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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A distribuição do ônus do processo de urbanização por meio da recuperação de mais-valias urbanas : estudo do Shopping Center Iguatemi em Porto Alegre, 1983-2016

Vizzotto, Andrea Teichmann January 2018 (has links)
A sociedade contemporânea está em transição. O mundo moderno, cartesiano e positivista, cede espaço à conduta pós-moderna, em que a tônica é a liquidez e a efemeridade. O capital amolda-se a essa transformação, mantendo a relação simbiótica com as instituições públicas e influenciando nas decisões estatais. No espaço urbano, essa transformação se traduz em conflito e desigualdade das oportunidades de acesso à terra, à infraestrutura e aos serviços públicos. Essa situação é agravada pela ausência de efetividade e de ineficiência das ações do Estado. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de pesquisar qual o papel do Estado, do Direito e da Justiça brasileira, influenciados pelo capital, em direção à cidade justa, na sociedade pós-moderna. Por meio do exame do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, que pressupõe igualdade, justiça, solidariedade social e participação popular como princípios constitucionais expressos, busca-se verificar a evolução e efetividade do procedimento administrativo de recuperação de mais-valias urbanas. Para isso utiliza-se o processo de implantação, execução e ampliação do Shopping Center Iguatemi, na cidade de Porto Alegre, analisando-se a materialidade da justa distribuição dos ônus e benefícios decorrentes do processo de urbanização, como um dos modos de promoção da cidade justa. / Contemporary society is in transition. The modern, cartesian and positivist world, gives way to postmodern conduct, in which liquidity and ephemerality stand out. Capital molds to this transformation, maintaining the symbiotic relationship with public institutions and influencing state decisions. In urban space, this transformation translates into conflict and inequality of access to land, infrastructure and public services. This situation is exacerbated by the lack of effectiveness and the inefficiency of the State. The goal of this work is to investigate the role of the Brazilian State, Law and Justice, influenced by capital, towards to the just city, in postmodern society. Through the examination of the Brazilian legal system, which presupposes equality, justice, social solidarity and popular participation as expressed in the constitutional principles, it is sought to verify the evolution and effectiveness of the administrative procedure for the recovery of urban surplus value. In this regard, it is used the process of implantation, execution and expansion of the Shopping Center Iguatemi, in the city of Porto Alegre, analyzing the materiality of the fair distribution of the onus and benefits emerging from the process of urbanization, as one of the means to reach of the just city.

Crença no Mundo Justo, AIDS e Câncer de Pulmão: Orientação sexual e responsabilização individual

Faria, Margareth Regina Gomes Veríssimo de 09 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:21:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Margareth Regina Gomes Verissimo de Faria.pdf: 374821 bytes, checksum: 4871b8b23c9ca56e826c9ceb1b058bb5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-09 / The main objective of this work was to investigate the prejudice against homosexuals with HIV/AIDS, analyzing the Belief in a Just World (BJW) moderation effect on this phenomenon. Three hypotheses were tested: a) the responsabilization for the contamination would be stronger for homosexuals in comparison to heterosexuals; b) the responsabilization would be stronger for HIV/AIDS in comparison to lung cancer; c) participants with higher adhesion do BJW will consider more responsible homosexuals with HIV/AIDS than heterosexuals. In order to test these hypotheses, 171 psychology students answered a questionnaire with the BJW scale followed by a short story with a man saying that he was ill. For half of participants, this men was homosexual, for the other half, he was heterosexual; besides that, the illness was also manipulated: for half of participants, it was HIV/AIDS, for the other half, it was lung cancer. The multiple regression results show that the effects for the sexual orientation and BJW were not significant. Only the effect of type of illness was significant, indicating that men with HIV/AIDS were seen more responsible for their own contamination than men with lung cancer. The results also show the BJW moderation effect, indicating that for higher adhesion participants, homosexuals with HIV/AIDS were more responsible than heterosexuals in the same condition. However, for lower BJW, heterosexuals with HIV/AIDS were more responsible than homosexuals. Those results are discussed from the aversive racism theory point of view (Gaertner & Dovídio, 1986), emphasizing the importance of the inclusion the prejudice against homosexuals in the social psychologists agenda of investigations. / O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi investigar o preconceito contra homossexuais portadores do HIV/AIDS, analisando o papel moderador da Crença no Mundo Justo (CMJ) nesse fenômeno. Três hipóteses foram testadas: a) a responsabilização pela contaminação seria maior para os homossexuais do que para os heterossexuais; b) a responsabilização seria maior para a condição do HIV/AIDS do que para o câncer de pulmão e c) os participantes com alta adesão à CMJ responsabilizariam mais o homossexual portador do HIV/AIDS. Para testar essas hipóteses, 171 estudantes de Psicologia responderam um questionário nos quais, além da escala da CMJ, havia um pequeno trecho de uma entrevista no qual um homem relatava ter uma doença. Para metade dos participantes ele era homossexual e para a outra metade, heterossexual; além disso, foi manipulado também o tipo de doença: para metade ele era portador do HIV/AIDS e para a outra metade, ele tinha câncer de pulmão. Os resultados da regressão múltipla mostram que os efeitos isolados da orientação sexual e da CMJ não foram significativos. Apenas o efeito isolado do tipo da doença foi significativo, mostrando que, de uma maneira geral os portadores do HIV/AIDS foram mais responsabilizados pela própria contaminação. Os resultados mostram que a CMJ tem um papel moderador na responsabilização, assim, os participantes com alta CMJ responsabilizaram mais os homossexuais portadores do HIV/AIDS. No entanto, no caso da baixa CMJ, os participantes responsabilizaram mais os heterossexuais portadores do HIV/AIDS. Esses resultados são discutidos à luz da teoria de racismo aversivo de Gaertner e Dovídio (1986), ressaltando-se a importância da inclusão do preconceito contra homossexuais na agenda de investigações dos psicólogos sociais.

Ordem, poder e valores: legitimidade, legitimação e o uso da força no direito internacional contemporâneo / Ordem, power and values: legitimacy, legitimation and the use of force in contemporany international law

Leite Neto, Rogaciano Bezerra 22 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho procura investigar a revitalização da teoria da guerra justa nas suas formas tradicional e na Filosofia Política Contemporânea. Assim como a sua influência, dentro de um fenômeno amplo de moralização do Direito Internacional Público, acerca dos casos polêmicos sobre o uso da força armada, em especial as intervenções humanitárias e a legítima defesa antecipatória. Analisa a recepção destas idéias na doutrina do Direito Internacional, da Filosofia do Direito Internacional e nas Comissões Internacionais que trataram do uso da força armada nos últimos anos. / This work wants to investigate the revitalization of the theory of just war in its traditional way and in Contemporary Political Philosophy. As such as its influence, inside the matter of moralization of International Law, on the polemical cases about the use of armed force, especially humanitarian interventions and anticipatory self-defense. Analyses the reception of these ideas on the doctrine of International Law, Philosophy of International Law, and International Commissions which dealt with the use of armed force in the last years.

O exercício do poder disciplinar e as garantias do contraditório e da ampla defesa: a aplicabilidade do artigo 5º, LV, da Constituição Federal de 1988 às relações privadas de emprego / The exercise of disciplinary might and the assurances of the contradictory and the legal defense: the applicability of the article 5th, LV, of the Federal Constitution of 1988 at the private employment relationships

Supioni Junior, Claudimir 16 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudimir Supioni Junior.pdf: 4165729 bytes, checksum: f5d63083483eaf3d174bba448c29d769 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-16 / This report publishes research that has adopted as its central object the applicability of the assurances of the contradictory and the legal defense before the disciplinary power of the private employer. The research focused on the study of the effectiveness of the Article 5th, LV, of the Federal Constitution of 1988, its incidence contours, its effects as standard of fundamental rights and the peculiarities of its application in the employment relationship. The research´s central problem was facing by two perspectives: Initially, was studied the applicability of the constitutional provision through the lens of modern constitutional theory, adopting, as the main theoretical, the thesis of constitutional effectiveness of José Afonso da Silva. At second step, without exclusively, was analyzed the problem under the postulates of contemporary constitutionalism and theory of fundamental rights. The research method was the critical revision of the doctrine tangential to the topic, the investigation of primary sources of constitutional legislative process, the jurisprudence, the foreign legislation and the documents published by international organizations. The search result is the postulate that the constitutional guarantees of adversarial and legal defense have immediate irradiation in private relations governed by the Direct Labour ensured by complete eficacial and effectiveness horizontal of the rule inserted in Article 5, LV, of the Federal Constitution 1988, not depending of any legislation or legislative change. To respect the constitutional provision, an employer who intends to sanction or dismiss the worker with a just cause argument must previously assure to him the exercise of the assurances of the contradictory and the legal defense, under penalty of nullity sanction imposed by lack of essential validity. In the case of dismission by just cause, the disrespect to the assurances implies consider the serious lack ineffectual, changing the argument of dismission for unjust type, unless the employee has obtained provisional stability, in which case will be possible think on reinstatement of the worker / O presente trabalho divulga pesquisa que adotou como objeto central a aplicabilidade das garantias do contraditório e da ampla defesa diante do poder disciplinar do empregador privado. A pesquisa se concentrou no estudo da eficácia do artigo 5º, LV, da Constituição Federal de 1988, seus contornos de incidência, seus efeitos como norma definidora de direitos fundamentais e as peculiaridades de sua aplicação na relação de emprego. O problema central foi enfrentando em duas perspectivas: Incialmente, estudou-se a aplicabilidade da norma constitucional sob a lente da moderna teoria constitucional, adotando-se, como principal marco teórico, a tese de eficácia das normas constitucionais de José Afonso da Silva. Em segundo momento, sem caráter exclusivo, analisou-se o problema sob os postulados do constitucionalismo contemporâneo e da teoria dos direitos fundamentais. O método de pesquisa consistiu na revisão crítica da doutrina tangente ao tema, na investigação das fontes primárias do processo legislativo constitucional, do acervo jurisprudencial correlato, da legislação estrangeira e dos documentos publicados pelos Organismos Internacionais. O resultado é o postulado de que as garantias constitucionais do contraditório e da ampla defesa têm imediata irradiação nas relações privadas reguladas pelo direto do trabalho, assegurado pela plenitude eficacial e pela eficácia horizontal da norma inserida no artigo 5º, LV, da Constituição Federal de 1988, não sendo dependente de qualquer legislação infraconstitucional conformadora ou de alteração legislativa. Em respeito à norma constitucional, o empregador que tiver a intenção de sancionar ou despedir motivadamente o trabalhador deve previamente assegura-lhe o exercício do contraditório e da ampla defesa, sob pena de nulidade da sanção aplicada por falta de elemento essencial de validade. Tratando-se de resolução do contrato por justa causa, o desrespeito às garantias implica em se considerar insubsistente a falta grave, convertendo-se a dispensa para a modalidade imotivada, salvo se o trabalhador for detentor de estabilidade provisória, hipótese em que será possível falar em sua reintegração

Undersökning och analysering av relationen mellan Ulricehamns Betong AB och dess kunder

Gaphour Ali, Bahra, Karim Khani, Ida January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrunden till examensarbetet är att det ställs alltmer krav på byggindustrin när det gäller kortare projekttider och minskade omkostnader för att nå projektframgång. Byggandet är ett nödvändigt villkor för bland annat samhällsutveckling och tillväxt. Byggindustrin får dock många gånger kritik för bland annat brister gällande kundtillfredsställelse, kvalitet, effektivitet och utvecklingsförmåga.Ett sätt att nå projektframgång är effektivisering av hela försörjningskedjan i en byggprocess genom ökad samverkan. En bättre samverkan mellan aktörer i en byggprocess leder i sin tur till en effektivare byggprocess och även en indirekt bättre fungerande bransch. Detta leder i sin tur till nya möjligheter, högre delaktighet mellan aktörerna, reducerade kostnader och besparningar när det gäller tid. Byggindustrin har trots dessa insikter inte utvecklat relationerna jämfört med andra tillverkningsindustrier.Transporter är en stor och grundläggande del för byggföretag och leverantörsledet utgör en stor del av kostnaderna i byggproduktionen. Med leverantörsledet menas bland annat tillverkare av byggmaterial och utrustning. Eftersom en stor del av kostnaderna uppstår i leverantörsledet, finns det en stor potential i effektivisering av hela försörjningskedjan mellan entreprenörer och leverantörer. Entreprenörer skulle kunna gynnas av om de satsar på långsiktiga relationer till sina leverantörer. Leverantörerna bör i sin tur ta reda på vad entreprenörerna/kunderna värdesätter för att sedan kunna tillfredsställa medvetna och omedvetna behov.Syftet med denna studie är att hjälpa uppdragsgivaren Ulricehamns Betong AB att öka förståelsen för vad kunderna värdesätter hos en leverantör förutom priset. Motiven bakom kundens val av leverantör skall genom denna studie undersökas, detta för att upptäcka vilka mervärden Ulricehamns Betong AB kan tillföra sina produkter. Syftet är även att ta fram och förstå tänkbara faktorer och förbättringsåtgärder som kan effektivisera och förbättra relationen mellan Ulricehamns Betong AB och dess kunder. Genom en bättre relation kan eventuella möjligheter till synergier upptäckas för att minska slöserier.Metoden för denna studie är en kvalitativ fallstudie med inslag av kvantitativ karaktär. Tjugotre av uppdragsgivarens kunder valdes för skriftliga intervjuer med öppna frågor. Dessa skriftliga intervjuer sändes till nyckelpersoner på dessa företag för insamling av empirisk data. Studien beskriver dagens byggindustri och utifrån den insamlade empirin kunde ett antal olika förslag tas fram för framtida möjligheter och utveckling. Studien kan även användas som underlag för eventuella marknadsundersökningar.

Justice et discrimination en milieu organisationnel : proposition d’un modèle matriciel de pérennisation des hiérarchies sociales / Justice and discrimination in organizational environment : proposal of a matrix model perpetuation of the social hierachies

Abarri, Lahcen 28 November 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans la lignée des travaux de psychologie sociale du travail consacrés à la compréhension du comportement organisationnel des individus à travers le prisme de la justice et de la discrimination. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés aux pratiques organisationnelles inhérentes à la justice distributive. Dans un second temps, aux mécanismes psychosociaux individuels et inter-individuels engendrant de la discrimination. Enfin, aux environnements normatifs de travail orientés ou non vers la justice sociale.Dans une première étude, nous avons étudié l’influence respective de différents critères de justice organisationnelle susceptibles d’orienter les décisions de distribution de primes financières ; soit les critères d’égalité, de besoin des subordonnés, et, en termes d’équité, la performance individuelle, la performance collective et l’allégeance. Nous avons observé (sur N = 1135) que chacune des trois variables d’équité prime sur l’égalité et sur le besoin. Nos analyses ont également démontré l’existence d’effets d’interaction entre les divers critères de distribution.Nous avons ensuite examiné (par 7 études) la nature des relations entretenues par divers facteurs psychosociaux que sont l’Orientation à la Dominance Sociale (ODS), la Croyance en un Monde du Travail Juste (CMTJ), la norme d’Allégeance et la Propension à Discriminer (PAD). Nos résultats (sur (N = 975) nous ont permis d’observer leur influence mutuelle ainsi que de déterminer le rôle médiateur de l’Allégeance entre l’Egalitarisme et la PAD, celui de la CMTJ entre l’Egalitarisme et la PAD et entre l’Allégeance et l’ODS, mais également le rôle médiateur de l’ODS entre la CMTJ et la PAD.Enfin, au niveau de l’environnement de travail, il nous a semblé opportun d’évaluer le pouvoir exercé par l’environnement normatif sur les concepts précités. Nous avons, dans ce but, conceptualisé une Matrice Cognitivo-Comportementale de Perpétuation du Système (MCCPS) dont nous avons ensuite, dans une étude, testé la validité. Nos résultats (sur N = 457) démontrent que les salariés travaillant dans un environnement de type AH (i.e. accentuant la hiérarchisation sociale) adhérent davantage à la MCCPS que les salariés travaillant dans un environnement de type RH (i.e. réduisant la hiérarchisation sociale). / This research is in line with the studies of social psychology of work dedicated to the understanding of individuals' organizational behavior through the prism of justice and discrimination. In the first instance, we were interested in the organizational practices related to the distributive justice. In the second part, to the individual and interpersonal psychosocial mechanisms which generate discrimination. Finally, to the normative environments of work oriented or not towards the social justice.In the first study, we analyzed the respective influence of various criteria of organizational justice susceptible to direct the decisions regarding the distribution of financial bonus ; either the equality criteria, subordinates' needs, and, in terms of equity, the individual performance, the collective performance and the allegiance. We have observed (by N = 1135) that each of the three equity variables outweighs the equality and the need.Our analysis have also showed the existence of interaction effects between the various distribution criteria.Then, we examined (by 7 studies) the nature of the relationships maintained by various psychosocial factors that are the Social Dominance Orientation (SDO), the Belief in a Just World of Work (BJWW), the Allegiance norm and the propensity to discriminate (PTD). Our results (on (N = 975) have allowed us to observe their mutual influence and also to determinate the mediator role of the Allegiance between the Egalitarianism and the PTD, the one of BJWW between the Egalitarianism and the PTD and between the Allegiance and the SDO, and also the mediator role of the SDO between the BJWW and the PTD.Finally, regarding the work environment, it seemed appropriate to us to assess the power exercised by the normative environment on the concepts aforesaid. We have, for this purpose, conceptualized a Matrix Cognitive-Behavioural of the Perpetuation of the System (MCBPS) about which we then tested its validity in a study. Our results (on N=457) demonstrate that employees who work in a type AH environment (i.e. that accentuate the social hierarchy) adhere more to the MCBPS that the employees who work in a type RH environment (i.e. that decrease the social hierarchy).

俄羅斯與台灣轉型正義之比較研究 / A Comparative Study on the Transitional Justice of Russia and Taiwan

江子揚, Chiang, Tzu Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要透過新制度主義研究途徑以探析「轉型正義」行為模式之創制與發 展,並循比較政治研究途徑對俄羅斯及台灣實踐「轉型正義」之特性,進行異同 比較。 檢視20 世紀下半葉,諸多威權政體相繼歷經民主轉型過程,對前朝政權系統 性斲害人權等罪愆之施暴者與蒙難者該如何處置,往往為此等轉型國家之嚴峻挑 戰;「轉型正義」即泛指新興民主國家面對該挑戰時所採取之各項措施。相關對 以往威權罪愆之回應,現今,國際間已啟動轉型正義機制之國家,大多循經刑事 訴責、公共遺却及真相委員會等三途徑以進行。 本論文認為,歷經民主轉型,俄羅斯發生轉型正義之動因乃為深化與維持民主 體系,遏止威權復辟之可能,並擇取「祛記憶」途徑以進行,在實踐作為層面則 因集體遺却與政治冷漠,而遭所侷限;台灣發生轉型正義之動因為深化與維持民 主體系,遏止威權復辟之可能,並擇取一類似於「真相委員會」途徑以進行,在 實踐作為層面則受到國家認同與族群分立等情境所制約。 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the creation and development of "transitional justice" behavior patterns through new institutionalism approach, and to compare the similar and different features that “transitional justice” practiced in Russia and Taiwan through comparative politics approach. Recalling the second half of the 20th century, many authoritarian regimes have been through the process of democratic transition, the regime of former victims of systematic human rights of battle sins of the perpetrators and how to dispose of those battered, often for this and other challenges in transition countries; "transitional justice "that refers to the new democracies of the challenges faced by the various measures taken. The relevant authority of the past sins of the response, now, internationally, the nations that begun the transitional justice mechanism, great majority, through the prosecution channel, the amnesia channel and the truth commissions channel to proceed. This author argues in this study that, after democratic transition, the factor of transitional justice in Russia is to deepen and maintain the democratic system, guarding against the possible of authoritarian of restoration, and to choose the ”disremembering” channel. The practice is restricted by collective amnesia and indifferent of politics; the factor of transitional justice in Taiwan is to deepen and maintain the democratic system, guarding against the possible of authoritarian of restoration, and to choose a channel similar to the "truth commissions ". The practice is restricted by some situations like national identity and ethnic division.

Heuristisk profilbaserad optimering av instruktionscache i en online Just-In-Time kompilator / Heuristic Online Profile Based Instruction Cache Optimisation in a Just-In-Time Compiler

Eng, Stefan January 2004 (has links)
<p>This master’s thesis examines the possibility to heuristically optimise instruction cache performance in a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler. </p><p>Programs that do not fit inside the cache all at once may suffer from cache misses as a result of frequently executed code segments competing for the same cache lines. A new heuristic algorithm LHCPA was created to place frequently executed code segments to avoid cache conflicts between them, reducing the overall cache misses and reducing the performance bottlenecks. Set-associative caches are taken into consideration and not only direct mapped caches. </p><p>In Ahead-Of-Time compilers (AOT), the problem with frequent cache misses is often avoided by using call graphs derived from profiling and more or less complex algorithms to estimate the performance for different placements approaches. This often results in heavy computation during compilation which is not accepted in a JIT compiler. </p><p>A case study is presented on an Alpha processor and an at Ericsson developed JIT Compiler. The results of the case study shows that cache performance can be improved using this technique but also that a lot of other factors influence the result of the cache performance. Such examples are whether the cache is set-associative or not; and especially the size of the cache highly influence the cache performance.</p>

“Just culture” or just culture? : har Försvarsmakten en rättvisekultur eller bara en kultur? / “Just culture” or just culture? : do the Swedish armed forces have a just culture or just a culture?

Carlemalm, Per January 2009 (has links)
<p>Ett flygsäkerhetsarbete bygger på ett förtroende mellan individen och organisationen. Det finns en brist inom Försvarsmakten rapporteringssystem, där fördelningen av rapporter med avseende på mänskliga misstag, är avvikande från vad som anses som normalt inom flygverksamhet. Varför avviker rapporteringen i FM från normalbilden? Ett perspektiv som kan förklara denna avvikelse är rättvisekulturperspektivet.</p><p>Syftet är att diskutera huruvida den ojämna fördelningen av avvikelserapporter med avseende på mänskliga misstag i FM flygsäkerhetsarbete kan förklaras ur ett just culture perspektiv med fokus på regler och styrdokument .</p><p>Resultatet är att FM inte är att anse som en rättvisekultur. Framförallt är detta på grund av den bristfälliga kulturella grunden, disciplinsystemet och skyddandet av rapporteringssystemet.</p> / <p>Flight safety relies on trust between the person and the organization. There is a deficiency in the Swedish armed forces reporting system whereas the distribution between human factor reports and other reports is deviant from the normal distribution in flying operations. Why is that? A perspective that could help explaining this is the <em>just culture</em> perspective.</p><p>The purpose of this essay is to discus whether the uneven distribution in the reporting system in regards of human error in the Swedish armed forces can be explained by a just culture perspective in regards of rules and documents.</p><p>The result is that the Swedish armed forces are not considered a just culture. Mainly because of the insufficient foundation of the flight safety culture, the existence of a disciplinary system and the failure to protect the reporting system.</p>

Dalla guerra giusta alla pace giusta. Etica e pratica del conflitto armato nel sistema internazionale contemporaneo / From Just War to Just Peace. Ethics and Practice of Armed Conflict in the Contemporary International System

AMATO, ALESSANDRA 04 July 2007 (has links)
I cambiamenti verificatisi nel sistema internazionale nel corso degli ultimi anni hanno avuto una profonda incidenza sul dibattito teorico circa l'uso della forza e i conflitti armati. In particolare, il cambiamento che si è avuto nel warfare ha portato a concentrare l'attenzione su due aspetti particolari della guerra, ovvero la sua giustificazione morale e la relazione tra uso della forza e diritto internazionale. Inoltre, rispetto al passato, la fase successiva ai conflitti assume una rilevanza sempre maggiore. Scopo di questo lavoro è, quindi, da un lato analizzare la teoria della guerra giusta in relazione al diritto internazionale e alle sfide poste dall'attuale sistema internazionale, evidenziandone gli elementi teorici più problematici e, dall'altro, delineare gli elementi normativi necessari per una teoria della pace giusta. Se, infatti, la tradizione teorica relativa a ius ad bellum e ius in bello è ben consolidata, i problemi teorici ed empirici che si pongono circa lo ius post bellum sono nuovi e ancora senza risposta. Il lavoro cerca quindi di formulare gli elementi normativi che dovrebbero regolare lo ius post bellum affinché vengano soddisfatti i requisiti di giustizia post-conflittuale Infine, alla luce degli elementi teorici emersi sono stati analizzati tre conflitti che ben si prestano a valutare empiricamente la teoria della guerra giusta, ovvero il primo conflitto in Iraq del 1991, l'intervento in Kosovo del 1999 e il secondo conflitto in Iraq del 2003. / The changes occurred in the international system during the last decade had a deep influence on the theoretical debate about use of force and armed conflicts. In particular, changes in warfare focused attention on two different aspects of war its moral justifiability and the relation between the use of force and international law. Furthermore, the post-conflict phase is becoming more and more important. The aim of this work is twofold: on one hand, to analyse the relationship between Just War Theory and international law and the challenges raising from the new international system, underlining the most problematic aspects from a theoretical point of view. On the other hand, the aim is to sketch some normative elements of Just Peace Theory. If jus ad bellum and jus in bello theories are well-established, there are many theoretical and empirical problems related to jus post bellum Consequently, this work tries to advance some normative elements required to regulate jus post bellum in order to satisfy requirements of post-conflict justice. Finally, in the light of the elements arisen in the theoretical part of the work, three conflicts particularly relevant for Just War Theory are taken into account: the 1991 war in Iraq, the 1999 intervention in Kosovo e and the 2003 conflict in Iraq.

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