Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dashboard"" "subject:"washboard""
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”OFTAST FÅR MAN ROTA OCH LETA OM MAN VILL HA STATISTIK” : En kvalitativ studie om värdeskapande inom offentlig sektor genom datavisualisering och dashboards / "MOST OF THE TIME YOU CAN SEARCH AND LOOK IF YOU WANT STATISTICS" : A qualitative study of value creation in the public sector through data visualization and dashboardsBäckström, Erika, Boholm, Freja January 2022 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) is growing fast and more and more companies realize the profits of data-driven decision making. One vital part of BI is data visualization and mainly in the form of dashboards. Although it is proven that private companies can create value from implementing dashboards in their decision-making process, we see a gap in the research whether the same can be done for the public sector. We find this topic interesting since the two fields have such a different view on what creates value. This study aims to fill in that gap by studying the possibilities and obstacles of applying dashboards within the public sector. In this study we created dashboard prototypes and conducted think-aloud testing followed by semistructured interviews with ten employees at a municipality in Sweden. The result of the study suggests that working with dashboards in municipalities have a possibility to create value, mainly in the form of analytics, decision-making, communication and motivation. However, the participants also expressed some negative aspects in the form of handling the immeasurable parts of society, mainly the parts of reality that is not measurable in statistics. We also found possible problems with handling data and a worry about resistance in implementing new systems for the employees. This study is conducted on one municipality, however we hope it will serve as inspiration for public sector organizations’ journey on using dashboards making their decisions data-driven and creating value for the citizens and employees.
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Klient pro zobrazování OLAP kostek / Client for Displaying OLAP CubesZahradník, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this work is in analytical tool supporting manager decision making. The goal was to develop a reporting system which simplifies company customer's orientation in key performance indicators. As implementation environment has been used .NET Framework 3.5 with C\# language and database server Microsoft SQL 2008 with Analysis Services extension, for web interface has been used ASP.NET.
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Ta pulsen på verksamheten : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om införandet av dashboards som visuellt stöd vid dagliga pulsmöten / Measuring organizational health : A qualitative interview study on introducing dashboards as visual aid in daily pulse meetingsHaldorson, Moa, Pettersson, Ida, Salminen, Bodil January 2023 (has links)
Meetings are an integral part of daily business practice and while the intentions of meetings are good, they rarely live up to their full potential. Businesses are realizing the benefits of utilizing their data to make more informed decisions. As the advancements of data technology and the use of Business Intelligence continues to grow, dashboards are becoming increasingly relevant, giving businesses a competitive advantage. Dashboards can assist in making data accessible and comprehensible by summarizing and visualizing key results. Although several studies have covered the use of dashboards, little has been done to investigate dashboards as meeting aids. In pulse methodology a pulse board, which visualizes deviations, is used to support pulse meetings, indicating that visual aid can be beneficial for meeting purposes. The purpose of this study is to develop a deeper understanding regarding how data visualization, specifically dashboards, can be used as meeting support to improve meetings. We investigate the possibilities and challenges of implementing dashboards as visual aid in daily pulse meetings by conducting a qualitative interview study to gather employees’ perspectives on the potential implementation of dashboards. The study was conducted in collaboration with a company in the private sector that practice pulse and Lean methodology. The result suggests that dashboards could be a suitable complement to the pulse board in pulse meetings, as they can improve efficiency in meetings. However, implementation challenges must be addressed, and employee attitudes should be considered. It is of great importance to develop dashboards with the intended user in mind to increase the possibility of a successful implementation.
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Enhancing User Experience while retrieving information via DashboardBhutani, Mahima January 2019 (has links)
With rapid growth in technical and social sector, the amount of data produced and retrieved has grown exponentially. Hence, there is a dire need for a management information system (MIS) to manage and structure such data. This study was initiated to learn about the problems and needs of the employees of a truck manufacturer organisation while working for long duration projects. The information about processes and tasks is available but in an unstructured manner through excel spreadsheets which makes it difficult for users to retrieve required information during crucial times. An information system in the form of a dashboard was designed and proposed to overcome the problems faced by users. This study focuses on evaluating the user experience of employees while retrieving desired information about the procedures using both dashboard and excel spreadsheets. To investigate the work structure and problems of employees, interviews were conducted. The results were analysed and a dashboard solution was proposed and developed with real time data. With employees coordination, few usability tests were conducted and the feedback was recorded for future work. According to the study results, the efficiency of employees can be increased and the decision making can be improved using MIS. With better retrieval techniques user experience was also enhanced. The interactive visualisations of dashboard attracted users and was used efficiently for providing tons of information about procedures to be followed. / Med den snabba tillväxten inom teknisk och social sektor har mängden data som både produceras och hämtas ökat exponentiellt. Därför finns det ett brådskande behov av informationssystem för att hanterar och strukturera sådan data. Denna studie startade med att utforska de problem och behov som fanns hos anställda på ett företag som tillverkar lastbilar när de jobbar i långvariga projekt. Informationen om rutiner, processer och uppgifter är idag tillgänglig för de anställda i ostrukturerade Excel-kalkylblad, detta gör det svårt att hämta nödvändig information. Ett informationssystem i form av en instrumentpanel utformades och föreslogs för att lösa de problem som användarna möter. Denna studie fokuserade på att utvärdera användarupplevelsen hos de anställda medan de hämtade önskad information om rutinerna när de använde både instrumentpanelen och Excel-kalkylblad. För att undersöka arbetetsstrukturen och de problem som de anställda upplever så genomfördes intervjuer. Resultatet analyserades och ett resultat i forma av ett informationssystem (instrumentpanelen) föreslogs och utvecklades med realtidsdata. Med samordning av de anställda genomfördes användbarhetstester och deras återkoppling registrerades för framtida arbete. Enligt studieresultaten kan effektiviteten hos de anställda ökas och beslutsfattande kan förbättras med hjälp av ett informationssystem. Användarupplevelsen kan också förbättras genom bättre tekniker för hämtning av data. Den interaktiva visualiseringen av instrumentpanelen lockade användarna och användes effektivt för att ge information om rutiner som ska följas.
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Управление человеческими ресурсами на основе методов HR-аналитики и данных о людях (на примере ООО «К Телеком») : магистерская диссертация / Human resource management based on HR analytics and people data (on the example of K Telecom LLC)Хороших, А. А., Khoroshikh, A. A. January 2023 (has links)
HR-аналитика – относительно новое направление в сфере управления персоналом, но уже довольно широко обсуждается в научном контексте. Цель исследования – изучить современные подходы к управлению человеческими ресурсами организации на основе инструментов HR-аналитики и данных о людях, провести анализ возможностей и ограничений применения HR-аналитики в системе управления персоналом телекоммуникационной компании, а также разработать предложения по внедрению системы HR-аналитики в ООО «К Телеком». В ходе исследования использованы как теоретические методы (изучение литературных источников, анализ, описание, обобщение, классификация), так и эмпирические методы (интервьюирование, анкетирование, сбор данных, анализ результатов деятельности). Научная новизна исследования заключается в авторском уточнении понятия HR-аналитики и разработке инновационных решений в области внедрения системы HR-аналитики в практику управления человеческими ресурсами телекоммуникационной компании. Практическая значимость результатов магистерского исследования обусловлена разработкой управленческого механизма внедрения системы HR-аналитики в ООО «К Телеком», инструментов принятия кадровых решений на основе данных о людях. / HR analytics is a relatively new direction in the field of personnel management, but it is already widely discussed in a scientific context. The purpose of the study is to study modern approaches to managing human resources of an organization based on HR analytics tools and data about people, to analyze the possibilities and limitations of using HR analytics in the personnel management system of a telecommunications company, and to develop proposals for the implementation of an HR analytics system in K Telecom LLC. During the study, both theoretical methods (study of literary sources, analysis, description, generalization, classification) and empirical methods (interviewing, questioning, data collection, analysis of performance results) were used. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the author's clarification of the concept of HR analytics and the development of innovative solutions in the field of introducing an HR analytics system into the practice of human resource management in a telecommunications company. The practical significance of the results of the master's study is due to the development of a managerial mechanism for the implementation of the HR analytics system in K Telecom LLC, tools for making personnel decisions based on data about people.
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Data Visualization of Software Test Results : A Financial Technology Case Study / Datavisualisering av Mjukvarutestresultat : En Fallstudie av Finansiell TeknologiDzidic, Elvira January 2023 (has links)
With the increasing pace of development, the process of interpreting software test results data has become more challenging and time-consuming. While the test results provide valuable insights into the software product, the increasing complexity of software systems and the growing volume of test data pose challenges in effectively analyzing this data to ensure quality. To address these challenges, organizations are adopting various tools. Visualization dashboards are a common approach used to streamline the analysis process. By aggregating and visualizing test results data, these dashboards enable easier identification of patterns and trends, facilitating informed decision-making. This study proposes a management dashboard with visualizations of test results data as a decision support system. A case study was conducted involving eleven quality assurance experts with a number of various roles, including managers, directors, testers, and project managers. User interviews were conducted to evaluate the need for a dashboard and identify relevant test results data to visualize. The participants expressed the need for a dashboard, which would benefit both newcomers and experienced employees. A low-fidelity prototype of the dashboard was created and A/B testing was performed through a survey to prioritize features and choose the preferred version of the prototype. The results of the user interviews highlighted pass-rate, executed test cases, and failed test cases as the most important features. However, different professions showed interest in different test result metrics, leading to the creation of multiple views in the prototype to accommodate varying needs. A high-fidelity prototype was implemented based on feedback and underwent user testing, leading to iterative improvements. Despite the numerous advantages of a dashboard, integrating it into an organization can pose challenges due to variations in testing processes and guidelines across companies and teams. Hence, the dashboards require customization. The main contribution of this study is twofold. Firstly, it provides recommendations for relevant test result metrics and suitable visualizations to effectively communicate test results. Secondly, it offers insights into the visualization preferences of different professions within a quality assurance team that were missing in previous studies. / Med den ökande utvecklingstakten har processen att tolka testresultatdata för programvara blivit mer utmanande och tidskrävande. Även om testresultaten ger värdefulla insikter i mjukvaruprodukten, innebär den ökande komplexiteten hos mjukvarusystemen och den växande volymen testdata utmaningar när det gäller att effektivt analysera dessa data för att säkerställa kvalitet. För att möta dessa utmaningar använder organisationer olika verktyg. Visualiseringspaneler är ett vanligt tillvägagångssätt som används för att effektivisera analysprocessen. Genom att aggregera och visualisera testresultatdata möjliggör dessa instrumentpaneler enklare identifiering av mönster och trender, vilket underlättar välgrundat beslutsfattande. Den här studien föreslår en management-panel med visualiseringar av testresultatdata som ett beslutsstödssystem. En fallstudie genomfördes med elva experter inom kvalitetssäkring med olika roller, inklusive chefer, direktörer, testare och projektledare. Användarintervjuer genomfördes för att utvärdera behovet av en panel och identifiera relevanta testresultatdata att visualisera. Deltagarna uttryckte behovet av en visualiseringspanel, som skulle gynna både nyanställda och erfarna medarbetare. En prototyp av panelen med låg detaljnivå skapades och A/B-testning genomfördes genom en enkät för att prioritera funktioner och välja den föredragna versionen av prototypen. Resultaten av användarintervjuerna lyfte fram andel av godkända testresultat, exekverade testfall och misslyckade testfall som de viktigaste egenskaperna. Men olika yrkesgrupper visade intresse för olika testresultatmått, vilket ledde till skapandet av flera vyer i prototypen för att tillgodose olika behov. En prototyp med hög detaljnivå implementerades baserat på feedback och genomgick användartestning, vilket ledde till iterativa förbättringar. Trots de många fördelarna med en instrumentpanel kan det innebära utmaningar att integrera den i en organisation på grund av variationer i testprocesser och riktlinjer mellan företag och team. Därför kräver paneler anpassning. Det huvudsakliga bidraget från denna studie är dubbelt. För det första ger den rekommendationer för relevanta testresultatmått och lämpliga visualiseringar för att effektivt kommunicera testresultat. För det andra ger den insikter i visualiseringspreferenser för olika yrken inom ett kvalitetssäkringsteam vilket saknats i tidigare studier.
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Testing of a new Ice Presence and State Sensor on Above Deck Structure of a BridgeByanjankar, Manil, Byanjankar January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of the Impacts of Meraki API on Network Delivery AutomationAbdollahporan, Farzad, Vandermaesen, Elvira January 2024 (has links)
In today's ever-automating world, businesses are increasingly focused on optimizing network operations, including configuration, management, and troubleshooting. This study scrutinizes the comparison between manual and automated methodologies within the framework of the cloud-based Cisco Meraki platform. Our objective is to establish decisive criteria for identifying the most advantageous circumstances for automation, particularly in network configuration. To achieve this, we constructed a network consisting of three Meraki devices. Automation of network configuration was facilitated through the development of Python scripts leveraging the Meraki API library in conjunction with configuration files. The configuration files were constructed in various file formats–Excel, CSV, JSON, and YAML– in order to assess their impact on automation effectiveness. Moreover, manual configuration tasks were undertaken by three network technicians with varying levels of Meraki proficiency. A comprehensive series of tests, encompassing both automated and manual methods, was subsequently conducted, focusing on metrics such as execution time and keystroke count. Through meticulous analysis, we provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of automation in network configuration processes. Results demonstrated that the use of JSON files in the automation process yielded the shortest completion time and required the fewest keystrokes compared to other automation methods. Moreover, manual configuration via the Meraki dashboard GUI exhibited comparable efficiency to automation methods in networks with a small number of devices. Nonetheless, owing to the capacity to reuse configuration files with minor adjustments for similar setups, the true advantage of automation over manual configuration becomes apparent as the device count increases.
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Exploiting activity traces and learners’ reports to support self-regulation in project-based learning / Exploitation des traces d’activités et des rapports des apprenants pour supporter l’auto-régulation en apprentissage par projetJi, Min 27 April 2015 (has links)
L'Apprentissage Par Projet (APP) est une méthode d'enseignement orientée apprenant, qui leur permet de réaliser des projets sous forme d'enquêtes approfondies. L'APP offre aux apprenants la possibilité de planifier leur projet, de collaborer avec leurs pairs et de rechercher les ressources pour atteindre les objectifs du projet. Cependant, l'APP est difficile à mettre en œuvre avec succès du fait que les apprenants manquent souvent des compétences d'autorégulation pour suivre, réfléchir, gérer et évaluer les activités durant le projet. L'apprentissage autorégulé peut aider les apprenants à acquérir ces compétences. Cependant, la plupart des environnements d'apprentissage utilisés en APP proposent surtout des matériaux d'apprentissage riches aux apprenants, et rarement les moyens de suivre et analyser leurs processus de gestion de projet et d'apprentissage. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de soutenir l'apprentissage autorégulé en apprentisage par projet. Nous proposons une architecture générale de système de gestion des apprentissage par projet (PBLMS) qui aide les apprenants à comprendre comment réguler leurs activités d'apprentissage au cours d'un projet. Cette architecture générale intègre un système existant de gestion des apprentissages (LMS) et deux outils que nous proposons: un outil de reporting et un tableau de bord dynamique. L'outil de reporting supporte les processus de réflexion des apprenants en les amenant à décrire leurs activités non instrumentées, leurs réflexions et leurs évaluations sur les activités menées durant le projet à l'aide de phrases semi-structurées. Le système enregistre automatiquement les traces des interactions des utilisateurs avec le LMS, l'outil de reporting et le tableau de bord. Ces traces d'activité sont fusionnées avec les données autodéclarées afin que les indicateurs puissent être calculés sur la base de ces deux types d'informations. Le tableau de bord dynamique permet aux apprenants de créer des indicateurs personnalisables. Les apprenants peuvent spécifier les données à prendre en compte, le calcul et les modes de visualisation. Nous avons implémenté cette proposition théorique avec le développement de la plate-forme DDART (tableau de bord dynamique basé sur les traces d'activité et déclarées) qui intègre l'outil de reporting et le tableau de bord dynamique. Pour évaluer notre proposition, nous avons tout d'abord testé la capacité de DDART à créer un large échantillon d'indicateurs qui sont proposés dans les recherches existantes sur l'analyse des activités, la cognition, les émotions et les réseaux sociaux. De plus, une expérience a été menée afin d'évaluer l'utilisabilité et l'utilité perçue de DDART. Selon les résultats de cette expérience, nous avons constaté que DDART supporte les réflexions des apprenants sur la façon dont ils mènent leur projet et leur fournit les moyens de suivre leurs activités et apprentissages, même si la création d'indicateurs apparait difficile pour les novices. / Project-based Learning (PBL) is a learner-oriented instructional method, which enables learners to carry out challenging and authentic projects by thorough investigations. PBL affords learners the opportunities to organize and plan the project, to collaborate with peers and to look for the resources and guidance to achieve the project goals. However, PBL is difficult to implement successfully because learners often lack of the self-regulation skills required to monitor, reflect, manage and assess their project activities and learning. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) can train learners to gain these skills. However, most learning systems used in PBL focus on providing rich learning materials to the learners but rarely offer possibilities to monitor and analyze their project and learning processes. The main goal of this thesis is to support SRL during PBL situations. We propose a general architecture of Project-based Learning Management System (PBLMS), which help learners to understand how to regulate their learning activities during the projects. This general architecture integrates an existing Learning Management System (LMS) and two tools we propose: a reporting tool and a dynamic dashboard. The reporting tool enhances learners' reflective processes by leading them to describe their non-instrumented activities, their reflections and assessments on the project activities based on semi-structured sentences. The system can record automatically the activity traces of the users' interactions with the LMS, the reporting tool and the dashboard. These activity traces are merged with the self-reporting data so that indicators can be calculated basing on this entire information. The dynamic dashboard supports learners in creating customizable indicators. Learners can specify the data to take into account, the calculation and the visualization modes. We implemented this theoretical proposition with the development of the DDART (Dynamic Dashboard based on Activity and self-Reporting Traces) platform that integrates the reporting tool and the dynamic dashboard. To evaluate the proposition, we firstly test the ability of DDART to recreate a large sample of indicators that are proposed in existing researches about the analysis of activities, cognition, emotion and social network. Furthermore, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the usability and perceived utility of DDART. According to the results of this experiment, we found that DDART supports learners' reflections on the way they carry out the project and provides them with the opportunities to monitor their activities and learning, even if the indicator creation could be difficult for the novices.
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Vliv omezujících stěn na proudění z ventilační vyústky / Influence of boundary walls on the flow from the ventilation outletMolčan, Filip January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this work is to experimentally assess the influence of limiting walls of Škoda Octavia 3 automobile cabin to the air jet flowing from the right-front situated automotive vent which is part of a car dashboard. The experiment is performed by the smoke visualization method. There is a single construction option measured for an experiment. The setup of the vanes direction and the air flow rate are modified for this option. The experiment is divided into two phases. In the first phase, the visualization of the free air flow is conducted. In the second phase, exit plates are constructed and consequently, the visualization of the wall-jet flow is conducted. The results of both are compared to each other. The results imply that the influence of the surrounding surfaces must be taken into account with the increasing flow rate for the vanes set in the direction of upper-right, middle-right, and middle-middle. There is a direct interaction between the flow and exit plates (the flow impact, the Coanda effect). The free flow does not contain the information about the mutual interaction between the flow and the exit plates, as it is in the case of the wall-jet flow. In the case of the wall-jet flow, the opening of the flow takes place due to the effect of the impact and the subsequential suction caused by the Coanda effect. The exit plates substituting the car dashboard and the front window contribute to the prevention of the air intake from surrounding space and consequently to earlier flow opening from the vent. The present work also contains the measurement methodology and the image evaluation, the comparison with previous free flow measurements (70% match) and the comparison to the measurement of hot-wire anemometry method.
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