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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykiskt välbefinnande och psykisk ohälsa hos fotbollsdomare på elit-, region- och distriktsnivå

Hedberg, Viktor, Hörnfeldt, Rasmus January 2024 (has links)
Fotbollsdomare verkar ofta i stressfyllda miljöer som innefattar en risk för att utsättas för olikatyper av hot. Kunskapsläget kring fotbollsdomares psykiska hälsa och hur den kan tänkas skiljasig beroende på faktorer som serienivå och kulturell kontext är dock bristande. Den aktuellastudien ämnade undersöka huruvida det finns en skillnad i psykiskt välbefinnande och psykiskohälsa hos fotbollsdomare i Sverige utifrån vilken nivå de dömer. En viktig del av studien varäven att kontrollera för ett antal relevanta kovariat. För att fånga in de aktuellamåendefaktorerna användes formulären Brunnsviken Brief Quality of Life Scale, GeneralizedAnxiety Disorder 7-item scale, Patient Health Questionnaire, Insomnia Severity Index, EatingDisorder screen for Primary care och Shirom-Melamed Burnout-6 som utfallsmått. Urvaletbestod av 297 fotbollsdomare (12.1% kvinnor, 87.9% män, M = 33.8 år, SD = 13.0). Studienvar en kvantitativ tvärsnittsundersökning med differentiell design och inkluderade ettrepresentativt urval. Data samlades in via en internetadministrerad enkät. Resultaten visade attdet utifrån psykiskt välbefinnande och psykisk ohälsa inte finns några skillnader mellan domarepå olika nivåer. Samtidigt visade resultaten, exempelvis, att kvinnliga fotbollsdomare tenderaratt ha en sämre psykisk hälsa än manliga fotbollsdomare och att utsatthet för hot har en negativpåverkan på fotbollsdomares psykiska hälsa. Sammantaget visar resultaten att det vid insatseroch förebyggande åtgärder relaterat till fotbollsdomares psykiska mående kan vara nödvändigtatt rikta sig mot hela domarkåren, oberoende av nivå. / Football referees often operate in stressful environments involving a risk of exposure to varioustypes of threats. However, the knowledge regarding football referees' mental health and how itmay differ depending on factors such as the level of competition and cultural context is lacking.The current study investigated whether there is a difference in psychological well-being andmental health illness among football referees in Sweden based on the level at which theyofficiate. An important part of the study was to control for relevant covariates. To capture therelevant well-being factors the following outcome measures were used; Brunnsviken BriefQuality of Life Scale, Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale, Patient HealthQuestionnaire, Insomnia Severity Index, Eating Disorder screen for Primary care, and ShiromMelamed Burnout-6. The sample consisted of 297 football referees (12.1% women, 87.9%men, M = 33.8 years, SD = 13.0). The study was a quantitative cross-sectional survey with adifferential design and included a representative sample. Data were collected through aninternet-administered survey. The results indicated that there are no differences inpsychological well-being and mental health problems among referees at different levels. Theresult also showed that female soccer referees tend to have poorer mental health than malesoccer referees and that exposure to threats has a negative impact on soccer referees' mentalhealth. Overall, the results suggest that in interventions and preventive measures related to themental well-being of football referees, it may be necessary to target the entire refereeingcommunity, regardless of level.

Self-configuration experiences of intermediate phase learners with mild learning difficulties within the learner-teacher relationship / Suzaan Wessels

Wessels, Suzaan January 2014 (has links)
More often than not learners with learning difficulties are treated differently from normal mainstream learners. Often they experience themselves in a less positive manner because of the interactions with various teachers who may not always have enough patience to deal with these learners while trying to cope with large numbers of learners on a daily base. This study was conducted to explore self-configuration experiences of Intermediate Phase learners with learning difficulties within the learner-teacher relationship. Literature indicates that the self is a complex construct to define and can be interpreted in various ways. The researcher aimed to understand how the self is configured in experiences that learners have with their teachers and how these experiences contribute to and affect self-configuration. The theoretical frameworks of the Dialogical Theory of Self and the Gestalt Field Theory were used to gain an understanding of how vital relations and context are in the configuration experiences of the self. A qualitative case study with purposive sampling was conducted. The study was done at a single school where all the learners in the school have learning difficulties. There were nine learners that fell in the Intermediate Phase category and all of them were boys who voluntarily participated in the research. Data were collected by means of a semi-structured interview in which the participants were asked to use incomplete sentences and a visual map that they made to help them express their experiences. A follow-up interview was conducted to check that the meaning that the learner ascribed to his incomplete sentences and visual map was accurate and an opportunity was given to add something should the participant want to. Participants were given this opportunity as some of them had difficulty in expressing themselves adequately during the first session as a result of their learning difficulties in so much as they struggle to find words that express their feelings and what they wanted to communicate. Data were transcribed and analysed by means of thematic analysis. The study indicated that it was aspects such as quality time the teachers spent with the learners and the tone of voice of the teacher that contributed to the self-configuration experiences of the learners. Further research is necessary to determine whether this is the experience in other schools that cater for learners with learning difficulties and how this knowledge may be used to bring greater awareness to teachers to better understand how learners experience their relationship with regards to self-configuration. Quantitative studies can also be conducted to investigate the impact of teacher-learner relationships on self-configuration. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Self-configuration experiences of intermediate phase learners with mild learning difficulties within the learner-teacher relationship / Suzaan Wessels

Wessels, Suzaan January 2014 (has links)
More often than not learners with learning difficulties are treated differently from normal mainstream learners. Often they experience themselves in a less positive manner because of the interactions with various teachers who may not always have enough patience to deal with these learners while trying to cope with large numbers of learners on a daily base. This study was conducted to explore self-configuration experiences of Intermediate Phase learners with learning difficulties within the learner-teacher relationship. Literature indicates that the self is a complex construct to define and can be interpreted in various ways. The researcher aimed to understand how the self is configured in experiences that learners have with their teachers and how these experiences contribute to and affect self-configuration. The theoretical frameworks of the Dialogical Theory of Self and the Gestalt Field Theory were used to gain an understanding of how vital relations and context are in the configuration experiences of the self. A qualitative case study with purposive sampling was conducted. The study was done at a single school where all the learners in the school have learning difficulties. There were nine learners that fell in the Intermediate Phase category and all of them were boys who voluntarily participated in the research. Data were collected by means of a semi-structured interview in which the participants were asked to use incomplete sentences and a visual map that they made to help them express their experiences. A follow-up interview was conducted to check that the meaning that the learner ascribed to his incomplete sentences and visual map was accurate and an opportunity was given to add something should the participant want to. Participants were given this opportunity as some of them had difficulty in expressing themselves adequately during the first session as a result of their learning difficulties in so much as they struggle to find words that express their feelings and what they wanted to communicate. Data were transcribed and analysed by means of thematic analysis. The study indicated that it was aspects such as quality time the teachers spent with the learners and the tone of voice of the teacher that contributed to the self-configuration experiences of the learners. Further research is necessary to determine whether this is the experience in other schools that cater for learners with learning difficulties and how this knowledge may be used to bring greater awareness to teachers to better understand how learners experience their relationship with regards to self-configuration. Quantitative studies can also be conducted to investigate the impact of teacher-learner relationships on self-configuration. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Models of chemical bonding : Representations Used in School Textbooks and by Teachers and their Relation to Students´Difficulties in Understanding.

Bergqvist, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on how school textbooks and teachers present models of chemical bonding in upper secondary schools in Sweden. In science, as well as in science education, models play a central role, but research has shown that they often are difficult for students to understand. In science education, models are presented to students mainly through textbooks and teachers, and textbooks influence teachers’ teaching. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how textbooks and teachers present models of chemical bonding with respect to students’ difficulties in understanding. To analyze representations of models, an analytical framework based on research reports of students’ difficulties in understanding related to models in general and chemical bonding in particular was developed. The chapters of chemical bonding in five chemistry textbooks were analyzed. Further, ten Chemistry teachers’ lesson plans about chemical bonding and semi-structured interviews with the teachers concerning their teaching were analyzed. This analysis concerned teachers pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of teaching chemical bonding, with focus on knowledge of students’ difficulties in understanding and teaching strategies that take these difficulties into account. The results show that the teachers could specify examples of students’ learning difficulties, but the teaching strategies to promote the students’ understanding were limited. This indicates a deficient interaction between knowledge of difficulties in understanding and teaching strategies, two essential components of teachers’ PCK. Further, the models of chemical bonding represented in the textbooks and by the teachers might cause students’ difficulties in understanding. This indicates a gap between research of students’ difficulties in understanding and teaching practices as well as textbooks’ development. Further, the teachers’ representations of models were strongly influenced by the textbooks. Implications for textbooks’ authors, pre-service as well as in-service teachers are addressed. / <p>Papper 2 "Upper secondary teachers knowledge..." ingick i lic.uppsatsen som manuskript med titeln: "Swedish upper secondary teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge to teach chemical bonding". Nu publicerad. </p>

Matematikuppgifters språkliga dräkt - hjälp eller hinder? / The linguistic costume of mathematical tasks- help or hindrance?

Einarsson, Katrina, Karlsson, Yvonne January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka hur den språkliga dräkten i matematiska textuppgifter inverkar på elevernas förmåga att lösa uppgiften. Fokus i undersökningen har lagts på elever i matematiksvårigheter.   Utifrån teorier om olika svårigheter som språkets utformning kan ge inom matematik och svenska, fokuserades i den följande undersökningen på kategorierna signalord, kontextualisering och förstärkning av bild. Sex uppgifter valdes ut från läromedel för att omformuleras i ytterligare två varianter vardera. Undersökningen inleddes som en kvantitativ undersökning i årskurs fyra där eleverna fick lösa sex uppgifter. Utifrån resultatet valdes elever ut för kvalitativa intervjuer om textformuleringar. De intervjuade eleverna ingick i den definierade målgruppen.   Resultatet visar att eleverna har lättare att hitta svar när det finns ett signalord i uppgiften. De reagerar olika inför lösandet av en textuppgift, en del känner tilltro medan andra konstaterar att uppgiften inte går att lösa. Elever i matematiksvårigheter undviker att skriva uträkningar och enheter i svaren. / The purpose of this study was to examine how the linguistic costume in mathematical tasks affects students' ability to solve the task. The focus of the investigation was on students with mathematics difficulties.   Based on the theories of various difficulties in language design and how it can effect in Mathematics and Swedish, the investigation was focused on the categories signal words, contextualization and the strengthening of the illustration. Six tasks were selected from textbooks to be reformulated in two variants each. The investigation began as a quantitative survey in year four, where students were to solve six tasks. Based on the results pupils were selected for interviews about mathematical texts. The interviewed pupils belonged to the defined group.   The results show that the pupils easier can find answers when there is a signal word in the task. They react in different ways when they have to solve a task in mathematic. Some pupils have enough confidence to think they can solve it, while others feel that the task can not be solved. Students with mathematics difficulties avoid writing calculations and units of the answers.

När det inte blir som man har tänkt sig : - En fallstudie av undervisningssituationer med elever med behov av särskilt stöd

Gruvsjö, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Fallstudien beskriver och diskuterar några lektioner med elever som har specifika inlärnings-svårigheter, utifrån skolverkets Allmänna råd, och belyser vilka pedagogiskt svårhanterliga problem och dilemman som kan uppstå när det inte blir som läraren har planerat. Teorin om den proximala utvecklingszonen åskådliggörs. Aktivitetens betydelse för inlärning belyses. Komplexiteten kring lärarskap och ledarskap illustreras. Skolverkets teori om kunskap genom progression, enligt givna årskurser med givet innehåll, stämmer inte alltid med erfarenheterna hos några av verklighetens elever. Samspelet mellan lärare och elever belyses i studien. Be-skrivningar av utvecklingsrelaterade funktionsnedsättningar och psykiskt sårbara barn visar ytterligare hur elevers individuella förutsättningar kan ge konsekvenser för inlärning. / This case study describes and discusses the outcome of some lessons, according to skolver-kets Allmänna råd, given for pupils with specific learning difficulties. It shows pedagogical problems and dilemmas which might occur when things do not turn out as it was planned for. The theory of the zone of proximal development is described in broad outline. The im-portance of action as the foundation to learning is illustrated. The complex role of teaching in the classroom is explained. Skolverket pursue (the theory of) a progression plan, according to the assumption that in a certain grade the pupils learn already defined knowledge based on success from previous learnings, even though it does not always square with the experiences of the pupils state of mind. A brief account of developmental disabilities and psychologically vulnerable children further more pictures how the individual conditions of the pupils can give consequences for the ability to learn.

Möjligheter och hinder med ett lekpedagogiskt arbetssätt : En intervjustudie om pedagogers erfarenheter av att arbeta lekpedagogiskt / Possibilities and difficulties with an approach as pedagogical play : An interwiev study about preschool teachers experinences of working with pedagogical play

Eriksson, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med mitt examensarbete är att undersöka vad pedagoger i förskolan har för tankar och erfarenheter utav att arbeta med lekpedagogik? Vad anser de är möjligheterna och finns det några hinder med arbetssättet? I min undersökning har jag använt mig utav semistrukturerade intervjuer vilket betyder att intervjufrågorna är formade så att deltagarna får utrymme att besvara och tolka frågorna utifrån deras egen uppfattning av omvärlden. Med hjälp av en utformad intervjuguide har jag skapat frågor som berör olika områden som är relevanta för min undersökning. Mitt resultat visar på att pedagogerna tycker att det är riktigt roligt att arbeta lekpedagogiskt, de har viljan och engagemanget, men det är praktiska hinder såsom tid- och personalbyten som gör att de inte kan arbeta med det i den utsträckning som de skulle vilja. / The aim of my thesis is to examine preschool teacher’s thoughts and experiences of working with pedagogical play. What are their views of the possibilities of this way of work and are there any difficulties whit this approach? In my research I´ve been using semi-structured interviews which means that the interview questions are shaped so the participants have space to answer and to interpret based on their own perception of the outside world. Using a designed interview guide I´ve created questions that cover different areas that are of relevance to my research. My result shows that the preschool teachers think pedagogical play is an excellent approach. They have the will and commitment but there are some practical difficulties such as time constraints and personnel changes that make them unable to work with pedagogical play in the extent they would like.

Språkbarriärer mellan vårdpersonal och personer med invandrarbakgrund. : En litteraturöversikt utifrån vårdpersonalens perspektiv / Language barriers between health professionals and immi- grants : A literature review based on health professional’s perspective.

Osein, Michelle, Jafary, Somayeh January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett problem som ofta uppstår i mötet mellan vårdpersonal och invandrare som inte kan det inhemska språket i olika delar av världen är språkbarriärer. Syfte: Litteraturöversikten har som syfte att beskriva språkbarriärer mellan invand- rare och vårdpersonal med dess följder och hantering. Metod: Kvalitativ metod användes och datainsamling gjordes genom läsning av ve- tenskapliga artiklar som handlade om språkbarriärer i olika delar av världen. Efter kvalitetsgranskning användes 14 artiklar i resultatet. Fribergs femstegsmodell använ- des som modell när data analyserades. Resultat: Språkbarriärer som uppstår påverkar vårdens kvalité negativt och leder till försvårad kommunikation, vilket i sin tur leder till bristande information. Det skapar missförstånd och vårdpersonalen upplever oro, stress och frustration. Den bristande kommunikationen leder även till att det blir svårare för vårdpersonalen att skapa en relation med den vårdsökande. Vårdpersonalen använder sig av tolkar, den vårdsökan- des närstående, flerspråkig vårdpersonal och icke verbal kommunikation för att kunna hantera språkbarriärer. Slutsats: För att vårdpersonal ska kunna ge den vårdsökande en säker och god vård måste språkbarriärer hanteras. Vårdpersonalen ska så långt det går undvika att den stress, oro och frustration som skapas, tar över situationen. Istället bör vårdpersonalen använda sig av olika strategier och göra sitt bästa för att hantera problemet. / Background: A problem that often occuring in the interaction between health care workers and immigrants not speaking the native language are language barriers. Aim: This literature review aims to describe language barriers between immigrants and health care workers with the consequences and management, health professional’s perspective. Method: Qualitative method was used and data collection was done by reading scien- tific articles about language barriers in different parts of the world. After doing a qual- ity review, the authors could use 14 articles in the result. For analysis of data, the au- thors used Fribergs five step model. Results: Language barrier affects health care quality negatively. Language barriers lead to difficulties with communication, creating a lack of information for both parties. This could cause misunderstandings and also lead to anxiety, stress and frustration for health care workers. Lack of communication prevents creating good relationships. Health care workers use interpreter, relatives and health care workers who know two or more languages to overcome the language barrier. Conclusion: For a safe and good care, language barriers must be dealt with. Health care workers should avoid stress, anxiety and frustration. Different strategies should be used to handle the situation.

Att identifiera lässvårigheter hos elever i förskoleklass : En kvalitativ studie av sju lärares åsikter om möjligheter och svårigheter med tidig identifikation / Early identification of reading difficulties in young learners : A qualitative study of seven teachers’ views on advantages and difficulties with early identification

Strandberg, Christin January 2016 (has links)
En av lärarens allra viktigaste uppgifter är att lära alla elever att läsa. Tyvärr finns det alltid elever som stöter på problem i sin läsinlärning och som av en eller annan anledning utvecklar lässvårigheter. Forskning har visat att tidiga insatser är mest verkningsfulla vilket innebär att lärare måste klara av att tidigt identifiera de elever som kan komma att behöva extra stöd. Syftet med detta arbete är att synliggöra lärares åsikter kring tidig identifiering av de elever som riskerar att utveckla lässvårigheter samt att undersöka hur en eventuell identifiering går till i praktiken.   För att uppnå detta har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med sju lärare verksamma i förskoleklass. Intervjuerna har berört lärarnas syn på tidig identifiering, om möjligheter och svårigheter med tidig identifiering samt hur eventuell identifiering går till i praktiken. Resultatet visar att lärare anser att tidig identifiering av lässvårigheter är fördelaktigt och viktigt. Genom informella observationer av elevers språkutveckling och resultat från mer formella kartläggningar anser lärarna att de klarar av att identifiera de elever som ligger i riskzonen för att utveckla lässvårigheter. / One of the most important tasks teachers have is to teach all students how to read. Unfortunately, there are always students who encounter difficulties in their reading development and who, for one reason or another, develop reading difficulties. Research has shown that early intervention is most effective, which means that teachers need to identify these difficulties in students at an early stage. The purpose of this study is to highlight teachers’ opinions about early identification of those at risk of developing reading difficulties and investigate how teachers manage to conduct these identifications in practice.   This study consists of qualitative interviews with seven teachers in preschool class. The interviews have been focused around teachers’ views of early identification, on advantages and difficulties with early identification and how early identifications are done in practice. The results show that teachers believe that early identification of reading difficulties is advantageous and important. Through informal observations of students’ language development and results from more formal tests teachers believe that they are able to identify students who are at risk of developing reading difficulties.

Har finmotorisk utveckling betydelse vid skrivundervisningen? : En studie om skrivundervisning och synen på finmotorik i åk 1-3 / Does fine motor development have any meaning to writing tuition? : A study about writing tuition and the view on fine motor skills in year  1-3

Stenqvist, Sophie January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the teacher's approach to writing instruction and their view of fine motor development and fine motor difficulties for students in grades 1-3. By comparing a selection of teachers’ approaches to writing tuition and fine motor skills, with previous research it expects to gain a deeper understanding of the objective. In the study, qualitative semi-structured interviews and participant observation was used as a method. These interviews and observations were made with seven active Swedish teachers in grades 1-3. This gives an insight into teachers' views on fine motor skills and education, as well as how they see the adjustment of the writing instruction to students with fine motor difficulties. The results show that most of the teachers who participated in the study linked fine motor difficulties to the way students holding a pencil, as well as how they shape the letters. Most of the teachers say that they don´t practice fine motor exercises in the classroom, although the results shows that often it is done unconsciously. The first letter of the learning takes place mostly from a formal perspective. In most cases, when the first letter of the learning process is complete, the writing instruction, to some extent, starts from a functional perspective. / Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie är att få en fördjupad förståelse för lärares förhållningssätt till skrivundervisning och deras syn på finmotorisk utveckling och finmotoriska svårigheter hos elever i årskurs 1-3. Genom att jämföra ett urval lärares förhållningssätt till skrivundervisning och finmotorik samt att jämföra detta med tidigare forskning förväntas en fördjupad förståelse för syftet att införskaffas. I studien har kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och deltagande observationer använts som metod. Dessa intervjuer samt observationer har skett med sju verksamma svensklärare i årskurs 1-3. Detta ger en inblick i lärarnas syn på finmotorik och skrivundervisning samt hur de ser på anpassning av skrivundervisning till elever med finmotoriska svårigheter. Resultatet visar att de flesta lärare som medverkat i studien kopplar finmotoriska svårigheter till hur eleverna håller i en penna och hur de formar bokstäver. Några uttalade finmotoriska övningar sker inte i klassrummet, ändå sker dessa övningar många gånger, men då omedvetet. Den första bokstavsinlärningen visar sig till största del ske utifrån ett formellt perspektiv. När den första bokstavsinlärningen är färdig så övergår skrivundervisningen, i de flesta fall, även med utgångspunkt ur ett funktionellt perspektiv.

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