Spelling suggestions: "subject:"decisions."" "subject:"ecisions.""
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A desconsideração da personalidade jurídica e a figura do procurador na execução trabalhista / A desconsideração da personalidade jurídica e a figura do procurador na execução trabalhistaAna Júlia Silva Pereira Garcia 25 April 2013 (has links)
A teoria da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica se consolidou em nosso ordenamento jurídico em razão de sua importância para combater o abuso da pessoa jurídica e fraudes que pudessem ser cometidas sob o manto da personalidade jurídica e a autonomia patrimonial das Empresas. Nesse aspecto, importante explicitar como os diversos tipos de sociedades previstos em nosso ordenamento se relacionam com a responsabilidade de sócios e administradores, razão principal para entendermos como a disregard doctrine foi introduzida em nossa jurisprudência e como atualmente se desenvolve nos diversos ramos do direito brasileiro. A responsabilidade patrimonial deve ser examinada pelas hipóteses de superação da personalidade jurídica, como em casos de falência ou de sócios retirantes, em que se deve avaliar o caso concreto e o ordenamento jurídico para aplicação da teoria em debate. Para tanto, será examinado o desenvolvimento da teoria da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica em nosso ordenamento, bem como sua consolidação nas decisões em diversos ramos do direito até se tornar prática nas decisões proferidas pela justiça do trabalho. Também será avaliada a crescente responsabilização de terceiros (sócios e administradores) de acordo com a vasta legislação existente, a fim de se avaliar como a jurisprudência trabalhista e tributária tem considerado o procurador das empresas, sócios e ex-sócios como responsáveis para o adimplemento de obrigações nesses ramos do direito. Por fim, será feito estudo sobre as decisões trabalhistas recentes para avaliar qual a fundamentação dessa justiça especializada para responsabilizar o procurador pelo pagamento dos créditos decorrentes da relação de trabalho e como tais decisões podem envolver a segurança jurídica das relações empresariais e influenciar as atividades econômicas do país. / The disregard of legal entity doctrine was consolidated in Brazilian Law because of its importance to avoid abuse of the legal entity and deceit committed under the veil of corporate entity and autonomy of equity companies. In this respect, important to explain how the different types of companies under our law relate to the liability of partners and managers, to understand the main reason as to disregard doctrine was introduced in our courts and how currently this develops in different fields of Brazilian law. The personal liability shall be examined by the assumptions of overcoming corporate entity, as in cases of bankruptcy or partners retreatants, in which to value the case and the laws for the application of mentioned doctrine. Thus, we examined the development of the disregard of legal entity doctrine on Brazilian Laws, as well as its consolidation in decisions of various fields of law until become usual in the labor courts decisions. It will also be assessed the increasing liability of partners and managers according to the vast existing law, in order to exam how the labor and tax courts has considered the attorney of companies, partners and ex-partners as responsible for the performance of obligations in these areas of law. Finally, the study will be done on recent labor decisions to assess the reasons for that justice to blame the attorney for the payment of claims from the employment relationship and how such decisions may involve the security of legal relations and corporate influence our economic activities.
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Ações judiciais demandadas por beneficiários de uma operadora de plano de saúde / Legal actions demanded by beneficiaries of a health plan operatorAna Beatriz Perez Afonso 06 February 2017 (has links)
A judicialização da saúde tem sido fenômeno em crescimento na área da saúde e assunto relevante da pauta de gestores. Muitos estudos produzidos nos últimos anos, tanto no campo do Direito como no da Saúde, indicam um predomínio no sistema público. Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar as ações judiciais relacionadas as coberturas assistenciais na saúde suplementar. Estudo descritivo e de corte transversal realizado em uma operadora de plano privado de saúde em um município de grande porte do interior do estado de São Paulo, que presta assistência a mais de cem mil beneficiários. Foram analisadas 158 demandas judiciais ajuizadas e recebidas pela operadora e registradas em banco de dados da empresa do período de 2012 a 2015, movidas por 152 beneficiários. As ações foram classificadas em dois grandes grupos, com subgrupos constituídos, a saber: ações relacionadas a coberturas assistenciais, que envolveram procedimentos médicos, tratamentos, exames, medicamentos, home care/internação domiciliar, outros tipos de internações; e ações de outra natureza, referentes a liminares de outras operadoras para cumprimento da operadora estudada, manutenção do plano de saúde, reajustes, perícia médica, retirada do nome do Serasa, isenção de carências e outros motivos. As ações pleiteadas para realização de procedimentos médicos responderam por 57% das demandas, com destaque para rizotomia percutânea (27%). Tratamento de quimioterapia em serviços não credenciados pela operadora, exames de PET SCAN em não conformidade com rol de procedimentos autorizados pela ANS, além de medicamentos antineoplásicos e para tratamento de Hepatite C, que não integravam a relação de medicamentos registrados pela ANVISA foram destaque nas análises realizadas. A Lei 9.656/1998 foi determinante para os beneficiários recorrerem ao Judiciário por coberturas assistenciais, impactando de maneira significativa na gestão das operadoras de planos privado. Deve-se considerar legítima a discussão sobre o tema e a realização desse estudo possibilitou aprofundar a análise dos efeitos da judicialização na realidade da operadora pesquisada, abarcando seus limites e responsabilidades / The judicialization of health has been a growing phenomenon in the area of health and a relevant subject of the managers\' agenda. Many studies that have been produced in recent years, both in the field of Law and Health, indicate predominance in the public system. The objective of this research was to analyze the legal actions that are related to health care coverage in supplementary health care. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in a private health care operator in a large municipality / in a big city in the interior of the state of São Paulo, which provides assistance to more than 100,000 beneficiaries. We have analyzed 158 lawsuits that were filed and received by the operator and registered in the company\'s database for the period from 2012 to 2015, filed by 152 beneficiaries. The actions were classified into two large groups, with constituted subgroups, namely: actions that were related to care coverage, involving medical procedures, treatments, examinations, medications, home care / other hospitalizations; and actions of other nature, relating to injunctions of other operators to comply with the operator that was studied, maintenance of the health plan, readjustments, medical expertise, removal of the name of Serasa (Brazilian credit protection organization), exemption from deficiencies and other reasons. The actions that were requested to perform medical procedures were accounted for 57% of the demands, with emphasis on percutaneous rhizotomy (27%). The treatment of chemotherapy in services that were not accredited by the operator, SCAN PET examinations in non-compliance with ANS-authorized procedures, in addition to antineoplastic drugs and for treatment of Hepatitis C, which were not part of the list of medicines that were registered by ANVISA were highlighted in the analyzes which were carried out. The Law 9,656 / 1998 was decisive for beneficiaries to appeal to the Judiciary for assistance coverage, having a significant impact on the management of the private plan operators. The discussion on the topic should be considered legitimate and the realization / execution of this study made it possible to deepen the analysis of the effects of the judicialization on the reality of the surveyed operator, encompassing its limits and responsibilities
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Impactos do comportamento de equipe na tomada de decisão estratégica: um experimento com grupos de trabalho / Impacts of the team behavior on the strategic decision making: an experiment with work groupsJosé Glimovaldo Lupoli Junior 06 April 2006 (has links)
Esta tese descreve um estudo experimental com grupos de trabalho. O experimento concentrou-se na observação de equipes, compostas por alunos de administração de empresas, que atuaram em uma simulação empresarial. A simulação baseou-se na atuação de indivíduos, organizados como equipes de trabalho, em empresas fictícias que competiam entre si. Durante o processo, exigiu-se que as equipes analisassem o ambiente externo das organizações, os recursos disponíveis em suas organizações, o desempenho dos concorrentes e, com isso, que tomassem as decisões necessárias para alcançar os melhores resultados possíveis para a empresa. A grande preocupação deste estudo concentrou-se em identificar os possíveis impactos do comportamento das pessoas, quando reunidas em equipes, sobre o desempenho no trabalho, especificamente com relação ao processo de tomada de decisão estratégica, uma das principais exigências profissionais do administrador de empresas. O estudo também se interessou em verificar se um modelo de treinamento, desenvolvido para aperfeiçoar o processo decisório de tripulantes durante a condução de aeronaves, é capaz de atuar sobre o comportamento de grupos de trabalho em ambientes empresariais, melhorando a qualidade da tomada de decisão em equipe e, conseqüentemente, produzindo resultados superiores para a organização. Por fim, o estudo apresenta e comenta os resultados do experimento que, ao contrário do senso comum, não confirmaram evidências de efeitos do comportamento dos membros dos grupos sobre o desempenho das equipes de trabalho. Da mesma forma, não se confirmou impactos do modelo de treinamento sobre o processo decisório dos grupos, objeto do experimento. / This thesis describes an experimental study with workgroups. The experiment focused on teams? observation, each team formed by business administration undergraduates, who acted in a simulated business environment. The simulation was based in individuals? performance, organized in different workgroups, and working as simulated companies that were directed to compete against each other. During the process, teams were required to analyze their companies? external environment, available resources in their organizations, and competitors? performance, in order to make necessary decisions to reach the best possible results for the company. A great concern in this study was concentrated in identifying possible impacts that people?s behavior have in their performances at work, when joined in workgroups, specifically regarding the strategic decision making process, one of the biggest professional requirements for managers. This study also looked for to verify if a training model developed to enhance aircraft crew decision making process, was capable to influence teamwork?s behavior in a business environment, improving the quality of the team decision making process and, consequently, producing better results for the organization. Finally, this study presents and make comments on the results of the experiment that, opposing to the common sense, didn?t confirm that the behavioral aspects of the persons involved have an impact on the workgroups? performance. This study neither confirmed the effects from the training model in the improvement of the workgroups? decision making process, subject of this experiment.
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La subjectivité des décisions régulatrices des enseignants stagiaires d’Education Physique et Sportive / Subjectivity regulatory decisions of Physical Education and Sports trainee teachersCandy, Laure 02 December 2016 (has links)
Les décisions de régulation représentent une très grande part de l’activité de l’enseignant en classe et un facteur clé dans les apprentissages et les progrès des élèves. Or, de nombreux travaux démontrent les difficultés des enseignants stagiaires à s’adapter à la singularité du contexte de la leçon. Ce travail vise donc à appréhender les logiques décisionnelles régulatrices des enseignants stagiaires et notamment au travers de leur subjectivité. Nous mobilisons à la fois les divers travaux s’intéressant à l’activité de l’enseignant en classe, ceux relatifs aux théories de l’activité humaine et leur transposition au monde de l’enseignement et enfin ceux relatifs à la vision psychophénoménologique pour comprendre et caractériser l’activité décisionnelle régulatrice des enseignants stagiaires. Nous faisons également un tour d’horizon de la formation initiale telle qu’elle s’organise actuellement et dans l’académie de Créteil particulièrement. Nos options méthodologiques sont guidées par le souci de rendre compte de la subjectivité, de la singularité et de la complexité des décisions régulatrices en contexte réel. Dans le cadre d’une triangulation des données nous mobilisons plusieurs outils méthodologiques tels que l’entretien semi-dirigé et l’entretien composite pour lequel l’entretien d’explicitation constitue le cœur du dispositif. Les résultats démontrent que les logiques décisionnelles régulatrices sont largement dominées par des modes de fonctionnement convergents et partagés, largement imprégnés par des attentes institutionnelles liées à leur statut d’enseignant stagiaire et à leur formation initiale. Les logiques subjectives sont révélées dans l’expression de mode de fonctionnement cognitifs propres à chaque enseignant stagiaire. / Decisions of regulation represent a very large part of the physical education and sport’s teacher's activity in their class and a key factor in pupil’s learning and progress. However, many studies demonstrate the difficulties of trainee teachers to adapt to the singularity of the context of the lesson. This work aims to apprehend the physical education and sport’s trainee teacher’s decisions of regulation logic, especially through their subjectivity. We mobilize both the various works focusing on the teacher's activity in class, those relating to theories of human activity and their transposition to the world of education and finally those relating to the psychophenomenological vision to understand and characterize the decision of regulation activity of trainee teachers. We also do an overview of initial training as it is currently organized and particularly in the Academy of Créteil. Our methodological choices are guided by the need to take account of subjectivity, singularity and complexity of decisions of regulation in real context. As part of a triangulation of data we mobilize several methodological tools such as semi-structured interview and mixed interview for which the maintenance of explicitness is the heart of the device. The results demonstrate that the decision of regulation’s logic are largely dominated by converging and shared operating modes, widely impregnated with institutional expectations for their trainee teacher status and initial training. The subjective logic are revealed in the expression of cognitive mode unique to each trainee teacher.
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IntroductionCommendatore, Pasquale, Kubin, Ingrid, Bougheas, Spiros, Kirman, Alan, Kopel, Michael, Bischi, Gian Italo 19 September 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This collected volume gives a concise account of the most relevant scientific results of the COST Action IS1104 "The EU in the new complex geography of economic systems: models, tools and policy Evaluation", a four-year project supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). It is divided into three parts reflecting the different perspectives under which complex spatial economic systems have been studied: (i) the Macro perspective looks at the interactions among international or regional trading partners; (ii) the Meso perspective considers the functioning of (financial, labour) markets as social network structures; and, finally, (iii) the Micro perspective focuses on the strategic choices of single firms and households. This Volume points also at open issues to be addressed in future research.
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Beiträge zur Messung und empirischen Analyse des Einflusses von Steuerasymmetrien auf Investitionsentscheidungen / Essays on the measurement and empirical analysis of the impact of tax asymmetries on investment decisionsBause, Sebastian 19 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Engineering swarm systems: A design pattern for the best-of-n decision problemReina, Andreagiovanni 04 July 2016 (has links)
The study of large-scale decentralised systems composed of numerous interacting agents that self-organise to perform a common task is receiving growing attention in several application domains. However, real world implementations are limited by a lack of well-established design methodologies that provide performance guarantees. Engineering such systems is a challenging task because of the difficulties to obtain the micro-macro link: a correspondence between the microscopic description of the individual agent behaviour and the macroscopic models that describe the system's dynamics at the global level. In this thesis, we propose an engineering methodology for designing decentralised systems, based on the concept of design patterns. A design pattern provides a general solution to a specific class of problems which are relevant in several application domains. The main component of the solution consists of a multi-level description of the collective process, from macro to micro models, accompanied by rules for converting the model parameters between description levels. In other words, the design pattern provides a formal description of the micro-macro link for a process that tackles a specific class of problems. Additionally, a design pattern provides a set of case studies to illustrate possible implementation alternatives both for simple or particularly challenging scenarios. We present a design pattern for the best-of-n, decentralised decision problem that is derived from a model of nest-site selection in honeybees. We present two case studies to showcase the design pattern usage in (i) a multiagent system interacting through a fully-connected network, and (ii) a swarm of particles moving on a bidimensional plane. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Att ta beslut om organdonation på en intensivvårdsavdelning : En litteraturstudie / To decide on organ donation in an intensive care unit : A literature studyLindquist, Therese, Nilsson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Behovet av organ är större än antalet utförda transplantationer i Sverige. Att som anhörig få beskedet o m ett plötsligt dödsfall kan vara en utlösande faktor till att hamna i kris. Hur hanterar de anhöriga att ta beslut om organdonation och vilka är deras erfarenheter och upplevelser av situationen på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Syfte: Att beskriva anhörigas erfarenheter av att ta beslut om organdonation på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes, resultatet grundas på 17 vetenskapliga artiklar varav tolv kvalitativa respektive tre kvantitativa samt två med mixad metod. Resultat: I resultatet framkom olika aspekter på anhörigas erfarenheter om att ta beslut om en organdonation. Resultatet sammanfattades i sju kategorier; viljan om donation, organdonationsprocessen kan skapa lidande, kommunikation och information, kunskap om anhöriges vilja, relationen med vårdpersonal, från fråga till beslut, från beslut till donation, samt efter donation. Slutsats: Litteraturstudien resulterade i en djupare insikt i anhörigas erfarenheter och kunskaper om faktorer som påverkar hens beslut om organdonation. Att som anhörig behöva ta beslut om organdonation i en kris kan generera lidande samt att hitta en mening genom organdonationen. / Background: The need for organs is greater than the number of transplants performed in Sweden. Familiarizing a relative with a sudden death can be a trigger for ending a crisis. How do relatives deal with organ donation decisions and what are their experiences of the situation on an intensive care unit. Purpose: To describe relatives' experiences in deciding on organ donation in an intensive care unit. Method: A systematic literature study was conducted, the result is based on a total of 17 scientific articles, of which twelve qualitative and three quantitative as well as two by mixed method. Result: The results revealed different aspects of the relatives' experience of deciding on organ donation. The result was summarized in seven categories; The desire for donation, the organ donation process can create suffering, communication and information, knowledge of the family's will, the relationship with healthcare professionals, from question to decision, from decision to donation, and after donation. Conclusion: The literature study resulted in a deeper insight into the relatives' experiences and knowledge of factors that influence decisions on organ donation. Being able to decide on organ donation in a crisis as a relative can cause suffering and find an opinion through organ donation.
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Does Capital Tax Uncertainty Delay Irreversible Risky Investment?Niemann, Rainer, Sureth-Sloane, Caren January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Tax uncertainty is often claimed to be harmful for investments. Capital taxes, such as
property and wealth taxes, are particularly exposed to tax uncertainty. Capital tax un-
certainty emerges from expected tax reforms, the unclear outcome of future tax audits,
and simplified estimates of capital tax bases in investment models. Uncertain returns on
investment as well as stochastic taxation contribute to overall uncertainty and may significantly affect investment decisions. Hitherto, it is unknown how capital tax uncertainty
affects investment timing. However, it is well known that both uncertainty and capital tax
may be harmful for investment and decelerate investment activities. We are the first to
study the investment timing effects of stochastic capital taxes in a real options setting with
risky investment opportunities. Our results indicate that even risk neutral investors are
sensitive with respect to capital tax risk and may react in a surprising manner to a newly
introduced stochastic capital tax. As an apparently paradoxical investment e¤ect, we find
that increased capital tax uncertainty can accelerate risky investment if such uncertainty
is such ciently low compared to cash flow uncertainty. In contrast, high capital tax risk
delays high-risk innovative investment projects. To reduce unintended consequences of
uncertain tax policy, tax legislators and tax authorities should avoid high levels of cap-
ital tax uncertainty. Broadening the capital tax base or increasing the capital tax rate
induces ambiguous timing effects. Furthermore, high-growth investments are likely to
be postponed if they experience a capital tax cut. Since investment reactions upon tax
reforms are well-known to affect income and wealth distribution, reliable estimations of
the impact of taxes on economic decisions are necessary. (authors' abstract) / Series: WU International Taxation Research Paper Series
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The main objective of this investigation was to study the decision making process of wine companies and wine grape growers which belong to the Altos Montes Wine Producers Association (APROMONTES), to identify to what extend these participants are aligned in the adoption of innovations required to increase their market competitiveness. In this study we use as theoretical framework a combination of the prospect theory, the new evolutionary economics and the transition cost economics. Our theoretical contribution for the understanding of the decision making process in the adoption of innovations is constituted by the connection between the judgment heuristics and the concepts related to innovation which are influenced by the categories of analysis found in the transition cost economics. This research was based on the information collected through interviews with twelve wine companies associated to APROMONTES, twenty-five wine grape growers associated to these wine companies and also seven interviews with independent wine grape growers, trying to understand their decision making process in relation to their attempt to innovate in their production units. The analysis of the information collected shows the existence of decisions based on judgment heuristics which lead to unaligned decisions on the part of wine companies and wine grape growers, which make difficult the adoption of prescriptive innovations by the sector necessary to the increase of competitiveness in that production chain association. / O objetivo principal desta tese foi analisar o processo decisório de Viticultores e Vinicultores da Serra Gaúcha, mais especificamente da APROMONTES (Associação de Produtores dos Vinhos dos Altos Montes), no sentido de identificar em que medida esses participantes estão alinhados na adoção de inovações capazes de incrementar a competitividade da SAG Vitivinícola. Neste estudo, utilizamos como referencial teórico uma combinação entre a teoria da perspectiva, a nova economia evolucionária e a economia dos custos de transação. Nossa contribuição teórica para o entendimento do processo decisório para adoção de inovações se deu por meio do estabelecimento de conexões entre a utilização de heurísticas de julgamento e de conceitos ligados às inovações as quais são influenciadas por categorias de análise contempladas na economia dos custos de transação. Esta pesquisa se apoiou em informações levantadas através de entrevistas realizadas com doze vinícolas integrantes da APROMONTES, de vinte e cinco entrevistas com viticultores ligados a essas vinícolas e de sete entrevistas com viticultores independentes, buscando entender o processo decisório desses no que diz respeito à decisão de inovarem em suas unidades de produção. A apreciação das informações levantadas evidencia a existência de decisões baseadas em heurísticas de julgamento que conduzem a decisões desalinhadas por parte de vinícolas e viticultores, o que dificulta a adoção de inovações prescritas como necessárias para o aumento da competitividade daquelas cadeias de produção.
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