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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cool Notes in an Invisible War: The Use of Radio and Music in the Cold War from 1953 to 1968

Crooker, Matthew R. 04 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

“To Excite the Feelings of Noble Patriots:” Emotion, Public Gatherings, and Mackenzie’s American Rebellion, 1837-1842

Steedman, Joshua M. 06 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Regional Influences on Religious Thought and Practice: A Case Study in Mormonism’s Dietary Reforms

Dodge, Samuel Alonzo 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
While commenting upon the challenges of studying the history of religious figures and movements, Richard Bushman once said, “Everything we know in this life is seen through someone’s eyes. All a historian has to work with is the way this person saw it...The purpose of history is not to find out what really happened but to collect the ways human observers have described what they think happened. We [as historians] look at the world through other’s eyes.”[1] This thesis seeks not to argue the veracity of any particular religious doctrine, but rather strives to understand the historical development of certain Mormon beliefs by looking through the eyes of those who helped form them. Mormon doctrines are often regarded as impositions made by Joseph Smith onto docile followers. Such an interpretation fails to recognize that lay members were just as influential in the development of Mormon doctrine as was the founder of the religion. Joseph’s revelations did not emerge ex nihilo. Joseph engaged the world and people around him and his environment shaped the doctrines forming in his mind and continued to do so once they were taught to his followers. [2] This study will examine the origins of Mormonism’s dietary code, known as the Word of Wisdom, and the sect’s doctrines concerning the body. Both of these tenets of Mormonism were shaped by the environments in which they emerged. The regional environments which influenced to evolution of the Word of Wisdom are central to this study. In the case of the Word of Wisdom, Joseph first began teaching the doctrine in Kirtland, Ohio, an area of constant reform movements and moral activism. Conflicts within the Mormon Church reflect the tensions of Ohio settler’s reformist culture primarily located in the region known as the Western Reserve. This study will also look at the tensions within the Mormon community itself. These tensions involved leader responses to the Word of Wisdom, conflicts over church power structures, and the fallout from the Kirtland Bank’s failure in the financial panic of 1837. As the main Mormon Church body moved from Ohio, to Missouri, to Illinois, and eventually Utah they adopted attitudes toward the Word of Wisdom that reflected the new environments in which they found themselves. In Missouri the Word of Wisdom emerges in official charges in church disciplinary courts. However, an examination of these courts indicates that the Word of Wisdom was merely one indicator of a more serious power struggle within church leadership structures. Missouri temperance, which was relatively temped, did not influence church affairs nearly as much as struggles within church leadership itself. In Illinois Mormonism’s doctrine of the body also affected the ways in which the Word of Wisdom was implemented as it influenced the ways in which Mormons conceptualized health, godliness, plural marriage (polygamy), procreation, and their identities as a people. Simply put, context is everything and this study tries to show that the study of the teachings of any religious group should not be done piecemeal because each doctrine is shaped by and in turn shapes the other doctrines with which it is associated. [1] Samuel Alonzo Dodge, “The Hermeneutics of Suspicion” (interview with Richard Bushman), in Exploring the First Vision, ed. Samuel Alonzo Dodge and Steven C. Harper (Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012), 277. [2] Contrary to standard scholarly practice, Mormon historical and cultural custom is to refer to many of the early church leaders by their first names rather than surnames. I have decided to follow this custom throughout the thesis.


THAIS DIAS DELFINO CABRAL 16 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese busca analisar articulações entre consumo, comunicação e movimento das mulheres no Brasil oitocentista. Particularmente, na forma de diferentes dinâmicas de consumo presente em periódicos que lutavam pela emancipação feminina no final do século XIX. Para tanto, esta pesquisa, de caráter bibliográfico e documental, recorreu mais a fontes primárias e secundárias. No âmbito teórico, refletimos, em um primeiro momento, sobre a trajetória do consumo dentro das ciências sociais e humanas, e a concepção do mesmo enquanto sistema simbólico essencial para a manutenção do capitalismo e da sociedade moderno-contemporânea. Em seguida, nos debruçamos nos estudos sobre as mulheres, com um foco especial no pensamento sobre a condição e o papel da mulher na sociedade ocidental. Dessa forma, começamos com a querelle des femmes, no final do século XV, e avançamos em direção às discussões mais recentes, pautadas por questões identitárias e anticolonialistas. Depois, nossa atenção se desloca para a história e transformação do periodismo brasileiro durante os anos 1800, em que o meio se apresenta como uma plataforma para debates e contestações políticas. Atenção especial é dispensada ao período conhecido como Belle Époque Tropical (1870-1920), que entrevê mudanças significativas na sociedade brasileira da época. Dentre elas, a emergência de um número considerável de periódicos femininos dedicados à defesa da emancipação das mulheres. Com uma base teórica e histórica sólida, apresentamos, analisamos e comparamos, enfim, o corpus desta pesquisa, recolhido a partir de oito periódicos diferentes que circularam entre os anos de 1852 e 1900, no Brasil. Eis, pois, que, o consumo não é só uma forma de satisfazer necessidades físicas ou biológicas dos seres humanos, mas, sim, um sistema simbólico complexo, é possível arguir que a existência de diversas dinâmicas de consumo associadas ao periodismo feminino no final do século XIX aponta para a existência de um movimento, com contornos feministas, que buscava estabelecer-se de maneira mais concreta no cenário nacional ainda que com mais dificuldades do que suas contrapartes estadunidenses e europeias. O movimento das mulheres no Brasil, como outros movimentos antes dele no Velho Continente, emerge de maneira desconexa, mas é de grande relevância. Dentro da esfera do consumo, desenvolvem-se relações comerciais e de troca que possibilitam entrever um emaranhado de conexões significantes entre proprietárias, editoras e redatoras de jornal com ambições sociopolítico potentes e diversos estabelecimentos comerciais, indivíduos influentes ou diferentes profissionais. / [en] This dissertation seeks to analyze the connections between consumption, communication, and women s movements in nineteenth-century Brazil. Particularly, it focuses on the different dynamics of consumption present in periodicals that fought for women s emancipation in the late 1800s. Therefore, this research, bibliographical and documental in nature, relies heavily on primary and secondary sources. Theoretical considerations begin with the trajectory of consumption within the social sciences and humanities and its conception as a symbolic system essential to the maintenance of capitalism and modern-contemporary society. The studies on women are examined next, with a special focus on the condition and role of women in Western society. The analysis begins with the querelle des femmes in the late fifteenth century and advances towards more recent discussions, about identity and anticolonial issues. Then, the focus turns to the history and transformation of Brazilian press during the 1800s, when the medium served as a platform for political debates and challenges. The period known as the Tropical Belle Époque (1870-1920), which witnessed significant changes in Brazilian society at the time, including, but not restricted to, the emergence of a considerable number of women s periodicals dedicated to the defense of women s emancipation. With a solid theoretical and historical foundation, the research corpus, collected from eight different papers that circulated between 1852 and 1900 in Brazil, is presented, analyzed, and compared. Hence, consumption is not only a way to satisfy physical or biological needs but a complex symbolic system. It is argued that the existence of different consumption dynamics associated with women s journalism in the late nineteenth century indicates the existence of a feminist movement that sought to establish itself more concretely on the national scene, albeit with more difficulties than its American and European counterparts. The women s movement in Brazil, like others before it in the Old Continent, might have emerged in a disconnected manner but is of great relevance. Within the sphere of consumption, commercial relationships are developed, which allows for significant connections between owners, editors, and newspaper writers with powerful sociopolitical ambitions and various commercial establishments, influential individuals, or different professionals.

Political and economic factors in the decline of the British empire

Anania, Pasquale 01 January 1956 (has links) (PDF)
The decline of British influence in world affairs is one of the more pronounced political phenomena of modern times. Over the past century key territories subject to British rule have been slipping loose from their imperial moorings at an ever more rapid rate. Those remaining subject to British authority grow progressively more belligerent. In his search for an understanding or this eclipse or British sovereignty, the contemporary historian finds himself groping through a network of complexly interrelated social, political, economic, and psychological processes. One or another student or history has argued that specific instances or groups of these processes are the mechanisms motivating the collapse of the British hegemony. Among those more commonly cited is that group of influences intimately allied with and stimulated by the progressive maturation of voting franchise reform movements within the United Kingdom. In effect, this view argues that franchise reforms introduced radical changes in imperial attitudes in the United Kingdom and that these in turn led to long-range trends pointed at the splintering of the empire: e.g., the political decline of the landed aristocracy resulted in the creation of the Commonwealth; or, the rise or the Labor Party carried with it a campaign successfully aimed at the deliberate discarding of imperial holdings. It is the purpose or this study to examine this argument. Such an examination, it would seem, demands first of all a review of the more obvious factors concerned in the integration and disintegration of the British empire. This review should provide a context within which specific franchise reform within the United Kingdom can be related to other historical events contemporary with them but more specifically related to the disintegration of Britain's imperial hegemony. It is proposed that these relationships should lead to an effective basis for accessing the relative truth or falsehood of the argument that progressive franchise reform has been one of the historical trends largely contributory to the dismemberment of the British empire. Since the analysis to be presented is in part contingent upon a specialized understanding of the term empire, it would appear necessary to begin with a definition of this term.

The negro in California before 1890

Thurman, A. Odell 01 January 1945 (has links) (PDF)
Because so little has been written concerning the Negro in California and because the dynamic and romantic sequences in the development of this country have always interested me, I have become interested in knowing what part the Negro, free and slave, played in this panorama of events. Were there Negroes with early expeditions? To what extent did they migrate to the West when "gold fever" had become a nation-wide epidemic? Did they find gold? Where did they settle? What did they do? What difficulty did they encounter politically, socially, and economically? These are questions that have filled my mind, and to which I shall endeavor to find the answers.

Fabianism versus welfareism : the movement towards the welfare state in the United States

St. Clair, Susan Lee 01 January 1970 (has links) (PDF)
Finally in the 1880’s there emerged a reformist group which was ultimately to be the model of the viability, adaptability, effectiveness, and success of evolutionary socialism. The group called itself the Fabian Society and in the beginning it seemed to be not unlike other protest or reformist groups which were springing up all over England at the time. The difference was that this group, though always small in numbers, was to have a tremendous impact throughout England and the rest of the democratic world. To be specific, the ideas of the Fabian Socialists can clearly be seen as influencing the movement toward the welfare state in America and this is the main thesis this paper aims to prove - that the ideas and programs of the Fabian Socialists were first implemented in Britain and later in the United State, particularly since the advent of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal. It is the author’s contention that these ideas and programs of the Fabians are comparable to a developing movement in the United States toward the welfare state or as others would term it, the good society. This, then, is what the writer seeks to prove.

Repenser le « classique » au XIXe siècle

Boudreau-Pineault, Raphaël 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour ambition de comprendre comment et en quel sens l’idée de « classique » est repensée au XIXe siècle. Alors que l’Ancien Régime intégrait le classique dans un système de représentation relativement cohérent, au sein duquel sa fonction, son rôle et sa pertinence étaient clairement établis, la notion devient brusquement problématique aux lendemains de la Révolution. La France révolutionnée est marquée par une expérience du temps inédite et une nouvelle relation à sa mémoire culturelle qui font éprouver aux lettrés la nécessité de redéfinir leurs rapports au classique. Après avoir clarifié le sens général de la notion avant la Révolution, l’étude se penche sur trois grands « moments » de la dynamique de redéfinition du classique au XIXe siècle. Il s’agit d’abord de voir dans quelle mesure l’historicisation du passé dans les premières années du siècle conduit les lettrés à refuser la fonction de modèle à imiter traditionnellement associée au classique, et à l’envisager désormais en vertu d’une rupture entre le présent et l’« avant-soi ». La partie suivante s’attache aux reconfigurations du canon littéraire par la lancée romantique, et montre comment ces métamorphoses de l’horizon culturel amènent les lettrés à déterminer de nouvelles modalités d’appropriation du classique. Une dernière partie tente de voir de quelle manière la pertinence et la portée de la notion sont révisées une fois de plus dans le contexte de l’« institutionnalisation » de la distance critique entraînée par la scientifisation des études littéraires dans le dernier tiers du XIXe siècle. Inspiré à la fois par l’histoire des idées et l’histoire culturelle, ce mémoire se propose de saisir son objet dans une perspective de longue durée. Outre un large corpus secondaire délibérément éclectique, cinq auteurs sont interrogés plus spécifiquement : Ballanche, Stendhal, Sainte-Beuve, Renan, Lanson. / This master’s thesis aims to understand how and in what sense the idea of "classic" was rethought throughout the 19th century. During the historical period of Old Regime in France, the classic was incorporated into a relatively coherent system of representation, within which its function, role and relevance were clearly established. However, the notion suddenly became problematic in the aftermath of the French Revolution. Revolutionized France was marked by an unprecedented experience of time and a new relation to its cultural memory which made literati feel the need to redefine their relation to the classic. After clarifying the general meaning of the concept before the Revolution, the study examines three major "moments" in the dynamics of redefining the classic in the 19th century. First, the analysis intends to determine the extent to which the historicization of the past, in the first years of the century, led the literati to refuse the classic its traditional function of a model to imitate and instead, to consider it in the perspective of a rupture between the present and the past. The following part explores the reconfigurations of the literary canon by the romantic movement and shows how these metamorphoses of the cultural horizon led the literati to determine new modalities of appropriation of the classic. The final part attempts to see how the relevance and scope of the notion are revised in the context of the "institutionalization" of critical distance brought about by the scientification of literary studies in the last third of the 19th century. Inspired by both intellectual history and cultural history, this dissertation sets out to grasp its subject matter from a long-term perspective. In addition to a large, deliberately eclectic secondary corpus, five authors are questioned more specifically: Ballanche, Stendhal, Sainte-Beuve, Renan, Lanson.

La littérature mise en scène : représentations des genres littéraires dans le discours de la critique québécoise des années 1960

Coutu-Perrault, Jérémi 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s’attache à explorer le métadiscours littéraire du Québec entre 1960 et 1969 en se concentrant plus particulièrement sur les questions de genres littéraires. Une représentation de la littérature et des mécanismes de la critique est également mise en relief dans l’analyse du corpus, composé de textes de réception d’un grand nombre d’œuvres littéraires publiées durant la décennie, ainsi que de quelques monographies et manuels d’histoire parus à l’époque. La thèse repose sur l’hypothèse selon laquelle la critique, malgré le climat d’effervescence qu’on associe souvent aux années soixante au Québec, pense la littérature et les genres littéraires selon un schéma résolument essentialiste ainsi qu’un horizon d’attente conservateur tout en réactivant différents lieux communs liés à la poésie et au roman qui marquent l’histoire littéraire depuis plusieurs siècles. S’affrontent la figure d’une poésie intransitive et noble ainsi que celle du grand roman réaliste cérébral et sérieux. Dans le premier chapitre de la thèse, les définitions explicites de la poésie et du roman proposées par les auteurs et autrices du corpus sont relevées, puis des figures génériques plus précises (la poésie engagée, la chanson, le poème en prose et le roman en vers) qui émergent dans le discours critique de l’époque sont étudiées. À travers ces dernières, il est possible de voir se profiler une définition ainsi que des valeurs liées aux genres littéraires. Dans le chapitre suivant, c’est le rapport dit contemporain de la critique avec le système générique qui est analysé. Nous mettons en lumière certains mécanismes qui laissent entrevoir les pouvoirs de la critique, et sa fonction résolument axiologique, notamment en créant de nouvelles étiquettes génériques, en classifiant la littérature des femmes sous l’égide du féminin ou en prédisant la venue du prochain grand romancier québécois. Enfin, nous nous arrêterons aux occurrences du Nouveau roman français dans les différents textes de notre corpus qui abordent le roman contemporain québécois. Le Nouveau roman est à la fois un moyen d’esquisser le climat de création romanesque québécois, une façon d’offrir une certaine légitimité à un ensemble de textes et une figure repoussoir pour la critique qui tente de définir et de cerner les spécificités de la littérature québécoise. Partie intégrante d’une littérature nationale, l’étude de la critique littéraire et de ses principaux mécanismes éclaire le contexte particulier dans lequel œuvre la littérature québécoise durant une de ses décennies les plus fastes. / This thesis tends to analyze Quebec’s critic discourse between 1960 and 1969 regarding literary genres. The study of the corpus, composed of reception texts about literary works, history books and monographies published in Quebec in the 1960s. The hypothesis of the thesis is that despite the fact that 1960s in Quebec are years of effervescence, critics tend to conceptualize literature and literary genres in an essentialist way and a rather conservative horizon of expectation. In the minds of critics, poetry and novel are two strictly separate forms followed with exclusive themes and values: the poetry is an intransitive and noble genre; the novel is a cerebral and serious type of artwork that has to embody Balzacian realism. In the first analytic chapter of the thesis, we study the explicit definitions of poetry and novel and some and then some generic figures such as political poetry, songs, prose poem and versified novel. The discourse on these genres relays the elements of the horizon of expectation on poetry and novel. In the next chapter, we analyze the contemporary relation between critic and generic system, which also reveal critics axiological and power mechanisms. In the last chapter, we observe the occurrences of French Nouveau roman in the texts of our corpus about Quebec’s contemporary novels. The Nouveau roman is a way for the critic to portrait the context of novel creation during the decade, but also a way to give legitimacy to emerging novels and a figure of opposition for the critics, who attempt to define Quebec literature’s specificities. Research on critic, which is an essential part of any literature, enlightens the whole context in which the Quebec’s writers of the 1960s were crafting their art.

La Fin du monde mise en scène par Julien Daoust : histoire retrouvée d'une innovation théâtro-cinématographique montréalaise présentée en 1907

Dumas, Yves 08 1900 (has links)
S'il est bien établi que le théâtre francophone professionnel s'est imposé de façon durable au Québec dès le tournant du XXe siècle, on connaît moins le rôle majeur qu'a tenu Julien Daoust (1866-1943) dans cette percée historique, autant à Montréal qu'à Québec. Il était l'artiste québécois le plus médiatisé et le plus connu du théâtre entre les années 1898 et 1928. Pour saisir l'ampleur de l'action et de l'œuvre de Julien Daoust et pour comprendre aussi les innovations qu'il a apportées à la scène francophone locale, dont l'intégration de vues animées au spectacle dramatique, il est impératif de rappeler ses expériences en tant que metteur en scène et producteur, en 1907, d'un spectacle théâtro-cinématographique : La Fin du Monde. Pour réaliser ce spectacle inédit, Daoust a dû créer un lieu propice à sa diffusion, soit la Salle Duvernay. Les informations sur ce spectacle étonnant sont rares. Toutefois, de nouvelles archives, issues de la famille de Julien Daoust et disponibles depuis 2021, ouvrent de nouvelles pistes d'investigation avec en particulier, le tapuscrit original (sur six pages) de La Fin du Monde. Ce texte, autour duquel s'articule le présent mémoire, nous permettra d'établir des liens entre le contexte sociohistorique du Montréal culturel du début du XXe siècle, les agentivités du milieu théâtral et les dispositifs techniques et médiatiques utilisés par Daoust pour créer ce qu'on peut bien qualifier d'œuvre d'avant-garde : La Fin du Monde. Il aura permis, par son approche audacieuse, de créer une pratique théâtrale francophone moderne qui remédie tous les médias disponibles en 1907. / While it's well established that professional French-language theater made a lasting impact in Québec at the turn of the 20th-century, what is less well known is the major role played by Julien Daoust (1866-1943) in this historic breakthrough, both in montreal and Quebec City. Between 1898 and 1928, he was Quebec's most publicized and best-known theater artist. To grasp the scope of Julien Daoust's action and work, and to understand the innovations he brought to the local French-language scene, including the integration of animated views into dramatic performance, it is imperative to recall his experiences as a stage director and producer, in 1907, of a theatrical-cinematographic show : La Fin du Monde. To produce this groundbreaking show, Daoust had to create a suitable venue, the Duvernay Hall. Information on this astonishing show is scarce. However, new archives from Julien Daoust's family, available since 2021, have opened up new avenues of investigation, in particular the original typescript, a six-page text. This text, around wich the present dissertation is strutured, will enable us to establish links berween the sosio-historical context of early 20th-century cultural Montreal, the agencies of the theatrical milieu and the technical and media devices used by Daoust to create what can best be described as an avant-garde work : La Fin du Monde. Daoust's daring approach has enabled the creation of a modern French-language theatrical practice that remediates all the media available in 1907.

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