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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O constitucionalismo solidário: responsabilidade, democracia e inclusão / O constitucionalismo solidário: responsabilidade, democracia e inclusão / Constitucionalism solidarity: accontability, democracy and inclusion / Constitucionalism solidarity: accontability, democracy and inclusion

Bruno Stigert de Sousa 26 February 2010 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a solidariedade social e sua projeção no sistema constitucional brasileiro, buscando definir seus contornos, fundamentos e limites na efetivação de políticas públicas e decisões judiciais. Ademais, busca-se na presente dissertação demarcar os limites e possibilidades da solidariedade enquanto valor que norteia o campo da política, notadamente na prática democrática. O estudo parte de uma análise histórica e filosófica para contextualizar a solidariedade como princípio jurídico que fundamenta direitos e deveres e que encontra nas demandas por reconhecimento das diferenças seu maior campo de incidência. Na política, a solidariedade se abre à opção de uma democracia anti-elitista que tem no conflito, na tolerância e nas divergências as pedras de toque que proporcionam uma dinâmica que respeita as diferenças e geram cooperação social por conta dessa estima intersubjetiva. Os deveres de reconhecimento intersubjetivo e de estima social possibilitam uma construção social dialógica e interacional, na qual seus sujeitos são respeitados como seres livres e iguais, dignos de igual respeito e consideração. Tal afirmativa é colocada a prova quando da viabilidade constitucional da cota racial nas Universidades Públicas brasileiras. Da mesma forma, a solidariedade se projeta para o campo jurídico devido a sua positivação na Constituição brasileira de 1988 como princípio/objetivo fundamental da República Federativa do Brasil. Deste modo, a jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal vem lançando mão do princípio fundamental da solidariedade para fundamentar decisões que envolvam deveres fundamentais de redistribuição e reconhecimento. Tais decisões nos permitem traçar um conteúdo mínimo desse princípio à luz da ordem social e cultural brasileira que, aliás, não foi deixada de lado em nenhum momento no decorrer do estudo. Esse conteúdo material encontra nos deveres de redistribuição e reconhecimento, principalmente neste último, seu suporte de eficácia jurídica, viabilizando, em certos momentos, até uma aplicação direta da solidariedade por meio dos deveres. / The present dissertation seeks the analysis of social solidarity and its projection over the Brazilian Constitutional System, with the purpose of setting forth the outlines, foundations and boundaries to make effective public policies e judicial decisions. Furthermore, one of the main subjects of the present paper is to set forth the boundaries and possibilities of solidarity as a leading value to the field of Politics, mainly the practice of democracy. The study starts from a historical and philosophical analysis to introduce solidarity as a juridical principle that underlies rights and duties, finding on the recognition of differences its major field of incidence. In Politics, solidarity opens up itself as an option for an anti-elitist democracy, which has in conflict, tolerance, and divergences the cornerstone that provides a respectful dynamic of differences, generating social cooperation because of these inherent mutual esteem and respect. The duties of intersubjective recognition and social esteem enable a dialogical and interactive social construction, in which their subjects are respected as free and equal beings, deservers of equal respect and consideration. Such affirmation is put on trial when confronted with the constitutional viability of racial quota in Brazilian Public Universities. Likewise, solidarity is projected over the juridical field due to its contemplation by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 as a fundamental principle/objective of the Federal Republic of Brazil. For this reason, the jurisprudence of the Brazilian Supreme Court of Law has been constantly employing the fundamental principle of solidarity to sustain decisions involving fundamental rules of redistribution and recognition. Such decisions allow us to draw a minimum content of this principle under the light of the Brazilian social and cultural order that, by the way, were not left aside over the current work. This material content finds in the rules of redistribution and recognition, mainly the latter, its foundation for juridical efficiency, making possible, sometimes, even a direct application of solidarity through the duties.

Novos deveres das instituições financeiras na prevenção do superendividamento

Peres, Fabiana Prietos January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado serve para refletir acerca das questões concernentes à crise financeira mundial, as modificações legislativas acerca da regulação do crédito ao consumidor e o os novos deveres das instituições financeiras diante de tal cenário. Considerando a necessidade urgente de uma regulação mundial, seja nacional ou em blocos econômicos, acerca do fenômeno do superendividamento, valemo-nos de exemplos de outros países para buscar uma conexão possível, considerando a cultura da sociedade de consumo, leis vigentes e necessidades específicas, entre os deveres dos consumidores e, principalmente, das instituições financeiras. Se o consumidor brasileiro paga atualmente as maiores taxas de juros no mundo, com a justificativa do mercado que tal prática é reflexo de sua inadimplência, deve-se atentar para a razão de tal inadimplência. A inadimplência do consumidor, muitas vezes o levando ao superendividamento, é um reflexo tanto da cultura do imediatismo, fomentada pela publicidade, quanto da ausência de limites e informações adequadas à este consumidor quando da concessão do crédito, o levando a subestimar os riscos da operação. O consumidor não tendo conhecimento necessário para gerir sua vida financeira, ao receber ofertas de crédito com informações deficientes, incompletas, obscuras e até mesmo com ilusões que rodeiam apenas seus benefícios e não seus riscos, é um forte candidato ao superendividamento. Muito embora existam muitas ações, tanto no Brasil quanto no mundo, para tratamento do superendividamento, buscando a ressocialização do consumidor na sociedade, devemos preocupar-nos igualmente com a prevenção deste superendividado, que deve ser realizada com a tomada da responsabilidade [neste sentido como um dever, uma postura a ser adotada pela instituição financeira previamente] no sentido de qualificar seus prepostos a igualmente terem condições de informar, clara e adequadamente, o consumidor dos riscos e benefícios do crédito. Para tanto, analisaremos alguns pressupostos que permeiam nossas hipóteses, passando no primeiro capítulo pelos benefícios e riscos do crédito e, no segundo capítulo, abordando os contratos por adesão, os princípios que norteiam tais pactos, especialmente a boa-fé, chegando ao dever geral de informação, o qual abrigaria o dever de informação formal como esclarecimento, o aconselhamento e advertência, passando igualmente pela necessidade de um prazo de reflexão ao consumidor como condutor de tais deveres. / The present dissertation serves to reflect on the issues that concerned the global financial crisis, the legislative changes regarding the regulation of consumer credit and the new duties of financial institutions faced with this scenario. Considering the urgent need of global regulation, whether national or in economic blocks, around the phenomenon of over-indebtedness, we may use examples from other countries to seek a possible connection, considering the culture of the consumer society, laws and specific needs between the consumers duties and especially, the financial institutions. If the Brazilian consumer currently pays the highest interest rates in the world, with the market justification that such practice is a reflection of its own default, we should look for the reason of such default. The consumer default, often leading him to over-indebtedness, is both a reflection from the culture of immediacy, fostered by advertising, and the absence of limits and suitableinformation for the consumer when granting credit, leading to underestimate the risks of this operation .When consumers do not have the knowledge to manage their financial lives, andreceives credit offers with disabilitiesinformation, incomplete, unclear and even illusions that surround only its benefits and not its risks, became a strong candidate for over- indebtedness. Although there are many actions, both in Brazil and around the world for over-indebtedness treatment, seeking the consumer rehabilitation in the consumer society, we must also concern ourselves about the over-indebtedness prevention, which should be performed with taking responsibility [in this sense as a duty, an attitude to be adopted by the financial institution previously] in order to qualify their agents and also having the conditions to inform clearly and properly, the risks and benefits of consumer credit. To do so, we are going to analyze some assumptions that permeate our chances, passing in the first chapter of the benefits and risks of credit and, in the second chapter, addressing the adhesion contracts, the principles guiding such pacts, especially the good faith, even to the general information duty , which would protect the duty as formal clarification of information, advice and warning, by also passing for theconsumer period for reflection as a driver of such duties.

Novos deveres das instituições financeiras na prevenção do superendividamento

Peres, Fabiana Prietos January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado serve para refletir acerca das questões concernentes à crise financeira mundial, as modificações legislativas acerca da regulação do crédito ao consumidor e o os novos deveres das instituições financeiras diante de tal cenário. Considerando a necessidade urgente de uma regulação mundial, seja nacional ou em blocos econômicos, acerca do fenômeno do superendividamento, valemo-nos de exemplos de outros países para buscar uma conexão possível, considerando a cultura da sociedade de consumo, leis vigentes e necessidades específicas, entre os deveres dos consumidores e, principalmente, das instituições financeiras. Se o consumidor brasileiro paga atualmente as maiores taxas de juros no mundo, com a justificativa do mercado que tal prática é reflexo de sua inadimplência, deve-se atentar para a razão de tal inadimplência. A inadimplência do consumidor, muitas vezes o levando ao superendividamento, é um reflexo tanto da cultura do imediatismo, fomentada pela publicidade, quanto da ausência de limites e informações adequadas à este consumidor quando da concessão do crédito, o levando a subestimar os riscos da operação. O consumidor não tendo conhecimento necessário para gerir sua vida financeira, ao receber ofertas de crédito com informações deficientes, incompletas, obscuras e até mesmo com ilusões que rodeiam apenas seus benefícios e não seus riscos, é um forte candidato ao superendividamento. Muito embora existam muitas ações, tanto no Brasil quanto no mundo, para tratamento do superendividamento, buscando a ressocialização do consumidor na sociedade, devemos preocupar-nos igualmente com a prevenção deste superendividado, que deve ser realizada com a tomada da responsabilidade [neste sentido como um dever, uma postura a ser adotada pela instituição financeira previamente] no sentido de qualificar seus prepostos a igualmente terem condições de informar, clara e adequadamente, o consumidor dos riscos e benefícios do crédito. Para tanto, analisaremos alguns pressupostos que permeiam nossas hipóteses, passando no primeiro capítulo pelos benefícios e riscos do crédito e, no segundo capítulo, abordando os contratos por adesão, os princípios que norteiam tais pactos, especialmente a boa-fé, chegando ao dever geral de informação, o qual abrigaria o dever de informação formal como esclarecimento, o aconselhamento e advertência, passando igualmente pela necessidade de um prazo de reflexão ao consumidor como condutor de tais deveres. / The present dissertation serves to reflect on the issues that concerned the global financial crisis, the legislative changes regarding the regulation of consumer credit and the new duties of financial institutions faced with this scenario. Considering the urgent need of global regulation, whether national or in economic blocks, around the phenomenon of over-indebtedness, we may use examples from other countries to seek a possible connection, considering the culture of the consumer society, laws and specific needs between the consumers duties and especially, the financial institutions. If the Brazilian consumer currently pays the highest interest rates in the world, with the market justification that such practice is a reflection of its own default, we should look for the reason of such default. The consumer default, often leading him to over-indebtedness, is both a reflection from the culture of immediacy, fostered by advertising, and the absence of limits and suitableinformation for the consumer when granting credit, leading to underestimate the risks of this operation .When consumers do not have the knowledge to manage their financial lives, andreceives credit offers with disabilitiesinformation, incomplete, unclear and even illusions that surround only its benefits and not its risks, became a strong candidate for over- indebtedness. Although there are many actions, both in Brazil and around the world for over-indebtedness treatment, seeking the consumer rehabilitation in the consumer society, we must also concern ourselves about the over-indebtedness prevention, which should be performed with taking responsibility [in this sense as a duty, an attitude to be adopted by the financial institution previously] in order to qualify their agents and also having the conditions to inform clearly and properly, the risks and benefits of consumer credit. To do so, we are going to analyze some assumptions that permeate our chances, passing in the first chapter of the benefits and risks of credit and, in the second chapter, addressing the adhesion contracts, the principles guiding such pacts, especially the good faith, even to the general information duty , which would protect the duty as formal clarification of information, advice and warning, by also passing for theconsumer period for reflection as a driver of such duties.

Liderança como instrumento no processo de trabalho da enfermagem / Leadership an instrument in the nursery work process / Liderazgo como instrumento en proceso de trabajo de enfermería

Amestoy, Simone Coelho January 2008 (has links)
Dissertação(mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, Escola de Enfermagem, 2008. / Submitted by eloisa silva (eloisa1_silva@yahoo.com.br) on 2012-12-06T18:52:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 simoneamestoy.pdf: 580433 bytes, checksum: 1de9915a67d1315f6bd760dc993c003f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Bruna Vieira(bruninha_vieira@ibest.com.br) on 2012-12-08T16:20:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 simoneamestoy.pdf: 580433 bytes, checksum: 1de9915a67d1315f6bd760dc993c003f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-12-08T16:20:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 simoneamestoy.pdf: 580433 bytes, checksum: 1de9915a67d1315f6bd760dc993c003f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / O processo de trabalho da enfermagem consiste em um tema essencial sobre o qual deve haver reflexão constante, em virtude das várias mudanças de cunho econômico, social e político, as quais têm afetado a estrutura das instituições hospitalares. Frente a esse contexto, a enfermagem também tem sido atingida, alterando-se o perfil do enfermeiro, passando a ser exigido pelo mercado de trabalho profissionais líderes, críticos, reflexivos, criativos e seguros na tomada de decisões.O desejo de desvelar a liderança e inseri-la como instrumento no trabalho da enfermagem emergiu no início da prática assistencial na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Pelotas, na qual foi possível perceber a dificuldade dos enfermeiros, principalmente os recém formados, em se posicionar perante a equipe e demais profissionais da saúde, limitando-se muitas vezes a atividades burocráticas, e ausentando-se de seu papel de cuidador e de líder da equipe de enfermagem. Por esse motivo, desenvolveu-se o estudo com o objetivo de conhecer a percepção do enfermeiro frente à utilização da liderança como instrumento gerencial no seu processo de trabalho. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo do tipo descritivo e exploratório, no qual participaram onze enfermeiras que trabalham na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Pelotas. O mesmo foi realizado durante os meses de fevereiro e março de 2008. Os preceitos éticos foram baseados na Resolução nº 196/96 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde do Ministério da Saúde, que diz respeito a pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos. Para a coleta dos dados, fez-se uso da entrevista e do grupo focal, posteriormente, a análise de conteúdo foi escolhida como técnica para tratamento dos dados, obtendo-se duas categorias: os significados atribuídos à liderança; construção do líder e suas características essenciais. Considera-se que o objetivo foi plenamente alcançado, pois com o desenvolvimento do estudo obtevê-se com clareza a multiplicidade de significados percebidos pelas enfermeiras frente à liderança como um instrumento gerencial do seu processo de trabalho. A liderança imprime vantagens ao trabalho da enfermagem, no entanto, ainda são grandes as dificuldades para compreendê-la e principalmente para colocá-la em prática na instituição hospitalar, na qual o estudo foi realizado. Com o intuito de modificar esta situação, propõe-se a criação de um programa de desenvolvimento de líderes na enfermagem, a fim de construir líderes politizados, críticos e reflexivos que saibam utilizar a ação e o discurso de forma coerente. Espera-se que este estudo seja de grande valia para todos os profissionais e acadêmicos de enfermagem, por incentivar a reflexão sobre a temática proposta. / The nursing working process consists of an essential matter which requires a constant reflection, due to several economic, social and political changes, which have affected the hospital structures. In this context, nursing has also been affected, having the nurse profile changed, resulting in a more demanding working market in terms of leadership, requiring critic, reflexive, creative and sure in making decisions professionals. The wish of revealing the leadership and inserting it as a management tool in the nursing duty, this desire has emerged in the beginning of the assistance practice in the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Pelotas, where it was possible to notice the nurses difficulty, mainly in those who have just graduated, in placing themselves in the working team and other health professionals, limiting themselves several times to bureaucratic activities, and refusing their role of carers and nursing team leaders. For this reason, it has been developed the study with the aim of knowing the nurse perception about the use of leadership as a management tool in his working process. It is a qualitative study of a descriptive and exploratory kind, in which participated eleven nurses who work in the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Pelotas. This study has been conducted from February to March, 2008. The ethical precepts were based in the Resolution number 196/96 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde do Ministério da Saúde, which concerns researches involving human beings. The data was collected by interviews and from the focal group, afterwards, the analysis of the content was chosen as a technique to deal with the data, getting as a result two categories: the meanings attributed to leadership; building a leader and its fundamental features. It is believed to have fully achieved the aim, since with the development of the study it has been clearly obtained the multiplicity of meanings noticed by the nurses when it comes to leadership as a management tool of their working process. Leadership helps the nurse, nevertheless, there are many drawbacks to fully understand them and mainly to put them into practice in the hospital institution, where the study was conducted. With the idea of modifying the situation, it is suggested the creation of a program of developing of leaders in nursing, in order to build leaders with political awareness, critical and reflexive who know how to use the action and speech in a coherent way. It is hoped that this study will be of a great value for all the nursing professionals and students, to motivate reflection about the subject proposed. / El proceso de trabajo de enfermería consiste en un tema esencial sobre el cual debe haber reflexión constante, en virtud de los varios cambios de cuño económico, social e político, los cuales han afectado la estructura de las instituciones hospitalarias. Frente a ese contexto, la enfermería también ha sido perjudicada, alterándose el perfil del enfermero, pasando a ser exigido por el mercado de trabajo profesionales líderes, críticos, reflexivos, creativos y seguros de sus decisiones. El deseo de revelar el liderazgo e insertarlo como instrumento en el trabajo de enfermería, surgió en el inicio de la práctica asistencial en la Santa Casa de Misericordia de Pelotas, en la cual fue posible percibir la dificultad de los enfermeros, principalmente los recién graduados, en posicionarse frente al equipo y demás profesionales de la salud, limitándose muchas veces en actividades burocráticas, y ausentándose de su papel de cuidador y de líder del equipo de enfermería. Por ese motivo, fue desarrollado el estudio con el objetivo de conocer la percepción del enfermero frente al liderazgo como instrumento gerencial en su proceso de trabajo. Se trata de estudio cualitativo del tipo descrito y exploratorio, en el cual participaron once enfermeros que trabajan en la Santa Casa de Misericordia de Pelotas. El estudio fue realizado durante los meses de febrero y marzo del 2008. Los preceptos éticos fueron basados en la Resolución número 196/96 del Consejo Nacional de Salud del Ministerio de la Salud, que se refiere a las investigaciones envolviendo seres humanos. Para la colecta de las informaciones, fue utilizada la entrevista y del grupo focal, posteriormente, el análisis de contenido fue escogida como técnica para tratamiento de los datos, obteniendo dos categorías: los significados atribuidos a liderazgo; construcción del líder y sus características esenciales. Se considera que el objetivo fue plenamente alcanzado, pues con el desarrollo del estudio se obtuvo con clareza la multiplicidad de significados percibidos por las enfermeras frente al liderazgo como un instrumento gerencial de su proceso de trabajo. El liderazgo imprime ventajas al trabajo de enfermería, sin embargo, aún son grandes las dificultades para comprenderla y principalmente para colocarla en práctica en la institución hospitalaria, en la cual el estudio fue realizado. Con el intuito de modificar esta situación, se propone la creación de un programa de desarrollo de líderes en la enfermería, con la finalidad de construir líderes politizados, críticos y reflexivos que sepan utilizar la acción y el discurso de forma coherente. Se espera que éste estudio sea de gran valor para todos los profesionales y académicos de enfermería, por incentivar la reflexión sobre la temática propuesta.

Mihin rehtoria tarvitaan?:rehtorin tehtävät ja niiden toteutuminen Pohjois-Savon yleissivistävissä kouluissa

Mustonen, K. (Kari) 25 April 2003 (has links)
Abstract The main purpose of the study was to clarify the importance and realization of the duties of a principal. An international viewpoint was sought for the management of Finnish schools through studying what kind of school management exists in Holland and Germany. The importance and realization concerning both actions and experiences expressed by principals about their own work were analysed using questionnaires. The image of the school management was collected by a thematic interview. The study was carried out in Finland, Germany and Holland. The postal questionnaires sent to the Lueneburg and Ludwiglust regions of Germany in 1997 were answered by 19 principals and 13 teachers; and the Friesland region of Holland were answered by 18 principals and 17 teachers. In Holland, three principals were interviewed and in Germany five principals and two chief education officers. In Finland, Northern Savo was selected as the research region. The questionnaires sent in 1998 were answered by 129 principals and 154 teachers. The measures and functioning opportunities of a German principal were similar to the management system existing in Finnish schools during the years 1970-1980. In Holland, indications were that independence and decision-making rights were much wider than in our schools. The principals in Northern Savo were of the opinion that it was important to aim for certain measures through administrative reforms: the development of teaching schemes, goal and results-oriented management, more co-operation with interested groups and the development of internal functions in the school. The largest differences between opinions of the principals were expressed concerning the traditional administrative functions of principals. The results indicated that the administrative culture and the management of the schools are changing. To one part of the principals was assimilated the role of a modern human-oriented director, whilst the other part was continuing to do their work through concentrated administrative work at the offices. According to the Northern Savo teachers, implementing the general functions of principals was carried out quite well. The teachers would like to have more support, opportunities and communication, but not so much control and advice. They also wanted to see the principal concentrating more on the pedagogical concept of the school, but they also did not expect to have as much guidance as their German colleagues did. The teachers considered the principal's role to be more administrative in implementing functions, and were of the opinion that principals were carrying out their functions more traditionally, compared with the opinion of the principals. In all the researched countries, monitoring of individual lessons was considered to be quite unnecessary. On one hand, the results express the variability of the principal?s work, and on the other hand they express the contradiction between the work day duties and expectations. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen päätehtävänä oli selvittää rehtorin tehtävien tärkeys ja toteutuminen. Suomalaisen koulun johtamiseen haettiin kansainvälistä näkökulmaa kartoittamalla, millaista on koulun johtaminen Hollannissa ja Saksassa. Erilaisista organisaatioteorioista ja -malleista valittiin systeemiteoreettinen näkökulma. Koulu ymmärrettiin asiantuntijaorganisaatioksi. Johtamista tarkasteltiin tehtävä- ja henkilöstöjohtamisen perusulottuvuuksien kautta. Koulun johtaminen määriteltiin rehtorin toimenpiteiksi, joiden avulla saavutetaan kouluorganisaatiolle asetetut ja sen itse asettamat tavoitteet. Tehtävien tärkeys ja toteutuminen sekä rehtoreiden kokemukset omasta työstään kartoitettiin kyselylomakkeen avulla. Koulun johtamisen kuvaa täydennettiin teemahaastattelun avulla. Tutkimus suoritettiin Suomessa, Saksassa ja Hollannissa. Saksan L?neburgin ja Ludwigslustin alueelle 1997 lähetettyyn kyselyyn vastasi 19 rehtoria ja 13 opettajaa sekä Hollannin Länsi-Frieslandin alueelta 18 rehtoria ja 17 opettajaa. Hollannissa haastateltiin kolmea rehtoria ja Saksassa viittä rehtoria ja kahta koulutoimenjohtajaa. Suomessa tutkimusalueena oli Pohjois-Savo. Vuonna 1998 suoritettuun kyselyyn vastasi 129 rehtoria ja 154 opettajaa. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella pohjoissavolaisia kouluja johdetaan edelleen asiantuntijaorganisaatiomaisesti. Koulun kehittyminen oppivaksi organisaatioksi edellyttäisi hallinnon ja opettamisen vuorovaikutusareenan laajentumista ja avautumista. Näin voitaisiin avoimesti käsitellä ja kehittää sekä opettamiseen että yhteisön hallinnointiin liittyviä asioita. Saksalaisen rehtorin tehtävät ja toimintamahdollisuudet muistuttivat suomalaisen koulun johtamisjärjestelmää 1970- ja 1980-luvuilla. Hollannissa koulujen itsenäisyys ja päätäntävalta todettiin olevan paljon suurempi kuin meillä. Pohjoissavolaiset rehtorit pitivät tärkeinä tehtäviä, joihin on hallinnollisilla uudistuksilla pyritty: opetussuunnitelman kehittämistä, tavoite- ja tuloshakuisuutta, yhteistyön lisäämistä sidosryhmiin ja koulun sisäisen toiminnan kehittämistä. Suurimmat erot rehtoreiden näkemysten välillä ilmenivät perinteisissä rehtorin hallinnollisissa tehtävissä. Tulos viittaa siihen, että koulun hallintokulttuuri ja johtaminen on muuttumassa. Osa rehtoreista oli omaksunut modernin kehittämis- ja ihmissuhdejohtajan roolin osan hoitaessa tehtävänsä edelleen hallintokeskeisesti kansliastaan käsin. Rehtorit olivat onnistuneet keskeisissä tehtävissään pohjoissavolaisten opettajien arvion mukaan melko hyvin. Opettajat odottivat rehtorilta enemmän tukea, edellytysten luomista ja yhteydenpitoa kuin kontrollointia ja neuvomista. He toivoivat myös parempaa paneutumista koulun pedagogiseen toimintaan, vaikkakaan eivät kaivanneet samassa määrin opastusta kuin saksalaiset kollegansa. Rehtorit korostivat opettajia enemmän pedagogista rooliaan. Opettajat mielsivät rehtorin roolin toimeenpanoasioissa hallinnollisempana ja että rehtorit hoitivat tehtäviään perinteisemmin kuin rehtorit itse. Kaikissa tutkimuksen kohteena olleissa maissa koettiin yksittäisten tuntien seuranta jokseenkin turhaksi Tulokset ilmentävät osaltaan rehtorin työn moninaisuutta sekä arkipäivän työn ja odotusten välistä ristiriitaa. Koulun johtamistyölle tulisi luoda nykyistä paremmat edellytykset ja yhteiskunnan tuki. Rehtorit odottavat selkeämpiä tavoitteita, toimintaohjeita ja -valtuuksia.

Vyloučení člena statutárního orgánu obchodní korporace (a dalších osob) z výkonu funkce / Disqualification of governing body members (and other persons) from their positions in a business corporation

Vítek, Dominik January 2016 (has links)
1 Abstract: Disqualification of governing body members (and other persons) from their positions in a business corporation As of 1 January 2014 a new act no. 90/2012 Coll., Business Corporations Act, has been effective in the Czech Republic. Among the other new legal instruments, the Act has incorporated a regulation of disqualification of governing body members (and other persons) from their positions in a business corporation. This master thesis aims at determination of particular grounds for the disqualification and impacts of its application. Further, persons who may be disqualified under the pursuant to the particular grounds are defined in the thesis. The aim of the thesis is to find a general rules governing the disqualification and to determine limits of its application. The thesis also defines other persons (positions) which the disqualified person will not be allowed to hold and perform due to the court's decision. The author uses descriptive and analytical methods to interpret the legal regulation, which is joined with comparison of Czech and British legislation as the British legislation was one of the main sources. The Act is interpreted based on grammatical, logical, teleological, systematic, and partially historical interpretation methods. Within the comparison the author focuses on the...

Assessing the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Lusophone Africa (Angola and Mozambique)

Mandlate, Aquinaldo Célio Tomás Samissone January 2012 (has links)
Doctor Legum - LLD / South Africa

Ochrana minoritných akcionárov v legislatíve Slovenskej republiky / Protection of minor shareholders in the legislation of the Slovak Republic

Chudíková, Blanka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to specify the legal status of minor shareholders in the law of the Slovak Republic, which has provided to minor shareholders by governemnt to give them a chance to enforce their interests and to apply their right to participation in the management of the company. Part of the work is a preview of a corporation as such, as a shareholder, its rights and responsibilities and a description of situations when rights of minority shareholders can be breached.

"Jag tycker att det finns en nytta med proven, men …" : Sju svensklärares syn på värdet av att genomföra de nationella proven

Erik, Olsson January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to shed light on how much work and time teachers must spend conducting the national tests in the Swedish subject for grade nine. The aim is also to distinguish possible differences and similarities in the way teachers work and handle these tests. Finally, the essay illustrates how the teachers look at the relationship between the work they set out for the tests and what they ultimately get out of this work. To fulfil this objective, I collected seven teachers' answers on the subject via a large part qualitative survey. I have concluded that the teachers think the tests are good, provided they get enough working time to work with them. However, no teacher in this study is given enough time to properly work with and manage the national tests. This means that the whole process of the national tests results in something negative for the teachers (in this study).

Politika daní z minerálních olejů v zemích EU / Mineral oil tax policy in the EU

Miklová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
This thesis summarizes the findings of the current application of mineral oil taxation policy in the European Union and individual Member States. Attitude and editing this field from the perspective of the European Union is engaged in a chapter called harmonization of taxes on mineral oils in the EU. Comparative analysis of tax revenues from mineral oils in the EU is the second chapter in which I deal with the taxation of mineral oils in the Member States and their tax revenues from energy taxes, which include revenues from mineral oil. Next chapter competition duties on mineral oils focuses on the development of tax rates on mineral oils, the mobility of the tax base and the related variability in rates over time and between countries. The content of the last chapter named Evolution taxation of mineral oils from the perspective of the European Union, the EU primarily intended changes in the taxation of energy products.

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