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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A concepção de infância presente no Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova de 1932: a presença do pensamento de John Dewey (1859-1952)

Oliveira, Marco Aurélio Gomes de 19 December 2011 (has links)
The central objective of this dissertation is to investigate the historical, philosophical conception of infancy that is present in the document A reconstrução educacional no Brasil: Ao povo e ao governo. Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova (The reconstruction of education in Brazil: to the people and to the government. The Pioneer Manifest of New Education), with the intent of analyzing how much the thought of the New School of Dewey influenced the movement of pedagogical renewing in Brazil in the 1920s and 1930s. In order to do that, this paper is organized in two parts: in the first the theory of the philosopher john Dewey (1859-1952) is analyzed with the purpose of understanding how infancy, conceived by the American educator, is related to a greater social project that involves a renewing in the educational and social fields. In the second part, we analyze how the conceptions of infancy, education, democracy and freedom defended by Dewey contributed to the construction of the speech of the Pioneers of the New School for a new infancy that would be able to participate in the process of national reconstruction. It is possible, by the means of analysis, to perceive that the conception of infancy that is in the document defended by the Pioneers represents a consensus among them, in the way that the New Deweyan School, despite being extremely relevant, shares its position with other theories, specially, the positivism. When concluding this dissertation it was possible to notice that the ideas of the New School that were so noteworthy in the first half of the 20th century are still alive in the current Brazilian educational scenery. Although they are marginalized in the official documents, their presence in the pedagogical speeches that value individuality, freedom of expression, syllabus flexibilization proves that. Therefore, the Deweyan expression to learn how to learn is one of the main points to understand how updated they still are in the pedagogical proposals. / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo central investigar a concepção histórico-filosófica de infância presente no documento intitulado A reconstrução educacional no Brasil: Ao povo e ao governo. Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova, com intuito de analisar em que medida o pensamento escolanovista deweyano contribuiu com o movimento de renovação pedagógica no Brasil no decorrer das décadas de 1920 e 1930. Para tanto, o trabalho está organizado em dois capítulos: no primeiro, analisamos a matriz teórica do filósofo John Dewey (1859-1952) com o propósito de entender como a infância concebida pelo educador estadunidense está relacionada a um projeto social mais amplo que envolve uma renovação no campo educacional e social. No segundo capítulo, investigamos como a concepção de infância, de educação, de democracia e de liberdade defendida por Dewey contribuiu para a construção do discurso dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova em prol de uma nova infância que pudesse participar do processo de reconstrução nacional. É possível perceber por meio das análises que a concepção de infância presente no documento defendida pelos Pioneiros representa um consenso entre eles, na medida em que o escolanovismo deweyano, apesar de sua relevância marcante, divide espaço com outras matrizes teóricas, em especial, com o positivismo. Ao concluir esta dissertação notamos que a presença das ideias escolanovistas tão marcantes na primeira metade do século XX ainda estão vivas no cenário educacional brasileiro. Embora marginalizadas nos documentos oficiais, sua presença nos discursos pedagógicos que valorizam a individualidade, liberdade de expressão, flexibilização curricular é prova disso, portanto a expressão deweyana Aprende a aprender é um dos pontos fundamentais para compreendermos sua atualidade nas propostas pedagógicas. / Mestre em Educação

Kasvatuksen taide ja taidekasvatus:estetiikan ja taidekasvatuksen merkitys John Deweyn naturalistisessa pragmatismissa

Väkevä, L. (Lauri) 16 April 2004 (has links)
Abstract John Dewey has been widely accepted as a modern classic in educational philosophy. Dewey's general philosophy has gained new interest lately, as well. This interest reflects both a need to find alternatives for analytic and continental philosophies, as well as a need for a naturalistic critique of the modernist presuppositions of Cartesian and transcendental philosophies. Dewey's reconstructive philosophy has encouraged the approach of this study. The reconstructive approach combines the synchronic and diachronic analyses of philosophical concepts with a pragmatist critique that trusts in the power of philosophy to guide human practice. The possibility of such pragmatist critique explains the central role of pedagogy in Dewey's philosophy: Dewey saw pedagogy as a social laboratory where philosophical concepts are tested for their pragmatic potential in enhancing democratic cultural formation. The present study is guided by the central idea that the naturalistic outlook of Dewey's mature philosophy can serve as a thematic framework for contemporary philosophies of art and music. Recent readings of Dewey's work suggest important links between his pedagogy and aesthetics. If Dewey's later philosophy is examined systematically, it becomes clear that his concept of (a)esthetic experience has an important summative function; it unifies his ideas concerning epistemology, ontology, and moral theory in a "soft" naturalistic anthropologic-pedagogical perspective. Dewey finds the core of existence in the process of human growth where experience is continually transformed into culture through communicative practice. Ideally, human growth involves both an immediate, aesthetic dimension, as well as a mediated, instrumental dimension. An important function of art is to bring out the aesthetic moments of growth. With this thesis in mind, Dewey radically extends his concept of art to comprise all cultural practices that balance their means with their ends. Art educates as it is worked out in means-ends-praxis, that is, in social practice that aims both at mediate and immediate good. In the framework of Dewey's naturalistic pragmatism, art education has two crucial functions: (1) to work out the possibilities of aesthetic expression and perception in a pragmatic process of learning by doing; and 2) to point out the paradigmatic moments of meaning making in the best of art. To the philosophers of music education, Dewey's philosophy can open up a new critical horizon where both aesthetic and praxial outlooks can meet in the experimental terms of naturalistic pragmatism. / Tiivistelmä John Deweyn asema pedagogiikan klassikkona on tunnustettu jo vuosikymmeniä. Myös Deweyn laajempi filosofia on saanut osakseen uutta kiinnostusta. Tämä kiinnostus liittyy sekä vaihtoehtojen hakemiseen analyyttiselle ja mannermaiselle filosofialle että modernin filosofian kartesiolaisten ja transsendentaalisten lähtökohtien naturalistiseen kritiikkiin. Deweyn filosofialle ominainen rekonstruktiivinen lähestymistapa on innoittanut käsillä olevaa tutkimusta. Rekonstruktiivinen lähestymistapa edellyttää filosofisten käsitysten synkronisen ja diakronisen analyysin ohella pragmatistista kritiikkiä, johon liittyy luottamus filosofian voimaan ohjata inhimillisiä käytäntöjä. Pragmatistisen kritiikin mahdollisuus selittää pedagogiikan keskeisen aseman Deweyn filosofiassa. Deweylle kasvatus on laboratorio, joka tarjoaa mahdollisuuden koetella filosofisten käsitysten pragmatistista toimivuutta demokraattisen kulttuurin rakennusaineina. Tämän tutkimuksen temaattisena johtolankana toimii ajatus Deweyn myöhäiskauden naturalistisen pragmatismin soveltuvuudesta oman aikamme taide- ja musiikkikasvatusfilosofiseksi tarkastelutavaksi. Uudemmassa Dewey-tutkimuksessa onkin tuotu esiin Deweyn estetiikkaan ja pedagogiikan välisiä yhtymäkohtia. Tarkasteltaessa Deweyn myöhäiskauden filosofiaa kokonaisuutena, mikä on tämän työn tavoitteena, on lisäksi helppo huomata, että esteettisen kokemuksen käsitteellä on tärkeä asema hänen tiedonfilosofiansa, ontologiansa ja moraalifilosofiansa täydentäjänä. Deweylle inhimillisen eksistenssin ytimessä on kasvuprosessi, jossa kokemuksesta muovataan demokraattista kulttuuria kommunikatiivisessa toiminnassa. Tähän pragmatistiseen merkityksen tuoton prosessiin (ja siihen liittyvään pedagogiseen projektiin) liittyy parhaimmillaan esteettinen ulottuvuus. Kasvu sulkee sisäänsä sekä välineellisiä että välittömästi koettuja momentteja. Taiteen tärkeänä tehtävänä on tuoda esiin kasvuprosessiin liittyviä esteettisiä momentteja osana pragmaattista merkityksen tuottoa. Taide käsittääkin Deweylla kaiken kulttuurisen toiminnan, johon liittyy keinojen ja päämäärien välinen tasapaino. Kasvattavana toimintana taide on means-ends-praksista, keinonsa ja päämääränsä tasapainottavaa yhteiskunnallista käytäntöä, joka pyrkii samanaikaisesti sekä välilliseen että välittömään hyvään. Taidekasvatukselle jäsentyy Deweyn naturalistisessa pragmatismissa kaksi päätehtävää: (1) harjoituttaa esteettisen ilmaisun ja havainnon mahdollisuuksia pragmaattisessa tekemällä oppimisessa ja (2) osoittaa taiteissa kulminoituvia inhimillisen merkityksentuoton paradigmaattisia momentteja. Musiikkikasvatusfilosofeille Deweyn filosofia voi avata uuden kriittisen horisontin, jossa sekä perinteinen esteettinen näkökulma että uudempi praksiaalinen näkökulma voivat kohdata toisensa naturalistisen pragmatismin eksperimentaalisessa viitekehyksessä.


Sue Ellen Richardson (11225625) 04 August 2021 (has links)
<p>Early childhood teachers pursuing associate degrees often repeated the college algebra course, demanding, “Why do we have to take this? We don’t teach algebra!” Expectations for their training were not well-aligned with their mathematics preparation or teaching work. I have taught the mathematics courses and young children and have worked for an early childhood practice, policy, and research agency. I wanted to learn about these teachers’ experiences as mathematics learners and teachers, with a goal to share the complex nature of their work with teacher educators and other stakeholders to identify better avenues for their mathematics training. I explored the questions: (1) What role, if any, do mathematical learning experiences play in early childhood teachers’ mathematics teaching practice? (2) In what ways do their voices contribute to the professional dialogue regarding teaching mathematics with young children? </p> <p>Dewey’s (1938/1998) <i>experience</i> construct provided lenses to examine early childhood teachers’ experiences learning and teaching mathematics. <i>Continuity</i>, <i>interaction</i>, <i>social control</i>, <i>freedom</i>, <i>purpose</i>, and <i>subject matter</i> provided insights and situated teachers’ experiences within a disparate patchwork of settings and policies. Two family childcare providers participated in this narrative inquiry (Clandinin & Connelly) through an interview on their experiences learning and teaching mathematics and three classroom observations. After analyzing data for Dewey’s (1938/1998) <i>experience</i> constructs, I used narrative analysis (Polkinghorne, 1995) and teaching images (Clandinin, 1985) to write an emplotted narrative for each teacher, Josie and Patsy.</p> Josie told a turning point story (Drake, 2006) of making mathematics “real,” influencing her mathematics teaching practice as she integrated “real” mathematics into everyday activities. Patsy’s appreciation for mathematics and building was seen in her story of a child explaining he used the wide blocks for his base, elaborating, “He's telling me HOW he's building.” While Josie and Patsy had few opportunities to learn about teaching mathematics with young children, they were eager to learn. I propose a training for early childhood teachers, iteratively working as a group to investigate a personal mathematics teaching puzzle or celebration, building on their mathematical personal practical knowledge. Adding my own story to those of the teachers, like Josie’s and Patsy’s, of our work together, will add to my understanding and development of my practice as a curriculum maker (Clandinin & Connelly, 1992), as early childhood teachers’ voices contribute to the professional dialogue about teaching mathematics with young children.

The Problem of Unfreedom

Hominh, Yarran Dylan Khang January 2021 (has links)
Can unfree people make themselves free? Some people are unfree because of the social and political conditions in which they find themselves. To become freer would require changing those conditions; yet changing them requires the exercise of freedom. So it seems like they must already be free in order to become free. Drawing on John Dewey, W.E.B. Du Bois, and B.R. Ambedkar, I argue that the unfree can make themselves free. Unfreedom involves external constraints and how those constraints shape people’s agency. Becoming freer involves coming to know, from the inside, how our agency has been shaped. We can change that shaping and in turn the social conditions. The problem of unfreedom is a vicious cycle. Social conditions constrain agency, which in turn further entrenches the social conditions. A virtuous cycle is possible. Agents can change their conditions, reducing the constraint on their agency, in turn enabling greater change. Conditions are unstable, and agents can take advantage of that instability.

Taking Education Seriously: Dewey and his Interlocutors

Alexander, Natalia Rogach January 2022 (has links)
What would it mean to take philosophy of education seriously, and why should we care about doing so now? This dissertation explores how John Dewey conceived of re-orienting philosophy to address contemporary challenges (such as the failings of democracies, estrangement between individuals and groups, experiences of routine and drudgery) by making education a central philosophical issue. My new reading of Dewey suggests that for him, philosophy of education wasn’t just a minor subfield of philosophy. To take philosophy of education seriously would mean to re-orient philosophy, placing questions about human development (and about the shape of human experience that emerges under the different arrangements, formal and informal, that educate us) at the center of philosophy. I argue that in his concern about this, Dewey belongs to the tradition of thought in which we might also include Du Bois, Plato and Rousseau, among others. Although recent scholarship contains significant and valuable contributions to our thinking about education, philosophy of education still remains outside what is seen as the “core” of the discipline. I hope to show that engaging carefully with Dewey’s thought can help us appreciate the promise of a subject that is often treated as if it were of secondary importance.

Exploring the Impact of Indian Contemplative Philosophy on Learning Scientific Inquiry in a Physics Classroom

Pandya, Raaghav January 2024 (has links)
The post-pandemic classroom dealt with not only the mental health struggles of educators and students, but also the technological and virtual learning dependence in a time ridden with misinformation. At this time, it was important to not only consider the purpose and intent of science education as a learning experience, but also pedagogical approaches that seek to actualize this very intent. The pedagogy of science has at its foundation the experience of inquiry beginning from self and expanding to the natural world. Explained by educationalists like John Dewey and Thomas Kuhn and in theory, implemented into classrooms through the Next Generation Science Standards, the potential of inquiry is to expand from a first-person experience to the wellbeing of community and society. Moreover, contemplative philosophies, such as Yoga, Vedanta, and Buddhist mindfulness, provide novel, yet ancient approaches to teaching this awareness through their pedagogical framework. Contemplative or spiritual pedagogies are those whose approach involves the exploration of subjectivity through introspection and empathy practices like meditation, journaling, and activism. In all, as the practitioner of these traditions and the educator-researcher in the classroom, I performed a qualitative study in phenomenology. I taught an AP Physics C class influenced by the lens of this contemplative paradigm, although this was not detached from the usual curriculum or interventional by nature. From emergent themes in the past student work and evaluation of their experience, I discovered the following: when an educator applied the approach of these wisdom traditions into the classroom curriculum, the resulting environment impacted a positive learning experience as it pertained to engaging science as inquiry. This study had an ambition to provide a novel approach to teaching and learning inquiry informed by the above-mentioned traditions.

Pragmatismo, democracia y educación : fuentes filosóficas de la pedagogía de John Dewey

Orozco Contreras, Richard Antonio 22 October 2013 (has links)
El pragmatismo es, desde su génesis, una reacción. Nace como reacción al racionalismo, a la actitud teorética, a la filosofía entendida como contemplación de la verdad, al carácter objetivante e imparcial del investigador. También es posible decir que el pragmatismo nace como reacción al cúmulo de dualismos que conlleva la tradición filosófica y en ese sentido, el pragmatismo nace como una filosofía que busca restaurar la continuidad propia de la vida humana.

O (Neo)pragmatismo como Eixo (Des)estruturante da Educação Contemporânea / The (new)pragmatism as (de)structural axis of contemporany education

SOARES, José Rômulo January 2007 (has links)
SOARES, José Rômulo. O (neo)pragmatismo como eixo (des)estruturante da educação contemporânea. 2007. 189f. . Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2007. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-10T12:37:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_Tese_JRSoares.pdf: 1102713 bytes, checksum: 5b65ba48a2d88a330c8d1b404c56a6e3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-17T13:44:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_Tese_JRSoares.pdf: 1102713 bytes, checksum: 5b65ba48a2d88a330c8d1b404c56a6e3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-17T13:44:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_Tese_JRSoares.pdf: 1102713 bytes, checksum: 5b65ba48a2d88a330c8d1b404c56a6e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / The present thesis looks into pragmatic philosophy and its historical ability for subsistence in the field of education. After some years of decline, pragmatism has reemerged in the form of neopragmatism, adjusted to a new context and imposing its principles upon contemporary education. The World Bank has been of crucial importance in the establishment of a new educational model, destined especially for the poor or “developing” countries. We analyzed the notion of society which underlies the political philosophy of John Dewey (1859-1952), an American Democrat and intellectual and perhaps the most influential pragmatic philosopher in education. We provide a critical analysis of his commitment to liberal democracy as well as his role as an influential intellectual in his country and elsewhere. Likewise, we examine the notion of society held by Richard Rorty (1931), the main advocate and driving force of the reemergence of pragmatism. In his redefinition of the phenomenon, Rorty attributes post-modern characteristics to pragmatism and questions the philosophical debate from Plato to Hegel, along with Marxism and analytical philosophy, which he considers to be philosophical systems dominated by metaphysics. In his antitheoretical and antiphilosophical outlook, Rorty proposes to hold creative conversations in which intersubjective relationships generate new words capable of solving everyday problems through enhanced use of language games suitable for each situation. Rorty believes that the improvement of society, for which he takes North American democracy as a model, requires the use of language games as a way of justifying beliefs, but not the purpose of reaching truth. Thus, to this neopragmatic thinker, social change should no longer rely on the great narratives, such as Marxism, which he thinks has lost its historical relevance. In contrast to the (neo)pragmatic approach and under the guidance of Marx and his followers, we see the presence of (neo)pragmatism as part of today’s capital crisis and urgent need to deal with humanity’s huge problems―problems generated by capital itself. Since (neo)pragmatism emerged in concert with the establishment of the United States, it has always been an essential support of the American, conservative way of life. Thus, we offer a critique of (neo)pragmatism through the ontology of the social being and considering work as a central ontological category of human life and essential element of human emancipation. / Este trabalho aborda a filosofia pragmática e sua capacidade histórica de recomposição no meio educacional. Após alguns anos de refluxo, o pragmatismo ressurge na forma de um neopragmatismo e se adequa ao contexto, ao mesmo tempo em que impõe seus princípios à educação contemporânea. Nessa direção, O Banco Mundial aparece como instituição fundamental na consecução de um novo modelo educativo, especialmente para os países pobres ou “em desenvolvimento”. No intento de atingir nossos propósitos investigativos, analisamos a concepção de sociedade subjacente à filosofia política de John Dewey (1859-1952), intelectual democrata dos Estados Unidos e o mais notável filósofo pragmático na educação. Nesse sentido, analisamos criticamente seu compromisso com a democracia liberal, como também seu papel de intelectual influente em seu país e no mundo. Da mesma forma, examinamos a concepção de sociedade veiculada por Richard Rorty (1931-2007), principal responsável pelo ressurgimento do pragmatismo, como também o seu maior difusor. Ao reeditar o pragmatismo, Rorty lhe atribui características pós-modernas e questiona o debate filosófico de Platão a Hegel, como também o marxismo e a filosofia analítica, para ele, sistemas filosóficos dominados pela metafísica. Em sua proposta antiteórica e antifilosófica, Rorty propõe a constituição de conversações criativas, nas quais as relações intersubjetivas criem novos vocabulários e esses passem a resolver seus problemas cotidianos utilizando cada vez mais e melhor, os jogos de linguagem propícios a cada situação particular. Para Rorty, o aperfeiçoamento da sociedade, da qual toma como modelo a democracia norte-americana, passa pelo uso dos jogos de linguagem, como forma de justificar crenças e jamais como meio de encontrar a verdade. Assim, para o autor neopragmático, a mudança social não se relaciona mais às grandes narrativas, como por exemplo, ao marxismo, que para o referido autor, perdeu seu sentido histórico. Na contracorrente da abordagem neo(pragmática) e sob a orientação de Marx e de seus adeptos, compreendemos a presença do (neo) pragmatismo como parte da atual crise do capital e de sua necessidade em responder aos graves problemas hoje vivenciados pela humanidade, problemas esses criados pelo próprio capital. Como filosofia nascida junto com a construção do império norte-americano, o (neo)pragmatismo se firma atualmente como aporte do estilo de vida americano, revelando-se, portanto, muito conservador. Assim, realizamos a crítica ao neo(pragmatismo) pela via crítica da ontologia do ser social e tomando o trabalho como categoria ontológica central na constituição da vida humana e também como elemento essencial da emancipação da humanidade.

O dualismo constituição-realidade: o instrumentalismo de John Dewey como alternativa ao discurso constitucionalista contemporâneo

ALVES, Pedro Spíndola Bezerra 13 April 2015 (has links)
ALVES, Pedro Spíndola Bezerra, também é conhecido em citações bibliográficas por: SPÍNDOLA, Pedro / Submitted by Pedro Barros (pedro.silvabarros@ufpe.br) on 2018-09-05T22:21:38Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO Pedro Spíndola Bezerra Alves.pdf: 892775 bytes, checksum: 65af9ede50741dce4629280d5a6d1872 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Alice Araujo (alice.caraujo@ufpe.br) on 2018-09-14T21:41:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO Pedro Spíndola Bezerra Alves.pdf: 892775 bytes, checksum: 65af9ede50741dce4629280d5a6d1872 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-14T21:41:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO Pedro Spíndola Bezerra Alves.pdf: 892775 bytes, checksum: 65af9ede50741dce4629280d5a6d1872 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-13 / CAPES / CNPq / Epistemologicamente, o pensamento ocidental está marcado por um dualismo – legado, historicamente, desde Platão e, modernamente, Descartes, com seu cogito – que se estende também ao pensamento jurídico. A forma como este dualismo é estruturado, a sua origem e seus efeitos foram investigados nesta pesquisa a partir do marco teórico da filosofia de John Dewey, com seu empirismo naturalista. Trata-se de uma postura que refuta qualquer dualismo, inclusive metodológico, tendo como foco a análise de qualquer fenômeno a partir de uma filosofia da experiência. É a partir desta perspectiva que o pensamento jurídico contemporâneo será desvelado no aspecto específico do dualismo que lhe funda de certo ângulo. Konrad Hesse, teórico associado à Jurisprudência Hermenêutica, foi o centro desta análise que é finalizada debruçando-se em um caso específico julgado pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, a fim de explicitar a presença do dualismo também neste âmbito específico, sendo escolhido o caso da ADI 3.510/DF. Assim, pretende-se desvelar o dualismo presente na teoria do direito e na jurisprudência da constituição e da realidade. A pertinência disso para o estudo do fenômeno jurídico na sociedade se dá – é o que se espera – na medida em que os processos de interação no âmbito deste fenômeno se deem de modo mais consistente tendo-se em conta a perspectiva epistemológica deweyana. / Epistemologically, Western thought is marked by a dualism – given, historically, since Plato and, modernly, Descartes, with his cogito - which also extends to legal thought. The way by which this dualism is structured, its origin and its effects were investigated in this study from the theoretical framework of the philosophy of John Dewey, with his naturalistic empiricism. It is an attitude that rejects any dualism, including methodological, focusing on the analysis of any phenomenon by a standpoint of a philosophy of experience. It is from this perspective that contemporary legal thinking will be unveiled in the specific aspect of the dualism that found it in certain angle. Konrad Hesse, theoretical associated with Hermeneutics Jurisprudence, was the core of the analysis which is completed with a specific case decided by the Supreme Federal Court in order to explain the presence of dualism also in this specific area; the case was the ADI 3.510 / DF. Thus sets up the dualism of legal theory - Hermeneutics Jurisprudence - the Constitution and the Reality. The relevance of this to the study of the legal phenomenon in society lies - is what is expected – inasmuch as the interaction processes under this phenomenon occur more consistently taking into account the Dewey's epistemological perspective.

Éducation à la démocratie par la coopération : étude sociohistorique des Coopératives jeunesse de services (CJS) au Québec

Oman, Alexia 26 May 2023 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 15 mai 2023) / Le désenchantement actuel à l'égard des démocraties libérales serait alimenté par « un sentiment de dépossession et d'impuissance » (Gauchet, 2018 : 59). Cette remise en question du régime politique des sociétés occidentales, dont les manifestations sont nombreuses et grandissantes, nous amène à réfléchir sur nos manières de concevoir le principe de démocratie. Selon le philosophe et pédagogue John Dewey (2018), la démocratie devrait être comprise comme « mode de vie », c'est-à-dire une manière d'être, de penser et d'agir dans ses dimensions autant politiques que sociales. Pour ce faire, la démocratie doit s'apprendre à travers l'éducation. En ce sens, les projets d'éducation populaire représentent une voie privilégiée pour l'apprentissage de pratiques démocratiques. On compte parmi eux le projet québécois (1988 - ) de Coopérative jeunesse de services (CJS), un programme estival dans le cadre duquel une quinzaine de jeunes « coopérant-e-s » offrent des services aux gens de leur communauté, et ce, aux quatre coins du Québec sous forme d'entreprise coopérative (Favreau et Lévesque, 1991). Depuis ses débuts, le projet (d'origine ontarienne) a évolué en fonction des personnes et des organisations qui l'ont encadré ainsi que du financement et des politiques qui lui ont éventuellement assuré sa pérennité. À partir de rapports évaluatifs du projet, d'observation participante ainsi que de quatorze entretiens semi-dirigés, cette étude analyse le projet CJS dans une perspective sociohistorique. Les résultats de la recherche permettent de conclure que l'expérience CJS, dans sa formule originale, peut être comprise comme une expérience qui participe à construire la démocratie comme « mode de vie », tel que l'entend Dewey. Cependant, les changements occasionnés depuis ses débuts, particulièrement ceux effectués en 2017, semblent être d'ordre sociopolitique, suggérant ainsi un basculement de certains principes d'éducation à la coopération vers d'autres principes qui relèvent davantage de l'entreprise privée. Toutefois, ces changements structuraux ne semblent pas occasionner de modifications importantes en ce qui concerne l'expérience vécue par les participant-e-s. / The current disenchantment with liberal democracies is said to be fueled by "a feeling of dispossession and powerlessness" (Gauchet, 2018: 59). This questioning of the political regime of Western societies, whose manifestations are numerous and growing, leads us to reflect on our ways of conceiving the principle of democracy. According to the philosopher and educator John Dewey (2018), democracy should be understood as a "way of life," that is, a way of being, thinking and acting in its political as well as social dimensions. To do this, democracy must be learned through education. In this sense, popular education projects represent a privileged path for learning democratic practices. Among them is the Quebec project (1988 - ) Coopérative jeunesse de services (CJS), a summer program in which some fifteen young "cooperants" offer services to the people of their community, all over Quebec, in the form of a cooperative enterprise (Favreau and Lévesque, 1991). Since its inception, the project (which originated in Ontario) has evolved according to the people and organizations that have supported it, as well as the funding and policies that eventually ensured its sustainability. Using project evaluation reports, participant observation and fourteen semi-structured interviews, this study analyzes the CJS project from a socio-historical perspective. The results of the research allow us to conclude that the CJS experience, in its original formula, can be understood as an experience that participates in the construction of democracy as a "way of life", as Dewey understood it. However, the changes that have taken place since its inception, particularly in 2017, seem to be of a socio-political nature, suggesting a shift from certain principles of education for cooperation to other principles that are more related to private enterprise. However, these structural changes do not appear to be causing significant changes in the experience of participants.

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