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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kartläggning av allmänna gång- och cykelvägar på kvartersmark : utan rättsligt genomförande

Dalhammer, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Detaljplaner reglerar hur Sveriges mark och vatten ska användas. Detaljplanering regleras i plan- och bygglagen (2010:900). En detaljplan ska ange vad som är allmän plats, kvartersmark och vattenområde. Allmän plats får beträdas av allmänheten och ägs av kommunen. Kvartersmark kan ägas av olika aktörer men framförallt av privatpersoner. På kvartersmark kan ändamål såsom bostäder, kontor, handel, skola m.m. förekomma. Frivilliga planbestämmelser kan tillämpas i en detaljplan. Den här studien handlar om den frivilliga planbestämmelsen "x". Ett gement "x" i en detaljplan symboliserar ett markreservat för allmän gång- och cykelväg vilken planläggs på kvartersmark. Vid planläggning av "x", inskränks den berörda fastighetsägaren i sin äganderätt.Genom att bilda en rättighet för x-området undviks fastighetsägarens möjlighet att stänga ute allmänheten från fastigheten. Oklarheter rörande drift och underhåll undviks också när en rättighet bildats. Rättigheten i fråga skapas lämpligast genom bildande av servitut eller nyttjanderätt. Det finns två olika typer av servitut, avtalsservitut och officialservitut. Officialservitut skrivs in automatiskt i fastighetsregistret och är ett säkrare alternativ än avtalsservitutet. Bildande av officialservitut sker efter ansökan till lantmäterimyndigheten som bland annat prövar om servitutet är av väsentlig betydelse för den fastighet som får förmån av servitutet. Vid bildande av servitut för x-område bör den fastighet som får förmån av servitutet (härskande fastighet) vara en kommunal fastighet, med tanke på dess allmänna ändamål. Genomföranderegler saknas för x-områden vilket medför en risk för att en rättighet aldrig bildas för dem. När en rättighet inte bildas finns det ingen rätt för kommunen att använda marken för allmän gång- och cykelväg. Det medför även oklarheter rörande drift och underhåll i och med att gång- och cykelvägen är lokaliserad till en fastighet som inte ägs av kommunen men som nyttjas av allmänheten.Vid avsaknad av bildad rättighet kan fastighetsägaren om så önskas stänga ute allmänheten, till exempel genom förbudsskyltar eller bommar vilket antagligen bidrar till att x-området inte uppfyller sin funktion. Tidigare studier har visat att x-områden används i större utsträckning än vad som var ämnat med införande av bestämmelsen. Det har även tidigare framgått att "x" kombineras med "g" med syfte att undvika kostnader, som istället överlåts från kommunen på de delägande fastighetsägarna i gemensamhetsanläggningen. Ett "g" i en detaljplan innebär att en gemensamhetsanläggning ska bildas inom området. Det har även uttryckts under föreläsningar vid Högskolan Väst att oklarheter gällande vem som ansöker om officialservitut förekommer vid exploateringar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka förändring av användningsfrekvensen för "x". Studien gäller beslut mellan 1 januari 2002 och 31 december 2011 i de tre kommunerna Motala, Linköping och Mjölby i Östergötlands län. Syftet är även att utreda hur många av x-områden som ett officialservitut har bildats för.Resultatet av studien visar att inrättande av x-områden minskar. De två sista åren i studien har få inrättningar av x-områden ägt rum. Motala kommun har till skillnad från Linköpings och Mjölby kommun en uppåtgående trendlinje. Dock avviker 2011 i Motala då inga x-områden inrättats. Det avvikande resultatet tyder på en förändring även i Motala kommun. Resultatet från de intervjuer som hållits med planarkitekter i de olika kommunerna kompletterar resultatet ovan. Planarkitekterna bekräftar att de inrättar "x" mer sällan idag än för några år sedan. Av samtliga x-områden i studien har 44 % inte genomförts genom bildande av officialservitut. Markåtkomst kan ha lösts genom annan rättighet eller saknas helt. / Detailed development plans regulate how Sweden's land and water should be used. Statutes on detail planning are to be found in the Swedish planning and building act. A detailed development plan must specify public area, private property area and water area. Everybody may enter the public areas which the municipality owns. The private property area is private and has owners like a housing company or an individual. Optional rules can be used in the detailed development plan. This study deals with the optional regulation "x", which is a land reserve for public pathways. "X" is located on the private property areas.The private property owner may suffer from a restriction of their property rights by getting an "x" over the property. To avoid the risk that the public is prevented from passing through the x-field, a right is formed. If no right is formed, the owner of the property can choose to shut the public out. The right in question occurs appropriate by official easement which occurs by an application. An application can be made to the land survey to create an official easement. The land survey investigates if the official easement has an essential use for the property that has the advantage of the easement.Implementation rules are missing for x-areas, which results in that no right is formed. When no rights are formed there is no legal right for the public to use pedestrian and bicycle pathways. The property owner can choose to put up prohibiting signs and barriers to exclude the public, which results in that the x-areas are not filling their purpose. Previous studies have shown that the x-areas are used more often than intended. Its also used as a combination with "g", to avoid costs for the municipality. A "g" in a detail development plan means that a joint facility will be formed, that consist of the property owners in the area. The cost transfer to the members instead. During lectures at University West it has aroused uncertainties who it is that applies for official easement. The purpose of this study is to investigate how often x-areas have been applied for in the three municipalities of Motala, Linköping and Mjölby in Östergötland County, January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2011. The purpose is also to see how many official easements that have been formed for the x-areas.The result of this research shows that the use of x-areas decreases. The last two years very few x-areas have been established. Motala municipality has unlike Linköping and Mjölby an increasing trend of x-areas. However, in 2011 Motala municipality had no establishment of x-areas. The abnormal result indicates a change, even in Motala. Interviews with plan architects in the different municipalities confirm the result above. The plan architects admit to establish fewer x-areas today than a few years ago. Of all x-areas in the study, 44 percent have no official easement. It may have another easement but it is also possible that they have no easement at all.

The individual development plan as tool and practice in Swedish compulsory school

Hirsh, Åsa January 2013 (has links)
Since 2006 Swedish compulsory school teachers are required to use individual developmentplans (IDPs) as part of their assessment practices. The IDP has developed through two major reforms and is currently about to undergo a third in which requirements for documentation are to be reduced. The original purpose of IDP was formative: a document containing targets and strategies for the student's future learning was to be drawn up at the parent-pupil-teacher meetingeach semester. The 2008 reform added requirements for written summative assessments/grade-like symbols to be used in the plan. This thesis aims to generate knowledge of the IDP as a tool in terms of what characterizes IDP documents as well as teachers' descriptions of continuous IDP work. It contains four articles. The first two are based on 379 collected IDP documents from all stages of compulsoryschool, and the last two build on interviews with 15 teachers. Throughout, qualitative content analysis has been used for processing data. The analytical framework comprises Latour's conceptual pair inscription – translation, Wartofsky's notions of primary/secondary/tertiary artifacts, and Wertsch's distinction between mastery and appropriation, which together provide an overall framework for understanding how the IDP becomes a contextually shaped tool that mediates teachers' actions in practice. Moreover, the activity theoretical concept of contradictionis used to understand and discuss dilemmas teachers experience in relation to IDP. In article 1, targets and strategies for future learning given to students are investigated and discussed in relation to definitions of formative assessment. Concepts were derived from the data and used for creating a typology of target and strategy types related either to being aspects (students' behavior/attitudes/personalities) or to subject matter learning. In article 2, the distribution of being and learning targets to boys and girls, respectively, is investigated. The results point to a significant gendered difference in the distribution of being targets. Possible reasons for the gendered distribution are discussed from a doing-gender perspective, and the proportion of being targets in IDPs is discussed from an assessment validity point of view. In article 3, teachers' continuous work with IDPs is explored, and it is suggested that IDP work develops in relation to perceived purposes and the contextual conditions framing teachers' work. Three qualitatively different ways of perceiving and working with IDP are described in a typology. Article 4 elaborates on dilemmas that teachers experience in relation to IDP, concerning time, communication, and assessment. A tentative categorization of dilemma management strategies is also presented. Results are synthesized in the final part of the thesis, where the ways in which documents are written and IDP work is carried out are discussed as being shaped in the intersection between rules and guidelines at national, municipal and local school level, and companies creating solutions for IDP documentation. Various purposes are to be achieved with the help of the IDP, which makes it a potential field of tension that is not always easy for teachers to navigate. Several IDP-related difficulties, but also opportunities and affordances, are visualized in the studies of this thesis. / <p>Svensk sammanfattning: s. 111-126.</p>

Poverty alleviation by means of integrated development planning : the case of Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality (Dr KKDM) / Thabo Daniel Borole

Borole, Thabo Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Across the world, war has been declared against poverty because of its devastating effects on local communities. The world has made a concerted effort to fight the effects of poverty through developmental agencies and regional integration bodies such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organisation (WTO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). In an effort to complement the efforts of the above–mentioned agencies and bodies, the South African government has developed its own poverty alleviation strategies, policies, initiatives and Acts that focus primarily on alleviation of poverty on the level of local government. The Constitution of South Africa, 1996 provides the guidelines to several regulations and Acts (such as the Development and Facilitation Act, 67 of 1995, the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 32 of 2000, and the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 117 of 1998.) that support the alleviation of poverty on the local sphere of government. The Integrated Development Planning programme was formulated and implemented to alleviate poverty at this level. The purpose of this study was to determine how the level of poverty within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality could be alleviated through effective integrated development planning. A quantitative approach was followed because the target population response rate was expected to be large. In addition, the research design for this study included a literature review, analyses of official documents, observation and data sampling through questionnaires and scientific analysis of the responses. The study found that IDP objectives aligned to service delivery targets were unclear and did not depict the aspirations and needs of the community. The programmes aimed at the infrastructure coupled with skills development programmes and job creation initiatives could assist in the alleviation of poverty. / M Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Ekosystemtjänster i kommunal planering / Ecosystem services in municipality community planning

Borg, Louise January 2018 (has links)
År 2018 ska betydelsen av biologisk mångfald och värdet av ekosystemtjänster vara allmänt kända och integreras i ekonomiska ställningstaganden, politiska avväganden och andra beslut i samhället där så är relevant och skäligt. Så lyder ett av etappmålet som beslutades av regeringen år 2012. Idag vet vi att endast delar av målet kommer kunna nås. Denna studie omfattar en kartläggning av begreppet ekosystemtjänst i Sveriges samtliga översiktsplaner och fördjupade översiktsplaner. Vidare har en granskning av tre bostadsbyggnadsprojekt i Stockholms län genomförts, där ekosystemtjänster i planeringen från översiktsplan till genomförande varit fokuspunkt. Av studiens första del, kartläggning av begreppet, framgick det att 116 av 290 kommuner har använt begreppet ekosystemtjänst i sin översiktsplan. De senaste tre åren är det totalt fler antagna översiktsplaner där begreppet behandlas än utan. I studiens andra del granskades översiktsplaner, planhandlingar och genomförandeavtal från projekt i Täby, Nacka och Haninge kommun. Granskningen är baserad på textanalys och platsbesök, resultatet visade att kommunerna har en hög ambition gällande arbetet med ekosystemtjänster. Det finns samband mellan visioner i översiktsplan och bestämmelser i detaljplan. I avtalen för genomförandet av detaljplanerna binds exploatörerna till att arbeta efter gestaltningsprogram och hållbarhetsprogram vilka reglerar hänsynstagandet av ekosystemtjänster. Begreppet ekosystemtjänst används för att visa den nytta människan får från naturens arbete. Vi är beroende av att ekosystemen fortsätter producera tjänster, de är livsviktiga för vår folkhälsa och vårt välbefinnande. Ett gemensamt arbete och hänsynsfullt nyttjande behövs för att säkerställa ekosystemtjänsterna. Det kan resultera i stora samhällsvinster att bevara, utveckla och nyskapa tätortsnära natur och grönområden. Att integrera ekosystemtjänster i den fysiska planeringen är ett steg på vägen. Översiktsplaneringen visar inriktningen för kommunens samhällsplanering och konturerna av den framtida fysiska strukturen, den vägleder kommande detaljplaner och bygglov. Översiktsplanen spelar en nyckelroll för ekosystemtjänsternas framtid eftersom det där finns stora möjligheter att belysa deras mycket betydelsefulla värde. För att uppnå visionerna i översiktsplaneringen krävs möjlighet att förverkliga dessa i detaljplanen. För att säkra ekosystemtjänsternas producerande förmåga krävs en tydlig och ändamålsenlig lagstiftning. Kunskapen och medvetenheten om dess livsviktiga förmåga måste öka. Alla måste se sin del i det gemensamma ansvaret och arbeta för ett hållbart samhälle. / In 2018 the meaning of biodiversity and the value of ecosystem services should be general knowledge and integrated into economical standpoints, political considerations and other decisions where relevant and reasonable. This is one of the milestone targets that the Swedish government decided in 2012. We know today that only parts of this target will be reached. This study includes a survey regarding the concept of ecosystem service in Sweden, all the local authority comprehensive planning, and an examination of three housing projects in Stockholm’s county where ecosystem services were the focal point during the comprehensive planning. In the first part of the study, which concentrates on surveying the concept of ecosystem services, it can be shown that 116 of 290 municipalities have been using the concept in their local authority comprehensive planning. Furthermore, the concept is used more often than not during the last three years in local authority comprehensive planning. In the second part of the study the outline planning was examined, plan handlings and implementation contracts from projects in Täby, Nacka and Haninge municipality. The research was based on text analysis and on-site inspection. The results from the research showed that the municipalities have a high ambition regarding working with ecosystem services, and that there exist a correlation between the visions in the local authority comprehensive planning and regulations in the detailed developed plan. In the agreement the developers are bound to work according to implementation contracts and sustainability program which regulate the considerations of ecosystem services. The concept of ecosystem services is used to show which benefits we humans receive from nature’s work. We are dependent on continual ecosystem services, which are also essential to the public health and wellbeing. Joint effort and a considerate use of ecosystem services is needed to keep them intact. It can result in large profit for society to preserve, develop and recreate nature and green areas in population centers. To integrate ecosystem services in the physical planning is a step in the right direction. The local authority comprehensive planning show the direction for the municipality’s community planning, and the outline of the future physical structure, it also serves to guide upcoming detailed development plans and building acts. The local authority comprehensive planning plays a key part in the ecosystem services future, since its importance can be illustrated within. To reach the visions of the local authority comprehensive planning and the opportunity to actualize it in the detailed development plan is required. To secure the continued functionality of the ecosystem services, a clear and purposive legislation is required. An increase in knowledge and awareness of ecosystem services is essential, and everyone must see their part in the in our common responsibility and work toward a sustainable society.

A management plan for locally generated economic development in South Africa

Nel, Verna Joan 06 1900 (has links)
Local authorities in South Africa need to compile and implement local economic development plans. These plans are not only required by law as a component of integrated development plans, but also emanate from the pressing needs of many communities for development, job creation, and greater welfare and prosperity. A review of the historical and theoretical background reveals changing approaches and different theories to defend the actions taken. A critique of typical strategies and processes reveals that no one strategy or process can be universally applied, but that these should be adapted to the community's unique circumstances. Shortcomings and appropriate applications are indicated. The management plan presents a process to enable local authorities in partnership with the community to compile a plan for locally generated and directed development. This plan can, but need not, be a component of an integrated development plan and is thus compatible with integrated development planning and the formulation of local development objectives. The plan draws on a number of planning methodologies including urban planning, city marketing, strategic planning and neuro-linguistic programming approaches. Techniques from these and community development methodologies are included to guide the community through the process of creating a vision, analysis, goal setting, plan and strategy formulation, implementation and review. This management plan is designed as a generic process that can be applied to a variety of circumstances. The flexible nature of the process permits innovation and adaptations to local needs and other fields of planning. It also provides scope for further research on theories, methodologies and techniques. / Geography / D.Phil. (Geography)

Desigualdade, pobreza e governança: uma agenda para Timor-Leste / Inequality, poverty and governance: an agenda for East Timor

Costa, Carlos Germano Ferreira January 2014 (has links)
COSTA, C. G. F. Desigualdade, pobreza e governança: uma agenda para Timor-Leste. 2014. 209 f. Tese (Doutorado em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente) - Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2014. / Submitted by Daniel Eduardo Alencar da Silva (dealencar.silva@gmail.com) on 2015-01-29T17:51:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_tese_cgfcosta.pdf: 8891790 bytes, checksum: 91cb42ef4c22d106bdb2d8bbf368d24f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by José Jairo Viana de Sousa(jairo@ufc.br) on 2015-03-30T22:10:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_tese_cgfcosta.pdf: 8891790 bytes, checksum: 91cb42ef4c22d106bdb2d8bbf368d24f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-30T22:10:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_tese_cgfcosta.pdf: 8891790 bytes, checksum: 91cb42ef4c22d106bdb2d8bbf368d24f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / The theme of this thesis - "INEQUALITY, POVERTY AND GOVERNANCE: AN AGENDA FOR EAST TIMOR" - stems from an interest to assess the influence of key-actors - NGOs, national governments and the United Nations System - in policy development, in developing countries that emerge from serious conflicts; in particular we search for solutions to deal with the problem of how to evaluate governance, policies and the development path in countries without reliable and structured data. This research animes to contribute to the debate on the influence of NGOs, national governments and the United Nations System on issues concerning governance, sustainable development and environment issues in developing countries that emerge from conflict featuring unconsolidated democracies; We analysed the case of East Timor, between 1999 and 2012, on issues related to social, gender and income inequality and a variety of global issues like climate change and poverty levels, based on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The theoretical and methodological basis of this study was Melucci (1991). Notwithstanding this study is stakeholder-oriented based on inter- and transdisciplinary research, on multi-level and participatory governance theories and political philosophy, with focus on horizontal and environmental policy integration and processes as well as questions of legitimacy, accountability and sustainability based on the analysis of secondary sources (text, numbers, images, etc.) and collection of primary empirical data in the field, in 2012, for policy analysis in different contexts - a necessary step due to the fragility and often lack of reliable data and audited information. We analysed official documents and reports such key UN-resolutions, the Timor-Leste National Development Plan (NDP), the Millennium Development Goals Reports (MDGs), Human Development Reports (HDR), Evolution of the Human Development Index (HDI), scientific articles and several technical reports released by development agencies such as ABD, FAO, UNDP and others. We observed a huge discrepancy between rhetoric and practice concerning the key-actors participation as well as noticeable flaws in policy conduction at various levels. Transparency levels are incredibly low and it permeates all levels of the government. The impression one gets is that there was an interest in promoting the pacification process to enable foreign companies to extract oil at low risk, while issues related to governance, accountability and transparency were neglected. It is argued that such challenges were less a matter of rules and regulations then basic approaches, attitudes and power relations. It is possible that these key-actors, in general, did not succeed in find ways to change their approach during the years of stabilization; with little or no progress on issues related to human development, poverty and inequality reduction. Instead of fostering the development of a viable and autonomous civil society its results have demonstrated the depletion of a model of development that on one hand was efficient on the pacification process while on the other hand have failed in the promotion of opportunities, governance and sustainable development. Finally, we conclude that socioeconomic peculiarities and policies adopted in developing countries that emerge from serious conflicts should not be seeing as specific procedural and institutional factors replicable from stabilized societies, it is necessary to draw up a better database and a set of analysis tools based on the peculiar conditions of developing countries emerging from different forms of conflict focusing on mechanisms that promote good governance, transparency and accountability. As final considerations, to support Timor-Leste’s sustainable development policies, we point out the need to relativize the implementation of criteria considered necessary for good governance, establish a hierarchy over time and across priorities in development programs and projects, which must be guided by the specificities of particular contexts. This research contributed to the debate on the influence of NGOs, national governments and the United Nations System on issues concerning governance, sustainable development and environmental related issues in developing countries that emerge from conflict featuring unconsolidated democracies; We analysed the case of East Timor, between 1999 and 2012, on issues related to social, gender and income inequality and a variety of global issues like climate change and poverty levels, based on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The theoretical and methodological basis of this study was Melucci (1992). This study is stakeholder-oriented based on inter- and transdisciplinary research, on multi-level and participatory governance theories and political philosophy, with focus on horizontal and environmental policy integration and processes as well as questions of legitimacy, accountability and sustainability. based on the analysis of secondary sources (text, numbers, images, etc.) and collection of primary empirical data in the field, in 2012, for policy analysis in different contexts - a necessary step due to the fragility and often lack of reliable data and audited information. We analysed official documents and reports such key UN-resolutions, the Timor-Leste National Development Plan (NDP), the Millennium Development Goals Reports (MDGs), Human Development Reports (HDR), Evolution of the Human Development Index (HDI), scientific articles and several technical reports released by development agencies such as ABD, FAO, UNDP and others. We observed a huge discrepancy between rhetoric and practice concerning the key-actors participation as well as noticeable flaws in policy conduction at various levels. Corruption levels are high and permeates all levels of the government. The impression one gets is that there was an interest in promoting the pacification process to enable oil companies to extract oil at low risk, while issues related to governance, accountability and transparency were neglected. It is argued that such challenges were less a matter of rules and regulations then basic approaches, attitudes and power relations. It is possible that these key-actors, in general, have not changed their approach during the years of stabilization; with little or no progress on issues related to human development, poverty and inequality reduction. Instead of fostering the development of a viable and autonomous civil society its results have demonstrated the depletion of a model of development that on one hand was efficient on the pacification procces but that on the other hand have failed in the promotion of opportunities, governance and sustainable development. Finally, we conclude that socioeconomic peculiarities and policies adopted in developing countries that emerge from serious conflicts should not be seing as specific procedural and institutional factors replicable from stabilized societies, it is necessary to draw up a better database and a set of analysis tools based on the peculiar conditions of developing countries emerging from different forms of conflict focusing on mechanisms that promote good governance, transparency and accountability. As final considerations, to support Timor-Lestes´s sustainable development policies, we point out the need to relativize the implementation of criteria considered necessary for good governance, establish a hierarchy over time and across priorities in development programs and projects, which must be guided by the specificities of particular contexts. / O tema desta tese - "Desigualdade, pobreza e governança: uma agenda para Timor-Leste" - decorre do interesse em avaliar a influência de atores-chave - ONGs, governos nacionais e do Sistema das Nações Unidas - no desenvolvimento de políticas, em países em desenvolvimento que emergem de conflitos graves; em particular, procurar soluções para lidar com o problema de como avaliar políticas de governança, e trajetórias de desenvolvimento em países sem base de dados confiáveis e estruturados. Esta pesquisa buscou contribuir para o debate sobre a influência das ONGs, governos nacionais e do Sistema das Nações Unidas sobre questões relacionadas a governança, desenvolvimento sustentável e questões ambientais em países em desenvolvimento que emergem de conflitos configurando democracias não-consolidadas; Analisamos o caso de Timor-Leste entre 1999 e 2012 com relação a questões socioeconômicas, desigualdade de gênero de renda e uma variedade de questões globais como mudanças climáticas e níveis de pobreza, com base nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio (ODM). A base teórica e metodológica deste estudo foi Melucci (1991). Entretanto, este estudo é "stakeholder-orientado", baseado em investigação interdisciplinar e transdisciplinar, em multi-nível com base em teorias de governança participativa e filosofia política, com foco na integração horizontal de processos de ordem política e ambiental, bem como questões de legitimidade, prestação de contas e sustentabilidade com base na análise de fontes secundárias (texto, números, imagens, etc.) e de recolha de dados empíricos primárias no campo em Timor-Leste, em 2012, para a análise de políticas em diferentes contextos - um passo necessário devido à fragilidade e muitas vezes a falta de dados confiáveis e informações auditadas. Foram analisados documentos oficiais e relatórios-chaves baseados em resoluções da ONU, o Plano de Timor-Leste Desenvolvimento Nacional (PDN), os Relatórios sobre os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio (ODM), Relatórios de Desenvolvimento Humano (HDR), Evolução do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH), artigos científicos e vários relatórios técnicos divulgados por agências de desenvolvimento, como a ABD, FAO, PNUD e outros. Foi observado uma enorme discrepância entre a retórica e a prática relativa à participação atores-chave, bem como falhas visíveis na condução política em vários níveis. Os níveis de transparência são reduzidos e, isso permeia todas as áreas do governo. A impressão que se tem é que houve interesse em promover o processo de pacificação para permitir que as companhias estrangeiras pudessem extrair petróleo com baixo risco, enquanto que as questões relacionadas à governança, à responsabilidade e à transparência foram negligenciadas. Argumenta-se que esses desafios foram menos uma questão de regras e regulamentos do que abordagens básicas, atitudes e relações de poder. É possível que estes atores-chave, em geral, não tenham conseguido mudar suas abordagens durante os anos de estabilização, com rarefeito progresso em questões relacionadas com o desenvolvimento humano, e a redução da pobreza e desigualdade. Ao invés de fomentar o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade civil viável e autônoma, os resultados têm demonstrado o esgotamento de um modelo de desenvolvimento que, se por um lado eficiente na pacificação falhou na promoção de oportunidades, governança e desenvolvimento sustentável. Por fim, concluímos que peculiaridades socioeconômicas e políticas adotadas em países em desenvolvimento, que emergem de conflitos graves, não devem ser vistas como fatores processuais e institucionais replicáveis de sociedades estabilizadas, é necessário elaborar uma melhor base de dados e um conjunto de ferramentas de análise com base nas condições peculiares dos países em desenvolvimento que emergem de diferentes formas de conflito com foco em mecanismos que promovam a boa governança, transparência e prestação de contas. Como considerações finais, para apoiar políticas de desenvolvimento sustentável em Timor-Leste e em países similares, destacamos a necessidade de relativizar a implementação de critérios considerados necessários para a boa governança, estabelecer uma hierarquia ao longo do tempo, em função das prioridades, em programas e projetos de desenvolvimento, que devem ser guiados pelas especificidades de contextos particulares. Esta pesquisa contribuiu para o debate sobre a influência das ONGs, governos nacionais e do Sistema das Nações Unidas sobre questões relacionadas a governança, desenvolvimento sustentável e questões ambientais em países em desenvolvimento que emergem de conflitos configurando democracias não-consolidadas; Analisamos o caso de Timor Leste entre 1999 e 2012 com relação a questões socioeconômicas, desigualdade de gênero de renda e uma variedade de questões globais como mudanças climáticas e níveis de pobreza, com base nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio (ODM). A base teórica e metodológica deste estudo foi Melucci (1992). Entretanto, este estudo é "stakeholder-orientado",baseado em investigação interdisciplinar e transdisciplinar, em multi-nível com base em teorias de governança participativa e filosofia política, com foco na integração horizontal de processos de ordem política e ambiental, bem como questões de legitimidade, prestação de contas e sustentabilidade. com base na análise de fontes secundárias (texto, números, imagens, etc.) e de recolha de dados empíricos primárias no campo em Timor-Leste, em 2012, para a análise de políticas em diferentes contextos - um passo necessário devido à fragilidade e muitas vezes a falta de dados confiáveis e informações auditadas. Foram analisados ​documentos oficiais e relatórios-chaves baseados em resoluções da ONU, o Plano de Timor-Leste Desenvolvimento Nacional (PDN), os Relatórios sobre os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio (ODM), Relatórios de Desenvolvimento Humano (HDR), Evolução do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH), artigos científicos e vários relatórios técnicos divulgados por agências de desenvolvimento, como a ABD, FAO, PNUD e outros. Foi observado uma enorme discrepância entre a retórica e a prática relativa à participação atores-chave, bem como falhas visíveis na condução política em vários níveis. Os níveis de corrupção são elevados e permeia todas as áreas do governo. A impressão que se tem é que houve interesse em promover o processo de pacificação para permitir que as companhias petrolíferas pudessem extrair petróleo com baixo risco, enquanto que as questões relacionadas à governança, à responsabilidade e à transparência foram negligenciadas. Argumenta-se que esses desafios foram menos uma questão de regras e regulamentos do que abordagens básicas, atitudes e relações de poder. É possível que estes atores-chave, em geral, não tenham mudado sua abordagem durante os anos de estabilização; com pouco ou nenhum progresso em questões relacionadas com o desenvolvimento humano, a pobreza e a redução da desigualdade. Ao invés de fomentar o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade civil viável e autônoma, os resultados têm demonstrado o esgotamento de um modelo de desenvolvimento que, se por um lado eficiente na pacificação falhou na promoção de oportunidades, governança e desenvolvimento sustentável. Por fim, concluímos que peculiaridades socioeconômicas e políticas adotadas em países em desenvolvimento que emergem de conflitos graves não devem ser vistas como fatores processuais e institucionais replicáveis de sociedades estabilizadas, é necessário elaborar uma melhor base de dados e um conjunto de ferramentas de análise com base nas condições peculiares dos países em desenvolvimento que emergem de diferentes formas de conflito com foco em mecanismos que promovam a boa governança, transparência e prestação de contas. Como considerações finais, para apoiar políticas de desenvolvimento sustentável em Timor-Leste, destacamos a necessidade de relativizar a implementação de critérios considerados necessários para a boa governança, estabelecer uma hierarquia ao longo do tempo, em função das prioridades, em programas e projetos de desenvolvimento, que devem ser guiados pelas especificidades da contextos particulares.

O Programa Nuclear Brasileiro e o Acordo com a Alemanha: da ambição compartilhada aos interesses fragmentados (1975-1978) / The Brazilian Nuclear Program and the Brazil-Germany Nuclear Agreement: from shared ambition to fragmented interests (1975-1978)

Alexandra Ozorio de Almeida 24 February 2015 (has links)
O programa nuclear brasileiro, materializado pelo do Acordo com a Alemanha, é o objeto do presente trabalho. O programa foi um dos grandes projetos do governo Geisel (1974-79), inserido em um conjunto mais amplo de investimentos que representava uma resposta à crise deflagrada pelo choque de petróleo de 1973 e que pretendia mudar a orientação do desenvolvimento brasileiro. Mostrando que o debate sobre a questão nuclear sempre esteve ligado à discussão sobre os caminhos para o desenvolvimento nacional, a pesquisa investiga o programa nuclear como parte integrante do II Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento (1975-1979), proposto pelo governo Geisel. Ao lado de outros grandes projetos energéticos e de setores básicos da indústria, o programa nuclear contribuiria para impulsionar o crescimento brasileiro, alçar o desenvolvimento nacional a novo patamar e reduzir de modo significativo a dependência externa. Na primeira parte o trabalho debruça-se sobre as motivações e a racionalidade do programa, depois de uma recapitulação dos seus antecedentes e das negociações que resultaram no Acordo. A ideia difusa que os vários atores acalentaram por mais de um quarto de século materializou-se como um programa que inicialmente gerou grande entusiasmo. Aprovado por unanimidade pelo Congresso em 1975, três anos depois o programa era objeto de uma Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito aberta no Senado. Para compreender por que e como atores específicos, centrais para o programa, abandonaram o entusiasmo e deixaram em curto intervalo de tempo de apoiá-lo, a segunda parte da pesquisa dedica-se à análise de três atores relevantes: os empresários, sobretudo os do setor de equipamentos pesados, que seriam beneficiados por um grande pacote de encomendas; os dois segmentos da burocracia estatal diretamente afeitos ao programa, os nucleocratas e o segmento mais tradicional do setor elétrico; e os cientistas, titulares históricos do tema, secundarizados pelo programa. / The Brazilian Nuclear Program, brought into being by the Brazil-Germany Nuclear Agreement, is the object of this study. The program was one of the great projects of the Geisel administration (1974-1979), within a wider set of investments that comprised a reply to the crisis triggered by the 1973 oil shock and aimed to change the direction of Brazilian development. Showing how the debate on the nuclear question was always closely linked to the discussion as to the paths of national development, the present work investigates the nuclear program as an integral part of the II Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento (2nd National Development Plan), proposed by the Geisel administration. Alongside other major energy projects and projects directed towards basic industrial sectors, the nuclear program contributed to boost Brazilian growth, to raise national development to a new level and significantly reduce dependence on external sources. In the first part of this work, we discuss the motivations and rationale of this program, after a review of its history and of the negotiations that resulted in the Agreement. The vague idea that various actors entertained for more than a quarter of a century took shape as a project within the new national development plan. This project initially generated widespread enthusiasm. In order to understand why and how specific actors, central to the program, became disenchanted and, in a short period of time, withdrew their support, the second part of this work is dedicated to the analysis of three relevant actors: the business sector linked to heavy equipment, who would have benefitted from a large amount of orders; the two segments of state bureaucracy more directly linked to the program (the nucleocrats) and the more traditional ones from the electricity sector; and finally, the scientists, historical leaders of the initiative, relegated to second place by the program. By recognizing that the nuclear program is linked to an uncommon industrial sector, characterized by high industrial and technological complexity, this work discusses the reasons for its failure and endeavours to acquire insights into the process of constructing public policies and the requirements for their efficacy.

Gerenciamento costeiro no Brasil : zeec e plano diretor (estudo de caso - Paulista/PE) / Coastal Management in Brazil: ZEEC and City Development Plan (Case study Paulista/PE).

Andrade, Jaqueline 16 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:55:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 114528.pdf: 7346209 bytes, checksum: 0031f9796616359d141e08f162c2d609 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims at identifying and analyzing the impact of the state s coastal ecologicaleconomic zoning at a local level planning. Consequently, this study turns to the coastal ecological-economic zoning, which is specified by federal and state laws. The theoretical frameworks of the present study are the guiding concepts of planning, management, public policy, representation, coastal management, coastal areas and zoning. This research investigates the present situation of Coastal Management Plans in Brazilian states. It is important to stress that the data collection involved documentary sources (reports, Development Plans) as well as questionnaires applied to state authorities responsible for the elaboration of Development Plans. Thus, this study not only presents up-to-date information about the situation of the Brazilian Coastal Management, but it also contributes to regional land-use planning regarding local planning action, making its application and compatibility to City Development Plans possible. / Este projeto objetiva identificar e analisar a contribuição do Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico Costeiro Estadual na esfera local de planejamento. O estudo volta-se, desta forma, ao Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico Costeiro, um dos instrumentos que é especificado por Lei Federal e Estadual de gerenciamento costeiro. Para o presente trabalho utilizaram-se como referencial teórico os conceitos norteadores de planejamento, gestão, política pública, participação, gerenciamento costeiro, zona costeira e zoneamento. A pesquisa investiga a situação dos Planos de Gerenciamento Costeiro Estaduais no Brasil. A partir desta investigação, identificaram-se no Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico Costeiro do Estado de Pernambuco as ações de planejamento, sendo comparadas com as diretrizes e objetivos do Plano Diretor Municipal de Paulista. Destaca-se que as informações necessárias para a elaboração do estudo foram obtidas por meio de fontes documentais (relatórios, planos) e por meio de questionários com os gestores estaduais responsáveis pela elaboração dos Planos. Sendo assim, este estudo permite, além de apresentar dados atualizados da situação do Gerenciamento Costeiro Brasileiro, subsidiar o planejamento territorial regional, no que se refere às ações de planejamento local, possibilitando sua aplicação e compatibilização com os Planos Diretores Municipais frente às experiências empíricas já realizadas.

Analýza hospodaření krajů v ČR, vztah k financování regionálního rozvoje / Financial Management Analysis of Regions in the Czech Republic and Relatioship to Regional Development Funding

Dvořáková, Marie January 2013 (has links)
Hereby presented diploma thesis discusses the financial management of Czech regions (more accurately "higher-level territorial administrative units") focusing on regional development funding, particularly demonstrated by the example of the South Moravian Region. Through a study of regional financial management the regional budget's income and expenditure have been thoroughly examined, especially those governable by the regions themselves. During the analysis of the South Moravian Region financial system the main focus has been aimed at its regional funding policy outlined by the corresponding strategic documentation entitled South Moravian Region Development Plan. The actual support for regional development in South Moravian Region is financed by the region's budget and a special-purpose fund named Development Fund of South Moravian Region.

Taluppfattning i Grundskolan : Tillfrågade lärares uppfattning om och arbete med elevers taluppfattning / Number Sense in Elementary School : Teachers’ Views on Students’ Number Sense

Ingvarsson, Madeleine January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med min studie var att undersöka lärares uppfattning om sina elevers taluppfattning och vad lärares uppfattningar indikerar avseende elevers taluppfattning.  För att få svar på mina frågor har jag skickat ut en digital enkät till undervisande lärare i matematik i grundskolan.  Resultatet visar att elevers taluppfattning är relativt god när det gäller de mest grundläggande aspekterna. Vidare indikerar resultatet att de tillfrågade lärarna arbetar regelbundet och varierat med att utveckla elevers taluppfattning. Alla respondenter utom en svarar att särskilda åtgärder vidtas, om bristande taluppfattning upptäcks, t.ex. särskilt stöd av specialpedagog/speciallärare, åtgrdsprogram och enskild undervisning.  Min slutsats är att de tillfrågade lärarna regelbundet arbetar varierat med taluppfattning i klassrummet och att de elever som har svårigheter av olika slag uppmärksammas och får det stöd de har rätt till. / The purpose of my study was to investigate teachers' perceptions of their individual students' number sense. It is also to find out if and how teachers actively work with number sense in elementary school, and if the curriculum guidelines to give support to students with special needs are met.  I have distributed a digital questionnaire to teachers in mathematics about their students' number sense.  The result of the questionnaire shows that there are some gaps in some students' number sense, but it is relatively small when it comes to the fundamental aspects of number sense. Further, the result indicates that the teachers work consciously för the students to be able to develop their sense of numbers frequently in varies ways.  All of the respondents - except one - states that specific measures are taken if a students' lack of number sense is detected, for example: support from a teacher for special needs education; individual development plans; and individual tutoring.

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