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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Discours, discrimination sociolangagière et insertion professionnelle : les rapports complexes entre les mises en mots des accents et des attitudes linguistiques et / ou langagières / Discourses, sociolingual discrimination and professional insertion : the complex relationships between the wordings of accents and attitudes linguistic and / or language

Meyer, Jeanne 19 September 2011 (has links)
La discrimination lors de l'insertion professionnelle contribue à marquer des frontières entre les individus nourrissant par là-même les ruptures inter-communautaires en société. Ici, elle est envisagée dans une perspective sociolangagière permettant d'appréhender les liens entre discours et conflits sociaux. Par le réinvestissement de plusieurs méthodologies (observation participante, observation directe, locuteur masqué, questionnaire d'évaluation et entretien semi-directif), la recherche est posée comme permettant de travailler conjointement à : – une réflexion théorique sur l'intégration des pratiques sociolangagières comme potentiels critères de discrimination pour observer comment certains accents peuvent être perçus plus légitimes à certains emplois professionnels et comment ces ressentis peuvent être transposés à l'égard des communautés dont ces parlers apparaissent représentatifs et, – une réflexion méthodologique sur le discours comme vecteur de discriminations où il s'agit de travailler à la création d'un nouvel instrument pour aider la lutte contre ces ségrégations injustifiées, ce par repérage d'indices langagiers récurrents comme preuve(s) d'attitudes discriminatoires / Discrimination at the time of professional insertion contributes to establish boundaries between individuals thus fueling cross-communities divisions in society. Discrimination is considered here within a sociolingual perspective allowing to grasp the links between discourses and social conflicts. Using several methodologies – participative observation, direct observation, concealed speaker, assessment questionnaire and semi-directive interview – the research is assumed as a possibility to work simultaneously on: – a theoretical reflection on the integration of sociolingual practices as potential criterias of discrimination to observe how certain accents may be perceived as more legitimate for certain professional positions and how these sentiments may be replicated to the communities apparently represented by those speeches and, – a methodological reflection on discourse as a vector of discrimination where it is about working on the creation of a new instrument to help fighting those unjustified segregations by spotting recurrent language indices as evidence(s) of discriminatory attitudes

Hur tänker du? : En kvalitativ studie av sambedömning vid nationella prov i svenska

Odelius, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

O discurso sobre etnodesenvolvimento quilombola no governo Lula

Silva, Aline Ferreira da 13 September 2010 (has links)
This paper focuses on analytical official discourses of "Lula government" about the notion of ethnodevelopment maroon. The objective is to develop an analysis on the articulations of these discourses, observing the references which are activated, the correlations established and the meanings that they suggest. Making use of the methodological strategy of discourse analysis, the study moves to an interpretative universe that seeks to understand the set of statements that articulated in the body become the documental reference that reflects the political-government about development of the narrative on ethnic maroon. The intention is to analyze the relationship ethnicity-maroon permeated by a theoretical paradigm that relates it with the notion of development. Among our principal considerations, the text appears for the need of a new standards that may overcome some theoretical reductionism that permeat the analysis on the subject quilombos in the current context. It suggests an opportunity cost which is located in a universe of discussions very diversified and complex, involving international agencies, academic knowledge, social movements; also involving notions of development, citizenship, justice, democracy, which are involved in your current political context. / Este trabalho tem como foco analítico os discursos oficiais do Governo Lula em torno da noção de etnodesenvolvimento quilombola. O objetivo é desenvolver uma análise sobre as articulações destes discursos, observando quais são as referências acionadas, as correlações estabelecidas e os significados que sugerem. Fazendo uso da estratégia metodológica da análise do discurso, o estudo desloca-se para um universo interpretativo que procura perceber o conjunto de enunciados que, articulados, transformam-se no corpo documental que traduz a referência político-governamental da narração sobre desenvolvimento étnico quilombola. O intuito é analisar a relação etnia-quilombo permeado por um paradigma teórico, que o relaciona a noção de desenvolvimento. Dentre as principais considerações a que chegamos, o texto aponta para a necessidade de novos referenciais que possam superar certo reducionismo teórico que permeia a análise acerca do tema quilombos no atual contexto. Sugere uma possibilidade analítica que lhe situa em um universo de discussões muito variadas e complexas, envolvendo agências internacionais, conhecimento acadêmico, movimentos sociais; envolvendo ainda noções de desenvolvimento, de cidadania, de justiça, de democracia que estão implicadas pelo contexto político em que se encontram e constituem.

A needs assessment of a group of at-risk youth in Mitchell's plain a discourse analytic approach

Abrahamse, Petra January 2000 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This study focused on determining and understanding the needs of a group of at-risk youth in Mitchell's Plain in order to identify the social competencies and basic life skills they require to enable them to cope with their life circumstances. The first phase of this study, which adopted a qualitative framework to identify the needs of these at-risk youth, was a review of the relevant literature. This review revealed that not only is there a need to understand the transitional stage that youth find themselves in; just as important is the necessity of being aware of the political, economic and social contexts which impact on them. Focus group interviews, which are recognised as encouraging participants to reveal more than in individual interview situations, were then used to obtain the data. Thereafter, both discourse analysis and systems theory were employed to analyse the data. Thus, not only were the utterances. of the participants subjected to rigorous linguistic analysis in order to discover the subtext of what they were saying; the researcher also took cognisance of the wide range of systems which impact on youth, from the macro socio-economic levels to the micro family and school levels. these at-risk youth began to emerge. These, in turn, highlighted those affective, cognitive and behavioural skills needed by at-risk youth to optimise their future development. The analysis of the data also served to validate the assumptions contained in the working hypotheses, namely that the youths' discourses would reveal their most dominant needs. In this respect, it became apparent that socio-economic deprivation, poor educational opportunities, problematic peer and family relationships as well as intra-community violence are all underpinning issues, which contribute to the youth being vulnerable to becoming at risk. As such, these issues require urgent addressing. Furthermore, the effects of racism in post -apartheid South Africa became evident as the youths revealed the inadequacies of their current situation. The youths' discourses, thus, highlighted the economic disparities that are highly visible within their community, despite the political transformation within South Africa. The study concludes by suggesting that if a meaningful way forward is to be found, it lies in improving our understanding of how preventative intervention can effectively take place in the structural, social and interpersonal domains to provide a national programme of action for youth.

« noir-e-s fantômes » et projections identitaires à Porto Rico et dans ses diasporas : L’exemple de Capá Prieto (2009) d’Yvonne Denis Rosario et Fe en disfraz (2009) de Mayra Santos Febres / Blackness as « Ghost » and identity projections in Puerto Rico and its diasporas : The example of Capá Prieto (2010) by Yvonne Denis Rosario and Fe en disfraz (2009) by Mayra Santos Febres

Agamboue azizet, Grace Cathy 13 December 2018 (has links)
« noir-e-s fantômes» n’est pas une simple formulation appellative, le terme «fantôme» dans cette thèse désigne le déni et le rejet psycho-social de la présence et de l’histoire culturelle des noir-e-s aux formations identitaires caribéennes et américaines actuelles. Force est de constater que malgré les efforts en faveur de la réhabilitation humaine et sociale, la présence des noir-e-s reste encore «fantôme» dans les littératures canoniques, les manuels scolaires et les discours officiels caribéens et latino-américains. Cela est d’autant plus notoire à Porto Rico, état non souverain des Etats-Unis d’Amérique. De ce fait, ma thèse propose une relecture de l’historiographie officielle et des pratiques discursives en vigueur à Porto Rico loin des postulats hégémoniques qui minimisent le rôle fondateur des noir-e-s aux formations socio-culturelles portoricaines. Partant précisément de l’analyse critique de Fe en disfraz (2009) de Mayra Santos Febres et Capá Prieto (2010) d’Yvonne Denis Rosario, ma thèse de doctorat entend montrer comment le fantôme se manifeste dans les œuvres littéraires de ces deux auteures. Celle-ci questionnera également la légitimité des discours en vigueur au regard du statut politique particulier de Porto Rico. / “Blackness as ghost” is not a fanciful phrase. In the present context, the word “fantôme” is the psycho-social denial and rejection of the presence of Blacks and their cultural history in present-day Caribbean and American identity-building. It is noteworthy that, despite various efforts to restore their human and social dignity, Blacks’ presence is still invisible in canonical literary books, textbooks, and in the official discourses of the Caribbean and Latin America. This is even more visible in Porto Rico—a non sovereign state of the United States of America. From that perspective, my PhD thesis proposes a new interpretation of national and official Puerto Rican historiography and its discursive practices far from the hegemonic assumptions that downplay the founding role of Blacks in Puerto Rican socio-cultural identity. Drawing from Fe in disfraz (2009) by Mayra Santos Febres and Capá Prieto (2010) by Yvonne Denis Rosario, my PhD dissertation aims to show how the ghost appears in the literary works of the above mentioned authors. It also questions the legitimacy of current discourses vis-à-vis Puerto Rico's special political status.

Vad säger du om artificiell intelligens, människa? : Diskurser, ramar och metaforer om AI i TT Nyhetsbyråns artiklar från 1980 till 2020 / What are you saying about artificial intelligence, man?

Rosenlind, Pernilla January 2020 (has links)
Forskare och teknologer talar om artificiell intelligens som en revolution lika omvälvande som industrialismen och investerare har skyhöga förväntningar. Detta medan det hos allmänheten finns både okunskap om och rädsla inför AI, även om AI redan i dag tillämpas inom områden som sjukvård och industri. Många tillämpningar innebär att människans livsmiljö behöver anpassas för att AI ska fungera. När ny teknologi växer fram saknar vi ofta uttryck att tala om den och AI är dessutom till stor del osynlig för blotta ögat. Allmänheten blir därför i stor utsträckning beroende av mediernas skildringar. Det ger medierna makt eftersom de får kontroll över de budskap som sprids om AI, vilket gör att de kan påverka våra tankar, känslor och handlingar. Syftet med studien har varit att utforska hur AI har konstruerats i medierna i en tid när varken AI eller diskurserna om AI har hittat sin slutgiltiga form, det vill säga låsts in. Vad säger vi egentligen om AI i form av diskurser, ramar och metaforer? Empirin består av 90 nyhetsartiklar om AI publicerade av TT Nyhetsbyrån från 1980-talet till mars 2020. TT Nyhetsbyrån har en unik plats som nyhetsförmedlare då de når ut till hela Sveriges befolkning och åtnjuter stort förtroende hos allmänheten. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består av tre teorier i samspel: diskursanalys, framingteori och metaforteori. Diskursanalys ser språket som en social handling, vilket innebär att diskurser om AI kan leda oss i en viss riktning. Framingteori studerar hur olika sätt att rama in ett ämne som AI styr hur vi uppfattar och tolkar det. Metaforer ses i studien som centrala tankestrukturer som påverkar hur vi uppfattar, känner och handlar kring AI. Metodval är kvalitativ analys utifrån den undersökningsmodell som konstruerades med det teoretiska ramverket som grund. Resultaten visar att inramningen av TT Nyhetsbyråns artiklar är övervägande positiv, där AI i majoriteten av artiklarna presenteras som ett verktyg med stora möjligheter, som bör utvecklas och tillämpas. Metaforer som förekommer tillskriver maskinen mänskliga egenskaper och motiv och framställer AI-tillämpningar som smarta, läskunniga, nyfikna med flera mänskliga förmågor. Det impliceras i flera artiklar att maskinen skulle ha ett intresse av att konkurrera med människan. En central slutsats är att det förekommer ett spänningsfält med två motsatta huvuddiskurser i empirin. Den ena beskriver AI som ett neutralt verktyg, den andra som en konkurrent till människan. Båda leder till bilden av AI som ett verktyg med stor potential. AI-intressenterna gynnas av spänningsfältet medan läsare missgynnas: de lämnas att själva dra slutsatser om AI:s egentliga fördelar och nackdelar. Andra slutsatser är att de metaforer som förekommer tillskriver AI mänskliga egenskaper och motiv, vilket skapar stora förväntningar. Metaforerna döljer att AI kan förekomma i andra former än som en människoliknande robot, former som inskränker människans livsutrymme. Inramningen har varierat något över tid och tecken finns på att diskurser har låsts in. I empirin finns en klar övervikt för vita män ur elitklassen, vilket gör att TT Nyhetsbyrån kan sägas reproducera existerande maktstrukturer. / According to scientists and technologists, Artificial Intelligence is as revolutionary as the Industrialisation, and investors have soaring expectations. At the same time there is ignorance and fear of AI among the public, even though AI is already being applied in areas such as healthcare and industry. Many applications mean that human life must be adapted to make AI work. As new technologies emerge, we often lack expressions to talk about them, and AI is also largely invisible to the naked eye. The public, therefore, is largely dependent on depictions in media. Newspapers and radio channels decide what messages are spread about AI, messages which influence our thoughts, feelings and actions. The aim of this study was to explore how AI has been constructed in the media at a time when neither AI nor the discourses of AI have found their final form. What do we really say about AI? This study investigates 90 news articles about AI published by TT Nyhetsbyrån from the 1980s to March 2020. TT Nyhetsbyrån has the ability to reach the entire population of Sweden and enjoy great public confidence. The study’s theoretical framework consists of three theories in interaction: discourse analysis, framing theory and metaphor theory. Discourse analysis sees language as a social act, which means that discourses about AI can influence our behaviour. Framing theory studies how different ways of framing a topic such as AI can determine how we perceive and interpret it. In this study, metaphors are defined as central thought structures that influence how we perceive, feel and act. A qualitative analysis was applied in the study, based on a model that was constructed using the theoretical framework. TT Nyhetsbyrån’s articles are found to be predominantly positive, where AI in the majority of articles is framed as a tool with great opportunities, that should be developed and applied. Metaphors ascribe human attributes and motives to the machine, such as smart, literate and curious. It is implied in several articles that the machine has an interest in competing with man. In TT Nyhetsbyrån’s articles two opposite main discourses are visible, creating a tension between the two. One describes AI as a neutral tool, the other as a competitor to humans. Both lead to the image of AI as a tool with great potential. AI stakeholders are favoured by this tension between discourses, while the public is disfavoured: the readers of TT Nyhetsbyrån’s articles are left to draw conclusions about the true advantages and disadvantages of AI. The metaphors in the articles attribute human traits and motives to AI, which creates high expectations. The metaphors hide that AI can exist in forms other than a human-like robot, forms that restrict human life. The framing has varied somewhat over time and there are signs that discourses have been locked in. Since a majority of the interviewees in the articles are white men of the elite class, TT Nyhetsbyrån can also be said to reproduce existing power structures.

Antonio Skármeta's Narratives of Ethnicity: Rewriting Chile's Discourses of Identity

Morpaw, May January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation examines the representation of ethnic origins in Antonio Skármeta’s fiction. My hypothesis is that exile in Europe and return to Chile led the author to rethink his Dalmatian-Croatian roots and his sense of self in response to prevailing discourses of national identity. I assess Chile’s immigration history as well as the development of the idea of a homogeneous national identity. Blending concepts of ethnic narrative with theories of memory, identity, and literature, I trace Skármeta’s literary shift towards reclaiming his roots and initiating a critical dialogue with established notions of Chilean identity. I further argue that he grounds himself in literary tradition to inscribe immigrant stories into two major foundational genres, the historical novel and the family romance. I also show that, instead of accepting the truth-telling claims of historical fiction, Skármeta employs historiographic metafiction and intertextuality to emphasize the literary nature of fictional discourse and the role of literary figures in inventing the nation. Finally, I contend that these narratives constitute literary lieux de mémoire (Pierre Nora), which incorporate a subjective memory into the evolving discourses on Chilean identity, thereby recognizing pluralism and fostering mutual understanding.

Machiavelli’s virtú : Is virtú only for show?

Vikström, Dan January 2021 (has links)
Virtú has long been associated with manly traits like strength, cunning, valor, and ruthlessness. Much has been debated among these lines, whereas others have taken the approach of letting virtú and its meaning be undetermined. In this thesis a comparison between the different theoretical and practical meanings of Machiavelli’s teachings are discussed, with the conclusion being that there might be a case for virtú as being similar to showmanship, alternatively, an ingrained part of human nature. This conclusion is derived from comparison of different sources regarding Machiavelli’s works, with the Prince and the Discourses as the core of the interpretation. The flexibility of virtú and its circumstantial nature creates, through the arguments in this thesis, a basis for virtú as something other than a trait to have or to be developed. That being said, I am cautious to finalize a meaning to virtú, because of the nature of the word and its meaning. It has been interpreted to fit different subjective realities ever since its release, whereas this thesis might be found to do the same. Virtú and Machiavelli is hard to fully grasp, which makes it all the more interesting to try to derive meaning where none might be found.

“A Lake is More Unifying than a Common Roof”: The Mont-Orford National Park Expansion Project and Conservation Discourses at Lac-Montjoie, QC

Cournoyer, Camille 28 March 2022 (has links)
Since 2006, the Province of Quebec’s Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) is leading an expansion project at Mont-Orford National Park, which aims at adding 4300 hectares of land to the park, representing a 172% increase. The project raises concerns among the riparian population of Lac Montjoie, the case study of this research, whose shores and islands have been partially acquired by the Government of Quebec. These lands are expected to be integrated to the Mont-Orford National Park and operated by the Société des Établissements de Plein Air du Québec (Sépaq), a state agent responsible for operating Quebec’s national parks. While the MFFP, the Sépaq, and the riparian community all claim to seek to preserve the lake and its surroundings, these three actors express different views on conservation. As such, this thesis analyzes the variations in the conservation discourses of the MFFP, the Sépaq, and Lac Montjoie riparian dwellers in the context of the Mont-Orford National Park expansion project. I identify the conservation discourses of these three actors and explore their favoured conservation processes, practices of power and purposes. Accordingly, I apply a Foucauldian critical discourse analysis to examine official documentation as well as the data gathered from 23 semi-structured interviews with riparian households. I employ Feldman’s (2017) conceptual framework to situate the discourses of the MFFP, the Sépaq, and riparian dwellers in the conservation literature by comparing them to the 'fortress,’ community-based, ‘back to the barriers,’ and neoliberal conservation discourses. The research concludes that the MFFP and the Sépaq share a similar narrative that primarily contains characteristics of the ‘fortress’ and neoliberal discourses, while Lac Montjoie riparian dwellers put forward a vision that I label as ‘unenforceable disciplinary conservation.’ The Mont-Orford National Park expansion project entails a renegotiation of governance at Lac Montjoie that exposes tensions between neoliberal and disciplinary conservation in the creation of environmental subjects, as well as different interpretations of the notion of ‘heritage’ as the cornerstone of the supposed intrinsic relationship between humans and nature.

The Social Construction of Sexuality: Personal Meanings, Perceptions of Sexual Experience, and Females' Sexuality in Puerto Rico

Villanueva, María Isabel Martinó 06 May 1997 (has links)
A qualitative study on a sample of 12 Puerto Rican women was conducted in Puerto Rico. The purpose of this study was to explore the various ways in which sexual meanings are created, changed, and modified as the nature of social discourse and personal experience changes. The two theoretical frameworks that guided the methodology and analysis of the data were social constructionism and feminism. I assumed that sexuality is socially constructed, shaped by social, political, and economic influences, and modified throughout life. Feminist theories assisted in documenting the ways in which females' sexuality in Puerto Rico is shaped by culture and by institutions that disadvantage females and other oppressed groups by silencing their voices. The theories guided the discussion of the contradicting messages about women's sexualities and their experiences, as these women fought, conformed to, and even colluded with their oppression. Analysis of the participants' written and oral narratives produced the overarching theme of sexual meanings/scripts, along with three interrelated sub-themes: sources and nature of sexual scripts, determining experiences, and social discourses of female sexuality. Participants reported three institutional sources of sexual messages: family, religion-culture, and institutions of education. Their determining experiences follow a common thread that weaves a common story line: the life-long struggle with the incongruencies between the social constructions of female sexuality and the realities of these women's sexual experiences. Sexuality is defined as being challenged and modified through the participants' lives. Four social discourses of female sexuality emerged from the analysis of the data: source of guilt and shame, vulnerability and sexual victimization, ambivalence, and empowerment. A theory of ambivalence was developed from the data as a means to understand the participants' process of developing the paradigms for their own sexuality. / Ph. D.

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