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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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海外可轉換公司債發行訊息效果之研究 / Announcement Effects of European Convertible Bonds─Evidence From Taiwan

王琇瑩, Wang ,Hsiu-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣加入世界貿易組織(WTO)及國際資本市場進一步地整合,國際融資工具如海外存託憑證及海外可轉換公司債近年來備受企業的喜愛,成為企業進行海外市場擴張的一大利器。尤其近二、三年來台灣更掀起發行海外可轉換公司債的籌資風潮。本研究目的在了解此現象對公司價值的影響及市場投資人相關的反應。 本文針對1993至2001年間台灣上市、上櫃公司成功發行的61檔國內可轉換公司債及35檔海外可轉換公司債進行實證研究,主要結論如下: 1. 宣告發行時的訊息效果方面,ECB發行公司不論是宣告發行前後一週或二週的股價累積異常報酬都顯著為正,但CB發行公司卻不然,前者優於後者。 2. 發行海外可轉換公司債及國內可轉換公債發行公司特性差異方面,不論是二獨立樣本T檢定、Mann-Whitney U 檢定及Logistic檢定,結論皆一致:公司規模愈大,轉換溢價幅度愈高、市場利率差愈高的公司愈易傾向發行海外可轉換公司債。此外,二種發行公司發行前的營運績效並無顯著不同。 3. ECB和CB宣告發行時價格效果的不同,和「與國內籌資相比,發行海外可轉換公司債有較高的融資空間」的假設無關,融資空間假設不成立;但和「與國內籌資相比,發行海外可轉換公司債的融資成本較低」的假設有關,融資成本假設成立。 4. 投資人對公司轉換溢價隱含的對未來股價成長的信心及未來資金成本的降低才是解釋宣告發行時價格效果的因子。 5. 投資人給予海外可轉換公司債相對較高的短期價格反應確實表現在海外可轉換公司債發行公司長期較佳的營運績效上。 / With Taiwan’s entrance to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and further integration among international capital markets, international financing tools, such as Global Depositary Receipt (GDR) and European Convertible Bond (ECB) have become popular. For the past few years especially, companies in Taiwan have heavily used ECB as their leading financing tools. This study focuses on how investors in Taiwan response to the issue of ECB and CB. Using 61 CB and 35 ECB samples from Taiwan companies during 1993 and 2001, this study comes to the conclusions as follows: 1. Companies that issue ECB have higher announcement effects than companies that issue CB. 2. Companies with larger size, higher conversion premiums, and higher interest spreads tend to issue ECB instead of CB. There is no significant difference between the pre-issue performance between ECB and CB companies. 3. The hypothesis that “ECB companies have higher debt capacities than CB companies” is not verified. However, the hypothesis that “ECB companies have lower cost of capital than CB companies” is supported. 4. The conversion premium that signals companies’ confidence for the stock price and lower cost of capital in the future is the main factor to explain the announcement effects of ECB and CB. 5. In comparison to CB companies, ECB companies have better post-issue performance which can be supported by their better announcement effects.

可轉換公司債存續期間之分析 / Anatomy of the convertible bond duration

陳嘉霖, Cheb, Chia-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
論文名稱:可轉換公司債存續期間之分析 校所組別:國立政治大學金融研究所 畢業時間:九十年度第二學期 提要別:碩士學位論文提要 研究生:陳嘉霖 指導教授:陳松男博士 論文提要及內容: 本研究在分析可轉債的存續期間,在存續期間的衡量上是採用有效存續期間法;而在可轉換公司債的評價上,假設股票價格服從幾何布朗寧運動,無風險利率的變動符合Hu1I-white利率模型,並且考量利率與股票報酬之間的相關性,建立可轉換公司債評價六元樹形圖。 本研究分別針對到期期限長短、價內外程度、股價波動度、利率波動度、股價與利率相關係數及票面利率等六項參數,作可轉換公司債存續期間的敏感度分析,研究結果為:1 加入贖回條款後,可轉債的存續期間高於未加任何條款下的可轉債存續期間。2 加入賣回條款後,可轉債的存續期間低於未加任何條款下的可轉債存續期間。3 加入贖回及賣回候款後,可轉債的存續期間會介於僅含贖回條款與僅含賣回條款的存續期間之中。4 距到期日愈長可轉債的存續期間愈高。5 愈價外的可轉債其存續期間愈高。6 股票波動度愈高,可轉債的存續期間愈低。7 利率波動度增加則可轉債的存續期間上升。8 股票價格與利率相關係數由正至負,可轉債的存續期間上升。9 若贖回權愈小,則票息上升會增加可轉債的存續期間。 關鍵字:可轉換公司債、存續期間、有效存續期間、六元樹、Hull-white、利率模型 / Title of Thesis: Anatomy of the Convertible Bond Duration Name of Institute: Graduate Institute of Money and Banking, NCCU Graduate Date: June, 2002 Name of Student: Chen, Chia-Lin Advisor: Dr. Chen, Son-Nan Abstract: This thesis uses effective duration method to anatomize the convertible bond duration. With the assumptions that stock price follows Geometric Brownian Motion and risk-free interest rate follows Hull and White model, we built a hexanomial tree to value the convertible bond. This thesis analyses the effects of the six parameters . They are maturity date, the ratio of the stock price versus the strike price, the correlation between stock return and interest rate, stock return volatility, interest rate volatility, and coupons. The conclusions include nine points. First, the value of convertible bond duration including call clauses is higher then pure convertible bond duration. Second, the value of convertible bond duration including put clauses is lower than pure convertible bond duration. Third, the value of convertible bond duration including both call and put clauses is between only including call or put clauses ones. Fourth, the longer the time to maturity is, the higher the convertible bond duration is. Fifth, the higher the ratio of the strike price versus the stock price is , the higher the convertible bond duration is. Sixth, the higher the stock volatility is , the lower the convertible bond duration is. Seventh, the higher the interest rate volatility is , the higher the convertible bond duration is. Eighth, the value of the correlation between stock return and interest rate increases from a negative value to a positive one, then the convertible bond duration increases. Ninth, if the value of call right is very small , the convertible bond duration will increase by the increasing of the coupon . Keywords: Convertible Bond, Duration, Effective Duration, Hexanomial Tree, Hull and White Interest Rate Model


劉昶輝 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文將信用風險模型CreditGrades model延伸至可轉債評價。相對 Hung and Wang (2002) 與 Chambers and Lu (2007), 本文信用風險模型的設定較有經濟意涵。除了結構式模型(structural models) 本身就比縮減式模型 (reduced-form models) 較具經濟意涵外, 本文模型在股價愈低時, 發生違約的機率愈高, 與在真實世界公司股價愈低愈有可能發生違約的現象一致。但是 Hung and Wang (2002) 與Chambers and Lu (2007) 的設定隱含假設公司股價高低於皆不影響違約發生機率。Ayache, Forsyth and Vetzal (2003) 雖然將違約強度設定為股價的遞減函數, 試圖捕捉股價愈低違約機率愈高的現象。卻沒有說明如何估計該設定的參數。本文模型的參數校準容易而且快速。 / 本研究選用最小平方蒙地卡羅法(Least Square Monte Carlo, LSM) 進行評價。相對於樹狀法與有限差分法, 蒙地卡羅法能夠輕易評價具有路徑相依性質條款的可轉債。此外, 未來如果需要新增其它隨機因子, 比起樹狀法與有限差分法更有彈性。蒙地卡羅法的缺點為評價時間冗長, 本文以準隨機亂數(quasi-random sequences) 輔助, 縮短評價時間。 / 本文有以下發現:考慮信用風險的模型價格比起未考慮信用風險更接近市場價格; 可轉債對波動度較不敏感, 與Brennan and Schwartz (1988) 的觀察一致; 股價波動度愈大會使得可轉債價值提高, 但具有贖回條款的可轉債, 提高幅度不如沒有贖回條款的可轉債; 加入賣回條款的可轉債對利率較不敏感, 利率上升會降低可轉債的價值, 但具有賣回條款的可轉債, 下跌幅度小於沒有賣回條款的可轉債。

公司治理、盈餘管理與可轉換公司債發行後長期績效之研究 / Corporate governance, earnings management and the long-run performance of convertible bond issuers

林士韡 Unknown Date (has links)
可轉債近年來已成為我國公司進行籌資活動時的主要工具之一,但可轉債的宣告效果多被市場視為不利的消息,發行後之長期績效也呈現持續惡化的趨勢,除了市場反應不足外,發行公司進行盈餘管理亦為重要的影響因素之一;公司於可轉債發行前利用盈餘管理的方式提升績效,將造成發行後產生盈餘反轉的效果,因而使得長期營運績效與股價表現不佳。而操弄盈餘的行為在較嚴格的監督機制與完善的內部治理制度下,能夠因為外部約束的力量以及公司內部的自律機制而有所減緩,故進一步利用公司治理變數檢視對盈餘管理的影響,並探討國內可轉債與海外可轉債兩者間因為投資人區隔、發行市場差異的影響,對於其盈餘管理以及發行後長期績效的影響。 本研究之主要之實證結果如下: 1. 可轉債發行之宣告效果皆為負向,但海外可轉債之異常報酬率的惡化程度不如國內可轉債來的嚴重,其發行之訊號效果優於國內可轉債;長期而言,不論國內可轉債或海外可轉債發行後之長期股價報酬皆為顯著的負值,於發行後三年內皆呈現持續惡化的情形,與先前相關文獻之結果一致。 2. 國內可轉債與海外可轉債發行前夕公司皆有刻意進行盈餘管理的行為,並於發行後發生盈餘反轉使得公司營運績效下滑;利用多元迴歸分析觀察盈餘管理對長期績效的影響,發現公司於可轉債發行前進行盈餘管理對其發行後之長期績效有顯著的不良影響,而海外可轉債發行公司由於受到外國規章監督,其進行盈餘管理將受到更為嚴重的處罰,導致股價下跌的幅度較大。 3. 進一步以多元迴歸分析檢視公司治理對於盈餘管理的影響,發現當發行公司的治理制度越佳,代理問題越小時,較不會在可轉債發行前進行盈餘管理來欺瞞投資人;而可轉債發行地點亦為影響盈餘管理程度的另一項因素,當可轉債為海外發行時,發行公司進行盈餘管理的幅度顯著小於國內發行的公司。

台灣上市上櫃公司發行可轉換債券之存活分析研究 / Survival analysis for convertible bonds of listed companies in Taiwan

戴誠蔚 Unknown Date (has links)
可轉換公司債為複合式證券,除了具有債券性質外,並給予持有者於債券流通期間內行使轉換為股票之權利。以存活分析方法探討可轉債之研究尚屬少見,本論文乃以台灣上市櫃公司發行之5年期可轉債為研究資料,先整理出與公司經營有關的變數,再分別以Cox模式與再發事件之兩種邊際模型(marginal model):A-G (Anderson-Gill) 模式、PWP-TT (Prentice-Williams-Petersen)模式為研究分析方法,探討可轉債之流通時間及大量交易時間的問題。本論文並將可轉債分類為債券類型、混合類型和權益類型,且由於不同類型可轉債之流通時間有所差異,因此以其為分層條件加入模式中進行分析。研究結果發現,資產總額、總負債率、TCRI評等及董監持股率等變數,具有顯著解釋可轉債流通時間的能力,可見公司財務負債狀況與穩定性與流通期間有關;而最高差價(當月最高股價與轉換價之相對差價)、長期負債率、總負債率及股價報酬率等變數,則可顯著解釋大量交易的發生時間,表示公司財務負債狀況與股價利潤差與大量交易發生之快慢有關,其中資產總額、最高差價、TCRI評等及股價報酬率之係數均顯著為正,長期負債率、總負債率及董監持股率之係數則顯著為負。由於平均表現之存活曲線與經驗存活曲線相當接近,以Kolmogorov-Smirnov檢定多無顯著差異,顯示這些模式有不錯的配適能力;至於對個別公司估計出之存活曲線,則或有與經驗存活曲線相差較多的現象,顯示所建立的模式可對個別公司提供可轉債即將結束流通或發生大量交易之預警。 / Convertible bonds are hybrid securities that possess the properties of bonds and the right to convert bonds into shocks. Few articles employed survival analysis to analyze the characteristics of convertible bonds. To investigate the effects of the issuer’s financial information to the duration of circulation and the timing of the massive trading about convertible bonds, Taiwan’s 5-year convertible bonds were collected, and three methods of survival analysis were employed:Cox model、A-G (Anderson-Gill) model and PWP-TT(Prentice-Williams-Petersen) model. We classified convertible bonds as debt-like, equity-like, and hedge-like, and then make the classification as a stratification condition later. In summary, total Assets, total debt ratio, TCRI, and the proportion of holding share in supervisors and directors are significant variables on circulation period of convertible bonds. Apparently, the extent of debt and financial stability of issuers have significant effects on circulation period; the difference between stock price and conversion price, long-term debt ratio, total debt ratio and stock return rate contribute significantly on the timing of massive trading of convertible bonds. While the extent of debt and the return of stock hasten the hazard of the timing of massive trading. Furthermore, there are no significant differences between the survival curves evaluated at the average performance levels and the corresponding empirical survival curves, according to the results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. However, the differences between individual survival probabilities and overall empirical survival probabilities might be large, which indicates that the models incorporate companies’ performance overtime may provide a warning message for the termination of circulation or the timing of massive trading for a particular convertible bond.

考慮信用風險及Lévy過程之可轉換公司債評價 / Valuation of Convertible Bond under Lévy process with Default Risk 指導教授:廖四郎 博士 研究生:李嘉晃 撰 中華

李嘉晃, Chia-Huang Li Unknown Date (has links)
由於違約事件不斷發生以及在財務實證上顯示證券的報酬率有厚尾與高狹峰的現象,本文使用縮減式模型與Lévy過程來評價有信用風險下的可轉換公司債。在Lévy過程中,本研究假設股價服從NIG及VG模型,發現此兩種模型比傳統的GBM模型更符合厚尾現象。此外,在Lévy過程參數估計方面,本文使用最大概似法估計參數,在評價可轉換公司債方面,本研究採用最小平方蒙地卡羅法。本文之實證結果顯示,Lévy模型的績效比傳統GBM模型佳。 / Due to the reason that the default events occurred constantly and still continue taking place, empirical log return distributions exhibit fat tail and excess kurtosis, this paper evaluates convertible bonds under Lévy process with default risk using the reduced-form approach. Under the Lévy process, the underlying stock prices are set to be normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) and variance Gamma (VG) model to capture the jump components. In the empirical analysis, we use the maximum likelihood method to estimate the parameters of Lévy distributions, and apply the least squares Monte Carlo Simulation to price convertible bonds. Five examples are shown in pricing convertible bonds using the traditional model and Lévy model. The empirical results show that the performance of Lévy model is better than the traditional one.

可轉換公司債為負債或權益之研究 / Financial reporting for convertible bonds: liabilities or equity?

張肇文, Jhang, Jhao Wun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以普通股風險與可轉換公司債之關係,探討我國企業所發行之國內可轉換公司債的經濟實質究竟為負債抑或權益。根據本研究結果,普通股風險與可轉換公司債呈負相關,顯示我國資本市場將我國企業所發行之國內可轉換公司債視為權益。本研究另將可轉換公司債依其契約中之轉換價格重設條款進行分類,研究結果顯示,我國資本市場將僅具反稀釋之轉換價格重設條款之可轉換公司債與同時具備反稀釋之轉換價格重設條款、轉換價格普通重設條款及轉換價格特別重設條款之可轉換公司債視作為權益。此外,轉換價格特別重設條款將使可轉換公司債更具權益之性質。本研究額外測試擔保條款之有無,是否會對於可轉換公司債之性質造成影響。研究結果顯示,可轉換公司債無論是否具備擔保條款,其性質皆為權益,而有擔保之可轉換公司債較無擔保之可轉換公司債更具權益之性質。 / This study seeks to determine whether the economic substance of convertible bonds is liabilities or equity. Our test focuses on how the convertible bonds relate to firms’ common equity risk. It is found that common equity risk is negatively associated with convertible bonds, indicating Taiwanese capital market regards convertible bonds as equity. Furthermore, this study divides convertible bonds into three different types depending on the reset clause of conversion price. It is found that Taiwanese capital market regards convertible bonds with the anti-diluted reset clause of conversion price and convertible bonds with the anti-diluted, regular, and special reset clause of conversion price as equity. Besides, it is found that the special reset clause of conversion price may make the economic substance of convertible bonds more equity-like. This study also tests whether guarantee clause effects the economic substance of convertible bonds. It is found that whether convertible bonds are guaranteed, Taiwanese capital market regards convertible bonds as equity. Moreover, compared with convertible bonds without guarantee clause, those with guarantee clause are relatively equity-like.


李佳玲, Lee, Chia-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資本市場的多元發展,近年來台灣企業發行可轉換公司債之件數倍增,可轉換公司債之所以受到企業青睞,成為愈來愈受歡迎的籌資工具,必有它的獨特之處,而海外可轉換公司債也是公司擴張海外市場的一大助力。本論文的研究目的即在了解台灣上市上櫃公司以國內可轉換公司債(Convertible Bond;簡稱CB)或海外可轉換公司債(Euro Convertible Bond;簡稱ECB)進行融資對其財務績效之影響,並驗證台灣企業發行ECB是否支持Merton(1987)之投資者認可假說。 本論文以1999至2003年間,96家僅發行國內可轉換公司債、70家僅發行海外可轉換公司債、11家同時發行國內與海外可轉換公司債的公司為樣本,實證研究之主要結論如下: 1.公司發行CB或ECB後財務槓桿顯著上升,尤以CB為甚,顯示其財務 風險增加,降低公司財務彈性。若以市值衡量負債比率,則ECB發 行公司在發行前的負債比率較CB發行公司略高,但發行後二年顯著 下降較快。 2.僅發行CB或ECB之樣本公司發行後系統風險皆顯著上升,但同時發 行CB與ECB之樣本,在發行CB後系統風險顯著上升,發行ECB後系統 風險則無顯著變化。 3.在發行公司的績效表現方面,本論文以可轉換公司債發行後的α係 數變化情形為超額報酬之衡量指標,發現三組樣本結果皆顯示CB與 ECB發行後其股價績效表現不佳,前兩組樣本較為顯著。 4.以僅發行ECB組別的70家公司為樣本進行實證,結果顯示發行ECB確 實能增進公司之能見度;但在投資者認可假說方面,台灣市場ECB 的發行並不支持投資者認可假說。故雖然ECB的發行增加公司的能 見度,但財務彈性降低與系統風險增加可能使投資者對公司之未來 前景產生更高之不確定性。 / With diverse development and further integration among international capital markets, more and more companies in Taiwan tend to issue convertible bond for financing in the past few years. In addition, Euro Convertible Bond (ECB) also facilitates firms to expand overseas markets and becomes popular. This study not only focuses on risk and stock price performance changes around convertible bond offerings, but also compares the differences between CB and ECB on research topics. It takes issuing companies that listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange or OTC as objects of study. Moreover, the study tests firm visibility as well as Merton’s investor recognition hypothesis of ECB. Picking 177 samples from Taiwan companies during 1999 and 2003, and I divide them into three groups. 96 firms in the first group only issue CB, 70 firms in the second group only issue ECB, and 11 firms in the final group issue both CB and ECB. According to the empirical results, this study points out several conclusions as follows. First, financial leverage increases after issuing CB or ECB, especially CB firms show more significant increase, and it reduces financial flexibility. Second, systematic risk of companies which only issuing CB or ECB reveal significant increase. However, the 11 firms in the third group show systematic risk that measured with beta increases significantly following CB issuances, but doesn’t change evidently following ECB issuances. Third, I would like to view stock price performance of CB and ECB issuers. The finding shows that relative long-term excess return of three groups all decrease, and the former two groups appear significant drop. Finally, Merton’s investor recognition hypothesis isn’t supported by 70 ECB samples even though issuing ECB could promote firm visibility. This outcome is probably attributed to decrease of financial flexibility and increase of systematic risk.

由評價誤差與成長機會比較可轉債與現金增資發行動機、宣告效果及資金運用 / The Issuance Motivation, Announcement Effect and Use of Funds of Convertible Bond and SEO: Evidence from the Perspective of Mispricing and Growth Opportunity

顧哲維, Ku, Che Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣上市櫃公司發行可轉債及現金增資的決策議題。從發行公司的角度來看,利用錯誤評價及成長機會,同時輔以一些公司特徵變數以了解發行動機。後續並追蹤發行公司發行後資金運用情形,以了解發行公司發行動機及目的是否一致。另一方面,從投資人角度來看,觀察可轉債及現金增資公司宣告效果,並由後續資金配置驗證宣告效果之可靠性。 本研究採用Rhodes-Kropf, Robinson and Viswanathan(2005)提出的方法,將市值帳面比(M/B)拆解成錯誤評價與成長機會。以2001年至2011年台灣上市上櫃公司發行可轉債或現金增資為研究對象,發現無論是可轉債或現金增資,發行公司發行前錯誤評價及成長機會皆顯著較未發行公司高。接著,利用logit模型,發現可轉債發行公司之成長機會及代理問題為其主要發行動機,而現金增資公司則利用資訊不對稱擇時與調整資本結構為發行考量。本文進一步檢視發行後資金配置情況,發現成長機會越高之可轉債,後續資金用途顯著投資於資本支出與研發費用上,符合實質投資理論之觀點。另一方面,錯誤評價越高之現金增資,在前兩年有累積現金之現象,但不用於償還長期負債,且顯著運用於資本支出與研發費用上,僅部分符合行為理論之解釋。因此,本研究歸納現金增資公司發行動機除擇時外,亦有投資需求。最後,在宣告效果上,可轉債與現金增資均呈現負向宣告效果,且投資人給予現金增資較為負向的宣告效果,本文認為此乃投資人意識到公司利用資訊不對稱擇時,且後續資金配置不完全符合行為理論的預期造成的結果。 / This study examines the issuance of convertible bonds (CBs) and seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) for listed companies in TSE and OTC market in Taiwan. From the aspects of issuers, we use mispricing and growth opportunities along with other firm characteristics to understand the motivation of the issuance. We also track the use of post-issue proceeds and relate to the motivations of issuers. From the aspects of investors, we look at the announcement effects to examine appropriateness. We decompose market-to-book ratios into mispricing and growth option components through a methodology proposed by Rhodes-Kropf, Robinson and Viswanathan (2005). By using the samples of CB and SEO issuance between 2001 and 2011, we find that issuing firms of both types are overvalued and have greater growth opportunities relative to non-issuers. Next, we find that CB issuers show greater pre-issue growth opportunities and agency problems, while SEO issuers have greater pre-issue mispricing and tend to adjust capital structure implied by logit model. Furthermore, we examine the post-issue use of proceeds. For CB, firms with greater growth opportunities invest more in capital expenditures and R&D, consistent with real investment explanations. On the other hand, for SEO, firms with greater mispricing stockpile cash in the first two years but don’t pay down long-term debt. They also invest in capital expenditures and R&D. Thus, we conclude that the motivation of SEO firms might be timing and investment needs, partly consistent with behavioral explanations. Finally, the announcement effect of SEO is more negative than CB. Judging from the evidence above, it seems that investors know something.

Estrutura de capital e contingente conversível sob a ótica de Basiléia III: um estudo empírico sobre o Brasil

Goes, Karina Cyganczuk 07 May 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Karina Cyganczuk Goes (karinagoes@uol.com.br) on 2014-06-06T20:34:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Estrutura de Capital e CoCos sob a otica de Basileia III - Um estudo empirico sobre o Brasil.pdf: 699008 bytes, checksum: 8646f039c659f7f9e7a793f98d9b1bf5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by JOANA MARTORINI (joana.martorini@fgv.br) on 2014-08-19T14:19:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Estrutura de Capital e CoCos sob a otica de Basileia III - Um estudo empirico sobre o Brasil.pdf: 699008 bytes, checksum: 8646f039c659f7f9e7a793f98d9b1bf5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-19T16:15:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Estrutura de Capital e CoCos sob a otica de Basileia III - Um estudo empirico sobre o Brasil.pdf: 699008 bytes, checksum: 8646f039c659f7f9e7a793f98d9b1bf5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-07 / It is a fact that banks worldwide maintain excess regulatory capital, either to minimize cost of recapitalization or to mitigate risks of financial difficulties. But only after the 2007/2008 crisis, the quality of that excess capital has been important to regulators, who proposed a new capital structure in the Basel III agreement, creating new hybrid bonds, the contingent convertible, whose main objective is to recapitalize the bank automatically in times of financial difficulties. In this context, we analyzed the 10 largest banks in Brazil in total assets, comparing the structure of each bank with straight bond, against the same structure with contingent convertible under the Basel III rules and without regulations or when they are fragile. The evidence suggests that, by the model, Brazilian banks were better capitalized with contingent convertible, than straight bond under Basel III rules, but in unregulated environments or where they are fragile, contingent convertibles induce increased risk and may lead to new financial crisis. / É fato, que os bancos do mundo inteiro mantêm excesso de capital regulatório, seja para minimizar custos de recapitalização, seja para mitigar riscos de dificuldades financeiras. Mas somente depois da crise de 2007/2008, a qualidade desse capital em excesso, passou a ganhar importância entre os órgãos reguladores, que propuseram uma nova estrutura de capital no Acordo de Basiléia III, criando novos instrumentos híbridos de capital e dívidas, os contingentes conversíveis, cujo principal objetivo é, recapitalizar o banco automaticamente em momentos de dificuldades financeiras. Neste contexto, analisamos os 10 maiores bancos do Brasil, em total de ativos, comparando a estrutura de cada banco com dívidas subordinadas, contra a mesma estrutura com contingentes conversíveis, sob as regra de Basiléia III e, em ambientes sem regulamentações ou quando estas são frágeis. As evidências sugerem que, segundo o modelo utilizado, os bancos brasileiros estariam mais bem capitalizados com contingentes conversíveis, do que com dívidas subordinadas sob as regras de Basiléia III, mas em ambientes sem regulamentação ou quando estas são frágeis, os contingentes conversíveis induzem o aumento de riscos, podendo levar a novas crises financeiras.

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