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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abordagem sistemática para elaboração da especificação de produtos eletrodomésticos

Morosini, Marcel Monteiro 28 October 2013 (has links)
Para que o desenvolvimento de um novo produto tenha melhores chances de sucesso no competitivo mercado atual, as empresas devem preocupar-se em contemplar as reais necessidades dos clientes em seus projetos. Para tanto, é preciso que os desejos dos clientes transformem-se corretamente em especificações de produto claras e objetivas. Caso contrário, as incorretas ou subjetivas especificações-meta podem gerar um produto que não atenda às expectativas do consumidor. Sabe-se que o reprojeto e retrabalho para modificação do produto implicariam em perdas de tempo, custo e qualidade. Por isso, o processo de geração de especificações no desenvolvimento de produtos é crítico para atingir as metas de time-to-market, custo e qualidade do produto final. A tradução da voz do cliente em requisitos técnicos de projeto é, geralmente, realizada através de métodos como, por exemplo, o QFD. Contudo, o QFD não é muito utilizado na prática em diversos tipos de indústrias, como a de eletrodomésticos, devido a sua generalidade e dificuldade de uso. Desta forma, tem-se por objetivo principal desenvolver uma abordagem sistemática para auxiliar a elaboração de especificações-meta de um eletrodoméstico, no caso, um fogão. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo em uma empresa do ramo para a verificação da oportunidade de pesquisa e coleta de dados para o desenvolvimento de um método e ferramenta. Em seguida, elaborou-se uma ferramenta em planilha eletrônica na qual as especificações-meta de um fogão são geradas automaticamente a partir das informações de entrada de projeto. A validação da sistemática foi realizada pela análise comparativa do resultado gerado pela ferramenta com produtos anteriores já desenvolvidos pela empresa pesquisada. O resultado deste estudo indicou que o método proposto apresenta-se como um mecanismo para geração de especificações de maneira simples e prática, contribuindo para a maior assertividade no desenvolvimento do produto e possível de ser incorporado ao cotidiano da empresa. / In order for a new product development to have better chances of success in today’s competitive market, companies should focus on meeting the real consumer needs in their projects. Thus, it is necessary that the consumer wishes be transformed correctly into clear and objective product specifications. Otherwise, the incorrect or subjective target specifications could generate a product which does not fulfill to the consumer expectations. It is known that the redesign and rework needed due to product modifications would involve loss of time, cost and quality. So, the specification elaboration process during the product development is critical to achieve the targets as time-to-market, cost and quality of the final product. The translation of the voice of customer into project technical requirements is usually accomplished by such methods as, for example, QFD. However, the QFD is not used very often in several industries, like the home appliances factory, because it is general and difficult to use. Therefore, the main objective is to develop a systematic approach for a home appliance specification elaboration, in this case, a cooker. A field study was conducted in a company of this branch to verify the research opportunity and data collection for the method and tool development. Next, an electronic spreadsheet toll was developed for automatically generate the target specifications of a cooker from input data of the project. The systematic validation was implemented by the comparative analysis among the results obtained by the tool with previous products already developed by the researched company. The result of this study indicates that the method proposed is a mechanism for generating specifications in a simple and practical way, contributing to greater assertiveness in product development and can be embedded in the daily-basis process of the company.

Déploiement auto-adaptatif d'intergiciel sur plate-forme élastique / Self-adaptive deployment for middleware on elastic platform

Faye, Maurice-Djibril 10 November 2015 (has links)
Nous avons étudié durant cette thèse les moyens de rendre le déploiement d'un intergiciel auto-adaptatif. Le type d'intergiciel que nous avons considéré ici est hiérarchique (structure de graphe) et distribué. Chaque sommet du graphe modélise un processus qui peut être déployé sur une machine physique ou virtuelle d'une infrastructure de type grille/cloud, les arêtes modélisent des liens de communications entre processus. Il offre aux clients des services de calcul haute performance. Les infrastructures de grilles/cloud étant élastiques (perte et ajout de nœuds), un déploiement statique n'est pas la solution idéale car en cas de panne on risque de tout reprendre à zéro, ce qui est coûteux. Nous avons donc proposé un algorithme auto-stabilisant pour que l'intergiciel puisse retrouver un état stable sans intervention extérieure, au bout d'un temps fini, lorsqu'il est confronté à certains types de pannes. Les types de pannes que nous avons considérés sont les pannes transitoires (simulé par la perte de nœuds, l'ajout de nouveaux nœuds, la perte de liens entre deux nœuds). Pour évaluer ces algorithmes, nous avons conçu un simulateur. Les résultats des simulations montrent qu'un déploiement, sujet à des pannes transitoires, s'auto-adapte. Avant d'en arriver à la phase de programmation du simulateur, nous avons d'abord proposé un modèle d'infrastructure distribuée (ce modèle permet de décrire des environnements de type grille/cloud), un modèle pour décrire certains types d'intergiciels hiérarchiques et enfin un modèle pouvant décrire un intergiciel en cours d'exécution (processus déployés sur les machines). / We have studied the means to make a middleware deployment self-adaptive. Our use case middleware is hierarchical and distributed and can be modeled by a graph. A vertex models a process and an edge models a communication link between two processes. The middleware provides high performance computing services to the users.Once the middleware is deployed on a computing infrastructure like a grid or cloud, how it adapt the changes in dynamic environment? If the deployment is static, it may be necessary to redo all the deployment process, which is a costly operation. A better solution would be to make the deployment self-adaptive. We have proposed a rules-based self-stabilizing algorithm to manage a faulty deployment. Thus, after the detection of an unstable deployment, caused by some transients faults (joining of new nodes or deletion of existing nodes which may modify the deployment topology), the system will eventually recover a stable state, without external help, but only by executing the algorithm.We have designed an ad hoc discrete events simulator to evaluate the proposed algorithm. The simulation results show that, a deployment, subjected to transients faults which make it unstable, adapts itself. Before the simulator design, we had proposed a model to describe a distributed infrastructure, a model to describe hierarchical middleware and a model to describe a deployment, that is the mapping between the middleware processes and the hardware on which they are running on.

OMPP para projeto conceitual de aeronaves, baseado em heurísticas evolucionárias e de tomadas de decisões / OMPP for conceptual design of aircraft based on evolutionary heuristics and decision making

Alvaro Martins Abdalla 30 October 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de otimização multidisciplinar de projeto conceitual de aeronaves. O conceito de aeronave otimizada tem como base o estudo evolutivo de características das categorias imediatas àquela que se propõe. Como estudo de caso, foi otimizada uma aeronave de treinamento militar que faça a correta transição entre as fases de treinamento básico e avançado. Para o estabelecimento dos parâmetros conceituais esse trabalho integra técnicas de entropia estatística, desdobramento da função de qualidade (QFD), aritmética fuzzy e algoritmo genético (GA) à aplicação de otimização multidisciplinar ponderada de projeto (OMPP) como metodologia de projeto conceitual de aeronaves. Essa metodologia reduz o tempo e o custo de projeto quando comparada com as técnicas tradicionais existentes. / This work is concerned with the development of a methodology for multidisciplinary optimization of the aircraft conceptual design. The aircraft conceptual design optimization was based on the evolutionary simulation of the aircraft characteristics outlined by a QFD/Fuzzy arithmetic approach where the candidates in the Pareto front are selected within categories close to the target proposed. As a test case a military trainer aircraft was designed target to perform the proper transition from basic to advanced training. The methodology for conceptual aircraft design optimization implemented in this work consisted on the integration of techniques such statistical entropy, quality function deployment (QFD), arithmetic fuzzy and genetic algorithm (GA) to the weighted multidisciplinary design optimization (WMDO). This methodology proved to be objective and well balanced when compared with traditional design techniques.

Análise diagnóstica para implantação de serviços de farmácia clínica em um hospital público de alta complexidade / Diagnostic analysis for pharmacy services clinical implementation in a public hospital complex of high

Alcântara, Thaciana dos Santos 25 February 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In hospitals, when the pharmaceutical incorporates in your routine the clinical practice, several barriers and facilitators influencing the establishment of Clinical Pharmacy Services. One of the criteria that favor the successful implementation of innovative practices is to understand the perceptions of professionals involved in the practice as well as environmental analysis and qualification of these professionals. Objectives: Understand the perception of a group of pharmacists and key informants on the implementation of clinical pharmacy services in a public hospital of high complexity; analyze the structure (physical and pharmaceutical communication abilities) exists for the development of Clinical Pharmacy services in this institution. Methodology: The first stage corresponds to a qualitative study, which was conducted a focus group with 16 pharmaceutical and interviews with professional managers of pharmaceutical classes (2), nursing (1) and health (1). The data analysis was performed by the content analysis technique. In the second stage was carried the evaluation of the structure to the provision of clinical pharmacy services at the hospital. To analyze the physical structure was used an instrument elaborated based on the ordinance 4,283 / 10 from the Ministry of Health and the Canadian accreditation quality indicators. The pharmaceutical communication abilities were evaluated using the adapted instrument "Assessment of pharmaceutical care process." Results: Stage 1- The perception of pharmacists and other professionals brought topics such as the outdating of the pharmaceutical profession, the resistance of some professionals and difficulties in communicating the multidisciplinary team. Also listed were facilitators for the service and the experience of some professionals in the Clinical Pharmacy services as well as the expectations were related to the improvement in the rational drug use process. Stage 2 - The evaluation of the physical structure was considered inadequate for Clinical Pharmacy services in most of the items evaluated. Inadequacies were found in the location of pharmacies in the hospital and private environment to the pharmaceutical care service, as well as in normative and organizational instruments of pharmacies. In relation to communication abilities, the overall impression of the pharmacist's responsibilities to the Clinical Pharmacy Services was considered regular (3) on a scale of 1-5 the instrument used. Conclusion: The analysis of the perception of participants allow the knowledge of factors such as barriers and facilitators that may influence the implementation of Clinical Pharmacy Services. In the evaluation of the structure important indicators for the development of pharmaceutical services were considered non-conforming to the instrument, which can hamper the clinical practice of pharmacists. Regarding pharmaceutical communication skills, the results indicate difficulties of interaction with the patient as well as other professionals. In this perspective, these results can guide planning for implementation of Clinical Pharmacy in hospitals. / Em hospitais, no momento em que o farmacêutico incorpora a prática clínica em sua rotina, várias barreiras e facilitadores influenciam a implantação dos serviços de Farmácia Clínica. Um dos critérios que favorecem o sucesso da implantação de práticas inovadoras é a compreensão da percepção dos profissionais envolvidos na prática, bem como a análise do ambiente e a qualificação destes profissionais. Objetivos: Compreender a percepção de um grupo de farmacêuticos e de informantes-chave sobre a implantação dos serviços de farmácia clínica em um hospital público de alta complexidade; analisar a Estrutura (física e habilidades de comunicação dos farmacêuticos) existente para o desenvolvimento dos serviços de Farmácia Clínica nesta instituição. Metodologia: A primeira etapa correspondeu a um estudo qualitativo, no qual foram realizados um grupo focal com 16 farmacêuticos e entrevistas com profissionais gestores das classes farmacêutica (2), enfermagem (1) e médica (1). A análise dos dados foi feita por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Na segunda etapa foi realizada a avaliação da Estrutura para a prestação dos serviços de Farmácia Clínica no hospital. Para análise da estrutura física foi utilizado um instrumento elaborado com base na portaria 4.283/10 do Ministério da Saúde e nos indicadores de qualidade da acreditação canadense. As habilidades de comunicação dos farmacêuticos foram avaliadas por meio do instrumento adaptado “Avaliação do processo de atendimento farmacêutico”. Resultados: Etapa 1- A percepção dos farmacêuticos e outros profissionais trouxe temas como a desatualização da profissão farmacêutica, resistência de alguns profissionais e dificuldades na comunicação da equipe multiprofissional. Além disso foram elencados facilitadores para o serviço como a experiência de alguns profissionais com os serviços de Farmácia Clínica, bem como expectativas que estavam relacionadas à melhora no processo de uso racional do medicamento. Etapa 2 – A avaliação da estrutura física foi considerada inadequada para os serviços de Farmácia Clínica na maioria dos itens avaliados. Foram verificadas inadequações na localização das farmácias no hospital e no ambiente reservado ao serviço de assistência farmacêutica, bem como nos instrumentos normativos e organizacionais das farmácias. Em relação às habilidades de comunicação, a impressão geral sobre as competências do farmacêutico para os serviços de Farmácia Clínica foi considerada regular (3) em uma escala de 1-5 do instrumento utilizado. Conclusão: A análise da percepção dos participantes do estudo qualitativo permitiu o conhecimento de fatores, como barreiras e facilitadores, que poderão influenciar a implantação dos serviços de Farmácia Clínica. Na avaliação da estrutura indicadores importantes para o desenvolvimento da Assistência Farmacêutica foram considerados em não conformidade no instrumento, o que podem dificultar a prática clínica dos farmacêuticos. Em relação às habilidades de comunicação dos farmacêuticos, os resultados indicam dificuldades de interação com o paciente e também como outros profissionais. Nesta perspectiva, estes resultados podem direcionar planejamentos para implantação da Farmácia Clínica em hospitais.

Seleção de planos de ação de manutenção com o auxílio do QFD / Maintenance action selection plans with QFD assistance

Santos, Marcelo Lima dos 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Luís Gonzaga Trabasso / Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T21:10:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santos_MarceloLimados_M.pdf: 2796450 bytes, checksum: 2b445c1dbad9c9f8fa26491057009ad6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Esse trabalho apresenta a aplicação do método QFD (Quality Function Deployment - Desdobramento da Função Qualidade) para a seleção de planos de ação para a melhoria do desempenho de serviços de manutenção industrial de uma empresa do setor automotivo. O método é aplicado na área de produção como ferramenta de mapeamento para selecionar as ações de melhoria do desempenho dos serviços de manutenção industrial. A dissertação aborda em sua fundamentação teórica três conteúdos necessários para que seja compreendida e acompanhada a proposta de aplicação do método. O primeiro tema apresenta conceitos sobre qualidade em serviços, as dimensões da qualidade em serviços e como a qualidade é percebida pelos clientes. O segundo conteúdo aborda conceitos relacionados à área de manutenção industrial apresentando uma visão geral da área de manutenção dentro da indústria. O terceiro assunto aborda o conceito de QFD e a aplicação do método na área de serviços. Abordados esses três conteúdos, é apresentada a aplicação do método na área de produção com o objetivo de selecionar planos de ação de manutenção de forma criteriosa e sistemática de acordo com a visão e as necessidades do cliente interno. Com a aplicação do método foi possível, dentre as várias dimensões de qualidade em serviços, definir doze dimensões adequadas à área de manutenção industrial e as três dimensões mais importantes na visão do cliente, que são segurança do trabalho, competência e confiabilidade. A aplicação do método QFD proporcionou determinar as necessidades do cliente inseridas nessas dimensões e selecionar os planos de ação prioritários para a melhoria dos serviços de manutenção industrial, dentre outros benefícios / Abstract: This work presents the QFD application (Quality Function Deployment) for the action plans selection for improving the industrial maintenance services performance of a company in the automotive sector. The method is applied in the production area as a mapping tool to select actions to improve the performance of industrial maintenance services. The paper discusses three theoretical in its content needed to be understood and supported the proposed application of the method. The first topic presents concepts of service quality, the dimensions of service quality and how quality is perceived by customers. The second deals with concepts related to content area of industrial maintenance presenting an overview of the maintenance area within the industry. The third issue addresses the concept and application of QFD method in the service area. Addressed these three content is presented the method in the production area in order to select carefully and systematically maintenance actions plans in accordance with the vision and the needs of the internal customer. With the method it was possible, among the various dimension of service quality, set twelve dimensions appropriate to the area of industrial maintenance and the three most important dimensions of the customer view, which are labor safety, competence and reliability. The QFD application method provided to determine the client's needs included in these dimensions and select the priority action plans for the improvement of industrial maintenance services, among other benefits / Mestrado / Projetos / Mestre em Engenharia Automobilistica

海運承攬運送業導入新服務模式發展之探討- 以A公司為例 / The Exploration on the Introduction of New Service Model Development – A Case Study of Ocean Freight Forwarder Company A

蔣懷德, Chiang, Huai-Te Unknown Date (has links)
海運承攬運送業在進入跨境電商蓬勃發展的年代,貨物才積越來越小,單票貨量逐漸萎縮,貨物價值越來越高,並且在船公司與空運公司分食國際運輸的大餅後,海運承攬運送業的生存空間已經被極度壓縮到了難以生存的處境。 民國102年推出了「海運快遞貨物通關辦法」,讓海運承攬運送業看見了一線生機,這個辦法在推出時是以台北港與福建平潭之間的快速貨輪為運具所立的辦法,這條專有航線原本的用意在於將台灣的產品利用海運快遞的方式,經過福建平潭進入大陸地區,但是在2016年新政府上台後,因為兩岸關係急凍,福建平潭單方面以各種理由延遲了所有海運快遞的通關時間,讓這項原本稱做為海運快遞的專線,變的一點都不快。 但是通關辦法已經存在,本研究將以A公司的專長「廣東省-基隆」這條航線為例,建立在台灣法源基礎的範圍內,利用海運快遞這個通關模式,將原本不合法的假海運快遞(雜貨櫃),用符合法令規範的方式來運輸與通關,建立新服務發展(NSD)為研究架構,再以品質機能展開(QFD)的品質屋來做為研究方法,建立新服務發展模型,A公司能在既有的基礎上開創出一條全新的服務與道路。 / Freight forwarders in the vigorous development of the cross-border electricity supplier's goods to accumulate more and more small, single ticket volume shrinking, the value of the goods is more and more high, and the ship company and the Airborne Inc eating pie international transport, shipping industry living space has been compressed to the difficult survival situation. In 2013, launched the "customs clearance to express cargo shipping, freight forwarders to see this approach in the launch of a slim chance of survival, is a fast ship between Taipei port and Fujian Pingtan for transportation have made this way, originally designed for exclusive route, the Gulf of products using maritime express way after Fujian, Pingtan into the mainland, but in 2016 after the new government came to power, because of cross-strait relations frozen, Fujian Pingtan unilaterally for various reasons to delay all shipping Express customs clearance, make this originally called for the sea transport express line, a little change is not fast. But the clearance measures already exist, this study will use the A company's expertise "in Guangdong Province - Keelung" this route as an example, based on the scope of legal basis in Taiwan, using the express shipping and customs, originally illegal fake courier shipping (grocery cabinet), by coincidence to standard way to transport with the establishment of customs clearance, new service development (NSD) as the research framework with quality function deployment (QFD) of the house of quality as the research methods, the establishment of new service development model, A company can create a new service and road in the existing infrastructure.

Stratégies de commande pour déplacer une meute de capteurs dédiés à l'identification de sources chauffantes mobiles / Control strategies of mobiles sensors for quasi on-line identification of mobile heating source

Tran, Thanh phong 29 June 2017 (has links)
De nombreux systèmes physiques complexes sont modélisés à l’aide de systèmes d’équations aux dérivées partielles comprenant éventuellement des couplages et des non linéarités. Dans ce cadre, les problématiques de commande qui cherchent à définir quels sont les moyens d’actions (éventuellement en dimension infinie) permettant d’atteindre un état désiré ne sont pas triviales.Il en est de même pour l’identification en ligne de caractéristiques du système physique à partir d’informations fournies par des observations pertinentes. Cet aspect est souvent considéré comme un problème inverse dont la résolution pose de nombreuses questions spécifiques et ardues.Afin d’illustrer la problématique du déplacement judicieux d’un ensemble de capteurs mobiles pour reconstruire un terme source dans une équation aux dérivées partielles paraboliques, un dispositif est décrit dans cette étude. Il décrit des phénomènes de convection et diffusion éventuellement non linéaires.Le travail décrit dans ce document est destiné à développer une méthodologie complète en vue de réaliser une conception optimale d'expériences dans le cadre de problèmes mal posés non linéaires associés à l'évaluation de paramètres inconnus dans des systèmes décrits par des équations aux dérivées partielles. Le prototype expérimental a pour objet de tester les performances des stratégies de déploiement optimal d'un ensemble de capteurs mobile afin d’identifier des paramètres de plusieurs sources chauffantes en mouvement. / Many complex physical systems are modeled using systems of partial differential equations including possibly coupling and non-linearity. In this context, the determination of control strategies (in infinite dimension) in order to achieve a desired state is not trivial. It is obvious that quasi on-line identification of characteristics of the physical system from information provided by relevant sensors is quite complex. This optimization problem is often formulated as an inverse problem, whose resolution raises many specific questions. To illustrate the problem of the moving of a set of mobile sensors to identify a term source in parabolic partial differential equations, an experimental device is proposed in this study. Both phenomena of convection and diffusion (possibly non-linear) are taken into account. The work described in this document is intended to develop a comprehensive methodology to achieve an optimal design of experiments for nonlinear ill-posed problems associated with the evaluation of unknown parameters in systems described by partial differential equations. The experimental prototype is intended to test the performance of strategies for optimal deployment of a mobile set of sensors to identify parameters of multiple heating sources in movement.

Spectrum Sensing Receivers for Cognitive Radio

Khatri, Vishal January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Cognitive radios require spectral occupancy information in a given location, to avoid any interference with the existing licensed users. This is achieved by spectrum sensing. Existing narrowband, serial spectrum sensors are spectrally inefficient and power hungry. Wideband spectrum sensing increases the number of probable fre-quency candidates for cognitive radio. Wideband RF systems cannot use analog to digital converters (ADCs) for spectrum sensing without increasing the sampling rate and power consumption. The use of ADCs is limited because of the dynamic range of the signals that need to be sampled and the frequency of operation. In this work, we have presented a CMOS based area efficient, dedicated and scalable wideband parallel/serial spectrum sensor for cognitive radio. The key contributions of the thesis are: 1. An injection locked oscillator cascade (ILOC) for parallel LO synthesis. An area-efficient, wideband RF frequency synthesizer, which simultaneously gen-erates multiple local oscillator (LO) signals, is designed. It is suitable for parallel wideband RF spectrum sensing in cognitive radios. The frequency synthesizer consists of an injection locked oscillator cascade where all the LO signals are derived from a single reference oscillator. The ILOC is implemented in a 130-nm technology with an active area of 0.017 mm2. It generates 4 uni-formly spaced LO carrier frequencies from 500 MHz to 2 GHz. 2. A wideband, parallel RF spectrum sensor for cognitive radios has been de-signed. This spectrum sensor is designed to detect RF occupancy from 250 MHz to 5.25 GHz by using an array of CMOS receivers with envelope detec-tors. A parallel LO synthesizer is implemented as an ILOC. The simulated sensitivity is around -25 dBm for 250 MHz wide bandwidth. 3. A mitigation technique for harmonic downconversion in wideband spectrum sensors. The downconversion of radio frequency (RF) components around the harmonics of the local oscillator (LO), and its impact on the accuracy of white space detection using integrated spectrum sensors, is (are) studied. We propose an algorithm to mitigate the impact of harmonic Down conversion by utilizing multiple parallel downconverters in the system architecture. The proposed algorithm is validated on a test-board using commercially avail-able integrated circuits (IC) and a test-chip implemented in a 130-nm CMOS technology. The measured data shows that the impact of the harmonic down-conversion is closely related to the LO characteristics, and that much of it can be mitigated by the proposed technique. 4. A wideband spectrum sensor for narrowband energy detection. A wideband spectrum sensing system for cognitive radio is designed and implemented in a 130-nm RF mixed-mode CMOS technology. The system employs an I-Q downconverter, a pair of complex filters and a pair of envelope detectors for energy detection. The spectrum sensor works from 250 MHz to 3.25 GHz. The design makes use of the band pass nature of the complex filter to achieve two objectives : i) Separation of upper sideband (USB) and lower sideband (LSB) around the local oscillator (LO) signal and ii) Resolution of smaller bands within a large detection bandwidth. The measured sensitivity is close to -45 dBm for a single tone test over a bandwidth of 40 MHz. The measured Image reject ratio (IRR) is close to 30 dB. The overall sensing bandwidth is 3.5 GHz and the overall wideband detection bandwidth is 250 MHz which is partitioned into 40 MHz narrowband chunks with 8 such overlapping chunks.

The vehicle as a source and consumer of information : collection, dissemination and data processing for sustainable mobility / Le véhicule comme source et consommateur d'information : collecte, dissémination et traitement de données pour la mobilité durable

Mehar, Sara 05 December 2014 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, les véhicules sont devenus de plus en plus sophistiqués, intelligents et connectés. En effet, ils sont équipés de capteurs, radars, GPS, interfaces de communication et capacités de traitement et de stockage élevés. Ils peuvent collecter, traiter et communiquer les informations relatives à leurs conditions de travail et leur environnement formant un réseau véhiculaire. L'intégration des technologies de communication sur les véhicules fait l'objet d'une immense attention de l'industrie, des autorités gouvernementales et des organisations de standardisations; elle a ouvert la voie à des applications innovantes qui vont révolutionner le marché de l'automobile avec les principaux objectifs d'assurer la sécurité sur les routes, augmenter l'efficacité des transports et offrir un confort aux conducteurs et passagers. En outre, le transport est un secteur en évolution active. Des moyens de transport plus durables comme les véhicules électriques s'introduisent progressivement sur le marché de l'automobile tout en créant de nouveaux défis liés à la contrainte énergétique et la protection de l'environnement qui restent à résoudre.De nombreux projets et études ont été initiés exploitant les avantages des technologies de l'information et de communication (TIC) afin de répondre aux différents défis des systèmes de transport. Cependant, avoir des véhicules connectés et coopératifs crée un réseau hautement dynamique caractérisé par des ruptures de lien et de pertes de messages très fréquentes. Pour résoudre ces problèmes de communication, cette thèse se concentre sur deux axes majeurs: (i) le véhicule connecté (ou mobilité connectée) et (ii) la mobilité durable. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, la diffusion, la collecte et l'acheminement de données dans un réseau de véhicule sont adressés. Ainsi, un nouveau protocole de diffusion est proposé afin de faire face à la fragmentation et la connectivité intermittente dans ces réseaux. Ensuite, une nouvelle stratégie de déploiement d'infrastructure de communication est conçue afin d'améliorer la connectivité réseau et l'utilisation des ressources. Enfin, un nouveau protocole de routage, pour applications sensibles au délai, utilisant cette nouvelle infrastructure de communication est proposé. La deuxième partie se concentre sur la mobilité durable avec un focus sur les véhicules électriques et avec un objectif de réduire les problèmes de pollution et d'utiliser efficacement l'énergie. Une nouvelle architecture de gestion de flottes de véhicules électriques est proposée. Cette dernière utilise les protocoles implémentés dans la première partie de cette thèse afin de collecter, traiter et diffuser les données. Elle permet de surmonter les limitations liées à la courte autonomie des batteries des véhicules électriques. Ensuite, pour répondre aux besoins et défis d'équilibre énergétique, un nouveau schéma de déploiement des stations de recharge pour véhicules électriques est proposé. Cette solution permet de satisfaire les demandes des conducteurs en terme d'énergie, tout en tenant compte les capacités énergétiques disponibles. / Today, vehicles have become more sophisticated, intelligent and connected. Indeed, they are equipped with sensors, radars, GPS, communication interfaces and high processing and storage capacities. They can collect, process and communicate information related to their working conditions and their environment forming a vehicular network. The incorporation of communication technologies on vehicles garnered a huge attention of industry, government authorities and standardizations organizations and opened the way for innovative applications that revolutionized the automotive market with the main goals to ensure safety on roads, increase transport efficiency and provide comfort to drivers and passengers. In addition, transportation is still an actively evolving sector. More sustainable means of transportation such as electric vehicles are introduced progressively to the automotive market with new challenges related to energy consumption and environment preservation that remain to be solved. Many research investigations and industrial projects are done to exploit the advantages of information and communication technologies (ICT) to fit with transportation challenges. However, having connected and cooperative vehicles creates a highly dynamic network characterized by frequent link breaks and message losses. To cope with these communication limitations, this thesis focuses on two major axis: (i) connected vehicle or connected mobility and (ii) sustainable mobility. In the first part of this thesis, data dissemination, collection and routing in vehicular networks are addressed. Thus, a new dissemination protocol is proposed to deal with frequent network fragmentation and intermittent connectivity in these networks. Then, a new deployment strategy of new communication infrastructure is developed in order to increase network connectivity and enhance the utilization of the network resources. Finally, a new routing protocol, for delay-sensitive applications, that uses the optimized infrastructure deployment is proposed. The second part focuses on sustainable mobility with a focus on electric vehicles and with the main objective is to reduce pollution issues and make better use of energy. A new architecture for electric vehicles fleet management is proposed. This latter uses the implemented protocols of the first part of this thesis in order to collect, process and disseminate data. It helps to overcome the limitations related to short autonomy of electric vehicles. Then, to meet energy balance challenges, a new deployment scheme for electric vehicles charging stations is developed. This solution helps to satisfy drivers’ demands in term of energy while taking into account available resources.

Case studies in human information behaviour in smart urban spaces

Kukka, H. (Hannu) 14 August 2012 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation aims to uncover emerging practices in how people seek information while on the move in augmented urban spaces. The backdrop for a majority of the work presented here is the City of Oulu in Finland, where we have installed a variety of new ubiquitous computing infrastructure and services including, among others, a network of large interactive public displays called UBI-hotspots. The hotspots serve as a versatile platform on top of which new types of services can be developed, deployed and tested in an authentic urban setting with real, non-coached users and a sufficiently long timespan to truly evaluate the impact of such services on the everyday life and practices of the city and its citizens. The case studies presented in this dissertation aim at understanding the effect of such highly visible additions to the urban space from the point of view of human information behaviour. I seek to understand the underlying information seeking strategies people employ while foraging the hotspots for information, and the types of information people see as valuable while attending their daily business in the downtown area of the City. Questions such as how do people utilize the new sources of information in their daily information seeking tasks, and what is the preferred medium for information delivery, are addressed. The theoretical framework for the studies is derived from both ubiquitous and urban computing, and from the field of human information behaviour research. The main findings of the presented studies indicate that people have adapted the new infrastructure and services as parts of their daily information seeking tasks. The detailed usage data logged by all hotspots provide insight into the browsing habits of users, and analysis of inter-session navigation show that various latent strategies of information seeking exist. Further, findings indicate that there is a clear difference between the types of services people perceive as useful prior to using the hotspots, and services that people actually use on the hotspots. Also, findings indicate that people are willing to download information items from the hotspots to their mobile devices for later reference, thus adding information to their personal information repository. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja pyrkii löytämään ja selittämään uusia tapoja joilla ihmiset etsivät informaatiota älykkäissä kaupunkitiloissa. Tausta suurelle osalle työstä on Oulun kaupunki, jonne olemme asentaneet erilaisia jokapaikan tietotekniikan laitteistoja sekä palveluja. Erityisesti väitöskirjassa tutkitaan suurten julkisten näyttöjen – ”UBI-näyttöjen” – verkostoa. UBI-näytöt toimivat monipuolisena alustana jonka päällä uusia palveluja voidaan kehittää sekä testata autenttisessa kaupunkitilassa todellisten käyttäjien toimesta riittävän pitkällä aikavälillä, joka puolestaan mahdollistaa palveluiden todellisen merkittävyyden arvioimisen suhteessa ihmisten jokapäiväiseen informaatiokäyttäytymiseen sekä informaatiotarpeisiin. Väitöskirjassa esitetyt tapaustutkimukset pyrkivät ymmärtämään tällaisten erittäin näkyvien tietoteknisten laitteiden vaikutusta ihmisten käyttäytymiseen informaatiotutkimuksen näkökulmasta. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat ihmisten jokapäiväiseen tiedonhakuun liittyvät strategiat heidän käyttäessään UBI-näyttöjä, sekä erilaiset informaatiotyypit joita ihmiset pitävät tärkeinä hoitaessaan jokapäiväisiä asioitaan kaupunkitiloissa. Kysymykset kuten kuinka ihmiset käyttävät uusia informaation lähteitä etsiessään tietoa jokapäiväisiin tarpeisiinsa sekä millä laitteilla ihmiset mieluiten etsivät ko. tietoa ohjaavat suurta osaa tutkimuksesta. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu jokapaikan tietotekniikan tutkimuksesta, urbaanin tietotekniikan tutkimuksesta, sekä ihmisten informaatiokäyttäytymisen tutkimuksesta. Tutkimuksen tärkeimmät löydökset osoittavat että ihmiset ovat ottaneet uudet tietotekniset resurssit osaksi päivittäistä informaatiokäyttäytymistään. Yksityiskohtainen lokitieto yhdistettynä haastattelu- ja havainnointidataan tarjoaa syvällisen näkemyksen käyttäjien tiedontarpeisiin. Dataa analysoimalla olemme havainneet joukon strategioita joita ihmiset käyttävät etsiessään tietoa kaupunkitiloissa. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, että ihmisten oletettujen tiedontarpeiden sekä havainnoidun käyttäytymisen välillä on suuria eroavaisuuksia. Käyttäjät ovat myös halukkaita lataamaan tietosisältöä matkapuhelimiinsa myöhempää käyttöä varten, täten lisäten tietoa omaan henkilökohtaiseen tietovarastoonsa.

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