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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E-commerce basado en la comercialización de productos de cuidado personal eco amigables: Eco Care / E-commerce based on the commercialization of eco-friendly personal care products: Eco Care

Caro Llanos, Ariana, Casasola Laines, Roy Richard, Hurtado Gutarra, Alexandra Trinidad, Luritta Otero, Mariana, Pisculich Felix, Dara Milenka 07 July 2021 (has links)
Hoy en día el cuidado personal de las mujeres con el uso de productos naturales es una gran tendencia, la cual genera un creciente interés de compra por parte de ellas. Sin embargo, a pesar de que en la actualidad existe una gran cantidad de emprendimientos que ofrecen este tipo de productos, algunos de ellos surgidos a partir de la coyuntura y otros han sido afectados por la misma, resulta difícil lograr ubicarlos para realizar las compras de manera fácil y sencilla. Esto se debe al bajo alcance que la mayoría de los emprendimientos tienen tanto en Facebook como en Instagram, lo cual genera que el usuario compre otro tipo de productos al no lograr encontrarlos de una forma rápida y práctica. A través del presente trabajo, se busca desarrollar un plan de negocio para dar solución al problema mencionado y tener en cuenta la viabilidad que este tendría. La misma comprende el desarrollo de una página web multimarca que sirva de canal de venta para los diversos emprendimientos que se sumen y que a su vez ésta le brinde una mayor exposición y profesionalismo a su negocio de cara al consumidor. Por lo cual, en primer lugar, se tuvo que realizar diversos estudios de viabilidad del proyecto, para los cuales se emplearon diversas entrevistas y encuestas tanto al público objetivo, como también a expertos del rubro de negocio. Asimismo, el presente documento valida la importancia y necesidad de cada elemento que compone de cierta forma a la organización. Con ello hacemos referencia a nuestros socios clave, recursos clave, canales de comunicación y demás elementos. Finalmente, se realizaron campañas con publicidad en redes sociales que nos permitieron generar una mayor interacción y un considerable número de ventas en la página web. / Nowadays, women's personal care with the use of natural products is a great trend, which generates a growing interest in their purchase. However, even though there are currently many businesses that offer this type of products, some of them emerged from the economic situation and others have been affected by it, it is difficult to locate them to make purchases in an easy and simple way. This is due to the low reach that most of the ventures have both on Facebook and Instagram, which generates that the user buys other types of products when not being able to find them in a fast and practical way. Through this work, we seek to develop a business plan to solve the problem and consider the feasibility that this would have. It includes the development of a multi-brand website that serves as a sales channel for the various enterprises that join and that in turn will provide them with greater exposure and professionalism to their business in the face of the consumer. Therefore, first, several feasibility studies of the project had to be carried out, for which several interviews and surveys to the target public, as well as to experts in the business area, were used. Likewise, this document validates the importance and necessity of each element that makes up the organization in a certain way. By this we refer to our key partners, key resources, communication channels and other elements. Finally, campaigns were carried out with advertising on social networks that allowed us to generate greater interaction and a considerable number of sales on the website. / Trabajo de investigación

Plataforma Digital MarketPet Place

Arias López, Juan Diego, Castro Cuneo, Danilo Martín, Chumacero Delgado, Nathalia Lizi, Espinoza Garcia, Cynthia 06 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad demostrar que existen cambios positivos en el modelo de compra y consumo de personas que buscan satisfacer sus necesidades para con sus mascotas desde la comodidad de su hogar. Tomando en consideración la coyuntura actual por la pandemia de la COVID-19 y la oferta limitada en los supermercados o tiendas de conveniencia en relación a productos para mascotas, las plataformas digitales o portales web se muestran como una opción accesible, confiable y rápida para acceder a alimentos, accesorios y servicios. Asimismo, la alta demanda de mantener la salud de las mascotas por medio del consumo de medicinas, baños, cortes, comida medicada, etc., considerando los actuales protocolos sanitarios establecidos por el Gobierno Peruano, generan preocupación en los consumidores al no saber si el virus del COVID-19 está ingresando a su casa junto a su mascota. Las concentraciones de una amplia oferta en un solo sitio web hacen que la practicidad y aceptación de los usuarios sea una inminente regularidad en la forma de consumo. Desde una laptop o desde un Smartphone podrá encontrar en MarketPet Place lo que su mascota necesita. / The purpose of this project is to demonstrate that there are positive changes in the purchasing and consumption model of people who seek to satisfy their needs for their pets from the comfort of their home. Taking into account the current situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the limited supply in supermarkets or convenience stores in relation to products for pets, digital platforms or web portals are shown as an accessible, reliable and fast option to access to food, accessories and services. Likewise, the high demand to maintain the health of pets through the consumption of medicines, baths, cuts, medicated food, etc., considering the current sanitary protocols established by the Peruvian Government, generate concern in consumers as they do not know if the COVID-19 virus is entering your home with your pet. The concentrations of a wide offer in a single website make the practicality and acceptance of the users an imminent regularity in the way of consumption. From a laptop or from a Smartphone you will be able to find in MarketPet Place what your pet needs. / Trabajo de investigación

Proyecto Patelos

Figueroa Huamán, Almendra, Fuster Graham, Fernando, Pretell Palomino, Daniel Olegk, Pérez Olaechea, María del Carmen, Yangali Lluen, Diego Alfonso 03 March 2021 (has links)
El trabajo investigativo sobre la elaboración de un alimento orgánico y saludable como el paté de aceitunas con frutos secos (almendras) muestra la viabilidad de la ejecución, en base al análisis realizado en Lima Metropolitana a las personas de 18 a 65 años de edad de los niveles socioeconómicos (NSE) “A” y “B”, los cuales valoran mucho las nuevas tendencias saludables que tiene una marcada preferencia hacia consumir productos funcionales. En consecuencia, nos permitió detectar diferentes comentarios dónde expresaron una aceptable valoración de nuevas alternativas de alimentos saludables. Además, se identificó que muchas personas tienen pocas alternativas en el mercado para acompañar sus alimentos durante el desayuno o meriendas, estos otros alimentos caracterizados por su gran carga calórica y niveles de azúcar, grasas o sodio; Por ello, las personas buscan alimentos alternativos que muestran y destaquen por su valor agregado al ser orgánico e incluso de interactuar con envases eco amigables, lo cual aumenta su disposición a pagar. Por último, se halló que muchas personas están empezando a tener una mejor conciencia sobre su salud debido al contexto de la pandemia generada durante el año 2019, así como adquirirlos mediante un medio seguro y de poco contacto como lo puede ofrecer los canales online caracterizada por su fácil interacción en la búsqueda de información. Para poner en marcha el proyecto se consideró analizar la industria alimentaria enfocada a: consumidores, proveedores, tendencias alimentarias, competidores, entre otros factores externos de la empresa. También, se planificó los siguientes aspectos: Plan Estratégico, Plan de operaciones, Plan de Marketing, Plan de Recursos Humanos, así como un Plan de Responsabilidad Social y un Plan Financiero necesario. Los cuales contienen información necesaria para establecer estrategias puntuales para analizar la viabilidad del proyecto. Teniendo como resultado, una inversión inicial de 38,694 soles y consiguiendo durante el primer año de operación una pérdida de 6,807 soles, pero generando utilidad de 43,526 soles y 39,556 soles para el segundo y tercer año respectivamente. / The research work on the elaboration of an organic and healthy food such as olive pate with nuts (almonds) shows the feasibility of the execution, based on the analysis carried out in Metropolitan Lima to people from 18 to 65 years of age of the socioeconomic levels (NSE) "A" and "B", which highly value the new healthy trends that have a strong preference towards consuming functional products. Consequently, it allowed us to detect different comments where they expressed an acceptable valuation of new healthy food alternatives. In addition, it was identified that many people have few alternatives in the market to accompany their food during breakfast or snacks, these other foods characterized by their high caloric load and levels of sugar, fat or sodium; therefore, people look for alternative foods that show and stand out for their added value by being organic and even interacting with eco-friendly packaging, which increases their willingness to pay. Finally, it was found that many people are beginning to have a better awareness about their health due to the context of the pandemic generated during the year 2019, as well as acquire them through a safe and low contact medium as it can offer online channels characterized by its easy interaction in the search for information. To implement the project, it was considered to analyze the food industry focused on: consumers, suppliers, food trends, competitors, among other external factors of the company. Also, the following aspects were planned: Strategic Plan, Operations Plan, Marketing Plan, Human Resources Plan, as well as a Social Responsibility Plan and a necessary Financial Plan. These contain the necessary information to establish specific strategies to analyze the viability of the project. As a result, an initial investment of 38,767 soles and achieving during the first year of operation a loss of 6,807 soles but generating a profit of 43,526 soles and 39,556 soles for the second and third year respectively. / Trabajo de investigación

Hur kan en digital plattform tillämpas för att effektivisera patienthantering? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om implementering av en digital plattform för digitalisering av patienthantering ur ett leverantörsperspektiv / How can a digital platform be applied to streamline patient management? : A qualitative case study on the implementation of digital platforms for the digitization of patient management from a supplier perspective

Chahin, Pietro, Oskarsson, Christopher January 2020 (has links)
Digital platforms in healthcare have become an increasingly implemented tool to facilitate and streamline daily care work in hospitals and health centers. In parallel with the new digitized era, this digital transformation has had a major impact on individuals' ways of working in healthcare. It is thus significant that digital competence is prioritized to achieve the intended goals regarding streamlining patient management. The qualitative study sheds light on how digi-physical care affects everyday care work and the patient journey. The study also intends to conclude how digital care platforms affect everyday care work, what advantages and disadvantages can be distinguished. The main purpose of the study is to investigate how digital platforms can be implemented to streamline healthcare and thereby investigate such care platforms from an informatics perspective. The research question refers to, how digital platforms can be applied to streamline patient management, is framed from a supplier perspective of such care platforms. The methodology includes an online survey with 10 questions that 11 respondents answered. The survey is supplemented with three in-depth interviews. These in-depth interviews are conducted via the digital tool Microsoft Teams. These respondents are carefully selected to generate relevant first-hand information about the research topic. Based on the respondents' answers, it can be stated that all respondents considered that there are many positive advantages of using digital platforms in healthcare. These positive effects are achieved by implementing digital platforms in a well-thought-out and structured way. Respondents also then pointed out that care providers must be given the right conditions to adequately use the digital care platforms as part of their works. The extensive criticism that digital care providers have received has been encountered in the study. The main criticism is then that digital care providers more easily prioritize more manageable matters such as easier physical ailments especially for patients with higher socioeconomic status. Based on the survey, the importance of implementing digital care platforms from an equal opportunity perspective is emphasized. In the future, digital platforms need to be implemented and developed with the common goal of increasing accessibility for patients and offering more patient-centered healthcare. / Digitala plattformar inom hälso- och sjukvården implementeras allt mer med syfte att underlätta samt effektivisera det vardagliga vårdarbetet på sjukhus och vårdcentraler. Parallellt med den nya digitaliserade eran har denna digitala transformation haft en stor påverkan på individers arbetssätt inom hälso- och sjukvården. Det är därmed signifikant att den digitala kompetensen prioriteras för att uppnå de avsedda målen gällande effektivisering av patienthantering. Den kvalitativa undersökningen belyser hur den digifysiska vården påverkar det vardagliga vårdarbetet samt patienthantering. Studien ämnar även att dra slutsatser kring hur digitala vårdplattformar påverkar det vardagliga vårdarbetet, vilka för och nackdelar som går att urskilja. Syftet med studien är att undersöka på vilket sätt digitala plattformar kan implementeras för att effektivisera sjukvården och därmed bidra med ett forskningsbidrag till informatikämnet. Forskningsfrågan avser hur digitala plattformar kan tillämpas för att effektivisera patienthantering, ur ett leverantörsperspektiv. Datainsamlingen innefattar en online enkät i form av Google formulär med 10 frågor som 11 respondenter fick besvara. Detta kompletteras med tre intervjuer som utförs via det digitala kommunikationsverktyget Microsoft teams. Dessa respondenter är noggrant utvalda för att generera relevant kunskap kring forskningsämnet. Baserat på respondenternas svar går det att konstatera att samtliga respondenter ansåg att det finns många positiva fördelar med tillämpning av digitala plattformar inom hälso- och sjukvård. Positiva effekter uppnås genom att implementeringen av digitala plattformar sker på ett väl genomtänkt och strukturerat sätt. Merparten av respondenterna poängterade att det är viktigt att vårdgivarna ges rätt förutsättningar för att kunna arbeta utifrån den digitala plattformen. Den omfattande kritiken som digitala vårdgivare har fått påvisas i studien. Den främsta kritiken är att digitala vårdgivare prioriterar mer lätthanterliga ärenden såsom lättare fysiska åkommor för dem som har högre socioekonomisk status. Baserat på undersökningen poängteras vikten av att implementera digitala vårdplattformar ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. Framöver behöver digitala plattformar implementeras och utvecklas med den gemensamma målsättningen att öka tillgängligheten för patienter och erbjuda en mer patientcentrerad vård.

Essays on Digital Buisiness Strategy Execution in the Financial Services Industry

Weinrich, Timo 07 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Efectos de la digitalización en la aduana aérea para la exportación de espárragos durante los años 2019 y 2020 / Effects of digitization on air customs for the export of asparagus during the years 2019 and 2020

Choquemamani Cortez, Rebeca Inés, Ruiz Panduro, Jorge Luis 10 October 2021 (has links)
La transformación digital es una herramienta básica para el desarrollo del comercio internacional, es por ello la Aduana Aérea comenzó un proceso de modernización hace más de 20 años como una estrategia integral para el desarrollo del país. Sin embargo, la falta de recursos y mayor impulso a este proceso originó que no alcancen los niveles óptimos de competitividad. Cabe resaltar, en el año 2019, ante la presencia del Covid-19, se notaron más estas falencias ante la necesidad de hacer operaciones de manera virtual debido a que se buscaba evitar el contacto físico entre las personas. Por esta razón, la Aduana Aérea realizó múltiples esfuerzos en ampliar sus plataformas digitales, pero aún no es suficiente como para competir con los países vecinos. Por otro lado, la exportación de espárragos peruanos sufrió una caída del 5% en su volumen, y 4% en su valor en comparación con el 2019 debido a los problemas logísticos de falta de vuelos y falta de mano de obra en el campo. El objetivo principal de la investigación es comprender el efecto de la digitalización en la Aduana Aérea en el proceso de exportación de espárragos durante el periodo 2019 y 2020. La metodología aplicada será un enfoque cualitativo del tipo exploratoria-descriptiva. Finalmente, se buscará encontrar en las conclusiones, si la Transformación Digital de la Aduana Aérea logro impactar en el mercado agroexportador de espárragos en el Perú. / Digital transformation is a basic tool for the development of international trade, which is why Air Customs began a modernization process more than 20 years ago as a comprehensive strategy for the development of the country. However, the lack of resources and greater impulse to this process caused them not to reach the optimal levels of competitiveness. It should be noted, in 2019, in the presence of Covid-19, these shortcomings were more noticeable due to the need to carry out operations virtually due to the fact that it sought to avoid physical contact between people. For this reason, Air Customs made multiple efforts to expand its digital platforms, but it is still not enough to compete with neighboring countries. On the other hand, the export of Peruvian asparagus suffered a drop of 5% in its volume, and 4% in its value compared to 2019 due to the logistical problems of lack of flights and lack of labor in the field. The main objective of the research is to understand the effect of digitization in the Air Customs in the asparagus export process during the period 2019 and 2020. The applied methodology will be a qualitative approach of the exploratory-descriptive type. Finally, it will be sought to find in the conclusions if the Digital Transformation of the Air Customs managed to impact the agro export market of asparagus in Peru. / Tesis

Plan de negocio para la implementación de una plataforma de educación musical online / Business plan for the implementation of an online musical education plataform

Awa Bravo, Jorge Eduardo, Palomino Lescano, Martín Alejandro 07 December 2021 (has links)
Bemol 51 será una plataforma digital de educación musical dirigido a personas con interés en aprender temas relacionados a la música desde cero. Los usuarios podrán acceder a los cursos a través del aula virtual, la cual albergará todo el material relacionado como videos grabados interactivos, ejercicios interactivos y material. De esta manera, el alumno, de acuerdo con su disponibilidad de tiempo, podrá llevar las clases a su propio ritmo. Los cursos serán grabados por profesionales con amplia experiencia en la materia a dictar. En el presente proyecto de negocio, se hace un análisis para tener conocimiento de los intereses y las preferencias de los clientes con relación a los cursos que tienen mayor demanda en el mercado. Además, acorde a los resultados de los análisis, se proponen estrategias de marketing digital, las cuales serán elaboradas de la mano con uno de los aliados, en este caso, una agencia de marketing, para dar a conocer los servicios de la empresa, atraer al público objetivo y, por ende, logren adquirir el curso. Por otro lado, se muestran los procesos y funcionamientos como el plan de operaciones, diseño de procesos, diseño arquitectónico y desarrollo del contenido de la plataforma. Asimismo, se muestran las proyecciones económicas, tanto de la inversión necesaria y las posibles ganancias y/o pérdidas. / Bemol51 will be a digital music education platform aimed at people with an interest in learning music-related topics from scratch. Users will be able to access the courses through the virtual classroom, where users will find all the related material such as interactive recorded videos, interactive activities and materials. In this way, the student, according to the availability of his time, will be able to take the classes at his own pace. The courses will be recorded by professionals with extensive experience in the subject to be taught. In this business project, an analysis is made to gain knowledge of the interests and preferences of clients in relation to the courses that are most in demand in the market. In addition, according to the results of the analysis, digital marketing strategies are proposed, which will be developed hand in hand with one of the allies, a marketing agency, to publicize the company's services, attract to the target audience and, therefore, potential clients could acquire the course. On the other hand, the processes and functions such as the operations plan, process design, architectural design and development of the content of the platform are shown. Likewise, the economic projections are shown, both of the necessary investment and the possible gains and / or losses. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Архитектурный подход к управлению персоналом предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Architectural approach to enterprise personnel management

Исаева, А. С., Isaieva, A. S. January 2022 (has links)
В магистерской диссертации рассмотрены современные проблемы управления персонала, проанализированы объективные характеристики для проблемы управления персоналом. Изучена деятельность Государственного Бюджетного Учреждения «Научно-технического центра инноваций и технологий» и составлена модель полной архитектуры предприятия с применением прикладного пакета ARIS. Обоснована необходимость внедрения цифровой платформы в деятельность организационно-управленческого отдела Центрального Республиканского Банка Донецкой Народной Республики. Выполнена разработка проекта внедрения цифровой платформы на предприятие; определена экономическая эффективность внедрения, а также применён системно-динамический подход с целью демонстрации трудозатрат на выполнение этапов внедрения цифровой платформы. / In the master's thesis, modern problems of personnel management are considered, objective characteristics for the problem of personnel management are analyzed. The activities of the State Budgetary Institution «Scientific and Technical Center for Innovation and Technology» were studied and a model of the complete architecture of the enterprise was compiled using the ARIS application package. The necessity of introducing a digital platform into the activities of the organizational and management department of the Central Republican Bank of the Donetsk People's Republic is substantiated. The development of a project for the implementation of a digital platform for an enterprise was completed; the economic efficiency of implementation was determined, and a system-dynamic approach was applied to demonstrate the labor costs for the implementation of the stages of implementation of the digital platform.


RENATA MATTOS EYER DE ARAUJO 19 October 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo favorecer o processo de inclusão no ensino superior das pessoas com deficiência a partir do reconhecimento de seus olhares e vozes no contexto do Núcleo de Apoio e Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência – NAIPD/PUC-Rio. A inclusão das pessoas com deficiência é uma conquista do movimento social e político desse grupo de pessoas que reivindicou seus direitos de participação plena e efetiva na sociedade. Na esfera do ensino-aprendizagem, a partir da década de 1990, o conceito de inclusão tem sido discutido com base numa mudança nos padrões hegemônicos, buscando reconhecer a diversidade humana e o respeito às diferenças. Nos últimos anos, como reflexo dos avanços, a inclusão é motivo de discussão e implantação de políticas públicas no ensino superior. Nesta pesquisa, sustenta-se ser necessária a revisão das práticas de ensino-aprendizagem e a definição de estratégias que permitam que estudantes com diferentes condições possam ter oportunidades, considerando o princípio da equidade. Entende-se também que o desenvolvimento de projetos de design com o uso de metodologias participativas pode ser uma ferramenta no processo de inclusão no ensino. Assim, para responder à questão: De que modos o design tem possibilidade de favorecer o processo de inclusão no ensino superior das pessoas com deficiência?, foram escolhidos como fundamento a abordagem metodológica Design em Parceria, como vem sendo desenvolvida no departamento de Artes e Design da PUC-Rio, e a abordagem de pesquisa Histórias de Vida. A escolha por um estudo exploratório de cunho qualitativo-interpretativo privilegia uma escuta sensível e atenta ao outro; constituída no acolhimento e reconhecimento das singularidades; no diálogo e interação entre sujeitos. As histórias de vida levam a conhecer as vivências, pensamentos e sentimentos pessoais, assim como, representam de algum modo, um contexto social e histórico. No encontro das vozes de estudantes e professores destaca-se: a importância da empatia e diálogo permanente; a relevância da atenção e respeito às condições pessoais de estudantes e professores; a necessidade de abertura para conhecer e rever conceitos e práticas, considerando que é observado o desconhecimento acerca dos assuntos específicos relativos à deficiência. Em suma, a partir de encontros entre um grupo de estudantes e a pesquisadora se dá o processo de projeto em design que reúne olhares e vozes de estudantes e professores e consolida a investigação com o desenvolvimento da plataforma digital de comunicação – PLURAIS. O ambiente interativo propõe a participação com a aproximação das pessoas para se conhecerem e compartilharem suas experiências. A experimentação em processo com o uso continuado por estudantes e professores poderá gerar modificações. Entende-se que o desenvolvimento de projetos de design com foco na singularidade dos sujeitos e construção de sentidos a partir da interação entre eles, contribui para mudanças de atitudes e comportamentos em prol de uma cultura inclusiva na universidade. / [en] This research aims to favor the inclusion process of people with disabilities in higher education by recognizing their voices and views in the context of the Nucleus of Support and Inclusion for People with Disabilities (Núcleo de Apoio e Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência – NAIPD/PUC-Rio) at PUC-Rio. The inclusion of people with disabilities is an achievement of the social and political movement led by this group to claim their rights of full and effective participation in society. In the scope of teaching-learning, starting in the 1990 s, the concept of inclusion has been discussed based on a shift in hegemonic standards, aiming to recognize human diversity and to respect the differences between people. In the last few years, as a result of those advances, inclusion has become a topic of discussion and implementation of public policies in higher education. In this research, the need for the current teaching-learning practices to be revised is sustained, as well as strategies that allow students with different means to have access to opportunities, considering the principle of equity. It is also understood that the development of design projects based on participatory methodologies can be a tool in the process of inclusion in education. Thus, to answer the question: In which ways does Design have the possibility to favor the process of inclusion in higher education for people with disabilities?, the theoretical frameworks chosen were the Design in Partnership methodology – as it has been developed in PUC-Rio s Department of Arts and Design – and the Life Histories research approach. The choice for an exploratory study of a qualitative-interpretative perspective privileges the attentive and sensible listening to other people s perspectives; constituted by welcoming people s singularities; by dialogue; and by the interaction between subjects. The life histories lead to knowing people s experiences, thoughts and personal sentiments, as well as represententing, in a way, a historical and social context. In the meeting of teachers and students discourses, what stands out is: the importance of empathy and permanent dialogue; the relevance of attention and respect to teachers and students individual conditions; and the need for openness to learn and review concepts and practices – considering the lack of knowledge in regards to the specific subjects that relate to people with disabilities, that has been observed so far. In essence, from the meeting between a group of students and the researcher, the design process starts, by gathering voices and views of students and teachers and consolidating this investigation with the development of a digital platform of communication – PLURAIS. The interactive environment encourages people to participate by getting to know each other and by exchanging their experiences. The experimentation process, with the continuous usage by teachers and students, may result in modifications. It is understood that the development of design projects with a focus on subjects singularities and sensemaking processes stemming from their interactions contributes to attitude and behavior changes in favor of an inclusive culture in Universities.

The Changing Dynamics Within Management Consulting : How Digital Business Models and Gig Workers has Disrupted a Traditional Industry / Den föränderliga Dynamiken Inom Management Consulting : Hur Digitala Affärsmodeller och Frilansare Har Stört en Traditionell Bransch

Augustson, Julia, Berholt, Elin January 2022 (has links)
As the gig economy is growing at a rapid pace and digitalization has spread throughout the management consulting industry, a notable disruption of this traditional industry has occurred. Digitalization in the management consulting industry has affected both how the management consultant does his/her job as well as how the connection between consultant and client and the relationship between colleagues constitutes. Digitalization also facilitates remote working, which has after the Covid-19 pandemic become a high priority. This in turn has enabled the growth of the gig economy and the increasing number of gig worker. Digital gig platforms acting as a meetingplace have increased in both numbers and popularity as well as digital service platforms providing digital tools with the help of SaaS or AI to deliver a more complex solution to the customer. The disruption of the management consulting industry has only begun and therefor it is a need to analyze the way this industry works today and discuss how the industry has adapted to digitalization. Therefor the purpose of this master thesis is to increase the knowledge of how the progress of digital business models affect the management consulting industry by answering the two research questions: “How has the management consulting industry within the area of organizational development been disrupted by the increasing amount of independent workers using gig platforms?” and “How has digitized Service platforms in the area of organizational development changed the traditional management consulting business model?”. This master thesis is conducted through a literature review and semi structured interviews. What can be concluded is that the management consulting industry has been disrupted by the digital platforms in a way that has put pressure on the larger traditional management consulting companies, more digital platforms are created and an increasing number of gig workers have resulted in collaborations between freelancers and traditional management consulting companies. It is also seen that traditional management consulting companies are adopting other business model alternatives that includes solutions based on AI or cloud solutions. / I och med att gigekonomin växer i en snabb takt och digitaliseringen har spridit sig genom hela managementkonsultindustrin har en tydlig påverkan skett på denna traditionella industri. Digitaliseringen i managementkonsultindustrin har påverkat både hur managementkonsulter utför sitt jobb och kopplingen mellan konsulten och klienten samt vad relationen mellan kollegor har för funktion. Digitalisering gynnar även distansarbete, som efter Covid-19 pandemin har fått en allt högre prioritet på arbetsplatser. Detta har i sin tur medfört en växande gigekonomi med ett ökat antal gigarbetare. Digitala gigplattformar som fungerar som mötesplatser har ökat både i antal och popularitet, likaså digitala serviceplattformar som tillhandahåller digitala verktyg som till exempel SaaS- och AI-lösningar för att kunna tillhandahålla en mer komplex lösning till kunden. Den påverkan som gigekonomi har haft på  managementkonsultindustrin är i början av utvecklingen, vilket skapar ett behov av att industrin och hur denna fungerar idag analyseras, samt diskutera hur industrin har anpassat sig till digitaliseringen. Därför är syftet med detta examensarbete att öka kunskapen kring hur utvecklingen av digitala affärsmodeller påverkat managementkonsultindustrin genom att svara på de två forskningsfrågorna: ”Hur har managementkonsultindustrin inom området organisationsutveckling blivit förändrad av det ökade antalet gigarbetare som använder sig av digitala plattformar” och ”Hur har digitala serviceplattformar inom området organisationsutveckling ändrat de traditionella managementkonsulternas affärsmodeller”. Detta examensarbete utfördes med hjälp av en litteraturstudie samt genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsatsen som kan dras från detta examensarbete är att managementkonsultindustrin har blivit påverkad av digitala plattformar och därmed har satt press på de större traditionella managementkonsultföretagen, fler digitala plattformar skapas och ett ökat antal av gigarbetare har resulterat i en ökning av samarbeten mellan frilansare och traditionella konsultföretag. Resultatet visar vidare att fler traditionella managementkonsultföretag anpassar sig till andra affärsmodellsalternativ som innefattar lösningar baserade på AI eller molntjänster.

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