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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Restrição financeira em empresas brasileiras: caracterização em abordagem multicritério / Financial constraint in Brazilian campanies: characterization in a multicriteria approach

Miori, Celso 25 April 2019 (has links)
Ampliando e aprofundando o conhecimento a respeito do fenômeno da Restrição Financeira em empresas brasileiras, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento e aplicação de metodologia voltada a obter um medidor confiável da intensidade de restrição financeira de uma empresa, a partir de suas próprias demonstrações financeiras. A amostra utilizada abrangeu 273 empresas, de 105 diferentes setores de atuação (classificação NAICS), por um período de 23 anos (1995-2017). Depois de caracterizar a evolução do pensamento acadêmico sobre o tema nos últimos 50 anos, foi especificado e aplicado um composto metodológico estruturado em duas partes: I) Compondo a Questão Metodológica A, e visando detectar a superioridade de um de três critérios de agrupamento testados para caracterizar empresas restritas e irrestritas (tamanho, dividendos ou variável especialmente criada a partir das demonstrações financeiras), foi utilizada uma bateria de testes composta de cinco modelos econométricos básicos e algumas variantes; II) A partir do critério identificado como superior (variável especialmente criada), e compondo a Questão Metodológica B, seguiu-se a especificação e aplicação de metodologia voltada a possibilitar que esse critério pudesse produzir o efeito máximo que lhe é atribuído. Os resultados obtidos (indicando elevada significância estatística e alta magnitude econômica dos achados com o uso da citada variável de segregação) podem ser considerados um primeiro e importante passo na compreensão do fenômeno da restrição financeira atuando nas empresas brasileiras, sob uma ótica multidimensional. Com o uso da referida variável de segregação, ficou comprovada a relação negativa entre captação de recursos externos e rentabilidade (pecking order theory), mas apenas para as empresas irrestritas. As restritas, ao contrário, tendem a não abrir mão de captar recursos externos, mesmo com geração positiva de caixa. Também, procuram acumular, nos itens do ativo circulante, os excedentes resultantes de lucros, com isso sinalizando a preferência por construir folga financeira, em vez de destinar imediatamente tais recursos para investimentos. Estes últimos, por sua vez, ao serem concretizados, tendem a ser utilizados, ainda no caso das restritas, como colaterais na captação de mais recursos externos, configurando um expressivo multiplicador de crédito. Como já mencionado anteriormente, esses achados têm expressiva significância estatística e alta relevância econômica. Várias direções de desenvolvimento futuro do tema foram identificadas e explicitadas. / Expanding and deepening the knowledge about the phenomenon of Financial Constraint in Brazilian companies, this study presents the development and application of a methodology aimed at obtaining a reliable measure of the intensity of a company financial constraint, from its financial statements. The sample used included 273 companies from 105 different sectors of activity (NAICS classification) for 23 years (1995-2017). After characterizing the evolution of academic thinking on the topic over the last 50 years, a methodological compound structured in two parts was specified and applied. The first part (Methodological Question A) was aimed to detect the superiority of one of three grouping criteria tested for to characterize constrained and unconstrained companies (size, dividends or variable specially created from its financial statements). A test battery of five basic econometric models and some variants were used for that purpose. Once the best criterion was identified (specially created variable), followed the Methodological Question B, regarding the specification and application of a methodology aimed at enabling this criterion to produce the maximum possible effect. Results obtained (indicating high statistical significance and high economic magnitude of the findings with the use of this special segregation variable) can be considered as a first and significant step in understanding the phenomenon of financial constraint operating in Brazilian companies, from a multidimensional perspective. With the use of the segregation variable mentioned above, the negative relationship between external financing and cash generation (pecking order theory) was found, but only for unconstrained companies. Constrained ones, on the other hand, tend not to give up attracting external resources, even with positive cash generation. They also seek to accumulate surpluses resulting from profits in current asset items, thereby signaling a preference for financial slack, rather than immediately allocating such resources to investments. The latter, in turn, tend to be used, in the case of constrained companies, as collateral in the collection of more external resources, forming a significant credit multiplier. As previously mentioned, these findings have high statistical significance and high economic relevance. Also, the study identified several directions for the future development of the theme, as well as made them explicit.

Perspectives on employee stock ownership in France, Germany, and The United States of America / "

Kern, Alexander 12 December 2014 (has links)
Tout d'abord, cette recherche examine le capitalisme partagé, le développement théorique et historique de la participation des salariés, et les droits de propriété. Deuxièmement, la thèse analyse empirique sur les perspectives de l'actionnariat salarié. Premièrement, la période du 19ème siècle jusqu'au début du 21ème siècle en Allemagne est recherchée. Nous essayons de répondre à la question : "Est-ce que les décideurs politiques en Allemagne veulent créer une société de propriétaires ?" Au cours de la recherche, nous montrons l'hypothèse "L'actionnariat salarié est un critère des pères fondateurs de l'Allemagne afin de stabiliser Allemagne socio-économique après la Seconde guerre mondiale. Supporté bien évidemment par une étude qualitative de recherches d'archives historiques. En Allemagne, il est évident que les pères fondateurs ont poursuivis "Wohlstand für Alle" à travers les actions des citoyens. Deuxièmement, cette recherche examine la relation entre l'actionnariat salarié et le WACC. La thèse analyse le conflit entre les parties prenantes internes et externes, qui est représenté par le cours des actions d'une entreprise en supposant un marché efficace. Nous émettons l'hypothèse : «Un pourcentage plus élevé d'actions détenues par les salariés provoque un WACC inférieur" Ceci est confirmé par un modèle de régression quantitative fixe de panneau d'effet dans le cas de l'indice Société des Bourses Françaises 120 et l'indice 500 de Standard & Poor. / Firstly, this research examines shared capitalism, the theoretical and historical development of employee participation, and ownership rights. Secondly, the thesis analyzes empirically perspectives on employee stock ownership. First, the period from the 19th century until the beginning of the 21st century in Germany is researched. We attempt to answer the question: "Did policy makers in Germany want to create a society of owners?" During the research we prove the hypothesis "Employee ownership was a criterion of Germany's founding fathers in order to stabilize Germany socio-economically after the Second World War." We confirm it through a qualitative study of historical archive researches. In Germany, there is clear evidence that founding fathers pursued "Wohlstand für Alle" through citizen's shares. Second, this research examines the relationship between employee stock ownership and the weighted average cost of capital. The thesis analyzes the conflict between internal and external stakeholders, which is represented through a company's stock price assuming an efficient market. We hypothesize: "A higher percentage of shares held by employees causes a lower WACC." This is confirmed through a quantitative fixed effect panel regression model in the case of the Société des Bourses Françaises 120 index and Standard & Poor's 500 index.

Venture capital: valor da informação, riscos e instrumentos para sua mitigação / Venture capital: value of information, risks and instruments for its mitigation

Silva, Fernando César Nimer Moreira da 27 May 2014 (has links)
Venture capital é espécie de empreendimento que vincula dois agentes econômicos, empreendedor e investidor, visando ao desenvolvimento de uma ideia inovadora para posterior comercialização no mercado. O empreendedor é detentor de conhecimento sobre a ideia e o investidor possui os recursos para desenvolver o projeto. O negócio se diferencia dos demais pelo alto grau de incerteza e risco do empreendimento e requer o uso de tipos contratuais adequados para sua limitação. O projeto se inicia com a etapa de contratação, na qual as partes negociam a divisão de riscos e retorno do negócio, seguindo-se a etapa de monitoramento do desenvolvimento das atividades. Ao final ocorre o desinvestimento, com a saída do investidor e venda do negócio. Do ponto de vista da Economia, utilizamos a Teoria dos Jogos e apresentamos os problemas informacionais, riscos e incertezas do negócio, e os incentivos para organizar a cooperação entre as partes. Do ponto de vista de Finanças, debatemos a decisão de financiamento do negócio e as alternativas para diversificação dos riscos do investimento, isto é, a possibilidade de limitação dos riscos pela adoção de estratégias de contenção, que aumentam o interesse em contratar o negócio. Do ponto de vista do Direito, avaliamos qual a estrutura contratual ideal para organizar esse tipo de empreendimento. Analisamos as principais formas usadas para organização do negócio, em especial as sociedades limitadas e as sociedades anônimas fechadas. Avaliamos o suporte normativo aplicável, com destaque para a possibilidade de limitação dos riscos do projeto pela aplicação das normas de Direito Societário a esses empreendimentos. Os principais riscos aplicáveis são os riscos de contratação do negócio, os riscos de alocação do poder de decisão entre os sócios e os riscos de interrupção prematura do projeto. Devido à natureza e características do negócio de venture capital, concluímos que esse tipo de projeto é mais bem organizado como um contrato plurilateral e que não há tipo contratual ideal para alinhar os interesses. Dos tipos existentes, a sociedade anônima fechada é o mais adequado, mas incapaz de limitar todos os riscos do negócio. A conclusão é confirmada, parcialmente, pelas evidências empíricas apresentadas. / Venture capital is a business that links two economic agents, entrepreneur and investor, aiming to develop an innovative idea for future sale on the market. The entrepreneur holds knowledge about the idea and the investor has the resources to develop the project. It is distinguished from others by the high degree of uncertainty and risk of the project and requires the use of appropriate contract types for its restriction. The project begins with the contracting stage, in which the parties negotiate the division of risks and return business, followed by the monitoring of the development of the business activities. At the end occurs the divestment, in which the finished business is sold by the investor. From the point of view of Economics, we use Game Theory to present the informational problems, business risks and uncertainties, and the incentives to organize the cooperation between the parties. From the standpoint of Finance, we discuss the decision to finance the business, and alternatives for risk diversification, that is, the possibility of limiting the risks by adopting containment strategies that may increase the interest in contracting. From the point of view of Law, we evaluate the ideal contractual structure for organizing this kind of project. We analyze the main existing contract types, in particular, the limited liability companies and the closed corporations. We present our concerns about the normative support applicable to that type of business, emphasizing the Corporate Law problems. We evaluate the normative support applicable, emphasizing the possibility of limiting the project risks by applying the Corporate Law rules to such ventures. The main risks are the risks applicable to the contracting phase, the risk of incorrect allocation of decision rights between the partners and the risk of premature termination of the project. Due to the nature and characteristics of the venture capital business, we conclude that this type of design is best organized as a plurilateral agreement and that there is no contract type that can be considered ideal to align the interests. Considering all the existing types, the private corporation contract is the most appropriate form, but also unable to limit all the business risks. The conclusion is partially supported by the empirical evidence presented.

Ocorrência de equity market timing na decisão de emissão primária de ações (IPO e Follow-on) no mercado de capitais brasileiro / Equity market timing\'s occurrence in the decision of primary offerings (IPO and Follow-on) in the Brazilian market

Gomes, Matheus da Costa 23 June 2017 (has links)
De acordo com a teoria de equity market timing, as companhias tendem a emitir ações ou dívidas de modo a explorar janelas de oportunidade e esse comportamento é um determinante significativo da estrutura de capital das empresas, reflexo das decisões de financiamento. Com base nessa assertiva e nas evidências recentes, esta dissertação investiga a ocorrência de equity market timing na decisão de emissão primária de ações (IPO e Follow-on) no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Em um primeiro momento, analisaram-se os determinantes da estrutura de capital das companhias brasileiras, com base em variáveis comuns na literatura: índice market-to-book, tamanho, tangibilidade, rentabilidade e setor. Mais tarde, para averiguar a existência do comportamento de market timing na decisão de emitir ações, utilizou-se a relação dos retornos anormais, antes e após a emissão, com o volume total de capital levantado por meio da oferta desses títulos, além da quantidade de ações que a empresa emitiu e o preço inicial de negociação, medidas relativas utilizadas por Alti (2006). A amostra analisada leva em conta características setoriais e compreende 123 empresas de capital aberto que emitiram novas ações na BM&FBOVESPA entre 2004 e 2015, somando 165 emissões primárias durante esse período. Foram utilizadas análises descritivas de dados, testes de diferença de médias e regressões lineares para prover evidências da ocorrência desse fenômeno. Os resultados indicam que mais da metade das emissões de ações no Brasil ocorre nos meses que antecedem o prazo máximo de divulgação dos demonstrativos contábeis das empresas, e que 75% das emissões aconteceram depois de retornos anormais positivos. Ademais, as empresas que tiveram retornos anormais negativos depois da emissão de ações foram as que captaram mais recursos por essa via de financiamento, indo a favor da prática de equity market timing na decisão de emissão de ações no mercado brasileiro. Destaca-se, ainda, a constatação de que esse comportamento oportunista está mais claramente ligado à oferta inicial de ações (IPO), ou seja, quando a empresa utiliza essa fonte de financiamento pela primeira vez do que quando a emissão é subsequente (Follow-on), além das evidências de que o setor tem papel importante no comportamento de market timing dos gestores, indicando que as empresas de um mesmo ramo setorial tomam decisões semelhantes com a finalidade de explorar janelas de oportunidades possivelmente relacionadas aos seus respectivos setores. / According to the equity market timing theory, companies tend to issue stocks or debts in order to explore windows of opportunity, and this behavior is a significant determinant of the capital structure of companies, which reflects from financing decisions. Based on this assertion and on recent evidence, this dissertation investigates the occurrence of equity market timing in the decision of primary issuance of shares (IPO and Follow-on) in the Brazilian capital market. First, determinants of the capital structure of Brazilian companies were analyzed, based on common variables in the literature: market-to-book ratio, size, tangibility, profitability and industry. Later, in order to determine the occurrence of market timing behavior in the decision to issue shares, it was investigated the relation of abnormal returns - both before and after the issue - with the total volume of capital raised through securities\' offers and also the quantity of shares issued by the company and the initial trading price, relative measures used by Alti (2006). The analyzed sample takes into account industrial characteristics and comprises 123 public companies that issued new shares on BM&FBOVESPA between 2004 and 2015, resulting in to 165 primary issues during this period. Descriptive data analyzes, mean difference tests and linear regressions were used to provide evidence of the occurrence of this phenomenon. The results indicate that more than half of Brazil\'s equity issues occur in the months leading up to the maximum disclosure period of the companies\' financial statements, and that 75% of the issues occurred after abnormal positive returns. In addition, the companies that had negative abnormal returns after the issuance of shares were the ones that captured more resources through this financing channel, favoring the practice of equity market timing in the decision to issue shares in the Brazilian market. It should also be pointed out that this opportunistic behavior is more clearly linked to the initial public offering (IPO), that is, when the company uses this source of financing for the first time than when the issue is secondary (Follow- on). Also, there is evidence that the industry plays an important role in the manager\'s market timing behavior, indicating that the companies belonging to a same industry make similar decisions with the purpose of exploring windows of opportunities that possibly related to their respective industries.

Essays on peer effects in corporate finance / Essais sur les effets de pairs dans la finance d'entreprise

Rind, Asad Ali 21 December 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier les effets de pairs en finance d’entreprise. Trois essais portant sur les entreprises américaines sont proposés. La thèse est organisée en quatre chapitres. Le premier chapitre présente une revue de la littérature financière des théories et des modèles qui motivent les effets de pairs et le comportement de conformité. Plus précisément, nous définissons les effets de pairs et nous proposons une synthèse des études théoriques et empiriques identifiant les effets de pairs et leurs implications sur la psychologie humaine. Ensuite, nous résumons les théories les plus critiques dans la littérature financière qui se sont intéressées à l'impact du comportement des pairs sur les politiques financières de l'entreprise. Enfin, nous discutons les principales questions que pose la mesure des effets de pairs. Nous soulignons en conclusion de ce chapitre l’intérêt de ce sujet et nous présentons les axes d’orientation des recherches futures. Dans les chapitres suivants, nous examinons empiriquement ces effets de pairs dans trois domaines, non encore explorés, dans le contexte du marché américain. Il s'agit notamment de la « mauvaise conduite » des entreprises, du « bien-être » des employés et de l’investissement en recherche et développement.Le deuxième chapitre étudie la présence ou non d’un effet de pairs dans l’explication du comportement frauduleux des entreprises. En utilisant un échantillon de 3 034 entreprises américaines et couvrant la période de 1999 à 2014, nous montrons que les entreprises dont le siège social se situe dans les zones ayant le taux de fraude des « cols blancs » le plus élevé, ont une plus grande probabilité d’avoir un comportement frauduleux. Ce résultat suggère que l'interaction sociale au niveau régional encourage les entreprises à adopter une mauvaise conduite. Des tests complémentaires montrent que ces effets de pairs prévalent dans le cas des entreprises en difficulté alors que nous ne trouvons pas les mêmes résultats pour les entreprises en bonne situation financière. Nous constatons également que ces effets de pairs sont principalement présents dans les régions où le taux de criminalité est élevé, ce qui laisse supposer que les niveaux élevés de criminalité locale sont susceptibles de favoriser une culture de la fraude dans ces domaines.Le troisième chapitre explore les effets de pairs dans les politiques de « bien-être » des employés de l'entreprise. Nous montrons que les entreprises de pairs jouent un rôle important dans la définition des politiques de bien-être des employés d'une entreprise. En utilisant les données d’un échantillon américain de 9 062 observations année/entreprise couvrant la période de 1996 à 2013, nous constatons que les décisions de l'entreprise sur le bien-être des employés sont principalement des réponses aux politiques sociales de leurs pairs. En outre, nos résultats montrent que ce comportement est répandu chez les suiveurs, qui adoptent le comportement des « leaders », mais nous ne trouvons pas ce genre de comportement de la part des entreprises « leaders » du secteur d’activité.Le quatrième et dernier chapitre de la thèse étudie les effets de pairs dans la politique de recherche et développement (R&D) des entreprises. Nous montrons que les entreprises ne décident pas de leurs politiques en R&D d’une manière isolée puisque les entreprises pairs jouent un rôle essentiel dans la définition de ces dernières. En utilisant des données américaines pour un échantillon large de 54 393 observations entreprise/année sur la période de 1991 à 2015, nous constatons que les décisions R&D de l'entreprise sont principalement des réponses aux politiques R&D de leurs pairs. De plus, nous constatons que les effets de pairs en R&D ne sont significatifs qu'en présence d'une forte concurrence sur le marché des produits, alors que ces résultats ne sont pas vérifiés sur les marchés à faible concurrence. / This thesis explores the peer effects in corporate finance. The first chapter provides a review of literature on the theories and models that motivate peer effects and conformity behavior. Specifically, we emphasize on what precisely is meant by peer effects, how existing studies in the literature identify peer effects and its implications on human behavior. Next, we summarize the most critical theories in finance literature that encourage peer effects and the impact of peer behavior on firm financial policies. Last but not least, we discuss the main challenges in measuring peer effects and conclude the chapter by highlighting potential areas of future work in this field. The next chapters empirically examine these peer effects in three important, yet not explored areas of finance in the context of the US market. These include corporate misbehavior, employee welfare, and, research and development.The second chapter examines the presence of peer effects in corporate misbehavior. Using a sample of 3,034 US-listed firms covering 1999‒2014, we show that firms headquartered in areas with the higher white-collar fraud have a higher probability of corporate misbehavior, suggesting that area level social interaction encourages corporate misconduct. Additional analyses show that these peer effects prevail in distressed firms while we do not find such evidence for non-distressed firms. We also find that these peer effects are mainly present in areas with a high crime rate, suggesting that the high levels of local criminality are likely to favor a culture of fraud in these areas.The third chapter explores the peer effects in the firm’s employee welfare policies. We show that peer firms play a significant role in defining employee welfare policies of a firm. Using US panel data for a sample of 9,062 firm-year observations from 1996 to 2013, we find that firm’s employee welfare decisions are responses to their peers’ employee welfare policies. This impact is much higher than any other peer characteristics. Moreover, our additional analysis shows that this behavior is prevalent in followers, who mimic the behavior of leaders but we do not find any such relationship for industry leaders.The fourth and last chapter of the thesis empirically investigates firm peer effects in research and development (R&D) policies. We show that firms do not make their R&D decisions in isolation and peer firms play an essential role in defining the R&D intensity of a given firm. Using US panel data for a sample of 54,393 firm-year observations from 1991 to 2015, we find that firm’s R&D decisions are responses to their peers’ R&D policies. Further, we find that R&D peer effects are significant only in the presence of strong product market competition, while these results do not hold for markets with lower product market competition.


PEDRO NERI CANNABRAVA 27 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação analisa 3.193 fusões e aquisições que satisfazem três condições: a transação foi concluída entre 1994 e 2016, a adquirida é brasileira e pelo menos uma das empresas envolvidas é de capital aberto. Os principais resultados são: i) o múltiplo de mercado documentado é alto: mediana de 9,33 para a razão do Valor Econômico da Empresa sobre o seu EBITDA, enquanto, no mesmo período, a mediana desse múltiplo para todas as empresas brasileiras de capital aberto é de 6,92; ii) 64 porcento das transações na amostra foram horizontais, isso é, envolveram compradoras e adquiridas que operam na mesma indústria; iii) em 51 porcento das transações na amostra, investidores estrangeiros adquiriram empresas brasileiras; iv) empréstimos subsidiados pelo governo brasileiro estão presentes em 73 empresas adquiridas das 218 fusões e aquisições na amostra que envolviam troca de controle, e em 41 empresas adquirentes; e v) um incremento de um ponto percentual no PIB real aumenta em 14,7 porcento o volume financeiro real envolvido nas transações de fusões e aquisições. Os dados sugerem que as fusões e aquisições no Brasil são motivadas por uma busca por aumento de poder de mercado ou por expansão da atuação de empresas estrangeiras no mercado brasileiro. A presença de empréstimos subsidiados nos balanços das empresas adquiridas indica que motivações financeiras para as transações também são relevantes. / [en] This dissertation collects data from 3,193 mergers and acquisitions that meet three conditions: the transaction was completed between 1994 and 2016, the target company is Brazilian and at least one of the companies involved is publicly traded. The main contribution of the dissertation consists of answers to five questions about the mergers and acquisitions market in Brazil. i) the documented market multiple is high: median of 9.33 for the Company s Economic Value ratio over its EBITDA, while in the same period the median of this multiple for all Brazilian publicly traded companies is 6, 92; ii) 64 percent of the transactions in the sample were horizontal, that is, they involved buyers and sellers operating in the same industry; iii) in 51 percent of the transactions in the sample, foreign investors acquired Brazilian companies; iv) loans subsidized by the Brazilian government are present in 73 target companies from the 218 mergers and acquisitions in the sample that involved exchange of control and in 41 acquiring companies; and v) an increase of one percentage point in real GDP increases the real financial volume involved in mergers and acquisitions transactions by 14.7 percent. The data suggest that the activity in the Brazilian merger and acquisition market is motivated by a search for increase of market power or by expanding the performance of foreign companies in the Brazilian market. The presence of subsidized loans in the balance sheets of the acquired companies indicates that financial motivations for the transactions are also relevant.

Ocorrência de equity market timing na decisão de emissão primária de ações (IPO e Follow-on) no mercado de capitais brasileiro / Equity market timing\'s occurrence in the decision of primary offerings (IPO and Follow-on) in the Brazilian market

Matheus da Costa Gomes 23 June 2017 (has links)
De acordo com a teoria de equity market timing, as companhias tendem a emitir ações ou dívidas de modo a explorar janelas de oportunidade e esse comportamento é um determinante significativo da estrutura de capital das empresas, reflexo das decisões de financiamento. Com base nessa assertiva e nas evidências recentes, esta dissertação investiga a ocorrência de equity market timing na decisão de emissão primária de ações (IPO e Follow-on) no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Em um primeiro momento, analisaram-se os determinantes da estrutura de capital das companhias brasileiras, com base em variáveis comuns na literatura: índice market-to-book, tamanho, tangibilidade, rentabilidade e setor. Mais tarde, para averiguar a existência do comportamento de market timing na decisão de emitir ações, utilizou-se a relação dos retornos anormais, antes e após a emissão, com o volume total de capital levantado por meio da oferta desses títulos, além da quantidade de ações que a empresa emitiu e o preço inicial de negociação, medidas relativas utilizadas por Alti (2006). A amostra analisada leva em conta características setoriais e compreende 123 empresas de capital aberto que emitiram novas ações na BM&FBOVESPA entre 2004 e 2015, somando 165 emissões primárias durante esse período. Foram utilizadas análises descritivas de dados, testes de diferença de médias e regressões lineares para prover evidências da ocorrência desse fenômeno. Os resultados indicam que mais da metade das emissões de ações no Brasil ocorre nos meses que antecedem o prazo máximo de divulgação dos demonstrativos contábeis das empresas, e que 75% das emissões aconteceram depois de retornos anormais positivos. Ademais, as empresas que tiveram retornos anormais negativos depois da emissão de ações foram as que captaram mais recursos por essa via de financiamento, indo a favor da prática de equity market timing na decisão de emissão de ações no mercado brasileiro. Destaca-se, ainda, a constatação de que esse comportamento oportunista está mais claramente ligado à oferta inicial de ações (IPO), ou seja, quando a empresa utiliza essa fonte de financiamento pela primeira vez do que quando a emissão é subsequente (Follow-on), além das evidências de que o setor tem papel importante no comportamento de market timing dos gestores, indicando que as empresas de um mesmo ramo setorial tomam decisões semelhantes com a finalidade de explorar janelas de oportunidades possivelmente relacionadas aos seus respectivos setores. / According to the equity market timing theory, companies tend to issue stocks or debts in order to explore windows of opportunity, and this behavior is a significant determinant of the capital structure of companies, which reflects from financing decisions. Based on this assertion and on recent evidence, this dissertation investigates the occurrence of equity market timing in the decision of primary issuance of shares (IPO and Follow-on) in the Brazilian capital market. First, determinants of the capital structure of Brazilian companies were analyzed, based on common variables in the literature: market-to-book ratio, size, tangibility, profitability and industry. Later, in order to determine the occurrence of market timing behavior in the decision to issue shares, it was investigated the relation of abnormal returns - both before and after the issue - with the total volume of capital raised through securities\' offers and also the quantity of shares issued by the company and the initial trading price, relative measures used by Alti (2006). The analyzed sample takes into account industrial characteristics and comprises 123 public companies that issued new shares on BM&FBOVESPA between 2004 and 2015, resulting in to 165 primary issues during this period. Descriptive data analyzes, mean difference tests and linear regressions were used to provide evidence of the occurrence of this phenomenon. The results indicate that more than half of Brazil\'s equity issues occur in the months leading up to the maximum disclosure period of the companies\' financial statements, and that 75% of the issues occurred after abnormal positive returns. In addition, the companies that had negative abnormal returns after the issuance of shares were the ones that captured more resources through this financing channel, favoring the practice of equity market timing in the decision to issue shares in the Brazilian market. It should also be pointed out that this opportunistic behavior is more clearly linked to the initial public offering (IPO), that is, when the company uses this source of financing for the first time than when the issue is secondary (Follow- on). Also, there is evidence that the industry plays an important role in the manager\'s market timing behavior, indicating that the companies belonging to a same industry make similar decisions with the purpose of exploring windows of opportunities that possibly related to their respective industries.

Fatores de Influência nas políticas de dividendos das empresas brasileiras, listadas na BM&FBOVESPA, entre os anos de 2008 e 2013

Barletta, Flavia Nazaré de Souza 06 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:26:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Nazare de Souza Barletta.pdf: 1857271 bytes, checksum: c3321b6fd4c0b691c7734ade40238747 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-06 / In corporate finance, the financial manager must be aware of investment and financing decisions. What assets will now acquire and who capital will finance them? There is one more decision to make when the company achieves its goals, about their profitability. Distribute earnings? How? How many percent? The dividend policy of a company is considered a puzzle and this issue is intensively investigated. However, there are still many controversies. After the financial crisis in 2007, which peaked in 2008, these decisions about the dividend policy were even more complex. This study investigates the factors influencing the decisions of dividend policy of non-financial companies listed on Brazilian stock exchange from 2008 to 2013. Results show broadly that the crisis did not affect significantly the payment of dividends of Brazilian companies, which remained average payout ratio above mandatory by law. However there is evidence that the risk of the crisis could negatively influence exercised off as shown. The dividend increased for large enterprises. The first is that companies need to communicate to its shareholders that the crisis has not affected the company as much as the other. This form them wanting to show strong emit an image of confidence in the company about its future financial position, aiming to keep the shareholders and reducing their propensity to sell shares. Another possibility is that these companies actually just returned cash to shareholders, since the opportunities for investment in good projects had diminished. The third possibility follows the agency theory, according to which shareholders are suspicious of managers and require greater dividends in periods of declining number of good investment opportunities. / Em finanças corporativas, o gerente financeiro sempre precisa estar atento a decisões de investimento e financiamento. Quais ativos esta empresa ira adquirir e com que capital irá financiá-los? Há mais uma decisão a tomar quando a empresa atinge seus objetivos, acerca de sua lucratividade. Distribuir os ganhos? Como ? Em quais proporções? A política de dividendos de uma empresa moderna é considerada um quebra cabeças e este tema é investigado intensivamente. No entanto, ainda existem muitas controvérsias. Após a crise financeira iniciada em 2007, que atingiu seu ápice em 2008, estas decisões acerca da política de dividendos ficaram ainda mais complexas. Este estudo investiga os fatores que influenciaram as decisões de política de dividendos das empresas não financeiras listadas em bolsa de 2008 a 2013. Os resultados mostram de forma ampla que a crise não afetou de forma significativa o pagamento dos dividendos das empresas brasileiras, os quais mantiveram índice médio de pagamento acima do obrigatório por lei. No entanto há evidência de o risco da crise poder exercido influência negativa pontual conforme demonstramos. Os dividendos aumentam para grandes empresas. A primeira delas é que empresas precisam comunicar a seus acionistas que a crise não afetou a empresa tanto quanto a outras. Esta forma delas quererem se mostrar fortes emite uma imagem de confiança na empresa e em sua posição financeira futura, visando manter os acionistas e reduzindo sua propensão a venderem suas ações. Outra possibilidade é que essas empresas na verdade simplesmente devolveram dinheiro aos acionistas, dado que as oportunidades de investimento em bons projetos haviam diminuído. A terceira possibilidade segue a teoria de agência, segundo a qual os acionistas passam a desconfiar dos gestores e obrigam a uma maior distribuição de dividendos em períodos de diminuição do número de boas oportunidades de investimento.

Voluntary Disclosure of Non-Financial Key Performance Indicators during Earnings Releases

Phan, Lan 01 January 2019 (has links)
Almost two decades after the burst of the Dot-com bubble, investors are opinionated as to whether a new technology bubble has formed in the equities market. Similar to the late 1990's and early 2000's, many Internet firms today go through initial public offering without yet turning over a dollar of earnings, but boast certain revenue-associated performance metrics to investors promising of future success. However, investors are known to hold sentiments sensitive to earnings announcements (Seok, Cho & Ryu, 2019) and reward firms which meet or beat earnings with higher stock returns (Bartov, Givoly & Hayn, 2002). That raises a question on the content of earnings announcements: Besides earnings and cash flow, are there other factors that may influence investor decisions to trade some Internet stocks? My primary hypothesis is that the voluntary disclosure of specific non-financial key performance indicators (NFKPI) during earnings announcement by Internet firms influences the investors' investing/trading decisions. My motivation for this research is to understand better whether there is a strategic element in the voluntary disclosure of NFKPI in Internet companies and how it may impact investors' decisions. The results could be useful to firms in their evaluations of whether to release NFKPI or similar information and to equity research analysts as well as investors in measuring their expectations and valuations of the firms' stocks. The intention of the study is not to generalize the findings to the full market, as the number of companies with the practice of voluntary disclosure of NFKPI is comparatively few compared to those without the practice. Instead, this study examines the effects of NFKPI on the stock returns of those companies which choose to disclose it. I use event study methodology to test the statistical significance of disclosure of NFKPIs during earnings announcements. By controlling for earnings surprise and other meaningful financial ratios, I also examine how the signaling effect of NFKPI could be distinguished from the signaling effects of important information concurrently released during earnings announcements. I focus on two types of NFKPI within the Internet industry: Gross Bookings for online booking agency services and Daily Active Users for social media. As earnings reports and quarterly filings often do not necessarily come together on the same date, I hand-collected data to estimate the surprise effect of NFKPI per earnings announcement, by using available broker forecasts of the respective NFKPI as a proxy for the investor's NFKPI expectation. The results show that while revenue surprise remains consistently the most influential variable to investors, NFKPI Surprise has a positive, statistically significant relationship with the firm's abnormal returns. Additionally, despite being insignificant when expected earnings is beat or in line with consensus, NFKPI Surprise is found statistically significant with a positive relationship to abnormal returns when expected earnings is missed. In line with existing research on management's motivation to prevent negative earnings surprises (Matsumoto, 2002), these findings imply that if firms could employ the voluntary disclosure of NFKPI to manipulate investors' impression and to cushion their stock prices against potential negative market reactions when earnings is missed.

The Impact of Governance Mechanism on Performance and Survival of Entrepreneurial Firms

Metawa, Noura s 18 May 2018 (has links)
The dissertation consists of two essays. The first essay studies governance structures and their effectiveness for start-up companies and their survival. We utilize data from the Kauffman Survey, which tracks a sample of firms from their inceptions through their first eight years of existence. We hypothesize and find evidence that a startup's governance system affects its survivability as well as its performance. We show that controlling for the firm size and the industry, cross-sectional variations in the performance of the start-up firms can be explained by governance variables; the presence of one or more independent board member on the board, the separation between the person holding the CEO position and the chair of the board. From the startup survival perspective, we show that the presence of one or more independent board member(s), the separation between CEO and board chair, and external funding are effective factors that promote a start-up's longevity. The second essay studies the direct and indirect relations between Governance and firm survival and performance through Entrepreneurial Orientation. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is defined as the attributes, including innovativeness, autonomy, risk-taking attitude, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness, that a business organization displays at the time of entry. Several researchers have studied the linkage between EO and organizational performance as well as the survival rate of new firms and find conflicting results. Reasons for the contradictory results might very well be the way the researchers have defined the EO attributes and the data source they use which is based on subjective responses. In the hopes of reducing inconsistent results, we propose that it is the governance factors that influence the performance and survival of these firm via mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation. Governance factors remove the definition as well as data measurement problems. By using the 8-year longitudinal data of 4928 startups, we show that governance system significantly impacts a start-up’s performance and survival via entrepreneurial orientation.

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