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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Significações em relações de bebês com seus pares de idade / Meanings in babies relationships with their peers

Costa, Carolina Alexandre 09 March 2012 (has links)
As interações dos bebês e seus pares de idade, por muito tempo, não foram reconhecidas no campo da Psicologia do Desenvolvimento. No entanto, nas últimas três décadas, este panorama tem sofrido grandes alterações, particularmente pelos avanços no campo que têm reconhecido as capacidades e habilidades comunicativas dos bebês. Desse modo, ele vem sendo entendido como um ser ativo nas interações com outros sociais, comunicando-se por meio dos recursos disponíveis e específicos. Porém, interrogou-se se, nessas relações, a criança pequena e seu parceiro poderiam atribuir e/ ou construir / apreender / expressar significações às suas próprias ações, às dos outros e às situações? Desse modo, a partir de um estudo de caso múltiplo, objetivou-se investigar se ocorre o processo de significações ao longo do primeiro ano de vida, em relações de bebês com seus pares de idade. E, no caso de ocorrerem, investigar como se dá tal processo. Os registros utilizados foram gravações em DVD realizadas em uma creche de um município do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Quatro bebês pivôs foram aleatoriamente selecionados e são: Catarina (5 meses), Priscila (7 meses), Daiane (10 meses) e Marcos (11 meses). Do Banco de Imagens, foram selecionadas todas as cenas em que os sujeitos apareceram, compondo, assim, um bloco de imagens editadas seguindo o tempo cronológico dos acontecimentos. O corpus foi construído a partir da transcrição microgenética de três episódios interativos selecionados de cada sujeito. A análise das cenas realizada foi microgenética, tendo a Rede de Significações como base. A análise dos dados indicou a ocorrência de significações no primeiro ano de vida, mesmo em bebês pequenos (quatro meses), as quais se concretizam de maneira diversa, quando se considera a idade cronológica dos bebês e as características dos próprios bebês. Estas foram reconhecidas como singulares e possuindo uma curta, mas uma concreta história de vida, de relações estabelecidas com os vários outros e consigo mesmo, em diferentes contextos. Nos primeiros meses, a significação mostrou-se construída dentro da concretude das ações e situações (bater os pés atrai o parceiro), assim como das vivências sobre si e o meio (olhar o mundo através da garrafa plástica). Com o avançar dos meses, as significações passaram a ter um cunho já marcado por significados culturais do grupo, através dos gestos, das expressões, do tom dos balbucios, da antecipação da intencionalidade apreendida pelo olhar. Em tais processos, as significações de si, do outro e das situações foram sendo (re)(des)(co)construídas através de uma série de negociações, que colocava os bebês em papéis sociais diversos, o que permitia apreender novas significações constituídas no entorno.Ressalta-se o grande interesse do bebê por outro bebê, mobilizando, (re)agindo e experimentando novas e antigas ações com seu coetâneo. A pesquisa também ressalta que a linguagem pode ser entendida para além do sentido verbal, abrangendo a comunicação, a interação, o corpo, a expressividade e ações realizadas pelo bebê reconhecendo-o como ator, autor e sujeito nas relações com os outros parceiros sociais. / For a long time, interactions between babies and their peers were not acknowledged in the Developmental Psychology field. However, during the last three decades, this scenario has undergone major changes, particularly by the advances in the field that have recognized infants\' capabilities and communication skills. Thus, the baby has been understood as active in social interactions with others, communicating by means of their specific and available resources. However, it was interrogated whether, in these relations, the infant and his/her baby partner could assign and/ or build / apprehend / express meanings regarding their own actions, of the other and the situations. Thus, from a multiple case study it was aimed to investigate whether the process of meanings occurs during the first year of life, within babies\' relationships with their peers. Yet, if we positively identify its occurrence, the goal was to investigate how this meanings process happens. Empirical data was constructed through DVD recordings, related to a three months follow up of babies\' attendance at a daycare center in a municipality of the state of São Paulo. Four infants were randomly selected as pivots and they are: Catarina (5 months), Priscila (7 months), Daiane (10 months) and Marcos (11 months), the ages corresponding to the beginning of the recordings. From the Image Bank, every scene in which the subjects appeared was selected, making four blocks of edited images, preserving the chronological order of events. The corpus was built through the microgenetic transcription of three interactive episodes selected from each subjects. Analysis of the scenes was microgenetic, based on the Network of Meanings perspective. Data analysis indicates positively the occurrence of meanings during the first year of life, even in the very young babies (four months). Such occurrence, however, expressed though diferente ways when considering the chronological age of the babies and the babies\' own characteristics. These were regarding to the children\' life history (even though, beng short), established relationships with several others and himself / herself, in different contexts. During the first months, it was verified that meaning were present within concrete actions and situations (stomping attracts the partner attention), as well as the experiences of the babies\' self related to the environment (look at the world through the plastic bottle). In later months, meanings were already marked by cultural meanings of the social group, expressed / apprehended through gestures, expressions, tone of babbling, anticipation of intentionality apprehended by the eye. In such cases, the meanings of self, others and situations have been (re)(de)(co)constructed through a series of negotiations that put the babies in different social roles, which allowed them to grasp new meanings which were appropriated. It should be noted that there is a great interest of the baby for the another baby, mobilizing, (re)acting and experiencing new and old actions with peers. The survey also points out that language can be understood beyond the verbal sense, covering communication, interaction, body, expressivity and actions taken by the baby, recognizing him / her as an actor, author and subject in relations with other social partners.

Peer Response to Messages of Distress: Do Sex and Content Matter?

Barton, Alison L., Hirsch, Jameson K., Lovejoy, Christine M. 05 July 2013 (has links)
Background: Suicidal young adults often confide their distress to peers. It is unclear, however, what types of assistance a friend may offer in response to various symptoms of distress as well as whether the sex of either individual affects responses. Aims: We examined open-ended responses to e-mail vignettes from a fictitious friend exhibiting depressed, irritable, or overtly suicidal communications. Method: College student participants (n = 106) read e-mail messages from a fictitious friend, to which they composed a reply. Replies were coded to reflect the presence/absence of mention of professional help, problem-oriented (personal) help, and social support. Results: Problem-oriented help was offered the most across conditions; professional help was offered least in response to depressed or irritable vignettes. Women were more likely to offer any type of help than men. Patterns of help-giving and sex differences in help-giving varied by condition. Conclusions: Results indicate students’ preferences for solving peer problems personally rather than professionally. Campus prevention and intervention efforts should focus on enhancing students’ peer support and referral skills.


Caldwell, Elizabeth A. 01 January 2019 (has links)
One in 59 children is identified as having an Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that students with disabilities be educated in the general education setting with typical peers to the maximum extent possible. This practice of inclusion has led to increased social-isolation and peer rejection among students with ASD. Research suggests inclusion alone without implementing peer intervention training is ineffective in fostering positive interactions between students with ASD and their typical peers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to contribute to the literature by evaluating a peer educational intervention designed to promote positive peer relations among students with ASD, as well as, examine the effects of a peer educational intervention on typical peers’ perceived level of self-efficacy in interacting with students with ASD.

Pupil Attitudes Toward School, Peers, and Teachers Under Ability-Grouped and Random-Grouped Systems in Weber and Ogden School Districts

Christensen, Val R. 01 May 1964 (has links)
Attitudes are usually defined as feelings for or against something (Remmers and Gage, 1955). They are very important in the lives of people because they help determine future success in an individual's life. Because of them one works to get the things he wants, one votes for or against certain issues, one joins a cause, opposes something, or attempts to influence others.

Middle Years of Schooling: The pressures on rural adolescents to achieve academically

Demarte, Adele Louise, adele@rahna.com January 2007 (has links)
Within a climate of continual change this study offers insights into the academic pressures experienced by rural adolescents to achieve at school. In the often challenging transition from childhood to adulthood expectations from others place additional pressures on adolescents' lives. To better understand these pressures, I conducted a qualitative study of six students (ages nine to 15) and their teachers in the Middle Years of Schooling within rural Victoria, Australia. Students were studied prior to the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) in order to examine the pressures on students facing the Middle Years of Schooling. The study was carried out over a 6 month period using a Naturalistic Inquiry process with semi-structured interviews and participant observation. This allowed access into the participants' subjective insights. A Collective case study approach was employed to situate the information in its holistic environment and offer thick and information rich narratives depicting the experiences of these early adolescents. The case studies also involved examination of the school experiences of the early adolescents. Academic pressure was then broadly viewed in light of these experiences and recommendations offered. The findings from this research revealed that the early adolescents in the study all experienced degrees of academic pressure and demonstrated varied abilities to cope with these pressures. External support provided by parents, the school, teachers and peers tended to provide support more than fostering resilience.

Pratiques éducatives des parents d’adolescents présentant un TDAH : perception des parents et des adolescents en lien avec les comportements à risque

Vaillancourt, Jessica 06 1900 (has links)
La présente étude vise à examiner d’une part le lien entre les pratiques éducatives rapportées par la mère et celles perçues par son adolescent ayant un trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDAH) et examiner le lien avec l’adoption de comportements à risque chez l’adolescent (délinquance et association aux pairs déviants). Cinq pratiques éducatives ont été étudiées de manière distincte, soit l’engagement parental, les pratiques positives, la discipline inconstante, la faible supervision ainsi que la punition corporelle. Chacune d’entre elles a été mesurée par la mère, son adolescent et une variable de désaccord a ensuite été créée. L’échantillon est composé de 32 dyades mère-adolescent ayant participé cinq ans auparavant au programme Ces Années Incroyables. Les adolescents ont tous un diagnostic de TDAH et sont âgés entre 10 ans et 15 ans. Les résultats démontrent une absence de corrélation entre chacune des pratiques éducatives rapportées par la mère et celles perçues par l’adolescent. La mère tend à avoir une perception plus positive des pratiques éducatives que son adolescent. Les résultats démontrent aussi que la perception de l’adolescent sur les pratiques éducatives est associée à la compréhension des comportements à risque. Finalement, la perception de l’adolescent s’est avérée être un facteur aggravant de la relation entre l’ampleur du désaccord mère adolescent et l’association aux pairs déviants. La discussion explique ces résultats et aborde les importantes implications cliniques. / This study aims to examine the link between educational practices reported by the mother and those perceived by adolescents with attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) and also examine the relationship with the adoption of risk behaviors among adolescents (delinquency and association with deviant peers). Five educational practices were examined separately, parental involvement, positive practices, inconsistent discipline, low supervision and corporal punishment. Each of them has been measured by the mother, teenager and a variable of disagreement was created. The sample consisted of 32 mother-teen dyads involved five years ago in the Incredible Years program. Teenagers have all been diagnosed with ADHD and are aged between 10 and 14 years and 11 months. The results show an absence of correlation between each of the educational practices reported by mothers and those perceived by adolescents. Mothers tend to have a more positive perception of parenting practices then heir teenage. The results also show that the perception of adolescents in educational practices is associated with the adoption of risk behaviors. Finally, the perception of adolescents proved to be a precipitating factor in the relationship between the extent of disagreement between teens and mothers and association with deviant peers. The discussion explains these results and discusses important clinical implications.

Les pratiques parentales, le désengagement scolaire des amis et le rendement scolaire chez les élèves du secondaire nés en Haïti et fréquentant une école en milieu défavorisé

Tardif-Grenier, Kristel 12 1900 (has links)
Les difficultés scolaires ont des conséquences importantes, tant au plan personnel que sociétal. De plus, les adolescents d’origine haïtienne semblent particulièrement à risque de vivre des difficultés scolaires. Pourtant, très peu d’études canadiennes se sont intéressées au vécu scolaire des élèves de cette communauté. Cependant, des études menées auprès d’autres groupes minoritaires ont fait état de l’importance de l’influence des amis et des parents en ce qui a trait au rendement scolaire de l’adolescent. Par conséquent, l’objectif général de ce mémoire est d’examiner les pratiques parentales en lien avec l’école comme modératrices de la relation entre le désengagement scolaire des amis et le rendement scolaire chez les élèves haïtiens fréquentant une école en milieu défavorisé. Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons dressé un portrait statistique de l’immigration au Québec et discuté de certains aspects du vécu scolaire des élèves issus de l’immigration. Ces données nous indiquent que les difficultés scolaires que peuvent éprouver ces élèves constituent un phénomène complexe impliquant de nombreux facteurs. Le second chapitre expose en quoi les parents et les amis sont des acteurs cruciaux de la réussite scolaire de l’élève haïtien provenant d’un milieu défavorisé. Nous avons ensuite évalué l’effet modérateur des pratiques parentales sur la relation entre le désengagement scolaire des amis et le rendement en français. Cela a permis de montrer que le désengagement des amis et certaines pratiques parentales en lien avec l’école permettent de prédire le rendement en français. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous avons abordé le rôle du psychoéducateur appelé à intervenir auprès d’élèves haïtiens. Force est de constater qu’il existe un grand nombre d’interventions pouvant être mises en œuvre tant auprès des amis, des parents, que des enseignants, afin de favoriser le succès scolaire des élèves haïtiens. Les résultats de ce mémoire ont mis en lumière l’importance de la prise en compte du désengagement scolaire des amis et des pratiques parentales dans l’étude des difficultés scolaires chez les élèves haïtiens issus de milieux défavorisés. Toutefois, d’autres études seront nécessaires afin de comprendre les mécanismes régissant les interactions entre ces acteurs. Ces études devront inclure des échantillons plus vastes et compter des jeunes de tous les statuts socioéconomiques et de toutes les régions du Québec. De plus, elles devront faire appel à plusieurs informateurs et considérer des facteurs intrinsèques à l’élève, comme par exemple sa motivation scolaire ou son estime de soi. Mots clés : Rendement scolaire, pratiques parentales, désengagement scolaire des amis, adolescents haïtiens, pauvreté. / School underachievement has important consequences, both individual and societal. Haitian adolescents seem particularly at risk of experiencing such academic difficulties. Yet, very few Canadian studies have focused on the academic experience of students in this community. Studies conducted with other minority groups have however reported the important influence of friends and parents in regard to these adolescents’ achievement. The objective of this paper is to examine how school-related parenting practices moderate the relationship between peers’ disengagement in school and academic performance among economically disadvantaged Haitian adolescents. In the first chapter, we have made a statistical portrait of immigration in Quebec and discussed different aspects related to achievement among immigrant students. These data indicate that the academic difficulties that some of these students experience are complex and involve many factors. The second chapter explains how parents and friends are key actors in the academic success of Haitian students coming from disadvantaged background. We then assessed the moderating effect of school-related parenting practices on the relationship between peers’ disengagement in school and adolescents’ achievement in literacy. Results reveal that parental practices and peers’ disengagement toward school contribute directly (positively or negatively) to adolescents’ academic experience. In the third chapter, we finally discussed the role of the psychoeducator who intervene with Haitian students. It appears that there are many interventions that can be implemented with friends, parents, and teachers to promote the academic success of these students. Our results highlighted the importance of considering peers’ disengagement from school and parenting practices in the study of academic difficulties among Haitian students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. Further studies are however needed to understand the mechanisms underlying the contribution of these actors on adolescents’ achievement. These studies ought to include larger samples of participants coming from all regions of Quebec and all socio-economical backgrounds. In addition, these studies ought to rely on several informants and consider factors intrinsic to the student, such as his academic motivation or self-esteem. Key words: School achievement; Parental practices; Peers’ disengagement from school; Haitian adolescents; Poverty. / Ce mémoire contient un article ayant été soumis à la Revue de Psychoéducation. Cet article a été rédigé avec comme co-auteur Michel Janosz

Le phénomène d’influence entre pairs : observation des interactions sociales à l’intérieur de groupes d’entraînement aux habiletés sociales impliquant des élèves ayant des troubles du comportement et des pairs aidants sans trouble du comportement

Dumoulin-Charette, Sandrine 09 1900 (has links)
Récemment, un nombre grandissant de jeunes ayant des troubles du comportement ont été intégrés dans les classes régulières. Afin de soutenir cette intégration, plusieurs programmes d’intervention ont émergé et été implantés dans les écoles québécoises. Parmi ces programmes, on retrouve le programme l’Allié, qui se distingue des autres, notamment, par l’utilisation de pairs aidants. Ce cadre d’intervention prometteur soulève cependant certains questionnements sur la possibilité d’influence négative entre les jeunes. L’objectif de l’étude est de décrire, dans une approche comportementale, le processus d'influence entre pairs. Une méthodologie d’observation systématique des interactions sociales est privilégiée. Les résultats indiquent qu’il n’y a pas eu d’influence négative dans les groupes l’Allié. Les comportements perturbateurs ont eu plus de chances de cesser lorsque les participants les ont ignorés, que lorsque les pairs ont réagi à ces comportements. L’ignorance intentionnelle d’un comportement semble donc constituer un processus d’influence important dans les groupes de jeunes. / In recent years, a growing number of students with behavioral disorders have been integrated into regular classrooms. Various intervention programs have emerged to support this integration, with many being implemented in Quebec’s schools. One of these programs, the Ally intervention program, distinguishes itself from others, notably, through its use of peer helpers. Though very promising, this intervention framework raises some questions about the possibility of negative influence among the children. The goal of this study is to describe, in a behavioral approach, the influence process in social interactions between peers. Systematic observation is the method selected to conduct this study. Results indicate that there was no negative influence in Ally groups. Furthermore, a disruptive behavior was more likely to stop when participants ignored it, than when peers responded to it. Selective ignoring of behavior thus seems to be an important influential process in groups made up of children.

Extraversion et affiliation aux pairs antisociaux durant l'adolescence et persistance du comportement antisocial à l'âge adulte : un test de deux séquences développementales

Desrosiers, Marie-Pier January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Postoje ke společnosti a škole u žáků ve středním odborném vzdělávání / Attitudes to Society and School of Students in Secondary Vocational Schools

Bederka, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issue of civic attitudes adopted by students of vocational schools. The author presents an overview of previous Czech research which shows that students of vocational schools are placed at the bottom of international surveys inquiring civic and political knowledge. Moreover, the results reveal that the students of vocational schools express their support for democracy as a way of government the least. The goal of the thesis is to describe civic and political opinions of concrete students and show who influences them and how. It is designed as a multiple case study. Six students of vocational schools from Prague, a smaller town and a village in Central Bohemian Region were chosen to participate in the study. The core of the work is the description of the individual cases in a detailed context including their family, community, school and friends. The findings indicate that the studied students are usually not interested in politics. Their political beliefs are heavily formed by their family and peers. School as an institution does not have any influence, not even through civic education which is compulsory during the first years of high school education. It is most of all caused by fewer opportunities for an open discussion about basic topics in classes. Media have only...

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