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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Återköp av aktier : Samband mellan återköpsprogram och andel aktier i styrelse, ledning och verkställande direktör / Share repurchase : Relation between share repurchaseprogram and own participation share of the board, company management and CEO

Kårbring, Hilda, Söderström, Patrick January 2014 (has links)
År 2000 blev det möjligt för svenska börsnoterade bolag att göra återköp av egna aktier. Detta har medfört ytterligare en möjlighet för hur bolagen kan distribuera den vinst de gör vid brist på andra gynnsamma investeringar. Under perioden 2000 till 2013 har 139 olika bolag genomfört återköp av egna aktier och bland dessa bolag varierar mängden återköpta aktier och antalet genomförda återköpsprogram kraftigt. Aktiebolagslagen sätter ramarna för återköpet och per återköpsprogram får maximalt tio procent av det totala aktiekapitalet köpas tillbaka. Bolagstämman beslutar om återköp skall bli aktuellt och beslutet sträcker sig som längst till nästa bolagsstämma. Sedan 2010 finns en utredning hos regeringen där det föreslås att ta bort tioprocentsspärren och låta det stå bolagen fritt att återköpa hur mycket aktier de vill. Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka den svenska markanden och att bidra i debatten och belysa ett område som ej tidigare har undersökts, nämligen sambandet mellan de bolag som genomför återköp av egna aktier samt hur ägarandelen i grupperna styrelsen, ledningen och verkställande direktör påverkas före och efter återköpen. Vidare analyser i den här studien inkluderar 126 av de 139 bolagen. Tretton bolag har exkluderats på grund av bristande uppgifter eller att årsredovisningar helt saknas. Materialet kategoriseras efter dels hur återköpen genomförs; ett enda program, flera program i följd alternativt spridda program, dels efter storlek på bolag enligt SmallCap, MidCap och LargeCap. Vidare analyseras sambandet mellan den genomsnittliga ökningen av det egna innehavet hos bolagets styrelse, ledning och verkställande direktör samt ägarandelen, bolagets storlek och återköpsstrategi. Den slutliga analysen bygger på de bolag som gjort flera återköpsprogram samt där styrelse och VD tillsammans ökat sitt genomsnittliga egna aktieinnehav per återköpsprogram. Vår studie visar ett signifikant samband utifrån den avsedda beroendevariabeln, den genomsnittliga ägarandelen för styrelse och VD samt ett signifikant negativt samband med storlekskategorin largecap. Vilket innebär att den genomsnittliga ökningen i innhav per återköpsprogram delvis kan förklaras genom hur stor ägarandelen var innan återköpet samt bolagets storlek. Även grupptillhörighet, det vill säga typ av återköpsstrategi, har ett samband men detta placerar sig strax under en signifikansnivå på 90 procent. / In the year of 2000 the Swedish government changed a part of the Swedish Companies Act and made it possible for swedish listed companies to repurchase a maximum of ten percent of their own shares. Up until today 139 companies have chosen to use this possibility to distribute some of their profit. Out of the 139 companies thirteen companies are excluded due to missing data, 126 companies remains in further studies of this paper. The pattern of the repurchase varies in three different systems; one share repurchase program alone, several consecutive share repurchase programs and several scattered share repurchase programs. We aim to study if there is a connection between the way the companies repurchase their own shares and the change in ownership within the board, CEO and company management. Our study show that a higher concentration of ownership within the board and CEO has a significant positive effect on the average increase of own shares per program. Also largecap firms has a significant negative effect on the average increase per program.

The Impact of Tenants Default Risk and Transactional Variables on Value: An Empirical Model of Single Tenant Net Leased Retail Assets

Crockett, Braden R 01 January 2015 (has links)
I present an empirical model that is based upon the findings of both the conceptual and empirical models of previous research. I first control for independent property, location, macroeconomic and capital market specific variables on the dependent variables that takes on the form of both the cap rate and sales price. Next I introduce two new variables that represent the transaction constraint and the default risk of the tenant. I find that the variable market which represents the time an individual property is on the market is statistically significant and has a negative coefficient of when regressed on sales price and a positive coefficient when regressed on the cap rate. When the market variable is further broken into bins, I found that the time on the market does not negatively impact a property unless it is in fact on the market for over 2 years. When the variable representing a tenant’s default risk is regressed on the cap rate I found the tenants probability of default to be statistically significant with a negative coefficient. This result is counter intuitive and most likely represents the data set being controlled for investment grade credit rated tenants.

Essays on corporate finance and governance

Molin, Johan January 1996 (has links)
This dissertation contains four essays on various topics in the fields of corporate finance and corporate governance. The first essay, entitled Corporate Governance and Ownership, presents an overview of the causes and consequences of, and possible remedies for, the separation of ownership and control in corporations. In particular, the essay addresses the costs and benefits of ownership concentration. A specific purpose is to put the role of ownership into perspective, while bringing the reader up to date with some recent developments. Essay number two, Shareholder Gains from Equity Private Placements: Evidence from the Stockholm Stock Exchange, contains an empirical investigation of the stockmarket’s reaction to announcements of equity private placements and rights issues. The essay sets out to test a range of hypotheses put forward in the literature. Extensive cross-sectional analyses of private placement discounts and abnormal returns are performed. The third essay is named Optimal Deterrence and Inducement of Take-overs: An analysis of Poison Pills and Dilution. This essay models how the ex ante wealth of shareholders could be increased with customized contractual provisions that affect takeover probabilities and premia. The proposed provisions resemble anti-takeover defense measures in the form of poison pill plans, and conversely, voluntary dilution schemes in the fashion prescribed by Sanford Grossman and Oliver Hart (1980). Finally, the fourth essay models the wealth effects of a particular takeover regulation, The Mandatory Bid Rule. This rule requires a potential bidder for a control position in a target firm to extend the offer to include any or all of the outstanding shares. Although the mandatory bid rule is aimed at the protection of minority shareholders, the essay argues that this regultion is not generally in the best interest of the shareholders. Each essay is self-contained and could, in principle, be read in any order chosen by the reader. However, for readers less familiar with the corporate finance literature, the first essay may also serve as a helpful introduction to the following three essays. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk.

Os efeitos da dinâmica cambial sobre os ganhos de arbitragem com ACCs e ativos domésticos

Basile, Piero Bernardo January 2006 (has links)
A verificação de uma trajetória de valorização do câmbio ao longo de 2004 e 2005, que diminui a competitividade do produto brasileiro e a rentabilidade do setor exportador, ressaltou a importância das operações com adiantamentos de contratos de câmbio (ACCs) como meio de driblar os percalços de um câmbio adverso e manter a atratividade, em termos de lucratividade, da atividade exportadora. Este trabalho, então, busca aumentar o conjunto de informações dos exportadores que vislumbram a possibilidade de realizar operações de arbitragem com ACCs, analisando mais detalhadamente os fatores que determinam os resultados das operações com ACCs e verificando o papel da dinâmica cambial sobre esses ganhos. Para tal, são utilizados modelos econométricos de variância condicionada auto-regressiva (ARCH), cujos resultados sinalizam uma relação significativa e positiva entre volatilidade do câmbio e maiores margens de retorno na arbitragem com ACCs. / The appreciation path described by the exchange rate along 2004 and 2005, which reduced the Brazilian product competitiveness and the exportations profitability, showed the anticipation of exchange rate contracts (ACCs) importance as a way to overcome an adverse exchange rate and maintain the attractiveness of the exportation activity. Afterward, we try to increase the set of information of the exporters that look forward an ACC arbitrage operation possibility, analyzing more carefully the issues that determine their results and verifying the exchange rate dynamics role in those gains. Indeed, employing auto regressive conditioned heteroscedasticity (ARCH) econometric models, the results point out a significant and positive relationship between exchange rate volatility and larger ACC arbitrage returns.


BOCCALETTI, SIMONE 21 November 2018 (has links)
Il presente lavoro di tesi analizza da un punto di vista teorico i contratti di debito con collaterale e la scelta di specializzazione degli asset produttivi. Le imprese soggette a vincoli finanziari danno in pegno i loro asset come collaterale per migliorare l’accesso al credito. Tuttavia, i prenditori di fondi trovano spesso difficoltà nel finanziare progetti con asset eccessivamente specializzati perché il loro valore di liquidazione è basso (asset troppo specializzati hanno un valore di riutilizzo limitato) anche quando i progetti hanno un rendimento atteso elevato. In questo contesto, questa tesi vuole rispondere alle seguenti domande di ricerca: in quale modo la scelta di specializzare un asset produttivo influisce sui contratti finanziari? Quali sono gli effetti delle diverse scelte di specificità su quantità e condizioni del credito? E sulla competizione nel mercato del prodotto? La tesi tratta sia temi di finanza aziendale che temi di organizzazione industriale, e, utilizzando un nuovo approccio teorico, analizza congiuntamente il grado di specificità degli asset e il loro valore di liquidazione. La specializzazione degli asset aumenta il ritorno dei progetti ma diminuisce il valore di liquidazione degli asset stessi. Quando le imprese devono impegnare gli asset come collaterale, questo implica un aumento del costo del debito. Analizzando questo “specificity trade-off”, la tesi dimostra che: nel mercato secondario il valore di liquidazione di un asset dipende dal grado di specificità, dai costi di riutilizzo e dalla presenza di potenziali acquirenti; imprese che devono ricorrere a finanziamenti investono meno in specializzazione degli asset rispetto a imprese che riescono ad auto-finanziarsi; la struttura del mercato e il grado di specializzazione scelto sono influenzati dalle condizioni finanziarie; quando il grado di specificità degli asset produttivi influisce sul grado di differenziazione dei prodotti, il trade-off implica che le imprese che devono finanziarsi attraverso il mercato dei capitali investono meno in specializzazione e, di conseguenza, sono esposte ad un grado di concorrenza maggiore nel mercato del prodotto. / My dissertation is about collateral debt contracts and the choice of specializing productive assets, from a theoretical perspective. Financially constrained firms pledge their productive assets as collateral in order to enhance their access to credit. However, firms may find it difficult to finance projects when their collateralized productive assets are too specialized since their liquidation value is low (as a matter of fact redeployability of those assets to alternative uses is scarce) even when their projects have large expected returns. In this context, my dissertation aims to answer the following research questions: how does the choice of asset specialization affect financial contracts? Which are the implications of different degree of asset specificity for the amount of credit and product market competition? This dissertation is at a cross road between industrial organization and corporate finance and uses a novel approach where the choice of asset specialization and the liquidation value of a productive asset are analyzed together. Asset specialization increases firms' project returns, but decreases the liquidation value of productive assets. When firms are credit constrained this implies a higher cost of debt. By examining this specialization trade-off, I am able to prove the following results: in the secondary market the resale value of a productive asset is determined by its degree of asset specificity, redeployability costs and the presence of firms willing to acquire the it; financially constrained firms invest less in asset specialization compared to self-financing firms; market structure and the degree of asset specialization may be influenced by financial choices; when asset specificity affects product market differentiation, the specialization trade-off implies that financially constrained firms invest less in product differentiation, and, as a consequence, face tougher competition compared to non-financially constrained firms.

Perception par les acteurs de marché de la fonction d’utilité liée à l’immobilier / Perception of the utility value of a company’s real estate

Petel, Franck 06 April 2012 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’estimer la valeur d’utilité de l’immobilier des entreprises en examinant cet actif aux travers de différents prismes. Nous avons tout d’abord étudié les principales théories macroéconomiques qui régissent la gestion des portefeuilles diversifiés d’actifs, puis mesuré les effets de l’immobilier de l’entreprise sur la perception du couple rentabilité/risque de différents secteurs industriels par l’analyses graphiques et des mesures de corrélation. Nous nous sommes intéressés à deux entreprises représentatives d’industries présentant des singularités fortes : le groupe Casino, que nous avons associé à sa foncière Mercialys, et le groupe Accor. L’étude de ces structures a permis de mettre en lumière des stratégies et des comportements différenciés essentiellement centrés sur la problématique du couple rentabilité/risque. Nous avons souhaité vérifier par la suite les hypothèses émises lors de l’étude de ces deux groupes en nous replaçant dans la perspective plus générale des acteurs et en testant in vivo la perception de la valeur d’utilité de l’immobilier des entreprises. Nous avons pour cela orienté cette recherche vers une approche empirique basée sur une enquête. Nous avons ainsi validé le fait que l’immobilier est essentiellement perçu par les acteurs comme un outil de la gestion du couple rentabilité/risque de la société (et particulièrement de la dette) avec, cependant, des composantes associées plus ou moins affirmés selon le paradigme, les finalités et la perception de la classe d’acteurs qui le considérait. La situation de l’entreprise pouvait de même faire évoluer la nature de cette valeur pour les répondants avec pour objectif systématique la maximisation de leur bien-être. Enfin, nous avons précisé dès le début de cette recherche que cette dernière était marquée par sa temporalité et qu’elle devra être mise à jour dans dix ans à la lumière de données statistiques plus significative sur la durée. / The principal objective of this study is to estimate the utility value of a company’s Real Estate by analysing this asset utilising different methods. In the beginning, we studied the principal theories of macroeconomics which lead to the creation of a diverse portefolio of assets. We then measured the impact of the company’s real estate value on the perception of the profitability/risk ratio within different industrial sectors. To achieve this, we used a graphic analysis tool and we measured the level of correlation between different indexes. We have examined in detail two representative companies of specific indexes which demonstrated strong and unusual strengths: the Casino Group, that we have linked to its Real Estate investment trust Mercialys and the Accor Group. The study of these businesses has allowed us to demonstrate unique strategies and adaptive behaviors based on the optimization of the profitability/risk ratio. We wanted to verify thereafter the specific hypotheses created during the study of these two companies. For that, we adopted a more general approach and we tested in vivo the perception of the utility value of a company’s Real Estate. We oriented the research to an empirical approach based on the survey data. We validated the fact that Real Estate is essentially considered by the people involved in this industry as a tool for managing the profitability/risk ratio of a company (and particularly the level of the debt) with more or less significant additional components according to the paradigm, the objectives and the personal perception of each group within each segment. The current situation of the company could significantly change the perception of the nature of its value for a specific group with the systematic objective of maximizing their position. We specified when we started this research project that this work is relevant to the date it was produced and it has to be updated in ten years with more significant temporal data.


NATALIA CORDEIRO LEVY 12 January 2010 (has links)
[pt] A avaliação de oportunidades de investimentos é sem duvida um tema de grande interesse, pois é o modo pela qual as firmas norteiam suas decisões de investimento ao avaliar que este ou aquele projeto cria ou não valor para esta firma. A teoria de avaliação de investimentos produtivos inicia seu caminho partindo do Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) e vai se ramificando ao longo se sua literatura, percorrendo sempre o objetivo de incorporar a incerteza nos modelos. O estágio atual desta caminhada é a avaliação por opções reais, e tudo que a antecede passou a ser chamado de teoria clássica. Mas muitos problemas enfrentados nas abordagens encontradas na literatura de avaliação de opções reais são antigos. Em função da analogia com as opções financeiras, a metodologia proposta para avaliação das opções reais originaram dos modelos de apreçamento de opções financeiras. Mas esta extensão metodológica é em si problemática, pois os ativos ditos reais e os ativos financeiros guardam entre si importantes diferenças como: risco privado, completude dos mercados, diferenças de liquidez, reversibilidade e uma profunda diferença entre os níveis de assimetria de informação. Estas diferenças comprometem a significância dos resultados finais desta avaliação, pois violam algumas hipóteses que estão por de trás da teoria de apreçamento de opções financeiras, além de não incorporar a parcela de risco privado na avaliação, apenas risco de mercado. Outras abordagens para avaliação de opções reais surgiram para tentar resolver o problema da incompletude dos mercados, mas também retornam a outros problemas já discutidos na teoria clássica como, por exemplo, a dificuldade da escolha da taxa de desconto e a subjetividade da estimativa de um fluxo de caixa equivalente certo. Apesar de ter criado um novo paradigma na concepção de valor dos projetos de investimento, a literatura da teoria de opções reais é ainda divergente quanto aos métodos de avaliação. Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir as dificuldades práticas de se avaliar/ quantificar as opções de um ativo real que se dá tanto pela inadequação dos métodos de apreçamento próprios para derivativos financeiros, quanto pela subjetividade que se incorre com a utilização de métodos alternativos. / [en] The valuation of investment opportunities is undoubtedly a topic of great interest as it is the manner by which firms guide their investment decisions and assess whether this or that project creates or not value. The valuation theory of productive investments starts its way on the Net Present Value Rule (NPV) and branches along its literature, pursuing always the goal of incorporating the uncertainty into the models. The current stage of this path is the valuation of real options, and so everything that precedes it is now called classical theory. Nevertheless, many problems in the approaches found in literature for assessing real options are old. As the analogy with financial options is common, the proposed methodology for pricing real options bases itself in the financial options models. But this methodological extension is in itself problematic, as the so-called real assets and financial assets retain important differences between themselves such as private risk, completeness of markets, differences in liquidity, reversibility and a dramatic difference in the levels of information asymmetry. These differences undermine the significance of the valuation’s final results, as they violate some of the assumptions behind the pricing theory of financial options. As well as that, only the market component of risk is considered in the assessment, leaving private risk unattended. Other approaches for pricing real options have emerged in order to tackle the problem of market incompleteness, but are not able to prevent other issues already discussed in the classical theory, such as the difficulty in choosing the discount rate and the subjectivity of the certainty equivalent cash flow estimation. Despite having created a new standard in the understanding of what does the value of an investment project represent, real options literature is still uneasy with regards to valuation methods. The aim of this dissertation is to discuss the practical difficulties in the valuation/ quantification of the options present in a real asset. These are given both by the inadequacy in the methods that were designed specifically for financial derivatives, and by the subjectivity that is incurred when one makes use of alternative methods.

Os efeitos da dinâmica cambial sobre os ganhos de arbitragem com ACCs e ativos domésticos

Basile, Piero Bernardo January 2006 (has links)
A verificação de uma trajetória de valorização do câmbio ao longo de 2004 e 2005, que diminui a competitividade do produto brasileiro e a rentabilidade do setor exportador, ressaltou a importância das operações com adiantamentos de contratos de câmbio (ACCs) como meio de driblar os percalços de um câmbio adverso e manter a atratividade, em termos de lucratividade, da atividade exportadora. Este trabalho, então, busca aumentar o conjunto de informações dos exportadores que vislumbram a possibilidade de realizar operações de arbitragem com ACCs, analisando mais detalhadamente os fatores que determinam os resultados das operações com ACCs e verificando o papel da dinâmica cambial sobre esses ganhos. Para tal, são utilizados modelos econométricos de variância condicionada auto-regressiva (ARCH), cujos resultados sinalizam uma relação significativa e positiva entre volatilidade do câmbio e maiores margens de retorno na arbitragem com ACCs. / The appreciation path described by the exchange rate along 2004 and 2005, which reduced the Brazilian product competitiveness and the exportations profitability, showed the anticipation of exchange rate contracts (ACCs) importance as a way to overcome an adverse exchange rate and maintain the attractiveness of the exportation activity. Afterward, we try to increase the set of information of the exporters that look forward an ACC arbitrage operation possibility, analyzing more carefully the issues that determine their results and verifying the exchange rate dynamics role in those gains. Indeed, employing auto regressive conditioned heteroscedasticity (ARCH) econometric models, the results point out a significant and positive relationship between exchange rate volatility and larger ACC arbitrage returns.

Speed of adjustment of capital structure: empirical study

Lopes, Natalia Cristina 06 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Natalia Lopes (nati_lopes1@hotmail.com) on 2015-03-06T12:36:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Natalia Lopes_Final.pdf: 1150711 bytes, checksum: 79a8982512192755c02ea2a9b32168e4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2015-03-06T12:50:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Natalia Lopes_Final.pdf: 1150711 bytes, checksum: 79a8982512192755c02ea2a9b32168e4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-06T13:06:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Natalia Lopes_Final.pdf: 1150711 bytes, checksum: 79a8982512192755c02ea2a9b32168e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-06 / We analyze the impact of firm-specific characteristics as well as economic factors on the speed of adjustment to the target debt ratio. Using different methods, we document speeds of adjustment ranging from 14.4% to 37%. The results indicate that the speed of adjustment is affected by business-cycle variables: The interaction term related to term spread reveals, as expected, faster adjustment in booms than in recessions and a negative relationship between short term spread and adjustment speed. We also show that the speed of adjustment becomes stationary when the increasing fractions of zero-debt firms are considered. / Analisamos o impacto de características específicas da empresa, bem como os fatores econômicos sobre a velocidade de ajustamento para alcançar o ponto ótimo da dívida. Usando métodos diferentes, encontramos velocidades de ajustamento que variam de 14,4% a 37%. Os resultados indicam que a velocidade de ajustamento é afetada por variáveis do ciclo de negócios: O termo de interação relacionado ao term spread revela, como esperado, um ajustamento mais rápido em booms do que em recessões e uma relação negativa entre o spread de curto prazo e velocidade de ajustamento. Mostramos também que a velocidade de ajustamento torna-se estacionária quando o aumento das de firmas com dívida zero é considerado.

Impacto da introdução de pagamentos de juros sobre capital próprio na estrutura de capital das empresas no Brasil

Vilar, Orlando Laercio de Souza Cavalcante 14 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Orlando Laércio de Souza Cavalcante Vilar (orlandovilar@gmail.com) on 2016-01-08T12:59:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Orlando Vilar 07 jan 2016_v5.pdf: 707346 bytes, checksum: 65a8488da2068fb61203197572d6ed19 (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: Orlando, boa tarde Por gentileza, realizar as alterações mencionadas abaixo para que possamos aceitar seu trabalho: CAPA: Seu nome deve estar um pouco acima do título (centralizado). O título deve estar em letra maiúscula na CAPA e CONTRACAPA. Em seguida realizar uma nova submissão do trabalho. At on 2016-01-08T14:23:54Z (GMT) / Submitted by Orlando Laércio de Souza Cavalcante Vilar (orlandovilar@gmail.com) on 2016-01-08T16:43:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Orlando Vilar 08 jan 2016_v6.pdf: 707109 bytes, checksum: 4877b3b357324b1b8da8a7cb63f818ff (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2016-01-08T16:45:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Orlando Vilar 08 jan 2016_v6.pdf: 707109 bytes, checksum: 4877b3b357324b1b8da8a7cb63f818ff (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-08T16:50:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Orlando Vilar 08 jan 2016_v6.pdf: 707109 bytes, checksum: 4877b3b357324b1b8da8a7cb63f818ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-14 / This paper studies whether the introduction and utilization of interest on equity (IOE) payments affected the leverage ratios of Brazilian companies. To test the hypothesis that IOE led companies to use less debt, a matching estimator procedure is used, considering as control group a pool of companies that did not pay IOE and as treatment group the ones that did pay it, on a sample comprised of 40 companies during the years of 1995 to 1998. As expected from previous studies, the empirical evidence supports the argument that the average treatment effect (ATE) for companies that pay IOE will result in a reduction of their leverage ratio. However, there were no significant results to leverage reduction when we analyze the average treatment effect on the treated (ATET or ATT). / Este trabalho tem como proposta estudar como a introdução e a utilização do pagamento de juros sobre capital próprio (JSCP) afetaram o nível de endividamento das empresas brasileiras. Para testar a hipótese que os JSCP levaram as empresas a usarem menos capital de terceiros, são utilizados matching estimators, estabelecendo como grupo de controle as empresas que não pagaram JSCP e como grupo de tratamento as que o fizeram, em uma amostra composta de 40 companhias durante os anos de 1995 até 1998. Em linha com estudos anteriores, foi encontrada evidência empírica indicando que o efeito médio do tratamento (ATE) para empresas que decidem pagar JCSP é o de reduzir o seu nível de endividamento. Contudo, não houve resultado significativo de redução de endividamento ao analisarmos o efeito médio do tratamento dentre o grupo de empresas tratadas (ATET ou ATT).

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