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Reconfiguración Dinámica e Incremental de Arquitecturas de Servicios Cloud Dirigida por ModelosZuñiga Prieto, Miguel Ángel 04 September 2017 (has links)
Cloud computing represents a fundamental change in the way organizations acquire technological resources (e.g., hardware, development and execution environments, applications); where, instead of buying them, they acquire remote access to them in the form of cloud services supplied through the Internet. Among the main characteristics of cloud computing is the allocation of resources in an agile and elastic way, reserved or released depending on the demand of the users or applications, enabling the payment model based on consumption metrics.
The development of cloud applications mostly follows an incremental approach, where the incremental delivery of functionalities to the client changes - or reconfigures - successively the current architecture of the application. Cloud providers have their own standards for both implementation technologies and service management mechanisms, requiring solutions that facilitate: building, integrating and deploying portable services; interoperability between services deployed across different cloud providers; and continuity In the execution of the application while its architecture is reconfigured product of the integration of the successive increments.
The principles of the model-driven development approach, the architectural style service-oriented architectures, and the dynamic reconfiguration play an important role in this context. The hypothesis of this doctoral thesis is that model-driven development methods provide cloud service developers with abstraction and automation mechanisms for the systematic application of the principles of model engineering during the design, implementation, and incremental deployment of cloud services, facilitating the dynamic reconfiguration of the service-oriented architecture of cloud applications.
The main objective of this doctoral thesis is therefore to define and validate empirically DIARy, a method of dynamic and incremental reconfiguration of service-oriented architectures for cloud applications. This method will allow specifying the architectural integration of the increment with the current cloud application, and with this information to automate the derivation of implementation artifacts that facilitate the integration and dynamic reconfiguration of the service architecture of the cloud application. This dynamic reconfiguration is achieved by running reconfiguration artifacts that not only deploy / un-deploy increment's services and orchestration services between services of the increment with the services of the current cloud application; but also, they change the links between services at runtime.
A software infrastructure that supports the activities of the proposed method has also been designed and implemented. The software infrastructure includes the following components: i) a set of DSLs, with their respective graphical editors, that allow to describe aspects related to the architectural integration, implementation and provisioning of increments in cloud environments; ii) transformations that generate platform-specific implementation and provisioning models; (iii) transformations that generate artifacts that implement integration logic and orchestration of services, and scripts of provisioning, deployment, and dynamic reconfiguration for different cloud vendors.
This doctoral thesis contributes to the field of service-oriented architectures and in particular to the dynamic reconfiguration of cloud services architectures in an iterative and incremental development context. The main contribution is a well-defined method, based on the principles of model-driven development, which makes it easy to raise the level of abstraction and automate, through transformations, the generation of artifacts that perform the dynamic reconfiguration of cloud applications. / La computación cloud representa un cambio fundamental en la manera en la que las organizaciones adquieren recursos tecnológicos (p. ej., hardware, entornos de desarrollo y ejecución, aplicaciones); en donde, en lugar de comprarlos adquieren acceso remoto a ellos en forma de servicios cloud suministrados a través de Internet. Entre las principales características de la computación cloud está la asignación de recursos de manera ágil y elástica, reservados o liberados dependiendo de la demanda de los usuarios o aplicaciones, posibilitando el modelo de pago basado en métricas de consumo.
El desarrollo de aplicaciones cloud sigue mayoritariamente un enfoque incremental, en donde la entrega incremental de funcionalidades al cliente cambia - o reconfigura - sucesivamente la arquitectura actual de la aplicación. Los proveedores cloud tienen sus propios estándares tanto para las tecnologías de implementación como para los mecanismos de gestión de servicios, requiriéndose soluciones que faciliten: la construcción, integración y despliegue de servicios portables; la interoperabilidad entre servicios desplegados en diferentes proveedores cloud; y la continuidad en la ejecución de la aplicación mientras su arquitectura es reconfigurada producto de la integración de los sucesivos incrementos.
Los principios del enfoque de desarrollo dirigido por modelos, del estilo arquitectónico de arquitecturas orientadas a servicios y de la reconfiguración dinámica cumplen un papel importante en este contexto. La hipótesis de esta tesis doctoral es que los métodos de desarrollo dirigido por modelos brindan a los desarrolladores de servicios cloud mecanismos de abstracción y automatización para la aplicación sistemática de los principios de la ingeniería de modelos durante el diseño, implementación y despliegue incremental de servicios cloud, facilitando la reconfiguración dinámica de la arquitectura orientada a servicios de las aplicaciones cloud.
El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es por tanto definir y validar empíricamente DIARy, un método de reconfiguración dinámica e incremental de arquitecturas orientadas a servicios. Este método permitirá especificar la integración arquitectónica del incremento con la aplicación cloud actual, y con esta información automatizar la derivación de los artefactos de implementación que faciliten la integración y reconfiguración dinámica de la arquitectura de servicios de la aplicación cloud. Esta reconfiguración dinámica se consigue al ejecutar los artefactos de reconfiguración que no solo despliegan/repliegan los servicios del incremento y servicios de orquestación entre los servicios del incremento con los servicios de la aplicación cloud actual; sino también, cambian en tiempo de ejecución los enlaces entre servicios.
También se ha diseñado e implementado una infraestructura software que soporta las actividades del método propuesto e incluye los siguientes componentes: i) un conjunto de DSLs, con sus respectivos editores gráficos, que permiten describir aspectos relacionados a la integración arquitectónica, implementación y aprovisionamiento de incrementos en entornos cloud; ii) transformaciones que generan modelos de implementación y aprovisionamiento; iii) transformaciones que generan artefactos que implementan la lógica de integración y orquestación de servicios, y scripts de aprovisionamiento, despliegue y reconfiguración dinámica específicos para distintos proveedores cloud.
Esta tesis doctoral contribuye al campo de las arquitecturas orientadas a servicios y en particular a la reconfiguración dinámica de arquitecturas de servicios cloud en contextos de desarrollo iterativo e incremental. El principal aporte es un método bien definido, basado en los principios del desarrollo dirigido por modelos, que facilita elevar el nivel de abstracción y automatizar por medio de transformaciones la generación de artefactos que real / La computació cloud representa un canvi fonamental en la manera en què les organitzacions adquirixen recursos tecnològics (ej., maquinari, entorns de desplegament i execució, aplicacions) ; on, en compte de comprar-los adquirixen accés remot a ells en forma de servicis cloud subministrats a través d'Internet. Entre les principals característiques de la computació cloud els recursos cloud són assignats de manera àgil i elàstica, reservats o alliberats depenent de la demanda dels usuaris o aplicacions, possibilitant el model de pagament basat en mètriques de consum.
El desenrotllament d'aplicacions cloud seguix majoritàriament un enfocament incremental, on l'entrega incremental de funcionalitats al client canvia - o reconfigura - successivament l'arquitectura actual de l'aplicació. Els proveïdors cloud tenen els seus propis estàndards tant per a les tecnologies d'implementació com per als mecanismes de gestió de servicis, requerint-se solucions que faciliten: la construcció, integració i desplegament de servicis portables; la interoperabilitat entre servicis desplegats en diferents proveïdors cloud; i la continuïtat en l'execució de l'aplicació mentres la seua arquitectura és reconfigurada producte de la integració dels successius increments.
Els principis de l'enfocament de desenrotllament dirigit per models, de l'estil arquitectònic d'arquitectures orientades a servicis i de la reconfiguració dinàmica complixen un paper important en este context.
La hipòtesi d'esta tesi doctoral és que els mètodes de desenrotllament dirigit per models brinden als desenvolupadors de servicis cloud mecanismes d'abstracció i automatització per a l'aplicació sistemàtica dels principis de l'enginyeria de models durant el disseny, implementació i desplegament incremental de servicis cloud, facilitant la reconfiguració dinàmica de l'arquitectura orientada a servicis de les aplicacions cloud.
L'objectiu principal d'esta tesi doctoral és per tant de definir i validar empí-ricamente DIARy, un mètode de reconfiguració dinàmica i incremental d'arquitectures orientades a servicis per a aplicacions cloud. Este mètode permetrà especificar la integració arquitectònica de l'increment amb l'aplicació cloud actual, i amb esta informació automatitzar la derivació dels artefactes d'implementació que faciliten la integració i reconfiguració dinàmica de l'arquitectura de servicis de l'aplicació cloud. Esta reconfi-guración dinàmica s'aconseguix a l'executar els artefactes de reconfiguració que no sols despleguen/repleguen els servicis de l'increment i servicis d'orquestració entre els servicis de l'increment amb els servicis de l'aplicació cloud actual; sinó també, canvien en temps d'execució els enllaços entre servicis.
També s'ha dissenyat i implementat una infraestructura programari que suporta les activitats del mètode proposat i inclou els següents components: i) un conjunt de DSLs, amb els seus respectius editors gràfics, que permeten descriure aspectes relacionats a la integració arquitectònica, implementació i aprovisionament en entorns cloud dels increments; ii) transformacions que generen models d'implementació i aprovisionament específics de la plataforma a partir dels models d'integració d'alt nivell; iii) transformacions que generen artefactes que implementen la lògica d'integració i orquestració de servicis, i scripts d'aprovisionament, desplegament i reconfiguració dinàmica específics per a distints proveïdors cloud.
Esta tesi doctoral contribuïx al camp de les arquitectures orientades a servicis i en particular a la reconfiguració dinàmica d'arquitectures de servicis cloud en contextos de desenrotllament iteratiu i incremental. La principal aportació és un mètode ben definit, basat en els principis del desenrotllament dirigit per models, que facilita elevar el nivell d'abstracció i automatitzar per mitjà de transformacions la generació d'artefactes que r / Zuñiga Prieto, MÁ. (2017). Reconfiguración Dinámica e Incremental de Arquitecturas de Servicios Cloud Dirigida por Modelos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86288
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Enhancing Drone Spectra Classification : A Study on Data-Adaptive Pre-processing and Efficient Hardware DeploymentDel Gaizo, Dario January 2023 (has links)
Focusing on the problem of Drone vs. Unknown classification based on radar frequency-amplitude spectra using Deep Learning (DL), especially 1-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks (1D-CNNs), this thesis aims at reducing the current gap in the research related to adequate pre-processing techniques for hardware deployment. The primary challenge tackled in this work is determining a pipeline that facilitates industrial deployment while maintaining high classification metrics. After presenting a comprehensive review of existing research on radar signal classification and the application of DL techniques in this domain, the technical background of signal processing is described to provide a practical scenario where the solutions could be implemented. A thorough description of technical constraints, such as Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) data type requirements, follows the entire project justifying the necessity of a learning-based pre-processing technique for highly skewed distributions. The results demonstrate that data-adaptive preprocessing eases hardware deployment and maintains high classification metrics, while other techniques contribute to noise and information loss. In conclusion, this thesis contributes to the field of radar frequency-amplitude spectra classification by identifying effective methods to support efficient hardware deployment of 1D-CNNs, without sacrificing performance. This work lays the foundation for future studies in the field of DL for real-world signal processing applications. / Med fokus på problemet med klassificering av drönare kontra okänt baserat på radarfrekvens-amplitudspektra med Deep Learning (DL), särskilt 1-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks (1D-CNNs), syftar denna avhandling till att minska det nuvarande gapet i forskningen relaterad till adekvata förbehandlingstekniker för hårdvarudistribution. Den främsta utmaningen i detta arbete är att fastställa en pipeline som underlättar industriell driftsättning samtidigt som höga klassificeringsmått bibehålls. Efter en omfattande genomgång av befintlig forskning om klassificering av radarsignaler och tillämpningen av DL-tekniker inom detta område, beskrivs den tekniska bakgrunden för signalbehandling för att ge ett praktiskt scenario där lösningarna kan implementeras. En grundlig beskrivning av tekniska begränsningar, såsom krav på datatyper för FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), följer hela projektet och motiverar nödvändigheten av en inlärningsbaserad förbehandlingsteknik för mycket skeva fördelningar. Resultaten visar att dataanpassad förbehandling underlättar hårdvaruimplementering och bibehåller höga klassificeringsmått, medan andra tekniker bidrar till brus och informationsförlust. Sammanfattningsvis bidrar denna avhandling till området klassificering av radarfrekvens-amplitudspektra genom att identifiera effektiva metoder för att stödja effektiv hårdvarudistribution av 1D-CNN, utan att offra prestanda. Detta arbete lägger grunden för framtida studier inom området DL för verkliga signalbehandlingstillämpningar.
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應用品質機能展開發展使用者導向之圖書館館藏評鑑系統 / Applying Quality Function Deployment to Develop Library Collection Evaluation System based on User Needs陳廣宗, Chen, Kuang Chung Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究嘗試以「品質機能展開(Quality function deployment,QFD)」為基礎,發展一套半自動化的「使用需求導向館藏評鑑系統」,希望以系統化和新的不同評鑑模式來輔助館藏評鑑。本系統所應用之資料來源為使用者問卷調查以及圖書館自動化系統的各種紀錄,透過品質機能展開,以量化的方法將兩者做矩陣式的對應和計算並求得結果,作為輔助館藏評鑑時的參考。
研究之發現有以下幾點:1.應用品質機能展開所開發之系統,確實可應用於館藏評鑑,但較適合觀察長期趨勢;2. 不同使用者族群對圖書館館藏重視之層面可能有差異,此差異在本系統中會對結果造成影響,影響幅度由需求差異大小決定;3.無法量化計算的質性使用者需求,仍然受到使用者重視,在館藏評鑑中亦相當重要;4.本研究所開發之系統,有助於資源不足之基層圖書館館藏評鑑作業的推動。 / Library collection evaluation is one of important part of collection development, to understand the goodness or weakness of collection. It includes quality of content, analyzing of use, user needs, etc. But because of lake of staff and funds, collection evaluation becomes a burden to many libraries. To small libraries, it is more difficult. So it is necessary to develop a simple method to save the cost and labors for libraries.
This study applies the Quality Function Deployment to develop a half-automatic library collection evaluation system, hoping to help collection evaluation works in a systematic, efficient way. The system in this study uses two kinds of data for computing: questionnaire survey of user needs and library automation system records. By applying the Quality Function Deployment, the system can combine above data and records, and generate analysis of collection and user needs in graphics. Finally, it can help decision making according to this information.
This study takes Taipei Muzha vocational high school as the object, the method and procedures would be: questionnaire survey, system developing and analyzing, interview with librarians.
The study obtains following conclusions: 1.Applying QFD, this system can help collection evaluation in practical, but it is more suitable to observe long-term trends than short-term; 2. Different group of users concern different needs in using library collections, those differences will affect the result of this collection evaluation system; 3. Some user needs can not be quantitated for system progressing, part of those needs are important in users’ opinions, so in a practical collection evaluation work, libraries can not ignore them; 4. This collection evaluation system can help some small-scale, basic-level, insufficient-resource libraries to accomplish their collection evaluation work.
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GeschlechterdispositivJäckle, Monika 26 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Der Begriff Geschlechterdispositiv verweist auf den Dispositiv-Begriff bei Michel Foucault und umfasst das machtvolle Zusammenspiel von hegemonialen Geschlechternormen in Gestalt von gesellschaftlich-kulturellen Leitbildern (Diskursen), von institutionellen Regelungen wie Geschlechtsrollenverteilungen (Institutionen), von vergeschlechtlichten Praktiken im Sinne des doing gender (Praxis) und von geschlechtlichen Identitätsangeboten (Subjektivität). Die Konstruktion von Geschlecht ist mit Machtbeziehungen und Wahrheitspolitiken verbunden. Das Geschlechterdispositiv stellt damit auch eine Analyseeinheit dar, die sich für eine empirische Forschung im Sinne einer relationalen Machtanalytik öffnet.
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應急行動通訊系統設計 / Design of contingency cellular network黃智賢, Huang, Jyh-Shyan Unknown Date (has links)
當大型災害來臨,通訊系統對救災效益具有不可或缺的重要性。然而,一般公眾通訊系統,如行動通訊網路等,常因各種不同因素導致系統攤瘓,使得協調大批非組織的救災志工,顯得異常困難。現存多個緊急通訊系統的佈建,需仰頼良好的交通運輸。不幸的是,部分道路和橋樑常因大型災害而斷裂或變型,導致災區對外交通運輸中斷,無法快速的將緊急通訊系統的網路元件,運送至災區佈建。我們提出應急行動通訊系統(Contingency Cellular Network, CCN) 以提供災區救災工作的緊急通訊。部分行動基地台雖然結構完整,但因失去與核心網路連線能力或電力供應,而無法提供服務,成為孤立基地台。應急行動通訊網路(CCN) 搭配無線通訊與衛星通訊技術建置一多重跳接無線網路,以恢復孤立基地台與核心網路連線能力;並配備發電機,提供電力,使孤立基地台可提供有限的服務。救災志工和災民無需使用特殊手持設備或額外的訓練,只需使用原有的手機,即可使用CCN的應急通訊服務。CCN可於第一時間,提供大批救災志工和災民通訊服務,以提高救災效益,因而拯救更多寶貴的生命。
本論文主要聚焦在應急行動通訊系統設計所衍生出的相關議題,如 應急網路需求分析、系統架構設計、網路拓樸規劃、網路頻寬規劃、佈署行程規劃等議題。本論文針對網路拓樸規劃、網路頻寬規劃、佈署行程規劃問題以數學模式進行塑模並證明這些問題為NP-Hard問題。因網路拓樸規劃、網路頻寬規劃、佈署行程規劃需緊急完成,我們也提出啟發式算法快速解決這些規劃問題。實驗結果顯示,這些啟發式算法均具良好的效能。 / Communication system is crucial to the efficiency of disaster response operation in the large-scale disaster. However, communication systems, such as cellular networks, usually crashed due to various causes making coordination among disorganized disaster responders extremely difficult. Unfortunately, rapid deployment of many existing emergency communication systems relies on a good transportation system, which is usually not available in a catastrophic natural disaster. We proposed a Contingency Cellular Network (CCN) for emergency communication by connecting disconnected base stations together with wireless links to construct a wireless multi-hop cellular network. CCN can support existing mobile phone users with reduced capability. Such a system can support a large number of disaster responders in the early hours of a catastrophic natural disaster, thus save many lives.
Our research addresses the design issues of the network topology of CCN, such as network topology planning, bandwidth management, deployment scheduling and etc., and we take the degree of emergency and population of each stricken area as the priority measure as well as the available resources as the constraint to determine the network topology. Mathematical models of these design issues are proposed and proved as NP-Hard problems. Since the network topology, bandwidth management, deployment scheduling are needed in urgent, we propose heuristic algorithms to solve these problems quickly. Finally, we evaluated the proposed algorithms by simulation. A significant improvement in resiliency is reached.
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Déploiement de la qualité de vie au travail chez les sous-traitants des grands-groupes / Deployment of Quality of Work Life among Subcontractors of Large GroupsEddial, Hajar 22 November 2016 (has links)
La qualité de vie au travail est une tendance RH, fréquemment abordée dans des situations incertaines pour faire face au changement. Elle peut être définie comme une multitude de connexions positives qui engendrent de meilleures relations professionnelles et interprofessionnelles. L’action sur le volet qualité de vie au travail permettrait une meilleure relation et coordination entre donneurs d’ordres et sous-traitants et engendrerait ainsi une meilleure performance. Comment les donneurs d’ordres parviennent à faire déployer la qualité de vie au travail chez leurs sous-traitants ? La réponse constitue le fil conducteur de l’exploration empirique. En effet, une étude de cas pilote auprès du groupe Orange permet de faire émerger les difficultés de ce déploiement. Cette thèse propose des solutions dont un modèle inductif basé sur un échange approfondi avec Orange et ses partenaires pour un déploiement facilité favorisant la participation des sous-traitants. Deux autres études de cas complémentaires permettent d’approfondir les attentes des sous-traitants et les objectifs des donneurs d’ordres. Les résultats démontrent qu’à travers la théorie de la coordination relationnelle les donneurs d’ordres pourraient, (au lieu de déployer la qualité de vie au travail), co-construire et associer les sous-traitants à la mise en œuvre des différentes démarches qui permettent l’instauration des relations positives au travail et que les deux partenaires devraient tendre vers le Knowledge Orientation Management. / The quality of work life is an HR trend, frequently discussed in uncertain situations to deal with change. It can be defined as a multitude of positive connections that create better professional and interprofessional relationships. The action on quality of work life allows better relation between contractors and subcontractors which result in better performance. How donors of orders manage to deploy quality of work life among their subcontractors? The answer is the thread of the empirical exploration. Indeed, a pilot case study with the Orange group helps develop the difficulties of deployment. This thesis offers solutions including a theoretical model based on a through exchange with Orange and its partners which present a simplified implementation with the active participation of subcontractors.Two other complementary case studies help to deepen the expectations of subcontractors and objectives of contractors. The results show that through the theory of relational coordination, contractors could ( instead of deploying the quality of work life ), co- build and involve subcontractors in the implementation of the different approaches allowing the establishment of positive relationships at work and that both partners should aim to Orientation Knowledge Management.
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La prescription infirmière : expériences d'infirmières québécoisesDesjardins, Andrée-Anne 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of South African Democratic Teachers' Union in the implementation of teacher redeployment policy in schoolsDwangu, Agrippa Madoda 01 October 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to understand what the role of SADTU (South African
Democratic Teachers’ Union) is in the implementation of the Teacher Redeployment
Policy in schools. The Approach to data collection was that of qualitative research.
The methods used to collect data were interviews and literature review. The study
used the interpretive paradigm. The theory applied is the Interpretive
Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) theory. IPA aims to explore in detail how participants
are making sense of their personal and social world. The approach to data analysis
was that of a qualitative research. Qualitative data were organised and arranged
categorically into themes and patterns emanating from the responses of participants.
The data were analysed using descriptive explanations, based on the frequencies and
similarities of the responses. The approach was primarily exploratory, just as would be
expected of a qualitative research design. A combination of purposive, quota and
snowball sampling was used in this research. The main finding in this research is that
the role of SADTU in the implementation of teacher redeployment is not limited to
observation as the policy prescribes. SADTU members go beyond that role and
assume the role of active participation and decision making in the process. The main
recommendation was that the policy should be amended to allow SADTU to
participate actively in discussions and decision making. This will avert the
unnecessary conflicts and instability in schools caused by the suppression of the
union to participate actively. When the Teacher Redeployment Policy was conceived,
the purpose was to achieve equity in teacher distribution by moving teachers from the
historically advantaged White schools to the historically disadvantaged Black schools.
The implementation of Teacher Redeployment Policy is causing more harm than good
in so far as effective teaching and learning in schools is concerned. For most of the
time, teachers are pre-occupied with worrying about how the process of teacher
redeployment is going to affect them instead of focussing on delivering quality
teaching in schools. Teachers who are most fitting to be the ones identified in excess
in some cases enjoy the benefit of escaping redeployment for the simple reason that
they are members of SADTU. At the same time, candidates who do not qualify to be
placed in specific posts are placed into those posts at the expense of the best suitable
candidates because of the biases. The role of the union is not to implement policy, but
also to make sure that the policy is implemented in the spirit and letter in which it was
formulated. The status of the teacher union in the implementation of policy is that of an
observer who only surfaces when an observation is made whether there is unfairness
and biases in the manner the Teacher Redeployment Policy is implemented. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Educational Leadership and Management)
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Impact of Random Deployment on Operation and Data Quality of Sensor NetworksDargie, Waltenegus 29 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Several applications have been proposed for wireless sensor networks, including habitat monitoring, structural health monitoring, pipeline monitoring, and precision agriculture. Among the desirable features of wireless sensor networks, one is the ease of deployment. Since the nodes are capable of self-organization, they can be placed easily in areas that are otherwise inaccessible to or impractical for other types of sensing systems. In fact, some have proposed the deployment of wireless sensor networks by dropping nodes from a plane, delivering them in an artillery shell, or launching them via a catapult from onboard a ship.
There are also reports of actual aerial deployments, for example the one carried out using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at a Marine Corps combat centre in California -- the nodes were able to establish a time-synchronized, multi-hop communication network for tracking vehicles that passed along a dirt road. While this has a practical relevance for some civil applications (such as rescue operations), a more realistic deployment involves the careful planning and placement of sensors. Even then, nodes may not be placed optimally to ensure that the network is fully connected and high-quality data pertaining to the phenomena being monitored can be extracted from the network. This work aims to address the problem of random deployment through two complementary approaches:
The first approach aims to address the problem of random deployment from a communication perspective. It begins by establishing a comprehensive mathematical model to quantify the energy cost of various concerns of a fully operational wireless sensor network. Based on the analytic model, an energy-efficient topology control protocol is developed. The protocol sets eligibility metric to establish and maintain a multi-hop communication path and to ensure that all nodes exhaust their energy in a uniform manner. The second approach focuses on addressing the problem of imperfect sensing from a signal processing perspective. It investigates the impact of deployment errors (calibration, placement, and orientation errors) on the quality of the sensed data and attempts to identify robust and error-agnostic features. If random placement is unavoidable and dense deployment cannot be supported, robust and error-agnostic features enable one to recognize interesting events from erroneous or imperfect data.
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使用ActiveX元件來改善暨有視窗主從企業資訊系統的可部署性 / Improving the Deployability of Existing Windows-Based Client/Server Business Information Systems Using ActiveX Components程裕繁, Cheng,Bill Yu-Fan Unknown Date (has links)
小型化革命已經造成了企業資訊系統的典範轉移,不久之前以大型主機為基礎的集中架構仍然是企業之重要資訊系統的唯一選擇,時至今日為數眾多的重要企業資訊系統採用了以個人運算裝置為基礎的主從架構。另外一方面,視窗主從企業資訊系統是目前最常見的主從架構企業資訊系統類型,此類企業資訊系統必需將每一支客戶端程式都安裝到每一位使用者的電腦上,這種客戶端程式的人工部署作業一直是資訊管理從業人員的沈重負擔,亦是資訊管理產學界持續戮力解決的重要研究課題。其實ActiveX元件技術的妥善應用將可以有效解決這個部署問題,並且這種解決方案將遠比其它解決方案更具成本效益。研究以此發現為基礎,目的在於克服ActiveX元件技術在企業資訊系統應用上一直無法解決的三項缺點:能力強大所衍生的不安全、技術龐雜所衍生的學習與使用困難,以及元件體積龐大所衍生的網路應用瓶頸,並提出一個以ActiveX元件為基礎的解決方案來自動化暨有之視窗主從企業資訊系統的客戶端程式部署作業。報告的重點內容有四:(一)ActiveX元件技術的缺點克服之道;(二) 所提解決方案的第一個部份,也就是下載架構,採用下載架構開發的企業資訊系統將具備自動化部署客戶端程式的特性;(三)所提解決方案的第二個部份,也就是架構轉換程序,藉由這個程序的指引,暨有的視窗主從企業資訊系統將可以輕鬆轉換成為下載架構,有效解決其客戶端程式的部署問題;(四)兩個研究個案,用來示範下載架構與架構轉換程序的使用,並提供證據來支持下載架構與架構轉換程序的可行性。 / The downsizing revolution has created a deep paradigmatic shift in business information systems (BISs). Not very long ago, large-scale mission-critical BISs were the exclusive province of massive mainframe computers. That is changing rapidly. Today, increasingly large and complex BISs are being built as client/server (C/S) applications. Unfortunately, for the most common C/S BISs, that is, the Windows-based C/S BISs (WinBISs), client programs must be manually deployed to each end-user machine bringing about a heavy BIS maintenance load. ActiveX component technology, if used properly, is more cost-effective than other alternatives in improving the deployment of existing WinBISs. Nevertheless, ActiveX component technology is no magic solution, and thus still has three shortcomings, namely insecurity, complexity, and bulkiness. The purpose of the study presented in this paper is to overcome the shortcomings of ActiveX component technology, and then develop an ActiveX component-based solution to automate the deployment of existing WinBISs. This paper has four main parts: (a) the answers to the shortcomings of ActiveX component technology; (b) the downloadable architecture, which supports the development of automatically-deployed BISs; (c) the architecture transformation process, which transforms existing WinBISs into the downloadable architecture; and (d) two examples of how to use the downloadable architecture and the architecture transformation process. The examples also provide evidence to support the feasibility of such architecture and process.
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