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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Métabolisme d'un prébiotique par une souche d'escherichia coli pathogène : décryptage fonctionnel et mobilité de la région fos. / Prebiotic metabolism by a pathogenic Escherichia coli strain : functional decryption and mobility of the Fos region

Porcheron, Gaëlle 13 December 2011 (has links)
La région fos de la souche d’Escherichia coli pathogène aviaire BEN2908 permet le métabolisme des fructanes, des prébiotiques largement utilisés en alimentation humaine et animale. Ce métabolisme contribue à l’implantation de BEN2908 dans son réservoir, l’intestin. La région fos, située au sein de l’îlot génomique AGI-3, est composée de 6 gènes codant pour un transporteur de sucre et des enzymes impliquées dans le métabolisme des fructanes, et d’un gène transcrit de façon divergente codant pour FosR, un régulateur transcriptionnel de la famille LacI/GalR. Nous avons montré que l’expression des gènes fos est réprimée par FosR, contrôlée par la répression catabolique et induite en présence de fructanes. FosR se lie à 2 séquences opératrices de la région promotrice de l’opéron fos et cette liaison est inhibée en présence de fructanes, surtout par le 1-kestose. La région fos confère un avantage de croissance en présence de contenu cæcal et contribue à la colonisation des cæca in vivo. De plus, AGI-3 est mobile et transférable, ce qui suggère une possible diffusion du métabolisme des fructanes au sein de l’espèce E. coli. / The fos region of the avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strain BEN2908 is involved in fructan metabolism, prebiotics widely used commercially in food products for both humans and animals. This metabolism contributes to the establishment of BEN2908 in its reservoir, the intestine. The fos region, located within the genomic island AGI-3, is composed of six genes encoding a sugar transporter and enzymes involved in fructan metabolism, and of a divergently transcribed gene encoding a transcriptional regulator, FosR, belonging to the LacI/GalR family. We demonstrated that the expression of fos genes is repressed by FosR, controlled by catabolite repression and induced in the presence of fructans. FosR binds to two operator sequences of the fos operon promoter region. This binding to DNA is inhibited in the presence of fructans, especially by 1-kestose. The fos region strongly benefits growth on cecal content and colonization of the ceca in vivo. Moreover, AGI-3 is mobile and transferable, suggesting a possible dissemination of fructan metabolism within the species E. coli.

Yesterday's deformities : a discussion of the role of memory and discourse in the plays of Samuel Beckett

Brown, Verna 30 November 2005 (has links)
Although Samuel Beckett's plays indicate his abiding interest in the complex functioning of memory, little has been written on the topic. The aim of this study, therefore, is to examine the wide-ranging, specific approaches towards recall and forgetting that he reflects in his drama. Because conversational strategies are grounded in cognitive processes, the interplay between memory and discourse will also be probed. The thesis foregrounds Beckett's profound distrust of memory functioning, as well as his conviction that `yesterday' has dangerous power to `deform'. Through his own perception and his psychological study of dysfunctional, decaying and trauma-charged memories, he is able to apply a comprehensive knowledge-base to the creation of his time-damaged characters. In the scrutiny of their autobiographical memories, the reconstructive and imaginative components become apparent. These are mainly shown to alienate characters from one another, so that Beckett's claim that memory can remedy suffering becomes questionable. The investigation is informed by a variety of critical disciplines, as well as insights derived from the Proust Monograph. Beckett's investigation of the psychology of the 1930s is evaluated, in addition to current medical and psychological research into gerontology, amnesia, dementia, and the repressed or obsessive memories of the neurotic. Conway's work on the characteristic features of autobiographical memory illuminates relevant Beckett plays. An appraisal of discourse studies focuses on language and power, phatic communication and the multiple speech acts that reflect the functioning of normal and dysfunctional memory. Reference to the work of Lacan and Derrida enhances discussion of the inadequacy of language. To give due attention to the theatrical component of Beckett's drama, enactment, performance criticism and audience reception of his plays are discussed. / English Studies / D.Litt. et Phil.

Germanismo e nazismo na colônia alemã de Presidente Venceslau (1923-1945)

Soares, Bruno Pinto [UNESP] 02 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-03-02Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:54:41Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 soares_bp_me_assis.pdf: 2332647 bytes, checksum: 7218f0b6e67f21292a12c03f0ee55f75 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A presente pesquisa discute a imigração alemã e a influência do nazismo na cidade de Presidente Venceslau entre os anos de 1923 e 1945. A inserção do colono teuto e as múltiplas maneiras de recriar o novo espaço, muitas vezes relacionadas à cultura alemã, lançaram as bases para o fortalecimento dos laços com a pátria de origem. O uso diário da língua materna e a construção da Escola alemã, voltada exclusivamente para a comunidade, criaram um vínculo permanente com a Alemanha, fortalecido por meio do discurso nacionalista da década de 1930. A propagação da ideologia nazista ganhou contornos identitários no seio colonial, pois a comunidade ostentava os símbolos do regime e reverenciava seu líder, tal qual ocorria na própria Alemanha. A idéia de “perigo alemão” se delineou no início de 1940, legitimada pela política repressiva do Estado Novo, momento em que a boa relação dos colonos alemães com a sociedade venceslauense deteriorou-se, sendo os mesmos vigiados, perseguidos e atacados na imprensa local. / This research discusses about the German immigration and the Nazism influences in Presidente Venceslau between 1923 and 1945. The insertions of the German immigrant and the multiple ways of recreating the space, usually linked with the German culture, have permitted to strengthen the link with the native country. The use of mother tongue and the building of the German school, directed only to the community, has created a permanent link with German, which was strengthen by the nationalist discourse of the 30´s. The Nazis’ ideology spread has gained identity representation inside the colony, once the community exhibited the symbols and venerated its leader, the same way people did in German. The idea of the “ German Danger” has been delineated in the begging of the 40´s, legitimized by the repressive politic of the Estado Novo, when the good relationship between the German colony and Venceslau´s society has started to be damaged, and the colonials were spied, hunted and attacked by the local press.

Reoression, Defense Mechanisms and the Unreliability of Stevens' Narration in the Remains of the Day

Guo, Lulu January 2018 (has links)
This essay argues that repression and defense mechanisms contribute to the unreliability of Stevens’ narrationthrough three aspects: Stevens’ uncertainty of certain memories, his failure to report certain scenescorrectly and his defensive, self-contradictory discourse. There is no single best way to define what is consideredreliable and what is unreliable in narratology because the complexity of fictional characters will renderdifferent kinds of unreliability. This essay detects three kinds of unreliability of Stevens corresponding to thethree aspects mentIoned above: the first kind results from the untrustworthiness of our memory, the secondkind is the contradiction between the voice of the narrator and the other characters and the third kind lieswithin the narrative discourse. The unreliability of Stevens’ narration attributes to repression and defensemechanisms. The five kinds of defense mechanisms analyzed in the essay are selective memory, denial,projection, reaction formation and rationalization. In order to defend his self-image as a great butler, Stevenslies to or hides from himself and tries to avoid acknowledging certain undesirable thoughts or emotions. Eventhough Stevens becomes more reliable as he gains more self-realization during the road trip, his defensesare still on.

Identificação de SNPs em sítios CpG localizados em regiões genômicas relacionadas à produção em bovinos / Identification of SNPs in CpG sites located in genomic regions related to production in cattle

Maldonado, Mariângela Bueno Cordeiro [UNESP] 22 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Mariângela Bueno Cordeiro Maldonado null (maribuenocordeiro@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-01T02:02:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE DE DOUTORADO 2017 - Mariangela Maldonado .pdf: 1446039 bytes, checksum: 2e08a41374d1ed14783e9142f58bdec8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-09-01T13:59:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 maldonado_mbc_dr_araca.pdf: 1446039 bytes, checksum: 2e08a41374d1ed14783e9142f58bdec8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-01T13:59:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 maldonado_mbc_dr_araca.pdf: 1446039 bytes, checksum: 2e08a41374d1ed14783e9142f58bdec8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) potencialmente sujeitos a controle epigenético exercido por metilação do DNA via seus envolvimentos na criação, remoção ou deslocamento de sítios CpG (meSNPs) e a partir de tal identificação criar um banco de dados para meSNPs, bem como determinar a possível associação desses marcadores com ilhas CpG (CGIs) e com o perfil metilacional de tecidos submetidos ao ensaio de recuperação de ilhas CpG metiladas combinado com plataformas de sequenciamento de nova geração (MIRA-seq) em bovinos. Usando as variantes anotadas para os SNPs identificados no Run5 do projeto 1000 Bull Genomes e a sequência genômica bovina de referência UMD3.1.1, identificamos e anotamos 12.836.763 meSNPs de acordo com o padrão de variação criado por cada SNP em um sítio CpG. Também analisamos a distribuição genômica desses meSNPs, sendo a maioria deles localizados em regiões intergênicas (68,00%) e intrônicas (26,32%). Globalmente, os meSNPs representam 22,53% dos 56.969.697 SNPs descritos na base de dados e 12,35% deles estão localizados em CGIs. Comparando o número observado com o número esperado de meSNPs nas CGIs e nos tecidos submetidos ao MIRA-seq, verificamos um enriquecimento médio (P<0,01) para meSNPs de 2,47 vezes em CGIs relaxadas e 1,90 vezes em CGIs rigorosas. Nos tecidos, o enriquecimento foi de 1,52 vezes em longissimus dorsi e 2,09 vezes em intestino delgado. Dez meSNPs com metilação diferencial, sendo 1 em longissimus dorsi e 9 em intestino delgado, causaram uma alteração na sequência genômica, a qual está associada ao fenótipo de eficiência alimentar em bovinos. / The aim of this study was to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) potentially subject to epigenetic control exerted by DNA methylation via their involvement in creating, removing or displacement CpG sites (meSNPs) and from this identification create a database for meSNPs, as well as to determine its possible association with CpG islands (CGIs) and the methylation profile of tissues submitted to the methylated-CpG island recovery assay combined with next generation sequencing platforms (MIRA-seq) in cattle. Using the variant annotations for SNPs identified in Run5 of the 1000 bull genomes project and the UMD3.1.1 bovine reference genome sequence assembly, we identified and classified 12,836,763 meSNPs according to the pattern of variation caused at the CpG site. We have also analyzed the genomic distribution of the meSNPs, with the majority being located in intergenic regions (68.00%) and then in introns (26.32%) and the remainder distributed among proximal promoters (3.93%), coding regions (1.27%), untranslated regions (UTRs) (0.29%), non-coding RNAs (0.11%) and splice regions (0.08%). Overall, meSNPs represent 22.53% of 56,969,697 SNPs described in the database of which 12.35% are located in CGIs. Comparing the observed number with the expected number of meSNPs in the CGIs and tissues submitted to the MIRAseq we found a mean enrichment (P<0.01) for meSNPs of 2.47 times in the relaxed CGIs and 1.90 times in the strict CGIs. In the tissues the enrichment was of 1.52 times in ribeye and 2.09 times in small intestine. Ten meSNPs, differing in methylation status, 1 in ribeye and 9 in small intestine, caused an alteration in the genomic sequence which is associated with a feed efficiency phenotype in cattle. / FAPESP: 2015/20557-5 / FAPESP: 2016/07584-6

Reich e marcuse : uma teoria do material e do subjetivo na história /

Thomaz, Rita de Cassia. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Hélio Rebello Cardoso Junior / Banca: Milton Carlos Costa / Banca: Alfredo dos Santos Oliva / Resumo: Nas suas obras culturais Freud apresenta uma visão esclarecedora da complicada relação que se dá entre o indivíduo e a sociedade. Assim como ele, Wilhelm Reich e Herbert Marcuse teorizaram sobre este tema, priorizando o problema da falsa consciência e da ausência de liberdade na civilização. Para isto, se utilizaram do elo entre psicanálise e materialismo histórico. O que pretendemos em nossa pesquisa é analisar como os dois desenvolveram este referencial teórico e chegaram a um estudo sistematizado da sociedade a que pertenciam. Isto nos permitirá realizar nosso objetivo de estudar a possibilidade da utilização da psicanálise na investigação histórica e as reelaborações dos conceitos freudianos. A escolha de Reich e Marcuse se legitima numa pesquisa histórica pelo fato de que ambos exploraram o componente histórico das categorias psicanalíticas. / Abstract: In his cultural works, Freud presents an interesting view of the complicated connection between the individual and society. Like him, Wilhelm Reich and Herbert Marcuse theorize about this subject, emphasizing the problem in relation to the false consciousness and the lack of freedom in civilization. Then they used the link between psychoanalysis and historical materialism. In this research I intend to examine how they used this theoretical point and have got a systematic study of their society. So this will help us to study the possibility of the use of psychoanalysis in historical research. The choice of Reich and Marcuse is legitimated by historical research because they explored the history component of psychoanalytic categories. / Mestre

Caio Fernando Abreu em Inventário do irremediável: navegante de águas turvas / Caio Fernando Abreu in Inventário do irremediável: sailing in dark waters

Valéria de Freitas Pereira 10 October 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe algumas reflexões sobre oito contos da obra Inventário do irremediável, de Caio Fernando Abreu, lançada em 1970: Inventário do irremediável, Itinerário, O ovo, Apeiron, Réquiem, A quem interessar possa, O mar mais longe que eu vejo e Morte segunda. Em nosso entendimento, considerando suas condições de produção, os contos examinados se relacionam a uma forma de resistência a um mundo que se configura como opressor sob diversos aspectos. Partimos de um conto que trata a questão da repressão sexual. Em seguida nos detemos, em outra narrativa, na repressão que rege o indivíduo urbano. Depois nos dedicamos a um conto que versa sobre a violência de uma sociedade repressiva. Na seqüência, analisamos textos que apresentam a forma de um cadáver, de uma mulher e de um suicida encararem a morte, e finalmente nos atemos a contos em que a repressão se associa a experiências incompreendidas e não superadas. / This work proposes reflections about eight short stories of the book Inventário do irremediável, by Caio Fernando Abreu, launched in 1970: Inventário do irremediável, Itinerário, O ovo, Apeiron, Réquiem, A quem interessar possa, O mar mais longe que eu vejo and Morte segunda. In our comprehension, considering the conditions of the conception, the studied stories are related to a form of resistance to a world which seems oppressive under several sides. We start our study with a story that deals with sexual repression. Afterwards, in another narrative, we investigate the repression that governs the urban citizen. Then we examine a story that deals with the violence of a repressive society. After that, we analyze stories that present the way that a corpse, a woman and a suicidal face the death, and finally we focus on texts in which the repression links to misunderstood and not overcome experiences

Estado e Igreja Católica: o movimento social do cristianismo de libertação sob vigilância do DOPS/SP (1954-1974) / State and Catholic Church: the social movement of christianity release under the supervision of DOPS / SP (1954-1974)

Admar Mendes de Souza 29 June 2009 (has links)
A longa presença da Igreja Católica no Brasil foi marcada pelo permanente contato com as instâncias de poder do Estado. Lado a lado ou em campos opostos, mas sempre na condição de forças que se influenciaram mutuamente, essa relação encerra parte importante da história nacional. Tendo isso como pano de fundo, por meio da documentação produzida pelo Departamento de Ordem Política e Social do Estado de São Paulo sobre o setor social católico, esta pesquisa buscou apreender elementos políticos e religiosos que teriam causado atritos entre Estado/Igreja no período de 1954 a 1974. Partiu-se da concepção de que os discursos e as práticas de uma parte do catolicismo nacional em busca de uma reformulação econômica da sociedade, então fundamentada na lógica capitalista, seriam uma das causas dessas contradições. / The long standing presence of the Catholic Church in Brazil was characterized by the permanent contact with the instances of the power of the state. Side by side or in opposite fields, but always in the conditions of forces that influenced each other, this relationship ends the important part of the national history. Having this like a background, via the documentation produced by the Department of Political and Social order of the State of Sao Paulo considering the catholic social sector, this research attempted to learn the political and religious elements that could have caused conflicts between the State/Church between 1954 to 1974. The discourses and the practices of one part of the national Catholicism in search of an economic reformulation of society, based on the capitalist logic, was seen as one of the reasons for these contradictions.

Construção de bactérias recombinantes para produzir etanol e biopolímeros a partir de açucares derivados do hidrolisado do bagaço de cana-de-açúcares. / Engineering bacteria to produce ethanol and biopolymers using sugars derived from sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate.

Rominne Karla Barros Freire 05 June 2012 (has links)
Resíduos lignocelulósicos são substratos proeminentes para a produção sustentável de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHAs) e etanol. A xilose é um dos principais componentes da lignocelulose, mas o aproveitamento eficiente desse açúcar ainda representa uma barreira técnica. O objetivo desse trabalho foi obter linhagens bacterianas mais eficientes no consumo desse açúcar. Foi introduzido maior número de cópias dos genes do catabolismo (xylAB) e transporte (xylFGH) de xilose, nas linhagens Escherichia coli KO11, produtora de etanol, e Burkholderia sacchari LFM 101, produtora de poli-3-hidroxibutirato (PHB). Os recombinantes foram avaliados quanto ao consumo de xilose e produção na presença e ausência de glicose. Para B. sacchari LFM 101 essa estratégia não incrementou o consumo desse açúcar. Para E. coli KO11 xylAB reduziu o tempo de consumo de xilose e aumentou a produção final de etanol em 30%, mas esse efeito foi prejudicado pela repressão catabólica; enquanto xylFGH foi deletério ao reduzir para quase zero o crescimento e produção de etanol por essa linhagem. / Lignocellulosic residues are remarkable substrates for the sustainable production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) and ethanol. Xylose is one of the most important lignocelullose component but its efficient utilization still represents a technical barrier. The aim of this work was to obtain bacterial strains more efficient in the xylose consumption. Multiple copies of the catabolism (xylAB) and transport (xylFGH) genes of xylose were introduced in the ethanol producer Escherichia coli KO11 strain and the poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) producer Burkholderia sacchari LFM 101. The recombinants strains were evaluated for their production and xylose consumption in the presence and absence of glucose. This strategy did not increase xylose consumption in B. sacchari strains. The xylAB gene improved xylose consumption and increased the ethanol production about 30% in E. coli KO11, but this effect was impaired by catabolite repression; while xylFGH gene was deleterious to reduce the growth and ethanol production by this strain.

Análise da capacidade de carga de fundação por sapatas executadas na cidade de São Caetano do Sul/SP / Bearing capacity analysis of shallow foundation in São Caetano do Sul city

Noguchi, Leandro Tomio 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo José Rocha de Albuquerque / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T07:37:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Noguchi_LeandroTomio_M.pdf: 6042585 bytes, checksum: 3b22b2450a9ddc40e2911dbb661a0359 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Este trabalho teve o objetivo estudar às formulações e teorias de capacidade de carga e previsão de recalques para o caso de uma solução em fundação superficial adotado em uma obra de um edifício comercial de 10 pavimentos e 3 subsolos localizado na cidade de São Caetano do Sul/SP, por meio de análise de quatro provas de carga sobre placa. Para tal, o solo local foi submetido a ensaios de laboratório para caracterização e determinação de parâmetros geotécnicos que alimentaram os métodos propostos e apresentados na literatura. Um modelo do ensaio de carga foi simulado em programa de elementos finitos, com os parâmetros dos ensaios de laboratório e assim determinando a curva carga vs recalque. Foram realizadas análises probabilísticas que forneceram o índice de confiabilidade e a probabilidade de ruína, possibilitando a redução do fator de segurança da fundação e o aumento da tensão admissível / Abstract: This work aims to study the methods and theories of bearing capacity and settlement prediction for the solution of a shallow foundation adopted in a commercial building of 10 floors and 3 basements in the city of São Caetano do Sul/SP through analysis of 4 plate loading tests. An undisturbed soil sample was collected that was submitted to laboratory tests for characterization and determination of geotechnical parameters that will support the theoretical methods proposed in the literature. With this it is expected to check the existing calculation methods for bearing capacity and settlement prediction. A model of the load plate test was simulated using a finite element program, with the parameters of laboratory tests, thus determining the load-settlement curve. By the allowable stress obtained, probabilistic analysis were performed, what made possible the calculation of reliability and failure probability indexes, allowing the reduction of the safety factor of the foundation and increase in the allowable stress / Mestrado / Geotecnia / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

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