Spelling suggestions: "subject:"disagreement"" "subject:"bisagreement""
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Índices de vegetação para o mapeamento de lavouras de arroz irrigado na bacia do Rio Gravataí no estado do Rio Grande do SulBastos, Marcelo Almeida January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar a aplicação de dois índices de vegetação, NDVI e NDWI, para fins de mapeamento de áreas de arroz irrigado a partir de chaves de classificação temporal. A área do estudo localiza-se na planície costeira interna do Rio Grande do Sul, compondo-se de lavouras de arroz cultivadas no perímetro de irrigação do projeto de assentamento Viamão, região agrícola pertencente à bacia hidrográfica do rio Gravataí. Obtiveram-se imagens digitais de três sistemas sensores, TM (satélite Landsat-5), LISS-III (satélite IRS-P6) e OLI (satélite Landsat-8) para o período compreendido entre primeiro de julho de 2008 e 30 de junho de 2014, correspondendo a seis safras agrícolas. Os dois índices foram calculados para cada cena após o registro geométrico das imagens com a base cartográfica oficial, permitindo avaliar a concordância do mapeamento a partir de imagens de referência de campo. Os padrões de variação temporal dos dois índices de vegetação para as seis safras agrícolas foram analisados para fornecer os parâmetros utilizados na escolha dos limiares dos algoritmos de classificação temporal. As duas chaves de classificação geraram mapas temáticos de uso da terra com duas classes cada: arroz e não arroz. Posteriormente, o resultado do mapeamento para três safras agrícolas sucessivas (2009/10, 2010/11 e 2011/12) foram comparados com a referência e procedida análise da matriz de confusão. Os valores resultantes da análise de concordância ficaram em 77%, 63% e 77% de exatidão global, respectivamente para cada safra considerando o algoritmo do NDVI, e de 88%; 59% e 76%, respectivamente para o algoritmo do NDWI. A análise de discordância evidenciou que a maior parte do erro dos dois algoritmos se deveu à quantidade da discordância, com pouca ou nenhuma discordância na alocação, e que a metodologia empregada pode ser utilizada para auxiliar no mapeamento do plantio de arroz irrigado na área de estudo. / The objective of this work was to evaluate two vegetation indexes, NDVI and NDWI, for mapping paddy rice from temporal classification algorithms. The study area is located in the inner coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul, consisting of crops of paddy rice in the irrigation perimeter of settlement Viamão, agricultural region in the basin of rio Gravataí. Digital images were obtained from three sensors, TM (satellite Landsat- 5), LISS-III (satellite IRS-P6) and OLI (satellite Landsat-8) for the period from 1 July 2008 and June 30, 2014, corresponding to six agricultural harvests. The two indices were calculated for each scene after the geometric registration of images with the official cartographic base, allowing the correlation mapping from field reference images. The patterns of temporal variation of the two indices of vegetation for six agricultural crops were analyzed to provide the parameters used in the choice of thresholds for temporal classification algorithms. The algorithms generated thematic maps of land use with two classes each: rice and no rice. Subsequently, the result of the mapping for three successive agricultural harvests (2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12) were compared with the reference and carried discordance. The resulting of accuracy assessment were in 77%, 63% and 77% of overall accuracy, respectively for each crop considering the NDVI algorithm, and 88%; 59% and 76%, respectively for the NDWI algorithm. The analysis of discordance showed that most of the error of the two algorithms was due to the quantity of disagreement, with little or no disagreement on allocation of disagreement, and that the methodology employed can be used to assist in mapping paddy rice in study area.
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This study first tests the factors influencing the willingness to express opinions online. Guided by the spiral of silence theory, the research used a survey to test whether fear of isolation and opinion congruency work online. Second, the study explores how psychological constructs, including self-efficacy, collective efficacy, and proxy efficacy affect the willingness to express disagreement. A 2 × 2, verbal persuasion × vicarious experience, experiment was applied. Third, this study also conducted a content analysis to measure disagreement expressions in online newspapers and test how these expressions affect opinion quality and online discussion involvement. The survey study (N=321) showed that while fear of isolation online negatively predicts the willingness to express individual opinions, opinion climate congruency is not associated with the willingness. The online experiment demonstrated that mastery experience and verbal persuasion positively influence self-efficacy, but vicarious experience's effect was not confirmed. Self-efficacy plays the most salient role in predicting whether one selects to express disagreement online. The content analysis (N=1,288) of the discussion threads demonstrated that disagreement expression is widespread in the online newspaper forums analyzed, and such expression positively influences reasoned opinions and political discussion engagement.
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Índices de vegetação para o mapeamento de lavouras de arroz irrigado na bacia do Rio Gravataí no estado do Rio Grande do SulBastos, Marcelo Almeida January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar a aplicação de dois índices de vegetação, NDVI e NDWI, para fins de mapeamento de áreas de arroz irrigado a partir de chaves de classificação temporal. A área do estudo localiza-se na planície costeira interna do Rio Grande do Sul, compondo-se de lavouras de arroz cultivadas no perímetro de irrigação do projeto de assentamento Viamão, região agrícola pertencente à bacia hidrográfica do rio Gravataí. Obtiveram-se imagens digitais de três sistemas sensores, TM (satélite Landsat-5), LISS-III (satélite IRS-P6) e OLI (satélite Landsat-8) para o período compreendido entre primeiro de julho de 2008 e 30 de junho de 2014, correspondendo a seis safras agrícolas. Os dois índices foram calculados para cada cena após o registro geométrico das imagens com a base cartográfica oficial, permitindo avaliar a concordância do mapeamento a partir de imagens de referência de campo. Os padrões de variação temporal dos dois índices de vegetação para as seis safras agrícolas foram analisados para fornecer os parâmetros utilizados na escolha dos limiares dos algoritmos de classificação temporal. As duas chaves de classificação geraram mapas temáticos de uso da terra com duas classes cada: arroz e não arroz. Posteriormente, o resultado do mapeamento para três safras agrícolas sucessivas (2009/10, 2010/11 e 2011/12) foram comparados com a referência e procedida análise da matriz de confusão. Os valores resultantes da análise de concordância ficaram em 77%, 63% e 77% de exatidão global, respectivamente para cada safra considerando o algoritmo do NDVI, e de 88%; 59% e 76%, respectivamente para o algoritmo do NDWI. A análise de discordância evidenciou que a maior parte do erro dos dois algoritmos se deveu à quantidade da discordância, com pouca ou nenhuma discordância na alocação, e que a metodologia empregada pode ser utilizada para auxiliar no mapeamento do plantio de arroz irrigado na área de estudo. / The objective of this work was to evaluate two vegetation indexes, NDVI and NDWI, for mapping paddy rice from temporal classification algorithms. The study area is located in the inner coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul, consisting of crops of paddy rice in the irrigation perimeter of settlement Viamão, agricultural region in the basin of rio Gravataí. Digital images were obtained from three sensors, TM (satellite Landsat- 5), LISS-III (satellite IRS-P6) and OLI (satellite Landsat-8) for the period from 1 July 2008 and June 30, 2014, corresponding to six agricultural harvests. The two indices were calculated for each scene after the geometric registration of images with the official cartographic base, allowing the correlation mapping from field reference images. The patterns of temporal variation of the two indices of vegetation for six agricultural crops were analyzed to provide the parameters used in the choice of thresholds for temporal classification algorithms. The algorithms generated thematic maps of land use with two classes each: rice and no rice. Subsequently, the result of the mapping for three successive agricultural harvests (2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12) were compared with the reference and carried discordance. The resulting of accuracy assessment were in 77%, 63% and 77% of overall accuracy, respectively for each crop considering the NDVI algorithm, and 88%; 59% and 76%, respectively for the NDWI algorithm. The analysis of discordance showed that most of the error of the two algorithms was due to the quantity of disagreement, with little or no disagreement on allocation of disagreement, and that the methodology employed can be used to assist in mapping paddy rice in study area.
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Le prix de la douleur : Gestion des désaccords entre magistrats, dans un tribunal brésilien de seconde instance / The price of suffering : managing disagreements beween judges in a tribunal of second instance in BrazilDamasceno Morais, Rubens 05 July 2013 (has links)
L’enjeu de la présente recherche est d’examiner la gestion du désaccord entre magistrats dans une Cour d’Appel brésilienne, tout en procédant à l’identification de la stase (du conflit) entre eux, dans les moments de définition du juste montant (le « suum cuique tribuere »), souvent désigné par l’expression pretium doloris ou « prix de la douleur ». On s’intéresse moins au côté technique et strictement juridique des affaires de dommages et intérêts et plutôt à l’analyse argumentative/rhétorique des interactions enregistrées en audio. Après des réflexions à propos de quelques théories de l’argumentation (Aristote, Ducrot, Grize, Toulmin et autres), de l’argumentation juridique (Atienza, Perelman, Cornu et autres), des interactions verbales (Goffman, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Traverso et autres) et des émotions en contexte d’interaction argumentative (Plantin), ce travail offre quatre chapitres analytiques où, parmi des analyses descriptives, on examine de près la façon que les magistrats/interactants allient la raison (la lettre de la loi) au côté émotionnel, au moment de qualifier une affaire en tant que « dommage », concept flou, ouvert à maintes possibilités d’interprétation juridique, selon les juristes brésiliens (Reis, Cahali et autres). On procède à un inventaire des critères, parfois très originaux, qui font toute la richesse du moment des délibérés connu sous le terme de quantum debeatur (ou, si l’on préfère, l’ad quantum). De cette façon, on constate que les magistrats peuvent même utiliser des « nonlegalist factors », ajoutant aux arguments techniques juridiques quelques valeurs, qui supposent une appréciation subjective des affaires en cours de jugement. Dans ces analyses, on montre encore comment l’hétéro-attribution d’une émotion acquiert une valeur argumentative, sans que cela disqualifie les jugements en appel pour autant. On examine aussi les procédés d’atténuation du désaccord exprimés par les magistrats, tout en mettant en relief la dimension stratégique de l’adoucissement conversationnel, car, comme on peut le constater, les attitudes des magistrats lors des délibérés manifestent une dimension rhétorique, dans les moments de définition du pretium doloris. De cette façon, en considérant la richesse et diversité des formules de politesse (par exemple, l’expression data venia), des réparateurs (excuses et justifications), des modalisateurs, entre autres procédés identifiés par la pragmatique des interactions, on découvre plusieurs façons très efficaces de gérer le conflit, employées par les magistrats lorsqu'ils prennent en charge le rôle actanciel d’opposant lors des délibérés. On repère aussi quelques stratégies argumentatives utilisées exclusivement en contexte d’interaction, comme l’accord dissonant, ce qui nous permet de pointer la “colonisation argumentative” du discours d’un magistrat par l’autre. L’identification de ce que nous avons nommé renverseur (dispositif qui permet aux magistrats de retourner à 180° une décision) nous aide aussi à comprendre comment les avis des magistrats peuvent s’affronter irrévocablement, donnant place à des stases irréversibles.On montre aussi, à partir de quelques études de cas, comment fonctionne l’assimilation argumentative en tant que phénomène interactif-argumentatif qui émerge dans les moments de stase réversible entre les magistrats, faisant s'écrouler les barrières argumentatives entre les interactants, avant que l’un d’entre eux ne manifeste un changement de disposition vis-à-vis de la décision à prendre. On présente enfin un type d’argument très caractéristique du corpus TRIBUNAL (le corpus dont on dispose pour cette recherche) : l’argument de l’expérience vécue, lequel apparaît dans les séquences examinées et qui donnent une valeur argumentative et rhétorique non négligeable aux votes des magistrats. / This thesis aims to describe the mechanisms of disagreement management among judges in a court of Brazil. The source of the analyzes will be some discussions between judges, audio recorded, always in Second Instance. The focus of the research is the moment of (re)definition of the value of compensation (or the so-called « price of pain » / pretium doloris) to be paid in cases of moral damage. Thus, after plunging in texts related to theories of argumentation (Aristotle, Ducrot, Grize, Toulmin among others), to strictly legal argumentation (Atienza, Perelman, Cornu among others), to the theories of verbal interaction (Goffman, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Traverso among others) and also the theories related to the study of emotions in the context of argumentative interaction (Plantin), this research presents four analytical parts in which, through meticulously descriptive work, we propose to examine the way that judges, when to judge controversial cases, combine reason and emotion to their justifications. Thus, we proceed to an inventory of the criteria used by judges, some very original, and that make particularly interesting the moment of defining the quantum debeatur (or, if you prefer, the ad quantum). As we will see, the magistrates will also use non-legal criteria (« nonlegalist factors »), in this endeavor, at the time of integrating to the strictly legal arguments some arguments related to their own personal experiences, without, thereby, disqualifying the handed down verdicts. In fact, and as we will note, the time of definition of pretium doloris is still quite controversial, according to Brazilian jurists (Reis, Cahali among others).We also examine the mechanisms of attenuating disagreements, used by magistrates in times of conflict (stase), always trying to unveil the strategic and rhetoric sides of such attitudes. Thus, taking into account the richness and diversity of the so called « formulas of politeness », in in the use of expressions such as data venia or in the use of modalizers, among others, we discover the unique and effective ways that magistrates find to deal with conflict of opinions among them, during deliberations. Thus, we will highlight the strategy of « dissonant agreement » observed in some sessions and that, as we show, indicates a kind of « argumentative colonization » of speeches given by the judges. We also highlight an important mechanism used in times of conflict, to which we gave the name of argumentative inverter. Such a device allows a magistrate invert in 180º the decision of the Magistrate of First Instance, for example, in addition to helping us understand how the irreversible disagreement (stase irréversible) ranks among the expert judges.The analyzes also show, from case studies, how the argumentative assimilation works, an argumentative-interactional phenomenon that emerges in times of reversible conflict (stase réversible) among judges. Such manifestation will allow us to check how a judge can convince / persuade another in moments of controversy and disagreement between them. Finally, we show how the argument from personal experience works, a typical agument of the COURT corpus (the name of the corpus we adopted), widely used by judges and which gives a rhetorical touch to the more technical arguments, in moments of deliberations; particularly in the moment of qualification of an action as illegal.
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Índices de vegetação para o mapeamento de lavouras de arroz irrigado na bacia do Rio Gravataí no estado do Rio Grande do SulBastos, Marcelo Almeida January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar a aplicação de dois índices de vegetação, NDVI e NDWI, para fins de mapeamento de áreas de arroz irrigado a partir de chaves de classificação temporal. A área do estudo localiza-se na planície costeira interna do Rio Grande do Sul, compondo-se de lavouras de arroz cultivadas no perímetro de irrigação do projeto de assentamento Viamão, região agrícola pertencente à bacia hidrográfica do rio Gravataí. Obtiveram-se imagens digitais de três sistemas sensores, TM (satélite Landsat-5), LISS-III (satélite IRS-P6) e OLI (satélite Landsat-8) para o período compreendido entre primeiro de julho de 2008 e 30 de junho de 2014, correspondendo a seis safras agrícolas. Os dois índices foram calculados para cada cena após o registro geométrico das imagens com a base cartográfica oficial, permitindo avaliar a concordância do mapeamento a partir de imagens de referência de campo. Os padrões de variação temporal dos dois índices de vegetação para as seis safras agrícolas foram analisados para fornecer os parâmetros utilizados na escolha dos limiares dos algoritmos de classificação temporal. As duas chaves de classificação geraram mapas temáticos de uso da terra com duas classes cada: arroz e não arroz. Posteriormente, o resultado do mapeamento para três safras agrícolas sucessivas (2009/10, 2010/11 e 2011/12) foram comparados com a referência e procedida análise da matriz de confusão. Os valores resultantes da análise de concordância ficaram em 77%, 63% e 77% de exatidão global, respectivamente para cada safra considerando o algoritmo do NDVI, e de 88%; 59% e 76%, respectivamente para o algoritmo do NDWI. A análise de discordância evidenciou que a maior parte do erro dos dois algoritmos se deveu à quantidade da discordância, com pouca ou nenhuma discordância na alocação, e que a metodologia empregada pode ser utilizada para auxiliar no mapeamento do plantio de arroz irrigado na área de estudo. / The objective of this work was to evaluate two vegetation indexes, NDVI and NDWI, for mapping paddy rice from temporal classification algorithms. The study area is located in the inner coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul, consisting of crops of paddy rice in the irrigation perimeter of settlement Viamão, agricultural region in the basin of rio Gravataí. Digital images were obtained from three sensors, TM (satellite Landsat- 5), LISS-III (satellite IRS-P6) and OLI (satellite Landsat-8) for the period from 1 July 2008 and June 30, 2014, corresponding to six agricultural harvests. The two indices were calculated for each scene after the geometric registration of images with the official cartographic base, allowing the correlation mapping from field reference images. The patterns of temporal variation of the two indices of vegetation for six agricultural crops were analyzed to provide the parameters used in the choice of thresholds for temporal classification algorithms. The algorithms generated thematic maps of land use with two classes each: rice and no rice. Subsequently, the result of the mapping for three successive agricultural harvests (2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12) were compared with the reference and carried discordance. The resulting of accuracy assessment were in 77%, 63% and 77% of overall accuracy, respectively for each crop considering the NDVI algorithm, and 88%; 59% and 76%, respectively for the NDWI algorithm. The analysis of discordance showed that most of the error of the two algorithms was due to the quantity of disagreement, with little or no disagreement on allocation of disagreement, and that the methodology employed can be used to assist in mapping paddy rice in study area.
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Resolução de conflitos em audiências do PROCON: sequências de discordância com correção pelo outro e recursos de agravamento / Resolution of conflicts in hearings fo PROCON: sequences of disagreements with correction by another and worsening resourcesRios, Renata Ferreira 19 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-10-26T12:02:28Z
No. of bitstreams: 2
Tese - Renata Ferreira Rios - 2014.pdf: 1699231 bytes, checksum: f24d3099939db05ab997893acab51399 (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-10-26T12:04:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Tese - Renata Ferreira Rios - 2014.pdf: 1699231 bytes, checksum: f24d3099939db05ab997893acab51399 (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-26T12:04:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
Tese - Renata Ferreira Rios - 2014.pdf: 1699231 bytes, checksum: f24d3099939db05ab997893acab51399 (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-09-19 / The mediator should consider the cognitive and emotional aspects of the disputants and, at the
same time, maintain rationality in the conduct of the conflict in order to achieve the proper
interpretation of the situation. The understanding of the conflict and the actions undertaken by
participants can be provided through the description of disagreements within the Conversation
Analysis. The present work analyzes disagreement sequences carried on by the other part, and
objetive to check other resources that enhance the worsening from their occurrences in face to
face interactions, institutional, in PROCON conciliation hearings. It was observed that the
correction by the other with polar terms, overlapping and contiguous clamps and non
afilliative co-construction are means that maximize the worsening provided by the correction
by the other in disagreement sequences. It was observed that the closing worsening
disagreement sequence occurs with the retreat of one of the participants and that this decline
can be signaled by the extent of the turn. It was also observed that at the time of worsening of
disagreements, discursive strategies are directed to the weakening of the other’s arguments
that motivate his retreat. A detailed description of these means provides new categories to
conversational analysis and also assist the mediator to understand the intensification of the
conflict and the actions of the participants in this particular interactional moment. / O mediador deve considerar aspectos cognitivos e emocionais dos disputantes e, ao mesmo
tempo, manter sua própria neutralidade na condução do conflito, com o intuito de atingir a
interpretação adequada da situação. A compreensão do conflito e das ações realizadas pelos
participantes pode ser proporcionada por meio da descrição de discordâncias, no âmbito da
Análise da Conversa. O presente trabalho tem por objeto de análise sequências de
discordância levadas adiante por correções pelo outro, e seu objetivo é verificar recursos que
intensificam o agravamento proporcionado por esse tipo de discordância. São analisadas
ocorrências de interações face a face, institucionais, realizadas em audiências de conciliação
do PROCON. Observou-se que a correção pelo outro com termos polares, sobreposições e
engatamentos contíguos, e coconstrução desafiliativa são recursos que maximizam o
agravamento proporcionado pela correção pelo outro em sequências de discordância.
Observou-se que o encerramento da sequência de discordância agravada ocorre com o recuo
de um dos participantes e que esse recuo pode ser sinalizado pela extensão reduzida do turno.
Observou-se ainda que, no momento de agravamento das discordâncias, estratégias
discursivas são direcionadas ao enfraquecimento dos argumentos do outro, que motivam o
recuo deste. A descrição minuciosa desses recursos fornece o conhecimento de novas
categorias para a análise conversacional de discordâncias. Essas categorias podem
proporcionar compreensão da intensificação do conflito e das ações dos participantes nesse
momento específico da interação, não somente no contexto do PROCON, mas em outras
instituições públicas ou privadas em que a ação do mediador for necessária para que os
direitos de ambos os disputantes sejam garantidos.
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Det komplexa samarbetet mellan fritidshem och hem : En studie om samarbetet samt dess påverkan på elevens sociala utvecklingSognevik Joo, Sandra, Hedin, Maria January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this independent work is, firstly, to gain a greater understanding of the complex cooperation between educators in the after-school programme and guardians, and secondly, to see how the collaboration affects the social development of pupils. The study is based on two stories about our own professional experience from situations which are difficult to assess. The first story describes how the perspective of the educator and that of guardian contradict each other. The second story is about the educator´s duty to provide problem-oriented information and to promote collaboration with guardians. The methods we have used are scientific essay writing and hermeneutical analysis. Theories and concepts of inter-subjective interaction, human learning and social development have been central to our analysis. The study shows how the speech at home and at school affects the collaboration and how the relationship between the guardian and the educator affects the pupil´s connection to the educator and his/her ability to promote social development. The strong connection between the guardian and the child can be seen to help complement the child's perception of an incident at school. The study highlights the educator's obligations to take responsibility for constructive collaborative processes, his/her expanded opportunities for student support through the utilization of guardians' perspectives, and limitations in the form of resources. Continued and further researches can be focused on looking at how the conditions for relational work and relational competence can be systematically ensured at different levels - political, local, within work teams and for individual educators. / Syftet med detta självständiga arbete är, för det första, att få ökad förståelse för det komplexa samarbetet mellan pedagoger inom fritidshemmet och vårdnadshavare, och för det andra, se hur samarbetet påverkar elevernas sociala utveckling. Arbetet utgår från våra yrkeserfarenheter av två svårbedömda händelser inom fritidshemmet. Den ena berättelsen beskriver hur pedagogens och vårdnadshavarens perspektiv blir varandras kontraster. Den andra handlar om pedagogens uppdrag att både framföra problemorienterad information och främja samarbete med vårdnadshavare. De metoder vi har använt oss av är vetenskapligt essäskrivande och hermeneutisk analys. Teorier och begrepp som beskriver intersubjektiv interaktion, mänskligt lärande och social utveckling har varit centrala i vår analys. Studien visar hur talet i hemmet och i skolan påverkar samarbetet samt hur vårdnadshavarens relation med pedagogen påverkar elevens anknytning till pedagogen och dennes möjlighet att främja social utveckling. Vårdnadshavarens och barnets nära anknytning kan ses bidra till att barnets bild av en händelse på skolan kompletteras. I studien synliggörs dels pedagogens skyldigheter att ta ansvar för konstruktiva samarbetsprocesser, dels dennes utökade möjligheter till elevstöd genom tillvaratagande av vårdnadshavares perspektiv, samt begränsningar i form av bristande resurser. Fortsatt forskning kan se över hur förutsättningar för relationellt arbete och relationell kompetens kan säkerställas systematiskt på olika nivåer - politiskt, lokalt, inom arbetslag samt för enskild pedagog.
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The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion: The limits of Haidt: How his explanation of political animosity failsLaFollette, Hugh, Woodruff, Michael L. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Jonathan Haidt's The Righteous Mind seeks to explain why it is difficult for liberals and conservatives to get along. His aim is not just explanatory but also prescriptive. Once we understand that the differences between disputants spring from distinct moral views held by equally sincere people, then we will no longer have reason for deep political animus. Conservatives and Liberals have distinct (although somewhat overlapping) moral views and they understand human nature differently. He claims that these differences are best understood by consulting an array of psychological studies, key genetic findings, and the theoretical underpinnings of sociobiology. After summarizing his arguments, we isolate and discuss the three most important and contentious issues in his book. We argue that although the project's motivation is noble and some of his findings are insightful, his key explanations, inferences, and prescriptions are wanting. We end by suggesting a way he could defend a weaker version of his view.
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Conflict in communication: Evaluating potential predictors for pro-social communication outcomesVilla, Paul Javier 01 January 2020 (has links)
The importance of communication in every aspect of our lives cannot be understated, in many ways it is the foundation upon which society rests. As a result of communication being ubiquitous in nature, it becomes inevitable that at some point conflict will occur as competing ideas, world views, or beliefs are exchanged. This inevitability, therefore, necessitates researchers make attempts to better understand the role conflict tendencies can play in influencing communication variables that are generally understood to be pro-social. The researcher administered a questionnaire to 226 college students from one private university and three community colleges on the west coast using various modified scales examining tolerance for disagreement, verbal aggressiveness, self-esteem, communication competence, and evaluation apprehension. The data from the surveys were analyzed to determine whether the independent variables could in isolation or in combination serve as predictors for self-esteem, communication competence, and evaluation apprehension. The analysis revealed that tolerance for disagreement was significantly positively correlated with self-esteem and communication competence and was significantly negatively correlated with evaluation apprehension. Verbal aggressiveness was found to be significantly negatively correlated with communication competence and the construct of “Pro-Social Communication Outcomes” which combined all three dependent variables. The construct this work refers to as “Conflict Tendencies” which combines both independent variables was found to be significantly negatively correlated with communication competence and Pro-Social Communication Outcomes. Regression analysis showed that the combination of tolerance for disagreement and verbal aggressiveness demonstrated that tolerance for disagreement and verbal aggressiveness had some limited predicting power regarding self-esteem, communication competence, and evaluation apprehension. These results suggest that there are important relationships between communication variables associated with conflict and pro-social communication outcomes. Keywords: Conflict, Tolerance for Disagreement, Verbal Aggressiveness, Self-Esteem, Communication Competence, Evaluation Apprehension.
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Beyond the Limits of Disagreement: Sense and Self-ReferenceElmore, Luke 20 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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