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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Renewed power to the people? The political ecology of Canadian energy transitions

Shakespear, Mark 02 September 2020 (has links)
Amidst the rising tides of inequality and climate change, movements are developing which aim to unify social justice and environmental agendas. Proponents of energy democracy recognize that renewable energy transitions have the potential to foster more equitable social relations. However, literature indicates that renewable energy can also worsen social relations, and may fail to hinder, or could actively contribute to, ecological degradation. Therefore, research is needed that examines how the contexts in which renewables are implemented lead to divergent socio-ecological outcomes. This project compares strategies of renewable energy implementation in Canada, as embedded within socio-environmental projects ranging from fossil capitalism to eco-socialism. The framing of renewable energy, climate change, and political-economic issues in the strategies of actors within these projects are analyzed. Canadian governments, fossil fuel and renewable energy corporations were found to undertake renewables implementation within a clean growth framework, which maintains capitalist hegemony while responding to pressure to take action on climate change. Renewables are also used by governments and fossil capital firms to justify the continued growth of fossil fuel industries. The renewables industry is more ambitious in its transition strategy but does not contest fossil fuel production and exports. Renewable energy co-operatives offer a form of energy transitioning that challenges the undemocratic nature of corporate power but appears limited in its ability to influence multi-scalar change. Meanwhile, Leap, the Pact for a Green New Deal, and Iron and Earth exhibit an emergent push for just, democratic, and sustainable alternatives to fossil capitalism and clean growth. Energy democracy is central to Leap’s strategy, which suggests paths toward addressing the limitations of renewable energy co-operatives while supporting other forms of democratic renewable energy systems. / Graduate

Inventory Optimization in Manufacturing Organizations

Lemke, Scott William 01 January 2015 (has links)
Inventories totaling 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars represent an opportunity for U.S. manufacturers. This exploratory case study researched supply chain strategies used to manage inventory in manufacturing operations of a U.S. manufacturing company. A mature value chain contained within a single organization using the value chain framework was the basis for this study. Individual interviews conducted with 16 managers responsible for defining and implementing inventory control strategies, and 4 internal users provided primary information for the study. Other sources of information included a value chain map created through the observation of operations, various inventory measurements, and policies and guidelines related to managing inventory levels. An inductive content analysis employing zero-level coding of the interview transcripts identified 4 themes that describe inventory control strategies as economic order quantity, kanban, vendor managed inventory, and process integration. Physical observation of the value chain, review of supporting documents, and analysis of inventory data ensured the trustworthiness of interpreted themes. Findings identified no single inventory control strategy that fit all applications. Findings also revealed that the financial governing bodies' measurements were not the best tools for operational managers' improvement activities related to inventory control. Included are measures providing alternative means to gauge inventory efficiency. With the results of this study, managers may develop effective strategies to optimize inventory and improve material flow. Manufacturing managers improving material flow may promote sustainability of raw materials and business efficiencies through reduced waste, improved environmental conditions, and increased employment opportunities in associated communities.

Effektivisering och flödeskartläggning : En jämförelse av arbetsflöden i ett industriserviceföretag

Andersson, Jesper, Englund, Max January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: To stay relevant, it is required that companies work with continuous improvements.Finding inefficiencies is not always easy. One way to try to find inefficiencies is throughflow mapping. This study examines what causes inefficient activities for industrial servicecompanies. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate how a workflow at an industrial servicecompany can be made more efficient with the help of flow mapping. Method: The study is conducted through a case study at a service industry company that maintainsand repairs motors and frequency converters. Flow mapping was used to map activitiesin the workflow and literature was collected to be able to conduct a flow mappingcorrectly. Interviews and observations have been used to support the flow mapping. Results: The company has two service workshops that have similar activities in their flow. Evenso, one of the workflows is more efficient than the other. Based on the comparison of theworkflows, inspiration has been used to adjust the workflow for the frequency converterworkshop. Using flow mapping and methods from lean, a future flow map has beencreated where non-value-added activities have been eliminated. Conclusion: Based on the results, several improvement proposals have been drawn up for thecompany's workshops. Industrial service companies can use flow mapping and VSM toeliminate non-value-added activities. Lean tools can be used to create order and structurethat lead to shorter lead times.

PAX: The history of a Catholic peace society in Britain 1936-1971.

Flessati, Valerie January 1991 (has links)
In 1936 the founders of PAX aimed at 'resistance to modern warfare on grounds of traditional morality'. Believing that 'just war' criteria could no longer be met, they called themselves pacifists. Although most members were Roman Catholic Pax did not claim to be a 'Catholic society' because the RC Church at that time took an opposing view, particularly of conscientious objection. Church authorities attempted to censor Pax literature and instructed clergy to resign from the society. Pax supported conscientious objectors during the Second World War. When membership declined afterwards it continued to publish the Pax Bulletin and to provide a forum where Catholics could debate theological and practical questions of war and peace. By the 1960s Pax had gained some distinguished sponsors and a branch in the United States - support which enabled it to influence debate at the Second Vatican Council in 1965. The Council endorsed the right to conscientious objection. In 1971 Pax merged with Pax Christi, the international Catholic peace organisation which began in France in 1944/45. This is the first detailed historical study of the Roman Catholic element in the British peace movement. The story of Pax demonstrates the part that even a small pressure group can play in changing public opinion through patient work. Eventually, despite apathy and opposition, Pax helped bring the RC Church to a recognition of the right to conscientious objection and played a crucial role in the development of a more widespread peace movement within the Church

Just-in-Time Arrival in Port Calls : Potential and Implementation

Mubder, Abd Alla Ali Mubder January 2023 (has links)
There is an urgent need to reduce emissions from maritime transportation to meet environmental targets set by international organizations and governments. To reduce emissions from maritime transportation, technical, market-based, and operational measures can be used. In this thesis, the focus is on operational measures, and in particular Just-in-Time arrival in the port call process. Just-in-Time arrival in the context of port calls refers to maintaining an optimal vessel sailing speed to arrive to the port when the availability of berth and other services are ensured. In earlier studies, the estimated fuel and emission savings potential of Just-in-Time arrival, is promising. Despite the promising potential of Just-in-Time, its implementation remains limited, with few real-world examples. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how to implement Just-in-Time arrival by studying coordination in the port call process.    Two research questions were formulated to address the purpose. The first aims to capture the potential benefits of implementing Just-in-Time arrival in port calls and the second aims to address what is required to implement Just-in-Time arrival in port calls. This thesis is based on two studies in the Swedish context. First, a quantitative study, in which Automatic Identification System data in combination with port call statistics and vessel-specific data were used to estimate the fuel and emission savings potential of Just-in-Time arrival. Second, a qualitative single case-study exploring the coordination mechanisms necessary for implementing Just-in-Time arrival in port calls was conducted.    The studies show that fuel and emission savings potential of Just-in-Time in previous studies is overestimated due to the assumptions used. Though, the implementation of Just-in-Time has potential to improve port call actors’ resource planning and utilization and increase the competitiveness of ports. This is because Just-in-Time arrival has the potential to aid actors in reaching mandatory emission reduction targets. To implement Just-in-Time arrival, it is necessary to coordinate the plans of actors. The required mechanisms to coordinate planning are pre-booking berth allocation policy and port community systems. The pre-booking policy implies booking time-slots for berths, facilitated by using the port community system. The port community system and the pre-booking policy enable the effective coordination of the planning processes of individual actors enabling Just-in-Time arrival in port calls. / Det är nödvändigt att minska utsläppen från sjöfartssektorn för att uppnå de klimatpolitiskamålen som har fastställts av internationella och nationella organisationer. För att minska utsläpp från sjöfarten och uppnå de klimatpolitiskamålen kan tekniska, policy, och operativa åtgärder användas. Fokus i denna avhandling är på operativa åtgärder, mer specifikt Just-in-Time ankomst vid hamnanlöp. Just-in-Time ankomst innebär att hålla en seglingshastighet som möjliggör ankomst till hamn vid den tidpunkt kajplatser och andra tjänster (exempelvis lotsning) är tillgängliga utan fördröjning. Tidigare studier visar att det finns en potential att spara bränsle och minska utsläpp genom att införa Just-in-Time ankomst. Trots potentialen är införandet av Just-in-Time ankomst begränsat i praktiken. Syftet med avhandlingen är att utforska hur Just-in-Time ankomst kan implementeras genom att studera koordineringen av aktörers aktiviteter under anlöpsprocessen.    Syftet uppnås genom att besvara två forskningsfrågor. Den första forskningsfrågan berör potentialen av införandet av Just-in-Time ankomst vid hamnanlöp. I den andra frågan undersöks hur olika koordineringsmekanismer kan användas för att koordinera hamnaktörerna för att realisera potentialen av Just-in-Time ankomst. Två studier har genomförts. Först gjordes en kvantitativ modellering för att uppskatta bränsle- och utsläppsbesparingar för Just-in-Time anlöp i Sverige, baserad på Automatic Identification System data, hamnanlöpstatistik samt fartygsdata. Därefter har en kvalitativ fallstudie genomförts som har utforskat hur olika koordineringsmekanismer kan användas för att koordinera enskilda aktörers planeringsprocesser under anlöpsprocessen samt undersöka potentialen av införandet av Just-in-Time ankomst.    Resultat visar att bränsle- och utsläppsbesparingspotentialen med Just-in-Time ankomst i tidigare studier ofta har överskattats på grund av antaganden som använts. Vidare framkom att implementering av Just-in-Time ankomst ha ett positivt inflyttande på aktörernas resursplanering- och utnyttjade och att hamnar kan öka sin konkurrenskraft tack vare sambandet mellan Just-in-Time ankomst och obligatoriska åtgärder för att minska utsläpp. För att kunna implementera Just-in-Time ankomst krävs förbättrad koordinering mellan aktörerna genom införandet av en förbokningspolicy av kajplatser. För att kunna förboka krävs förbättrad planerings och informationsdelning, det senare kan nås genom införandet av digitala informationsplattformar (port community system).

Just-in-Time Arrival in Port Calls : Potential and Implementation

Mubder, Abdalla January 2023 (has links)
There is an urgent need to reduce emissions from maritime transportation to meet environmental targets set by international organizations and governments. To reduce emissions from maritime transportation, technical, market-based, and operational measures can be used. In this thesis, the focus is on operational measures, and in particular Just-in-Time arrival in the port call process. Just-in-Time arrival in the context of port calls refers to maintaining an optimal vessel sailing speed to arrive to the port when the availability of berth and other services are ensured. In earlier studies, the estimated fuel and emission savings potential of Just-in-Time arrival, is promising. Despite the promising potential of Just-in-Time, its implementation remains limited, with few real-world examples. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how to implement Just-in-Time arrival by studying coordination in the port call process. Two research questions were formulated to address the purpose. The first aims to capture the potential benefits of implementing Just-in-Time arrival in port calls and the second aims to address what is required to implement Just-in-Time arrival in port calls. This thesis is based on two studies in the Swedish context. First, a quantitative study, in which Automatic Identification System data in combination with port call statistics and vessel-specific data were used to estimate the fuel and emission savings potential of Just-in-Time arrival. Second, a qualitative single case-study exploring the coordination mechanisms necessary for implementing Just-in-Time arrival in port calls was conducted. The studies show that fuel and emission savings potential of Just-in-Time in previous studies is overestimated due to the assumptions used. Though, the implementation of Just-in-Time has potential to improve port call actors’ resource planning and utilization and increase the competitiveness of ports. This is because Just-in-Time arrival has the potential to aid actors in reaching mandatory emission reduction targets. To implement Just-in-Time arrival, it is necessary to coordinate the plans of actors. The required mechanisms to coordinate planning are pre-booking berth allocation policy and port community systems. The pre-booking policy implies booking time-slots for berths, facilitated by using the port community system. The port community system and the pre-booking policy enable the effective coordination of the planning processes of individual actors enabling Just-in-Time arrival in port calls. / Det är nödvändigt att minska utsläppen från sjöfartssektorn för att uppnå de klimatpolitiskamålen som har fastställts av internationella och nationella organisationer. För att minska utsläpp från sjöfarten och uppnå de klimatpolitiskamålen kan tekniska, policy, och operativa åtgärder användas. Fokus i denna avhandling är på operativa åtgärder, mer specifikt Just-in-Time ankomst vid hamnanlöp. Just-in-Time ankomst innebär att hålla en seglingshastighet som möjliggör ankomst till hamn vid den tidpunkt kajplatser och andra tjänster (exempelvis lotsning) är tillgängliga utan fördröjning. Tidigare studier visar att det finns en potential att spara bränsle och minska utsläpp genom att införa Just-in-Time ankomst. Trots potentialen är införandet av Just-in-Time ankomst begränsat i praktiken. Syftet med avhandlingen är att utforska hur Just-in-Time ankomst kan implementeras genom att studera koordineringen av aktörers aktiviteter under anlöpsprocessen.    Syftet uppnås genom att besvara två forskningsfrågor. Den första forskningsfrågan berör potentialen av införandet av Just-in-Time ankomst vid hamnanlöp. I den andra frågan undersöks hur olika koordineringsmekanismer kan användas för att koordinera hamnaktörerna för att realisera potentialen av Just-in-Time ankomst. Två studier har genomförts. Först gjordes en kvantitativ modellering för att uppskatta bränsle- och utsläppsbesparingar för Just-in-Time anlöp i Sverige, baserad på Automatic Identification System data, hamnanlöpstatistik samt fartygsdata. Därefter har en kvalitativ fallstudie genomförts som har utforskat hur olika koordineringsmekanismer kan användas för att koordinera enskilda aktörers planeringsprocesser under anlöpsprocessen samt undersöka potentialen av införandet av Just-in-Time ankomst.    Resultat visar att bränsle- och utsläppsbesparingspotentialen med Just-in-Time ankomst i tidigare studier ofta har överskattats på grund av antaganden som använts. Vidare framkom att implementering av Just-in-Time ankomst ha ett positivt inflyttande på aktörernas resursplanering- och utnyttjade och att hamnar kan öka sin konkurrenskraft tack vare sambandet mellan Just-in-Time ankomst och obligatoriska åtgärder för att minska utsläpp. För att kunna implementera Just-in-Time ankomst krävs förbättrad koordinering mellan aktörerna genom införandet av en förbokningspolicy av kajplatser. För att kunna förboka krävs förbättrad planerings och informationsdelning, det senare kan nås genom införandet av digitala informationsplattformar (port community system).

Downscaling the Doughnut Economics Model - Employing a Global Model at the Enterprise Level: A case study of Proton Group and Apotea AB

Hmeidi, Jad, Ryberg, Adrian January 2023 (has links)
In a rapidly changing world, sustainability is becoming more and more of a priority for organizations. This paper evaluates the possibility of using the Doughnut Economics Model (DEM) as a tool to implement sustainability within an organization on the firm-level, highlighting the potential opportunities and limitations that it poses. Through case studies conducted with two organizations (Apotea AB & Proton Group), both common and firm-specific gaps within sustainability strategies are identified, and the applicability of the DEM is appraised as a tool to help fill these gaps. A qualitative research method was employed, and interviews were held with sustainability managers from Apotea AB and Proton Group. A qualitative thematic analysis process led to the generation of initial codes, themes, and patterns that emerged throughout the interviews held. The results from this study highlighted the illustrative and visual nature of the DEM, and how it could help firms view sustainability from different perspectives. The visualisation of the model helps stimulate conversations about sustainability within the firm, and raising awareness on the topic of sustainability, promoting it within organizational culture. This study additionally concluded that the implementation of the DEM in only a firm-specific, directly impacted area, could help the firm with pinpointing niche areas where the enterprise can make its largest contribution towards a safe and just space for humanity. On the other hand, this study found and supported existing claims through past research on the model’s limitations in terms of its downscaling, as the planetary boundaries are designed for a global scale. Moreover, the model lacks in defining policies, indicators, or measurements regarding areas of improvement. The opportunities that lie in the DEM are plentiful, however, the downscaling process on a firm-scale is extremely challenging, and little-to-no existing research or literature exists on the topic.

Shaping Hagiography through Liturgy: Music for the Patron Saints of Three Cathedrals in Medieval Aquitaine

Recek, Andrea 12 1900 (has links)
While the development of hagiography over time has long attracted the attention of medievalists, scholars have not fully explored the critical role of the liturgy in prompting and transmitting these changes. This dissertation examines the liturgies for the patron saints of three musical and ecclesiastical centers in medieval Aquitaine: the cathedrals of Saint-Trophime in Arles, Saint-Just-et-Saint-Pasteur in Narbonne, and Saint-Étienne in Toulouse. Through the music, texts, and ritual actions of the liturgy, the clerical communities of these three institutions reinforced some aspects of their patron saint's legendary biography and modified others. Yet the process unfolded differently at each cathedral, revealing the particular preferences of the canons of each community as well as their changing circumstances during the Middle Ages. In Arles, the office for St. Trophime, which was likely composed at the cathedral, shows dramatic changes in the saint's hagiography. The clerics in Narbonne also composed an office for their patron saints but did not substantially change the details of Justus and Pastor's legendary biography. In Toulouse, the canons selected from among the preexisting repertoire of chants and texts available for St. Stephen, crafting liturgies that were particular to Saint-Étienne within a clearly Aquitanian context. By revealing the ways in which the clerics of Saint-Trophime, Saint-Just, and Saint-Étienne shaped the legendary biographies of their patron saints, my work provides new insights into the ways in which clerical communities throughout Latin Christendom shaped and reshaped the hagiographic portraits of their patron saints through the creation, compilation, and celebration of new liturgies.

The Relationship between the Degree of Threat-Rigidity Principals Perceive in their School Environment and Principals’ Belief in a Just World

Lucero, Tamu 11 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Lean manufacturing management: the relationship between practice and firm level financial performance

Olsen, Eric Oscar 18 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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