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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dueto de sentidos: figuras de linguagem e dan?a contempor?nea compondo po?ticas no corpo adolescente

Maciel, Ana Ruth Rocha 18 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-20T22:57:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaRuthRochaMaciel_DISSERT.pdf: 3273804 bytes, checksum: 1e23e85704c956559764df5e6cbd3a4a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-24T19:46:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaRuthRochaMaciel_DISSERT.pdf: 3273804 bytes, checksum: 1e23e85704c956559764df5e6cbd3a4a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-24T19:46:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaRuthRochaMaciel_DISSERT.pdf: 3273804 bytes, checksum: 1e23e85704c956559764df5e6cbd3a4a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-18 / A presente investiga??o prop?e uma reflex?o a partir das contribui??es da dan?a e da literatura no contexto educacional. Para tanto, dialoga a vertente da dan?a contempor?nea com elementos do texto po?tico, dando ?nfase ?s figuras de linguagem. Traz como suporte te?rico o M?todo Recepcional, desenvolvido por Vera Teixeira de Aguiar e Maria da Gl?ria Bordini (1993), a partir da Est?tica da Recep??o, proposta por Hans Robert Jauss (2002). A pesquisa contou com uma experi?ncia pr?tica realizada com alunos do n?vel m?dio de uma escola da rede estadual de ensino, na cidade de Natal/RN. Usamos como suporte para coleta de dados question?rios, di?rio de bordo, al?m de registro fotogr?fico e por v?deo. O intuito foi pensar dan?a e literatura como ?reas poss?veis de se conectarem e despertarem no adolescente seu potencial criativo, capaz de perceber os v?rios n?veis de rela??es que se estabelecem a sua volta, de interagir com o outro de maneira mais madura, atentando para a import?ncia de se fazer ativo e consciente na din?mica de nossa sociedade. / This research proposes a reflection on the contribution of dance and literature in the educational context. For this purpose, it dialogues the strand of contemporary dance with elements of the poetic text, emphasizing the figures of speech. It brings as theoretical support the Reception Method, developed by Vera Teixeira de Aguiar and Maria da Gl?ria Bordini (1993), from the Reception Aesthetics, proposal by Hans Robert Jauss (2002). The survey counted on a practical application performed with high school students from a public school school, located in Natal/RN. The data was collected with questionnaires, Logbooks and a photographic record and video. The aim was to think dance and literature as possible areas to connect and awaken adolescents in their creative potential, being able to perceive the various levels of relationships that are established around them, to interact with each other in a more mature way, paying attention to the importance of making them active and conscious in the dynamics of our society.

Dan?a circular como pr?tica integrativa e complementar: contribui??es para a promo??o da sa?de

Silva, Jeane Oliveira Ramos da 31 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-20T23:36:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JeaneOliveiraRamosDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 2214082 bytes, checksum: 353f7c0de8e55756bbd9c67108c73372 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-24T23:32:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JeaneOliveiraRamosDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 2214082 bytes, checksum: 353f7c0de8e55756bbd9c67108c73372 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-24T23:32:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JeaneOliveiraRamosDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 2214082 bytes, checksum: 353f7c0de8e55756bbd9c67108c73372 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-31 / Considerando a reforma Sanit?ria brasileira, que institucionalizou atrav?s do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de - SUS a Aten??o Integral ? Sa?de, a Portaria GM/MS N? 971/2006, que implantou as Pr?ticas Integrativas e Complementares (PICs) no SUS, e a necessidade dos usu?rios do SUS, dos profissionais de sa?de e da gest?o de utiliza??o de pr?ticas integrativas promotoras da sa?de no servi?o, este estudo, do tipo Pesquisa A??o Existencial-PAE, visa a analisar e descrever, ? luz da abordagem Sociopo?tica, como os Ateli?s de Dan?a Circular para profissionais de sa?de poder?o promover sa?de, e contribuir com o reconhecimento e expans?o desta pr?tica na rede de servi?os do SUS. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na cidade de Natal/RN com um grupo de 15 profissionais de sa?de do SUS. Os dados foram coletados atrav?s de tr?s instrumentos metodol?gicos: question?rios, di?rio vivencial e grupo focal. Visou-se conhecer as sensa??es e emo??es expressadas pelos profissionais da sa?de participantes dos Ateli?s de Dan?a Circular; identificar a influ?ncia das Dan?as Circulares na promo??o da sa?de das participantes; e avaliar como as experi?ncias vivenciadas na Roda de Dan?a Circular poder?o contribuir para o reconhecimento e a expans?o desta pr?tica como uma PIC no ?mbito da rede municipal de sa?de de Natal. Como principal referencial te?rico, foram utilizados o Paradigma da Salutog?nese e a Vis?o Sist?mica da vida. Conclui-se que um conjunto de fatores salutog?nicos presentes no Ateli? Dan?a Circular promoveram a sa?de dos profissionais de sa?de ao proporcionarem: equil?brio, expans?o da consci?ncia, ludicidade e criatividade. Al?m disso, expandiu-se a utiliza??o e reconhecimento da Dan?a Circular como Pr?tica Integrativa e Complementar na rede de servi?os do SUS, possibilitando a continuidade com a implanta??o da roda permanente de Dan?a Circular da SMS - Natal/RN: Roda Mandala de Luz. / Concerning the Brazilian health reform, which institutionalized, through the Unified Health System (SUS), the full healthcare assistance, the ordinance GM/MS N? 971/2006, which implemented the integrative and complementary practices (PICs) into SUS, and the need of SUS users, health professionals, and managers, this paper, as a PAE (Existential Action Research), aims at analyze and describe through the Sociopoetic approach (how Circle Dance workshops for health professionals can provide health, and contribute to the divulgation and development of this practice. The present research was conducted in Natal-RN, involving 15 health professionals who work for SUS. Data were collected using three methodological tools: surveys, daily notes and focal group. Aimed to know the feelings, thoughts, emotions expressed by health professionals participating in the Circle Dance workshops, identifying its influences in the participant?s health, and evaluating how their experiences during the dance perhaps contributes to the divulgation and development of this practice as a PIC in Natal. Studies about the Circle Dance, The Salutogenesis Paradigm, Health Promotion Politics, Integrative Practices, and Worker Health were used as theoretical background. This work concludes that Circle Dance workshops led to a health environment, which improved health, besides providing moments of consciousness expansion that deepened the understanding of important human values for a healthy daily living, such as equality, cooperation, unity, peace and respect for diversity. Moreover, it expanded the use and recognition of Circle Dance as an Integrative and Complementary Practice in the Unified Health System (SUS), enabling the continued with the establishment of permanent Circle Dance of the SMS - Natal / RN: Roda Mandala de Luz.

Dan?as no RN: motiva??es, dificuldades e configura??es

Souza, Jordana Lucena de 15 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-23T16:24:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JordanaLucenaDeSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 3783400 bytes, checksum: d73a15f166ed2e6b57057baa20422b7c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Monica Paiva (monicalpaiva@hotmail.com) on 2017-03-23T16:37:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JordanaLucenaDeSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 3783400 bytes, checksum: d73a15f166ed2e6b57057baa20422b7c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-23T16:37:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JordanaLucenaDeSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 3783400 bytes, checksum: d73a15f166ed2e6b57057baa20422b7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-15 / Neste trabalho abordamos o cen?rio da Dan?a no Rio Grande do Norte, a partir da investiga??o de Grupos evidentes nas mesorregi?es do Leste Potiguar, Agreste Potiguar, Central Potiguar e Oeste Potiguar, e mais especificamente nos munic?pios Major Sales, Jardim do Serid?, Pedro Velho e Passa e Fica. Com isso objetivamos compreender, do ponto de vista fenomenol?gico, os sentidos e os significados que motivam os sujeitos das dan?as l? situadas, a serem agentes fazedores-transformadores da dan?a no Rio Grande do Norte. Para tanto, elegemos as seguintes quest?es de estudo que nortearam o desenvolvimento dessa investiga??o: 1. Que motiva??es impulsionam os sujeitos fazedores da dan?a a contribu?rem para mant?-la viva-pulsante e/ou resistirem ?s dificuldades cotidianas? 2. Que dificuldades est?o presentes nesse cen?rio da dan?a no RN e como s?o enfrentadas? 3. Como vem se configurando o cen?rio da dan?a no RN? Dessa forma foi poss?vel, nesse contexto de sentidos e significados, desvelar motiva??es, dificuldades e configura??es das dan?as nesses munic?pios representativos do RN; isto ?, percebermos as identidades e identifica??es desses brincantes com a dan?a enquanto manifesta??o cultural simb?lica, cidad? e pol?tica; a presen?a/aus?ncia de pol?ticas p?blicas voltadas a essas express?es art?sticas e o impacto decorrente do envolvimento das comunidades para que esse cen?rio cultural se propague pelas novas gera??es. / Neste trabalho abordamos o cen?rio da Dan?a no Rio Grande do Norte, a partir da investiga??o de Grupos evidentes nas mesorregi?es do Leste Potiguar, Agreste Potiguar, Central Potiguar e Oeste Potiguar, e mais especificamente nos munic?pios Major Sales, Jardim do Serid?, Pedro Velho e Passa e Fica. Com isso objetivamos compreender, do ponto de vista fenomenol?gico, os sentidos e os significados que motivam os sujeitos das dan?as l? situadas, a serem agentes fazedores-transformadores da dan?a no Rio Grande do Norte. Para tanto, elegemos as seguintes quest?es de estudo que nortearam o desenvolvimento dessa investiga??o: 1. Que motiva??es impulsionam os sujeitos fazedores da dan?a a contribu?rem para mant?-la viva-pulsante e/ou resistirem ?s dificuldades cotidianas? 2. Que dificuldades est?o presentes nesse cen?rio da dan?a no RN e como s?o enfrentadas? 3. Como vem se configurando o cen?rio da dan?a no RN? Dessa forma foi poss?vel, nesse contexto de sentidos e significados, desvelar motiva??es, dificuldades e configura??es das dan?as nesses munic?pios representativos do RN; isto ?, percebermos as identidades e identifica??es desses brincantes com a dan?a enquanto manifesta??o cultural simb?lica, cidad? e pol?tica; a presen?a/aus?ncia de pol?ticas p?blicas voltadas a essas express?es art?sticas e o impacto decorrente do envolvimento das comunidades para que esse cen?rio cultural se propague pelas novas gera??es.

Daňová evidence u plátce DPH / Tax records by the person registered for value added tax

Luňáčková, Irena January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with tax records and with value added tax. Who leads the tax records, the legislation, the documents in the tax records, tax records of revenues and expenditures, liabilities, accounts receivables, inventories and fixed assets. Legislation of VAT, who is subject obligated to VAT, tax documents, the taxable and exempt benefits, the right to deduct VAT, the application of VAT in the country, application of VAT in the EU, application of VAT with the third countries. Complex example, which serves as a realistic example of keeping tax records in Excel and how to calculate a tax liability and how to fill in the tax form of VAT returns.

Krigets Zen och Våld : En hermeneutisk analys av D.T. Suzuki och kritiska krigsstudiers förståelse av krig

Thisell, Karl January 2017 (has links)
In this paper I try to inquire into what I find to be similarities between the field of Critical War Studies and the thought of Suzuki Daisetz Taitaro. These two would seem to be near opposites, the former is an academic field of research, the latter a Zen Buddhist thinker. Yet while separated by time, location, and genealogy, they connect in the similarity of the phenomena they research. Through a hermeneutic study of Suzukis thought during the Japanese Empire and contrasting and comparing it to the thought of several social scientists of Critical War Studies, I find an increasing similarity between the Baudrillardian and Suzukian conception of war and fighting as a loss of the subject. From this I posit that even in completely different contexts, the study of the same phenomena may produce very similar theories – something that may impact the how we think of faith versus science.

Zdanění zaměstnaneckých benefitů ve vybraných zemích EU / Taxation of Employee benefits in the chosen EU countries

Nguyenová, Phuong January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to compare taxation of employee benefits in particular EU countries and identify their impact on employees and also employers. The main goal is to summarize the procedures that need to be done when dealing with benefits as well as state several suggestions for prospective reader. The thesis is divided into four chapters. First chapter defines employee benefits. Second chapter analyses benefits from employee's and employer's point of view. Third chapter gives detailed overview of benefits' taxation in selected countries of European Union. These countries are the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria. Finally last chapter contains several practical examples which show how to proceed when determining the amount of tax, while simultaneously comparing the differences in taxation between countries.

A Blending of Purpose: The Juxtaposition of Functional and Aesthetic Qualities in Pots of Use.

Decker-Smith, Jessica Lindsay 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis supports the Master of Fine Arts exhibition entitled A Blending of Purpose at East Tennessee State University, Carroll Reece Museum, Johnson City, Tennessee, November 4 – 22, 2004. It discusses the artist’s desire to create exceptionally crafted functional work which focuses on both compelling aesthetics and strong utilitarian considerations. Topics include the artistic validity of functional works, aesthetic and functional qualities, tactile sensation as a consideration, machine-made works versus hand-made works, a characteristic described as the Life Quality, and the piece’s completion in use. The artist examines her influences including work ceramists Dan Finnegan, Nick Joerling and Ken Sedberry, as well as form and design elements found in the art and architecture of India. Practical application in form and process of these ideas and influences is discussed.

The Médan Matrix: Huysmans and Maupassant following Zola's model of naturalism

Wolter, Jennifer Kristen 05 September 2003 (has links)
No description available.


李俊熙, LI, JUN-XI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究目的,乃希望透過對清末民初的外蒙情勢,以及在外蒙中國、俄國、日本 等國際勢的抗衡,分析、探討,讓吾人瞭解外蒙脫離中國轉為蘇俄附庸的共產國家的 歷史背景。 在參考資料方面,以中文資料(其中包括英、日翻譯本)為主,加以英、日文資料來 補充。但在現實環境的限制下,蒙文資料的蒐集十分困難,而且本人的蒙文造詣不深 ,故不得不參考西方學者及日本學者相關翻譯本和著作。而本文研究方法上,主要是 採用歷史學的架構,予以分析、比較、綜合,尤其因資料上的史事記載有所不同,所 以經由分析比較,加以推論,最後提出定論。 本文研究內容,除緒論和結論之外,共四章十一節。概分為民族主義之抬頭﹕俄國的 策動以及中國的失策激起蒙古人的民族意識。革命集團之誕生及其活動﹕蘇俄十月革 命對外蒙部分民族主義者的影響,及與蘇俄共黨及第三國際人士的接觸,以擴張其革 命力量,其結果遂組成臨時政府。外來勢力之變化﹕首先探討中國內部之宜皖戰爭, 以至引起在外蒙外來勢力的變化,即白俄溫琴在日本的支持之下占領庫倫,嗣後蘇俄 赤軍藉口討伐白黨而侵入外蒙,並在蘇俄的指使之下建立人民政府。保守勢力之衰退 ﹕由於神權及封建特權之限制,青年團之組織及其在政治上所扮演的角色之影響,且 保守派與急進派雙方激型之鬥爭,至使保守勢力逐漸衰退,而以活佛哲布尊丹巴之逝 世為最明顯之象徵。 結論則是闡述,十九世紀末開始抬頭的蒙古民族主義,在俄國慫恿之下,並一九一0 年清廷對蒙政策的轉奱,以及一九一九年徐樹錚的武力撤治而被激起,加上蘇俄十月 革命的影響,終致外蒙出現革命集團。嗣後在第三國際的支使以及赤軍的武力援助下 ,建立人民政府。再經過數次流血肅清民族主義者,以及蒙人的精神領袖活佛哲布尊 丹巴的逝世,最後成立了附庸蘇俄的「蒙古人民共和國」。

Dan?a de sal?o como possibilidade de qualifica??o das rela??es (intra) interpessoal na empresa

Silva, Caroline Rodrigues da 21 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:23:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 437779.pdf: 461761 bytes, checksum: 5ec35749095376140106d7dbf61572a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-21 / Thisstudy aimed tounderstand the importanceof ballroom dancingas a possibility to the qualificationof interpersonal relationshipsin the company.As specific objectives, we sought to analyze the (intra) interpersonalrelationshipsof ballroom dancing practicesin the companyand analyzesocial dancing as an experience able to qualifytheinterpersonal relationships, promoting new opportunities forinterventionsin the company. In a qualitative perspective, a methodologyof action research was used tocarry out acooperative research, inconducting focus groups-Gatti (2005) andGaskell (1999) andfor data analysis Moraes Discourse Textual Analysis and Galiazzi (2007) was used. The main authorswereDantas (2005, 1999), Rego (2008), Rey (2005),Chanlat (2007), Jesus (2000).The results showed that: perception of subjectivity exists behind the worker, and overcoming the dismissal of a sedentary lifestyle, the importance of peer relationships, the feeling of bliss and increased morale caused by the dance, the relationship between dance and life and the ballroom dancing as a promoter of respect from the link constituted by trust and self-esteem, encouraged by the self-knowledge. / O presente trabalho teve por objetivo compreender a import?ncia da dan?a de sal?o como possibilidade da qualifica??o das rela??es interpessoais na empresa. Como objetivos espec?ficos, pretendeu-se analisar as rela??es (intra) interpessoais dos praticantes da dan?a de sal?o na empresa e analisar a dan?a de sal?o como viv?ncia capaz de qualificar as rela??es interpessoais, promovendo novas possibilidades de interven??es na empresa. Numa perspectiva qualitativa, empregou-se como metodologia a pesquisa-a??o efetivada por meio da pesquisa cooperativa, na realiza??o de grupos focais Gatti (2005) e Gaskell (1999) e para an?lise dos dados, utilizou-se a An?lise Textual Discursiva de Moraes e Galiazzi (2007). Os principais autores utilizados foram Dantas (2005;1999), Rego (2008), Rey (2005), Chanlat (2007), Jesus (2000). Os resultados apontaram para: percep??o da subjetividade existente por tr?s do trabalhador, a destitui??o e supera??o do sedentarismo, a import?ncia das rela??es entre pares, a sensa??o de ?xtase e aumento da motiva??o provocadas pela dan?a, a rela??o da dan?a com a vida e a dan?a de sal?o como promotora de respeito, a partir do v?nculo constitu?do, pela confian?a e autoestima, propiciados pelo autoconhecimento.

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