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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Modelos y métodos avanzados para la logística del contenedor. Aplicación al Puerto de Valencia

Furió Pruñonosa, Salvador 02 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] Since its birth in the fifties, the maritime container has revolutionised freight international transport providing support to a global production system, marked by the industry offshoring looking for competitive advantages and the configuration of increasingly complex and global supply chains. Within this context, the container has gained a great importance becoming a basic logistic element in supply chains where it plays the role of a transport, production and distribution unit. The success of container is evident if we analyse the evolution of container port traffic, which has been growing at a pace of over 10 % surpassing 600 million TEU of traffic since 2012. The container is, therefore, a key element in global supply chains and container logistics is a field of work and study of enormous interest due to its impact in the efficiency of these supply chains, due to the cost incurred for the operating account of shipping companies and operators (cost which is transferred to the final user and has an impact in the price of the goods being transported), and due to the social and environmental cost associated to the externalities of transport derived from the management of the container fleet. Container logistics has to do with the efficient management of the container fleet, minimising the transport, warehousing and maintenance costs, and maximising the use of the equipment. In container logistics it is possible to categorise, generally, two different categories or levels depending on the geographical scope and the transport modes involved: The international level and the local or regional level. This thesis addresses container logistics at a local or regional level, insofar as in relation to the management of stock, transport and internal movements, trying to react and identify solutions to some of the problems currently facing the port-logistics sector. The research result allows, firstly, knowing in an integral and structured manner the complexity of maritime container logistics. Secondly, specific real problems are identified and addressed for its modelling and analysis that allows for contributing to the improvement of the current logistics system. The following specific problems are addressed: -Modal choice problems for the configuration of internal logistics corridors or chains for maritime container transport. -Problems locating networks of nodal infrastructures facilitating the logistics needs of maritime containers. -Problems related to the movements and management of empty maritime containers. The interest and the academic contribution of this thesis lies as much in the definition and modelling of the specific problems with a significant theoretical discussion, as the empirical application to a real environment and real situations. This has been possible due to the direct contact of the author with the port-logistics sector and the participation in many consultancy and research projects in the cluster of the port of Valencia and also at European and international level. The thesis is outlined as a collection of six scientific articles. The articles have been presented in the thesis in such a way as to follow a logical sequence and not in relation with the chronological order of their publication. / [ES] Desde su aparición en los años 50, el contenedor marítimo ha revoluciona-do el transporte internacional de mercancías dando soporte a un sistema global de producción, marcado por la multilocalización de las industrias en busca de ventajas competitivas y la configuración de cadenas de suministro cada vez más complejas y globales. En este contexto, el contenedor ha adquirido un gran protagonismo convirtiéndose en un elemento logístico básico en las cadenas de suministro en las que actúa como unidad de transporte, producción y distribución. El éxito del contenedor queda puesto de manifiesto al analizar la evolución del tráfico portuario de contenedores, que ha estado creciendo a ritmos superiores al 10 %, superando los 600 millones TEU desde 2012. El contenedor es, por tanto, un elemento clave de las cadenas de suministro globales y la logística del contenedor es un área de estudio y trabajo de enorme interés por el impacto que tiene en la eficiencia de dichas cadenas, por el coste que supone a navieras y operadores en sus cuentas de explotación (coste que se traslada al usuario final y repercute en el precio de las mercancías transportadas) y por el coste social y ambiental asociado a las externalidades del transporte derivadas de esta gestión de la flota de contenedores. La logística del contenedor tiene que ver con la gestión eficiente del parque de contenedores, minimizando los costes de transporte, almacenamiento y mantenimiento, y maximizando la utilización del equipo. En la logística del contenedor se pueden identificar, por lo general, dos categorías o niveles diferenciados en función del ámbito geográfico y de los modos de transporte implicados: El nivel internacional y el nivel local o regional. Este trabajo aborda la logística del contenedor a nivel regional o local, es decir, en lo relativo a la gestión del stock, transporte y movimientos interiores, tratando de dar respuesta y plantear soluciones a algunos de los problemas con los que se encuentra el sector logístico-portuario en la actualidad. El resultado de la investigación permite, en primer lugar, conocer de una forma integral y estructurada la complejidad de la logística del contenedor marítimo. En segundo lugar, se identifican y abordan problemas específicos reales para su modelización y análisis, que permiten contribuir a la mejora del sistema logístico actual. En concreto se abordan los siguientes problemas: -Problemas de elección modal en la configuración de las cadenas o corredores logísticos interiores en el transporte de contenedores marítimos. -Problemas de localización o vertebración de una red de infraestructuras nodales para atender las necesidades logísticas de los contenedores marítimos. -Problemas asociados a los movimientos en vacío y gestión de contenedores marítimos. El interés y contribución académica de este trabajo reside tanto en la definición y modelización de los problemas específicos con una profunda discusión teórica, como en la aplicación empírica a situaciones y entornos reales, cosa que ha sido posible gracias al contacto directo del autor con el sector logístico-portuario y su participación en numerosos proyectos de consulto-ría e investigación tanto en el clúster del Puerto de Valencia como a nivel europeo e internacional. El trabajo se plantea como una colección de seis artículos científicos. El orden en que están situados los artículos en la tesis permite mantener una secuencia lógica construida a posteriori y no según el orden cronológico en el que fueron publicados. / [CAT] Des del seu naixement als anys 50, el contenidor marítim ha revolucionat el transport internacional de mercaderies donant suport a un sistema global de producció, marcat per la multilocalització de les indústries en busca d'avantatges competitives i la configuració de cadenes de subministrament cada vegada més complexes i globals. En aquest context, el contenidor ha adquirit un gran protagonisme convertintse en un element logístic bàsic en les cadenes de subministrament en les quals actua com a unitat de transport, producció i distribució. L'èxit del contenidor s'evidencia en analitzar l'evolució del tràfic portuari de contenidors, que ha estat creixent a ritmes superiors al 10 % superant els 600 milions TEU des de 2012. El contenidor és, per tant, un element clau de les cadenes subministrament globals i la logística del contenidor és un àrea d'estudi i treball d'enorme interès per l'impacte que té en l'eficiència d'aquestes cadenes, pel cost que suposa a navilieres i operadors en els seus comptes d'explotació (cost que es trasllada a l'usuari final i repercuteix en el preu de les mercaderies transportades) i pel cost social i ambiental associat a les externalitats del transport derivades d'aquesta gestió de la flota de contenidors. La logística del contenidor té a veure amb la gestió eficient del parc de contenidors, minimitzant els costos de transport, emmagatzematge i manteniment, i maximitzant la utilització de l'equip. En la logística del contenidor es poden identificar, en general, dues categories o nivells diferenciats en funció de l'àmbit geogràfic i de les modalitats de transport implicats: el nivell internacional i el nivell local o regional. Aquest treball aborda la logística del contenidor a nivell regional o local, és a dir, quant a la gestió de l'estoc, transport i moviments interiors, tractant de donar resposta i plantejar solucions a alguns dels problemes amb els quals es troba el sector logístic-portuari en l'actualitat. El resultat de la recerca permet, en primer lloc, conèixer d'una forma integral i estructurada la complexitat de la logística del contenidor marítim. En segon lloc, s'identifiquen i aborden problemes específics reals per a la seua modelització i anàlisi, que permeten contribuir a la millora del sistema logístic actual. En concret s'aborden els següents problemes: -Problemes d'elecció modal en la configuració de les cadenes o corredors logístics interiors en el transport de contenidors marítims. -Problemes de localització o vertebració d'una xarxa d'infraestructures nodals per a atendre les necessitats logístiques dels contenidors marítims. -Problemes associats als moviments en buit i gestió de contenidors marítims. L'interès i contribució acadèmica d'aquest treball resideix tant en la definició i modelització dels problemes específics amb una profunda discussió teòrica, com en l'aplicació empírica a situacions i entorns reals, cosa que ha sigut possible gràcies al contacte directe de l'autor amb el sector logístic-portuari i la seua participació en nombrosos projectes de consultoria i recerca tant en el clúster del Port de València com a nivell europeu i internacional. El treball es planteja com una col·lecció de sis articles científics. L'ordre en què estan situats els articles en la tesi permet mantenir una seqüència lògica construïda a posteriori i no segons l'ordre cronològic en el qual van ser publicats. / Furió Pruñonosa, S. (2016). Modelos y métodos avanzados para la logística del contenedor. Aplicación al Puerto de Valencia [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63248 / TESIS


RAFAEL BARBOSA NASSER 13 June 2012 (has links)
[pt] O investimento em infraestrutura computacional para suportar picos de processamento de curta duração ou sazonais pode gerar desperdícios financeiros, em razão de, na maior parte do tempo, estes recursos ficarem ociosos. Além disso, em muitas soluções, o tempo de resposta é crítico para atendimento dos requisitos do negócio, tornando, muitas vezes, a solução economicamente inviável. Neste cenário é fundamental a alocação inteligente de recursos computacionais em função da demanda por processamento, custo desta alocação e requisitos do negócio. A Simulação de Monte Carlo é um método estatístico utilizado para resolver uma ampla gama de problemas científicos e de engenharia. Quando aplicado a problemas reais, muitas vezes apresenta os desafios mencionados. Computação na nuvem surge como uma alternativa para disponibilizar recursos computacionais sob demanda, gerando economia de escala sem precedentes e escalabilidade quase infinita. Ao alinhar uma moderna arquitetura à nuvem é possível encapsular funcionalidades e oferecer um leque de serviços que antes seriam restritos a domínios específicos. Neste trabalho propomos um arcabouço genérico, que permite a disponibilização de um leque de serviços baseados na Simulação de Monte Carlo, fazendo uso racional da elasticidade provida pela nuvem, a fim de alcançar melhores patamares de eficiência e reuso. / [en] The investment in computing infrastructure to attend seasonal demand or processing peak can generate financial waste, because the most of the time these resources are idle. In addition, in many solutions the response time are critical to attend business requirements, which often, turn the solution economically unviable. In this scenario it is essential intelligent allocation of computing resources according to the demand for processing, allocation and cost of business requirements. The Monte Carlo Simulation is a statistical method widely used to solve a wide range of scientific and engineering problems. When applied to real problems usually have the challenges mentioned. Cloud Computing is an alternative to providing on-demand computing resources, generating economies of scale unprecedented and almost infinite scalability. Aligning a modern architecture to the cloud is possible to encapsulate functionality and offer a range of services that would previously have been restricted to specific areas. In this paper we are interested in building a generic framework, that may provide a range of services based on Monte Carlo, make rational use of the elasticity provided by the cloud in order to achieve better levels of efficiency and reuse.

Estudo comparativo avaliando três modalidades de diagnóstico médico parecer médico, buscas no Google e sistema especialista de apoio à decisão médica /

Souza, Ademar Rosa de January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Luís Cuadrado Martin / Resumo: O conhecimento sobre qualquer patologia pode ser facilmente encontrado na internet, mas dificilmente encontra-se alguma ferramenta que faça a análise e o raciocínio entre os dados de um paciente e se obtenha o diagnóstico mais provável. Em nosso cotidiano, em virtude de uma maior demanda na área da saúde, existe uma necessidade crescente de diagnósticos médicos rápidos e precisos. Em virtude disso, foi elaborado um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão Médica com o intuito de otimizar e agilizar de forma confiável os diagnósticos médicos. A ideia é dar qualidade e agilidade à prática médica, adotando a tecnologia como ferramenta básica: “Quem tem mais informação, tem melhores condições para escolher e tomar decisões”. Na construção deste sistema, foram utilizados um banco de dados relacional (MySQL) e aplicadas técnicas de inteligência artificial, tais como: a construção de Árvores de Decisão, Aprendizado não supervisionado e a utilização das Redes de Bayes (onde estão envolvidos domínios de conhecimento com significativo grau de incerteza, como é o caso da área médica). Através da união destas técnicas, são feitas a seleção e classificação das doenças mais prováveis, onde as mesmas podem ser examinadas com mais detalhes pelo médico, garantindo assim uma maior segurança na escolha dos possíveis diagnósticos. Visando uma maior abrangência e rapidez na disseminação do conhecimento humano, o sistema foi disponibilizado via internet (www.danton.med.br). Para a concepção do projeto foi reali... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The knowledge about any pathology can be easily found on the internet, but it is difficult to find any tool that makes the analysis and reasoning between the data of a patient and obtain the most probable diagnosis. In our daily lives, due to a greater demand in the health area, there is a growing need for fast and accurate medical diagnoses. As a result, a Medical Decision Support System was developed in order to reliably optimize and streamline medical diagnostics. The idea is to give quality and agility to medical practice, adopting technology as a basic tool: “Who has more information, has better conditions to choose and make decisions”. In the construction of this system, a relational database (MySQL) was used and artificial intelligence techniques were applied, such as: the construction of Decision Trees, Unsupervised Learning and the use of Bayes Networks (where knowledge domains are involved with significant degree of uncertainty, as is the case in the medical field). Through the union of these techniques, the selection and classification of the most probable diseases are made, where they can be examined in more detail by the doctor, thus ensuring greater security in the choice of possible diagnoses. Aiming at a greater scope and speed in the dissemination of human knowledge, the system was made available via internet (www.danton.med.br). To design the project, a prospective, randomized, crossover and open study was carried out; in which 3 groups of doctors (called gr... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Une approche pour l'évaluation des systèmes d'aide à la décision mobiles basés sur le processus d'extraction des connaissances à partir des données : application dans le domaine médical / An approach for the evaluation of mobile decision support systems based on a knowledge discovery from data process : application in the medical field

Borcheni, Emna 27 March 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail, on s’intéresse aux Systèmes d’Aide à la Décision Mobiles qui sont basés sur le processus d’Extraction des Connaissances à partir des Données (SADM/ECD). Nous contribuons non seulement à l'évaluation de ces systèmes, mais aussi à l'évaluation dans le processus d’ECD lui-même. L'approche proposée définit un module de support d'évaluation pour chaque module composant le processus d’ECD en se basant sur des modèles de qualité. Ces modules évaluent non seulement la qualité d'utilisation de chaque module logiciel composant le processus d’ECD, mais aussi d'autres critères qui reflètent les objectifs de chaque module de l’ECD. Notre objectif est d'aider les évaluateurs à détecter des défauts le plus tôt possible pour améliorer la qualité de tous les modules qui constituent un SADM/ECD. Nous avons aussi pris en compte le changement de contexte d'utilisation en raison de la mobilité. De plus, nous avons proposé un système d’aide à l’évaluation, nommé CEVASM : Système d’aide à l’évaluation basée sur le contexte pour les SADM, qui contrôle et mesure tous les facteurs de qualité proposés. Finalement, l'approche que nous proposons est appliquée pour l'évaluation des modules d'un SADM/ECD pour la lutte contre les infections nosocomiales à l'hôpital Habib Bourguiba de Sfax, Tunisie. Lors de l'évaluation, nous nous sommes basés sur le processus d'évaluation ISO/IEC 25040. L'objectif est de pouvoir valider, a priori, l'outil d'évaluation réalisé (CEVASM) et par conséquent, l'approche proposée. / In this work, we are interested in Mobile Decision support systems (MDSS), which are based on the Knowledge Discovery from Data process (MDSS/KDD). Our work is dealing with the evaluation of these systems, but also to the evaluation in the KDD process itself. The proposed approach appends an evaluation support module for each software module composing the KDD process based on quality models. The proposed evaluation support modules allow to evaluate not only the quality in use of each module composing the KDD process, but also other criteria that reflect the objectives of each KDD module. Our main goal is to help evaluators to detect defects as early as possible in order to enhance the quality of all the modules that constitute a MDSS/KDD. We have also presented a context-based method that takes into account the change of context of use due to mobility. In addition, we have proposed an evaluation support system that monitors and measures all the proposed criteria. Furthermore, we present the implementation of the proposed approach. These developments concern mainly the proposed evaluation tool: CEVASM: Context-based EVAluation support System for MDSS. Finally, the proposed approach is applied for the evaluation of the modules of a MDSS/KDD for the fight against nosocomial infections, in Habib Bourguiba hospital in Sfax, Tunisia. For every module in KDD, we are interested with the phase of evaluation. We follow the evaluation process based on the ISO/IEC 25040 standard. The objective is to be able to validate, a priori, the realized evaluation tool (CEVASM) and consequently, the proposed approach.

Spatial decision support in urban environments using machine learning, 3D geo-visualization and semantic integration of multi-source data / Aide à la décision spatiale dans les environnements urbains à l'aide du machine learning, de la géo-visualisation 3D et de l'intégration sémantique de données multi-sources

Sideris, Nikolaos 26 November 2019 (has links)
La quantité et la disponibilité sans cesse croissantes de données urbaines dérivées de sources variées posent de nombreux problèmes, notamment la consolidation, la visualisation et les perspectives d’exploitation maximales des données susmentionnées. Un problème prééminent qui affecte l’urbanisme est le choix du lieu approprié pour accueillir une activité particulière (service social ou commercial commun) ou l’utilisation correcte d’un bâtiment existant ou d’un espace vide. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une approche pour aborder les défis précédents rencontrés avec les techniques d’apprentissage automatique, le classifieur de forêts aléatoires comme méthode dominante dans un système qui combine et fusionne divers types de données provenant de sources différentes, et les code à l’aide d’un nouveau modèle sémantique. qui peut capturer et utiliser à la fois des informations géométriques de bas niveau et des informations sémantiques de niveau supérieur et les transmet ensuite au classifieur de forêts aléatoires. Les données sont également transmises à d'autres classificateurs et les résultats sont évalués pour confirmer la prévalence de la méthode proposée. Les données extraites proviennent d’une multitude de sources, par exemple: fournisseurs de données ouvertes et organisations publiques s’occupant de planification urbaine. Lors de leur récupération et de leur inspection à différents niveaux (importation, conversion, géospatiale, par exemple), ils sont convertis de manière appropriée pour respecter les règles du modèle sémantique et les spécifications techniques des sous-systèmes correspondants. Des calculs géométriques et géographiques sont effectués et des informations sémantiques sont extraites. Enfin, les informations des étapes précédentes, ainsi que les résultats des techniques d’apprentissage automatique et des méthodes multicritères, sont intégrés au système et visualisés dans un environnement Web frontal capable d’exécuter et de visualiser des requêtes spatiales, permettant ainsi la gestion de trois processus. objets géoréférencés dimensionnels, leur récupération, transformation et visualisation, en tant que système d'aide à la décision. / The constantly increasing amount and availability of urban data derived from varying sources leads to an assortment of challenges that include, among others, the consolidation, visualization, and maximal exploitation prospects of the aforementioned data. A preeminent problem affecting urban planning is the appropriate choice of location to host a particular activity (either commercial or common welfare service) or the correct use of an existing building or empty space. In this thesis we propose an approach to address the preceding challenges availed with machine learning techniques with the random forests classifier as its dominant method in a system that combines, blends and merges various types of data from different sources, encode them using a novel semantic model that can capture and utilize both low-level geometric information and higher level semantic information and subsequently feeds them to the random forests classifier. The data are also forwarded to alternative classifiers and the results are appraised to confirm the prevalence of the proposed method. The data retrieved stem from a multitude of sources, e.g. open data providers and public organizations dealing with urban planning. Upon their retrieval and inspection at various levels (e.g. import, conversion, geospatial) they are appropriately converted to comply with the rules of the semantic model and the technical specifications of the corresponding subsystems. Geometrical and geographical calculations are performed and semantic information is extracted. Finally, the information from individual earlier stages along with the results from the machine learning techniques and the multicriteria methods are integrated into the system and visualized in a front-end web based environment able to execute and visualize spatial queries, allow the management of three-dimensional georeferenced objects, their retrieval, transformation and visualization, as a decision support system.

P©, une approche collaborative d'analyse des besoins et des exigences dirigée par les problèmes : le cas de développement d'une application Analytics RH / P©, A Collaborative Problem-Driven Requirements Engineering Approach to Design An HR Analytics Application

Atif, Lynda 07 July 2017 (has links)
Le développement des systèmes d’information numériques et plus particulièrement les systèmes interactifs d’aide à la décision (SIAD) orientés données (Application Analytics) rencontre des échecs divers.La plupart des études montrent que ces échecs de projets de développement de SIAD relève de la phase d’analyse des besoins et des exigences. Les exigences qu'un système doit satisfaire sont insuffisamment définies à partir de besoins réels des utilisateurs finaux.D’un point de vue théorique, l’analyse de l’état de l’art, mais également du contexte industriel particulier, conduit donc à porter une attention particulière à cette phase et à élaborer une approche collaborative d’analyse des besoins et des exigences dirigée par les problèmes.Un système d’aide à la décision est avant tout un système d’aide à la résolution de problèmes et le développement de ce type d’artefact ne peut donc se faire sans avoir convenablement identifié en amont les problèmes de décision auxquels font face les utilisateurs décideurs, afin d’en déduire les exigences et le type de SIAD.Cette approche, par un renversement de la primauté implicite de la solution technique par rapport à la typologie des problèmes de décision, a été explicitée et mise en œuvre pour le développement d’une Application Analytics qui a permis d’atteindre l’objectif attendu : un système efficace et qui satisfasse d’un triple point de vue technique, fonctionnel et ergonomique, ses différents utilisateurs finaux. / The design of digital information systems, especially interactive Data-Driven Decision Support System (DSS) (Analytics Application) often misses its target.Most of studies have proven that the sources of most DSS design failures are rooted in the analysis step of the users’ needs and requirements a system has to meet and comply with. From a theoretical point of view, the analysis of the state of art combined with the analysis of specific industrial contexts, leads to focus on this critical step, and consequently to develop a collaborative problem-driven requirements engineering approach.A DSS, first and foremost, is a problem solving support system. It implies that developing such an artefact cannot be performed without an adequate upstream identification of end-users’ decision problems, prior to defining the decision makers’ requirements and the appropriate type of DSS.Characterized by the reversal of the implicit primacy of technical solution versus the typology of decision problems, this approach has been elaborated and implemented to design an Analytics Application. As a result, it allowed to reach the expected objective: An effective system that meets the different end-users’ expectations from a technical, functional and ergonomic standpoint.

Behovsbedömning inom äldreomsorgen medbehovsbedömningssystem : En studie om förändring i samband med attbehovsbedömningssystem börjat användas

Hamnér, Anders, Hasth, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
IT-system är idag en del av i stort sett varje organisation. Tidigare forskning har visat attinförandet och användningen av nya IT-system påverkar organisationens struktur, aktiviteteroch aktörer och att mer forskning behövs för att förstå hur IT-systemen förändrarorganisatoriska processer. Äldreomsorgen är ett exempel på en kontext där mer forskningbehövs enligt tidigare forskning. Det blir allt vanligare att Sveriges kommuner implementerararbetssättet “Individens Behov I Centrum” (IBIC) i äldreomsorgen, vilket förändrar hurbedömning av individers behov utförs. Som stöd i arbetet med behovsbedömning i enlighetmed IBIC har flera av landets kommuner börjat använda behovsbedömningssystemet Kuben.Studien syftar till att bidra med ny kunskap om hur IT-system förändrar organisatoriskaprocesser. Med en abduktiv ansats och kvalitativa intervjuer som metod belyser vi i dennastudie hur Kuben förändrat behovsbedömningsprocessen utifrån en handläggares perspektiv.Med utgångspunkt i vår litteraturstudies tre förändringsområden visade resultatet exempelvisatt Kubens avsaknad av integrering med kommunernas verksamhetssystem leder till en ökadrisk för felaktiga behovsbedömningar. Samtidigt visade resultatet även att användning avKuben bland annat leder till en högre kvalitet i behovsbedömningen. Om förändringen ikvaliteten beror på användning av Kuben eller IBIC är dock svårt att avgöra eftersom Kubenoch IBIC i de flesta fall har införts samtidigt. Studiens slutsatser har bidragit tillrekommendationer för organisationer som avser att implementera behovsbedömningssystemsamt riktlinjer för framtida forskning. / IT systems are today part of virtually every organization. Previous research has shown thatthe introduction and use of new IT systems affects the structure, activities and actors of theorganization and that more research is needed to understand how IT systems changeorganizational processes. According to previous research the elderly care is an example of acontext where more research is needed. It is becoming increasingly common for Sweden'smunicipalities to implement the "Individens behov i centrum" approach (IBIC) in the elderlycare, which changes how assessment of individuals' needs is carried out. In support of thework on needs assessment in accordance with IBIC, several of the country's municipalitieshave started to use the needs assessment system Kuben. The aim of this study is to contributewith new knowledge about how IT systems change organizational processes. Using anabductive approach and qualitative interviews as a method, we illustrate how Kuben haschanged the needs assessment process from the perspective of a practitioner. On the basis ofthe three areas of change in our literature study, the results showed for example that Kubenslack of integration with the municipalities' ERP systems leads to an increased risk of incorrectneeds assessments. At the same time, the results also showed for example that the use ofKuben leads to higher quality in the needs assessment. However, whether the change inquality is due to the use of Kuben or IBIC is difficult to determine since in most cases Kubenand IBIC have been introduced simultaneously. The study's conclusions have contributed torecommendations for organizations that intend to implement needs assessment systems aswell as guidelines for future research.

The Clinical Decision Support System AMPEL for Laboratory Diagnostics: Implementation and Technical Evaluation

Walter Costa, Maria Beatriz, Wernsdorfer, Mark, Kehrer, Alexander, Voigt, Markus, Cundius, Carina, Federbusch, Martin, Eckelt, Felix, Remmler, Johannes, Schmidt, Maria, Pehnke, Sarah, Gärtner, Christiane, Wehner, Markus, Isermann, Berend, Richter, Heike, Telle, Jörg, Kaiser, Thorsten 18 February 2022 (has links)
Background: Laboratory results are of central importance for clinical decision making. The time span between availability and review of results by clinicians is crucial to patient care. Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are computational tools that can identify critical values automatically and help decrease treatment delay. Objective: With this work, we aimed to implement and evaluate a CDSS that supports health care professionals and improves patient safety. In addition to our experiences, we also describe its main components in a general manner to make it applicable to a wide range of medical institutions and to empower colleagues to implement a similar system in their facilities. Methods: Technical requirements must be taken into account before implementing a CDSS that performs laboratory diagnostics (labCDSS). These can be planned within the functional components of a reactive software agent, a computational framework for such a CDSS. Results: We present AMPEL (Analysis and Reporting System for the Improvement of Patient Safety through Real-Time Integration of Laboratory Findings), a labCDSS that notifies health care professionals if a life-threatening medical condition is detected. We developed and implemented AMPEL at a university hospital and regional hospitals in Germany (University of Leipzig Medical Center and the Muldental Clinics in Grimma and Wurzen). It currently runs 5 different algorithms in parallel: hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia, hyperlactatemia, and acute kidney injury. Conclusions: AMPEL enables continuous surveillance of patients. The system is constantly being evaluated and extended and has the capacity for many more algorithms. We hope to encourage colleagues from other institutions to design and implement similar CDSS using the theory, specifications, and experiences described in this work.

A Seasonal Shelf Space Reorder Model Decision Support System

Horne, Susan Elaine January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Developing, Evaluating, and Demonstrating an Open Source Gateway and Mobile Application for the Smartfarm Decision Support System

Fink, Caleb D. 01 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this research is to design, develop, evaluate, and demonstrate an open source gateway and mobile application for the SmartFarm open source decision support system to improve agricultural stewardship, environmental conservation, and provide farmers with a system that they own. There are very limited options for an open source gateway for collecting data on the farm. The options available are: expensive, require professional maintenance, are not portable between systems, improvements are made only by the manufacturer, limited in customization options, difficult to operate, and data is owned by the company rather than the farmer. The gateway is designed to send data to the cloud from remote SmartFarm Data Acquisition (DAQ) nodes, collect measurement data from remote SmartFarm DAQ nodes, provide a means of wirelessly programming remote SmartFarm DAQ nodes, and a tool that provides data analysis and insight from remote SmartFarm DAQ nodes. It is evaluated to work with 900MHz radios, SmartFarm DAQ nodes, and costs $35. Its setup takes 4 steps and ~20 minutes installation time, does not require maintenance, can utilize Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other wireless protocols, and software can port to other systems. The gateway measured data rate of 93.4Mbit/s internet upload speed, passing a range of 252 to 1592 bytes of data from a remote node to the cloud, consumes 2.8 Watts, with a software efficiency of 25% CPU usage, a measurement efficiency of 1 message every 15 seconds, can provide data analysis with the cloud service tool, and it can wirelessly program remote DAQ nodes. The goal of the mobile app is educating farmers, academia, and community members, of farming sustainably today, and for the future. The app is used as a tool to aid people in farming sustainably, teaching agricultural stewardship, and teaching environmental conservation. The app is evaluated with adaptation of 85.1%, frequency of use at 0.12 respondents/minute, and 22 respondents said they find the SmartFarm DSS as beneficial. By developing, evaluating, and demonstrating the gateway and mobile app, the SmartFarm decision support system is a viable option for improving agricultural stewardship and retaining farmers’ ownership of their data.

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