyrimui atlikti pasitelkta mokslinės informacijos, dokumentų šaltinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / National and global education (learning) systems are in a crisis: the gap between citizens who have access to quality education and who don’t have is growing. To tackle this problem life long training (learning) system development is urgent. Lithuania has created a public education strategy for 2003–2012, its essence is the development of socially just, accessible education system, enabling the public to learn throughout their lives. One form of such training (learning) is distance learning based on the use of modern ICT. Essence of Lithuanian distance education is the development of distance education (learning) network that provides everyone with accessible lifelong learning (teaching). Student mobility, migration of parents etc. suggests that distance education (learning) needs may be felt in mainstream schools, so for analysis the following topic was chosen: “Distance education (learning) in general education schools: situation and needs analysis”. Research object is distance learning (teaching) in Lithuanian general education schools. Purpose of the survey is to analyse the need in the distance education (learning) in the Lithuanian general education schools. The objectives are: to analyze modern distance education (learning) concept, its theoretical framework, to analyze distance education (learning) situation and need in Lithuanian education system, to reveal distance education (learning) situation and its need in the Lithuanian general education schools, its demand... [to full text]

BENDROJO LAVINIMO MOKYKLOS PEDAGOGŲ Į(SI)TRAUKIMAS Į SPECIALIŲJŲ UGDYMO(SI) POREIKIŲ TURINČIŲ MOKINIŲ UGDYMĄ / Pedagogues’ involvement in the formation of children’s with special educational needs programs at comprehensive schools

Gedvilaitė, Miglė 27 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo santrauka Darbe atlikta teorinė specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių tenkinimo ir pedagogų įsitraukimo į šių mokinių ugdymo procesą samprata ir analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad dauguma mokytojų (tiek žemesniųjų, tiek aukštesniųjų klasių) yra linkę įsitraukti į specialiųjų poreikių tenkinimo procesą. Anketinės apklausos bei interviu metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – išsiaiškinti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos pradinio ugdymo pedagogų ir mokytojų dalykininkų bei specialiųjų pedagogų požiūrį apie pedagogų į(si)traukimą į specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių ugdymą. Tyrime dalyvavo 85 pradinio ugdymo pedagogai, 81 mokytojas dalykininkas ir 3 specialieji pedagogai. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami pradinio ugdymo pedagogų, mokytojų dalykininkų bei specialiųjų pedagogų požiūriai apie pedagogų įsitraukimą į specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių (SUP) turinčių mokinių ugdymą. Svarbiausios tyrimo išvados: 1. Atlikus literatūros ir dokumentų analizę paaiškėjo, kad pedagogas privalo suteikti pagalbą visiems SUP mokiniams, tačiau tinkamai ir kokybiškai įsitraukti į šių mokinių ugdymą lemia keletas dalykų: susipažinimas su specialųjį ugdymą reglamentuojančiais dokumentais; gebėjimas atpažinti, analizuoti ir vertinti mokinių specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius; gebėjimas prisitaikyti prie skirtingų mokinių gebėjimų ir poreikių; tinkamas ugdymo proceso organizavimas bei komandinis darbas (įsitraukimas) su SUP mokiniais ir jų tėvais. 2. Bendrojo lavinimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work presents theoretical conception and analysis of children’s with special educational needs satisfaction and pedagogues’ involvement into process of such children’s education. The hypothesis has been raised, that most of the teachers (both of junior, and senior classes) tend to involve in meeting the children’s special educational needs. Using methods of survey and interview a special investigation has been carried out with a purpose to examine the level of primary teachers’, discipline teachers’, as well as special educators’ involvement into the process of children’s with special educational needs development. 85 primary teachers, 85 discipline teachers, and 3 special educators participated in the investigation. The primary teachers’, discipline teachers’, and special educators attitudes towards pedagogues’ involvement in the children’s with special educational needs (SEN) development have been reviewed in the empirical part of the work. The following conclusions, drawn from the investigation, are the most important: 1. After literary analysis and examination of documents it has been disclosed that a pedagogue is obliged to provide every SEN child with assistance. However, there are several points that determine appropriate and effective pedagogues’ involvement in such children’s development, such as: acquaintance with documents, regulating special education; ability to recognise, analyse, and evaluate children’s SEN; ability to adapt to children’s different... [to full text]

Specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių ugdymo bendrojo lavinimo ir specialiojoje mokykloje lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analysis of pupils‘ having special educational needs education in comprehensive and special schools

Grigorjevienė, Virginija 13 September 2012 (has links)
Baigiamojo magistro darbo teorinėje dalyje buvo atskleisti SUP turinčių mokinių ugdymo integracijos procesai, ugdymo specialiojoje mokykloje ir integruoto ugdymo bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje bruožai bei individualizuotų programų taikymo specialiųjų poreikių vaikams taikymo teoriniai aspektai.Empirinėje darbo dalyje pateikiamas kiekybinis tyrimas, kuriuo metu respondentai įvertino įvairių SUP turinčių mokinių ugdymo formų (integruoto/inkliuzinio, bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje specialiojoje klasėje, specialiojoje mokykloje ir ugdymo namuose) tinkamumą bei jų taikymo ypatumus. / Master thesis theoretical part revealed an integration process of pupils with special educational needs, features of special education in special school and education in comprehensive school and individualized programs for children with special needs for the application of the theoretical aspects.The empirical part of the presentation of quantitative research in which respondents rated different educational forms for pupils with special educational needs (integrated / inclusive education, education in comprehensive school in a special classroom, education in special education school and education at home), and the appropriateness of their features.

Socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos teikimo bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje subjektyvūs vertinimai / The subjective assessments of the assitance of a social pedagogue at a comprehensive school

Vaičkutė, Rasa 02 July 2012 (has links)
Analizuojant socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos teikimo bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje subjektyvius pasirengimo teikti pagalbą, pagalbos teikimo krypčių, patiriamų sunkumų bei sėkmę lemiančių veiksnių vertinimus, pasirinktas kokybinis tyrimas, taikant turinio (content) analizės metodą. Tyrime apklausti 9 socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos teikėjai iš Šiaulių miesto bei rajono bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų. Interviu metodu siekta atskleisti socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos teikėjams reikalingas kompetencijas pagalbai teikti, taip pat aiškintasi, kokiomis veiklos kryptimis tenka dirbti dažniausiai, kokių patiria sunkumų teikdami socialinę pedagoginę pagalbą bei kokie veiksniai lemia pagalbos teikimo sėkmę. Analizuojant tyrimo duomenis, siekta atskleisti bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje dirbančių pagalbos teikėjų asmenines patirtis. / While analyzing subjective evaluation of social pedagogical support offered in comprehensive schools based on preparation to provide support, directions for support offering, obstructions and success factors, contents analysis method was used. There were 9 social pedagogical support staff questioned from Šiauliai city and district comprehensive schools. Using an interview method it was aimed to reveal the relevant competences that are necessary for social pedagogical support providers to offer this help. It was also analyzed, what were the most common directions for providing help, what were the main difficulties while providing social pedagogical help and what factors determined success in providing this help. Examining the research results it was aimed to reveal personal experiences of staff providing social pedagogical help in comprehensive schools.

Seitsemäsluokkalaisten kerrontaa kirjoittamisestaan opetusta eheyttävässä moniaineprojektissa

Mertaniemi, S. (Seija) 27 March 2018 (has links)
Abstract This study discusses what 7th grade pupils tell about their writing in a cross-curricular project. The aim is to open up pupils’ points of view about writing at school. The participants of the study were 11 boys and 15 girls who had started a music class in upper comprehensive school. The material of this study comprises essays and learning diaries produced by the participants, as well as individual and group interviews of the participants. The study takes a narrative approach in both theoretical and methodological questions when trying to interpret and understand how the pupils see writing from their point of view. Collaborative writing is based on narrative starting points, so that by the narrative process one can learn new things and produce more comprehensive stories. The multidimensional examination of the material is based on narrative analysis, combining both thematic and linguistic analyses. The results indicate that the pupils’ narration expresses different kinds of conceptions of writing. Besides the traditional and creative conceptions of writing, writing is also seen as social action. The participants’ development as writers seems to be significant when they express the goals of their writing. The challenges of writing are mainly associated with the writing process. The pupils seem to regard collaborative writing as an inspiring method that enables them to practice interaction skills, such as giving and getting constructive feedback. Collaborative writing makes it possible to constitute shared meanings and to produce collective narratives. This study addresses writing at upper comprehensive school from a new perspective, as the voices of pupils have so far been quiet. The study increases understanding about pupils’ writing and the meaning of collaborative writing. The results imply that in teaching it would be important to support the writing process of each pupil. For the teacher pupils’ narration offers ways to reflect on his or her work and to develop it. The results may be helpful in developing practical teaching of writing and the teacher education in general. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan seitsemäsluokkalaisten kerrontaa kirjoittamisestaan oppiainerajat ylittävässä projektissa. Tavoitteena on avata oppilaiden näkökulmia koulukirjoittamiseen. Tutkimukseen osallistui yksitoista poikaa ja viisitoista tyttöä, jotka olivat aloittaneet opiskelun yläkoulun musiikkiluokalla. Aineisto koostuu oppilaiden laatimista Kirjoittajan polkuni -teksteistä, heidän ryhmä- ja yksilöhaastatteluistaan sekä oppimispäiväkirjoistaan. Kerronnallisuus on tutkimuksen teoreettinen ja menetelmällinen lähestymistapa, kun halutaan tulkita ja ymmärtää, millaisena kirjoittaminen näyttäytyy oppilaiden näkökulmasta. Yhdessä kirjoittaminen pohjautuu kerronnallisiin lähtökohtiin, jolloin kerronnan kautta opitaan uutta ja tuotetaan aiempaa kokonaisvaltaisempia kertomuksia. Tutkimusaineiston moniulotteinen tarkastelu perustuu kerronnalliseen analyysiin, jossa yhdistetään temaattista ja kielellistä analyysia. Tulokset osoittavat kerronnan ilmentävän erilaisia kirjoittamiskäsityksiä. Perinteisten ja itseilmaisua lähellä olevien käsitysten lisäksi kirjoittaminen näyttäytyy sosiaalisena toimintana. Kirjoittajana kehittyminen näyttää merkitykselliseltä kertojien esittäessä kirjoittamisensa tavoitteita. Kirjoittamisen haasteet liittyvät lähinnä kirjoitusprosessiin. Yhdessä kirjoittaminen osoittautuu projektissa oppilaita innostavaksi työtavaksi. Se mahdollistaa yhteistyötaitojen kehittämisen muun muassa rakentavan palautteen antamisen ja vastaanottamisen avulla. Yhdessä kirjoittaminen avaa mahdollisuuksia yhteisten merkitysten muodostamiseen ja yhteisöllisten kertomusten tuottamiseen. Tutkimus tarjoaa uuden näkökulman yläkoulun kirjoittamista koskevaan keskusteluun, jossa oppilaiden äänenpainoilla on ollut toistaiseksi vähän sijaa. Tutkimus lisää ymmärrystä oppilaiden kirjoittamisesta ja yhdessä kirjoittamisen merkityksestä. Opetuksessa on tärkeä tukea kaikkien oppilaiden kirjoitusprosessia. Oppilaiden kerronta avaa näkökulmia opettajan oman työn reflektointiin ja kehittämiseen. Tutkimustuloksia on mahdollista hyödyntää kirjoittamisen opetuksessa ja sen käytänteiden kehittämisessä sekä yleensä opettajankoulutuksessa.

Kun työrauha horjuu:kotitalousopettajien käsityksiä työrauhahäiriöistä ja niiden taustatekijöistä

Belt, A. (Aino) 19 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract Working peace is a basic requirement for teaching and learning, yet it provides constant challenge for teachers. Although working peace and working peace disturbances at school are well known phenomena, there is little specific knowledge of working peace in home economics, despite home economics differing from the other subjects of comprehensive school upper classes. Furthermore, where knowledge does exist, it seldom appears to be fully exploited. The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of working peace disturbances within home economics. By examining home economics teachers’ perceptions of working peace, this doctoral dissertation aims to clarify how working peace disturbances are seen by those who are in the key position to solve them. The topic is approached by using phenomenography that enables clarification of variations in individual views. Consequently, the everyday thinking within the target group becomes visible. The data for this study were collected by interviewing 14 home economics teachers in Northern Finland. The interview themes followed three viewpoints derived from scientific literature: how to define working peace disturbances, what are seen as factors behind working peace disturbances, and how to intervene in these disturbances. Based on the findings of this study, home economics teachers’ perceptions of working peace can be condensed into four categories of perception representing an expanding awareness of working peace disturbances. Working peace disturbances can be seen either as an unavoidable nuisance, as a result of deficient resources, as a matter of atmosphere, or as a teaching task. Seeing working peace disturbances as unavoidable does not give constructive options to influence working peace. Focusing on deficiencies in physical learning environments gives useful knowledge for those allocating school resources but does not help with everyday working peace disturbances. On the other hand, seeing working peace disturbances as questions of atmosphere or as teaching tasks shifts the focus to issues that teachers can influence. The teacher can aim to improve classroom atmosphere or teach proper code of conduct, potentially resulting in better working peace. A teacher’s experience of their personal abilities to influence working peace disturbances is a crucial part of the teacher’s well-being and resilience at work. / Tiivistelmä Työrauha on opetuksen ja oppimisen perusedellytys, ja sen turvaaminen tuottaa jatkuvasti haasteita opettajille. Työrauha ja työrauhahäiriöt ovat ilmiöinä hyvin tunnettuja, mutta kotitaloustuntien työrauhasta on niukasti täsmätietoa, vaikka kotitalous oppiaineena poikkeaa muista yläkoulun oppiaineista. Toisaalta työrauhahäiriöistä olemassa olevakin tutkimustieto vaikuttaa puutteellisesti hyödynnetyltä. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on lisätä ymmärrystä kotitaloustuntien työrauhahäiriöistä. Selvittämällä kotitalousopettajien omia käsityksiä työrauhahäiriöistä saadaan esiin se, millaisina työrauhahäiriöt näyttäytyvät häiriötilanteiden ratkaisujen avainhenkilöille. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on fenomenografinen. Fenomenografia tuo näkyviin laadullisesti erilaiset, määrällisesti pienetkin erot kohdejoukon arkiajattelussa. Tutkimusaineisto on koottu haastattelemalla 14 pohjoissuomalaista kotitalousopettajaa. Teemahaastattelujen teemoina olivat seuraavat kolme tieteellisestä kirjallisuudesta johdettua näkökulmaa työrauhahäiriöihin: mitä pidetään työrauhahäiriönä, mitä nähdään työrauhahäiriön taustalla selittävinä tekijöinä ja miten työrauhahäiriöön puututaan. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan kotitalousopettajien käsitykset työrauhahäiriöistä kiteytyvät neljään laajuudeltaan erilaiseen käsitystapaan. Työrauhahäiriöt voidaan nähdä joko pakollisena riesana, ulkoisten puitteiden puutteina, ilmapiirikysymyksenä tai opetustehtävänä. Käsitystavat kuvastavat työrauhahäiriöitä koskevan tietoisuuden laajenemista pakollisesta riesasta ulkoisten puitteiden kautta ilmapiirikysymykseksi ja opetustehtäväksi. Kaksi viimeistä käsitystapaa ovat laajuudeltaan samantasoisia. Työrauhahäiriöiden näkeminen pakollisena riesana ei anna rakentavia mahdollisuuksia vaikuttaa työrauhaan. Opettajan keskittyminen ulkoisten puitteiden vajavaisuuksiin kertoo opetusjärjestelyjen ja fyysisen oppimisympäristön keskeisyydestä kotitalousopetuksessa. Tällainen tieto on tarpeellinen koulujen resursseista päättäville, mutta ei auta arjen työrauhahäiriötilanteissa. Työrauhahäiriöiden kokeminen ilmapiirikysymykseksi tai opetustehtäväksi suuntaa huomion sellaisiin tekijöihin, joihin opettaja voi itse vaikuttaa. Opettajan kokemus omasta kyvykkyydestä työrauhan ylläpitämisessä on keskeinen osa opettajan työhyvinvointia ja työssäjaksamista.

Vývoj školství v ČSR v období 1948-1989 / The development of the system of education in Czechoslovakia 1948-1989

Zárybnický, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Author's name: Martin Zárybnický School: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts Department of Pedagogy Program: Teaching Methodology Title: The Development of the System of Education in Czechoslovakia 1948 - 1989 Consultant: Doc. PhDr. Růžena Váňová, Csc. Number of pages: 79 Number of attachments: 0 Year: 2010 Key words: history, comprehensive school, Comunist Party, school system, education, laws, reports, 1948- 1989 The aim of this thesis is to describe the post-war and especially the 1948-1989 system of education in the light of the contemporary consequences. The key contents of this thesis is just the development and changes which were made in the school system by the Communist Party because of political and ideological reasons. Except of the aspect mentioned above, it is also focused on the development of the educational content, education of teachers and other related topics. As the whole, the thesis is a balanced report on this specific period of the history of education in the Czech republic, or more precisely Czechoslovakia.

Experiências educacionais renovadas no Estado de São Paulo : análise de práticas escolares do experimental da Lapa (1961-1971) à luz dos movimentos educacionais / Renewed educational experiences in the State of São Paulo : the "Experimental da Lapa" school (1961 ¿ 1971): an analysis of its school practices from the perspective of educational movements

Bizzocchi, Carlos Eduardo 25 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2015-04-27T14:31:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Eduardo Bizzocchi.pdf: 1335377 bytes, checksum: f674b9e77be816148ad3ffb66aea8f86 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-27T14:31:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Eduardo Bizzocchi.pdf: 1335377 bytes, checksum: f674b9e77be816148ad3ffb66aea8f86 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-25 / The Primary School called "Dr. Edmundo de Carvalho" Experimental School, also known as ¿Experimental da Lapa¿ School, was one of the references in experimental education among the several experiments during the 1960s and 1970s in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. From the educational movements which influenced and substantiated the school operations and philosophy we may find Escola Nova (New School), Escola Compensatória (Compensatory School), and Escola Compreensiva e Tecnicismo (Comprehensive School and Technicism). This paper aims at analyzing, from the perspective of educational movements and school practices, both pedagogical and from instructors, and curriculum aspects, during the time in which the school tried the eight-year continuous teaching system, in order to understand the school operation and identification. There is evidence of the new-school influence on the main pedagogical practices, whereas the compensatory school is firmly supported by actions which were developed by the general community, and especially by the students¿ families. Technicism, in turn, was applied in an appropriate and adapted manner. It had arisen from the instructions within the official educational projects, designed by the government during the 1950s, and later on applied during the years of military regime. Comprehensive School fits in the continuous and universal education model that had been claimed since the Second World War, according to which there should be no distinction concerning the quality of teaching during the second cycle (secondary education) regarding students who came from different social classes. Lapa Experimental School might be considered as an institution that was shaped in these models during the time it was studied, when the ¿Experimental da Lapa¿ Core School was established, in order to guide and coordinate the setting up of the eight-year continuous teaching system. This study is based on the accounts of its practices and data which have been collected in other researched papers. / O Grupo Escolar - Ginásio Experimental "Dr. Edmundo de Carvalho", mais conhecido como Experimental da Lapa, foi uma das referências em ensino experimental entre as diversas experiências na década de 1960 e 70 no Estado de São Paulo. Entre os movimentos educacionais que influenciaram e fundamentaram a implementação, o funcionamento e a filosofia da escola estão a Escola Nova, a Escola Compensatória, a Escola Compreensiva e o Tecnicismo. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar algumas das práticas do Experimental da Lapa à luz dos movimentos educacionais, além dos aspectos curriculares associados à identidade da instituição, durante o período em que a escola testou o sistema continuado de ensino de oito anos e para o qual instalou-se o Núcleo Experimental da Lapa, com a finalidade de coordenar e orientar a iniciativa. Há evidências da influência escolanovista nas principais práticas pedagógicas, enquanto a escola compensatória tem forte amparo nas ações desenvolvidas junto à comunidade em geral e, em especial, com as famílias dos alunos. Já o tecnicismo se instala de uma maneira apropriada e adaptada, advinda das instruções dos projetos educacionais oficiais elaborados pelo governo durante a década de 1950 e aplicados nos anos seguintes pelo regime militar. A Escola Compreensiva encaixa-se no modelo de ensino continuado e universal que era reivindicado a partir da Segunda Guerra, no qual não deveria haver distinção do ensino oferecido no segundo ciclo entre os alunos de classes sociais diferentes. O Experimental da Lapa pode ser considerado, com base no relato de suas práticas e nos dados coletados nos trabalhos pesquisados, uma instituição forjada, durante o período pesquisado, a partir desses modelos, apesar da forte influência da escola tradicional. O resultado, enfim, não foi uma somatória de modelos, mas a criação de uma experiência ímpar que forjou uma identidade a partir da inspiração dessas referências.

Sexual Health Education Policy: Influences on Implementation of Sexual Health Education Programs

Ellington, Renata Denise 01 January 2016 (has links)
High school youth in Grades 9-12 who are in public schools without comprehensive sexual health education (CSHED) are more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behaviors and have higher rates of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases than are their peers in schools with CSHED. The purpose of this correlational study was to explore the statistical relationship between the consistent implementation of CSHED, before and after the enactment of the Chicago Public Schools' (CPS) sexual health education policy, and the sexual risk behaviors of Chicago high school youth in Grades 9-12. The study was based on Antonovsky's salutogenic model of health and wellbeing. CPS students' sexual risk behaviors were analyzed using data obtained from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) for the years of 2007 and 2013. Logistic regression was used to estimate prevalence and odds ratios of each sexual risk behavior. The findings showed a complex pattern of and variances across the sexual risk behaviors analyzed. The prevalence of sexual behaviors among all students remained relatively stable. The prevalence estimates for students who drank alcohol or used drugs before the last sexual encounter and who were never taught about AIDS or HIV increased from 2007 to 2013. The likelihood of not using birth control pills before the last sexual intercourse encounter decreased among Black students; the likelihood that Hispanic/Latino students ever had sex, and had sex with 4 or more people in their life, decreased. The decrease of sexual risk behaviors indicates a positive influence by CSHED, while the increases indicate continuing challenges to the promotion of healthy sexual behaviors. These findings show the need for legislators and school administrators to increase support for the enactment of CSHED policy to help mitigate the sexual risk behaviors of high school youth.

Bendradarbiavimo modelio konstravimas tenkinant specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius / Construction of a collaboration model meeting special educational needs

Miltenienė, Lina 17 May 2005 (has links)
The aim of the research is, having evaluated attitude peculiarities of the participants of the research, revealed real collaboration practices and applied action research, to construct methodology and a model of collaboration, meeting special educational needs. The research has been carried out in accordance with the principle of triangulation, combining quality and quantity methods (questionnaire method, individual semi-structured interview, action research using the focus group method). The results of the research revealed that children, having special educational needs and their parents often appear in the situation of isolation in comprehensive schools. teachers’ communication among themselves is more often oriented to individual conversations, consultations, individual perfection, but not to team work and collegial solution of problems. Students often feel teachers’ negative attitudes towards them, ignorance, rejection. Structure and expressiveness of parents’ and teachers’ attitudes towards special education and collaboration has been identified. Considering the collaborative situation (on a country scale) and concrete institutional context (on a school scale), collaboration methodology has been suggested, the basis of which is action research with focus group method applied. The results of the research confirm effectiveness of the methodology. Analysis of individual cases when there is common problem solution and participation of all the members of educational process... [to full text]

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