Spelling suggestions: "subject:"design thinking"" "subject:"1design thinking""
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In all industries, the global competition has expanded the needs to reform businesses in orderto stay ahead of competition. All organizations have to find ways to work with complex problems and big challenges concerning the understanding of the present and intuiting the future. Also they should be prepared to see what will come next to the market and if this challenges their current position. Interestingly, a concept called Design Thinking intends to provide one way to work with these demanding issues. Even though the concept has relatively scarce study basis concerning its empirical usage and also critique towards it exists, it has an emerging interest while several companies are adapting the concept in their operations on a growing basis. Interestingly, this concept is proposed to be applicable also in technology design activities in a supplier-‐customer relationship. Hence, this study is conducted to discover what is the empirical foundation of Design Thinking in this technology design context to create new knowledge both to the academic community and to practitioners working with technology design activities. By conducting a case study at SAP, one of the first movers using Design Thinking in technology design activities, stimulating results are discovered about the value creation and value delivery of the phenomenon in the context. The study results show that Design Thinking states to create value especially with two elements in technology design: ideation capability and business and technology alignment. These stated value elements deliver value to companies with three different value delivery logics: functional improvement capability perspective, problem solving capability perspective and business innovation capability perspective. However, since this study has both its limitations and delimitations, these stimulating findings provide mostly key guidelines and points of discussion rather than exact facts. Especially it is an area of interest if these findings can be confirmed in further research. / I alla branscher har den globala konkurrensen utökat behovet av företagsreformer för att ligga steget före konkurrenterna. Alla organisationer måste hitta sätt att arbeta med komplexa problem och stora utmaningar för att skapa ökad förståelse för pågående och framtida händelser. De bör också vara förberedda på förändringar som kommer att ske på marknaden och undersöka om dessa utmanar deras nuvarande position. Ett koncept som kallas designtänkande möjliggör ett sätt att arbeta med dessa krävande frågor. Trots att dess empiriska användning har en relativt begränsad studiegrund och att det finns kritik mot konceptet, finns det ett framväxande intresse då företag tillämpar konceptet i en ökande grad. Några föreslår att konceptet även är applicerbar i teknologidesign i en leverantör kundrelation. Denna studie är därmed genomförd för att upptäcka vad som är den empiriska grunden för designtänkande i denna teknologidesign sammanhanget för att bidra till ny kunskap både för akademiska världen och utövare som arbetar med teknologidesign. Genom att genomföra en fallstudie på SAP, ett av de första företag som använder designtänkande i teknologidesign, har stimulerande resultat upptäcks om värdeskapande och värdeleverans av konceptet i sammanhanget. Studieresultaten visar att designtänkande skapar värde framförallt med två element i teknologidesign: idéutformningskapacitet och affärs och teknikinriktningssammanhållning. Dessa angivna värde element levererar värde till företag med tre olika värdeleveranslogiker:funtionellt förbättringsförmågaperspektiv, problemlösningsförmågaperspektiv och affärsinnovationsförmågaperspektiv. Eftersom denna studie har både sina begränsningar och avgränsningar, bidrar dessa stimulerande iakttagelser mestadels med viktiga riktlinjer och diskussionspunkter snarare än Exakt fakta. Det är speciellt ett område av intresse om dessa resultat kan bekräftas i ytterligare forskning.
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The Future of Social Work: Using Principles of Traditional Design, Appreciative Inquiry, and Co-Design to Explore an Online Treatment Model for Micro Social Work PracticeDuffield, Jason Wayne January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Konceptutveckling av justerbart solcellstak för fritidsbåtar : Ett utvecklingsprojekt med syfte att öka laddningskapaciteten för elektriska fritidsbåtar / Concept development of adjustable photovoltaic sunroof for leisure boatsFriberg, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
Denna rapport redovisar processen och resultatet av ett examensarbete som utgör en del av examinationen för högskoleingejörsexamen i innovationsteknik och design vid Karlstads universitet. Projektet är gjort på uppdrag av Glava Energy Center för Bowters räkning med uppdraget att ta fram lösningar som kan utöka laddningskapaciteten för elektriska fritidsbåtar. Examensarbetet utfördes vårterminen 2021 och omfattar 22.5 högskolepoäng. Projektet är uppbyggt kring fem faser, planering, discover, define, develop och deliver där syftet är att först identifiera rätt problem för att sedan kunna komma fram till rätt lösning. Det finns flera sätt att angripa detta projekt, speciellt om man väljer att fokusera på varför laddningskapaciteten behöver utökas från första början, vissa av dessa lösningar blir tyvärr också irrelevanta på grund av faktorer som berör kostnader eller tekniska aspekter. Detta arbete har därför identifierat och utvecklat lösningar som genom att installera fler solceller kan utöka laddningskapaciteten. På båten finns det flera ställen att installera solceller på, men det är svårt att bortse från att en av de bättre platserna ur effektsynpunkt är att placera solceller på något typ av tak där de inte blir skuggade, men vad tycker egentligen användarna om det? En användarintervju utfördes som gav svar på detta. Användarna kan tänka sig att ett tak är en bra sak att ha när det bli riktigt varmt eller man bara vill njuta av lite skugga som omväxling men att man förmodligen är ute med båten för att just få njuta av solen. Ett tak som går att fälla undan eller justera på något annat sätt skulle kunna vara en lösning på det problemet. En mängd olika taklösningar samt icke taklösningar har undersökts men efter användandet av olika kända sållningsmetoder stod det klart att arbetet skulle gå vidare med en taklösning som är delvis justerbar, alternativt helt fast. Detta har lett fram till att tre koncept tagits fram som alla bidrar med en utökad laddningskapacitet. Koncept Glidande stomme och Skjutbart tak bygger på en enkel konstruktion som tillåter en respektive två standard solpaneler att forma ett tak över båten. De olika koncepten kan justeras till olika positioner för att på det sättet kunna erbjuda användarna en variation av skugga och sol utefter tycke och smak. Koncept Origami flasher bygger som namnet hintar om på ett vikmönster från den traditionella konstformen origami. Detta koncept är lite mer experimentellt men ger i teorin ett väldigt stort skydd från solen i utfällt läge samt stor yta för montering av solceller, samtidigt som det i hopfällt läge täcker absolut minst yta av dessa tre koncept vilket är fördelaktigt för de användare som vill njuta av solen. / This thesis presents the process and it’s results from a concept development project. The thesis is part of the examination for a Bachelor of Science in Innovation Technology and Design at Karlstad University. The project was commissioned by Glava Energy Center on behalf of Bowter with the task of developing solutions that can increase the charging capacity for electric leisure boats. The thesis was written during spring 2021 and comprises 22.5 credits. The project is built around five phases, planning, discover, define, develop and deliver. The purpose is to first identify the right problem in order to be able to produce the right solution. There are several ways to approach this project, especially if you choose to focus on why the charging capacity needs to be increased in the first place, some of these solutions unfortunately also become irrelevant due to factors affecting costs or technical aspects. This work has therefore identified and developed solutions which, by installing more solar cells, can increase the charging capacity. There is several places on the boat that are suitable for install solar cells, but it is difficult to ignore that, from a power point of view, the best place to instal solar cells is on some sort of roof. But what does the user really think about it? A pre-study, including a intervju with users was conducted that provided answers to this question. The user can imagine that a roof is a good thing to have when it gets really hot or when you just want to enjoy a little shade for a change, but that the real objective with the usage of the boat probably is to enjoy the sun. A roof that can be folded away or adjusted in some other way could be a solution to that problem. A variety of roof solutions and non-roof solutions have been investigated. After the use of various known screening methods it was decided that the work would continue with a roof solution that is partially adjustable, or completely solid. The project have after that chosen to present three concepts that contribute to an increased charging capacity by help of a partially adjustable roof. Concept Glidande stomme and Skjutbart tak is based on a fairly simple construction that allows one respectively two standard solar panels to form a roof over the boat. The different concepts can be adjusted to different positions in order to offer users a variety of shade according to taste and needs. Concept Origami flasher, as the name suggests, is based on a folding pattern from the traditional art of origami. This concept is a bit more experimental but provides, in theory, second largest protection from the sun in unfolded position. Meanwhile, in collapsed position, the Origami flasher concept covers the least area of these three concepts, which is advantageous for those users who want enjoy the sun.
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Aplicación de Design Thinking para el diseño de un modelo de gestión del impacto social y medioambiental para empresas del sector industrial: Plan para la Dirección del Proyecto basado en la guía del PMBOK / Design Thinking application for the design of a social and environmental impact management model for the industrial sector enterprises: Plan for the Project Direction based on the PMBOK guideHuerta Delgado, José, Manrique Ortega, Tania Patricia, Osorio Céspedes, Eduardo Jesús 24 May 2021 (has links)
Algunas empresas están disminuyendo sus ingresos por una mala imagen creada por la percepción popular de ser contaminantes, a las que no les importa consumir recursos naturales sin tener un plan sostenible para proteger el medio ambiente.
Según Pulse of the Profession® In-Depth Report: Why Social Impact Matters de noviembre del 2020, se afirma que el impacto social es una preocupación para las organizaciones. Se demostró que las prioridades corporativas apuntan no solo a proyectos específicos para sus interesados sino también a la sociedad en su conjunto y eso implica inevitablemente aspectos medio ambientales y educativos.
A través de la metodología de Design Thinking, la consultora Consulting & Services S.A. diseña y desarrolla un modelo de gestión de impacto social que permite contrarrestar esta mala imagen. La aplicación de esta metodología permite que este modelo se adecue a la real necesidad de las empresas industriales y a su estrategia corporativa, mediante pasos iterativos para lograr un servicio óptimo que se alinee a las necesidades del usuario final.
Se planifica un proyecto piloto del modelo de gestión aplicando las buenas prácticas presentes en la sexta edición guía del Project Management Body of Knowlegde, en adelante PMBOK® sexta edición, del Project Management Institute (PMI®). Esto permite cumplir con todos los requisitos del cliente respecto al tiempo, costo y calidad. Para la consultora los resultados financieros son: VAN que asciende a S/54,532.22 y la TIR es de 14%. / Some enterprises are reducing their income due to a bad image created by the popular perception of being polluting, which do not mind consuming natural resources without having a sustainable plan to protect the environment.
According to Pulse of the Profession® In-Depth Report: Why Social Impact Matters from November 2020, it is stated that social impact is a major concern for organizations. It was shown that corporate priorities point not only to specific projects for their stakeholders but also to society as a whole and that inevitably involves environmental and educational aspects.
Through the Design Thinking methodology, a social impact management model is designed and developed by the consulting firm Consulting & Services S.A. to allow counteraction of this bad image. The application of this methodology allows this model to adapt to the real needs of industrial companies and their corporate strategy, through the application of iterative steps to achieve an optimal service that is aligned to the needs of the end user.
A pilot project of the management model is planned by applying good practices found in the sixth edition of the Project Management Body of Knowledge, hereinafter PMBOK® sixth edition, of the Project Management Institute (PMI). This allows meeting all customer requirements regarding time, cost and quality. For the consulting firm, the financial results are: NPV of S / 54,532.22 and an IRR of 14%. / Trabajo de investigación
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Modelo de gestión BPM bajo enfoque Design Thinking para optimizar la eficiencia de procesos de Diseño en pymes del sector textil / BPM management model under a Design Thinking approach to optimize the efficiency of Design processes in SMEs in the textile sectorDíaz Cavero, Sebastian Alejandro, Cano Salazar, Jean Carlos 01 March 2021 (has links)
Las pymes textiles se diferencian de otras por su capacidad de generar diseños de prendas acorde a las tendencias actuales, esta es la principal ventaja competitiva de una pyme del rubro, debido a lo complicado que significa diferenciarse a través de costos y materiales por la falta de inversión, sin embargo, la gestión de diseños refieren problemas de gestión desde la interna de toda empresa, debido al desconocimiento de herramientas que se tienen para mejorar en procesos, aun conociendo lo determinante que es manejar una correcta gestión de diseños debido a la competencia del mercado. Se busca establecer un modelo que pueda mejorar los tiempos, costos y satisfacción de trabajadores que colaboran dentro la gestión de diseño de las pymes textiles, utilizando un modelo BPM de gestión bajo enfoque Design Thinking, cambiando el enfoque de la herramienta Design Thinking para buscar soluciones dentro de problemas empresariales a través de la estructura BPM y su ciclo de vida; todo ello permite empatizar con los problemas y brindar una estructura de pasos para llegar a soluciones innovadores desde una perspectiva de empatía e insights. Se realizó un caso de estudio para la validación del modelo en una pyme textil del Perú, dentro de la investigación se dieron a conocer los resultados que se obtienen al utilizar ambas herramientas como alternativa a la mejora de la gestión, teniendo como principal resultado la mejora de tiempos y costos en gestión de diseño en un 9% y 7%, respectivamente. / Textile SMEs differ from others by their ability to generate garment designs according to current trends, this is the main competitive advantage of an SME in the sector, due to the complexity of differentiating through costs and materials due to the lack of investment, however, design management refers to management problems from within every company, due to the lack of knowledge of tools that are available to improve processes, even knowing how crucial it is to handle correct design management due to the competence of the market. It seeks to establish a model that can improve the times, costs and satisfaction of workers who collaborate within the design management of textile SMEs, using a BPM management model under the Design Thinking approach, changing the focus of the Design Thinking tool to seek solutions within business problems through the BPM structure and its life cycle; All of this allows empathizing with problems and providing a structure of steps to reach innovative solutions from an empathy and insights perspective. A case study was carried out for the validation of the model in a textile SME in Peru, within the investigation the results obtained when using both tools as an alternative to improving management were disclosed, with the main result being improvement of time and costs in design management by 9% and 7%, respectively. / Trabajo de investigación
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Empowerment by Design: Classroom Innovation and Inquiry Through Design Thinking and Action ResearchRayala, Cory 01 January 2022 (has links)
Increasingly standardized and assessment-driven educational systems are failing to meet the needs of many students, replacing their love of learning with a fear of failure. Importantly, the fear of failure is a common mindset of not only students but also teachers, administrators, and policymakers. This qualitative, action research study is situated in a design thinking/growth mindset conceptual theory that posits that the design thinking process can serve as a meaningful growth mindset opportunity for teachers and students. The prototyping mindset inherent in design thinking may mitigate the fear of failure by focusing on rapid iteration rather than striving for perfection. The purpose of this action research study was to use the design thinking process to collaborate with a team of eight educators to build a virtual community of practice that supports innovation and inquiry. The research questions that guided the study focused on (1) obstacles to innovation in education, (2) strategies to overcome the obstacles, and (3) any perceived shift in mindset that occurred in participants throughout the study.
Conducted over four months in the winter/spring of 2021, the study used a design thinking/action research methodology that moved through four phases of Question, Imagine, Make, and Share. The findings revealed the primary obstacle to innovation to be an oppressive system characterized by its tradition of white supremacy and its resistance to change. Further obstacles included inadequate teacher training, outdated instructional models, overly standardized instruction and assessment, and a lack of resources. Strategies to overcome the obstacles focused on the protective nature of a community of practice, especially when sharing the goal of empowerment by design and supporting the development of the mindsets of action, growth, and inquiry. Participants perceived mindset shifts in either themselves or their students in the areas of growth, awareness, and empathy.
The study contributes to the literature by exploring the practical applications of growth mindset and design thinking within the context of a supportive community of practice. As action research, it gave participants the tools and courage to become empowered research practitioners.
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El diseño de información y la jugabilidad en el HUD del género survival, con el ejemplo de The Forest, Stranded Deep y Green Hell. / Information design and playability in the HUD of the survival genre, with the example of The Forest, Stranded Deep and Green Hell.Calle Román, Alexa 01 March 2022 (has links)
El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la relación entre el diseño de información y la jugabilidad en los head-up displays (HUDs) diegéticos y extradiegéticos del género survival. Ante ello se planteó la hipótesis de que el diseño de dichos HUDs está delimitado por lo que los usuarios deseen experimentar, reflejándose así en la jugabilidad. Para comprobarlo, se estudió documentalmente la teoría involucrada, para luego realizar un análisis visual sobre los HUDs de los videojuegos survival: The Forest (2014), Stranded Deep (2015) y Green Hell (2019). Consecuentemente, se entrevistó a tres expertos para conocer su perspectiva sobre el desarrollo de un título con aceptación de los usuarios. Los resultados obtenidos se dividen en tres categorías: las necesidades comunicativas del género delimitan los elementos de información, la experiencia visual de los HUDs diegéticos y extradiegéticos es diferente para cada uno, y el proceso de diseño de un head-up display se centra en el usuario. Se puede concluir que existe una congruencia entre el diseño de un HUD, la usabilidad y la experiencia de usuario, lo cual en sí construye la jugabilidad de un título. / The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between information design and gameplay in diegetic and extradiegetic head-up displays (HUDs) of the survival genre. Given this, the hypothesis was raised that the design of the diegetic and extradiegetic HUDs of the survival genre is delimited by what users want to experience, thus reflecting in the gameplay. To verify this, the theory involved was studied documentary, and then a visual analysis of the HUDs of the survival video games: The Forest (2014), Stranded Deep (2015) and Green Hell (2019). Consequently, three experts were interviewed for their perspective on the development of a user-friendly title. The results obtained are divided into three categories: the communicative needs of the genre delimit the information elements, the visual experience of the diegetic and extradiegetic HUDs is different for each one, and the design process of a head-up display focuses on the Username. It can be concluded that there is a congruence between the design of a HUD, usability and user experience, which in itself builds the gameplay of a title. / Trabajo de investigación
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An Analysis of Designer Problem-Solving in Addressing Overconsumption of ClothingO'Brien, Erin A. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Formulación de un plan estratégico para el logro de posicionamiento haciendo uso de metodologías de planeamiento estratégico y design thinking en una PYME del sector de servicios de tecnología / Formulation of a strategic plan to achieve positioning using strategic planning methodologies and design thinking in a SME in the technology services sectorPajares Zuzunaga, Rodrigo Alessandro 19 March 2021 (has links)
En los años 70’s se abrió paso al sector de tecnología, el mismo que ha tenido un crecimiento importante y que se consolidó como parte fundamental y estratégica de una organización a finales de la década de los 80’s, con el uso de los ordenadores móviles y el internet. Esto evidencia un mercado potencial y, por ello, se formulará un plan estratégico para el logro de posicionamiento haciendo uso de metodologías de planeamiento estratégico y design thinking para la empresa CA Solutions.
En el Capítulo I se desarrollará el marco teórico que incluye la definición de la técnica utilizar, la presentación de la empresa y la identificación del problema central, basado en literatura y análisis situacional. En el Capítulo II se desarrollará el Estado del Arte, donde se incluyen diez artículos científicos que sustentan las causas y el problema identificado, así como la técnica a utilizar. En el Capítulo III se detallará el paso a paso de la propuesta de solución, dividiéndola etapas secuenciadas aplicando la metodología design thinking en su desarrollo y presentando los indicadores a medir. En el Capítulo IV se desarrollará la validación de la propuesta implementada, a través de la medición de los indicadores planteados en el capítulo previo y la inclusión de actividades de sostenibilidad que aseguren el cumplimiento de los objetivos. En el Capítulo V, se realizará el análisis del impacto de la propuesta implementada, de manera cualitativa y cuantitativa. Por último, se finalizará desarrollando las conclusiones y recomendaciones del trabajo realizado. / In the 70's, the technology sector was opened, the same that has had an important growth and that was consolidated as a fundamental and strategic part of an organization at the end of the 80's, with the use of mobile computers and the Internet. This shows a potential market and, therefore, a strategic plan will be formulated to achieve positioning making use of strategic planning methodologies and design thinking for the company CA Solutions.
In Chapter I, the theoretical framework that includes the definition of the technique to use, the presentation of the company and the identification of the central problem, based on literature and situational analysis, will be developed. In Chapter II, the State of the Art will be developed, which includes ten scientific articles that support the causes and the problem identified, as well as the technique to be used. Chapter III will detail the step by step of the proposed solution, dividing it into sequenced stages applying the design thinking methodology in its development and presenting the indicators to be measured. In Chapter IV the validation of the implemented proposal will be developed, through the measurement of the indicators raised in the previous chapter and the inclusion of sustainability activities that ensure compliance with the objectives. In Chapter V, the impact analysis of the implemented proposal will be carried out, qualitatively and quantitatively. Finally, it will end by developing the conclusions and recommendations of the work carried out. / Tesis
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Redesigning Processes to contribute to a diverse environment:Co-Designing the African American Women’s College Application ExperienceSouza Correa, Luiza 30 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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