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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Město ve městě Blok Trnitá / City within city Trnitá block

Štrba, Šimon Unknown Date (has links)
Diploma thesis is dealing with a design of a new apartment building in Brno, in a new city quarter Trnitá. The proposal shows a different way of creating a city block, with emphasis on sustainability, variability and quality of housing.

Hyressättning i Sverige : En analys av konsekvenserna av Svea hovrätts dom om presumtionshyra / Rent-setting in Sweden : An Analysis of the Consequences of the Court of Appeal’s Judgment on Presumption Rent

Klint, Axel, Ytterholm, Simon January 2023 (has links)
I juni 2022 fastställde Svea hovrätt en dom i två mål (ÖH 14593–20 och ÖH 1854–21) om presumtionshyra. Utgången i målen förändrade hyresregleringen. Domen gällde den årliga hyresutvecklingen av presumtionshyror. Före domen ökade de hyror som omfattas av presumtionshyra årligen med samma procentsats som övriga hyror som klassas som jämförelsematerial på samma ort. Till följd av hovrättens dom kan presumtionshyrorna inte fullt ut följa den allmänna hyresutvecklingen för andra hyreslägenheter på orten. För att besvara studiens syfte och motsäga hypotesen har en litteraturstudie samt intervjustudie tillämpats. Studiens hypotes lyder: Svea hovrätts dom har ingen effekt på värderingar av fastigheter med presumtionshyra, minskad byggvilja och framtida användning av presumtionshyra. Respondenterna till studiens intervjuer är fastighetsbolag, fastighetsrådgivare, en intresseorganisation och bankväsendet. Med hjälp av intervjuresultaten erhölls information om domens konsekvenser. Dessutom utfördes en simulering genom en kassaflödesanalys som påvisar hur stora effekter domen kan ha till följd av Svea hovrätts beräkningsmodell. Resultatet av studien visar att domen har påverkat bostadsmarknaden, men det är svårt att påvisa i vilken utsträckning. Det är tydligt att domen har skapat större osäkerhet på en redan osäker fastighetsmarknad. Studien visar bland annat på konsekvenser som minskade fastighetsvärderingar av fastigheter med presumtionshyra, minskad byggvilja och minskad framtida användning av presumtionshyra. Respondenterna uppskattar att värdeminskningen på bostadsmarknaden ligger runt 10%, men på grund av simuleringen och osäkerheten kring få genomförda transaktioner kan den faktiska minskningen vara större. Studien indikerar att det minskade bostadsbyggandet, särskilt hyresrätter, kan bero på en kombination av faktorer som finansiell osäkerhet, ökade finansieringskostnader och inverkan av presumtionshyresdomen. I framtiden förväntas andra hyressättningsmetoder än presumtionshyra användas mer. Sedan domen kom har transaktionsmarknaden varit nästintill obefintligt. Vidare studier som fokuserar på återhämtningen av transaktionsmarknaden efter domen skulle bidra till att klargöra domens och marknadens långsiktiga effekter. Genom att analysera transaktioner av aktuella fastigheter över en viss tidsperiod efter domen kan en mer exakt kartläggning av studiens problematik kartläggas. / In June 2022, the Svea Court of Appeal confirmed a judgment on presumption rent in two cases (ÖH 14593-20 and ÖH 1854-21). The outcome of the cases changed rent regulations. The judgment concerned the annual rent development of presumption rents. Before the judgment, the rents covered by presumption rent increased annually by the same percentage as other rents classified as comparative material in the same location. As a result of the Court of Appeal's judgment, the presumption rents cannot fully follow the general rent development for other rental apartments in the locality. To answer the purpose of the study and contradict the hypothesis, a literature study, and an interview study have been applied. The hypothesis of the study is: The Svea Court of Appeal's judgment has no effect on valuations of properties with presumption rent, reduced willingness to build, and future use of presumption rent. The respondents to the study's interviews are real estate companies, real estate advisors, an interest organization, and the banking sector. Information on the consequences of the judgment was obtained using the interview results. In addition, a simulation was performed through a cash flow analysis that demonstrates how large the effects of the judgment can be because of the Svea Court of Appeal's calculation model. The results of the study show that the judgment has affected the housing market, but it is difficult to demonstrate to what extent. The judgment has created greater uncertainty in an already uncertain property market. The study shows consequences such as reduced property valuations of properties with presumption rent, reduced willingness to build, and reduced future use of presumption rent. The respondents estimate that the decrease in value of the housing market is around 10%, but due to the simulation and the uncertainty of a few completed transactions, the actual decrease may be higher. The study indicates that the decline in housing construction, especially rental housing, could be due to a combination of factors such as financial uncertainty, increased financing costs, and the impact of the judgment. The use of rent-setting methods other than presumption rent is expected to increase in the future. Since the judgment last year, the transaction market has been almost non-existent. Further studies focusing on the recovery of the transaction market after the judgment would help to clarify the long-term effects of the judgment and the market. By analyzing transactions of theproperties in question over a certain period after the judgment, a more precise mapping of the problems of the study can be identified.

Disinfection By-Product Formation Potential and the Structural Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Springfield Water and Sewer Commission’s Cobble Mountain Reservoir Watershed.

Naughton, Thomas J 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
USEPA regulations of Disinfection By-Products (DBPs) require water suppliers to be in compliance with maximum contaminant levels set by the agency’s Stage 2 DBP Rule. Controlling watershed sources of byproduct precursors are of interest to water suppliers. By-product formation potential and DOC (dissolved organic carbon) character were evaluated at eight sites on four dates (n=32). All sites are within Springfield Water and Sewer Commission’s Cobble Mountain Reservoir watershed (Blandford and Granville, Ma). The goal was to investigate how DBPFP (DBP formation potential) changes in relation to landscape driven changes in DOC chemical characteristics. Analysis was performed on raw water samples using UV-Visible Spectroscopy. 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) were performed on solid phase extractable (SPE-C18) hydrophobic DOC. Changes in DBPFP are related to landscape changes in hydrophobic DOC characteristics. On three of the four sample dates (n=24) DBPFP was positively correlated to the E2:E3 ratio (R2=.37), SUVA (R2=.72), percent aromatic resonance (R2=.60), and percent carbohydrate resonance (R2=.44). DBPFP on three sample dates (n=24) was negatively correlated to percent aliphatic resonance (R2=.48). DOC aromaticity, SUVA and specific formation potential were lowest in headwater streams and increased with distance downstream. Substantial reductions in DOC concentration are seen upon reservoir export. For most parameters headwater in-stream variability was greater than inter-stream variability. Differences among headwater streams of different forest type are not distinguishable in our small sample size (n=12). Only slight differences in specific formation potential were observed among two different depth samples in Cobble Mountain Reservoir. Our results have implications for watershed management practices in the drinking water supply industry of New England.

De och dem – Hur svårt kan det vara? : En studie kring högstadieelevers behärskning av de och dem och dess samband med lärares attityder

Andersson, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa högstadieelevers behärskning av pronomenen de och dem i skrift samt identifiera om det finns ett samband mellan lärares attityder till de, dem och dom och elevers behärskning av de och dem. För att uppnå syftet har kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod använts. Den kvantitativa metoden består av ett lucktestet som genomfördes av sammanlagt 132 elever i årskurs 7–9 på en grundskola belägen i västra Skåne. Den kvalitativa metoden består av semistrukturerade intervjuer med de tre årskursernas respektive lärare. Resultatet visar att vissa elever behärskar de och dem väl, andra relativt väl och vissa brister i behärskningen. Vidare visar resultatet att lärarnas attityder till de, dem och dom varierar och man kan utläsa en tydlig koppling mellan lärarnas olika attityder och elevernas behärskning av de och dem. Slutsatserna som kan dras av studien är att högstadieeleverna varierar i normenlig behärskning av de och dem i skrift och att lärarnas attityder till de, dem och dom i hög grad påverkar elevernas behärskning.

Evaluating Blazor WebAssembly for the Progressive Web Application Front-End : A Comparative Study Using ReactJS as a Baseline

Rashidi, Vida, Segelström, William January 2021 (has links)
This study is conducted to evaluate the Blazor WebAssembly framework for the Progressive Web Application (PWA) methodology. A comparative study is conducted with a ReactJS PWA as a baseline. The two frameworks are evaluated in their front-end performance and documentation of PWA-focused subjects. Front-end performance is measured between two experimental applications that test the loading times, heap memory usage and loading consistency during layout generation. It is found that a Blazor WebAssembly PWA takes on average a range of 0.34, 0.18, and 0.06 seconds less time to generate a layout than a ReactJS PWA. The Blazor WebAssembly PWA was less consistent in its loading times when handling many elements. Documentation that covers Progressive Web Application terminology was found to be different between the frameworks. The Blazor WebAssembly documentation covers more topics and provides first-hand knowledge while the ReactJS documentation covers fewer topics and relies on external sources to provide the necessary explanations. These findings indicate that Blazor WebAssembly is a faster framework when updating large amounts of elements in comparison to ReactJS. However, the ReactJS PWA was found to be overall more consistent in its loading times. Documentation varied between the two frameworks. Documentation in Blazor WebAssembly covers more Progressive Web Application subjects and is more in-depth than ReactJS.  This study only evaluates applications developed in ReactJS and Blazor WebAssembly. Both are tested on Google Chrome in a desktop environment.


Mynářová, Iveta January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is the design of a poly-functional town house within a complicated topographic situation of Pekařská street's foothill defining its functional content following the neighborhood necessities analysis, mutual function relationship, construction and expression medium, by understanding organism of the city, its evolution, potentials and actual problems.

Variabilní rodinný dům / Variable One-Family House

Stolková, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to design a house that minor changes can be easily adapted to the changed situation. House may very well be a ONE-GENERATION after adjustment becomes a two-generation. The house is designed as a lightweight wooden construction with steel elements. As part of the thesis is resolved interior element, and a kitchen island. It is designed as a place for cooking with Sink area. The whole is topped with Corian and has a built-in fireplace insert.

Bydlení na starém Brně - architektonicko urbanistická studie / Living in Old Brno - architecture and urban study

Krempaský, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The topic of my thesis is living in the old Brno in the cadastral area of Old Brno . Currently selected area on the map of brownfiedlu of Brno and the question of his fate has become a hot topic. For the design of a successful revitalization area is necessary to think not only the local context , but also over the issue of sustainable development across the board , in the context of the current situation in the company and its vision of the future . Therefore, in my thesis I try to answer the upcoming questions . 1 / What today is sustainability ? 2 / As , influenced by the ideas of sustainability , access to urban planning ? 3 / Which new role and function should be proposed territory ? 4 / As a suggestion area involved in the existing urban structure ? 5 / How to turn onset territory in a sustainable , vibrant and healthy urban structure ? In spatial planning , I emphasized in terms of sustainable development into two functions . On the one hand, promote the development and direction needed to remove the obstacles . On the other hand, to protect the natural and cultural values of the area , which are irreplaceable and non-renewable . Both tasks I tried to balance because of slipping into one extreme, could block the necessary economic and social development or, conversely, to promote development without hindrance , while I was forced to sacrifice irreplaceable natural and cultural assets . There are more models of sustainable urban forms , but some feature are common . I decided in its proposal to create a compact urban structure with multiple functions and interconnection network of streets with the support of the public transport system , quality control environment and a high level of local government and the incorporation of green with the use of passive solar gains .

I naturen bland andar, förfäder och magi

Stojakovic, Tina January 2010 (has links)
I denna uppsats genomför jag med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys en undersökning av hur ursprungsbefolkningar och ursprungsbefolkningars religioner framställs i fyra läromedel i religionskunskap för grundskolans senare skolår. Fokus i undersökningen ligger på om det i läroböckernas framställningar förekommer spår av ett vi- och dom-perspektiv och på vilka sätt eventuella sådana spår yttrar sig. Resultaten av undersökningen visar att det finns spår av ett vi- och dom-perspektiv i alla fyra läroböckerna i någon grad. Till viss del ställs ett tillsynes homogent ”vi” i relation till ett tillsynes homogent ”dom”. ”Vi” representerar ”europén” och den kristne ”västerlänningen”, ”dom” å andra sidan får representera ”de Andra”, det vill säga ursprungsbefolkningar och ursprungsbefolkningars religioner. Det visar sig i läroböckernas texter att den variation som finns ursprungsbefolkningar emellan inte får träda fram vilket lätt leder till generaliseringar, både på gott och på ont. De centrala drag i ursprungsbefolkningars religioner som författarna i de undersökta läroböckerna betonar och som får stå i kontrast till läroböckernas ”vi” är att ursprungsbefolkningar har ett speciellt förhållande till naturen, det finns en central kult kring andar och förfädersdyrkan samt en stark tro på magi och övernaturliga krafter.

Dissolved Organic Matter Influences the Timing of Embryonic Development of the Purple Sea Urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus.

Hodges, Corbin J 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) comprises one of the largest carbon reservoirs on earth and has long been considered a potential energy source for marine invertebrates. The importance of DOM transport has been adequately demonstrated for unicellular organisms, where DOM can meet 100% of an organisms energy needs, but the effects of DOM uptake for marine metazoans are less well understood. In this study, three general areas involving the influence of DOM transport to marine invertebrates were explored. First, we assessed the effects of using seawater exposed to high intensity ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on the study organism; embryos of the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. This was important because we used seawater treated in this way to create water types used in the experiments. Exposing seawater to high intensity UVR oxidizes (and functionally removes) DOM in the seawater. Second, the influence of the presence of DOM on the timing of embryonic development was examined for embryos of S. purpuratus. Specifically, the time of cell division and the time of hatching were determined for embryos in seawater with and without DOM. Finally, the ability of DOM to moderate the negative effect of UV-exposure on time of cell division was assessed. To make these comparisons experiments were performed using three water types: FSW (0.22 micron filtered seawater), DOM-depleted seawater (UV oxidized 0.22 micron filtered seawater), and DOM-enriched seawater (UV oxidized 0.22 micron filtered seawater enriched with labile DOM). In the first experiment, batches of embryos in the three water types were either exposed or not exposed to ultra-violet radiation and the time of first cell division was compared for embryos across the six treatments. In the second experiment, batches of embryos were placed in the same three water types and the time of first cell division and the time of hatching were quantified. From these experiments several results were generated. First, seawater exposed to high intensity UVR did not influence the timing of development of embryos of S. purpuratus. Embryos in water exposed to high intensity UVR (DOM-enriched and DOM-depleted seawater) hatched at similar times and completed first cell division at times similar to embryos in water not exposed to high intensity UVR (FSW). Next, we found that the influence of the presence of DOM on the development timing of S. purpuratus embryos depended on the event that was examined. The time of first cell division was not affected by the presence of DOM but the time of hatching was. Embryos in water with dissolved organic matter hatched on average 86 minutes later than embryos in water without DOM. Potentially, embryos in seawater without DOM speed up development to more quickly reach the point that they can feed on particulates. Lastly, the presence of DOM did not influence UVR-induced cleavage delay. The percent cleavage delay was not significantly different for embryos in seawater with (DOM-enriched) and without (DOM-depleted) DOM. In addition to the experiments, all studies in the literature that examine the realized effects of DOM transport were analyzed to ascertain when the manifestation of DOM uptake is most likely to occur. From these results, it appears that the effects of DOM transport are most likely to manifest after the life stage in which the majority of uptake occurred. If DOM transport has an affect within a life stage it is most likely to manifest as moderation of biomass loss or maintenance of endogenous reserves. With the addition of the experimental results from this study to the information already in the literature we begin to more fully grasp the importance of DOM transport to S. purpuratus. DOM influences the time of hatching, biomass, arm length, and stomach size of the species; results that highlight the importance of examining multiple affects of DOM transport for a single species. In conclusion, future research should look for multiple effects of the presence of DOM both within and across life stages (for a single species) to better understand the importance of DOM to marine invertebrates.

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