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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MOOC@TU9 – Common MOOC Strategy of the Alliance of Nine Leading German Institutes of Technology

Pscheida, Daniela, Herbst, Sabrina, Köhler, Thomas, Dubrau, Marlen, Zickwolf, Katharina 09 May 2019 (has links)
Purpose – Since April 2014, the alliance of leading German Institutes of Technology (TU9) has been jointly producing and running massive open online courses (MOOCs) on the subject of engineering. On the one hand, the collaborative MOOC@TU9 project aims to combine the unique characteristics and strengths of the engineering courses offered by the TU9 universities, making inter-institute, cooperative, open learning both visible and accessible. This will enhance both local teaching and the national and international marketing of the universities. On the other hand, the project also aims to help build communal experience and develop quality and production standards for the use of different MOOC formats in digital higher education teaching. In this sense, the MOOC@TU9 project contributes to the vital development of sustainable digitalisation strategies at German universities in the form of a feasibility study, which can then be used in other contexts as a valuable example of best practice. Design/methodology/approach – The MOOC@TU9 project has a primarily practical approach. The focus of the collaboration between the TU9 universities is therefore the discussion, exchange and coordination of concrete actions in addition to the evaluation and assessment of the solutions reached and implemented. The collaboration within the TU9 network results in inter-organisation working and learning processes for the parties and institutions involved. These have a particular value, as this is how, through collaboration, we can build an effective, sustainable, multi-dimensional experience. Originality/value – MOOC@TU9 is a joint inter-university project with the aim of strategically testing the possibilities, parameters and benefits of using massive open online courses in higher education teaching, the like of which has never been seen before in Germany. There is, therefore, currently no systematic development of quality and production standards for MOOCs: a gap, which MOOC@TU9 is actively attempting to fill. Practical implications – Results and findings of the project are not only taken from specific practical work, they are also fed directly back into it. In this respect, it can and should provide valuable insights not only for course participants, but also for other universities and/or initiatives.

Digital Strategy in the Asset Management Industry : Strategize your Digital Transformation; A Case Study / Digital Strategi inom Kapitalförvaltningsindustrin : Lägg upp den digitala strategin; en fallstudie

HERTZ, MARCUS January 2018 (has links)
Digital transformation is an advancement in the wake of digitalization and have affected many industries and organizations during the recent decade. Due to both internal and external factors, this transformation is currently hitting the financial institutions and the asset management industry. Pressure from newcomers in the industry that have utilized the new technology and are taking over market share from larger banks. For asset managers to be able to hold on to their position in the market they will have to develop firm and sustainable digital strategies alongside the technological development. Regulations are toughening the industry and it is ever as important to report correct information about all your products. This thesis project will focus on asset managers who are facing such digital transformation and look at the key drivers of the digital strategy. The research was conducted via a qualitative method using interviews to gain further understanding of what the key driver are and the issues a legacy technical system can have on a team in asset management. The results found indicates the importance of adopting a digital strategy that is fit for the digitalization wave happening in the industry. Three main drivers were found to be most relevant, Human Capital, Digitalization \& Technology, and External Factors. The importance to focus on these three drivers when constructing the digital strategy is argued. The analysis has been in cooperation with an asset manager, however the digital strategy drivers could also be applied on other industries that are facing digital transformation. / Digital transformation är en fortsättning av vågen av digitalisering och har påverkat många industrier och organisationer det senaste årtiondet. Både på grund av interna och externa faktorer så har den här transformationen nätt finansiella institutioner och asset managementindustrin. Press från nykomlingar i industrin har utnyttjat nya teknologier och har börjat ta över marknadsandelar från bankerna. För att asset managers ska lyckas hålla kvar i sin dominanta position i marknaden så måste de utveckla starka och hållbara digitala strategier tillsammans med den tekniska utvecklingen. Regelverk blir allt tuffare i industrin och det blir allt mer viktigt att rapportera korrekt information om alla sina produkter. Det här examensarbetet kommer fokusera på asset managers som just nu möter sådan digital transformation och kommer titta på vad som är de viktigaste aspekterna i den digitala strategin. Arbetet har genomförts med kvalitativa metoder i form av intervjuer för att samla vidare information om vad som är just de viktigaste aspekterna. även analysera dem problemen som kan uppstå med förlegade tekniska system inom asset management. De funna resultaten indikerar vikten av att anamma en digital strategi som är passande den digitaliserings våg som just ni sker i industrin. De tre huvudaspekterna som hittades var, Det Mänskliga Kapitalet, Digitalisering & Teknologi och Externa Faktorer. Vikten av att fokusera på dessa tre aspekter när man konstruerar den digitala strategin har diskuterats. Analysen har gjorts i samarbete med en asset manager, men dessa huvudaspekter kan också bli applicerbara i andra industrier som möter digital transformation när man utvecklar den digitala strategin.

Digitala verktyg i skolan : en kvalitativ analys av förutsättningar och användning hos elever i fjärde klass / Digital tools in schools : a qualitative analysis of prerequisites and use among students in fourth grade

Davidsson, Emma, Hotaki, Mirwais, Storberg, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Sverige har en ambition om att bli bäst i världen på att tillvarata digitaliseringens möjligheter, en central del i detta är att tidigt säkerställa digital kompetens hos unga. Därav att det görs satsningar på att barn ska ha tillgång till digitala verktyg av olika slag i skolmiljö. Av intresse är därmed att erhålla förståelse för hur de använder sig av de tillhandahållna digitala verktygen och vad deras åsikter kring det är, vilket är vad denna studie ämnar undersöka. Datainsamlingen har gjorts i form av fyra observationstillfällen som fördelats på två klasser tillhörande årskurs fyra. Fördelat på dessa skedde ett urplock av sex respondenter som det genomfördes intervjuer med, det användes även av informanter i form av deras klassföreståndare och en lärare/IT-samordnare. I arbetet med att analysera datan gjordes en innehållsanalys i vilken kategorier tillämpbara både för observation och intervju fastställdes. Resultatet visade att digitala verktyg var något som användes i hög grad och att det finns ett spektrum av vilka som förekom. Överlag har det konstaterats att eleverna huvudsakligen ser fördelar med det, men har en medvetenhet om baksidan med detta också. Det framkom bland annat att en vanlig uppgift var att skriva texter, något som uppskattades att göra på datorn då det inte framkallade smärta i handen likt användandet av papper och penna kunde göra. För att kunna dra slutsatser om detta fördes en diskussion kring tidigare forskning i relation till erhållet resultat. / Sweden has an ambition to become the best in the world in making use of the opportunities of digitalization, a central part of this is to ensure early digital competence among young people. Therefore, investments are being made to ensure that children have access to digital tools of various kinds in the school environment. It is therefore of interest to gain an understanding of how they use the digital tools provided and what their opinions are about it, which is what this study intends to investigate. The data collection has been done in the form of four observation sessions which are distributed between two classes belonging to year four. Distributed among these, a selection of six respondents took place with whom interviews were conducted, informants in the form of their class teachers and a teacher/IT coordinator were also interviewed. In the work of analyzing the data, a content analysis was made in which categories applicable to both observations and interviews were established. The result showed that digital tools were something that was used to a high degree and that there is a spectrum of which tools occurred. Overall, it has been found that students mainly see advantages to it, but have an awareness of the downside of this as well. Among other things, it emerged that a common task was to write texts, something that was appreciated to be done on the computer as it did not cause pain in the hand like the use of paper and pencil could. In order to be able to draw conclusions about this, a discussion was held about previous research in relation to the results obtained.

La stratégie numérique des partis politiques québécois lors de la campagne électorale de 2018

Martel, Marc-Antoine 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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