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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Macrophage mechanosensing during their pro-inflammatory response

Escolano Caselles, Joan Carles 16 June 2022 (has links)
Macrophages are innate immune cells responsible for engulfing microbes and cell debris through phagocytosis and orchestrating immune responses to maintain homeostasis. While conducting immune surveillance over all types of organs and tissues, macrophages face inherently heterogeneous microenvironments with unique biophysical features. For instance, microglia residing in the brain, Kupffer cells living in the skin and bone osteoclasts are exposed to very distinct tissue stiffnesses. Despite the research done in the last decade clearly indicates that macrophages are sensitive to physical factors, how mechanical cues modulate their inflammatory response remains poorly understood. The present study aims at investigating how microenvironment stiffness influences the pro-inflammatory behaviour of macrophages. Besides characterising the regulatory effect on pro-inflammatory gene expression and cytokine production, this work examines the impact of stiffness on the inflammasome, one of the main macrophage signalling platforms. For this, an in vitro system based in 2D polyacrylamide hydrogels whose stiffness can be independently tuned was established. Using substrates with an elastic moduli between 0.2 and 33.1 kPa, bone marrow-derived macrophages adopted a less spread and rounder morphology on compliant compared to stiff polyacrylamide. Upon priming with lipopolysaccharide, the expression levels of the gene encoding for TNF-α were higher on more compliant hydrogels, yet there were no significant differences in the expression of other major pro-inflammatory genes. Additionally stimulating macrophages with the ionophore nigericin revealed higher secreted protein levels of IL-1β and IL-6 on compliant substrates. Interestingly, macrophages challenged on compliant polyacrylamide also displayed an enhanced formation of the NLRP3 inflammasome as well as increased levels of pyroptotic cell death. The upregulation of inflammasome assembly on compliant hydrogels was not primarily attributed to the reduced cell spreading, since spatially confining cells on micropatterns led to a decrease of inflammasome-positive cells compared to well-spread cells. Finally, interfering with actomyosin contractility diminished the differences in inflammasome formation between compliant and stiff substrates. In summary, these results show that substrate stiffness affects the pro-inflammatory response of macrophages and for the first time describe that the NLRP3 inflammasome is one of the signalling components affected by stiffness mechanosensing. The work presented here expands our understanding of how microenvironment stiffness affects macrophage behaviour and which elements of their machinery might contribute to integrate mechanical cues into the regulation of their inflammatory functions. The onset of pathological processes or the implant of foreign bodies represent immune challenges in which macrophages can face a mechanically changing environment. Therefore, a better insight on how macrophages detect and process biophysical signals could potentially provide a basis for new strategies to modulate inflammatory responses.:INTRODUCTION 1.1 Macrophage cell biology 1.1.1 The origin of macrophages 1.1.2 The macrophage: a swiss army knife 1.1.3 The macrophage pro-inflammatory response 1.2 Immunobiophysics: the force of the immune system 1.2.1 Exertion of immune cell forces 1.2.2 Immune cell mechanosensing 1.3 Cellular mechanosensing and mechanotransduction 1.3.1 Cell adhesions to the extracellular matrix 1.3.2 Nuclear mechanotransduction 1.3.3 Membrane mechanosensing elements 1.4 Macrophage mechanosensing AIMS AND SCOPE OF THE THESIS RESULTS 3.1 Morphol. characterisation of macrophages cultured on substrates of varying stiffness 3.1.1 BMDMs adhere and can be cultured on polyacrylamide hydrogels 3.1.2 Macrophage morphology is influenced by substrate stiffness 3.1.3 PEG-Hep hydrogels induce similar morphological differences as PAA substrates but do not constitute a suitable macrophage culture platform 3.1.4 Substrate stiffness affects membrane architecture 3.2 Impact of substrate stiffness on the pro-inflammatory response of macrophages 3.2.1 The morphol. differences induced by different stiffness persist after macrophage priming 3.2.2 Tuning substrate stiffness does not cause major changes in the expression of pro-inflammatory genes 3.2.3 Lower substrate stiffness upregulates the secretion of the cytokines IL-6 and IL-1β 3.2.4 Stiffer substrates diminish macrophage pyroptotic cell death 3.2.5 Compliant substrates enhance NLRP3 inflammasome formation 3.3 Investigation of macrophage mechanotransducing elements 3.3.1 Limiting cell spreading alone does not recapitulate the effects induced by stiffness on inflammasome formation 3.3.2 Actomyosin contractility may play a role in transducing the mechanical cues given by substrate stiffness DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 4.1 Compliant substrates enhance the macrophage pro-inflammatory response 4.2 Substrate stiffness influences the formation of the NLRP3 inflammasome 4.3 Exclusively altering cell spreading does not explain the differences induced by substrate stiffness 4.4 Actomyosin contractility as a potential macrophage mechanotransducer element 4.5 Potential impact of the study in the context of cancer 4.6 Potential impact of the study in the context of implant design 4.7 Conclusions of the study MATERIALS AND METHODS 5.1 Production of polyacrylamide (PAA) hydrogels 5.2 Production of polyethylenglycol-heparin (PEG-Hep) hydrogels 5.3 Mechanical characterisation of hydrogels and macrophages 5.4 Isolation and culture of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) 5.5 Fluorescence confocal microscopy 5.6 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 5.7 Gene expression analysis using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) 5.8 Cytokine quantification assays 5.9 Cell viability assay 5.10 Culture of BMDMs on micropatterns 5.11 Optical diffraction tomography (ODT) 5.12 Statistical analysis and data visualisation APPENDIX LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF FIGURES BIBLIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS / Als Teil des angeborenen Immunsystems sind Makrophagen dafür verantwortlich Pathogene und Zellrückstände durch Phagozytose zu beseitigen. Sie orchestrieren Immunantworten um homöostatische Bedingungen von Organen und Geweben aufrechtzuerhalten. Dabei sind sie extrem heterogenen Mikroumgebungen ausgesetzt, welche sich jeweils durch eine einzigartige Kombination von (bio)chemischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften, vor allem Gewebesteifigkeiten, auszeichnen. Dies veranschaulichen beispielsweise im Gehirn residierende Mikroglia, Kupffer-Zellen in der Haut und Osteoklasten in Knochen. Obwohl diverse Studien aus dem letzten Jahrzehnt eindeutig zeigen, dass Makrophagen auf mechanische Signale reagieren, ist der zugrunde liegende Mechanismus, wie diese Signale eine Entzündungsreaktion modulieren, noch immer unzureichend verstanden. Die vorliegende Studie beinhaltet die systematische Untersuchung, wie die Steifigkeit der Mikroumgebung das proinflammatorische Verhalten von Makrophagen beeinflusst. Neben der Charakterisierung der regulatorischen Wirkung auf die proinflammatorische Genexpression und Zytokinproduktion untersucht diese Arbeit auch den Einfluss der Steifigkeit auf das Inflammasom; eine der wichtigsten Signalplattformen für Makrophagen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde zunächst ein Zellkultursystem mit 2D-Polyacrylamid-Hydrogelen als Zellsubstrat entwickelt, bei dem das Elastizitätsmodul der Gelsubstrate gezielt eingestellt werden kann. Unter Verwendung von Substraten mit einem Elastizitätsmodul zwischen 0,2 kPa und 33,1 kPa zeigt die mikroskopische Analyse, dass aus Knochenmark stammende Makrophagen im Vergleich zu steifem Polyacrylamid eine weniger ausgebreitete und rundere Morphologie annehmen. Nach dem Primen mit Lipopolysaccharid waren die Expressionsniveaus des Gens, das für TNF-α kodiert, auf deformierbareren Hydrogelen höher, jedoch gab es keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Expression anderer wichtiger pro-inflammatorischer Gene. Eine zusätzliche Stimulierung von Makrophagen mit dem Ionophor Nigericin bewirkte höhere sekretierte Proteinspiegel von IL-1β und IL-6 auf deformierbaren Substraten. Makrophagen, die deformierbarem Polyacrylamid ausgesetzt waren, zeigten auch eine verstärkte Bildung des NLRP3-Inflammasoms sowie ein erhöhtes Ausmaß an pyroptotischem Zelltod. Die Hochregulierung der Inflammasom-Assemblierung auf deformierbaren Hydrogelen wurde nicht primär auf die reduzierte Zellausbreitung zurückgeführt, da räumlich begrenzte Zellen auf Mikromustern zu einer Abnahme von Inflammasom-positiven Zellen im Vergleich zu stark ausgebreiteten Zellen führten. Schließlich verringerte eine Störung der Aktomyosin-Kontraktilität die Unterschiede in der Inflammasombildung zwischen deformierbaren und steifen Substraten. Zusammenfassend zeigen diese Ergebnisse, dass die Substratsteifigkeit die proinflammatorische Reaktion von Makrophagen beeinflusst und beschreiben erstmalig, dass das NLRP3-Inflammasom eine der Signalkomponenten ist, die von der zellulären Steifheitswahrnehmung beeinflusst werden. Die hier vorgestellte Arbeit erweitert unser Verständnis davon, wie die Steifigkeit der Mikroumgebung das Verhalten von Makrophagen beeinflusst und welche Elemente ihrer Maschinerie dazu beitragen könnten mechanische Signale in die Regulierung ihrer Entzündungsfunktionen zu integrieren. Das Einsetzen pathologischer Prozesse oder die Implantation von Fremdkörpern stellen Immunherausforderungen dar, bei denen Makrophagen einer sich mechanisch verändernden Umgebung ausgesetzt sein können. Daher könnte ein besserer Einblick in die Art und Weise, wie Makrophagen biophysikalische Signale erkennen und verarbeiten, möglicherweise eine Grundlage für neue Strategien zur Modulation von Entzündungsreaktionen bieten.:INTRODUCTION 1.1 Macrophage cell biology 1.1.1 The origin of macrophages 1.1.2 The macrophage: a swiss army knife 1.1.3 The macrophage pro-inflammatory response 1.2 Immunobiophysics: the force of the immune system 1.2.1 Exertion of immune cell forces 1.2.2 Immune cell mechanosensing 1.3 Cellular mechanosensing and mechanotransduction 1.3.1 Cell adhesions to the extracellular matrix 1.3.2 Nuclear mechanotransduction 1.3.3 Membrane mechanosensing elements 1.4 Macrophage mechanosensing AIMS AND SCOPE OF THE THESIS RESULTS 3.1 Morphol. characterisation of macrophages cultured on substrates of varying stiffness 3.1.1 BMDMs adhere and can be cultured on polyacrylamide hydrogels 3.1.2 Macrophage morphology is influenced by substrate stiffness 3.1.3 PEG-Hep hydrogels induce similar morphological differences as PAA substrates but do not constitute a suitable macrophage culture platform 3.1.4 Substrate stiffness affects membrane architecture 3.2 Impact of substrate stiffness on the pro-inflammatory response of macrophages 3.2.1 The morphol. differences induced by different stiffness persist after macrophage priming 3.2.2 Tuning substrate stiffness does not cause major changes in the expression of pro-inflammatory genes 3.2.3 Lower substrate stiffness upregulates the secretion of the cytokines IL-6 and IL-1β 3.2.4 Stiffer substrates diminish macrophage pyroptotic cell death 3.2.5 Compliant substrates enhance NLRP3 inflammasome formation 3.3 Investigation of macrophage mechanotransducing elements 3.3.1 Limiting cell spreading alone does not recapitulate the effects induced by stiffness on inflammasome formation 3.3.2 Actomyosin contractility may play a role in transducing the mechanical cues given by substrate stiffness DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 4.1 Compliant substrates enhance the macrophage pro-inflammatory response 4.2 Substrate stiffness influences the formation of the NLRP3 inflammasome 4.3 Exclusively altering cell spreading does not explain the differences induced by substrate stiffness 4.4 Actomyosin contractility as a potential macrophage mechanotransducer element 4.5 Potential impact of the study in the context of cancer 4.6 Potential impact of the study in the context of implant design 4.7 Conclusions of the study MATERIALS AND METHODS 5.1 Production of polyacrylamide (PAA) hydrogels 5.2 Production of polyethylenglycol-heparin (PEG-Hep) hydrogels 5.3 Mechanical characterisation of hydrogels and macrophages 5.4 Isolation and culture of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) 5.5 Fluorescence confocal microscopy 5.6 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 5.7 Gene expression analysis using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) 5.8 Cytokine quantification assays 5.9 Cell viability assay 5.10 Culture of BMDMs on micropatterns 5.11 Optical diffraction tomography (ODT) 5.12 Statistical analysis and data visualisation APPENDIX LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF FIGURES BIBLIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Untersuchungen zur Funktion der humanen atrialen essentiellen leichten Myosinkette (ALC-1) in einem transgenen Rattenmodell

Abdelaziz, Ahmed Ihab 30 September 2004 (has links)
Die meisten Patienten mit hypertropher Kardiomyopathie und kongenitalen Herzerkrankungen exprimieren die atriale essentielle leichte Myosinkette (ALC-1) im Ventrikel, wo sie teilweise die ventrikuläre essentielle leichte Myosinkette (VLC-1) ersetzt. Diese VLC-1/ALC-1 Isoformveränderung korrelierte mit einem Anstieg der Zykluskinetik der Myosin-Querbrücken in chemisch gehäuteten Herzfasern aus hypertrophierten Humanventrikeln. Um die funktionelle Bedeutung der ALC-1 im gesamten intakten Herzen zu untersuchen, habe ich in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein transgenes Rattenmodell charakterisiert, das die humane ALC-1 (hALC-1) im Herzen exprimiert (TGR/hALC-1). WKY-Ratten dienten als genetisch korrekter Kontrollstamm. Mittels rekombinanter hALC-1 als Standard wurde die exprimierte hALC-1-Menge in SDS-Extrakten linker Ventrikel der TGR/hALC-1 im Western-Blot untersucht. 12 Wochen alte TGR/hALC-1 exprimierten etwa 17 mug hALC-1/mg SDS-Extrakt. Das exprimierte Transgen konnte in der Immunfluoreszenz zwischen den Z-Linien der Sarkomere lokalisiert werden. Die gerichtete Integrations des Transgens in das kardiale Myosinmolekül wurde zusätzlich noch in hochgereinigten Myosinpräparationen nachgewiesen. Analyse des linksventrikulären Proteoms durch 2D-PAGE, das zur Identifikation von etwa 3000 Proteinen führte, zeigte vergleichbare Proteinmuster in WKY und TGR/hALC-1. Die Untersuchungen der Kontraktilität des intakten isoliert perfundierten Herzen wurden mit Langendorff-Präparationen durchgeführt. Die Expression des hALC-1-Transgen führte zu statistisch signifikanten (p / Most patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and congenital heart diseases express the atrial essential myosin light chains (ALC-1) in their ventricles, partially replacing the ventricular essential light chains (VLC-1). This VLC-1/ALC-1 isoform shift is correlated with an increase in cross-bridge cycling kinetics as measured using chemically skinned fibers from the hypertrophied ventricles of human hearts. To study the functional importance of hALC-1 in the whole intact perfused-heart, a transgenic rat model overexpressing hALC-1 (TGR/hALC-1) in the heart was generated. WKY rats were used as the respective genetically correct control strain. Using hALC-1HIST protein as a standard, the amount of transgenic protein expression was quantified by Immunoblot analysis of the left ventricular tissue extracts of the transgenic rats. Twelve-week-old TGR/hALC-1 expressed around 17mug hALC-1 per mg of whole SDS-soluble protein. The transgene was localized in-between the Z-lines of the sarcomere by immunofluoresecnce microscopy. Furthermore, the proper integration of the transgene into the rat ventricular myosin was confirmed by purifying myosin from rat ventricular tissues. Whole ventricular proteome analysis by 2D-PAGE, resolved approximately 3000 proteins spots in each TGR/hALC-1 and WKY animal. The whole protein expression patterns in both animal groups showed no differences with the exception of the transgenic hALC-1 protein spot. The perfused heart contractility parameters were evaluated using the Langendorff preparation. Expression of hALC-1 was accompanied by statistically significant improvements (p

Charakterisierung negativ inotroper Substanzen nach Myokardischämie

Stangl, Verena 23 April 2002 (has links)
Kardialen Strukturen, wie dem koronaren oder endokardialen Endothel, dem Myokard und auch dem Perikard werden unter physiologischen und pathophysiologischen Bedingungen zunehmend autokrine oder parakrine Funktionen zugesprochen. Es ist gut belegt, dass das Herz durch Freisetzung von löslichen Mediatoren nach Myokardischämie einen entscheidenden Anteil an der postischämischen Regulation der Vasomotion hat. Allerdings weniger bekannt ist die Bedeutung einer Mediator-vermittelten kardialen Autoregulation bei postischämischen Veränderungen der Myokardkontraktilität. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue negativ inotrope Substanz(en) (NIS) beschrieben, die nach myokardialer Ischämie aus isolierten Herzen freigesetzt wird und die an sequentiell perfundierten Herzen, die als Bioassay eingesetzt werden, einen deutlichen kardiodepressiven Effekt hervorruft. In isolierten Feld-stimulierten Rattenkardiomyozyten reduziert NIS dosisabhängig die systolische Zellverkürzung und den Ca2+-Transienten (Konfokale Laser Scan Mikroskopie). Der negativ inotrope Effekt setzt sowohl in isolierten Herzen als auch Kardiomyozyten schnell ein und ist reversibel. Katecholamine maskieren und überspielen den negativ inotropen Effekt in Abhängigkeit von der Ischämiedauer. Voltage clamp Untersuchungen auf Einzelzellebene zeigten, dass NIS den Ca2+-Einstrom Ica über die L-Typ Ca2+-Kanäle reduziert. Somit scheint NIS die Myokardkontraktilität und Zellverkürzung über eine Verminderung der intrazellulären systolischen Ca2+-Konzentrationen durch Blockade der L-Typ Ca2+-Kanäle zu reduzieren und nicht etwa über eine Ca2+-Desensitivierung. Derzeit ist noch nicht geklärt, über welchen Mechanismus NIS den Ca2+-Einstrom blockiert. Da weder die Gewebsspiegel von cGMP und cAMP noch die PKA Aktivität durch NIS moduliert werden, ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass eine Dephosphorylierung von Untereinheiten des L-Typ Ca2+-Kanals der Funktionsweise von NIS zu Grunde liegt. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass NIS direkt mit dem Ca2+-Kanal interagiert, z.B. durch Bindung an ein Kanalprotein. Die chemische Struktur von NIS ist derzeit noch ungeklärt, allerdings gibt es Hinweise, dass es sich nicht um ein Protein handelt. Die Substanz(en) ist stabil, Hitze-resistent (56°) und ein dialysierbares Molekül mit einem geringen Molekulargewicht (< 0.5 kDa). Die kardiodepressorische Substanz(en) wird nicht vom Koronarendothel freigesetzt. Eine abschließende Bewertung, ob NIS durch Aggravation der kontraktilen Dysfunktion myokardschädigend oder durch Senkung des myokardialen Sauerstoffverbrauches kardioprotektiv wirkt, ist derzeit noch nicht möglich. / Autocrine and paracrine functions are increasingly being attributed under physiological and pathophysiological conditions to cardiac structures such as the coronary or endocardial endothelium, the myocardium, and the pericardium as well. Reliable evidence exists to confirm that the heart, through the release of soluble mediators after myocardial ischemia, plays a decisive role in post-ischemic regulation of vasomotion. Less well-known, however, is the significance of mediator-effected cardiac autoregulation in cases of post-ischemic changes of myocardial contractility. This study describes a new negative inotropic substance or substances, NIS, released from isolated hearts after myocardial ischemia. NIS elicits marked cardiodepressive effects on sequentially perfused hearts used as bioassays. In isolated field-stimulated rat cardiomyocytes, NIS reduces, as a function of dose, systolic cell shortening and Ca2+ transients (as detected by confocal laser-scan microscopy). The negative inotropic effect occurs quickly both in isolated hearts as well as in cardiomyocytes, and is reversible. Catecholamines counteract the negative inotropic effect, as a function of ischemia duration. Voltage-clamp investigations on the single-cell level have disclosed that NIS reduces Ca2+ inflow Ica via L-type Ca2+ channels. NIS appears to decrease myocardial contractility and cell shortening through reduction of intracellular systolic Ca2+ concentration, by blockade of L-type Ca2+ channels: and not, say, by Ca2+ desensitization. It has not yet been definitely established by which mechanism NIS blocks Ca2+ inflow. Since NIS modulates neither the tissue level of cGMP and cAMP, nor PKA activity, it is improbable that NIS acts by dephosphorization of sub-units of the L-type Ca2+ channel. The results of this study imply that NIS directly interacts with the Ca2+ channel, perhaps by binding to a channel protein. Although the chemical structure of NIS has not yet been elucidated, there are indications that it is not a protein. The substance(s) is/are stable, heat resistant (up to 56°C), and dialyzable as a molecule with low molecular weight (< 0.5 kDa). It is not yet possible to provide conclusive evaluation of whether NIS acts to damage the myocardium by aggravation of the contractile dysfunction, or whether it exerts cardioprotective action by diminishing myocardial oxygen consumption.

Die Wirkung von plättchenaktivierendem Faktor (PAF) auf intrazelluläre Kalziumkonzentration und Kontraktilität isolierter adulter Kardiomyozyten der Ratte

Hunger, Thomas 15 January 2001 (has links)
Es wurden die Effekte von Plättchenaktivierendem Faktor (PAF, 1-O-Alkyl-2-azetyl-sn-glyzero-3-phosphocholin) auf intrazelluläre Kalziumkonzentration und Zelllänge isolierter und feldstimulierter Kardiomyozyten der Ratte untersucht. Intrazelluläre Kalziumkonzentration und Zelllänge der feldstimulierten Zellen wurden mittels Laser-Raster-Mikroskopie simultan unter Verwendung des Kalzium-Fluoreszenzfarbstoffes Fluo-3 bestimmt. PAF (0.001nM - 10nM) inhibierte den systolischen Anstieg der intrazellulären Kalziumkonzentration zeit- und konzentrationsabhängig. Die maximalen Effekte wurden nach einer Inkubationszeit von 6-8 min beobachtet. Es kam zu 17% (0.001nM), 41% (0.1nM) und 52% (10nM PAF) Reduktion des systolischen Kalziumanstiegs. Zusätzlich konnte eine zeit- und konzentrationsabhängige Verringerung der simultan gemessenen Zellverkürzung nachgewiesen werden. Die Zellverkürzung war nach einer Inkubationszeit von 8 min um 10% (0.001nM), 32% (0.1nM) und 50% (10nM PAF) reduziert. Die Wirkungen von PAF konnten durch den Einsatz des spezifischen PAF-Rezeptorantagonisten WEB 2170 inhibiert werden. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen einen rezeptorvermittelten negativ inotropen Effekt von PAF, hervorgerufen durch eine Verringerung der systolischen intrazellulären Kalziumkonzentration ohne Desensibilisierung der Myofilamente. / We investigated the effects of platelet-activating factor (PAF, 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) on intracellular calciumconcentration and cell length in isolated and field-stimulated rat cardiomyocytes. Intracellular calciumconcentration and cell length of field-stimulated cells were determined simultaneously by confocal laser scan microscopy by using the fluorescent calcium dye Fluo-3. PAF (0.001nM - 10nM) inhibited systolic intracellular calciumconcentration increase in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Maximal effects were observed after an incubation time of 6-8 min, resulting in a 17% (0.001nM), 41% (0.1nM) and 52% (10nM PAF) inhibiton of systolic calcium increase. A time- and concentration-dependent decrease in simultaneously measured cell shortening also was demonstrated. Cell shortening was inhibited by 10% (0.001nM), 32% (0.1nM) and 50% (10nM PAF) after an incubation time of 8 min. The effects of PAF could be antagonized by the PAF-receptor antagonist WEB 2170. These data demonstrate that PAF receptor-dependently induces a negativ inotropic effect, which is correlated with a decrease in systolic intracellular calciumconcentration and is most likely not due to a decrease in myofilament sensitivity.

Étude des effets de l'adénosine sur le remodelage ventriculaire gauche survenant après un infarctus du myocarde / Study of the effects of adenosine on left ventricular remodelling

Bousquenaud, Mélanie 18 July 2012 (has links)
Le remodelage ventriculaire est un processus réactionnel pouvant faire suite à un infarctus du myocarde (IDM), évènement ischémique aigu survenant lors de l'obstruction d'une artère coronaire. Le remodelage provoque alors des changements géométriques et fonctionnels du tissu myocardique qui permettent de maintenir et d'adapter la fonction cardiaque. Lorsque ce processus est délétère, la maladie évolue vers l'insuffisance cardiaque, ce qui altère le pronostic et la qualité de vie des patients. L'adénosine est un nucléoside ubiquitaire dont les effets sur le remodelage ventriculaire après IDM sont encore peu connus et dépendent du type de récepteur activé. Au sein de notre laboratoire, de précédentes études in vitro ont montré que l'adénosine régule de nombreux acteurs clés du remodelage. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que l'adénosine pouvait avoir un effet bénéfique sur le remodelage ventriculaire après la survenue d'un IDM. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que la tomographie par émission de positrons (TEP) permet de caractériser précisément les séquelles d'IDM et de prédire le remodelage ventriculaire chez le rat après occlusion coronaire. Cette technique nous a permis de mettre en évidence le cas d'un rat ayant survécu à un IDM touchant plus de 70% de son ventricule gauche. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons montré que l'administration chronique d'adénosine, à long terme après IDM chez le rat, permet de maintenir la contractilité cardiaque dans la zone bordant l'IDM. Cet effet cardioprotecteur peut s'expliquer par une stimulation de l'angiogenèse elle-même due à un recrutement de cellules endothéliales progénitrices circulantes. Ensuite, nous avons montré que la chimiokine Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3 est capable de stimuler la migration des cellules endothéliales progénitrices et est ainsi un agent thérapeutique potentiel après IDM. Enfin, nous avons commencé l'étude préclinique d'une molécule agoniste du récepteur A2A à l'adénosine et antagoniste du récepteur A3, un candidat particulièrement prometteur pour prévenir le remodelage ventriculaire après IDM / Left ventricular (LV) remodeling can follow myocardial infarction (MI), an acute ischemic event which occurs after occlusion of a coronary artery. Remodeling allows maintaining and adapting cardiac function by geometric and functional changes of the myocardium. If this process becomes maladaptive, the patients? prognostic and life quality are impaired by the development of heart failure. Adenosine is an ubiquitous nucleoside with partially characterized effects on LV remodeling. These effects depend on the type of receptor activated. Previous in vitro studies from our laboratory have shown that adenosine regulates several key processes involved in LV remodeling. Here, we hypothesized that adenosine may have beneficial effects on LV remodeling after MI. First, we showed that positon emission tomography (PET) can accurately characterize MI severity and predicts subsequent LV remodeling in the rat model of MI induced by coronary occlusion. Using this technique, we described the case of a rat that survived after a massive infarct covering 70% of the left ventricle. Second, we showed that a chronic administration of adenosine preserves cardiac contractility in the border zone, two months after MI. This cardioprotective effect can be explained, in part, by the stimulation of angiogenesis involving a stimulation of the recruitment of endothelial progenitor cells to the heart. Then, we showed that the Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3 stimulates the migration of endothelial progenitor cells and is thereby a potential therapeutic target after MI. Finally, we started the preclinical study of an A2A agonist / A3 antagonist, a promising candidate to prevent LV remodeling after MI

Inhibtion der Ca<sup>2+</sup>/Calmodulin-abhängigen Proteinkinase (CaMKII) verbessert die Kontratilität von terminal insuffizientem Myokard des Menschen / Inhibition of Ca<sup>2+</sup>/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) improves contractility in human end-stage failing myocardium

Fluschnik, Nina 10 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Impacto de diferentes vias de contaminação por mercúrio inorgânico sobre os biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo, a função cardio-respiratória e o potencial de bioconcentração e biomagnificação em matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) e em traíra, Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794)

Monteiro, Diana Amaral 20 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:22:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3918.pdf: 7363627 bytes, checksum: 6010ca9ffd44fd285d684e87e959778c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-20 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Both the mercury (Hg) and their compounds are recognized as important pollutants, because they are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. The largest sources of mercury pollution are chloride-alkaline industry and gold mining. The growing contribution of Hg in aquatic environments results in high accumulation of mercury in fishes tissue and their consumers, which poses a serious risk to humans and ecosystems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of acute exposure (96 hours), via water, and a sub-chronic exposure (30 days), via food, to sub-lethal doses of inorganic mercury (HgCl2) in two species Brazilian fishes ecologically distinct, matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) and traíra (Hoplias malabaricus). The cardiorespiratory responses to normoxia (140 mmHg) and graded hypoxia (120 - 10 mmHg), cardiac contractility in vitro, biomarkers of oxidative stress and the potential for bioconcentration and biomagnification were analyzed. The results show that exposure of these species to HgCl2 induces oxidative stress in different tissues, limiting the maintenance of cardiac contractility by reducing the force of myocardial contraction and modulates the response pattern of cardio-respiratory variables to graded hypoxia front, making the species more susceptible to environmental variations of O2. Regarding matrinxã specifically, the critical points highlighted were mainly severe oxidative stress in heart and white muscle; marked reduction of contraction force of isolated heart muscle; hyperventilation and increase the value of the critical tension of O2 in more than 100%; and intense bioconcentration in all tissue whose values exceeded the maximum allowed. In the case of traíras the results were: oxidative stress in the liver and gills; hypoventilation; decreased in metabolic rate and O2 extraction; and bradycardia with impaired electrical conduction as first degree atrioventricular block and lengthiness of the potential plateau action of cardiac muscle. Therefore, the data indicate that mercury via food or water and in environmentally relevant concentrations, can have a negative impact on behavior, health, performance and success of the species, making their survival and/or vulnerable populations. / Tanto o mercúrio (Hg) quanto seus compostos são reconhecidos como importantes poluentes, pois são persistentes, bioacumulativos e tóxicos. As maiores fontes de poluição por Hg são as indústrias de cloro-álcali e a mineração do ouro. O aporte crescente de Hg nos ambientes aquáticos resulta em grande acumulação deste metal nos tecidos de peixes e nos consumidores destes, o que representa sério risco aos seres humanos e aos ecossistemas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de uma exposição aguda (96 horas), via água, e de uma exposição sub-crônica (30 dias), via alimento, a doses subletais de mercúrio inorgânico (HgCl2) em duas espécies de peixes brasileiros ecologicamente distintos, matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) e a traíra (Hoplias malabaricus). As respostas cardio-respiratórias em normóxia (140 mmHg) e hipóxia gradual (120 a 10 mmHg), a contratilidade cardíaca in vitro, os biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo e o potencial de bioconcentração e biomagnificação foram analisados. Os resultados mostram que a exposição de tais espécies ao HgCl2 induz estresse oxidativo em diferentes tecidos; limita a manutenção da contratilidade cardíaca reduzindo a força de contração do miocárdio e modula o padrão de resposta das variáveis cárdio-respiratórias frente à hipóxia gradual, tornando as espécies mais susceptíveis às variações ambientais de O2. Em relação ao matrinxã especificamente, os pontos críticos em destaque foram: estresse oxidativo severo principalmente no coração e músculo branco; redução acentuada da força de contração do músculo cardíaco isolado; hiperventilação e elevação do valor da tensão crítica de O2 em mais de 100% e bioconcentração intensa em todos os tecidos cujos valores excederam o limite máximo permitido. Já no caso das traíras foram: intenso estresse oxidativo no fígado e nas brânquias, hipoventilação, redução da taxa metabólica e da extração de O2 e bradicardia com prejuízo na condução elétrica como bloqueio átrio-ventricular de primeiro grau e prolongamento do platô do potencial de ação do músculo cardíaco. Portanto, os dados indicam que o mercúrio, via água ou alimento e em concentrações ambientalmente relevantes, pode ter um impacto negativo sobre o comportamento, a saúde, a performance e o sucesso das espécies estudadas, tornando sua sobrevivência e/ou população vulneráveis.

Estudo dos efeitos inotrópicos e toxicológicos de extratos da Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray em mamíferos / Study of inotropic and toxicologic effects produced by extracts obtained from Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray leaves in mammalians

Lima, Adriana Karla de 14 June 2013 (has links)
Extracts from Tithonia diversifolia (TD) have been widely employed in Central and South America, Asia and Africa to help in the treatment of malaria, a disease to which millions of people are subjected in tropical countries. In spite of this, we were not able to find any scientific report dealing with their effects on the heart muscle functioning or describing their toxic effects. Such gaps are barriers for the TD derivatives to become a phytotherapic agent. Therefore, we have planned this study aiming to clarify the inotropic and toxicological effects of TD derivatives. Their effects on the muscle inotropism were investigated in isolated guinea pig atrium mounted in an organ chamber containing Tyrode solution oxygenated by carbogen mixture (5% CO2, 95% O2). The atria were stretched (1 gf) and stimulated at 2 Hz with suprathreshold electrical pulses. Their contractile forces were captured isommetrically and stored in computer to be analysed off line. The effect of AqF was determined after this fraction be added to the organ bath. The evaluation concerned to its effect on the L-type calcium current (ICa,L) was carried out in ventricular cardiomyocytes isolated according to the steps described by Shioya (2007). The intracellular calcium transients were also studied in these cells previously loaded with FLUO4-AM and monitored by confocal microscopy. The acute (ATx) and subacute (STx) toxicities of the crude extract of TD (CE) were evaluated in rats according to the steps proposed by OECD (2001a,b). Briefly: animals were separated by gender to create one control group and two treated groups. For the ATx study, the animals pertaining to the control group received orally only distilled water, whereas rats pertaining to the treated groups received, respectively, 2.5 g/kg and 5.0 g/kg of CE administered in a unique dose. The animals involved in the study were monitored for abnormal signals during 14 days. In the STx evaluation, the animals of the two treated groups received, respectively, 0.125 g/kg/day CE and 0.250 g/kg/day CE during 30 days. Animals were carefully observed for signals representing physiological and/or behavioral abnormalities. At the end of each toxicological protocol, the animals were anaesthetized for collecting blood and after that they were euthanized for the removal of organs. Our results showed that AqF depresses the atrial contractility in a dose-dependent fashion. However, concentrations greater than 2 g/l cause mechanical alternans , indicating that AqF can disturb the dynamics of the calcium release channels, which are present in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. The effect of AqF on the L-type calcium current (ICa,L) was studied by recording how this fraction changes the inotropic effect produced by increasing concentrations of CaCl2. Our data showed that 2 g/l AqF increased the CaCl2 EC50 from 1.207 ± 0.139 to 2.846 ± 0.035 mM (n = 4, p < 0.05), suggesting that AqF is able to reduce ICa,L. Such conclusion was reinforced by testing the Bowditch phenomenon in atria incubated with 1.3 g/l AqF. In these experiments, AqF completely abolished the force overshoot , which is normally seen in the positive staircase Bowditch phenomenon. The depressant effect of AqF on the ICa,L was also supported by the decrease of intracellular fluorescence related to the subcellular calcium from 6.9 ± 0.4 (n = 53) to 5.3 ± 0.3 u.a. (n = 51; p < 0.05). In fact, direct measurements of ICa,L performed in patch clamped cardiomyocytes, confirmed the depressant effect of AqF on ICa,L. In these experiments, 80 g/ml of AqF reduced the density of ICa,L from 10.00 ± 1.22 to 7.80 ± 1.19 A/F (n = 4, p < 0.05). An expected consequence for the ICa,L reduction is the increase of the time required for the myocardial electrical wave to cross the atrioventricular node. Electrocardiograms from isolated guinea pig hearts confirmed the reduction of ICa,L because in the presence of AqF the heart presented a complete atrioventricular block (AVB). There was no involvement of potassium channels, neither the muscarinic nor the opioids receptors in the AqF myocardial depressant effect. We can conclude that the depressant effects of AqF in the myocardium contractility are due to a reduction of ICa,L. Studies concerned to the ATx and STx showed that the CE does not promote any signal of pain, abnormal behavior or mortality in the rats (DL50>5.0 g/kg). In STx, CE does not change water or food intakes, but in the animals treated with 0.250 g/kg/day a gain of weight occurred, suggesting water retention in the animal s body. Neutropenia, eosinopenia, lymphocytosis, and monocytosis were observed in treated animals during the ATx study. In animals pertaining to the STx study it was seen leucopenia, neutropenia, and monocytopenia. In ATx evaluation, the biochemical profile of the blood showed a reduction in the plasmatic urea but the aspartate and alanine aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase, total and direct bilirubin, total protein, globulin, sodium, and uric acid increased. Similar results were found in the STx study, except for the urea that remained unchanged and for the glucose, creatinin, albumin, and potassium that presented an increase in their serum levels. These findings advise for precaution when TD derivatives were proposed as a therapeutic agent. We conclude that AqF reduces ICa,L leading to a negative inotropism and an AVB. The CE interferes with the hematopoietic system and promotes injuries for the liver and kidneys leading to a non-inflammatory tissue reaction. / Extratos das folhas da Tithonia diversifolia (TD) têm sido empregados nas Américas do Sul e Central, Ásia e África como agentes antimaláricos entre outros usos. Seus possíveis efeitos sobre o coração e sua toxicidade, contudo, não estão relatados. Estas lacunas comprometem a expectativa de os derivados da planta virem a interessar à indústria de fitoterápicos e por esta razão, o presente trabalho visou complementar tais lacunas, trazendo para o conhecimento as propriedades inotrópicas e toxicológicas de derivados das folhas desta planta. Os estudos inotrópicos foram realizados com a fração aquosa (FAq) e em átrio esquerdo isolado de cobaia montado em cuba para órgão. Os átrios foram estirados a 1 gf e estimulados com pulsos de corrente supralimiares. A força atrial foi captada isometricamente e armazenada em computador. A ação da FAq foi avaliada adicionando-a ao banho. Para estudos com célula isolada, foram obtidos cardiomiócitos pela técnica de dissociação proposta por Shioya (2007). O efeito da FAq sobre a corrente de cálcio tipo L (ICa,L) foi estudado em cardiomiócitos ventriculares de rato e os de camundongo foram usados para estudar os transientes de cálcio subcelular, empregando-se, para isso, a sonda fluorescente Fluo4-AM. Os registros foram feitos com microscopia confocal de varredura a laser. A toxicidade aguda (TxA) e subaguda (TxS) do extrato bruto da TD (EB) foi avaliada em ratos de acordo com as regras da OECD. Resumidamente: os animais foram separados por gênero em grupos controle e tratados. Nos estudos de TxA, os animais do grupo controle receberam água destilada, enquanto que os dos grupos tratados receberam, p.o., 2,5 g/kg e 5,0 g/kg de EB. Os efeitos foram monitorados por 14 dias. Na avaliação referente à TxS, os grupos tratados receberam, p.o., durante 30 dias, 0,125 g/kg/dia ou 0,250 g/kg/dia de EB. Os animais foram observados para sinais de alterações fisiológicas e/ou comportamentais. Em seguida, foram anestesiados, o sangue coletado e depois eutanasiados para a histopatologia dos órgãos. Os resultados mostraram que a FAq deprime a contratilidade atrial e que concentrações acima de 2 g/l induzem o alternância mecânica, sugerindo que ela leva à disfunção dos canais liberadores de cálcio existentes no retículo sarcoplasmático. Para avaliar a ação da FAq sobre a ICa,L, foi estudada a sua ação sobre a curva concentração-efeito para o CaCl2. Neste estudo, a FAq produziu aumento da CE50 de 1,207 ± 0,139 mM para 2,846 ± 0,035 mM (n = 4, p < 0,05). A incubação do átrio com 1,3 g/l de FAq aboliu completamente o overshoot de força do fenômeno de Bowditch (n = 4, p < 0,05), indicando que ela reduz ICa,L. Esta hipótese foi igualmente suportada no fato de que a fração diminuiu a fluorescência para o cálcio subcelular de 6,9 ± 0,4 u.a. (n = 53) para 5,3 ± 0,3 u.a. (n = 51; p < 0,01) e também porque, quando empregada a 80 g/ml, ela reduziu a densidade da ICa,L de 10,00 ± 1,22 A/F para 7,80 ± 1,19 A/F (n = 4, p < 0,05). A FAq produziu bloqueio de condução no nódulo atrioventricular. O mecanismo de ação da FAq não envolveu receptores muscarínicos, opióides, nem canais para potássio, mas está baseado na diminuição da ICa,L. A avaliação da TxA e TxS mostrou que o EB é de baixa toxicidade pois sua DL50 foi maior do que 5,0 g/kg. O EB não alterou o consumo de água ou de comida, mas nos animais tratados com 0,250 g/kg/dia houve ganho de peso, sugerindo retenção hídrica, pois o peso dos órgãos não se modificou. Neutropenia, eosinofilopenia, linfocitose e monocitose foram observadas na TxA, mas na TxS ocorreu leucopenia, neutropenia e monocitopenia. A análise bioquímica na TxA mostrou redução da ureia plasmática, porém aumento da aspartato e da alanina aminotransferases, fosfatase alcalina, bilirrubinas total e direta, proteína total, globulina, sódio e ácido úrico. Resultados semelhantes foram encontrados nos estudos sobre a TxS, exceto para ureia, que se manteve constante e para glicose, creatinina, albumina e potássio, cujos níveis sanguíneos aumentaram. A histopatologia mostrou sinais de injúria hepática e renal. Concluimos que a FAq reduz a ICa,L como consequência ela é inotrópica negativa e induz BAV. Ela interfere com o sistema hematopoiético e promove lesão hepática e renal sem causar mortalidade e induz reação inflamatória tissular.

Microscopic origin of the rheological and surface properties of embryonic cell aggregates / Origine microscopique des propriétés rhéologiques et de surface des agrégats de cellules embryonnaires

Stirbat, Tomita Vasilica 28 September 2012 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur l'étude expérimentale des propriétés physiques et de la biomécanique des agrégats cellulaires embryonnaires. Le but de cette thèse était d'une part de mieux comprendre l'origine biologique de la viscosité et de la tension de surface tissulaire, d'autre part d'étudier quantitativement en détail l'élasticité cellulaire par des nouvelles mesures de rhéologie en cisaillement. Un premier chapitre concerne les mesures de tension de surface tissulaire par la méthode de compression et de viscosité tissulaire par analyse de la cinétique de fusion de deux agrégats en faisant varier comme paramètre principal la contractilité cellulaire que certains suspectent comme étant la principale origine biologique de ces paramètres. Nous utilisons le formalisme du DITH (Haris, 1976: Differential Interfacial Tension Hypothesis) pour interpréter les données. Le deuxième chapitre concerne les mesures rhéologiques en cisaillement à l'aide d'un rhéomètre commercial plan-plan sur plusieurs centaines ou milliers d'agrégats cisaillés ensembles. Nous montrons que les cellules deviennent moins rigides pour une déformation minimale d'environ 4%, mais sur l'échelle de l'heure les cellules sont capables de se rigidifier à nouveau. Ces expériences sont analysées à l'aide d'un modèle de ressorts qui cassent sous contrainte puis se ressoudent à contrainte nulle / This thesis focuses on the experimental study of physical properties and biomechanics of embryonic cell aggregates. The aim of this thesis was on one hand to better understand the biological origin of tissue viscosity and tissue surface tension, and on the other hand to study quantitatively in detail cell elasticity by means of new rheological measurements in shear. A first chapter deals with measurements of tissue surface tension by tissue compression method and tissue viscosity by analysis of the fusion kinetics of two aggregates. We vary key parameters such as cell contractility that some people suspect to be the main biological origin of these parameters. We use the formalism of DITH (Haris, 1976: Differential Interfacial Tension Hypothesis) to interpret the data. The second chapter deals with rheological measurements in shear using a commercial plate-plate rheometer over several hundred of aggregates. We showed that cells become softer after a minimal deformation of 4% is reached, and can harden again on the timescale of hour. These experiences are analyzed using a model of springs that break under stress and then reattach at zero strain

Sildenafil Citrate (ViagraÂ) inhibits gastrintestinal motility in awake and anesthetized rats and the in vitro rat-isolated duodenum straps contraction ex vivo / O citrato de sildenafil (viagraÂ) inibe a motilidade gastrintestinal em ratos acordados e anestesiados e a contratilidade in vitro de tiras isoladas de duodeno de ratos ex vivo

Josà Ronaldo Vasconcelos da GraÃa 09 September 2005 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / We evaluated the effect of sildenafil citrate (ViagraÂ) a vasodilator largely used for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction, on the gastrointestinal motility in rats. Experiments were performed on 175 male, Wistar rats, weighing 200-350g. Four groups of study were done: the sildenafil effects on the: i) Gastric emptying (GE) and gastrointestinal (GI) transit and ii) Intestinal transit (IT) of liquid in awake rats; iii) Gastric compliance in anesthetized rats and iv) Contractility of rat duodenal isolated strips. i) In 64 rats fasted for 24h with previous vascular access (right jugular vein and left carotid artery), we studied the effect of an i.v. injection (0.2mL) of sildenafil (4mg/Kg) or vehicle (0.01N HCl) on GE and GI transit of a liquid meal, as well as on arterial pressure (AP) in a separated group of rats. Animals were gavage-fed with 1.5mL of a test meal (0.5mg/mL of phenol red in 5% glucose). After 10, 20 or 30min, animals were sacrificed and submitted to a laparotomy to obstruct the pylorus, cardia and terminal ileus. The gut was removed and then divided into: stomach and consecutive three small intestine segments (40% proximal; 30% medial and 30% terminal). After processing these segments, the dye retention was determined at 560nm. The percentage of dye retention in each segment permitted to evaluate GE and GI transit. Arterial pressure was continuously monitored by a digital acquisition system during 20min before and 30min after sildenafil injection. We observed a significant increase of gastric retention in sildenafil treated rats at 10, 20, or 30min after the test meal (44,2Â2,0 vs 53,2Â2,1; 25,4Â1,3 vs 37,3Â1,6; 20,9Â2,5 vs 32,5Â2,9%, respectively), as well as a significant GI transit delay. Despite of sildenafil inducing hypotension, AP returned to basal levels 10min afterwards. Acid gastic secretion blocking pre-treatment with omeprazol did not modify the sildenafil effect on gastric retention, GI transit or AP. ii) In another group we evaluated the sildenafil (4mg/Kg) or diluente (0.01N HCl, 0.2mL) effects on the IT in awake rats, fasted for 24h. Animals were studied 3d after the insertion of a silastic cannula (0.6cm ID) into the duodenal bulb. We evaluated the progression of a radioactive liquid test meal fed (10MBq of 99mTc â 1mL of saline 0,9%) administered through the inserted cannula into the small intestine. After 20, 30 or 40min, animals were sacrificed by anesthetic overdose. After laparotomy, we removed and divided the gut in: stomach, five congruent and consecutive segments of the small intestine and the large intestine. Radioactivity counting was obtained in a gamma-chamber collimator. Sildenafil promoted an IT delay (p<0.05), indicated by shifting the center of mass to the proximal portions of the TGI (2.8Â0.2 vs 3.3Â0.1; 3.0Â0.2 vs 3.7Â0.1 and 3.4Â0.1 vs 4.2Â0.2) in relation to control group. iii) Gastric compliance study was performed on 39 anesthetized rats after 24h of fasting. Gastric volume (GV) variations were measured by plethysmography while AP was continuously monitored. We have also observed that GV increased (p<0.05) after sildenafil treatment (3mg/Kg - e.v) (3.08Â0.18; 3.10Â0.17 and 3.09Â0.17mL vs 2.91Â0.19mL) at 10, 20 and 30min after drug administation, respectively. Basal AP (105.8Â2.28mmHg) dropped by the sildenafil injection (59.8Â3.2; 64.8Â3.7 and 59.3Â4.6mmHg-p<0.05) while vehicule (0.01N HCl) did not change either GV or AP. After splanchnotomy or pre-treatments (e.v.) with methylene blue (3mg/Kg-guanilate cyclase blocker), L-NNA (3mg/Kg - NO synthase blocker) or propranolol (2mg/Kg - Ã-blocker) prevented GV increase due to sildenafil; while post-treatment with sodium nitroprusside (1mg/Kg - NO donor) raised it. iv) The in vitro contractility studies were performed on isolated duodenal strips obtained from rats (n=28) killed by cervical dislocation. Duodenal strips were suspended longitudinally in a glass chamber (10mL), filled with Tyrode solution (37oC and pH 7.4). After 1h of stabilization under 1g of initial tension, the spontaneous or induced contractility were continuously recorded by a digital acquisition system. Increasing and cummulative doses of sildenafil (0.1 to 300Âmol/L) relaxed (9.6Âmol/L of EC50) the duodenal strips. This effect was more intense than those displayed by zaprinast or papaverine (PDEs blockers) (91.6 and 78.5Âmol/L of EC50, in this order). Sildenafil showed significant antispasmodic and myorelaxant effects on the duodenal contractions induced by acetylcholine or carbamylcholine (IC50 26.7 and 16.2Âmol/L, respectively). Pre-treatment with methylene blue, ODQ (guanilato cyclase blocker) or L-NAME (NO synthase blocker) also prevented these sildenafil effects, but D-NAME (an inactive substrate for NO synthase) did not. Myorelaxant sildenafil effect was reverted by L-arginine (substrate for NO synthase) and contrarily it was largely increased by sodium nitroprusside. Forskolin adenylate cyclase activation pre-treatment also increased the myorelaxant effect of sildenafil. In summary, we have observed that sildenafil slowed down the gastrointestinal motility, delaying GE, GI and intestinal transits of a liquid meal in awake rats; Gastric compliance was also increased in anesthetized rats treated with sildenafil. Sildenafil also exhibited both antispasmodic and myorelaxant effects on isolated strips of duodenum of ex vivo rats. Besides central or peripheral sympathetic nervous system activation, sildenafil possibly acts at the gastrointestinal myocite level by activating the NO/GMPc system. / Estudamos o efeito do citrato de sildenafil (ViagraÂ), vasodilatador largamente utilizado na terapÃutica da disfunÃÃo erÃtil, sobre o comportamento motor do trato gastrintestinal (TGI) de ratos Wistar. Para tanto, utilizamos 175 animais machos, pesando entre 200 a 350g, distribuÃdos nos quatro seguintes grupos de estudo: efeitos do citrato de sildenafil sobre o i) esvaziamento gÃstrico (EG) e os trÃnsitos gastrintestinal (GI) e ii) intestinal de lÃquido em ratos acordados; iii) a complacÃncia gÃstrica de ratos anestesiados e iv) a contratilidade de tiras isoladas do duodeno de ratos ex vivo. i) Avaliamos, em 64 ratos acordados sob jejum e livre acesso à Ãgua por 24h, o efeito da injeÃÃo (0,2mL; e.v.) de sildenafil (4mg/Kg) ou veÃculo (HCl 0,01N) sobre o EG e o trÃnsito GI de lÃquido, bem como sobre a pressÃo arterial (PA). Mediante gavagem, 1,5mL da refeiÃÃo-teste (vermelho de fenol - 0,5mg/mL em glicose a 5%) foi injetada no estÃmago. Depois de 10, 20 ou 30min, sacrificamos os animais e, apÃs laparotomia, obstruÃmos o piloro, o cÃrdia e o Ãleo terminal. Removemos e dividimos o TGI em: estÃmago e segmentos consecutivos do intestino delgado (40% iniciais; 30% mediais e 30% terminais). ApÃs o processamento destas porÃÃes viscerais, determinamos as absorbÃncias das amostras a 560nm. A retenÃÃo fracional de vermelho fenol em cada segmento permitiu o cÃlculo do EG e trÃnsito GI. Em um grupo separado de animais, a PA foi monitorada continuamente por meio de um sistema digital de aquisiÃÃo de dados durante 20min antes e 30min apÃs o tratamento com sildenafil ou diluente. Comparado ao grupo controle, houve aumento significativo da retenÃÃo gÃstrica (44,2Â2,0 vs 53,2Â2,1; 25,4Â1,3 vs 37,3Â1,6; 20,9Â2,5 vs 32,5Â2,9%) nos animais tratados com sildenafil e sacrificados aos 10, 20, ou 30min, respectivamente, bem como retarde significativo no trÃnsito GI. Embora o sildenafil tenha provocado hipotensÃo, a PA retoma nÃveis basais logo apÃs 10min. O prÃ-tratamento com omeprazol (bloqueador da secreÃÃo Ãcida estomacal) nÃo modificou o efeito do sildenafil sobre os valores de retenÃÃo gÃstrica e intestinal nem nos nÃveis de PA. ii) Noutros animais (n=44), sob jejum de 24h e dotados previamente (3d) de uma cÃnula crÃnica no bulbo duodenal, estudamos o efeito do sildenafil sobre a progressÃo ao longo do intestino delgado de uma refeiÃÃo teste (10MBq de TecnÃcio ligado a fitato e diluÃdo em 1mL de salina 0,9%). Decorridos 20, 30 ou 40min da injeÃÃo (0,2mL e.v.) de sildenafil (4mg/Kg) ou diluente (HCL 0,01N), sacrificamos os animais e, apÃs laparotomia e remoÃÃo do TGI, dividimo-o em: estÃmago, cinco segmentos congruentes e consecutivos de intestino delgado e o intestino grosso. A contagem da radiatividade foi determinada num colimador de gama-cÃmara. O sildenafil promoveu retarde (p<0,05) do TI, indicado pelos retardes dos centros geomÃtricos da refeiÃÃo de 2,8 0,2 vs 3,3 0,1; 3,0 0,2 vs 3,7 0,1 e 3,4 0,1 vs 4,2 0,2 em relaÃÃo ao grupo controle, aos 20, 30 ou 40min. iii) Os estudos de complacÃncia gÃstrica foram conduzidos em 39 ratos anestesiados, sob jejum de 24h. As variaÃÃes do volume gÃstrico (VG), foram medidas por pletismografia, enquanto a PA foi monitorada continuamente por um sistema digital de aquisiÃÃo de dados. Em relaÃÃo aos valores basais (2,91Â0,19mL) o sildenafil (3mg/Kg â e.v.) aumentou (p<0,05) o VG apÃs 10, 20 e 30min (3,08Â0,18; 3,10Â0,17 e 3,09Â0,17mL). A PA basal (105,8Â2,28mmHg) caiu significativamente com o sildenafil (59,8Â3,2; 64,8Â3,7 e 59,3Â4,6mmHg) enquanto o diluente (HCl 0,01N) nÃo modificou seja o VG ou a PA. O prÃ-tratamento mediante esplancnotomia ou injeÃÃo e.v. com azul de metileno (3mg/Kg-bloqueador da guanilato ciclase), L-NNA (3mg/Kg-bloqueador da NO sintetase) ou propranolol (2mg/Kg-Ã-bloqueador) preveniram o aumento do VG pelo sildenafil; jà o pÃs-tratamento com nitroprussiato de sÃdio (1mg/Kg - e.v.) o ampliou significativamente. iv) Avaliamos ainda o efeito do sildenafil sobre a contratilidade de tiras isoladas do duodeno de ratos ex vivo (n=28), sacrificados por deslocamento cervical. Tiras dissecadas do duodeno foram suspensas longitudinalmente em cuba de vidro (10mL), plena de soluÃÃo de Tyrode (37oC e pH 7,4), e submetidas a uma tensÃo inicial de 1g. ApÃs 1h de estabilizaÃÃo, a contratilidade espontÃnea ou induzida das tiras foi registrada continuamente por um sistema digital de aquisiÃÃo de dados. O sildenafil em doses crescentes e cumulativas (0,1 a 300Âmol/L) relaxou (EC50 de 9,6Âmol/L) o duodeno, mais atà que o zaprinaste ou a papaverina (bloqueadores de FDEs) (EC50 91,6 e 78,5Âmol/L, nesta ordem). Observamos ademais que o sildenafil inibiu as contraÃÃes induzidas por acetilcolina ou carbacol (IC50 26,7 e 16,2Âmol/L, respectivamente). Jà o prÃ-tratamento com azul de metileno, ODQ (bloqueador da guanilato ciclase) ou L-NAME (bloquedor da NO sintetase), mas nÃo o D-NAME (isÃmero inativo da NO sintetase) preveniram o efeito do sildenafil. O efeito mio-relaxante do sildenafil foi ampliado pela L-arginina (substrato do NO sintetase) ou nitroprussiato de sÃdio (doador de NO). O prÃ-tratamento com forskolina (estimulador da adenilato ciclase) tambÃm aumentou o efeito mio-relaxante do sildenafil. Em resumo, observamos que o sildenafil diminui a motilidade gastrintestinal, retardando o EG, os trÃnsitos GI e intestinal de lÃquido em ratos acordados; aumenta a complacÃncia gÃstrica em ratos anestesiados alÃm de apresentar efeitos antiespasmÃdico e mio-relaxante sobre tiras isoladas de duodeno de ratos ex vivo; por estimulaÃÃo do sistema nervoso simpÃtico e tendo como provÃvel mecanismo de aÃÃo ao nÃvel do miÃcito gastrintestinal a via do NO/GMP cÃclico.

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