Spelling suggestions: "subject:"De andré"" "subject:"De ndré""
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Roman autobiographique et engagement : une antinomie ? (XXe siècle) / The Autobiographical Novel and Political Commitment : an Antinomy ? (Twentieth Century)Grira, Sarra 19 January 2018 (has links)
Comment concilier le récit d’une expérience personnelle qui met le “moi” écrivain au coeur de l’entreprise auctoriale avec le désir d’intervenir dans la chose publique et politique ? Et comment réunir ces deux dimensions dans l’espace poétique de la fiction afin que ni la biographie ni l’idée ne prennent le pas sur le romanesque ? C’est ce que nous nous sommes proposé d’étudier à travers les exemples de cinq oeuvres : La Maison du peuple de Louis Guilloux, L’Espoir d'André Malraux, La Conspiration de Paul Nizan, Les Mandarins de Simone de Beauvoir et Le Premier Homme d’Albert Camus. Il est apparu que nos auteurs n’ont pas seulement leur amitié ou leurs conflits en commun, mais également une vision convergente sur la manière de conjuguer leur vécu et les causes de leur temps, avec çà et là, les particularités propres à chacun, que nous avons tenté de mettre en lumière. La période que couvre le corpus allant de la fin des années 1920 jusqu’à la fin des années 1950, sa confrontation avec des théories littéraires qui ont fleuri à partir des années 1970 manifeste la pertinence des questions que continue à soulever une littérature engagée dont on a sonné le glas, et pas seulement sur le plan formel. Prenant ce corpus pour matériau d’analyse sans nous y restreindre, nous détaillons les questions de poétique et de genres littéraires que soulève la désignation “roman autobiographique”, les techniques de représentation et de transposition ainsi que la part de subjectivité qui préside à une écriture en situation, afin de déterminer comment une expérience personnelle se transforme en exercice esthétique pour aboutir à une éthique de l’action. / How do authors reconcile the desire to share their personal experience — where the “I” is the heart of the work — with the desire to participate in public and political life ? And how can they bring together these two dimensions in the poetic space of fiction, so that neither their biography nor their main thesis end up of overshadowing the work’s novelistic qualities? These are the questions we proposed to examine through five novels: La Maison du Peuple by Louis Guilloux, L’Espoir (“Man’s Hope") by André Malraux, La Conspiration (“The Conspiracy”) by Paul Nizan, Les Mandarins (“The Mandarins”) by Simone de Beauvoir, and Le Premier Homme (“The First Man”) by Albert Camus. We found that, beyond their friendship and their shared battles, these authors also shared similar views on how to reconcile their personal experiences and the causes of their time — with, here and there, their own particularities, which we examined. The confrontation of these works, which range from the 1920s to the late 1950s, with the literary theories that emerged starting in the 1970s attests to the pertinence of questions raised by this socially-conscious literature (and not only on the formal level). Using this corpus for analysis, but without restricting ourselves to it, we examined the questions of poetics and genre raised by the term “autobiographical novel”, techniques of representation and transposition, and the subjectivity inherent to engaged writing. This will lead us to understand how a personal experience can be transformed into an aesthetic exercise and result in an ethics of praxis.
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Gabriel Bounoure (1886-1969) : poétique et politique en Méditerranée / Gabriel Bounoure (1886-1969) : poetics and politics in the MediterraneanKaraki, Élodie 14 December 2015 (has links)
Gabriel Bounoure (1886-1969) a été durant plus de trente ans un acteur important de la vie littéraire française, collaborateur régulier de nombreuses revues prestigieuses. Il fut même, selon d’excellents juges, l’un des plus grands critiques littéraires de son temps. Il fut par ailleurs diplomate. Il vécut ainsi près de 30 ans à Beyrouth (1923-1952) avant de s’installer au Caire puis à Rabat. Au cours de sa carrière diplomatique, il a assumé de hautes responsabilités dans les domaines de la culture et de l’éducation. Gabriel Bounoure, garda, dans son exil oriental, des relations étroites avec la France. Par ses fonctions diplomatiques mais également par ses critiques qui, loin de s’attacher exclusivement aux écrivains les plus en vue de l’époque (Claudel, Gide) ou aux figures littéraires marquantes du XIXe siècle (Rimbaud, Nerval) ont contribué à faire découvrir des poètes alors jeunes comme Henri Michaux. Parallèlement, il éprouvait pour l’Orient une attirance et une affinité profondes. Il révéla ainsi au public français de jeunes auteurs francophones arabes comme Georges Schéhadé.Les liens entre Bounoure et l’espace méditerranéen sont complexes. La Méditerranée était alors le lieu de changements historiques décisifs. Quel rôle politique Bounoure a-t-il joué ? Quel acteur de la vie littéraire française fut-il à cette même époque ? De quelle façon ces deux facettes de sa personnalité, poétique et politique, ont-elles évolué ? Enfin, dans quelle mesure la réflexion politique et la réflexion critique se sont articulées ? Cette thèse rassemble ses articles critiques éparpillés dans les revues, donne à lire des témoignages et exploite de nombreuses archives inédites. / For more than thirty years, Gabriel Bounoure (1886-1969) played a major role in the French literary life, a regular contributor to many prestigious journals. According to excellent judges, he was even one of the greatest literary critics of his time. He was also a diplomat. He lived for nearly 30 years in Beirut (1923-1952) before moving to Cairo and Rabat. During his diplomatic career, he held positions of high responsibility in culture and education. During his eastern exile, Gabriel Bounoure remained closely linked with France, as a diplomat but as a critic as well, who did not focus exclusively on the writers most popular at the time (Claudel, Gide) or on prominent literary figures of the nineteenth century (Rimbaud, Nerval). He helped to discover young poets like Henri Michaux. Meanwhile, he felt an attraction for and a deep affinity with the East. He thus introduced to the French audience young Arab francophone writers like Georges Schéhadé.The links between Bounoure and the Mediterranean area are complex. The Mediterranean was then the place of decisive historical changes. What political role did Bounoure play? What was his role in the French literary life at the time? How did these two facets of his personality, poetic and political, evolved? Finally, to what extent did his thoughts and views both as a diplomat and a critic meet?This thesis gathers his critical articles scattered in journals, offers testimonials and uses numerous unpublished archives.
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Música Sacra, Discurso e Poder: Modelos Pré-Composicionais na Missa Luso-Brasileira / -Christovam, Ozorio Bimbato Pereira 16 April 2018 (has links)
Compositores do século XVIII aplicaram processos de cópia e manipulação de modelos précomposicionais com o intuito de efetivar o discurso musical no processo de comunicação musical. Dentre esses modelos disponíveis, retórica e partimento participavam como ferramentas fundamentais na estruturação e resolução discursiva da música. A tese aqui apresentada tem como objetivo demonstrar como, através desses modelos pré-composicionais, a música sacra reproduzia ou alterava relações de poder no espaço luso-brasileiro. A justificativa para essa perspectiva baseia-se nas observações feitas pela musicologia lusófona sobre os problemas decorrentes da acomodação do ideal iluminista em um ambiente marcadamente católico, caracterizado pelo Despotismo Esclarecido, e que resultou nos embates de poder entre as esferas públicas, Estado e Igreja. Neste sentido, a nomeação do mestre de capela era um fator decisivo para a formação de zonas de influência ideológica e manutenção das relações de poder, pois era este ator social que produzia o discurso musical sacro. A metodologia empregada foi fundamentada na aplicação da Análise Crítica do Discurso na música, expondo como a manipulação dos modelos pré-composicionais, observadas no nível do texto musical, se alinhava e representava estruturas sociais em um nível contextual. A análise do corpus musical centrou-se sobre a Missa a 8 Vozes e Instrumentos, Missa a Cinco Vozes e Missa em Dó de André da Silva Gomes, focalizando, especialmente, o Kyrie por ser a primeira parte do ordinário. / Eighteenth-century composers applied processes of copying and manipulation of precompositional models with the intention of effecting the musical discourse in the process of musical communication. Among these available models, rhetoric and partimento participated as fundamental tools in the discoursive structuring and resolution of music. The thesis presented here aims to demonstrate how, through these pre-compositional models, sacred music reproduced or altered power relations in the Luso-Brasilian space. The justification for this perspective is based on the observations made by Lusophone musicology on the problems arising from the accomodation of the Enlightenment ideal in a markedly Catholic environment, characterized by the Enlightened absolutism, which resulted in the struggles of power between the public spheres, State and Church. In this sense, the appointment of the chapel master was a decisive factor for the formation of zones of ideological influences and maintenance of power relations, since it was this social actor who produced the sacred musical discourse. The methodology used was based on the application of Critical Discourse Analysis in music, exposing how the manipulation of the pre-compositional models, observed at the level of musical text, was aligned and represented social structures at a contextual level. The analysis of the musical corpus centered on the Eight Voices and Instruments Mass, Five Voice Mass and Mass in C by André da Silva Gomes, focusing especially on the Kyrie for being the first part of the ordinary.
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L’ “esilio” francese di d’Annunzio (1910-1915). Ricostruzione di un’esperienza intellettuale e letteraria / L’ “exil” français de d’Annunzio (1910-1915). Reconstruction d’une expérience intellectuelle et littéraire / D’Annunzio’s French ‘‘exile’’ (1910-1915). Reconstruction of an intellectual and literary experienceQuarta, Andrea 10 November 2018 (has links)
La reconstruction de l’expérience intellectuelle et littéraire mûrie par Gabriele d’Annunzio durant son ‘exil ’ volontaire en France (1910-1915) a mis en évidence de nombreux aspects jusqu’alors peu analysés dans les travaux biographiques et critiques, ouvrant ainsi de nouvelle pistes de recherche. L’étude, conduite sur des documents inédits, vise à éclaircir les rapports d’amitié et de collaboration qu’il développa avec plusieurs personnalités françaises. Dans le cas de Marguerite Yourcenar, on a retrouvé les publications – jusqu’ici inconnues - qu’elle offrit à d’Annunzio, enrichies d’une dédicace autographe; un tel témoignage documentaire représente un facteur important dans la reconstruction de l’influence exercée par d’Annunzio à son égard. L’analyse de la relation d’Annunzio-Gide a fait émerger des éléments inédits (lettres et livres avec dédicace) qui changent en partie la perspective des études autour de ces deux figures, imposant une réécriture de l’histoire de leur rapport. D’autre part, concernant Paul Morand la recherche a révélé l’influence de d’Annunzio qui atteint son apogée dans France la doulce. En outre, des découvertes significatives ont été faites sur d’Annunzio lui-même, en particulier grâce à l’examen de ses notes, dont certaines complètement inédites. Une comparaison entre les citations (rapportées dans les “feuilles volantes”) et les livres présents dans sa collection privée a permis de démontrer que lors de la rédaction de certaines œuvres écrites en France, il se servit de sources littéraires françaises (De Lisle, Flaubert, Chateaubriand). Parmi elles, et cela constitue une nouveauté, figurent aussi des auteurs comme Claudel, Suarès et Barbusse, c’est-à-dire des intellectuels avec qui d’Annunzio était en contact direct pendant cette période. / The reconstruction of the intellectual and literary experience acquired by Gabriele d'Annunzio during his voluntary French 'exile' (1910-1915) has highlighted numerous aspects which have not yet been fully analyzed in biographical and critical works relating to the writer, effectively opening up new avenues of research. The study, using unpublished documents, aimed to clarify the professional and personal relationships developed between him and various French figures. In the case of Marguerite Yourcenar, publications have been found where she has paid homage, with autographed dedication, to d'Annunzio and were hitherto unknown; this documentary reference represents an important factor in the reconstruction of the influence exercised by d'Annunzio on their behalf. Analysis of the d’Annunzio-Gide relationship unearthed unpublished material (letters and books with dedications) that partly change the perspective of the studies around these two figures, imposing a rewriting of the history of their relationship. Furthermore, research has brought to light an influence by d'Annunzio on Paul Morand that finds an apex in the title France la Doulce. Significant discoveries have also been made regarding d'Annunzio himself, in particular by examining his notes, some of them completely unpublished. A comparison between citations (noted in the "loose papers") and books in his private collection, has allowed an assertation that, for the drafting of some works written in France, he used various French literary sources (De Lisle, Flaubert, Chateaubriand); among these, representing a new development, there are also authors such as Claudel, Suarès and Barbusse, namely intellectuals with whom d'Annunzio was in contact in those years.
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L'oeuvre de Louis Guilloux : le romanesque en jeu / Novelistic Issues in the Works of Louis GuillouxVasic, Alexandra 19 January 2015 (has links)
Romancier reconnu de son vivant, Louis Guilloux n’a néanmoins pas accédé au statut de grand écrivain. Nous voudrions mettre ici en valeur la diversité des formes littéraires exploitées par le romancier, en proposant un parcours générique et diachronique de son œuvre, à partir du Sang noir. L’approche poétique de ses récits sera ancrée dans l’histoire des idées et des représentations. Nous souhaiterions également éclairer les choix esthétiques de Louis Guilloux par les stratégies de positionnement qu’il a adoptées pour renforcer sa place dans le champ littéraire. Nous nous appuierons sur des documents d’archives pour mieux comprendre le geste littéraire de l’écrivain et sa conception du roman. Louis Guilloux s’est distingué par Le Sang noir avec lequel il a renouvelé l’horizon d’attente de la littérature de guerre. Il n’a cessé par la suite d’interroger les rapports entre la fiction et l’Histoire, en problématisant leurs frontières et en s’essayant à des genres en marge du roman, le témoignage et le reportage. Néanmoins, à partir des années cinquante, son œuvre et sa carrière prennent un nouveau tournant. Alors qu’il entre dans une phase de consécration, il aspire à renouveler fondamentalement son art. Les modalités de son engagement politique changent également : il soutient la diffusion de la culture. Louis Guilloux rompt avec son univers romanesque et se réapproprie les codes de la littérature d’évasion. Il s’engage par ailleurs dans un ultime projet autobiographique dans lequel il propose une dernière variation romanesque de son parcours. L’œuvre de Louis Guilloux illustre ainsi une exploration foisonnante du genre romanesque. Elle recouvre également de nombreuses tensions qu’il s’agira d’éclairer. / Although Louis Guilloux was a recognized novelist in his lifetime, he was never considered as a major writer. The purpose of my thesis is to emphasize the diversity of the literary forms he used and to offer a generic as well as a diachronic reading of his work, starting from Le Sang noir. The poetical approach to his narratives will be grounded in the history of ideas and representations. Guilloux’s aesthetic choices will also be discussed in the light of the positioning strategies he adopted to carve out a place for himself in the literary world. Archival documents will be a starting point for a better understanding of the writers’s literary achievements and his conception of the novel. Louis Guilloux became famous for Le Sang noir, which created new expectations for war literature. Subsequently, he ceaselessly explored the link between fiction and history, looking at their dividing line and trying his hand at accounts and reports, two genres close to the novel. However, in the 1950s, he came to a turning point both in his career and his work. Even as he was consecrated as a writer, he became eager to renew his art completely. His political commitment also changed in its form as he now supported the diffusion of culture. Guilloux broke away from the world of his novels and appropriated the codes of escapist literature. Moreover he launched into his last autobiographical attempt, in which he offered one ultimate novelistic variation on his progress. Louis Guilloux’s work thus exemplifies a rich exploration of the novel as a genre. It is also fraught with numerous tensions that will have to be clarified.
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Recarga gerenciada do aqüífero do Aeroporto Internacional Governador André Franco Montoro, Guarulhos/SP: estudo piloto do sistema solo-aqüífero. / Managed aquifer recharge of the Governor André Franco Montoro International Airport, Guarulhos/SP: pilot study of soil-aquifer system.Okpala, Walter Onyebuchi 15 February 2011 (has links)
O Aeroporto Internacional Governador André Franco Montoro (GRU), São Paulo, depende inteiramente da água subterrânea para suprir sua demanda. Entretanto, a prática de extração excessiva, que aumenta continuamente para atender à demanda de um número cada vez maior de passageiros e às dificuldades envolvidas com a recarga natural do aqüífero, levou a Empresa Brasileira de Infraestrutura Aeroportuária (Infraero) a procurar outras fontes de abastecimento. Embora a busca de solução para o problema da escassez da água, passe pela opção de recarga gerenciada do aqüífero, a falta da experiência nacional nessa área restringe a tomada da decisão na adoção dessa prática no país. Objetivando contribuir com estudos de viabilidade técnica da recarga gerenciada de aqüíferos em geral e, em particular, do Aeroporto Internacional Governador André Franco Montoro, este trabalho tem o objetivo de verificar, em escala piloto, a capacidade do solo-aqüífero do aeroporto em tratar adequadamente o esgoto gerado localmente. Para atingir esse objetivo, uma área adequada foi selecionada entre as diversas avaliadas, para a construção de uma unidade piloto de recarga de aqüífero. No local selecionado, amostras indeformadas da camada não saturada foram coletadas, caracterizadas e, posteriormente, montadas em colunas experimentais especiais, pelas quais o esgoto foi infiltrado de maneira controlada. Como os resultados desta primeira fase experimental não foram adequadamente atendidos, foi decidido efetuar coletas de amostras indeformadas em uma segunda área do aeroporto, que indicou a existência de uma camada vadosa mais profunda, mas perfil de solo semelhante ao perfil anterior. Os ensaios de colunas foram efetuados com amostras de ambas as áreas, indicando que o solo superficial do aeroporto deverá ser eliminado, ou substituído por uma camada de areia grossa para permitir uma recarga gerenciada que permita a produção de águas com qualidade adequada para os usos preconizados. Os diferentes cenários utilizados nesta pesquisa envolveram a infiltração nas colunas de recarga com esgotos secundários produzidos no aeroporto, após passagem por duas lagoas de retenção, a infiltração do mesmo efluente tratado por um processo físico-químico de coagulação/floculação/sedimentação e pelo mesmo efluente das lagoas de retenção após tratamento por um sistema de membranas de ultrafiltração. Os resultados obtidos são considerados como resultados parciais, uma vez que toda a profundidade do aqüífero não foi utilizada e pelo fato de que, face às restrições acadêmicas vigentes o tempo disponível para a realização da pesquisa foi extremamente restringido. Entretanto, considera-se este trabalho como pioneiro, pelo fato dele se constituir na primeira pesquisa sobre recarga gerenciada no Brasil e, ainda, por fornecer subsídios teóricos e práticos para suportar outros estudos semelhantes que se farão necessários para compreender e promover a prática de recarga gerenciada de aqüíferos no Brasil. / The Governor André Franco Montoro International Airport, São Paulo, entirely depends on groundwater to meet its demand. However, excessive extraction practice which increase continuously in order to attend the demand of increasing number of passengers and the difficulty involved with natural recharge of its aquifer led the Federal Airport Administration Agency (Infraero) to search for other sources of water supply. Although the search for solution for water scarcity problem goes through managed aquifer recharge, lack of national experience in this area restricts decision making in adopting this practice in the country. Contributing to the technical feasibility studies of managed aquifer recharge in general and the Governor André Franco Montoro International Airport in particular, this research has the objective of verifying at the pilot scale level, the capacity of airport soil-aquifer in adequately treating wastewater generated locally. In order to reach this objective, an adequate location was selected within the alternatives evaluated for the construction of a pilot unit for aquifer recharge. Undeformed samples were collected from the unsaturated layer of the selected place, characterized and afterwards, recharged through special experimental columns with wastewater which was filtered in a controlled form. As the results of the first experimental phase were not adequately met, a decision was made to collect undeformed samples from a second location in the airport. The collection indicated the existence of deep unsaturated layer with the soil profile being similar to the profile of the soil layer from which the first samples were collected. The soil column tests were carried out with samples from both areas, indicating that superficial part of airport soil will be eliminated or substituted with a coarse sandy layer in order to permit a managed aquifer recharge which allows production of water that meets the quality of its required uses. Of the different scenarios verified in this research was infiltration of secondary wastewater produced at the airport through soil columns. Another was infiltration of wastewater after its pre-treatment by physicalchemical processes of coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation and still a third scenario, through pre-treatment of secondary effluent by ultrafiltration membrane. The results obtained are considered partial since the total aquifer depth was not used and the fact that academic restrictions limited excessively the time period of the research. However, considering this as a pioneer work, and the fact that it constitutes the first research about managed aquifer recharge in Brazil, and with it, bringing theoretical and practical contributions to support other similar studies which would be necessary in understanding and promoting managed aquifer recharge practice in Brazil.
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Rimbaud et le rimbaldisme. XIXe-XXe siècle / Rimbaud and rimbaldism. 19th century-20th centuryCavallaro, Adrien 18 November 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse a pour but de refonder les études de réception rimbaldiennes en substituant à la notion négative de mythe, forgée par Étiemble dans les années 1950, la notion positive de rimbaldisme. Alors que le mythe envisage la réception rimbaldienne comme une erreur d’interprétation collective et veut séparer l’œuvre de Rimbaud de sa réception, le rimbaldisme entend évaluer ce qui unit l’œuvre et sa réception, en adoptant un point de vue avant tout poétique. Notre corpus comprend les auteurs de réception les plus importants de la fin du XIXe siècle, moment de la réception symboliste de Rimbaud, au début des années 1950, au moment où la critique universitaire prend le relais d’une critique d’écrivains : Aragon, Breton, Claudel, Jacques Rivière, Léon-Paul Fargue, Max Jacob, Gustave Kahn, Verlaine notamment en sont les figures les plus importantes. Les enjeux d’une telle réflexion (historiographiques, herméneutiques, poétiques) sont rimbaldiens et extrarimbaldiens. L’approche littéraire de la réception permet de penser le devenir de l’œuvre rimbaldienne au XXe siècle, tout en livrant des enseignements sur cette œuvre elle-même. Elle permet aussi d’envisager une langue de la modernité poétique, une grammaire mentale selon laquelle la poésie moderne elle-même est théorisée sur notre période. / The aim of this thesis is to reforge the rimbaldian reception studies by substituting rimbaldism, a positive notion, for the negative notion of myth, invented by Étiemble in the early 1950’s. While myth is described as a collective error of interpretation and distinguishes between Rimbaud and the reception, rimbaldism is a way to pay attention to the links between these two fields ; the point of view is strictly poetical. The corpus includes the most important rimbaldian authors from the end of the 19th century, at a time when a symbolist reception was promoting Rimbaud’s works, to the middle of the 20th century, at a time when the writers criticism is progressively overwhelmed by universitary criticism : Aragon, Breton, Claudel, Jacques Rivière, Léon-Paul Fargue, Max Jacob, Gustave Kahn, Paul Verlaine are the most important authors of this corpus. The issues of such an analysis (historiographical, hermeneutical and poetical) are rimbaldian and extrarimbaldian. The literary approach of reception is a way to think about what becomes of Rimbaud’s poetry during the 20th century, and at the same time it is an original way to study this poetry. But the main issue is the approach of an original modern language, a sort of collective mental grammar according to which modern poetry itself is theorized during the period.
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"L'énergie de l'espace" : André du Bouchet. : Reprendre à la peinture son bien. / "The Energy of Space" : André du Bouchet : Borrowing elements from paintingDecorniquet, Sylvie 11 December 2015 (has links)
La spécificité de l’œuvre d’André du Bouchet se tient dans un lien extrêmement étroit avec les arts plastiques et les artistes. Son écriture engage la poésie, à l’égal de la peinture, dans la compréhension de l’énigme de la visibilité, en inventant sa propre mise en espace. La page est traitée comme une surface où le fait d’agencer des termes selon des orientations spécifiques octroie au support le bénéfice de l’énergie exercée par cette spatialisation des éléments, en plus de la tension déployée par les entrelacs du sens. Trois axes sont ainsi successivement abordés : le Tracé, la Vision, et le Support. Chacune des opérations lexicales comme syntaxiques procèdent du souci de désenclaver les notions qui viennent clore le sens et de porter l’accent sur la mobilité. Ainsi, André du Bouchet entend approcher les procédés que les peintres mettent en œuvre pour rendre compte, et de leur vision du monde, et de cette échappée du réel à laquelle ils se confrontent. S’interrogeant sur le regard porté sur le monde, puis retournant la question sur la façon dont le monde vient au regard, il façonne cette « langue sans parler…..aveuglément peinture » qui fait entrevoir une réalité inédite. Sa conception d’une épaisseur du support s’appuie sur une pensée en volume qui substitue aux coordonnées spatio-temporelles de la géométrie de l’espace des qualités intensives liées à une appréhension kinesthésique du monde. Il fonde une énergétique de l’espace et engage, ce faisant, une conception de la place de l’homme dans le monde entendue comme déplacement, emportement incessant. / The specificity of André du Bouchet's work lies in its intimate connection with the fine arts and artists. His writing commits poetry - the way painting does - to understanding the riddle of invisibility by inventing its own spatial disposition. The page of a book is treated like a surface which disposing terms together according to specific orientations gives the medium the energy exerted by that spatialisation of elements, on top of a tension displayed by the interweaving of word meaning. Three lines of research are thus treated in succession : Layout, Vision and Medium. Each lexical and syntactic operation aims at opening up the notions which give a limit to meaning, and to emphasise mobility. in this manner, André du Bouchet, intends to come close to the techniques that painters apply in order to express their vision of the worl, but also the escape from reality which they confront themselves to. Pondering on the way we look at the world and then - conversely - on the way the world appears to the eye, he shapes that "speechless language ... dazzlingly painting" which gives a glimpse of an unfamiliar reality. His thinking in terms of volume explains his conception of a multi-layer medium ; its substitutes the space-time coordinates of space geometry for intensive qualities linked to a kinaesthetic apprehension of the world. He brings into being a form of energetics of space and thus introduces a conception of man's place in the world as movement and constant flow.
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Ironie et communication littéraire, à partir des fictions d’André Gide / Irony and litterary communication, in André Gide’s fictional worksBompaire, François 19 June 2018 (has links)
Face à l’incohérence apparente de la notion d’ironie, cette thèse vise, non à valoriser l’impossibilité de la définir et le protéisme de la notion, mais à construire une définition sur des principes alternatifs : attention aux traits communs plutôt qu’aux variations, aux processus longs qu’à la succession des significations, définition de l’ironie comme acte communicationnel plutôt que comme mécanique formelle. L’ironie, à partir du monde grec, est tenue pour un acte de communication, non réductible à la linguistique pragmatique : comment contrôler la socialisation en contexte dangereux, en se tenant au plus près de l’ennemi ? La résolution de ce problème dans l’échange passe par l’invention de formes, dont certaines, antiphrase en tête, s’autonomisent et deviennent des formes fixes, parmi d’autres, de l’ironie. Je m’efforce ensuite de suivre la façon dont se maintient cette définition non formelle en étant attentif, jusqu’au romantisme d’Iéna, à l’analyse de la communication à l’œuvre dans les réflexions sur l’ironie. L’œuvre fictionnelle d’André Gide, déployant une grande variété de formes d’ironie et habitée par le secret, biographique et sexuel, est relue comme remettant en jeu ce contrôle de la socialisation dangereuse et comme déployant, derrière la notion de collaboration, une réflexion sur la communication littéraire. D’autre part, l’œuvre d’André Gide est ressaisie dans la perspective d’une histoire de l’ironie au dix-neuvième siècle. L’antiphrase n’est alors pas centrale : à la figure de Voltaire s’attache l’idée de raillerie de l’idéal, qui constitue un poids sémantique déterminant l’adaptation des différentes traditions ironiques au cadre français. / Faced with the apparent inconsistency of the notion of irony, this PhD does not suggest to enhance the impossibility of defining the notion or its proteism, but to build a definition on alternative principles: the focus on common features instead of variations, on long term processes instead of the succession of meanings and the definition of irony as an act of communication rather than as a formal mechanic. Irony, ever since the Greek world, appears as an act of communication which cannot be reduced to pragmatic linguistics: how to control socialisation in a dangerous context, in staying as close to the enemy as possible? Solving this problem by exchanging supposes the invention of forms, some of which – first and foremost the antiphrasis – get autonomous and are fixed forms – but among others – of the irony. I then strive to follow the way in with this non formal definition is maintained by paying attention – until Jena romanticism – to the analysis of the communication at work in the reflexions on irony. André Gide’s fictional work displaying a great variety of forms of irony and being imbued with secret, both biographical and sexual, is read as questioning this control of dangerous socialisation and as laying out, beneath the notion of collaboration, a reflexion on literary communication. On the other hand André Gide’s work is reinterpreted in the perspective of a history of irony in the nineteenth century. The antiphrasis is the centre of perception of irony: to the figure of Voltaire is attached to the idea of taunting the ideal, which constitutes a semantic weight conditioning the adaptation of different ironic traditions to the French framework.
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Recarga gerenciada do aqüífero do Aeroporto Internacional Governador André Franco Montoro, Guarulhos/SP: estudo piloto do sistema solo-aqüífero. / Managed aquifer recharge of the Governor André Franco Montoro International Airport, Guarulhos/SP: pilot study of soil-aquifer system.Walter Onyebuchi Okpala 15 February 2011 (has links)
O Aeroporto Internacional Governador André Franco Montoro (GRU), São Paulo, depende inteiramente da água subterrânea para suprir sua demanda. Entretanto, a prática de extração excessiva, que aumenta continuamente para atender à demanda de um número cada vez maior de passageiros e às dificuldades envolvidas com a recarga natural do aqüífero, levou a Empresa Brasileira de Infraestrutura Aeroportuária (Infraero) a procurar outras fontes de abastecimento. Embora a busca de solução para o problema da escassez da água, passe pela opção de recarga gerenciada do aqüífero, a falta da experiência nacional nessa área restringe a tomada da decisão na adoção dessa prática no país. Objetivando contribuir com estudos de viabilidade técnica da recarga gerenciada de aqüíferos em geral e, em particular, do Aeroporto Internacional Governador André Franco Montoro, este trabalho tem o objetivo de verificar, em escala piloto, a capacidade do solo-aqüífero do aeroporto em tratar adequadamente o esgoto gerado localmente. Para atingir esse objetivo, uma área adequada foi selecionada entre as diversas avaliadas, para a construção de uma unidade piloto de recarga de aqüífero. No local selecionado, amostras indeformadas da camada não saturada foram coletadas, caracterizadas e, posteriormente, montadas em colunas experimentais especiais, pelas quais o esgoto foi infiltrado de maneira controlada. Como os resultados desta primeira fase experimental não foram adequadamente atendidos, foi decidido efetuar coletas de amostras indeformadas em uma segunda área do aeroporto, que indicou a existência de uma camada vadosa mais profunda, mas perfil de solo semelhante ao perfil anterior. Os ensaios de colunas foram efetuados com amostras de ambas as áreas, indicando que o solo superficial do aeroporto deverá ser eliminado, ou substituído por uma camada de areia grossa para permitir uma recarga gerenciada que permita a produção de águas com qualidade adequada para os usos preconizados. Os diferentes cenários utilizados nesta pesquisa envolveram a infiltração nas colunas de recarga com esgotos secundários produzidos no aeroporto, após passagem por duas lagoas de retenção, a infiltração do mesmo efluente tratado por um processo físico-químico de coagulação/floculação/sedimentação e pelo mesmo efluente das lagoas de retenção após tratamento por um sistema de membranas de ultrafiltração. Os resultados obtidos são considerados como resultados parciais, uma vez que toda a profundidade do aqüífero não foi utilizada e pelo fato de que, face às restrições acadêmicas vigentes o tempo disponível para a realização da pesquisa foi extremamente restringido. Entretanto, considera-se este trabalho como pioneiro, pelo fato dele se constituir na primeira pesquisa sobre recarga gerenciada no Brasil e, ainda, por fornecer subsídios teóricos e práticos para suportar outros estudos semelhantes que se farão necessários para compreender e promover a prática de recarga gerenciada de aqüíferos no Brasil. / The Governor André Franco Montoro International Airport, São Paulo, entirely depends on groundwater to meet its demand. However, excessive extraction practice which increase continuously in order to attend the demand of increasing number of passengers and the difficulty involved with natural recharge of its aquifer led the Federal Airport Administration Agency (Infraero) to search for other sources of water supply. Although the search for solution for water scarcity problem goes through managed aquifer recharge, lack of national experience in this area restricts decision making in adopting this practice in the country. Contributing to the technical feasibility studies of managed aquifer recharge in general and the Governor André Franco Montoro International Airport in particular, this research has the objective of verifying at the pilot scale level, the capacity of airport soil-aquifer in adequately treating wastewater generated locally. In order to reach this objective, an adequate location was selected within the alternatives evaluated for the construction of a pilot unit for aquifer recharge. Undeformed samples were collected from the unsaturated layer of the selected place, characterized and afterwards, recharged through special experimental columns with wastewater which was filtered in a controlled form. As the results of the first experimental phase were not adequately met, a decision was made to collect undeformed samples from a second location in the airport. The collection indicated the existence of deep unsaturated layer with the soil profile being similar to the profile of the soil layer from which the first samples were collected. The soil column tests were carried out with samples from both areas, indicating that superficial part of airport soil will be eliminated or substituted with a coarse sandy layer in order to permit a managed aquifer recharge which allows production of water that meets the quality of its required uses. Of the different scenarios verified in this research was infiltration of secondary wastewater produced at the airport through soil columns. Another was infiltration of wastewater after its pre-treatment by physicalchemical processes of coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation and still a third scenario, through pre-treatment of secondary effluent by ultrafiltration membrane. The results obtained are considered partial since the total aquifer depth was not used and the fact that academic restrictions limited excessively the time period of the research. However, considering this as a pioneer work, and the fact that it constitutes the first research about managed aquifer recharge in Brazil, and with it, bringing theoretical and practical contributions to support other similar studies which would be necessary in understanding and promoting managed aquifer recharge practice in Brazil.
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