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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Equality and non discrimination in tertiary education for the visually impaired

Justin Pillay January 2009 (has links)
<p>The focus of this paper is the right of the visually impaired to access tertiary education that is not unfairly discriminative and unequal. The study is intended to highlight the inadequacy in the current legislation on equality such as the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000 and the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997 in properly promoting the ideals and purpose of constitution. Furthermore to analyse the constitutional court's approach to equality and non discrimination in order to provide solutions and recommendations for changes to existing legislation that is indeed to be effective.It also aim to define what it means to have equality for the visually impaired, more especially in tertiary education through the constitutional court's definition of equality...</p>

The right to freedom of religion in the public domain in South Africa

Lenaghan, Patricia Michelle January 2010 (has links)
<p>Within the context of South Africa&lsquo / s diverging religious, cultural and social backgrounds, new questions on the nature of a multicultural society are raised from the perspective of human rights.&nbsp / The universality and indivisibility of human rights are challenged by this diversity and consequently implies that standards, concepts and structures for implementation have to be reconsidered.&nbsp / International and national standards are being (re)interpreted and attention is not only focused on the contents of the norms but on the limitations imposed thereupon. The debate on whether limits should be set in permitting or accommodating cultural or religious pluralism is becoming extremely relevant. The manner in which these questions are responded to&nbsp / is even more prominent in the light of our history of apartheid which has disregarded respect for religious and cultural diversity. In the scope of this research emphasis will be placed on the&nbsp / right to freedom of religion and in particular the limitation of the right to religion in an attempt to balance conflicting rights and accommodates religious diversity. The right to freedom of religion&nbsp / albeit constitutionally entrenched is subject to reasonable and justifiable limitations. However, no clear guidelines have been formulated on the criteria for limiting the right to freedom of&nbsp / religion. The main aim of this research is to find guiding criteria to facilitate the imposition of limitations on the right to freedom of religion. The limitations of the right to freedom of religion are&nbsp / interrelated with the following research questions: Firstly, the definition afforded to the right to freedom of religion in accordance with national and international standards / secondly, the relationship between culture and religion and any interconnection that exists between these rights. This is followed by the influence of the particular value framework or normative commitments&nbsp / f the judiciary on the interpretation of the right to religion, as well as the relationship between the state and religion. The above issues will be researched both on a national and&nbsp / an international level. The aim is to conduct research that will build on an appreciation of the guidelines that should be employed in ensuring the protection of the right to freedom of religion. To this end comparisons will be drawn with other legal&nbsp / systems, which on the one hand acknowledge the protection of the right to freedom of religion and on the other hand have to find ways in which the right can be balanced in the event of conflict. It is envisaged that the research of the criteria imposed on the limitation of the right to religion both on a national and an international level will assist in suggesting criteria that will influence&nbsp / scholarly debate on the topic. In addition that this debate will allow for the formulation of a transformative approach within the South African context that sanctions the celebration of diversity in all&nbsp / its aspects and in particular the right to freedom of religion.<br /> &nbsp / </p>

Capabilities and Civil Disobedience : A comparative analysis of The Capability Approach

Daniel, Larsson January 2015 (has links)
This essay investigates whether Amartya Sen’s or Martha Nussbaum’s version of the capability approach is better suited to justify civil disobedience. The theoretical framework of my study is critical discourse analysis. This aims to establish the most significant conditions for the justification of civil disobedience. An interpretation of the conception of civil disobedience is presented. The investigation assumes that civil disobedience is justified when people advocate for a change in a policy or a law that limits the securing of basic capabilities. A major part of the essay is devoted to clarifying how the idea of basic capabilities relates to civil disobedience. I also emphasize the importance of human dignity as a universal value. I argue that this value is crucial to realizing why some capabilities are more basic than others. I show that Nussbaum is in a better position than Sen to explain when civil disobedience can be justified. This is because Sen lacks a framework of basic capabilities leaving it up to each nation to assess which capabilities ought to be secured.

De sövdas röst : Operationssjuksköterskans strategier för att bevara den sövda patientens integritet och värdighet / The voice of the anesthesized patient : The strategies of the operating theatre nurse to preserve the anesthesized patient's integrity and dignity

Möller, Annika, Fredén, Lena January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att opereras sätter patienten i en utsatt situation där personliga och kroppsliga gränser överskrids. Då patienten sövs har hon ännu mindre kontroll över vad som sker och den perioperativa sjuksköterskan blir den som måste bevara hennes värdighet och integritet. På flera intensivvårdsavdelningar kommunicerar personalen med den sövda patienten då de utgår ifrån att hon kan höra och minnas det som sägs även under anestesi. Detta synsätt är till synes inte lika utbrett inom operationsvården. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av hur de upprätthåller den sövda patientens integritet och värdighet. Metod: Tre fokusgruppsintervjuer utfördes på två sjukhus i södra Sverige. I studien deltog 12 operationssjuksköterskor med arbetslivserfarenhet från ett halvår upp till 44 år. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades och datan analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra kategorier med underkategorier identifierades som beskrev operationssjuksköterskans bevarande av den sövda patientens integritet och värdighet. Dessa var: att bevara patientens kroppsliga integritet, att försvara patienten, att ha ett empatiskt förhållningssätt och att följa upp kränkningar mot patienter. Konklusion: Bevarandet av den sövda patientens värdighet och integritet är en komplex fråga, där den kroppsliga integriteten lätt tar överhanden. Implementeringen av ett arbetssätt där den sövda patienten antas kunna uppfatta en del av det som händer på operationssalen skulle kunna leda till att alla delar av värdigheten och integriteten lättare bevaras. Operationssjuksköterskan har en viktig roll i att se till hela människan och hennes behov. Det är många faktorer som påverkar vilka strategier som används av sjuksköterskan och det krävs ett reflekterande förhållningssätt. Organisationen har ett ansvar för att främja arbetsmiljön och teamsamarbetet för att på bästa sätt möjliggöra bevarandet av patientens värdighet och integritet. / Background: Surgery puts the patient in a vulnerable situation where personal and physical limits are exceeded. An anesthetized patient has even less control over what is happening and the perioperative nurse has to maintain the dignity and integrity of the patient. In many intensive care units, the staff communicates with the anesthetized patient assuming she can hear and remember what is said even under sedation. This approach doesn’t seem to be as widespread in surgical care. Objective: The objective was to describe the surgical nurses' experiences of how they maintain the anesthetized patient integrity and dignity. Method: Three focus group interviews were conducted at two hospitals in southern Sweden. The study enrolled 12 operating theatre nurses with work experience from six months up to 44 years. The interviews were recorded and transcribed and the data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Four categories with subcategories were identified that described how the operating theatre nurses maintained the integrity and dignity of the anesthetized patient. These were: to preserve the patients’ bodily integrity, defending the patient, to have an empathetic approach and to follow up on violations towards patients. Conclusion: Maintaining the anesthetized patient's dignity and integrity is a complex issue, where bodily integrity often takes precedence. The implementation of an approach where the anesthetized patient is assumed to be able to understand a part of what happens in the operating room could lead to the preservation of the patients’ dignity and integrity as a whole. The operating theatre nurse has an important role to care for the whole person and her needs. There are many factors that influences the strategies used by the nurses that also requires a reflective approach. The organization itself has a responsibility to promote the work environment and team collaboration to best enable the preservation of the patients’ dignity and integrity.

En kritisk diskursanalys av "Värdigt liv i äldreomsorgen" : Fyra diskurser kring äldre / A Critical Discourse Analysis of "Dignity in Elderly Care" : Four Discourses on Elderly

Palmebring, Isabella, Sjöstedt Jonsson, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att synliggöra diskurser kring äldre i en offentlig text samt vilka konsekvenser dessa kan medföra för äldre inom äldreomsorgen utifrån begrepp som makt, socialt ordningskapande och åldersordning. För att uppnå detta syfte har vi studerat den statliga offentliga utredningen ”Värdigt liv i äldreomsorgen” (SOU 2008:51). Metod och teori har varit en kritisk diskursanalys som betraktar att diskurser genom språk och text är en del av konstruerandet av den sociala verkligheten. Den kritiska diskursanalysen uppmärksammar även att det finns icke-diskursiva element som påverkar diskurser i dialektik. Det vill säga att utsagorna i materialet kan reproducera befintliga diskurser men även konstruera nya kunskaps- och betydelsesystem. Resultatet visar på fyra diskurser som urskilts i utredningen vilka är välfärdsdiskursen, värdighetsdiskursen, empowermentdiskursen och marknadsdiskursen. Sammanfattningsvis visar slutsatserna att regeringen och utredningen både reproducerar och konstruerar nya kunskaps- och betydelsesystem. Exempelvis påverkar dessa hur värdigt liv och välbefinnande definieras och vad det innebär, hur det offentliga ansvaret för detta ska vara samt hur mycket det får kosta. I sin tur får detta faktiska konsekvenser för äldre inom äldreomsorgen bland annat genom att det kan påverka resursfördelning på så sätt att värdigt liv och välbefinnande, förutom implementering, inte anses medföra ökade kostnader.

Imperatives of the Gospel and imperatives of the South African Constitution regarding the right to life : a Christian ethical perspective / S.P. Giles

Giles, Stephen Paul January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Th.M. (Ethics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Imperatives of the Gospel and imperatives of the South African Constitution regarding the right to life : a Christian ethical perspective / S.P. Giles

Giles, Stephen Paul January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Th.M. (Ethics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Att vårdas i en flerbäddssal : En litteraturöversikt om patienters erfarenheter av att vårdas i en flerbäddssal / Being cared for in multiple-bed room : A literature review of patients experiences of being cared for in multiple-bed room

Nieminen, Cecilia, Tomic, Jelena January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att vårdas i en flerbäddssal med andra medpatienter kan medföra både positiva och negativa erfarenheter för patienter. När en människa intar rollen som patient hamnar hen i en situation där patientens avskildhet kan bli svår att bevara och värdigheten kan bli hotad. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av att vårdas i en flerbäddssal med andra medpatienter.  Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på tio vetenskapliga studier, varav nio var kvalitativa och en var både kvalitativ och kvantitativ. Studierna som erhölls ifrån databaserna CINAHL och PUBMED analyserades och sammanställdes. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fyra huvudteman och sju subteman. Det första huvudtemat benämns som Att vårdas i en flerbäddssal med tre subteman; Betydelsen av att ha sällskap av medpatienter, Stödjande samtal av medpatienter och Bevara självständighet och värdighet genom ett oberoende. Det andra huvudtemat benämns som Patienternas upplevelse av att vistas i en flerbäddssal med andra medpatienter med ett subtema; Att vårdas i en könsblandad flerbäddsal som ett hot mot värdigheten. Det tredje huvudtemat benämns som Patienters upplevelse av att höra och föra ett samtal i en flerbäddssal med ett subtema; Draperiernas betydelse för avskildhet i en flerbäddssal. Det fjärde huvudtemat benämns som Svårigheter med att bevara avskildhet i en flerbäddssal med ett subtema; Strategier för att vara avskild i en flerbäddssal. Diskussion: Diskussionen baseras på litteraturöversikten resultat, där författarna diskuterar resultatet utifrån livsvärldsbegreppet och konsensusbegreppet människa. I diskussionen lyfts de nämnda erfarenheter som förekom i resultatdelen och hur sjuksköterskan kan förhålla sig till och arbeta för att tillgodose patientens individuella behov. / Background: Being cared for in multiple-bed hospital rooms with other fellow patients can have both positive and negative experiences for patients. When a person takes the role of patient harbors she/he in a situation where the patient's privacy can be difficult conserved and dignity can be threatened. Aim: The aim was to explore patients' experiences of being cared for in multiple-bed hospital room with other fellow patients. Method: A literature review based on ten scientific studies, of which nine was qualitative and one was both qualitative and quantitative. The studies were obtained from CINAHL and PUBMED which are then analyzed and compiled. Results: The results are presented in four main themes and seven subthemes. The first main theme is referred to as being cared for in a multiple-bed room with three subthemes: The importance of having the company of fellow patients, promoting conversations of fellow patients and preserve the autonomy and dignity towards the staff .The second main theme is referred to as patients' experience of staying in a multiple-bed room with other fellow patients with a subtema; Being cared for in a mixed-gender multiple-bed room as a threat to dignity. The third main theme is referred to as Patients' experience of hearing and having a conversation in a multiple-bed room with a subtema; The curtains importance of privacy in a multiple-bed room. The fourth main theme is referred to as Difficulties with preserving privacy in a multiple-bed room with a subtema; Strategies to be private in a multiple-bed room. Discussions: The discussion is based on the literature review results, which the authors discuss the results based on the life-world concept and consensus concept of human. The discussion highlighted those experiences that occurred in the results section and how the nurse can relate to and work to meet individual patient needs.

In search of dignified maternity care: an exploration of childbearing women's experiences of midwifery care in Victoria, B.C.

Taylor, Kara 12 August 2009 (has links)
This thesis is based on follow-up research from a project undertaken by my supervisor, Cecilia Benoit and colleagues (2007) entitled Social Determinants of Postpartum Depression: A Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Study (henceforth referred to as the “postpartum and health project study” -- PPHS). The PPHS examined the prevalence of postpartum depression amongst a diverse sample of mothers in Victoria, British Columbia. The main findings illustrate that the greater a woman’s satisfaction with maternity care, the lesser her likelihood of postpartum depression. The group of participants with the least satisfaction was those who were transferred from midwifery care to obstetrical care. This group also had a lower mean income than other care provider groups, such as those who retained their midwives, pointing to the connection between socio-economic status and quality of care. In search of dignified maternity care for all women, that is care that is respectful and autonomous, my research foregrounds the narratives of women who were transferred from a midwife to an obstetrician during their labour or birth (n=11). I examine the formal and informal support they receive, and interactions between health care practitioners and reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction with care. I also compare the experiences of women who were transferred from a midwife to an obstetrician with those who retained their midwife in the PPHS. My findings indicate that both sample groups’ satisfaction of care and well-being was due to feeling they had autonomy over the birthing process, adequate information from health care providers about medical and technological procedures, and support. The participants’ who were transferred, however, were less likely than the group who retained their midwife to experience the above elements of care. Participants who were transferred said they felt invaded by unnecessary procedures and technology, which contributed to a decreased level of autonomy. However, both sub-samples were affected by a lack of multi-disciplinary teamwork in the hospital setting. This had more of a negative impact on participants who were transferred from a midwife to an obstetrician.

Vie, existence et dignité humaine : "rencontre" entre Albert Camus, l'écrivain, et Albert Jacquard, le généticien /

Lavoie, Frank, January 2001 (has links)
Mémoire (M.E.L.)--Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2001. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

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