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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Om pedagogers deltagande i barns lek : Pedagogers tankar kring sitt deltagande i barns lek och deras möjligheter att stimulera leken genom miljön på förskolan. / About teacher´s participation in children’s play : Teacher´s thoughts about their own participation in children’s play and their opportunities to stimulate children’s play by the environment in the preschool.

Andersson Bohlin, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på hur pedagoger i förskolan ser på sitt deltagande i barns lek. Det finns även ett intresse för att undersöka hur pedagogerna anser sig kunna påverka barnen genom den miljö som finns på förskolan. Därmed vill jag själv få en djupare förståelse för hur mitt agerande som pedagog kan påverkar barnen i verksamheten. De frågeställningar som är vägledande i mitt arbete är: Vilken betydelse anser sig pedagogerna ha i barns lek? Vad anser pedagogerna om sina möjligheter att påverka miljön i förskolan? Vilken betydelse får min närvaro i barnens lek och hur kan jag som pedagog anpassa miljön för att stimulera barns lek på bästa sätt? För att utforska detta har jag valt att använda mig av litteratur, forskning och kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna har genomförts på två olika förskolor med hjälp av fyra pedagoger.   Studien har visat att pedagogerna har en stor påverkan på barnen i deras lek. Hur pedagogerna väljer att delta i leken får betydelse för vilka kunskaper barnen kommer erövra. Studien visar även att miljön som barnen har runt om sig får betydelse för vilka lekar som uppstår. / The purpose with this survey is to find out how teacher´s in preschool see on their participation in children’s play. There is also an interest to find out if teachers believe they can affect the children through the environment in preschool. My curiosity is based on whether or not I as a teacher can affect the children in preschool.   My work is based on three questions: Which meaning does teachers think they have in children’s play? What possibilities do the teacher´s think they have to affect the environment in the preschool? What effect has my presence in the children’s play and how can I adjust the environment to stimulate the play?   To explore this I had help from literature, research and qualitative semi-structured interviews. I interviewed four teacher´s in two different preschools.  The studies have shown that teacher´s participation has great influence on the children’s play. How teacher´s choose to participate in the play has great meaning for the experience the children carries with them. The study also shows that the environment is important for which play the children emerges in.

Lekmiljöns betydelse i förskolan för barn med olika funktionsnedsättningar : En intervjustudie med pedagoger / Play environments importance in preschool for children with various disabilities : An interview study with the educators

Lindh, Liselotte January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to look at how the educationalists think and work when creating play environments in preschool for children with special needs. The goal is also to show what the educationalists see as possibilities and limitations in modelling their work. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five educators in the working environment. The theoretical outset of this study is based on a socio-cultural perspective. The results showed that the educators create different environments to suit the needs for all children. The play environment are shaped to inspire, challenge and educate. The results showed that the choice of different materials is of great importance in play environments. What the educators strive for in their work is to show visibility and give appropriate access to these materials. There needs to be an appropriate amount of impressions for the children in order for them to maintain their level of focus and concentration. Materials that allow the senses to be activated were shown to be the most important for children with special needs. This can give the children the stimulants they need to be able to learn and develop. In addition the result demonstrates a number of obstacles when modelling play environments. This could be a result of poor financial situations or poor facilities. What is very clear is that when creating and developing play environments it comes down to the educators to be resourceful and creative with the means at hand.

Musik för äldre : En studie om musiklärares uppfattningar om musik för äldre / Music for elderlies : A study on music teachers’ perceptions of music for elderlies

Jacobsen Larrarte, Vegard Andreas January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utforska vilka uppfattningar fyra musikutbildade personer med erfarenhet av äldre har när det gäller musik och äldre. Forskning om sambandet mellan musik och äldre är nästintill frånvarande och den forskning som finns om ämnet rör sig främst kring musik och demenssjukdom. Denna studie tar utgångspunkt i en kombination av forskning om äldre i allmänhet och forskning om äldre med demenssjukdom.   För att söka svar på syfte och forskningsfrågor tar studien sin utgångspunkt i kvalitativa intervjuer, där en semistrukturerad intervjuform i samtal med informanterna har utgjort studiens huvudsakliga forskningsmetod. Studiens informanter har varierad bakgrund, men har gemensamt att de alla är utbildade inom musikpedagogik eller musikterapi och arbetar eller har arbetat med musik för äldre på institution. I studien framkommer en enighet där informanterna menar att musik kan påverka äldre både fysiskt, emotionellt, kognitivt och socialt. / The purpose of this study is to explore the thoughts of four persons with formal training in music and their experiences with music and elderlies. Former research of music and elderlies is almost non-existent and the research available is mainly concentrated to the subject music and elderlies with dementia. This study is therefore based on a combination of research of music and elderlies in general and research of music and elderlies with dementia.   The method consists of qualitative interviews, here defined as a semi-structured interview form in dialogue with the informants. The informants have varied backgrounds, but they have in common that they are formally trained in music pedagogy and/or music therapy and work, or have worked, with music and elderlies in an institution. The four informants believe that music may affect the elderlies physically, emotionally, cognitively and socially.

Time & Sväng i sång / Time & Groove in Singing

Andersson, Gustaf January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få djupare insikt i sångpedagogers syn på Time och Sväng samt hur de didaktiskt arbetar med dessa aspekter. Det saknas mer omfattande forskning inom området. Med detta i behåll har jag för avsikt att få djupare insikt i frågeställningar som rör olika förhållningssätt till hur sångare kan öva upp Time och Sväng samt vad Time och Sväng innebär, generellt och i ett undervisningsperspektiv. Studien har som sin teoretiska utgångspunkt ett sociokulturellt perspektiv med fokus på hur människor använder olika redskap för att kommunicera med sin omgivning. För att få svar på mina frågor har använt mig av en halvstrukturerad intervjuform när jag samtalat med informanterna. Alla informanter i denna studie arbetar idag som sångpedagoger; två av dessa är mer inriktade på jazz medan de andra två är mer inriktade på populärmusik. Resultaten visar att alla informanter anser att Time och Sväng är otroligt viktigt i musik. Tillvägagångssättet för hur de hanterar Time och Sväng skiljer sig däremot något, vilket visar sig i deras användning av en variation av olika redskap för att träna, undervisa i samt lära sig Time och Sväng. / The purpose of this study is to attain a deeper insight in how vocal coaches view Time and Groove and in what way they use these aspects didactically. Extensive research in this area is lacking, only a few papers and research studies exist. With this in mind, my intention is to acquire a deeper insight in questions concerning various methods in how vocalists can develop their abilities in Time and Groove, and what Time and Groove, both generally and from an educational point of view, is. The theoretical starting point of this study is a socio-cultural perspective focused on how people use various tools to communicate. I have worked with the semi-structured interview method when speaking to the informants. The informants work as vocal teachers; two are primarily teaching jazz music, whereas the other two are more oriented towards pop music. The results demonstrate that all of the informants believe that Time and Groove in music is very important. Their approach on how to work with Time and Groove differ slightly, which can be seen in their use of a variety of tools for practicing, teaching and learning Time and Groove.

Tidlös ensembleundervisning? : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagoger undervisar Time i ensemble / Timeless Ensemble Teaching? : A qualitative study on how educators teach Time in an ensemble

Pahlén, Hans, Svensson, Per January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att få en djupare inblick i hur ensemblepedagoger ser på Time samt hur de didaktiskt arbetade med detta. Vi avsåg att få djupare inblick i olika förhållningssätt som ensemblepedagoger kan ha till Time i en undervisningssituation, samt vad begreppet Time innebär. Studien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv med fokus på hur människor använder olika redskap för att kommunicera med sin omgivning. Vi anser att vi har fått en bredare ingång i ämnet genom att alla pedagoger spelar olika instrument. Den gemensamma faktorn är att de undervisar i ensemble på folkhögskola. I undersökningen använder vi oss av den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun för att söka svar på våra frågor. Resultaten visar att alla pedagoger anser att god Timing är otroligt viktigt i samband med musikutövande. Redskapen och de tekniker som pedagogerna använde för att undervisa i Time, var varierande och viktiga. Det visade sig att en syn pedagogerna hade på Time var att det är kopplat till personligheten hos musiker. De ansåg det vara känsligt och svårt att gå in som pedagog och försöka ändra en elevs Time då det är så starkt kopplat till personligheten. / The purpose of this study is to acquire a better understanding of ensemble educators’ view of the concept of Time and how it was didactically applied. Our intentions were to gain a deeper insight in the different approaches in becoming a better ensemble educator regarding teaching Time, and what the concept of Time is. The study had its theoretical standpoint in a socio-cultural perspective, which focuses on how people use different tools to communicate with each other’s surroundings. In the study we used the qualitative research interview to attain the answers to our questions. The result indicates that the educators consider a good sense and feel of Time is important for musicians. The fact that the educators who participated in this study played different instruments provided a broad perspective regarding the subject. Each employed different tools and techniques which varied, yet were all important. The study indicated that, accordingly to the educators, one aspect of Time was connected to the personality of the musicians. This latter aspect helped show how sensitive and difficult it can be for an educator to change a student’s perception of Time, especially when considering the close ties between the concept of Time and the musician’s personality.

Erudição e cultura popular na atividade intelectual de Luís da Câmara Cascudo / Scholarship and popular culture in the intellectual activity of the Luís da Câmara Cascudo

Oliveira, Aluizio Lins de 10 August 2012 (has links)
A descrição de alguns aspectos da vida intelectual de Luís da Câmara Cascudo visa contribuir para análise sociológica de aspectos culturais da sociedade. O autor produziu escrito nas áreas de história, biografia, memorialística e folclore. Com a produção intelectual folclórica se colocou no mercado editorial brasileiro em formação. Procurou-se concentrar análises em alguns documentos culturais relacionados à perspectiva intelectual de Cascudo. Produzidos pelo próprio ou sobre ele. Detalhando características desses documentos bem específicos, tentou-se ver neles alguns elementos das estruturas sociais. Essas produções intelectuais, apesar de diferentes, encerraram no autor uma perspectiva comum de fundo. Tomando alguns pontos específicos das realizações do autor, procurou-se contribuir para as questões culturais que envolvem a intelectualidade brasileira no século XX. / A description of some aspects of the intellectual life of Luís da Câmara Cascudo aims to contribute to sociological analysis of cultural aspects of society. The author has produced writing in the areas of history, biography, memoirs and folklore. With the intellectual folk stood in the Brazilian publishing market in the making. We tried to focus analysis on some documents related to the intellectual culture of Cascudo. Produced by himself or on it. Detailing very specific characteristics of these documents, we tried to see in them some elements of social structures. These intellectual products, although different, the author ended a shared background. Taking some specific achievements of the author, sought to contribute to cultural issues involving Brazilian intellectuals in the twentieth century.

Percepção musical como compreensão da obra musical: contribuições a partir da perspectiva histórico-cultural / Musical perception as understanding of musical workmanship: contributions from historical-cultural perspective

Barbosa, Maria Flávia Silveira 24 April 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho toma como objeto de estudo a percepção musical. Apresenta uma análise crítica de ementas, programas e livros usados na disciplina Percepção Musical, em cursos brasileiros de graduação em Música, através da qual busca desvelar as concepções sobre a percepção musical e seu desenvolvimento que servem de fundamento a esse material. O referencial teórico adotado, a perspectiva histórico-cultural que postula a natureza social e histórica do desenvolvimento humano e a percepção humana como um processo estrutural e semiótico , permitiu identificar, através dessa análise, um entendimento da percepção musical como um processo atomístico baseado no reconhecimento e reprodução dos elementos formadores da linguagem musical. Assumindo a música (efetivamente) como uma forma de linguagem e uma concepção enunciativo-discursiva da linguagem, procura, então, trabalhar com a idéia de que os processos perceptivos em música podem ser considerados como sinônimo de compreensão da obra musical e tenta desenvolver concretamente algumas idéias que possam orientar uma proposta metodológica alternativa para a Percepção Musical. / The study object of this work is musical perception. It presents a critical analysis of summaries, programs and books used in the Musical Perception subject, in Brazilian courses of graduation in Music, through which it searches to reveal the conceptions about musical perception and its development that serve as footing for this material. The adopted theoretical referential, the historical-cultural perspective - that claims the social and historical nature of the human development and the human perception as a structural and semiotic process -, allowed to identify, through the analysis, an agreement of musical perception as an atomistic process based in the recognition and reproduction of the formative elements of musical language. Assuming music (effectively) as a form of language and an enunciativediscursive conception of language, it searches, then, to work with the idea that the perceptive processes in music can be considered as synonymous of understanding of musical workmanship and tries to concretely develop some ideas that can guide an alternative methodological proposal for Musical Perception.

Disability and Kuwaiti society : a critical realist approach to participatory research in contemporary Kuwaiti society

Alenaizi, Hussain January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore disability issues in the Kuwaiti context through a participatory research project with disabled people. Six disabled people participated in this project as co-researchers, and a further eight informants (disabled and non-disabled) contributed to this research as research participants. The thesis initially provides a critical exploration of the dominant conceptualisations of disability, such as the individual and social models and also includes cultural perspectives. The individual model provides an exploration of disability at the biological level, while the social model analyses disability at the socio-economic level (Bhaskar and Danermark, 2006). Cultural perspectives of disability provide an exploration of disability at the socio-cultural level (Danermark and Gellerstedt, 2004).After this exploration, and in relation to the experiences of the co-researchers, the thesis proposes that each of these singular perspectives can only provide limited conceptual effectiveness. The study then goes on to suggest that, rather than reducing the 'problem' of disability to one limited explanation, it is more productive to take an overarching, and more complex and interactional approach to disability that combines the best aspects of individual and social models as well as cultural and societal perspectives. The findings explore a number of disability issues at different levels. The analysis of the discussions with the co-researchers and interviews with the participants of this study emphasise a number of disability issues related to both the body and society. In relation to the body, both the co-researchers and the participants highlight issues and experiences related to the role of impairment in restricting activity, while at the same time acknowledging the roles of society and culture that play a part in disablement. The findings show the complexity of the understandings of disability and challenge the individual model, the social model and cultural perspectives of disability, and show how 'impairment' and 'disability' interact in the lives of disabled people in Kuwait. The thesis argues that an appropriate model for understanding disability in Kuwait is rooted in a critical realist paradigm that views disability from multiple levels, including biological, medical, psychological, socio-cultural and socio-economic levels. The findings also explore the process of participatory research with the co- researchers. In relation to this, the findings highlight the issues of power relations, skills development and reciprocity, decision making processes, sharing the experiences, and the possibility of this research opening the door for further research and changing people's attitudes on disability.

Erudição e cultura popular na atividade intelectual de Luís da Câmara Cascudo / Scholarship and popular culture in the intellectual activity of the Luís da Câmara Cascudo

Aluizio Lins de Oliveira 10 August 2012 (has links)
A descrição de alguns aspectos da vida intelectual de Luís da Câmara Cascudo visa contribuir para análise sociológica de aspectos culturais da sociedade. O autor produziu escrito nas áreas de história, biografia, memorialística e folclore. Com a produção intelectual folclórica se colocou no mercado editorial brasileiro em formação. Procurou-se concentrar análises em alguns documentos culturais relacionados à perspectiva intelectual de Cascudo. Produzidos pelo próprio ou sobre ele. Detalhando características desses documentos bem específicos, tentou-se ver neles alguns elementos das estruturas sociais. Essas produções intelectuais, apesar de diferentes, encerraram no autor uma perspectiva comum de fundo. Tomando alguns pontos específicos das realizações do autor, procurou-se contribuir para as questões culturais que envolvem a intelectualidade brasileira no século XX. / A description of some aspects of the intellectual life of Luís da Câmara Cascudo aims to contribute to sociological analysis of cultural aspects of society. The author has produced writing in the areas of history, biography, memoirs and folklore. With the intellectual folk stood in the Brazilian publishing market in the making. We tried to focus analysis on some documents related to the intellectual culture of Cascudo. Produced by himself or on it. Detailing very specific characteristics of these documents, we tried to see in them some elements of social structures. These intellectual products, although different, the author ended a shared background. Taking some specific achievements of the author, sought to contribute to cultural issues involving Brazilian intellectuals in the twentieth century.

Frisörlärares uppfattningar om digitala verktyg i undervisningen : En fenomenografisk studie / Hairdresser teachers' perceptions of digital tools in teaching : A phenomenographic study

Pettersson, Natalie January 2019 (has links)
In this study, teachers’ perceptions of digital tools in teaching of the hairdressing program are examined. The theoretical starting point for the essay is how the role of digitizing can be seen from a socio-cultural perspective. The collection of data has been made through interviews with a qualitative phenomonographic approach, and five hairdressing teachers in ages 28-57 in the hairdressing program have been interviewed. The result of this study emphasizes that teachers’ knowledge of digital tools’ functions are varied. The examination also point to a relation between teachers’ interest and actual use of digital tools when teaching. In the interviews, the teachers share different views concerning the role of digitizing when it comes to learning. Some see digital tools as a natural element in teaching as our society is becoming more and more digitizing. However, the perception is also that digital tools might pose a threat to the social profession that the students should be trained for.

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