Spelling suggestions: "subject:"customer forminformation"" "subject:"customer informationation""
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Three Phase Balancing of Distribution Systems Using Heuristic RulesHuang, Chih-Wei 09 July 2007 (has links)
In this paper, the heuristic rules are proposed to derive the rephasing strategy of laterals and distribution transformers to improve the three phase unbalance of distribution systems. The distribution feeder network has been obtained by retrieving the attribute data of distribution components from the database of outage management system (OMS) in Taipower. The topology process and node reduction have also been executed to identify the network configuration and to prepare the input data for load flow analysis. With the monthly energy consumption of customers served by each transformer, which has been retrieved from the Customer Information System (CIS), the hourly loading of each distribution transformer can be derived. By performing the three phase load flow analysis, the three phase currents and neutral current of each primary trunk line section and each lateral can be calculated. The heuristic rule is employed to determine the phase adjustment strategy laterals and distribution transformers for rephasing to achieve three phase balancing.
In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for three phase balancing, two practical distribution feeders in Taipower Fengshan District are selected for simulation. After rephasing the distribution transformers and laterals proposed by this paper, the three phase currents and netural of the test feeders have been collected. By companing to the neutral current before rephasing, it is found that the neutral current of test feeders have been reduced significantly and there phase balancing has been obtained by executing the proposed strategy derived using the heuristic rule.
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Řešení SAP pro utilitní společnosti / SAP Products for Utility CompaniesŠafránek, Jan January 2008 (has links)
SAP IS-U is de-facto industry standard for customer information systems for utility companies through Europe -- used in electricity, gas, district heating and water utilities industry. These core modules are needed for invoicing tasks and most classical day-to-day scenarios: * IS-U BF Basic Functions * IS-U MD Master Data * IS-U DM Device Management * IS-U BI-IN Billing Invoicing * FI-CA Contract Accounts Especially for large customers in electricity and gas industry, IS-U EDM Energy Data Management is used for management of interval reading consumption and profiles. As utility industry evolves through market liberalization, unbundling processes are covered by IS-U IDE Intercompany Data Exchange (with PI Process Integration as and integration platform). Additionally, IS-U Work Management can be used to connect IS-U processes with PM Plant Maintenance functionality of SAP ERP and service department processes can be covered through two different products: * IS-U CS Customer Service - Older solution, less robust but fully integrated and easier for implementation * SAP CRM -- Stand-alone product, more robust, full featured solution My diploma theses can be used as a brief introduction into the world of IS-U and I also tried to answer these two additional questions: * Common processes that are not covered by IS-U * Comparison of ASAP and MMDIS methodology
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Customer Information in New Service Development : Case Study in the Swedish Gaming IndustryMulkova, Karolina, Meyer, Melanie January 2017 (has links)
The power of digital technology serves developers of new services as an access funnel to the vast amount of customer behavioural information. The utilization of this information is forecasted to differentiate the winners from the losers in the market and benefit the new service development process. This study explores the phenomenon of customer information in new service development empirically by looking at the industry at the forefront, the gaming industry. By conducting three case studies with leading Swedish game developers, it challenges the previous research assumptions that acquired and disseminated customer information is implicitly used. This study has made significant contributions by investigating the broader context of customer information use and differentiating among three types of use. The findings show that behavioural information is used to backup own decisions or to enhance the developers understanding, but is not directly applied to the decision task. Despite the great potential, this advanced type of customer information is only used in the post-launch stages of new service development, for service iterations. To further validate the findings and explore information use in new service development more in-depth, future research generating contextual detailed realtime data is needed.
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En effektiv etablering av kundinfomation för att öka värdet i produktutveckling / How to establish efficient customer interaction to increase value in product development - A case study at a high technology companyHögstedt, Malin, KENNE, MIKAELA January 2016 (has links)
Idag är det vedertaget att det är vitalt för företag att involvera kunderna i produktutvecklingen för att bättre förstå marknadens behov och maximera värdeskapandet av produkterna. Denna involvering kommer att resultera i en ökad innovationskapacitet för organisationen. Denna fallstudie har för avsikt att besvara forskningsfrågan; hur ska ett medelstort högteknologiskt företag fördela kundinformationsflödet på ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt för att öka innovationskapaciteten? Forskningsmetodiken består av tre delar; såsom förstudie, social nätverksanalys, samt intern och extern benchmarking. Förstudien består av 21 intervjuer internt i organisationen och det sociala nätverket baseras på en enkät, som 49 individer har besvarat. Benchmarkingen har involverat sex individer från en intern avdelning och två intervjuer med externa företag inom samma bransch. Resultatet tyder på att mängden interaktioner med externa kunder bör reduceras för att systematiskt och strukturerat inhämta kundinformationen. För att öka informationsflödet inom organisationen bör en särskild avdelning, som har daglig kontakt med alla avdelningar, ha en informationsspridande roll som överför informationen från marknadsavdelningen till resterande avdelningar internt. Därtill bör spridningen av kundinformation integreras i den dagliga arbetsprocessen, då det underlättar att anamma och använda informationen i det dagliga arbete. / Nowadays, it is well known that it is highly important to involve the customers in the product development in order to better understand the needs of the market, increase the relations to customers and maximize the value creation of the products. This will result in a higher innovation capacity for the organization. This case study intends to answer the research questions, how to allocate the customer information flow in a systematic approach at a medium size high technology company in order to increase the innovation capacity. The research methodology consists of three different parts including pre study, social network analysis, and internal and external benchmarking. The pre study consists of 21 interviews internally in the organization and the social network analysis is based on a survey, which 49 individuals have answered. The benchmarking involves six employees from another department and two interviews with external companies within the same business. The results indicate that the amount of customer interactions with external parties must be decreased in order to systematically receive and maintain customer information. In order to increase the information flow within the organization a specific department, that have daily contacts with almost all departments, should act as a transmitting function as they would connect marketing with research and development. Furthermore, the customer information should be included in the daily working process as it is easier for the employees to embrace and jointly utilize this information.
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Kundinformation utvecklar den interna styrningen / Customer information develops the internal governanceSIMONSSON, LENA, EKDAHL, RICKARD January 2011 (has links)
Hur en verksamhet skall förbättrar sin interna styrning genom användning av kundinformation är ett omdiskuterat ämne. I studien ”Kundinformationen utvecklar den interna styrningen”. Undersöker författarna hur företag som tillämpar användningen av CRM i sin vardagliga verksamhet, har möjlighet att effektivisera för hur de skall nå sin vision. Detta möjliggjordes genom att fråga ett antal verksamheter, hur de ser på vikten av användandet av IT – relaterade verktyg. Skapar ett bättre sätt för verksamheten att kommunicera med kunden och samtidigt underlättar arbetet med den interna styrningen. Detta svarar författarna på när de såg till hur Balanced Scorecard teoretiskt jämfördes med hur det praktiskt tillämpas och vad i insamlingen som är viktigt för verksamheten att ta del av för att nå upp till sin vision. Hur resultatet av den insamling i senare skede går att koppla till verksamhetens interna styrning är i alla högsta grad väsentlig, då en god kommunikation kommer att betyda att en verksamhet tar mer marknadsandelar när relationen till kunden är starkare.Författarna kom fram till att för en verksamhet är kundrelationen guld värd när det gäller att ta marknadsandelar. En verksamhet som varje dag kan analysera kundens efterfrågan kommer i och med detta att kunna forma vilka mål som behövs. Inom ramen för detta är det därför viktigt att verksamheten ser ett icke-finansiellt nyckeltal, utifrån kundperspektivet, som viktigast och värderar de finansiella som tillhörande och hjälpande nyckeltal som kommer att styra upp verksamhetens ekonomi.
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Heuristic Rule-Based Phase Balancing of Distribution Systems by Considering Customer Load PatternsHo, Cheng-Yu 10 June 2004 (has links)
In this paper, a heuristic backtracking search algorithm is proposed to adjust the phasing arrangement of primary feeders and laterals for phase balancing of distribution systems. The phase unbalance index of distribution feeders is calculated based on the phasing current magnitude of each line segment and branch, which has been solved by a 3-phase load flow program. The database of an automated mapping/facility management (AM/FM) system is used to retrieve the component attributes and topology process is executed to determine the electrical network configuration and to identify the customers served by each distribution transformer. By using the monthly energy consumption of the customers in customer information system (CIS) and the typical daily load patterns of customer classes, the hourly loading profiles of distribution transformers can be derived, which can be integrated to solve the load demand of each service zone. By this manner, the individual phase loadings of each primary feeder and lateral can be determined based on the phasing of distribution transformers and the power consumption served. The optimal phase balancing of distribution systems is performed by heuristic rule-based searching process to minimize the phase unbalance index so that the proper phasings of a primary feeder and its lateral can be assigned. To demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed methodology to enhance three-phase balancing of distribution systems, a practical distribution feeder with 2754 customers are selected for computer simulation. It is concluded that three phase balancing of distribution systems can be obtained by properly phasing design of primary feeders and laterals by considering customer load characteristics.
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Leveraging Customer Information in New Service Development : An Exploratory Study Within the Telecom IndustryBeijer, Sebastian, Magnusson, Per January 2018 (has links)
There is an increasing pressure on service firms to innovate and compete on new offerings. As our lives become more digitized through the ubiquitous connectivity by the usage of digital devices, companies are now able to collect vast amount of various data in real-time, and thus, know radically more about their customers. Companies could leverage on this growing body of data and developing relevant services based on customer demands accordingly. One industry compelled to benefit by utilizing customer information is the telecom industry due to fierce competition and a need of innovation in a saturated market. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate how telecom companies use customer information in their development process of new services by answering the research question: How do telecom companies use customer information within their New Service Development process? To illuminate this, a qualitative research was conducted on three Swedish telecom companies. The findings indicate that telecom companies possess a beneficial position since they are able to collect a vast amount of data about their customers due to the digital nature of their services. However, they struggle to efficiently integrate the data and seamlessly disseminate the obtained knowledge internally. Hence, leveraging customer information in new service development has not reached its full potential and how well it is incorporated is determined by the skills of key employees and their collaboration rather than deployed internal processes.
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Developing A Methodology For Finding Network Water Losses Using Information Technologies: A Case StudyBektas, Hayrettin Onur 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to develop an integrated methodology for finding water leaks in a water distribution network. The integrated methodology is formed from SCADA System, Customer Information System (CIS), and Geographic Information System. The methodology is based on forming district-metered areas (DMA) and sub-DMAs in pressure zones by isolation of the network. Leaking spots in the network are localised by step testing within the DMA. With leak noise loggers leaking spots are localized with an increased accuracy and finally pinpointed by ground microphones. Minimum night flows are observed from the SCADA system before and after the repairs of the leaks to calculate physical water loss percentage in the DMA. Monthly non-revenue water percentage is calculated using the data obtained from SCADA and CIS. With a buffer analysis on the water distribution network data, the benefit of the leak noise loggers is maximized and the working time with the ground microphones are minimized. The methodology is applied in two different DMAs in Antalya water distribution network with different characteristics. In the first DMA, only the developed methodology is applied and a decrease of 19.2% is achieved in physical water losses. In the second DMA, pressure reduction is added to the methodology and a decrease of 4.9% is achieved.
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數位產品網路行銷之顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式 / The Measurement Model of Customer Information Satisfaction for Internet Marketing of Digital Products王怡舜, Yi-Shun Wang Unknown Date (has links)
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION….………………………………………….….…1
SATISFACTION ……………………………………………………………………..4
2.1 The Focus of This Study…………………………………………….…..…….4
2.2 The Impact of E-commerce on the Business Process of DPSPs….……….…..5
2.3 Instruments for Measuring User Information Satisfaction (UIS) and
End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS)…….……………..……………….6
2.4 The Conceptual Definition of Web Customer Information Satisfaction ….…..9
2.5 The Theoretical Framework for Assessing WCIS……………………….…..12
2.6 Service Quality versus Customer Satisfaction………………………….……14
3.1 Generation of Initial Item List……………………………………………...16
3.2 Pilot Study…………………………………………………………………....17
FACTOR ANALYSIS…...…………………………………………………………..19
4.1 Sample and Procedure……………………………………………………….19
4.2 Item Analysis and Reliability Estimates……………………………………..20
4.3 Identifying the Factor Structure of the WCIS Construct…..…………………21
4.4 Reliability…………………………………………………………………….23
4.5 Content Validity………………………………………………………………25
4.6 Criterion-Related Validity……………………………………………………25
4.7 Reliability and Criterion-Related Validity by Type of Web Site……………..26
4.8 Discriminant and Convergent Validity……………………………………….27
4.9 Nomological Validity………………………………………………………...28
WCIS INSTRUMENT………………………………………………...……………30
5.1 Need for Confirmatory Analysis………………………………………….….30
5.2 Methods……………………………………………………………………....33
5.3 Data Collection for Confirmatory Analysis………………………………….41
5.4 Alternative Models…………………………………………………..……….43
5.5 Criteria for Comparing Model-Data Fit…..………………………………….46
5.6 Checks for Statistical Assumptions………………………………………….49
5.7 Estimation Method…………………………………………………………...50
5.8 Results………………………………………………………………………..50
5.9 Assessment of Reliability and Validity………………………………………55
5.10 The Measurement of Service Quality……………………………………….60
5.10.1 The Development of SERVQUAL and IS-adapted SERVQUAL………61
5.10.2 Refinement of an EC-adapted SERVQUAL…………………………...66
5.11 Research Findings for Confirmatory Analysis……………………………...72
5.11.1 Findings for Question One……………………………………………72
5.11.1 Findings for Question Two……………………………………………74
5.12 Comparison of Underlying Dimensions Between UIS, EUCS
and WCIS…………………………………………………………………..76
CHAPTER 6. IMPLICATIONS………….………………………………………..77
6.1 Implications for Practice……………………………………………….....….77
6.2 Implications for Research.……………………………………………………79
CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION……..………………………………………………81
APPENDIX A Measurement of Web Customer Information Satisfaction –
Forty-Three Items Used in the Pilot Study…………………………………………...97
APPENDIX B Observed Correlation Matrix of WCIS Instrument in
Confirmatory Analysis..……………………………………………………………....99
APPENDIX C Observed Correlation Matrix of Initial EC-SERVQUAL
APPENDIX D The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 1……..…………………...101
APPENDIX E The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 2.……….………………...102
APPENDIX F The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 3...………………………...104
APPENDIX G The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 4..………………………...105
APPENDIX H The LISREL Program for EC-SERVQUAL Model 1.…………….106
APPENDIX I The LISREL Program for EC-SERVQUAL Model 2.…………….107
APPENDIX J The LISREL Program for The Structural Model Between
WCIS and EC-SERVQUAL Measures………………………………..………………...108
ABOUT THE AUTHOR…………………………………………………………...110 / MIS literature has not addressed the measurement of web customer information satisfaction (WCIS) in electronic commerce. Current models for measuring user information satisfaction (UIS) and end-user computing satisfaction (EUCS) are perceived as inapplicable as they are targeted primarily towards either conventional data processing or the end-user computing environment. This study develops a comprehensive model and instrument for measuring customer information satisfaction for web sites that market digital products and services. This paper first discusses the concepts and definitions of WCIS construct from the literature. The researcher summarizes his findings in a theoretical framework. Based on this framework, the researcher develops a measurement instrument to measure web customer information satisfaction. The procedures used in generating items, collecting data, and purifying a multiple-item scale are described. The researcher has carefully examined evidences of reliability, content validity, criterion-related validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nomological validity by analyzing data from two quota samples. The potential applications for practitioners and researchers are then explored. Finally, the researcher concludes this study by discussing limitations and potential future research. The researcher hopes that the proposed WCIS instrument with good reliability and validity can be used by other researchers to develop and test Internet marketing and EC theories in the future.
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Komunikační mix internetového obchodu / Communication Mix of Online StoreŠidlo, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this work is to analyze the channels and means used for addressing and acquiring existing and future customers of internet commerce hrajhned.cz and information they spreading. With help of primary research, by using the asking technique, determine whether used channels, resources and information are adequate and improve overall communication mix for streamlining sales. This paper aims to clearly define which channels and resources can support the fulfillment of the main long-term objective of this shop - ie extension, trade between the vast majority of customers and gaining at the worst third place in market in the sale of digital distribution of games, and the secondary target for this year - ie the increase in total sales by 40%.
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