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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Swedish convertible bonds and their valuation

Sörensson, Tomas January 1993 (has links)
Since 1980, many convertible bonds have been issued by Swedish companies. Most of these issues have been aimed at the employees. The great number of these employee issues gave rise to a new tax law. This tax law made it necessary to obtain a value on a convertible bond certificate at issue. In the first part of the dissertation, the institutional setting for the issuing of convertible bonds in Sweden is discussed. The relevant tax laws and recommendations given by different organizations are described. Also other features related to the issues are described. Furthermore, an empirical study of convertible bonds issues to emplyees in listed companies is carried out. The main purpose of the study is to quantify the volume of convertible bond issues to employees which have defaulted. Issues with a nominal value of around 500 million Swedish Crowns have been involved in some form of default. In this study, several models are compared to investigate whether the choice of model for valuing convertible bonds is important. These models all fall within the framework of Contingent Claims Analysis. Contingent Claims Analysis is an option based technique for determining the value of a claim whose payoffs depend upon the development of one or several underlying variables. In the study, it is shown in great detail how to set up and use those models. It is shown that the choice of model is important for the value of a convertible bond in certain situations. Those situations are identified by an empirical study of Swedish convertible bonds and through sensitivity analysis. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 1993</p>

Reputation Effects on Corporate Finance

Chen, Yu-Fen 30 January 2008 (has links)
For the past half a century, there has been progressive development in corporate finance theories, and among these, corporate financial decisions have been attracting the attention of outsiders. As the outsiders¡¦ learning process of the firm¡¦s private information determines the firm¡¦s value, managers who are concerned with outsiders¡¦ perceptions of their firms try to enhance their firms¡¦ short-term reputation through their financial decisions. However, up to this date, few reputation models have been applied to predict these financial decisions. Three corporate finance issues are involved to identify the reputation effects on corporate finance: (1) convertible bond call policies, (2) IPO decisions and activities, and (3) corporate financing policies. As for the first issue, this study constructs a two-period reputation model of a convertible bond call policy. This model concludes that in equilibrium, a firm with bad management quality and a bad reputation chooses to call, while a firm with good management quality or of a good reputation builds up it reputation by not calling the convertible bonds. This is consistent with the signaling theory proposed by Harris and Raviv (1985). However, the reputation model here identifies the call policy as a reputation-building mechanism rather than being only a signaling role, and suggests that the reputation rents resolve the discrepancies of the stock¡¦s post-call price performance. As for the IPO decisions and activities, this study performs another reputation model to analyze a firm¡¦s reputation effects on IPO activities, especially on the decision to go public. The results yield that a firm¡¦s reputation does affect its decision to go public. By listing equities publicly, firms with good management quality and a solid past would anticipate enhancing their reputations, and those with a poor past would anticipate building up good names. Furthermore, good reputation firms with bad management quality would anticipate maintaining their reputations by going public. On the other hand, it is found that good firms over-invest in building up their reputations and bad firms take advantage of their reputations to go public. Both result in firms¡¦ over-going public and IPO mispricing. This constitutes an alternative interpretation on IPOs¡¦ long-run underperformance and the sharp decline of the survival rate. As for the corporate financing policies, the other reputation model is constructed by taking both determinants, the costs of financial distress as well as the firm¡¦s reputation into consideration. The results show that good management quality firms with good reputations enjoy their financial flexibility between debt and equity. Bad management quality firms take advantage of their good names to issue equities, which leads to over investment. Good management firms lose their financial accesses due to bad reputations, which lead to under investment. Reputations would screen the bad management quality firms with bad reputations off the market. This dissertation concludes that reputations indeed affect the three selected corporate financial decisions and suggests further plow on more corporate finance issues.

Instrumentos financeiros patrimoniais previstos na legislação societária brasileira à luz das normas internacionais de contabilidade / Equity financial instruments as per the Brazilian corporate law in the light of the international financial reporting standards

Tadeu Cendon Ferreira 28 July 2016 (has links)
Desde a adoção das normas internacionais de relatórios financeiros (IFRS) no Brasil, em 2010, a discussão sobre a classificação de instrumentos financeiros entre instrumentos de dívida ou de patrimônio tem se intensificado. Quando a Lei 11.638/07 foi emitida, alterando a Lei das Sociedades por Ações de 1976, teve o condão de introduzir o padrão contábil internacional na contabilidade brasileira. Entretanto, muitos dos instrumentos e aspectos da legislação societária brasileira não foram alterados ou reavaliados à luz desse novo padrão. De um momento para o outro, empresas se viram obrigadas a classificar como dívida, valores antes classificados com patrimônio líquido, como foram os diversos casos de ações resgatáveis. A própria classificação das ações ordinárias e preferenciais como instrumentos de patrimônio líquido foi colocada em dúvida devido à previsão do chamado dividendo mínimo obrigatório. Nesse ínterim, companhias abertas brasileiras emitiram certos instrumentos financeiros, analisaram e os classificaram como instrumentos de patrimônio líquido. Entretanto, tiveram tal classificação questionada pela CVM e foram requeridas a refazer suas demonstrações financeiras. Mesmo internacionalmente essa classificação não é, muitas vezes, óbvia. As últimas discussões no âmbito internacional relacionados com a classificação de instrumentos financeiros como de dívida ou de patrimônio se concentraram em duas abordagens: a \"abordagem restrita do patrimônio líquido\" (Narrow Equity Approach) e a \"abordagem estrita do passivo\" (Strict Obligation Approach). Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a classificação dos instrumentos financeiros patrimoniais previstos na legislação societária brasileira à luz das normas internacionais de relatórios financeiros. Primeiramente entendendo e avaliando os casos de determinação da CVM de refazimento das demonstrações financeiras de companhias em virtude de classificação considerada inadequada de certos instrumentos financeiros como de patrimônio líquido. Em seguida, avaliando a natureza dos instrumentos patrimoniais previstos na legislação societária brasileira, especialmente as ações com dividendos prioritários, e o impacto dessa prioridade nas demonstrações financeiras das companhias. Com base nos resultados do estudo, concluiu-se que os casos de refazimento estavam relacionados a uma tentativa de classificar instrumentos típicos de dívida como patrimoniais, a partir da alteração de certos termos, mas sem atender a todos os requisitos da norma contábil. Adicionalmente, para as companhias com ações preferenciais com dividendos prioritários, observamos que os instrumentos atendiam a classificação de patrimônio líquido e que a prioridade no recebimento trouxe benefícios de fato para os seus detentores. / Since the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards in Brazil, in 2010, the discussion on the classification of financial instruments between debt or equity instruments has intensified. When the law 11,638/07 was issued, changing the Brazilian Corporate Law of 1976, had the effect of introducing international accounting standards in the Brazilian accounting environment. However, many of the instruments and aspects of Brazilian corporate legislation have not changed or reassessed in the light of this new standard. From one moment to the next, companies were required to reclassify amounts from equity to debt, as were the various cases of redeemable shares. Even the classification of ordinary and preferred shares as equity instruments was questioned due to the statutory minimum mandatory dividend. In the meantime, Brazilian listed companies have issued certain financial instruments, analyzed and classified them as equity instruments. However, they had such a classification questioned by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Comission (CVM) and were required to restate their financial statements. Even internationally, this classification is not often obvious. The latest discussions in the international forum related to the classification of financial instruments as debt or equity focused on two approaches: the Narrow Equity Approach and the Strict Obligation Approach. This study aims to evaluate the classification of equity financial instruments as per the Brazilian corporate legislation in light of the International Financial Reporting Standards. Firstly, understanding and evaluating the cases of restatement of the financial statements of companies as determined by CVM due to misclassification of certain financial instruments as equity. Then, assessing the nature of equity instruments as per the Brazilian corporate legislation, especially the shares with priority dividends, and the impact of this priority in the financial statements of the company. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the restatements were related to the attempt of classifying typical debt instruments as equity, by amending certain of their terms, but not meeting all the requirements of the relevant accounting standard. Additionally, for companies with preferred shares with priority dividends, we observed that the instruments were classified as equity and that the priority has effectively brought benefits to these shareholders.

動態信用風險與PBJD模型下之可轉債評價 / Pricing Convertible Bonds under Dynamic Credit Risk and Pareto-Beta Jump-Diffusion Model

姚博文 Unknown Date (has links)
可轉換公司債是一種複雜且擁有許多風險的商品,而對於台灣的可轉債市場來說,信用風險佔了評價裡很重要的一部份。本篇論文使用縮減式評價模型,考慮信用風險及股價跳躍。跳躍模型使用Pareto-Beta Jump-Diffusion模型,並且利用信用價差之動態過程,來對可轉換公司債作評價,而為了解決提前轉換的問題,也使用了最小平方蒙地卡羅法來處理。本篇論文分別對宏碁與新光金之可轉債做實證研究,實證結果顯示,加入了股價跳躍之後,的確可以使理論價格更貼近市場真實價格。

從預期轉換期間觀點探討宣告與發行可轉換公司債對公司股價的影響--台灣的實證分析 / Discussion on the impacts of convertible bonds annoucements and issues on the stock prices from time to expected conversion - an empirical analysis on Taiwan

張正中, Chang, Morris Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討上市公司宣告發行與正式發行可轉換公司債對於股價報酬率的影響,並配合預期轉換期間觀點的介紹,探討可轉換公司債內含的債卷與權益性質是否影響發行的股價表現. 本研究取樣民國79年至87年2月在臺灣證卷交易所上市的國內可轉換公司債為研究對象,共有69個樣本,分別針對宣告日與發行日前後20個交易日進行異常報酬分析,並且以異常報酬為應變數,預期轉換期間和其他控制變數為自變數進行多元迴歸分析,得到以下的結論:1.臺灣企業發行的可轉換公司債普遍為權益型的可轉換公司債,轉換 期間較短,權益性質較強,因此宣告時股價表現與權益型證卷較類似 ,股價有負面反應.2.預期轉換期間的長短和發行時異常報酬有顯著正向關係,表示預期轉 期間愈長,權益性質愈強,發行時股價表現榆.3.股價報酬率波動度和發行時異常報酬有顯著負向關係,表示股價波動度愈大,內含選擇權的價值愈高,權益性質愈強,發行時股價表現愈差. / The research will analysis the impacts of average and cumulative abcdrmal returns of the underlying stocks of the convertible bonds ann-ouncements and issues by means of events study and GARCH model. And then, we introduce time to expected conversion, we can divide samples into bond-like and equity-like convertible bonds, and through the multipleregression analysis, whether or not there is abcdrmal returns because ofbond and equity characteristics embeded in the convertible bonds can thenbe determined. Our research will be conducted a convertible bonds set from TaiwanStock Exchange from 1990.4 to 1998.2, the empirical results shows that:1.The convertible bonds issued in Taiwan is usually equity-like, time to expected conversion is very short and equity characterisitcs is very strong, the underlying stock prices is smiliar to equity securities at the announcements of a new issuance and have a negative abcdrmal returns. 2.Time to expected conversion is significant positive to two-day period abcdrmal returns at the issuance day, this results shows that when this time is longer and is easier to converse, the convertible bonds is more equity-like and negative effects of the underlying stocks is larger. 3. The volatility of underlying stocks is significant negative relation to two-day period abcdrmal returns at the issuance day, this results shows that when this volatility of returns is larger and it can increase the value of the options embeded in the bonds, the convertible bonds is more equity-like and negative effects of the underlying stocks is larger.

認股權證與可轉換公司債之比較研究 / Warrants and Convertible Bonds

邱臙珍, Chiou, Ian Jen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來國內資本市場,因股票市場的熱絡交易而帶動公司及個人的理財風氣,投資標的種類不多及籌碼太少,一直是資本及股票市場正常發展的障礙之一,而證券主管機關亦深知,欲減少國內金融市場的投機色彩及暴漲暴跌的特性,唯有從增加供給面著手。因此,自民國七十八年起,主管機關即積極推介新的金融商品,首先推出的就是可轉換公司債(Conver-tible bond),國內首宗正式發行可轉換公司債的公司是遠東紡織,之後有很多上市公司跟進,而推出後上市公司及投資人的反應均不錯,所以擬推出認股權證(Warrants)此一新產品。所謂認股權證是一種有價證券,其持有者有權在預定行使期間內,按認股契約所規定行使價格,向認股權證發行公司認購一定數量股票;而可轉換公司債是指在約定之一定期間內,以約定轉換條件,得轉換為可轉換公司債發行公司之普通股股票的一種公司債。認股權證如果與公司債搭配發行,與可轉換公司債同樣都賦予債權人轉變為股東之選擇權,兼具有公司債及股票性質。在國外的金融市場,可轉換公司債與認股權證是頗為流行且發展已臻成熟的產品,能提供更多公司籌措資金的管道及投資者的機會,但國內至今尚未推出認股權證,所以在我國發行可轉換公司債的熱潮正方興未艾之時,盼能參照國內外可轉換公司債及國外認股權證的法令規定,使國內認股權證能早日實施,況且此兩種新金融商品之投資性質很類似,相信此兩種商品在國內推出,對國內金融市場的發展有其正面的貢獻,因而引發本研究的動機。我國學術界近年來,亦有不少人士投入在認股權證及可轉換公司債的相關題材上進行研究,但這些研究多偏重在敘述與整理方面,而在評價模式及相關法律問題方面較為缺乏,因此本研究將著重此兩種產品在理論訂價模型與實務法律問題方面做深入探討。本人採用 Black & Scholes選擇權評價模式為基礎,再就其稀釋效果加以調整,則 Black & Scholes模型便可用來評價認股權證與可轉換公司債。國內發行可轉換公司債的相關法令規章則見諸於公司法、證券交易法、上市發行公司申請募集與發行轉換公司債處理準則內,本研究將詳細分析之。至於發行認股權證之相關法律問題是我們探討的重點,目前雖然證交法有認股權證的修正草案,但對於發行公司、投資人的權益尚未臻全,因而為了順利推動此類商品,宜更深入訂定管理辦法,並與可轉換公司債的法令關係比較,使兩種產品的市場受到保護並能欣欣向榮。

臺灣地區轉換公司債溢價之實證研究:時間數列分析 / Premiums on Convertible Bonds in Taiwan Market:Empirical Analysis

賴玉分, Lai,Yu Fen Unknown Date (has links)
轉換公司債係指在一定條件下,能將該公司所發行的公司債,轉換為該公 司股票的金融債券,亦即轉換公司債兼具公司債和股票的雙重特性,因此 有必要對此一金融工具的評價方式進行了解。本研究之目的在於探討轉換 公司債之溢價理論,以及影響轉換公司債溢價之因素,並將其應用於臺灣 之轉換公司債,來分析其溢價行為,再建立轉換函數模型來估計與預測溢 價。本研究主要在於探討各個影響溢價因素對於溢價之影響,藉由整理 Brigham,Poensgen,Walter & Que,Weil、Segall & Green,Cretien , Duvel,Mumey,West & Largay 等學者之溢價理論,再衡量臺灣之轉 換公司債市場,而選取股價變動性變數、轉換權利期間變數、未來所得差 異變數、價格底限變數以及交易成本差異變數五個變數,為迴歸模式中的 自變數,而溢價則為因變數。本研究之資料分析程序為:一、對於所選取 的五個自變數和一個因變數,分別建立單元迴歸,且進行逐步迴歸。二、 對於自變數和因變數建立複迴歸模型,利用刪除變數方法來解決線性重合 。三、將所得到無線性重合的自變數群和因變數,建立複迴歸模型,對其 進行t 檢定、 F檢定、自我相關檢定及殘差常態性檢定,若誤差項存在自 我相關,則建立時間數列方法中之轉換函數模型。四、利用轉換函數模型 將投入變數與產出變數,以一個動態體系相連結,經由轉換函數模型之認 定、估計、診斷性檢查之後,建立出一個最適模型,來對於溢價進行估計 與預測。本研究之研究對象為聲寶一及歌林一兩家轉換公司債,研究期間 為民國八十一年二月二十四日至民國八十三年五月一日,共114 週,而研 究結論為:一、聲寶一轉換公司債在對於溢價之單元迴歸中,轉換期間、 未來所得差異及價格底限三個變數,對溢價有顯著影響。通過線性重合檢 定的複迴歸模型中,只有股價變動性及未來所得差異,對於溢價的係數顯 著,且係數符號為正值。在轉換函數模型方面,投入變數(未來所得差異 變數)是以(1,0,0) 的形式影響溢價,且證明出轉換函數模型的預測力較 單變量模型佳。二、歌林一轉換公司債在對於溢價之單元迴歸中,股價變 動性、轉換期間、未來所得差異、價格底限及交易成本差異,這五個變數 ,對溢價均有顯著影響。通過線性重合檢定的複迴歸模型中,只有價格底 限變數,對於溢價的係數顯著,且係數符號為負值。。在轉換函數模型方 面,投入變數(價格底限變數)是以(0,2,0) 的形式影響溢價,且證明出 轉換函數模型的預測力較單變量模型佳。

資本市場融資順位與企業財務特性之關係 : 台灣資訊電子業之探討

柯琳蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,一方面由於台灣資本市場的發展日益蓬勃,另一方面則因台灣企業日趨大型化、國際化,相對於過去大都趨於現金增資、盈餘及資本公積轉增資等權益型態融資,現階段則更傾向多種融資管道及融資工具的交互運用,可轉換公司債市場發行者日益增加。 因此,本研究欲探討當公司選擇於國內融資,選擇現金增資與發行可轉換公司債之企業,兩者的財務特性是否具有差異;探討當公司選擇發行可轉換公司債,則發行國內可轉換公司債與發行海外可轉換公司債之企業,兩者的財務特性是否具有差異;探討台灣資訊電子業其從事籌資活動時之融資偏好概況。 本研究分別以Multinomial Logit模型以及Nested Logit模型分析民國89至93年間上市上櫃發行國內可轉換公司債、海外可轉換公司債或現金增資之資訊電子業公司,探究發行公司是否具備某種財務特性,而影響其融資選擇。研究結果發現: 1. 以Multinomial Logit模型分析時,選擇發行現金增資及國內可轉換公司債的融資選擇上,資產總額取對數值(表公司規模)、銷貨成長率(表成長性)愈小者,資產報酬率(表獲利能力)、負債比率(表財務風險)、營業利潤率標準差(表營運風險)、自由現金流量比率(表代理問題)愈高者,愈傾向發行國內可轉換公司債。選擇發行海外可轉換公司債及國內可轉換公司債的融資選擇上,資產總額取對數值(表公司規模)、銷貨成長率(表成長性)、營業利潤率標準差(表營運風險)、自由現金流量比率(表代理問題)愈小者,負債比率(表財務風險)、資產報酬率(表獲利能力)愈高者,愈傾向發行國內可轉換公司債。 2. 以Nested Logit模型分析時,選擇發行現金增資及國內可轉換公司債的融資選擇上,資產總額取對數值(表公司規模)及負債比率(表財務風險)愈高者,銷貨成長率(表成長性)、資產報酬率(表獲利能力)、營業利潤率標準差(表營運風險)、自由現金流量比率(表代理問題)愈低者,愈傾向發行國內可轉換公司債。選擇發行海外可轉換公司債及國內可轉換公司債的融資選擇上,資產總額取對數值(表公司規模)、銷貨成長率(表成長性)、營業利潤率標準差(表營運風險)、資產報酬率(表獲利能力)愈小者,負債比率(表財務風險)、自由現金流量比率(表代理問題)愈高者,愈傾向發行國內可轉換公司債。 3. 經由Hausman Test檢定其融資選擇之間的IIA條件之後,發現此三項融資選擇之間無任何相關性,因此可知其適用之模型為Multinomial Logit Model。 4. 對於台灣的資訊電子產業而言,就其財務特性中之公司規模、成長性、獲利能力、財務風險、營運風險以及自由現金流量比率看來,發行海外可轉換公司債均應至少屬其融資時的前二位選擇。 5. 影響企業傾向選擇發行海外可轉債的機率程度由大致小排列為:公司規模、獲利能力、財務風險、營運風險、成長性、自由現金流量比率。 / In recent years, more and more companies tend to finance with other instruments except for seasoned equity offerings. Therefore, my paper attempts to explore if there exists differences in the financial characteristics of the companies who finance with seasoned equity offerings or convertible bonds, and if there exists differences in the financial characteristics of the companies who finance with European convertible bonds or domestic convertible bonds. Besides, I try to find the general situation of the financing behavior in the information and electronic industry in Taiwan. The main empirical results show: 1. The financing behavior of information and electronic industry in Taiwan is suitable for the use of Multinomial Logit model. It means that three financing instruments, seasoned equity offering, European convertible bond, and domestic convertible bond, are independent with each other. 2. As for the information and electronic industry in Taiwan, issuing European convertible bonds is probably the first two choices when discussing the financial characteristics of the firm size, growth, profitability, financial risk, operational risk and the ratio free cash flow. 3. The most influential factor that causes companies to issue European convertible bonds instead of domestic convertible bonds is firm size. And the least influential factor that causes companies to issue European convertible bonds instead of domestic convertible bonds is the ratio of free cash flow.

Market reaction to seasoned offerings in China

Liu, J., Akbar, Saeed, Shah, S.Z.A., Zhang, D., Pang, D. 12 June 2019 (has links)
Yes / This study examines stock market reaction to the announcement of various forms of seasoned issues in China. Our empirical evidence demonstrates that market reactions differ in ways that suggest a difference between management's internal assessment and the market's assessment of the stock price. The market responds unfavourably to the announcement, notably in the case of rights issues and also with regard to open offers. Private placements experience an unfavourable pre‐announcement reaction, which contrasts with the favourable reaction after the event. Convertible bond issues generate positive excess returns consistent with the market's confidence that they can help to align management and shareholders’ interests. Further investigation shows that market reaction is related to factors specific to the issuer and issue by reference to the period immediately surrounding the issue. Specifically, ownership concentration, agency matters connected with equity offerings, investor protection connected with fund allocation and security pricing, and the influence of powerful moneyed interests together provide an instructive insight into market reaction. Institutional inefficiency pertaining to underwriting, auditing, analysts’ forecasts and credit ratings are found to have a weak association with market price, consistent with due public scepticism concerning management and their gatekeepers.

Convertible bonds financing : Shareholder wealth effects, Sequential Investments and Call Policies / Le financement par émission d'obligations convertibles : effets d'annonce, investissements séquentiels et politique de remboursement anticipé

Adoukonou, Olivier Yvon 08 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse apporte une lumière sur divers aspects du financement par émission d’obligations convertibles sur le marché ouest européen entre 1994 et 2016. La première étude analyse la réaction du marché à l’annonce d’obligations convertibles en période de crise. Nos résultats montrent une réaction significativement plus négative en période de crise qu’en période normale. L’étude des déterminants de cette réaction indique que les investisseurs intègrent le potentiel des obligations convertibles à réduire les coûts de financement externes. Cependant, la réaction négative du marché est au moins partiellement due à la suspicion d’une possible surévaluation de l’émetteur et cette suspicion est exacerbée en périodes de crise financière. Par ailleurs, nous montrons qu’une part de la réaction négative enregistrée à l’annonce des convertibles est probablement due aux ventes à découvert opérées par les arbitragistes. La deuxième étude de cette thèse teste la théorie du financement séquentiel de Mayers (1998) qui prédit que le recours aux obligations convertibles permet de financer de façon optimale des investissements séquentiels. Nous évaluons l’importance du call émetteur dans la mise en œuvre optimale du financement séquentiel en comparant les activités de financement et d’investissement des firmes ayant rappelées par anticipation leurs obligations convertibles à celles d'entreprises du même secteur les ayant remboursées normalement à leur échéance. Nos résultats indiquent que la clause de rachat anticipé permet aux émetteurs de minimiser les coûts d’émissions et signale une stratégie de financement séquentiel sous sa forme « forte ». De plus, le modèle des doubles différences indique que les firmes ayant rappelées leurs convertibles par anticipation investissent plus que les entreprises les ayant remboursées normalement aux dates de rappel et ce en considérant les effets temporels et autres variables de contrôle. Le dernier chapitre de cette thèse traite de la politique de remboursement anticipé des obligations convertibles. Nous montrons à l’instar des études précédentes que les firmes retardent le rappel de leurs convertibles par rapport au point optimal de rappel préconisé par Ingersoll (1977). L’analyse des différentes théories justifiant le rappel tardif des obligations convertibles débouche sur des résultats cohérents avec l’hypothèse de détresse financière mais rejette celles liées à l’existence de la période de notification. / This thesis focuses on three aspects of convertible bonds financing using a Western European sample between 1994 and 2016. The first study of this thesis is related to the shareholder wealth effects at the announcement of the convertible bonds issuance during financial crises. We find that the market reaction is more negative during crises’ periods compared to that in normal periods. Analysis of the determinant of this reaction indicates that the market recognizes the potential of convertible bonds to reduce agency and adverse selection costs. However, we also find that the signal of overvaluation sent by the issuance mitigates the investors’ optimism about the ability of the convertible bonds to alleviate external financing costs and this bad signal is exacerbated during the financial crises. Furthermore, we find that firms that are short-sale constrained incur less negative market reaction. The second study tests the sequential financing theory of Mayers (1998) which supports that firms issue callable convertible bonds in order to implement optimal sequential financing strategy. We point out in this study the importance of the call provision by comparing the investment and financing activities of Western European firms that early called their convertible bonds to those in the same industry that redeemed their bonds at maturity. We find that the inclusion of such provision allows firms (callable convertible bonds issuers) to better control issuance costs and signals a “strong” sequential financing strategy. We also find that the calling firms invest more than the non-calling firms at the call date and the difference-in-differences model shows that this difference is due to the call decision, after controlling for time fixed effects and other control variables. The last chapter of this thesis addresses the issue of convertible bonds call delay. As previous studies, we find that the companies do not call their bond at the optimum point identified by Ingersoll (1977). Unlike previous researches in the same area, our study considers the main theoretical rationales for convertible bonds call delay. We find strong evidence for the financial distress hypothesis, little evidence for cash flow advantage and signaling theories but no evidence for the notice period justification.

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