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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A violência como paisagem: uma leitura do Quadros da Natureza de Alexander von Humboldt / Violence as landscape: a reading of Alexander von Humboldt\'s Views of nature

Francisco Bahia Lopes 01 December 2015 (has links)
Em 1799, enquanto a Europa sacudia com as guerras napoleônicas, o naturalista prussiano Alexander von Humboldt e o botânico francês Aimé Bonpland embarcavam rumo à América do Sul para realizar uma expedição científica. Oficialmente, era a primeira vez que cientistas viajavam ao mundo colonial espanhol sem escolta militar. Durante a viagem, uma peste atinge a tripulação obrigando Humboldt a desembarcar em Cumaná, na Tierra Firme, área marginalizada pela colonização espanhola. Humboldt permaneceria na área (hoje território colombiano e venezuelano) até 1801; este trecho da viagem seria seu principal objeto de representação quando, em 1808, já de volta ao mundo metropolitano, publica o Quadros da Natureza. No prefácio, Humboldt dizia que a obra tinha a intenção de evocar, através da descrição paisagística, aquilo que vivenciou no mundo colonial; neste procedimento, porém, pintava a colônia como espetáculo natural regido pela harmonia do mundo; com o Quadros da Natureza, Humboldt aniquilava, na paisagem descrita, aquilo que unia a colônia à metrópole: a mais brutal violência. / In 1799, while Europe concussed by the Napoleonic wars, the Prussian naturalist Alexander von Humboldt and the French botanist Aimé Bonpland boarded to South America to perform a scientific expedition. Officially, was the first time that scientists travelled to the Spanish colonial world without military bodyguard. During the trip, a plague reaches the ship forcing the scientists to land in Cumana, in Tierra Firme, Spanish colonization\'s marginal area. Humboldt stays in Tierra Firme (now Colombian and Venezuelan territory) until 1801; this travel section would be his main representation object when, in 1808, having returned to the metropolitan world, publishes Views of Nature. In the preface, Humboldt said that the work was intended to evoke, through the landscape description, what he experienced in the colonial world; this procedure, however, painted the colony as natural spectacle governed by harmonic forces; with Views of Nature, Humboldt annihilated, in landscape description, what tied colony and metropolis: the most brutal violence.

Camponeses e feiras agroecológicas na Paraíba / Peasants and agroecological fairs in Paraíba

Aline Barboza de Lima 28 August 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa analisou as feiras agroecológicas realizadas por camponeses no estado da Paraíba, experiência que se constituiu na comercialização direta de alimentos produzidos em assentamentos rurais e pequenas propriedades. Essa iniciativa foi resultado de soluções para problemas provocados pelo uso de agrotóxicos, a venda da produção para atravessadores e a busca pela constituição da vida na terra conquistada. Os camponeses que encabeçaram essa experiência traziam uma vivência de enfrentamento contra os latifúndios improdutivos e oligarquias rurais. Foi na longa trajetória percorrida na luta pela terra que se formaram as bases políticas e sociais no sentido que pretendiam dotar a vida na terra conquistada. Dessa forma, a não utilização de agrotóxicos e de fertilizantes químicos, bem como a recusa em plantar as sementes transgênicas fizeram parte de uma prática agrícola contra-hegemônica, que buscou diminuir a dependência das famílias camponesas dos oligopólios mundiais. Diante disso, objetivamos compreender o protagonismo camponês na luta por condições mais justas no campo, diante da concentrada estrutura fundiária brasileira e dos privilégios governamentais concedidos ao agronegócio. Nesse contexto, identificamos que até concretizarem a realização da primeira feira agroecológica, as famílias camponesas enfrentaram uma série de dificuldades, desde a falta de apoio governamental até a proibição de instalação de feiras em algumas cidades. Mesmo diante das adversidades, constatamos uma série de resultados positivos, como melhoria da saúde das famílias, oferta de alimentos saudáveis para a cidade, melhoria do solo agrícola e aumento da renda familiar. Todavia, apesar das conquistas, o número de integrantes que praticam uma agricultura contra-hegemônica ainda é pequeno diante da agricultura convencional. Dessa forma, a partir dos estudos da geografia agrária, buscamos analisar os processos de monopolização do território e territorialização do monopólio na agricultura, para compreender os processos de criação e recriação do campesinato. Portanto, com base nesses processos, levantamos a tese da possibilidade de superação da condição de subordinação camponesa a partir da realização de projetos como o das feiras agroecológicas, enquanto concepção mais ampla de vida e de transformações sociais, interligadas às discussões da construção da soberania alimentar. / This research analysed the agroecological fairs held by peasants in the state of Paraíba, as an experience that was constituted in the direct commercialization of food produced in rural settlements and small properties, an initiative that was the result of solutions to issues such as the problems caused using agrochemicals, the sale of production for middlemen and the constitution of life in the conquered land. The peasants who led this experience brought an experience of confrontation against the unproductive latifundios and rural oligarchies. It was throughout the long trajectory crossed in the struggle for land that the political and social foundations were formed in the sense that they intended to endow their life in the conquered land. Thus, the non-use of agrochemicals and chemical fertilizers, as well as the refusal to plant transgenic seeds, were part of an anti-hegemonic agricultural practice that sought to reduce the dependence of peasant families on global oligopolies. Based on this, we aim to understand the peasant protagonism in the fight for fairer conditions in rural, facing the concentrated Brazilian land structure and the governmental privileges granted to agribusiness. In this context, we identified that until the first agroecological fair was held, the peasant families faced a series of difficulties, from the lack of government support to the prohibition of the installation of fairs in some cities. Even in the face of adversity, we have seen many positive results, such as improving the health of families, providing healthy food for the city, improving agricultural land and increasing family income. However, despite the achievements, the number of members who practice an anti-hegemonic agriculture is still small compared to conventional agriculture. Thus, from the studies of agrarian geography, we seek to analyse the processes of monopolization of the territory and territorialization of the monopoly in agriculture, in order to understand the processes of creation and recreation of the peasantry. Therefore, based on these processes, we raised the thesis of the possibility of overcoming the condition of peasant subordination from the realization of projects such as agroecological fairs, as a broader conception of life and social transformations, linked to the discussions of the construction of food sovereignty.

A territorialização dos monopólios no setor sucroenergético / The territorialization of monopolies in the sugar cane energetic sector

Natália Freire Bellentani 17 December 2014 (has links)
Este estudo de Geografia analisa o processo de territorialização dos monopólios no setor sucroenergético e discute a formação dos grupos econômicos agroindustriais monocultores territorializados. Seu intuito é compreender a concentração econômica e territorial, característica da agricultura mundializada, nesta etapa monopolista do capitalismo. As fusões territoriais monopolísticas que se constituem na expressão objetiva da territorialização dos monopólios são reveladas por todo o Estado de São Paulo, onde a agroindústria canavieira realiza o cultivo e o processamento da cana-deaçúcar. No caminho da análise, as contradições próprias do desenvolvimento capitalista tornam-se evidentes e a noção de exploração da força de trabalho neste setor, bem como a compreensão das formas de apropriação da renda da terra pelo capital, contribuem para explicar a relação entre agricultura e indústria e desvendar as especificidades dessas distintas atividades. Por tudo isso, destacam-se as alianças de classes e frações de classes (capitalistas industriais/ agrícolas/proprietários de terras) que são centrais no processo de territorialização dos monopólios no setor sucroenergético. / This Geography study analyzes the process of territorialization of monopolies in the sugar cane energetic sector and discusses the formation of territorially monoculture agribusiness conglomerates. Your goal is to understand the economic and territorial concentration, characteristic of globalized agriculture, in the monopoly stage of capitalism. The monopolistic territorial fusions that constitute the objective expression of territorialization of monopolies are revealed throughout the state of São Paulo, where the sugarcane agribusiness holds the cultivation and processing of sugar cane. In the way of analysis, the contradictions of capitalist development become evident and the notion of exploitation of the workforce in this sector, as well as understanding of the forms of ownership of land rent by capital, help to explain the relationship between agriculture and industry and reveals the specificities of these different activities. For all that, there are the alliances of classes and fractions of classes (capitalist industrial / agricultural / land owners) that are central to the process of territorialization of monopolies in the sugar cane energetic sector

Etnogeografia: reflexões sobre a educação escolar, a espacialização e a territorialização do povo Xakriabá no norte de Minas Gerais / Etnogeografia: reflections on school education, the spatial and territorial of Xakriabá people in the north of Minas Gerais

Heitor Antonio Paladim Júnior 10 February 2011 (has links)
Esta tese relata a pesquisa em Geografia Humana pela Universidade de São Paulo, realizada a partir do envolvimento com educação escolar do Povo Xakriabá no norte de Minas Gerais. Esse povo vive em duas Terras Indígenas localizadas entre os municípios de Itacarambi e São João das Missões. O tema a ser pesquisado consistiu na importância da educação escolar indígena para manutenção, transformação e conquista do território. Para tanto busquei compreender as relações entre as unidades escolares e as transformações do território de convivência. De este modo entender as ações de espacialização e territorialização dessa etnia corroborou para compreender como resistem a globalização a partir da força do lugar em que vivem. Estudei através de observação participante, entrevistas e oficinas de audiovisuais e diálogos. As perguntas geradoras dessa reflexão foram: Quanto a Questão Indígena indicamos conceitos relacionados ao ensino de Geografia Agrária e controvérsias teóricas - metodológicas referentes ao tema. Um panorama e os limites no entendimento das ações do movimento indígena, entendido enquanto movimento socioterritorial. / This thesis presents the results of a research developed in the Geographs Department of the University of São Paulo related to the Post Graduation Program of Human Geograph. It was origined by the involvement with the schools education of Xakriabá People of the North of Minas Gerais. These people live in two Indigenous Lands situated between Itacarambi and São João das Missões towns. The researched theme was the importance of Indigenous schools education to the maintenance, transformation and conquest of the territory. With this intention, I wanted to understand the relations between schools unities and the territorys transformations where the indigenous cohabit. To this purpose, understand the acts of spatialization and territorialization of this ethnical group corroborated to understand how it resists to the globalization with the power of the place where these people live. I studied, using the active observation, interviews and workshops of videos and dialogues. Then refletion was grounded in the quest of the comprehension of the Indigenous Question related to the conceptions of the teaching of Agrarian Geograph and the theoretic and methodologic controversies linked to the theme. I indicated the possibilities and the limits of conceptions and actions of the indigenous schools movement in the social and territorial contest.

Agora nós somos camponeses! A territorialização dos camponeses pomeranos e o monumento natural dos pontões capixabas / Now we are peasants! The pomeranian peasants territorialization and the natural monument of capixabas pontoons

Elaine Mundim Bortoleto 22 February 2016 (has links)
A presente tese tem como objetivo analisar territorialização dos descendentes pomeranos na região de Pancas/ES e o processo de recriação/resignficação de sua identidade étnica e social e de seu modo de vida. Entende-se o território como um espaço constituído a partir de relações sociais desenvolvidas ao longo do tempo e, portanto, repleto das relações contraditórias do modo de produção capitalista, como o campesinato, que tende tanto à sua destruição como também necessita de relações não capitalistas em sua lógica, possibilitanto assim, sua recriação. A comunidade de camponeses pomeranos se territorializou na área onde se localizam os Pontões Capixabas a partir de 1918, mas, desde o ano de 2002 passou a viver uma situação de conflito fundiário, pois suas terras (colônias) estavam sob ameaça de desapropriação, colocandoos em uma disputa territorial na tentativa de barrar a possível expropriação das terras e consequentemente do seu modo de vida tradicional frente à implantação de uma Unidade de Conservação Ambiental de Proteção Integral. Neste contexto de conflito, a consciência de classe se faz presente com mais força, levando ao fazer-se dessa classe social, que entendia já ter conquistado a terra de trabalho. O território é fator fundante para a recuperação e afirmação da identidade étnica e social dos imigrantes pomeranos, identidade esta perdida não só com o fim da Pomerânia enquanto nação, mas por todo o processo de expropriação e dominação que sofreram ao longo do tempo, e, recuperada com a territorialização, pois, o acesso à terra de trabalho possibilitou a continuidade de seu modo de vida, mas principalmente a manutenção da língua tradicional e a recriação enquanto camponês e pomerano. / This thesis aims to analyze the territorialization of Pomeranians descendents in the region of Pancas/ES and the process of recreation/ resignification of their ethnic and social identity and their way of life. Territory is perceived as an area or space formed from social relations developed over time and, therefore, full of contradictory relations of the capitalist mode of production, e.g., the peasantry, which tends to their destruction but also needs non-capitalist relations in its logic, making possible its recreation. The community of Pomeranians peasants territorialized itself in the area where are located the Capixabas Pontoons staring from 1918, but, since 2002, they started to live a land conflict situation, because their lands (colonies) were under risk of being expropriated, putting them in a territorial dispute as an attempt to stop the possible expropriation of their land and, consequently, their traditional way of life, facing the implementation of an Environmental Conservation Unit of Integral Protection. In this conflicting context, the Class-Consciousness is present harder, leading to the shaping of this class, wich believed already to have conquered the land of work. The territory was a key factor for recovering and reinforcement of ethnic and social identity of Pomeranians immigrants, whose identity was lost not, only because of the end of Pomerania as a nation, but also because of the whole process of expropriation and domination that they have suffered over time, and recovered with the reterritorialization, since the access to the land of work enabled the continuation of their way of life, but, especially, the maintenance of traditional language and recreation while peasants and Pomeranians.

Métropolisation et territorialisation de l'élevage à Abidjan / Metropolization and territorialization of breeding in Abidjan

Golly, Anne-Rose 25 November 2017 (has links)
L’élevage périurbain est un sujet d’actualité dans un monde de plus en plus caractérisé par la croissance urbaine. Cependant, le lien entre ville et élevage dans les grandes agglomérations d’Afrique de l’Ouest reste peu étudié sous le prisme de la métropolisation. Sachant que les productions modernes de volailles et de porcs ont prospéré à Abidjan depuis le milieu des années 1970 sans espace officiellement dédié, cette thèse interroge l’influence de la métropolisation sur leur territorialisation à la périphérie de la capitale économique ivoirienne. Dans un cheminement à la croisée des géographies urbaine et rurale, nos enquêtes de terrain nous ont permis de saisir d’une part une tendance à la relocalisation « de proche en proche » vieille des premiers bourgeons de l’expansion spatiale abidjanaise sur la campagne environnante. Et d’autre part, nous constatons la création de nouvelles exploitations ou une dynamique renouvelée des élevages avicoles situés plus loin de la métropole notamment à Agnibilékrou, Assinie, Jacqueville ou à Agboville. Si les voies terrestres structurantes et les possibilités financières des industriels réorganisent le bassin de production avicole, les choses sont plus timides pour les élevages porcins. Ainsi, la variabilité des réponses à l’échelle des seuls producteurs gagnerait à se stabiliser avec un développement agro-industriel régional mieux défini. / Peri-urban breeding is a hot topic in a world increasingly characterized by urban growth. However, the link between city and breeding in the large agglomerations of West Africa remains less studied under the prism of metropolisation. Knowing that moderns poultry and pig productions have flourished in Abidjan since the mid-1970s without officially dedicated space, this thesis questions the influence of metropolisation on their territorialization on the Ivorian economic capital periphery. In a cross-section of urban and rural geography, our field surveys allowed us to grasp, on the one hand, a tendency to relocate « step by step » at the time of the old buds of Abidjan's spatial expansion. On the other hand, we see the creation of new farms or a renewed dynamics of poultry farms located farther from the metropolis, notably in Agnibilékrou, Assinie, Jacqueville or Agboville. While the structural land routes and the financial possibilities of industrialists reorganize the poultry production area, things are lesser for pig farms. Thus, the variability of responses at the producer level alone would tend to stabilize with clearer regional agro-industrial development.

Contribution à l'analyse des pratiques de coopération inter-organisationnelle territorialisée : le cas de l'Insertion par l'activité économique / Contribution to the analysis of the practices of territorialized inter-organizational cooperation : a case study of Inclusion by Economic Activity

Girard, Stephen 07 December 2015 (has links)
La territorialisation des politiques publiques repose sur un grand nombre d’acteurs-relais, dont la coopération est considérée comme une donnée, rarement comme une variable à construire. Pourtant, les organisations ne sont pas des agents économiques désincarnés, mais des entités constituées d’individus, dont la mise en disponibilité relationnelle n’est pas garantie par la seule « proximité géographique ». Cette thèse traite des coopérations inter-organisationnelles territorialisées, dans le cadre d’un dispositif d’Insertion par l’Activité Économique (IAE), et mobilise trois études de cas.Elle montre que les coopérations inter-organisationnelles ne sont pas un processus naturel, qu’elles ont besoin d’un cadre favorable pour s’exprimer positivement. Mais aussi, que la pertinence du cadre ne garantit pas à lui seul leur efficacité/efficience et leur durabilité. La performance socio-économique globale du dispositif repose également sur la qualité de son pilotage, car le système IAE ne s’auto-organise pas. À ce titre, nous proposons l’implémentation d’un outil de contractualisation, comme levier de l’activation du pilotage des coopérations inter-organisationnelles territorialisées, entre les pouvoirs publics et les structures d’IAE, qui viendrait enrichir l’actuel dialogue de gestion. / The territorialization of public policy depends on a large number of “link-actors” whose cooperation is considered as a given and rarely as a variable to be constructed. However, the organizations are not disincarnated economic agents, but entities made up of individuals whose propensity to relationships is not guaranteed uniquely by “geographical proximity.” This thesis deals with the territorialized inter-organizational cooperation within the framework of an Active Inclusion through Economic Activity (AIEA) scheme and involves three case studies.It demonstrates that inter-organizational cooperation is not a natural process, that it requires favorable conditions in order to have a positive outcome. Furthermore, the pertinence of the framework does not in and of itself guarantee its efficiency/effectiveness and its sustainability. The global socio-economic performance of the scheme depends equally on the quality of its monitoring insofar as the AIEA system is not self-organized. With this in mind, we propose the implementation of a contract agreement tool, as a lever for the activation of the monitoring of territorialized inter-organizational cooperation, between the public authorities and the AIEA structures, which would enhance the current management dialog.

L'intervention sur terre des armements de lignes régulières : le cas de la rangée Nord Europe. / Hinterland involvement of Shipping Lines : the Europe North Range Case

Franc, Pierre 27 November 2009 (has links)
Les armements sont des transporteurs maritimes parfois amenés à intervenir dans la mise en oeuvre de terminaux portuaires, de services de transport terrestre et de terminaux intérieurs. Ces comportements d’ancrage prennent des formes différenciées, mais chaque armement espère tirer un avantage concurrentiel sur le marché investi. Notre travail vise à répondre à deux questions : quels sont les facteurs conditionnant la mise en oeuvre par les armements de comportements terrestres différenciés ? Ces différences agissent-elles sur l’avantage concurrentiel dégagé par les armements sur les segments investis ? Un cadre théorique au carrefour de l’économie de proximité et des sciences de gestion a été construit et confronté aux rapports qu’entretiennent les armements avec les ports et arrière pays de la rangée Nord Europe. Les raisons ayant permis à Maersk, MSC, CMA CGM et NYK, et pas à d’autres, d’intervenir de manière différenciée sur terre ont été décryptées. Enfin, la compétitivité que ces comportements d’ancrage procurent à ces quatre armements par rapport à ceux qui n’interviennent pas sur terre a été appréhendée. Au-delà de la rencontre industrie-firme-territoire, les dynamiques concurrentielles entre les armements d’une part et entre les territoires d’autre part agissent directement sur les attributs des différents comportements de territorialisation. La dynamique temporelle du développement des comportements d’ancrage conditionne sensiblement l’avantage concurrentiel procuré ; avantage dont la durabilité est étroitement liée à la densité et à la connexité des services terrestres développés / Shipping lines are maritime carriers who on occasion implement handling terminals, hinterland transport services and inland terminals in order to improve their competitiveness. These courses of action are developed in different ways but every shipping line hopes to develop a competitive advantage on the market invested. The thesis aims to answer two questions: what are the determining factors for the different forms taken by the enlargement of scopes of shipping lines? Do these differences have an impact on the competitive advantage of the shipping lines? A theoretical framework mixing concepts in proximity economics and strategic management has been built and tested on the North Range. The reasons why Maersk, MSC, CMA CGM and NYK implement different port and hinterland services, compared to other carriers, have been analysed. The competitiveness triggered by these enlargements of scopes has been analysed. Besides the industry-firm-territory logic, competitive dynamics between shipping lines on one hand, and between territories (port and its hinterland) on the other hand, impact the way carriers implement their port hinterland services. The competitive advantage triggered depends on the temporal dynamic of the services implemented. The sustainability of these advantages depends on the density and connexity of port hinterland services developed

La territorialisation du droit et le principe d'égalité / The territorialization of right and princip of equality

Wora, Georges 11 May 2015 (has links)
La territorialisation du droit est au cœur des enjeux de l’amélioration du processus décisionnel et des représentations de la justice sociale. Précisément, sa mise en œuvre vise un double objectif : garantir l’efficacité de l’action publique et l’équité territoriale. Il apparaît de plus en plus nettement que la territorialisation du droit devient l’instrument juridique privilégié de la mise en œuvre des politiques de cohésion sociale et de réduction des inégalités territoriales. En un sens, la territorialisation de la règle de droit est l’expression et la manifestation de la dimension territoriale de la solidarité nationale. La différenciation territoriale de la règle de droit infère une approche alternative à l’application stricte de la conception universaliste de l’égalité par la promotion des discriminations positives territoriales. Par sa dimension rationaliste et fonctionnaliste, la territorialisation du droit permet de donner une réponse juridique adaptée et appropriée aux revendications identitaires et aux problèmes rencontrés par les territoires en difficulté. En permettant l’application des traitements spécifiques, la territorialisation du droit favorise l’acclimatation de la logique différencialiste dans l’ordre juridique français. Plus encore, ce processus de rationalisation et de modernisation des politiques de justice sociale conduit à mesurer les transformations de l’État-providence français. En même temps, l’évocation de cette approche fonctionnelle et instrumentale de la règle de droit suscite des interrogations sur son articulation avec l’ensemble des principes fondateurs et pluriséculaires de la République. On le sait, la prise en compte de la diversité contextuelle des territoires se traduit par une transformation de la lecture et de la représentation de l’unité du système juridique français. L’introduction de la territorialisation du droit entraîne un éclatement des lieux de production de politiques publiques, une atomisation du pouvoir normatif, une parcellisation de l’idée d’intérêt général et une catégorisation des sujets de droit. On ne peut en conséquence s’étonner de l’encadrement juridique drastique de cette nouvelle dynamique de gestion des politiques publiques. / Territorialization of right is at the heart of the challenges of improving decision-making and representations of social justice. Specifically, its implementation is twofold : to ensure the effectiveness of public action and territorial equity. It is becoming increasingly clear that the territoriality of law becomes the preferred legal instrument for the implementation of social cohesion policies and reduce regional inequalities. In a sense, the territorialization of the rule of law is the expression and manifestation of the territorial dimension of national solidarity. Territorial differentiation of the rule of law infers an alternative approach to the strict application of the universalist conception of equality by promoting regional positive discrimination .By its rationalist and functionalist dimension , territorialisation of right can give a suitable and appropriate legal response to identity claims and problems faced by the territories in difficulty. Allowing the application of specific treatments , territorialisation law favors the acclimatization of logic differentialist in the French legal system. More so, the process of rationalization and modernization of social justice policies led to measure changes in the French welfare state.At the same time , the evocation of this functional and instrumental approach to the rule of law raises questions about its relationship with all the founding principles of the centuries-old Republic. As we know, the inclusion of contextual diversity of territories results in a transformation of the reading and the representation of the unity of the French legal system. The introduction of the territoriality of right entails a breakdown of public policy production sites , atomization of the legislative power , a fragmentation of the idea of general interest and a categorization of legal subjects. It can not therefore be surprised by the drastic legal framework for this new dynamic management of public policies

Inventer l'agriculture de territoire : étude des Parcs naturels régionaux de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur / Farming and territory : inventing new relations – the Regional Natural Parks in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Galand, Nathalie 01 December 2017 (has links)
Les territoires ruraux connaissent des évolutions multiples liées à leurs contextes démographiques et sociaux. En Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, l’activité agricole est sous pression alors que sa place est importante dans l’identité culturelle et qu’elle contribue au maintien de la biodiversité. Cette région méditerranéenne est couverte par de nombreux Parcs naturels régionaux dont l’objectif est de veiller à un développement équilibré sur leur périmètre. Cette thèse propose d’examiner le cas de cinq PNR aux configurations très différentes entre marais littoraux, collines et montagnes (Alpilles, Camargue, Luberon, Verdon et Queyras). La place de l’agriculture s’y dessine selon des attentes distinctes et complémentaires. Agriculture environnementale, patrimoniale ou de proximité, c’est en somme une agriculture de territoire que les Parcs construisent par leurs actions. Pour y parvenir, ils inventent et déploient des méthodes de travail pour réunir les énergies et faire de l’agriculture de territoire une réalité plus tangible. Ces méthodes sont toutefois limitées par des difficultés de positionnement sur l’échiquier institutionnel ou un manque de moyens. Leur champ d’implication demeure encore vaste et offre certaines perspectives pour approfondir toujours davantage les liens entre agriculture et territoire. / Rural territories experience numerous developments due to their demographic and social evolution. In Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, farming is under pressure while it plays an important part in cultural identity and participates in maintaining biodiversity. This Mediterranean region has numerous Regional Natural Parks (Parcs Naturels Régionaux, PNR) whose aim is to ensure a balanced development on their premises. This thesis intends to look into the cases of five PNR with very different situations between coastal marshes, hills and mountains (Alpilles, Camargues, Luberon, Verdon and Queyras). The place of agriculture evolves with different but complementary expectations. Environmental, legacy or local agriculture, it is in other words a territory based agriculture which is being built by the actions led within the parks. To reach this goal, working methods are invented and used to gather energies and make the territory based agriculture a more tangible reality. These methods are nevertheless limited by difficulties of positioning on the institutionnal stage or by lack of resources. Their scope of application remains vast and offers some possibilities to keep strenghtening the links between agriculture and territory.

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