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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Messung von Phospholipase D Metaboliten bei Notfall- und Intensivpatienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Therapie mit GPIIb/IIIa-Antagonisten

Storm, Christian 01 November 2004 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss des GPIIb/IIIa- Antagonisten Tirofiban auf die Vollblut-Konzentration des Phospholipase D Metaboliten Cholin (2- hydroxyethyltrimethylammonium, "whole blood cholin", WBCHO) bei Patienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom untersucht. Die Phospholipase D hat eine Schlüsselfunktion bei der Destabilisierung atherosklerostischer Plaques, Aktivierung von Thrombozyten und Sekretion von Matrixmetalloproteinasen durch Makrophagen. Als Analyseverfahren für Cholin wurde die Hochleistungsflüssigkeits-Chromatographie (HPLC) in Verbindung mit der Massenspektrometrie (MS) eingesetzt. Die Klassifikation der Patienten erfolgte nach den aktuellen Richtlinien der European Society of Cardiology (ESC) und des American College of Cardiology (ACC) für das akute Koronarsyndrom. Aus einem Kollektiv von 342 Patienten wurden 32 Patienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom in diese Studie aufgenommen, in zwei Gruppen mit jeweils 16 Patienten mittels matched pairs Technik unterteilt und analysiert. Eine Gruppe erhielt zusätzlich zur Standard- Therapie Tirofiban. Es wurden Blutabnahmen bei Aufnahme, nach 3-6 Stunden und nach 12-24 Stunden gewonnen. Hieraus wurden Troponin I und T, Myoglobin, Kreatinkinase Isoenzym MB, sowie Vollblut-Cholin bestimmt. Es gab einen signifikanten Verlauf der WBCHO- Konzentration (p = 0,006) in der mit Tirofiban behandelten Gruppe im Gegensatz zur Gruppe die nur die Standardtherapie erhielt (p = 0,174). Für den Verlauf der Standardmarker (Myoglobin, Kreatinkinase, Troponin I und T), wurde keine signifikante Beeinflussung durch die Therapie mit Tirofiban nachgewiesen. Im Vergleich zu Troponin I und T, Myoglobin und Kreatinkinase hatte WBCHO das zeitlich früheste Maximum. WBCHO könnte als Markersubstanz der Phospholipase D Aktivität zusätzliche Informationen über die Möglichkeit einer Destabilisierung einer atherosklerotischen Plaque bei Patienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom geben. Dies könnte in Kombination mit anderen Markern eine verbesserte Risikostratifizierung in der Frühphase des akuten Koronarsyndroms ermöglichen. Zusätzlich scheint ein Monitoring der Tirofiban Therapie durch die WBCHO Konzentration möglich zu sein. / This research work deals with the measurement of the phospholipase D metabolite choline in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) undergoing GPIIb/IIIa antagonist therapy. The influence of GPIIb/IIIa antagonists on concentration levels of the PLD metabolite 2- hydroxyethyltrimethylammonium in blood (whole blood choline, WBCHO) was studied. The activation of phospholipase D (PLD) has a key function in plaque destabilisation, activation of platelets and secretion of matrixmetalloproteinases by macrophages. For the detection of the PLD metabolite WBCHO high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a mass spectrometer (MS) was used. The classification of patients was performed according to the current guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC). 32 patients with ACS out of a 342 patient study were included and analysed by matched pairs technique as two groups with 16 patients. One group was treated with Tirofiban (aggrastrat) in addition to standard therapy. Blood samples were taken at admission, after 3-6 hours and after 12-24 hours and in addition to the troponines, myoglobin and creatinkinase Isoenzyme MB, whole blood choline was analyzed. There was a significant (p = 0,006) decrease of WBCHO level in the group treated with Tirofiban in contrast to the reference group with no significant decrease (p = 0,174). The levels of conventional markers as troponin I and T, CK-MB mass and myoglobin had no significant changes in relationship to the Tirofiban therapy. WBCHO had the earliest maximum in contrast to all other markers. We concluded that WBCHO can be used as an additional early risk marker in ACS. Since GPIIb/IIIa- antagonist- therapy may influence WBCHO level, WBCHO has potential to be used for monitoring of therapy.

Caracterização e análise de desfechos clínicos e eventos adversos em pacientes com síndromes coronarianas agudas incluídos em ensaio clínico multicêntrico randomizado de fase III / Clinical endpoint and adverse event ascertainment in patients with acute coronary syndromes included in a multicenter randomized phase III clinical trial

Guimarães, Patricia Oliveira 14 August 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A análise de eventos clínicos em um ensaio randomizado estabelece a eficácia e segurança de um novo tratamento. Os eventos clínicos são divididos em eventos adversos (EAs) e desfechos clínicos. A literatura é escassa em informações sobre o processo de coleta de eventos clínicos em estudos, bem como sobre a variabilidade entre os centros de pesquisa em reportar eventos clínicos. OBJETIVOS: Descrever todos os eventos clínicos (EAs e desfechos clínicos) reportados pelos centros participantes do estudo APPRAISE-2 (Apixaban with Antiplatelet Therapy after Acute Coronary Syndrome) e caracterizar a sua seriedade. Avaliar a variabilidade entre os centros de pesquisa em reportar eventos clínicos, além de identificar características basais dos participantes associadas ao ato de reportar eventos. MÉTODOS: Os investigadores clínicos foram responsáveis por reportar todos os eventos apresentados pelos participantes em formulários específicos. Formulários para EAs e para cada um dos desfechos clínicos do estudo foram disponibilizados (infarto agudo do miocárdio ou angina instável, acidente vascular encefálico e sangramento). Suspeitas de desfechos clínicos foram enviadas ao comitê de classificação de eventos clínicos (CEC), que as validou de acordo com critérios pré-estabelecidos. Tanto os desfechos clínicos quanto os EAs foram classificados como \"sérios\" ou \"não-sérios\" pelos investigadores clínicos. Para avaliar a variabilidade em reportar eventos clínicos, somente centros com inclusão de >= 10 participantes foram considerados. Modelos estatísticos foram utilizados para avaliar a influência de região geográfica e de características dos participantes na variabilidade entre os centros em reportar eventos. Os dados coletados estão concentrados no Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica da Universidade de Duke, na Carolina do Norte, Estados Unidos. RESULTADOS: Um total de 13.909 eventos clínicos foram reportados por 858 centros de pesquisa em 39 países. A maioria desses eventos foram EAs (91,6%), sendo os demais desfechos clínicos. Dentre os desfechos clínicos reportados, 66,0% foram confirmados pelo CEC. A maior parte dos desfechos confirmados pelo CEC (94,0%) preencheu critérios de seriedade, enquanto que 63,2% dos desfechos negados pelo CEC foram considerados sérios. De todos os EAs, 17,9% foram sérios. O critério de seriedade mais comumente observado foi hospitalização (N=2594), seguido de morte (N=321). Um ajuste para região geográfica explicou 28,7% e 26,4% da variabilidade entre os centros em reportar desfechos clínicos e EA sérios, respectivamente; a adição de características dos participantes ao modelo explicou mais 25,4% da variabilidade entre os centros em reportar desfechos clínicos e 13,4% em reportar EAs sérios. Os ajustes promoveram pouco impacto em explicar a variabilidade em reportar EAs não-sérios. Diversas características clínicas foram associadas ao ato de reportar eventos clínicos. CONCLUSÃO: Em um ensaio clínico multicêntrico de fase III, a maioria dos eventos clínicos reportados foram EAs não-sérios. Região geográfica e características dos pacientes influenciaram a variabilidade entre os centros em reportar desfechos clínicos e EAs sérios, com pouco impacto em EAs não-sérios. Uma coleta integrada de desfechos clínicos e EAs é viável, informativa e ilustra as características que estes eventos compartilham / BACKGROUND: The collection of adverse events (AEs) and clinical endpoints determines the overall efficacy and safety of the study treatment in clinical trials. However, AEs and clinical endpoints are captured and processed separately with limited information on various aspects of this data collection, its integration, and its variation across sites. OBJECTIVES: To describe all site-reported clinical events in the APPRAISE-2 (Apixaban with Antiplatelet Therapy after Acute Coronary Syndrome) trial and report their seriousness. To evaluate the variability in reporting clinical events across sites and identify characteristics associated with clinical event reporting. METHODS: All clinical events were collected in case report forms (CRF) by site-investigators, as AEs or suspected endpoints. Data on suspected endpoints were collected in specific CRFs (myocardial infarction or unstable angina, cerebrovascular event and bleeding) and sent to review by a clinical events committee (CEC) that adjudicated these events according to predefined criteria. Seriousness criteria was collected for all AEs and suspected endpoints. To explore site-level variability i n event reporting, sites with >=10 participants were i ncluded. Statistical models explored the influence of geographic region and patient characteristics in between-site variability in event reporting. All collected data is centered in the Duke Clinical Research Institute, North Carolina, Unites States. RESULTS: A total of 13.909 clinical events were reported by 858 sites in 39 countries. Most clinical events were AEs (91.6%), followed by suspected endpoints. Of suspected endpoints reviewed by CEC, 66.0% were confirmed. Most CEC-confirmed endpoints met serious criteria (94.0%) and, of CEC-negatively adjudicated endpoints, 63.4% were serious. Of all AEs, 17.9% were considered serious events. Hospitalization was the most common criterion for classification as serious event (N=2594), followed by death (N=321). In models accounting for geographic region, site variation in reporting endpoints and serious AEs was explained by 28.7% and 26.4%, respectively; adding patient characteristics further explained site variation by 25.4% for endpoint reporting and 13.4% for serious AE reporting. Non-serious AE reporting variation was not explained by patient characteristics or region. Several clinical characteristics were associated with clinical event reporting. CONCLUSION: In a multicenter phase III clinical trial, the majority of reported events were non-serious AEs. Geographic region and patient characteristics influenced between-site variability in reporting of clinical endpoints and serious AEs, with limited impact in non-serious AEs. An integrated collection of endpoints and AEs is feasible, possible in a multinational trial and illustrates the shared characteristics of events

Mecanismos envolvidos no aumento do risco de sangramento em pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral ou ataque isquêmico transitório prévios em uso de antiagregante plaquetário / Mechanisms involved in increasing the risk of bleeding in patients with stroke or transient ischemic attack using antiplatelet agent

Barbosa, Carlos José Dornas Gonçalves 23 January 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O antecedente de AVCI e/ou AIT está presente em 5% dos pacientes com coronariopatia aguda e em até 17% dos pacientes com coronariopatia crônica. Esta população apresenta elevado risco para eventos cardiovasculares, assim como para desfechos hemorrágicos maiores (principalmente quando em uso de tratamento antitrombótico). A agregabilidade plaquetária apresenta papel fundamental no balanço isquêmico/hemorrágico; entretanto, esse mecanismo é pouco estudado em pacientes com evento cérebro vascular isquêmico prévio. O principal objetivo desse estudo é avaliar se pacientes com DAC e AVCI/ AIT prévio exibem alterações na agregabilidade plaquetária que justifiquem o risco aumentado para sangramento nesses indivíduos. Casuística e Métodos: Entre janeiro de 2013 e abril de 2015, 140 pacientes foram selecionados nos bancos de dados da unidade coronária e do serviço de cirurgia cardíaca do InCor- HCFMUSP. Critérios de inclusão: coronariopatia aguda prévia (há mais de 12 meses), antecedente de AVCI/AIT (anterior ao episódio de coronariopatia aguda), uso crônico de AAS e assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Critérios de exclusão: AVCH prévio, uso de antiagregação plaquetária dupla ou anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais, trombofilia ou coagulopatia conhecida, trombocitopenia ou trombocitose, angioplastia ou cirurgia cardíaca nos últimos 6 meses, disfunção renal grave ou qualquer doença terminal. Desenho do estudo: Estudo de caso e controle (1:1), com os grupos caso (AVCI/AIT prévio) e controle (sem AVCI/AIT prévio) pareados por sexo, idade, tipo de coronariopatia aguda e tempo entre a coronariopatia aguda e a inclusão no estudo. A agregabilidade plaquetária foi mensurada pelo VerifyNow Aspirin®, VerifyNow P2Y12®, Agregometria óptica com agonista ADP, Agregometria óptica com agonista adrenalina e tromboelastrografia (Reorox®). Resultados: Os grupos controle (n=70) e caso (n=70), estavam bem pareados em relação à maioria das variáveis analisadas. A idade média da população global foi de 66 anos, 73% apresentavam IAM prévio, e o tempo médio entre o episódio de coronariopatia aguda e a inclusão no presente estudo foi de 5,31 anos. No momento da avaliação os pacientes do grupo caso apresentavam valores mais elevados de pressão arterial sistólica (135,84 ± 16,09 vs 123,68 ± 16,11mmHg, p < 0,001), embora esse grupo utilizasse maior número de antihipertensivos (2,37 ± 1,09 vs 3,0 ± 1,23, p=0,006). Em relação a variáveis metabólicas, o perfil lipídico não presentou diferença significativa entre os grupos, entretanto o grupo caso apresentou maiores valores de creatinina (1,24 ± 0,35 vs 1,11 ± 0,27 mg/dL, p=0,037) e também de glicemia de jejum (116,16 ± 32,03 vs 134,88 ± 57,58 mg/dL, p=0,031). No que se refere à meta principal do estudo, a agregabilidade plaquetária foi similar nos dois grupos por todos os métodos utilizados: VerifyNow Aspirin® (525,00 ± 79,78 vs 530,35 ± 83,81 ARU nos grupos caso e controle, respectivamente, p=0,7), VerifyNow P2Y12® (262,14 ± 43,03 vs 251,74 ± 43,72 PRU, p=0,21), Agregometria óptica com agonista ADP (78,34 ± 9,02 vs 77,55 ± 9,70%, p=0,82), Agregometria óptica com agonista adrenalina (49,01± 23,93% vs 49,34 ± 21,7, p=0,77), e tromboelastografia (Firmeza máxima do coágulo: 2,136,00 ± 569,97 vs 2.001,27 ± 635,68 Pa, p=0,19). Conclusão: Em pacientes com doença arterial coronária crônica a agregabilidade plaquetária foi similar nos indivíduos com ou sem AVCI/AIT. Esses resultados apontam para que outros mecanismos sejam responsáveis pelo elevado risco hemorrágico dessa população / Background: Ischemic stroke (IS) or transient ischemic attack (TIA) history is present in 5% of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and in 17% of patients with stable atherosclerotic disease (CAD). This population has a higher risk for major cardiovascular events and an increased incidence of major hemorrhagic outcomes when subjected to modern antithrombotic regimens, Platelet aggregability have key role in \"ischemic-hemorrhagic\" balance, however, these factors are little known in the population with prior cerebrovascular event. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether patients with coronary artery disease and previous IS/ TIA exhibit alterations in platelet aggregation, justifying the increased bleeding risk of these individuals. Methods: Between January 2013 and April 2015, 140 participants were selected in the coronary care unit and cardiac surgery service databank. Inclusion criteria: prior ACS (over 12 months), history of IS/ TIA previous to ACS, chronic use of aspirin since ACS and agreement to the consent form. Exclusion criteria: prior hemorrhagic stroke, current dual antiplatelet therapy or anti-inflammatory non-steroidal, any thrombophilia or coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis, PCI or CABG in the last 6 months, severe renal impairment and any terminal illness. Study design: Case-control study (1:1), case group (previous IS/TIA) and control group (without previous IS/TIA) matched for sex, age, type of previous ACS, time between ACS and inclusion in the study. Platelet aggregation was assessed by VerifyNow Aspirin®, VerifyNow P2Y12®, Light transmission aggregometry aggonist with agonists adrenaline, Light transmission aggregometry aggonist with ADP, and thromboelastography (Reorox®). Results: The control group (n=70) and case group (n=70), were well matched. The mean age was 63 years, about 73% presented previous AMI and the index ACS occurred 5,31 years before study inclusion. At the evaluation day patients in the case group presented higher SBP levels (135.84 ± 16.09 vs 123.68 ± 16.11 mmHg, p < 0,001), although this group were using more antihypertensive medications (2.37 ± 1.09 vs 3.0 ± 1.23, p=0,006). In relation to metabolic profile, lipid profile did not presented diferences, however, case group presented higher values for creatinine (1.24 ± 0.35 vs 1.11 ± 0.27 mg/dL, p=0.037) and also presented higher values for fasting glucose.(116.16 ± 32.03 vs 134.88 ± 57.58 mg/dL, p=0.031) Platelet aggregation was statistically similar in both groups: VerifyNow Aspirin® (525.00 ± 79.78 vs 530.35 ± 83.81 ARU, p=0.7), VerifyNow P2Y12® (262.14 ± 43.03 vs 251.74 ± 43.72 PRU, p=0.21), Light transmission aggregometry aggonist with agonists ADP (78,34 ± 9,02 vs 77,55 ± 9,70%, p=0,82), Light transmission aggregometry aggonist with adrenaline (49,01 ± 23,93% vs 49,34 ± 21,7, p=0,77) and thromboelastography (maximum clot firmness: 2.136,00 ± 569,97 vs 2.001,27 ± 635,68 Pa, p=0,19). Conclusion: Platlet aggregability is similar in CAD patients with or without previous IS/TIA and this results point at other reasons to justify the high risk for bleeding in this patients

Uso de medicamentos recomendados na prevenção secundária da Síndrome Coronariana Aguda

Gaedke, Mari Ângela January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-06T22:12:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 02a.pdf: 469334 bytes, checksum: d1ee27d63e3def5d073e04e680f2b027 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-06T22:12:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 02a.pdf: 469334 bytes, checksum: d1ee27d63e3def5d073e04e680f2b027 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Nenhuma / Verificou-se a prevalência do uso de medicamentos recomendados na prevenção secundária da síndrome coronariana aguda na alta hospitalar e seguimentos de seis meses e de um ano. Utilizaram-se dados de estudo de coorte no qual se incluíram pacientes de 30 anos ou mais, de ambos os sexos, egressos de hospital da região sul do Brasil. Os desfechos foram o uso dos medicamentos recomendados para prevenção secundária: antiagregante plaquetário, betabloqueador, estatina e inibidor da enzima conversora de angiotensina ou bloqueador do receptor de angiotensina; e uso de bloqueio antiplaquetário duplo. Entre as 138 pessoas incluídas, 36,2% receberam os quatro medicamentos na alta, e 64,5% usaram bloqueio antiplaquetário. Na análise não se verificou associação entre exposições e o uso dos quatro medicamentos. Quanto ao uso de bloqueio antiplaquetário verificou-se diminuição nos seguimentos, porém ele foi mais frequente nos indivíduos que realizaram intervenção coronária percutânea. A prevalência de uso dos medicamentos na alta e nos seguimentos mostrou subutilização desta terapêutica na prática clínica. / We verify the prevalence of medication recommended in secondary prevention of Acute Coronary Syndrome in patient discharge and follow-up of a six months and one year period. We used data from a cohort study which included patients 30 years old or older, of both genders, discharged of hospital in southern Brazil. The outcome was the simultaneous use of drugs recommended by scientific evidence for secondary prevention: antiplatelet agents, beta-blocker, statin and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker; and use of dual antiplatelet blockage. Among the 138 people included, 36.2% were prescribed the four drugs at discharge, and 64,5% and dual blockage. In the analysis there was no association between exposure and the use of the four drugs. Regarding the use of antiplatelet blockage there was a decrease in the follow-up, but he was more frequent in subjects who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention. The prevalence of drug use at discharge and follow-up showed underutilization of this therapy in clinical practice.

Depressão e abuso de álcool em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda: avaliação prospectiva no Estudo de Estratégia de Registro de Insuficiência Coronariana (ERICO) / Depression and alcohol abuse in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome: prospective evaluation study in the Strategy of Registry of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ERICO Study)

Morilha, Abner 29 May 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A ocorrência de episódios depressivos e abuso ou dependência de álcool após um evento agudo de insuficiência coronariana pode representar um marcador independente de mau prognóstico. Portanto, investigamos a presença de sintomas depressivos, transtorno depressivo maior (TDM) e abuso ou dependência de álcool em uma subamostra de uma coorte prospectiva de Síndrome Coronariana Aguda (SCA), Estratégia de Registro de Insuficiência Coronariana Aguda (ERICO) em andamento no pronto-socorro do Hospital Universitário. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional em 146 participantes do estudo ERICO. A gravidade dos sintomas depressivos foi avaliada em três momentos: 1ª) na admissão hospitalar pelo Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9 itens); 2º) 30 dias pós-SCA pelo PHQ-9, Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) e Escala de Depressão de Hamilton (HDRS-21 itens); e 3º) 180 dias pós-SCA pelo PHQ-9 e BDI. O abuso e uso nocivo de álcool foram avaliados pelo AUDIT e CAGE em 30 e 180 dias pós-SCA. Resultados: Ao longo do estudo as frequências de sintomas depressivos variaram entre 40% e 60% e de TDM entre 28% e 33%. Na admissão hospitalar houve maior predominância de sintomas depressivos entre os homens (58%; p=0,03) e sedentários (72,1%; p=0,02), entretanto, TDM foi mais frequente na população feminina (55,1%; p < 0,001) com uma razão de chances [(RC) 4,5; intervalo de confiança IC 95% 1,85-10,98]. Após 30 dias do evento agudo constatou-se um maior risco de sintomas depressivos entre os tabagistas (RC 5,8; IC 95% 1,81-18,72) e diabéticos (RC 3,6; IC 95% 1,40-9,60). Os diabéticos também apresentaram (RC 3,5; IC 95% 1,39-8,71) para desenvolver TDM. No seguimento de 180 dias verificou-se que indivíduos com angina instável (AI) (RC 4, 46; IC 95% 1,39-14,32) e infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (IAMCST) (RC 3,40; IC 95% 1,30-8,87) apresentaram maior probabilidade de desenvolverem sintomas depressivos em relação aos indivíduos que apresentaram IAMSST. Os únicos fatores de risco que se mantiveram associados a um maior risco de sintomas depressivos após 180 dias foi o sexo feminino (RC 3,9; IC 95% 1,54-9,73) e o tabagismo (RC 5,34; IC 95% 1,64-17,44). Em relação à TDM, encontramos uma RC de 14 (IC 95% 2,94-67,51) para associação com tabagismo. Quanto ao abuso e uso nocivo de álcool as frequências variaram ao longo do estudo pelo AUDIT e CAGE entre 18,3% e 33,6%. Verificamos na populacão masculina uma frequência de 88,2% (p=0,001) e entre os tabagistas de 55,9% (p=0,003) e foi encontrada uma RC de 51,64 para população mais jovem (35-44 anos) e uma RC de 42,95 para tabagistas. Finalmente, não foi encontrada nenhuma associação entre abuso de álcool e depressão de acordo com os subtipos de SCA nos períodos analisados. Conclusão: A frequência de depressão variou entre 40% e 60% da admissão até 180 dias pós-SCA. Indivíduos que desenvolveram AI ou IAMCST, além de mulheres e tabagistas apresentaram maiores chances de desenvolver depressão ao longo do seguimento de 180 dias e indivíduos entre 35 e 44 anos e tabagistas apresentaram maior possibilidade de abusar do álcool / Introduction: The occurrence of depression and alcohol abuse or dependence after an acute coronary insufficiency may represent an independent marker of poor prognosis. Therefore, we investigated the presence of depressive symptoms, major depressive disorder (MDD) and alcohol abuse or dependence in a subsample of a prospective cohort of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS), Strategy of Registry of Acute Coronary Syndrome Study (ERICO study), which is still ongoing in the emergency room of the Hospital Universitário. Methods: We conducted an observational study in 146 participants of the ERICO study. The severity of depressive symptoms was evaluated in 3 moments: 1st) at the hospital admission using The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9 items); 2nd) 30 days post-ACS using the PHQ-9, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS -21 items), and 3rd) 180 days post -ACS through PHQ-9 and BDI. The abuse and harmful alcohol consumption were assessed by the AUDIT and the CAGE 30 and 180 days post-ACS. Results: Along the study, the frequencies of depressive symptoms ranged from 40% to 60% and MDD from 28% to 33%. At the hospital admission there was a higher prevalence of depressive symptoms among men (58%, p= 0.03) and sedentary patients (72.1%, p= 0.02), however, MDD was higher among women (55.1%, p < 0.001) with an increased risk of [odds ratio [(OR) 4.5; confidence interval CI 95% 1.85-10.98]. After 30 days of the acute event, we observed an increased risk of depressive symptoms among smokers (OR 5.8; CI 95%, 1.81-18.72) and among diabetics (OR 3.6; CI 95%, 1.40-9.60) the diabetics were also more likely to develop MDD (OR 3.5; IC 95% 1,39-8,71). At 180 days follow-up, individuals with unstable angina (UA) (OR 4.46; CI 95% 1.39-14.32) and ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) (OR 3.40; CI 95% 1.30-8.87) were more likely to develop depressive symptoms compared with patients who had NSTEMI. The only two factors that remained associated with a higher risk of depressive symptoms after 180 days were female gender (OR 3.9; CI 95% 1.54-9.73) and smokers (OR 5.34; CI 95% 1.64-17.44). Regarding MDD we found an OR of 14 (CI 95% 2.9-67.51) for smokers. In relation to abuse and hazardous consumption of alcohol, the frequencies for CAGE and AUDIT ranged from 18.3% to 33.6% along the study. We found among the male population a frequency of 88.2% (p=0.001) and smokers 55.9% (p=0.003). We also found OR of 51.64 among younger (aged 35-44 years) and OR of 42.95 for smokers. Finally, no association between alcohol abuse and depression according to ACS subtypes was observed. Conclusion: The prevalence of depression post-ACS ranged from 40% to 60% during the follow-up (admission hospital to 180 days). Individuals who developed UA or STEMI, besides women and smokers were more likely to develop depression during follow-up of 180 days and individual aged between 35-44 years and smokers were more likely to abuse of alcohol

Coagulation, Inflammation and Myocardial Dysfunction in Unstable Coronary Artery Disease and the Influence of Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibition and Low Molecular Weight Heparin

James, Stefan January 2003 (has links)
Hjärt-kärl sjukdom är den vanligaste dödsorsaken i västvärlden. Samtidigt som antalet patienter med hjärtinfarkt har minskat, har antalet patienter med instabil kranskärlsjukdom d.v.s. svår kärlkramp ökat påtagligt. Diagnosen är nu den vanligaste orsaken till vård på hjärtinfarktavdelningar i Sverige. Modern behandling av instabil kranskärlssjukdom består av en kombination av läkemedel för att minska blodproppsbildning och avlasta hjärtarbetet samt, i de flesta fall, s.k. ballongvidning eller operation av hjärtats kranskärl. Trots stora behandlingsframsteg är risken för hjärtinfarkt och död hög, såväl på kort som lång sikt. Det finns därför ett stort behov av ytterligare förbättrad behandling utan att samtidigt erhålla oacceptabelt hög risk för allvarliga biverkningar. För att erbjuda en effektiv behandling till patienter med hög risk och samtidigt undvika dyr och potentiellt riskfylld behandling till patienter med låg risk behövs också bättre instrument för tidig riskbedömning. Syftet med avhandlingen var att undersöka en stor grupp patienter med instabil kranskärlssjukdom avseende säkerhet och effektivitet av en behandlingskombination av två moderna blodproppshämmande läkemedel, dalteparin och abciximab (ca 1000 patienter). Syftet var också att studera hur denna behandling påverkar system för inflammation och koagulation (ca 400 patienter). Dessutom ville vi värdera hur blodnivåer av markörer för inflammation, hjärtmuskelskada och nedsatt hjärtfunktion kan förutsäga risken för framtida komplikationer (ca 7000 patienter). Tillägg av abciximab till dalteparin minskade inte risken för dödsfall eller hjärtinfarkt inom trettio dagar. Däremot ökade antalet blödningskomplikationer. Totala antalet blödningar var emellertid relativt lågt och behandlingen syntes vara lika säker som kombinationen av abciximab och det internationellt mycket använda blodproppshämmande medlet heparin. Trots den kraftfulla behandlingskombinationen skedde en samtidig aktivering av system för såväl inflammation som koagulation. Detta kan vara en orsak till den observerade avsaknaden av behandlingseffekt av abciximab. Att hindra denna aktivering skulle samtidigt kunna innebära möjligheter för nya behandlingsstrategier. Förhöjda nivåer av markörer för hjärtmuskelskada (troponin T), inflammation (CRP), nedsatt hjärtfunktion (proBNP) eller nedsatt njurfunktion (kreatininclearance) ökade risken för dödlig utgång både på kort och lång sikt, oberoende av andra riskfaktorer. En kombination av två av dessa markörer gav den högsta risken för dödlig utgång. Således dog endast 0.3 % av patienter med låga nivåer av proBNP och normal njurfunktion inom ett år, jämfört med 25.7 % av patienter med höga nivåer av proBNP och nedsatt njurfunktion. Förhöjda nivåer av troponin T eller nedsatt kreatininclearance (men inte av CRP eller proBNP) ökade dessutom risken för hjärtinfarkt. Resultaten i avhandlingsarbetet har givit kliniskt tillämpbar kunskap om hur kärlkrampspatienter med hög respektive låg risk kan selekteras tidigt efter inkomst till sjukhus och ny kunskap om behandlingseffekt av abciximab och dalteparin. Resultaten har redovisats på internationella kongresser och i högt rankade medicinska tidskrifter och har citerats i europeiska och amerikanska ”guidelines” för behandling av instabil kranskärlssjukdom. / Patients with unstable coronary artery disease (CAD) have an increased risk of subsequent myocardial infarction and death. This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of treatment with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition in addition to aspirin, low molecular-weight heparin and its influence on coagulation and inflammation. Also, early and differentiated risk assessment utilising markers of inflammation, myocardial damage and dysfunction were evaluated. The Global Utilisation of Strategies To open Occluded arteries- IV (GUSTO-IV) trial randomised 7800 patients with unstable CAD to 24 or 48 hours infusion of abciximab or placebo in addition to routine treatment with aspirin and unfactionated heparin or dalteparin. Baseline levels of creatinine, C-reactive protein (CRP), Troponin-T (TnT) and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) were analysed. At selected sites, all patients received subcutaneous dalteparin (n=974), in stead of unfractionated heparin infusion (n=6826). In a sub-population of dalteparin treated patients (n=404), serial measurements of markers of inflammation , coagulation and fibrinolysis were also performed. Addition of abciximab to dalteparin as the primary treatment of unstable CAD was not associated with any significant reduction in cardiac events but a doubled risk of bleedings. The combination of abciximab and dalteparin seemed to be as safe as when used with unfractionated heparin. Despite full dose dalteparin and aspirin there was a simultaneous activation of the inflammation, coagulation and fibrinolysis systems without any influence of the abciximab treatment. Elevated levels of CRP, TnT, and NT-proBNP and reduced creatinine clearance were independently related to short and long-term mortality. The best prediction of high and low risk was provided by a combination of NT-proBNP and creatinine clearance. Any detectable elevation of TnT and reduced creatinine clearance, but neither elevation of CRP nor NT-proBNP, were also independently associated to a raised risk of subsequent myocardial infarction.

Nouveaux paramètres d'exploration de la fonction plaquettaire en clinique : thrombose tardive, profilage micro-membranaire et détection de sous-populations cellulaires

Labarthe, Benoit 10 1900 (has links)
Les plaquettes sanguines sont les principaux acteurs de l’hémostase primaire et de la thrombose, deux éléments majeurs de la physiopathologie vasculaire. Plusieurs médicaments régulent les fonctions plaquettaires mais peu de tests sont validés pour suivre leur efficacité en fonction de l’évolution clinique des patients. Mon doctorat a eu pour but de développer de nouvelles approches d’évaluation de la fonction plaquettaire. Deux essais cliniques réalisés sur des patients atteints de syndrome coronarien stable ont constitué la première partie de mon doctorat. La première étude met en évidence la nécessité d'une standardisation des tests biologiques pour la détection de patients répondant moins au clopidogrel, un inhibiteur du récepteur plaquettaire de l'ADP P2Y12. L’étude suivante montre le potentiel thérapeutique, chez ces patients, de l’inhibition conjointe de P2Y12 et du second récepteur plaquettaire de l'ADP P2Y1, sur la fonction plaquettaire. De plus, le suivi en temps réel par vidéomiscroscopie a permis de distinguer des effets précoces et tardifs des antiplaquettaires sur la formation du thrombus en chambre de perfusion. La seconde partie de mon doctorat concerne les microdomaines membranaires de type « lipid rafts » qui tiennent une place fondamentale dans les fonctions cellulaires et plaquettaires. Ainsi plusieurs récepteurs dépendent de ces microdomaines, régulant la fonction plaquettaire et les effets des médicaments antiplaquettaires. Cependant, les techniques d’étude de ces microdomaines sont complexes et peu adaptées aux études cliniques. Profitant de nouvelles sondes fluorescentes sensibles au niveau d’ordre liquide membranaire (OLM), nous avons développé une méthode de mesure de l’OLM par cytométrie de flux spectrale. Grâce à cette approche, nous avons montré que l’activation plaquettaire diminue l’OLM alors qu’il est augmenté chez des patients traités par un inhibiteur de la synthèse du cholestérol ou par le clopidogrel. Nous avons également mis en évidence, en condition de forces de cisaillement élevées correspondant à celles retrouvées au niveau de sténoses artérielles, une sous-population plaquettaire présentant un OLM plus bas. Le passage dans le domaine clinique de ces approches fondamentales qui privilégient l’étude dynamique des plaquettes pourrait permettre d’améliorer le diagnostique et le suivi de traitement de pathologies cardiovasculaires. / Blood platelets play a central role in primary hemostasis and thrombosis, two major elements of vascular physiopathology. Although a number of drugs regulate platelet functions, there are no validated tests that monitor their efficacy on the basis of the patients' clinical course. This doctorate, therefore, aims to develop novel approaches to evaluate platelet function. The first part of my work consisted of two clinical trials involving patients with stable coronary syndrome. The first study demonstrated the need for standardized biological tests to screen for patients who respond less well to clopidogrel, an ADP P2Y12 receptor antagonist. The second study showed the therapeutic potential of the joint inhibition of P2Y12 and P2Y1 receptors on platelet adhesion, activation, and aggregation for these patients. Furthermore, a video microscopy model using perfusion chambers made it possible to monitor the course of thrombosis in real time, and enabled us to dissociate the early and late effects of the antiplatelet drugs. Lipid raft membrane microdomains play a pivotal role in many cell functions. At the platelet level, many receptors depend on these microdomains and thus modulate the function as well as the drug sensitivity of platelets. However, current techniques for the study of these microdomains are complex and limit their clinical applications. By taking advantage of new fluorescent probes that are sensitive to the level of the membrane order, we developed a method of measuring the membrane order using spectral flow cytometry. Through this approach we showed that platelet activation reduced the lipid order of the membranes, whereas it was increased in patients treated with a cholesterol synthesis inhibitor or clopidogrel. It was also possible for us to demonstrate the appearance, under shear stress similar to that of stenotic arteries, of a platelet sub-population with a very low membrane order. These approaches which privilege the dynamic study of thrombi and platelets could be applied to the clinical practice and thus widen the fields of clinical studies.

Etude de l'angioplastie guidée par tomographie en cohérence optique / Optical coherence tomography-guided angioplasty as a new tool to improve coronary evaluation and guide percutaneous coronary intervention procedures

Huang, Jianfeng 15 June 2018 (has links)
L'imagerie par tomographie en cohérence optique (OCT) est prometteuse comme support de la prise de décision au cours des procédures d'interventions coronariennes percutanées (PCI), pou évaluer les lésions athéromateuses, juger de la bonne implantation du stent, et dépister les lésions vasculaires dues au stent. L'OCT représente donc bien une aide potentielle pour le cardiologue interventionnel tout au long de la procédure de stenting, avec un impact certain sur la stratégie interventionnelle initialement programmée. De plus, l'OCT se révèle comme un nouvel outil pour prédire la dissection des bords de stent chez les patient avec ACS sans élévation du segment ST, rendant possible une stratification des patients quant à ce risque. Des essais cliniques randomisés sont maintenant nécessaires pour savoir si l'assistance par l'OCT pendant la procédure améliore le pronostic à long terme des patients après PCI / Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) imaging is promising in decision making during Percutaneus Coronary Interventions {PCI) procedures, including evaluating controversial plaque lesions, assessing stent implantation, and surveying stent-related vascular injury. Thus, OCT has potential to guide interventional cardiologists throughout the stent implantation procedure, impacting on planned interventional strategy. In addition, OCT is the most novel image technology to predict stent edge dissection for patients with non-ST-segment elevation ACS, enabling risk stratification of patients who are at a higher risk of this complication. Large-scale randomized trials are now warranted to assess whether OCT results and guidance during de procedure improve long-term clinical outcomes of PCis.

Depressão e abuso de álcool em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda: avaliação prospectiva no Estudo de Estratégia de Registro de Insuficiência Coronariana (ERICO) / Depression and alcohol abuse in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome: prospective evaluation study in the Strategy of Registry of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ERICO Study)

Abner Morilha 29 May 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A ocorrência de episódios depressivos e abuso ou dependência de álcool após um evento agudo de insuficiência coronariana pode representar um marcador independente de mau prognóstico. Portanto, investigamos a presença de sintomas depressivos, transtorno depressivo maior (TDM) e abuso ou dependência de álcool em uma subamostra de uma coorte prospectiva de Síndrome Coronariana Aguda (SCA), Estratégia de Registro de Insuficiência Coronariana Aguda (ERICO) em andamento no pronto-socorro do Hospital Universitário. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional em 146 participantes do estudo ERICO. A gravidade dos sintomas depressivos foi avaliada em três momentos: 1ª) na admissão hospitalar pelo Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9 itens); 2º) 30 dias pós-SCA pelo PHQ-9, Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) e Escala de Depressão de Hamilton (HDRS-21 itens); e 3º) 180 dias pós-SCA pelo PHQ-9 e BDI. O abuso e uso nocivo de álcool foram avaliados pelo AUDIT e CAGE em 30 e 180 dias pós-SCA. Resultados: Ao longo do estudo as frequências de sintomas depressivos variaram entre 40% e 60% e de TDM entre 28% e 33%. Na admissão hospitalar houve maior predominância de sintomas depressivos entre os homens (58%; p=0,03) e sedentários (72,1%; p=0,02), entretanto, TDM foi mais frequente na população feminina (55,1%; p < 0,001) com uma razão de chances [(RC) 4,5; intervalo de confiança IC 95% 1,85-10,98]. Após 30 dias do evento agudo constatou-se um maior risco de sintomas depressivos entre os tabagistas (RC 5,8; IC 95% 1,81-18,72) e diabéticos (RC 3,6; IC 95% 1,40-9,60). Os diabéticos também apresentaram (RC 3,5; IC 95% 1,39-8,71) para desenvolver TDM. No seguimento de 180 dias verificou-se que indivíduos com angina instável (AI) (RC 4, 46; IC 95% 1,39-14,32) e infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (IAMCST) (RC 3,40; IC 95% 1,30-8,87) apresentaram maior probabilidade de desenvolverem sintomas depressivos em relação aos indivíduos que apresentaram IAMSST. Os únicos fatores de risco que se mantiveram associados a um maior risco de sintomas depressivos após 180 dias foi o sexo feminino (RC 3,9; IC 95% 1,54-9,73) e o tabagismo (RC 5,34; IC 95% 1,64-17,44). Em relação à TDM, encontramos uma RC de 14 (IC 95% 2,94-67,51) para associação com tabagismo. Quanto ao abuso e uso nocivo de álcool as frequências variaram ao longo do estudo pelo AUDIT e CAGE entre 18,3% e 33,6%. Verificamos na populacão masculina uma frequência de 88,2% (p=0,001) e entre os tabagistas de 55,9% (p=0,003) e foi encontrada uma RC de 51,64 para população mais jovem (35-44 anos) e uma RC de 42,95 para tabagistas. Finalmente, não foi encontrada nenhuma associação entre abuso de álcool e depressão de acordo com os subtipos de SCA nos períodos analisados. Conclusão: A frequência de depressão variou entre 40% e 60% da admissão até 180 dias pós-SCA. Indivíduos que desenvolveram AI ou IAMCST, além de mulheres e tabagistas apresentaram maiores chances de desenvolver depressão ao longo do seguimento de 180 dias e indivíduos entre 35 e 44 anos e tabagistas apresentaram maior possibilidade de abusar do álcool / Introduction: The occurrence of depression and alcohol abuse or dependence after an acute coronary insufficiency may represent an independent marker of poor prognosis. Therefore, we investigated the presence of depressive symptoms, major depressive disorder (MDD) and alcohol abuse or dependence in a subsample of a prospective cohort of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS), Strategy of Registry of Acute Coronary Syndrome Study (ERICO study), which is still ongoing in the emergency room of the Hospital Universitário. Methods: We conducted an observational study in 146 participants of the ERICO study. The severity of depressive symptoms was evaluated in 3 moments: 1st) at the hospital admission using The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9 items); 2nd) 30 days post-ACS using the PHQ-9, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS -21 items), and 3rd) 180 days post -ACS through PHQ-9 and BDI. The abuse and harmful alcohol consumption were assessed by the AUDIT and the CAGE 30 and 180 days post-ACS. Results: Along the study, the frequencies of depressive symptoms ranged from 40% to 60% and MDD from 28% to 33%. At the hospital admission there was a higher prevalence of depressive symptoms among men (58%, p= 0.03) and sedentary patients (72.1%, p= 0.02), however, MDD was higher among women (55.1%, p < 0.001) with an increased risk of [odds ratio [(OR) 4.5; confidence interval CI 95% 1.85-10.98]. After 30 days of the acute event, we observed an increased risk of depressive symptoms among smokers (OR 5.8; CI 95%, 1.81-18.72) and among diabetics (OR 3.6; CI 95%, 1.40-9.60) the diabetics were also more likely to develop MDD (OR 3.5; IC 95% 1,39-8,71). At 180 days follow-up, individuals with unstable angina (UA) (OR 4.46; CI 95% 1.39-14.32) and ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) (OR 3.40; CI 95% 1.30-8.87) were more likely to develop depressive symptoms compared with patients who had NSTEMI. The only two factors that remained associated with a higher risk of depressive symptoms after 180 days were female gender (OR 3.9; CI 95% 1.54-9.73) and smokers (OR 5.34; CI 95% 1.64-17.44). Regarding MDD we found an OR of 14 (CI 95% 2.9-67.51) for smokers. In relation to abuse and hazardous consumption of alcohol, the frequencies for CAGE and AUDIT ranged from 18.3% to 33.6% along the study. We found among the male population a frequency of 88.2% (p=0.001) and smokers 55.9% (p=0.003). We also found OR of 51.64 among younger (aged 35-44 years) and OR of 42.95 for smokers. Finally, no association between alcohol abuse and depression according to ACS subtypes was observed. Conclusion: The prevalence of depression post-ACS ranged from 40% to 60% during the follow-up (admission hospital to 180 days). Individuals who developed UA or STEMI, besides women and smokers were more likely to develop depression during follow-up of 180 days and individual aged between 35-44 years and smokers were more likely to abuse of alcohol

Valor prognóstico dos padrões eletrocardiográficos em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST: Estudo ERICO-ECG / Prognostic value of electrocardiographic patterns in patients with non ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome

Rodrigo Martins Brandão 30 September 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Alguns autores estudaram o valor prognóstico do eletrocardiograma inicial na sobrevida em longo prazo dos pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST. O valor prognóstico de outros traçados eletrocardiográficos na fase intra-hospitalar do tratamento foi menos estudado. Objetivos: Avaliar o papel no prognóstico clínico dos registros eletrocardiográficos obtidos durante o evento índice dos participantes do estudo Estratégia de Registro de Insuficiência Coronariana (ERICO) com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST. Métodos: Foram analisados e classificados, de acordo com o Código de Minnesota, os traçados eletrocardiográficos intra-hospitalares de 634 participantes do estudo ERICO com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST, no período de fevereiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2013. Foram classificados como alterados os traçados eletrocardiográficos com infradesnivelamento do segmento ST > 1mm e/ou com onda T negativa > 1mm. Foram construídos modelos de regressão de Cox brutos e ajustados, para estudar se o padrão eletrocardiográfico foi um preditor independente de desfechos clínicos (morte por qualquer causa, morte por causa cardiovascular, morte por infarto agudo do miocárdio, e desfecho combinado de morte por infarto do miocárdio ou novo infarto do miocárdio não fatal). Resultados: A mediana de seguimento foi de 3 anos. Encontramos uma tendência não significativa para a associação entre a presença de alteração de segmento ST no eletrocardiograma inicial com o desfecho combinado de morte por infarto do miocárdio ou novo infarto do miocárdio não fatal [Hazard Ratio (HR) ajustado: 1,64, intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%): 1,00-2,70, p = 0,052]. Encontramos um risco significativamente maior de morte por infarto do miocárdio em indivíduos com alterações do segmento ST no eletrocardiograma final (HR ajustado: 2,04; IC 95%: 1,06-3,92). Os indivíduos com alterações do segmento ST em qualquer traçado durante o evento índice apresentaram risco significativamente maior para desfecho combinado de morte por infarto do miocárdio ou novo infarto do miocárdio não fatal (HR ajustado: 1,71; IC 95%: 1,04-2,79). Quando as alterações de onda T foram incluídas na classificação dos traçados, não houve associação significativa com o prognóstico a longo prazo. Conclusões: Encontramos associações significativas entre as alterações de segmento ST e pior prognóstico em longo prazo. A avaliação sequencial dos traçados eletrocardiográficos durante o evento índice parece adicionar informação prognóstica ao ECG inicial / Introduction: Some authors have studied the prognostic value of initial electrocardiogram in long-term survival of patients with a non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). The prognostic value of other in-hospital electrocardiographic tracings has been less studied. Objectives: To describe the association between electrocardiogram abnormalities (in ST-segment and T wave) during the index event and outcomes in patients with NSTE ACS in the Strategy of Registry of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ERICO) cohort. Methods: We analyzed and classified, according to the Minnesota Code, in-hospital ECG tracings of 634 ERICO participants with NSTE-ACS, from February 2009 to December 2013. We considered as altered electrocardiographic tracings with ST-segment depression > 1 mm and / or negative T wave > 1 mm. We built crude and adjusted Cox regression models to study if ECG pattern was an independent predictor for clinical outcomes (death from any cause, death from cardiovascular causes, death from acute myocardial infarction, and combined outcome of fatal or new nonfatal myocardial infarction). Results: Median follow-up was 3 years. We found a trend for the association between initial ECG tracing and the combined outcome of fatal or new nonfatal myocardial infarction [Hazard Ratio (HR) adjusted: 1,64, confidence interval 95% (95% CI): 1,00-2,70, p = 0,052]. We found a significantly higher risk of death due myocardial infarction in patients with ST-segment abnormalities in the final ECG tracing (adjusted HR: 2,04; 95% CI: 1,06 to 3,92). Individuals with ST-segment abnormalities in any tracing had significant higher risk for fatal or new nonfatal myocardial infarction (adjusted HR: 1,71; 95% CI: 1,04 2,79). When the T wave changes were included in the classification, there was no significant association with long-term prognosis. Conclusions: We found significant associations between ECG patterns and worse long-term prognosis. Sequential evaluation of electrocardiographic tracings during the index event seems to add prognostic information to the initial ECG

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