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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på arbetsmarknaden : Risk för teknologisk arbetslöshet eller chans till nya jobbmöjligheter? / The effects of digitalization on the labour market : Does it contribute to technological unemployment or new job opportunities?

Ölund, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Nya dator– och robotsystem utvecklas ständigt och är på väg in i så gott som alla branscher. En mycket omdiskuterad artikel från USA har med anledning av detta beräknat en så kallad automatiseringssannolikhet för samtliga yrkesgrupper i landet. 2010 gjorde författarna ett försök att förutspå framtiden och drog slutsatsen att 47 procent av alla yrken i USA kommer att försvinna till följd av automatisering under de kommande 20 åren. Denna studie undersöker, med hjälp av måttens svenska motsvarighet, i vilken utsträckning digitaliseringen påverkat sysselsättningsfördelningen i Sverige mellan 2001-2013. Då fler faktorer naturligtvis kan ha betydelse har variabler såsom sannolikhet för att flytta delar av produktionsprocessen utomlands (offshoring) och grad av rutinmässighet (RTI) också tagits med i modellerna. Resultatet visade att det finns ett statistiskt säkerställt samband mellan förändringen i andel sysselsatta i ett yrke och yrkets automatiseringssannolikhet, även om effekten är svag. Ju högre automatiseringssannolikhet ett yrke har, desto sämre har sysselsättningsutvecklingen i termer av yrkets andel av den totala sysselsättningen varit. Även RTI och offshoring uppvisar ett negativt samband med sysselsättningsutvecklingen.

Digitalisering och kundlojalitet inom banksektorn

Rozmus, Joanna, Naaom, Rita January 2017 (has links)
Digitaliseringen inom banksektorn har under de senaste åren utvecklats konstant. De stora förändringar som har skett inom banksektorn har lett till att konsumenterna idag kan utföra sina banktransaktioner vilken tid som helst på dygnet, utan att behöva besöka ett bankkontor. De digitala verktygen representerade huvudsakligen av Internetbanken, Telefonbanken, Mobilt BankID och Swish har underlättat för konsumenterna att hantera sina ärenden på ett smidigt och enkelt sätt, vilket har lämnat sina spår på den marknaden som bankerna verkar i. En stor del av bankkontoren i Stockholms län avvecklas då den fysiska kontakten minskar. Storbankerna SEB, Swedbank, Handelsbanken samt Nordea får nu en mycket stor utmaning att skapa kundlojalitet med konsumenterna då kundkontakten försvinner. Detta gör det även svårare för storbankerna att knyta kontakt med nya konsumenter. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur en utökad digitalisering av tjänster påverkar kundlojalitet till bankerna på den svenska marknaden. Uppsatsen ger en översikt av valda marknadsförings teorier och relevanta begrepp avseende bankens digitalisering och dess påverkan på kundlojaliteten. Därefter presenteras val av metod och motivet bakom valet. I den empiriska delen presenteras undersökningsdata med tillhörande analys av de insamlade data. Studien avslutas med en sammanfattad diskussion kring resultat och därefter redovisas studiens slutsats. / Digitalization in the banking sector has evolved steadily in recent years. The major changesthat have taken place in the banking sector have led consumers to carry out their bank affairs atany time of the day without having to visit a bank office. The digital tools represented mainlyby the Internet Bank, Telephone Bank, Mobile BankID and Swish, have made it easier forconsumers to handle their banking transactions in a smooth and easy way, which has left theirmark on the market in which banks operate. A large part of the bank offices in StockholmCounty are ceased as physical contact is reduced. The big banks SEB, Swedbank,Handelsbanken and Nordea have a very big challenge now to create customer loyalty withconsumers as the customer contact disappears. This makes it even harder for major banks toconnect with new consumers. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how an increased digitalization of services affectscustomer loyalty to the banks in the Swedish market. The essay provides an overview ofselected marketing theories and relevant concepts regarding the bank's digitization and itsimpact on customer loyalty. Thereafter, the choice of method and the motivation behind theselection are presented. In the empirical part, survey data are presented with the accompanyinganalysis of the collected data. The study concludes with a summary discussion of results andafterwards the conclusion is presented.

Digitaliseringens pris : En studie om det digitala verktyget Workday och dess påverkan på mellanchefens profession och autonomi

Kämäräinen, Victoria, Hogevall, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Catching the Wave of Digitalization : Digital innovation at a local newspaper

Westbergh, Mårten, Gustafsson, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
Several industries have been affected by digitalization over the last decade. Currently the world of printed media is experiencing numerous turbulent changes. Printed newspapers are increasing their presence online and starting to compete in digital channels. This makes for an interesting area of research. With this study we hope to create a greater understanding for how the newspaper industry is affected by digital technology. The theoretical framework of this study is based upon Christensen’s (2005) concept of disruptive technology as well as Yoo & Lyytinen et al. (2010) theories on digitalization and digital innovation. We conducted a case study at the local newspaper Alpha News. Five semi- structured interviews were performed with different employees with various distinct roles; all of them important to obtain an insight into the changes occurring at Alpha News. In our study we are able to identify several aspects of changes due to digitalization within Alpha News. The printed newspaper, for instance, faces a steady decline in subscription rates due to the readers increased reliance on digital alternatives for local news. Other shown effects of the digitalized business where also revealed. The pace of change, the use of technological aids, as well as the reader-relationship, all act as examples of these shown effects.

English in the digital era : Swedish grades 4-6 teachers’ use of pupil’s extramural English experience of new media

Helgesson, Joy January 2018 (has links)
Technology advances at a fast rate and pupils encounter a larger amount of English outside school than they do in the EFL classroom. In addition, an update to the Swedish curriculum (LGR 11), that concerns digitalization takes effect in July this year (2018). That is why this thesis aims to explore Swedish EFL teachers’ use of pupils’ extramural (out-of-school) English experience of new media in the EFL classroom. New media is a means of mass communication, a product or service that provides entertainment or information through a computer or the Internet. New media is generally created by the users and for this thesis, relevant new media are social media, social networks sites, online streaming, fan sites and gaming. The results of this study show that about two-thirds of the 27 teachers surveyed in this study have used new media in their English teaching sometime in the last two years. Most of the teachers use it because they are interested in new media, to catch the attention of the pupils or because they find the content of new media useful for their teaching. One-third of the teachers did not use new media and reported that they did not have sufficient knowledge on how to use new media in their English teaching. The results also show that even though new media is used by many of these teachers, the use of it is basic and few reflections are made during the use of new media. Further research about why teachers lack knowledge and how the use of new media can be extended would arguably give a better understanding of teachers’ use of pupils’ extramural English experience of new media. / <p>Engelska</p>

A case study of IoT companies active in the Swedish market; online marketingstrategies and online communication

Gulliksson, Peder, Riis, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how Swedish IoT companies use online marketing strategies and online communication to reach out to their prospects and customers.

The Digitalization of Omvärlden : a qualitative content analysis of a magazine

Youhanan, Liza January 2017 (has links)
The journalistic field is facing a paradigm shift with the digitalization of offline publications. This research aims to study the Swedish magazine Omvärlden, who since January 2015 has completely converted to an online magazine. The research aims to understand how this digitalization process has affected the content of Omvärlden and if it still upholds classic journalistic quality. Thus the research question is ”how has the digitalization of the magazine Omvärlden affected the journalistic content published on their digital platforms? ”. A qualitative content analysis was performed and the data was anchored in the concept of news form. The analysis was conducted in three steps; 1) comparing the offline magazine with the online magazine, 2) comparing collected data from one single day, June 5th 2017, from all of Omvärlden’s digital platforms; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Omvarlden.se and Omvarldenberattar.se and finally 3) following an article and comparing how the story is shaped in each digital platform. The results pointed in several directions indicating that the content is indeed adapted to the various digital channels but to different extent. Classic journalistic logics intertwine with digital logics as the content is shaped and re-shaped depending on the platform of publication. The content is both fragmented and adjusted to social and digital media logics. On the other hand, it is also coherent and in accordance with classic journalistic content and news form . Due to the ever changing media environment the research shows journalistic content will have to adapt to several media logics when shaping the content.

Risker i den digitala revisionsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska revisorer identifierar och hanterar digitala risker

Gumpert, Theodor, Allert, Carl January 2017 (has links)
As a result of technological improvements, the efficiency of the audit industry increased greatly in the 1950’s. Since then, technological development has increased significantly. The industry is currently undergoing a digitalization process, similar to that already experienced by the society. The audit agencies researched in this study are striving to replace paper-based audits and to be completely digitalized, by using digital auditing tools throughout the entire audit process. Prior research, regarding the digitalization of the audit process, has focused on the advantages or the disadvantages. How the auditors in practice identify and handle digital risks is, however, lacking in this earlier research. The purpose of this study is to understand how auditors identify and handle the risks that digitalization entails in the gathering and use of digital audit evidence. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the gathering of empirical evidence has been based on a qualitative method. Twelve respondents, nine of whom are auditors and three audit associates, were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. Conclusions generated by this study are that IT skills, experience, industry knowledge and the understanding of the company audited are the fundamental factors affecting the auditor's ability to identify and handle digital risks. Furthermore, the risks due to digitalization have neither increased nor become of greater importance than previously, rather the opposite. The advantages resulting from the digitalization of the audit process outweigh the disadvantages. Overall, the digitalization affects the auditor's ability to comment on a company's financial reports and management in a positive manner.

Revisionens digitala transformering ställer nya krav på utförandet

Antonsson, Johan, Haack, Lisa, Paulsson, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Revisionens digitala transformering ställer nya krav på utförandet Författare: Johan Antonsson, Lisa Haack och Johan Paulsson Program: Ekonomprogrammet - inriktning redovisning och ekonomistyrning Handledare: Petter Boye Institution: Ekonomihögskolan på Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar   Inledning: I många år har digitaliseringen tagit allt mer plats i samhället, både hos individen men även företagen. Arbetsmarknaden har förändrats då arbeten försvunnit, men även nya uppkommit. Inom revisionsbranschen används nya affärssystem som ska underlätta för revisorn och därmed öka produktiviteten i arbetet. De nya affärssystemen kommer dock även med risker, de kan vara svårförståeliga, tidskrävande eller öppna upp för informationsstöld.   Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att förklara hur digitaliseringen har påverkat arbetsmetodiken och på så vis hur riskerna inom revisionen förändrats. Vår förhoppning är att resultatet ska leda till att revisionsbranschen och revisionens intressenter får en ökad förståelse för ämnet.   Metod: Vi har använt en abduktiv ansats för att kunna öka förståelse för vårt ämne. För att kunna fördjupa oss i ämnet användes en kvalitativ metod där yrkessamma revisorer intervjuades för att vi skulle kunna uppfylla studiens syfte. Det motiveras även varför vi använt just de källor vi valt samt kritik mot dem.   Slutsats: Vi kom fram till att arbetsmetoden underlättas då nya analysverktyg hjälper revisorn i sitt vardagliga arbete. Det har lett fram till att revisionsriskerna sänkts då programmen kan stå för en stor del av arbetet och revisorn bara behöver lite manuell handpåläggning. Däremot förutsätter det att revisorn besitter en viss IT-kunskap för att revisionsriskerna ska säkerställas som minskade. Om IT-kunskapen inte finns förhöjs riskerna istället, vilket i framtiden kan bli ett mera aktuellt problem. Vi tror att kraven för att bli auktoriserad revisor kan komma behöva förändras. / Abstract Title: The audit's digital transformation requires new demands on the execution Authors: Johan Antonsson, Lisa Haack and Johan Paulsson Program: Ekonomprogrammet - inriktning redovisning och ekonomistyrning Advisor: Petter Boye Institution: Ekonomihögskolan på Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar   Introduction: For several years digitalization has taken increasingly more room in the society, both for the individual and for the company. The labor market has changed because work has disappeared but new jobs have also been created. Within the accounting profession new ERP systems are being used to make the work easier for the auditor and thereby increase the productivity in the work. The new ERP systems comes with new risks, they can be hard to understand, time consuming or opening up avenues for information thefts.   Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to explain how digitalization has impacted the work process of auditers and how the risks have changed in the auditing process.   Method: We have used an abductive approach to be able to increase our understanding for the subject. To deepen our understanding of the subject we used a qualitative method where auditors were interviewed. We also discuss why we have chosen the sources we chose and critique against them.   Conclusion: Our conclusion is that the work process has become easier due to new analyzing programs which helps the auditor in their daily work. This has led to a decrease in auditing risk because the programs can do a lot of the work and the auditor only need to do some of the manual work. However, this requires that the auditor possess some IT knowledge, otherwise the auditing risk can´t be ensured to be decreased. If the IT knowledge doesn´t exist the risks will increase instead, which in the future might become a more important problem. We believe that the qualifications required to become an authorized auditor may need to change for the future.

Public Relations &amp; Digitaliseringen : En kvalitativ analys av svenska PR-aktörer

Hellström, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
This study intends to explore and give insight in how the Swedish PR-profession has evolved due to digitization, in reference to the science expectations of the professions evolvement.Through qualitative interviews, six Public Relations practitioners has supplied this study with the empirical basis which with an interpretive analysis generates a comprehensive insight into the Swedish public relations profession. This study has analyzed the PR-practitioner’s descriptions of their communicative activities through Grunig and Hunts (1984) four communicative models and with consideration to social contexts. The digitization and the emergence of social media is described by science as the beginning of a new communicative paradigm, which entails a development towards symmetrical dialogue that will generate mutual understanding between the organization and stakeholders (Grunig, 2009). This analysis shows that the Swedish public relations profession exhibit tendencies to evolve with scientific prophecy. The study also shows that the organizations still widely don’t operates with the symmetrical two-way model.

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