Spelling suggestions: "subject:"consumer insight"" "subject:"consumer lnsight""
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Consumer insight : a research of sportswear shoppingLEIDERMARK, SOFIA, MARECEK, MIA January 2010 (has links)
The report is an attempt to incorporate consumer insight in the female sportswear segment to figureout how it can be used in the clothing industry. The consumer insight methods are performed on anexperimental basis to get a perception of how it can be done and figure out how it differs fromtraditional market research. The research aims to clarify the important parameters on which buyingdecisions are made. The parameters will be based on price, function, fit, brand, design etc. Thereport is made in cooperation with the company Röhnisch sportswear.The consumer insight concept is a part of a consumer driven or consumer oriented businessapproach. The concept strives to find unconscious needs, the driving forces behind them and furtherput them in a context to solve a problem for the consumer. The aim is to satisfy consumers and atthe same time develop a competitive and successful business model. While traditional marketingresearch usually describe what is, a consumer insight approach aim to understand why.The methods used in this research are participative observations, in-depth interviews, gymobservations and market survey. The qualitative and quantitative methods have been compared anddiscussed. The relevance and the importance of the methods used are highlighted and prioritizinglists are estimated. The result shows a wide variety of shopping behaviours. Varied shoppingbehaviour can be seen depending on products. Essential parameters for an exercising garment are fitand design. The importance of other parameters is also discussed in the report. On one hand aselective, focused and deterministic approach is seen and on the other hand a more passive andopen attitude is observed. Feeling comfortable in terms of aesthetical aspects is essential to motivatethe exercising activity. / Program: Magisterutbildning i Applied Textile Management
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Konsumentinsikt på ölmarknaden : En kvalitativ studie om köpbeslut och uppfattning av autenticitet bland konsumenter av hantverksöl / Customer insight in the craft beer market : A qualitative study focusing on choice of brand and perception of authenticity amongst craft beer consumersRönnholm, Marcus, Lindström, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Under de senaste årtiondet har mikrobryggerier runt om i världen tagit allt större marknadsandelar från nationella och internationella bryggerier. Trots en växande marknad är marknadsklimatet däremot långt ifrån idealiskt för många småbryggare. Lönsamheten är låg och marknaden präglas av hårdare konkurrens. Att upprätthålla konkurrenskraft är därmed allt viktigare för mikrobryggeriernas överlevnad. För att skapa konkurrenskraft är det fördelaktigt att ha god förståelse för konsumenten. Då tidigare forskning pekar på att strävan efter autenticitet är en betydande del av konsumtionen finns det två kritiska frågor när det kommer till konsumentinsikt inom marknaden. Varför väljer konsumenter ett specifikt varumärke inom hantverksöl? Vilka egenskaper är mest inflytelserika för att en konsument ska uppfatta ett varumärke inom hantverksöl som autentiskt? En kvalitativ studie genomfördes för att få svar på dessa frågor. Utifrån studiens analys och resultat är sociokulturella och transformativa motiv framträdande i konsumtionen. Valet av varumärke påverkas starkt av sociala influenser, kvalitet och exogena faktorer som smak och identitet. Lokal anknytning till varumärket är en framträdande variabel i köpbeslutet. Faktorer som påverkar intrycket av autenticitet är en blandning av egenskaper som kvalitet, värderingar, historia. Respondenterna grundar sin bedömning både på känsla och objektiv information. Det emotionella intrycket tenderar däremot att ha en större effekt på studiens deltagare. Avslutningsvis framgår det att trovärdighet är en avgörande aspekt för att ett varumärke inom hantverksöl ska kunna upprätthålla ett autentiskt intryck. / During the last decade microbreweries have been steadily gaining market share from the large national and international beer breweries. However, despite a growing market the current state is not ideal for most brands seeking to expand their operation. For instance, the market is characterized by fragmentation and there is a widespread agreement that consumers are enchanted by novelty. Still, little is know about the craft beer consumer. As previous research conclude that consumption of craft products is closely associated with the search for authenticity two critical questions emerge in terms customer insight. Why do consumers choose a specific craft beer brand? What influences a consumer to ascribe authenticity to a craft beer brand? A qualitative study was conducted to address these questions. Based on the analysis of the results the consumption is catalysed by an interworking process of taste, socio-cultural and psycho-transformative needs. The choice of brand is strongly influenced by quality, social stimuli and exogenous variables such as taste and self-congruity. A sense of local identity tends to evoke strong self-congruity effects. Variables underpinning authenticity includes a mixture of properties such as quality, values, brand heritage. While respondents draw on both indexical and icon cues to base judgements, iconic cues tends to generate strong effects in first encounter with brands. Finally, credibility in all forms is shown to be crucial in order to sustain an authentic impression as a Swedish craft beer brand.
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The Perceived CustomerEriksson, David, Omrani, Amin H January 2010 (has links)
One big issue for the mail order business is how to avoid and manage returns. Oneapproach being taken is that consumer insight can result in better customer satisfaction andfewer returns. The fashion industry delivers more than just a function within the clothes;fashion, excitement, and customer service for example.It is believed that a part of demand chain management, consumer insight, can help toreduce the amount of returns. This thesis approaches this issue from a company point ofview. It is investigated how mail order businesses utilizes opportunities given byeCommerce, how the companies perceives their customers, and how well they are able totailor their services to different consumer groups.Online sales channels were reviewed in order to investigate how the company is perceivedand what kinds of efforts the companies go through in order to add value to the customers.These results were combined with interviews of three companies in the mail order businessand one company selling clothes in retail stores.The complexity of the customer and the silo mentality in many companies was the firsthurdle to emerge. It was hard to get in contact with the right person. The interviewsshowed both focus on products and focus of really understanding the customer. Thisshowed both in the rigid layout of the homepages and the lack of understanding thatcustomers might have different needs when it comes to value adding services. However,the interviewed companies had varying ways of defining their customer’s needs.It is evident after this thesis that a lot of work can be done in order to better understand thecustomers, for example investigating causes to returns and how differentiated servicesmight improve how the customers perceive the service. In order to succeed in a holisticapproach, cooperation between mail order companies might be required.
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Consumer opinions on branded mobile applicationsFurr, Laura Elaine 17 February 2011 (has links)
Advertising is moving from a more traditional, paid placement into a new digital and mobile era. Companies are trying to figure out how to reach consumers in new ways, and emerging technologies are assisting. Branded mobile applications are one way that companies are working to build brand image and advertise in an innovative way. In this research, twelve in-depth interviews were conducted to find out what consumers may want, look for, and expect from a branded mobile application. Secondary research was also conducted to find out how brands are leveraging these new technologies and what consumers can look for in the future of mobile advertising. After reading this paper, the reader will have further knowledge of what consumers are seeking in mobile branded applications and how to obtain and keep their attention with a mobile application. / text
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Konsumentinvolvering i produktutvecklingsprocessen i vitvarubranschen / Customer involvement in the product development process in the home appliance industryTRAN, HANNA, VESTERBERG, EMMY January 2020 (has links)
Konkurrensen på marknaden blir allt tuffare och i takt med detta blir kundperspektivet en allt viktigare framgångsfaktor. Syftet med denna rapport är därför att undersöka och fördjupa förståelsen för hur företag inom vitvarubranschen använder sig av användarinvolvering i produktutvecklingsprocessens olika faser. Dessutom ska det skapas en förståelse för vad detta ger för effekter för företaget samt hur de använder och sprider kunskap från involveringen av konsumenter. Forskningsfrågorna besvarades genom en djupgående litteraturstudie för sedan att bygga upp en teoretisk referensram och därigenom få en uppfattning av rådande teorier och metoder som används vid kundinvolvering. Detta jämfördes sedan med en semistrukturerad intervjustudie där kundinvolvering inom vitvarubranschen undersökts. Respondenterna som deltog i intervjustudien var anställda hos Electrolux, ett internationellt företag som arbetar med vitvaruprodukter. Studien visar att det finns olika åsikter kring kundinvolvering vad gäller i vilka faser konsumenten ska involveras i processen och i vilken grad involveringen ska ske. Resultatet visade att de metoder som används för att integrera användare i produktutvecklingen huvudsakligen används i informationssyfte för att skapa en förståelse och kunskap om konsumentens användande av produkten, som sedan kan användas av produktutvecklarna. Att involvera konsumenter i arbetet ansågs främst ha positiva effekter, men att det fanns vissa svårigheter som var viktiga att ta hänsyn till för att nå ett önskat och användbart resultat. Dessutom visar studien att tvärfunktionella samarbeten bidrar till enklare kommunikation och informationshantering eftersom flera olika funktioner är med under hela produktutvecklingsprocessen. / The competition in the market is getting far more resilient, hence, the customer perspective becomes an increasingly important success factor. The purpose of this report is, therefore, to investigate and immerse the understanding of how companies in the home appliance industry implement customer involvement in the different phases of the product development process. In addition, an understanding of how customer involvement will affect the company and how they use and spread the knowledge from these implementations will be created. The research questions were answered through an in-depth literature study to create a theoretical framework and therefore gain an understanding of prevailing theories and methods used in customer involvement. This was subsequently compared with a semi-structured interview study in which customer involvement in the home appliances industry was investigated. The respondents who participated in the interview study worked at Electrolux, an international company in the home appliance industry. The study shows that there are different opinions about customer involvement regarding the phases in which the consumer should be involved in the process and to what extent the integration should take place. The results of this research indicate that the methods used to integrate users in the product development process are mainly for informational purposes, to create an understanding and knowledge of the consumer's use of the product. This knowledge could later on can be used by the product developers. Involving consumers in the process was considered to have positive effects, however there were some difficulties that were important to take into account in order to achieve a desired and useful result. The study also shows that cross-functional teams could contribute to easier communication and information management since many different functions are involved throughout the product development process.
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消費者洞察(Consumer Insight)在廣告策略上之應用研究---以多芬為例詹昀靜 Unknown Date (has links)
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廣告消費者洞察量表初探 / An Exploratory study on the consumer insight scale for advertising曾明浩 Unknown Date (has links)
「消費者洞察(consumer insight)」於廣告操作角度而言,是一種藉由情感反應促進認同的『說服工具』,是將「廣告訊息」轉換為「更有說服效果」的一種策略(how to say)。而從廣告閱聽者角度來說:是以其主觀角度認為「廣告能夠轉換出自己與品牌(產品)之間的互動經驗(認同價值),且具有啟發性與移情作用,覺得廣告真正”了解我”,會讓自己感動與共鳴」。本研究以學術研究的角度,歸納出「操作型定義」,並建立一個初探性的評量工具:「廣告消費者洞察量表(題庫)」。透過「修正德菲法調查」,藉由廣告界實務專家的檢視與討論,確認相關輔助理論的支持,與量表問項。再以因素分析,歸納出「消費者洞察(consumer insight)」的內涵構面因素,以及因素與研究理論的回應分析。
因素分析部分,可歸納出16個因素, 以第一個因素(心聲)為最主要(佔35.27%),前6個因素可解釋原有變數之變異,達72.24%。主要6個因素,命名為:「心聲」、「好感」、「渴望」、「個性」、「創意」、「驅力」。而主要因素間,以及因素與研究理論間,都得以與相關文獻理論做回應。
歸納文獻論點與本研究結果:「廣告消費者洞察」可說是:「消費者自我經驗(認同價值)」與「創意」的整合;一方面要能與消費者本身經驗(認同價值)能夠結合,建立情感與說服的基礎,另一方面又需要創意性整合溝通,提升注意度。另外,Consumer insight與以往相關廣告理論,是一種「交集」的關係;有如:涉入(involvement)、定位(position)…,這些論點是能協助廣告效果達成的策略外,同時也是探索「消費者洞察」的來源。「消費者洞察」可說是上述相關論點思考後的交集點,是一個除了考量上述論述思維外,還能激起情感反應,感動人的敘事角度(廣告主張)。其操作過程為:在上述論述分析、歸納後,再從中找出一個能激發最大情感反應的主張,能讓廣告人(team members)有共識,也能讓閱聽者認同鼓舞叫好,最後輔以創意的張力(impact),提升注意度。而問題就在於這個insight點,往往藏於消費者心裏深處,不容易為人知,需要廣告人找出來。而此研究的量表,就要協助檢視我們找出的insight,是不是也真的獲得消費者(廣告閱聽者)的認同。
關鍵詞:消費者洞察(consumer insight)、量表( scale)、情感反應(affectivity)、轉換性(transformation) / From the adman’s point of view,「Consumer insight」is the strategy to persuade consumers with the move power (affectivity). On the other hand,「Consumer insight」from the consumers angle is a advertising can transform his(her) experiences or values of the product (brand) and lets he(she) to feels the ad is understand me so much and arouses affectivity. The purpose of this article is to construct the scale to measurement consumer insight, through the Modified Delphi Method, moreover, to analysis the consumer insight inside factors through Factor Analysis.
The results showed that: (1) all the specialists agreed that through the theories: Affectivity, Transformation, Motivation, Values, Life-style, and Self-concept to support consumer insight definition. (2) The consumer insight scale was constructed to establish the research foundation in this field for the future. (3) Factor Analysis shows that the main factors of consumer insight are “heartfelt wishes”, “favorable impression”, “aspirations”, “creativity”, “personality”, “motivate”.
In conclusion, almost the marketing and advertising theories can help us to find the consumer insight, moreover, consumer insight is the converge point of those strategically thinking (for advertising) and what’s more it can arouses the affective, and to make persuasion easily. Moreover, the consumer insight scale of this study can check those “insight” we found whether the consumers to think it are insight too.
Key words: consumer insight, scale, affectivity, transformation.
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