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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The rise and fall of the duty of suitability in the Peruvian Consumer Protection law / El apogeo y la decadencia del deber de idoneidad en la jurisprudencia peruana de protección al consumidor

Rodríguez García, Gustavo Manuel 25 September 2017 (has links)
The term "suitability" is understood as the correspondence between what a consumer expects and what he actually receives. In that sense, to clarify what is meant by "duty of suitability" it is necessary to analyze theconcept of "consumer” as well.However, when it comes to our consumer protection system, can we say it is protecting the reasonable consumer, the average consumer or the negligent consumer? In this regard, what are the implications of opting for the protection of one or the  other?  In this article, the author seeks to answer these questions through an analysis of national jurisprudence regarding consumer protection. / Se entiende por “idoneidad” la correspondencia entre lo que un consumidor espera y lo que en efecto recibe. En ese sentido, para dilucidar qué debe entenderse por “deber de idoneidad” no puede dejarse de analizar lo relativoal concepto de “consumidor”.Ahora bien, en nuestro sistema de protección al consumidor, ¿se protege al consumidor razonable, al consumidor promedio o al consumidor negligente? Al respecto, ¿cuáles son las implicancias de optar por la protección del uno o el otro? En el presente artículo, el autor busca responder a estas preguntas a través de un análisis de la jurisprudencia nacional deprotección al consumidor.

Les atteintes à la probité / Infringements on the righteousness

Voko, Sylvie 08 July 2016 (has links)
La probité relative aux devoirs envers autrui et aux devoirs de la vie civile, a pour synonyme le mot «intégrité» auquel s'attache l'idée particulière d'une pureté qui ne se laisse entamer ni corrompre. En ce qui concerne les atteintes à la probité, il convient d’appréhender la probité comme un devoir dont le manquement est pénalement sanctionné. En effet, le droit pénal français punit les manquements au devoir de probité qui sont généralement le fait de personnes exerçant des fonctions publiques. Ces incriminations se distinguent les unes des autres par leurs éléments constitutifs, leurs modalités d’accomplissement ou leurs finalités. Les atteintes à la probité méritent d’être étudiées compte tenu de la qualité singulière de leurs auteurs qui ne sont pas des délinquants ordinaires mais des représentants de la puissance publique.A travers cette étude des atteintes à la probité, nous tenterons de mettre en exergue l’importance considérable de ces infractions qui touchent à la puissance publique et la nécessité d’une répression accentuée destinée à sauvegarder les intérêts fondamentaux de la Nation, à prévenir les conflits d’intérêts, à moraliser la vie publique et à rappeler à l’ordre les personnes exerçant une fonction publique et soumises à l’exigence d’exemplarité. / The righteousness relative to the duties to others and to the duties of the civil life, has for synonym the word "integrity" to which becomes attached the particular idea of a purity which is allowed affect nor corrupt. As regards infringements on the righteousness, it is advisable to arrest the righteousness as a duty the breach of which is penally punished. Indeed, the French criminal law punishes the breaches in the duty of righteousness which are generally the fact of people holding public functions. These incriminations distinguish themselves some of the others by their constituent elements, their modalities of fulfillment or their ends. Infringements on the righteousness deserve to be studied considering the singular quality of their authors who are not ordinary delinquents but representatives of the public authorities. Through this study of infringements on the righteousness, we shall try to highlight the considerable importance of these breaches which affect the public authorities and the necessity of a stressed repression intended to protect the fundamental interests of the Nation, to prevent conflicts of interests, to moralize the public life and to call in to order the holding people a public function and subjected to the requirement of exemplary nature.

Development and Evaluation of Alternative Electric Thermostat Design

Isaksson, Arvid January 2018 (has links)
Introducing an electric thermostat to the thermal management system is a way of actively controlling the temperature of the engine, which has been shown to have several possible gains regarding power, fuel consumption, emissions and engine durability. Complexity, cost and durability are key concerns that have led to no heavy duty truck on the market having an electrically controllable thermostat. This emphasizes the need for exploring alternative solutions that enables electric control of the thermostat according to the needs of heavy commercial vehicles. Several concepts have been generated to solve this problem and a model based approach in Simulink, Matlab and GT Suite was used for the development and evaluation. The most promising concept of combining a BLDC electric motor with a wax body enables electric control with a downsized actuator and full fail-safe function while showing improvements in temperature control performance compared to a traditional wax thermostat. This thesis has increased the knowledge on the subject and could allow for implementing an electrically controlled thermostat in future Scania heavy duty trucks, leading to a more durable engine with lower fuel consumption and emissions.

Klyvning och stämpelskatt : I vilken utsträckning används klyvning för att undvika stämpelskatt?

Kelly, David, Persson, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
Vid förvärv av en fastighet kan det vara aktuellt att använda klyvning för att genomföra en överlåtelse istället för en traditionell överlåtelse. Genom detta förfarande kan stämpelskatt undvikas. En liten andel av en fastighet förvärvas till marknadsmässigt pris och stämpelskatt betalas för förvärvet. Därefter kommer delägarna av fastigheten överens om hur marken ska fördelas och vilken ersättning som ska utgå. Delägaren med en liten andel kommer få ett större markområde än vad som är rimligt i förhållande till ägarandelen. För den ersättning som utgår i samband med förrättning blir inte stämpelskatt aktuell. Konsekvensen blir att delägaren med en liten andel får ett stort markområde till ett högt värde, men betalar bara stämpelskatt för den köpeskilling som utgick vid förvärvet av den lilla andelen. Syftet med denna studie är att ytterligare öka kunskapen kring hur undvikandet av stämpelskatt används genom klyvning. Tidigare examensarbete har granskat hur vanligt förekommande klyvning är för att undvika stämpelskatt mellan tidsperioden 2003 - 2013.Finansdepartementet har presenterat en utredning kring frågan samt förslag på ändringar i lagen för att sätta stopp på användandet av bland annat klyvning för att undvika stämpelskatt. Vår studie granskar hur vanligt det är att klyvning används för att undvika stämpelskatt under tidsperioden 2016 - 2017. Metod för att samla data var studie av förrättningsakter, intervjuer medsakkunniga inom det valda området samt en granskning av SOU 2017:27 Vissa frågor inom fastighets- och stämpelskatteområdet. Resultatet av studien visar på en ökning av klyvningar för att minskastämpelskatt. Vanligast var att en andel på 1/1 000-del förvärvas av en juridiskperson i en storstadsregion. En ändring av Lag om stämpelskatt vidinskrivningsmyndigheter för att inkludera förvärv genom fastighetsbildning förespråkas i studien. Nyckelord: klyvning, skatteplanering, skatteplikt, stämpelskatt. / When acquiring a property, a partition can be used instead of a traditional transfer of land. A small share is purchased at market price and stamp duty is paid. Then the co-owners reach an agreement regarding how the property should be divided and what compensation should be paid out. The co-owner with a small share will receive a larger lot than they should with regards to their share of the ownership. The compensation that is paid out within the cadastral procedure is not subjected to stamp duty. The consequence is that the owner with a small share has received a large property with a high value but only paid stamp duty on the purchased price of the small share. The purpose of the study is to increase the knowledge of how stamp duty is avoided by using property formation. Previous thesis researched how common partition to avoid stamp duty was during the period 2003 - 2013. The department of treasury released a public inquiry with suggested changes to subject partition to stamp duty. This study researched how common the use of partition to avoid stamp duty during the period 2016-2017. The methods used in this study to collect data was to review cadastral dossier, interview experts in the field and examine SOU 2017:27 Vissa frågor inomfastighets- och stämpelskatteområdet. The result of this study shows that the use of partition to avoid stamp duty has increased. The most common share was 1/1 000 that was acquired by a juristic person in conurbations. A change of Lag om stämpelskatt vid inskrivningsmyndigheter to include acquisitions made with property formation is suggested in the study. Keywords: partition, tax planning, tax liability, stamp duty.

O princípio da proteção substancial da confiança e a tutela jusfundamental do meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado

Carvalho, Marcio Mamede Bastos de 28 March 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa o conteúdo epistemológico e dogmático da confiança e elevação desta à categoria de princípio constitucional nos ordenamentos jurídicos alienígenas e brasileiro, sobretudo neste último como feição subjetiva do princípio da segurança jurídica, que decorre do sobreprincípio do Estado de Direito, a fim de proteger as legítimas expectativas dos particulares na manutenção de situações fáticas e jurídicas amparadas por atos estatais que, ao longo do tempo, se pretendam alterar por atos do próprio Estado. Discute-se o direito e dever de todos, particulares e Estado, mas especialmente deste último, na proteção do meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado à luz dos mandamentos constitucionais, diante de um contexto social cada vez mais dinâmico, buscando atribuir à preservação do meio ambiente o status de direito e dever fundamentais sobretudo diante da veloz e voraz degradação estabelecida pelo modelo de sociedade e mercado contemporâneos. Por fim, de modo pontual, são analisados os princípios constitucionais de proteção do equilíbrio ambiental e da proteção substancial da confiança em casos de tensão levados à apreciação de Tribunais pátrios. Nesta esteira, analisa-se se e em que medida a interpretação de tais princípios fundamentais, ainda sob as amarras de um modelo jurisdicional conservador podem dar concreção a tais garantias constitucionais. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES. / The present dissertation analyzes the epistemological and dogmatic content of trust and this elevation to the rank of constitutional principle the alien and Brazilian jurisdictions, especially in the latter as a subjective feature of the principle of legal certainty, elapsing it follows from the principle of the rule of law, in order to protect the legitimate expectations of individuals in maintaining factual and legal situations supported by state acts that, over time, if they intend to change by the state itself acts. Discusses the right and duty of all private and state, but especially the latter, in the protection of ecologically balanced environment in the light of constitutional commandments, before a social context increasingly dynamic, seeking to assign to the preservation of the environment the status of law and fundamental duty especially given the rapid and voracious degradation established the model of society and contemporary market. Finally, in a timely manner, they analyze the constitutional principles of protection of environmental equilibrium and substantial protection of trust in case of tension led to the appreciation of patriotic Courts. On this track, it analyzes whether and to what extent the interpretation of such fundamental principles, still under the grip of a conservative judicial model can give concreteness such constitutional guarantees.

A cláusula de não indenizar: uma releitura do instituto à luz do atual código civil brasileiro / The non-indemnity clause: a reinterpretation in light of the current Brazilian civil code

Letícia Marquez de Avelar 13 June 2011 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo acerca da cláusula de não indenizar e da cláusula limitativa do dever de indenizar, mecanismos utilizados pelos contratantes com vistas a aliviar a sobrecarga das indenizações, que se aproximam de institutos como o seguro de responsabilidade civil e a cláusula penal, apresentando também pontos de coincidência com a transação, a renúncia e o consentimento do ofendido. Embora sejam conhecidas desde o direito romano, foi no Estado liberal que essas convenções tiveram maior aceitação, a qual foi sendo, no entanto, paulatinamente reduzida, à medida que foi se configurando o que posteriormente se convencionou chamar de dirigismo contratual, que tem em mira corrigir as injustiças resultantes do modelo individualista de outrora, na busca por uma igualdade real entre as partes contratantes. No ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não há regra geral disciplinando a matéria, mas apenas disposições pontuais que regulam campos específicos; esta a origem de toda a controvérsia que gravita em torno da validade e eficácia da cláusula de não indenizar e da cláusula limitativa do dever de indenizar, questões, ao que se entende, que se devem resolver pelas regras de admissibilidade dos contratos em geral, respeitando-se, sempre, evidentemente, os limites da ordem pública, o que significa, nos tempos atuais, observância, também e principalmente, aos princípios da boa-fé objetiva, do equilíbrio contratual e da função social do contrato / It is a study on the non-indemnity clause and on the limitation of indemnity clause, mechanisms utilized by contractors in order to relieve the burden of indemnities which approach institutes such as the civil liability insurance and the penalty clause and also show intersection points with the settlement, the waiver and the consent of the offended party. Although known since roman law, it was in liberal State that such conventions have received greater acceptance, which nonetheless was gradually reduced as what later to be denominated contractual interventionism emerged, whose purpose is to correct the inequities resulting from the individualist model of yesteryear in the quest for true equality between the contracting parties. There is not a general legal rule in the Brazilian legal system regulating the matter, but only specific provisions governing specific cases; this is the origin of all controversy towards the validity and effectiveness of the non-indemnity clause and of the limitation of indemnity clause, these are issues that, as one comprehends, should be solved with the admissibility rules of contracts in general, provided that the limits of public order, evidently, are always respected, what means, nowadays, observance, also and mainly, of the principles of objective good faith, contractual balance and social purpose of the contract

Um serviço de atenção psicológica à terceira idade: à pro-cura da demanda / A Psychological Attention Service for Elderly People: searching for demand

Luciene Freitas Duarte 05 December 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um serviço como uma pesquisa participativa interventiva que objetiva compreender possibilidades de atenção psicológica à Terceira Idade a partir da demanda dessa população. Como prática clínica integra o Projeto de Atenção Psicológica em Instituições do Laboratório de Estudos e Prática em Psicologia Fenomenológica Existencial do IPUSP. A ênfase na compreensão da demanda dos próprios idosos visa dar voz a essa população, permitindo a reflexão sobre o fazer do psicólogo junto à Terceira Idade, através de pro-vocações surgidas nessa experiência. Pautado na fenomenologia existencial que visa o homem como ser-no-mundo-com-outros, o serviço, enquanto atenção psicológica, referencia-se no Plantão Psicológico enquanto modalidade de intervenção, pois apresenta como elemento pertinente a atitude clínica do plantonista: disposição afetiva para acompanhar quem procura por esse espaço, chamando por sua demanda enquanto testemunha seu caminhar no momento da procura. A pesquisa interventiva participativa foi escolhida como possibilidade de investigação e de intervenção: fazer saber psicológico em ação. O registro da pesquisa foi feito por diário de bordo, visando a escritura das afetações provocadas nos encontros com os participantes no acontecer da pesquisa. A historicidade revisitada por meio da rememoração e revivência dos registros, permitiu a identificação de dois momentos da intervenção: o primeiro configurado como grupo de discussão e o segundo como espaço de narrativas. Esta possibilidade de compreensão indica a pro-cura dos idosos pelo serviço como um tempo-espaço de cuidar-de-ser. / This work presents the creation of a service as interventive participative research, aiming to understand possibilities for psychological attention to elder people departing from their own demand. As a clinical praxis, it integrates the Psychological Attention at Institutions Project from the Laboratory of Studies and Practice in Existential Phenomenological Psychology of IPUSP. Emphasis on the elders own demand intents to give them their proper voice, as well allowing reflexion on the psychologists work toward that population, through emergent provocations during such experience. By the phenomenological view of man as a being-in-the-world-with others, that service refers itself to the interventive practice of Psychological Attendance as psychological attention characterized by the psychologists clinical attitude: his affective disposition to accompany those who come to the service facilitates them to claim for own demand, by being a witness in such search. The interventive participative research was chosen as a possibility for both intervention and investigation; it allows pursuing the psychological work in action. The research register was through field diaries, which contained affections promoted during the group encounters. Historicity, reviewed from the memories of the registers, propitiated to identify two moments at the interventions: first as a discussion group and latterly as locus for narrative. Such possibility of comprehension indicates that elderly people search for psychological attention as a possible way to take care of their own being.

Práticas psicológicas em instituições e formação em psicologia : possibilidades de reflexões sobre o sentido da prática / Psychological practice in institutions and education in Psychology : possibilities of reflections about the practice sense

Tatiana Benevides Magalhães Braga 01 July 2005 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa estudar, em uma perspectiva fenomenológica existencial, como as práticas psicológicas em instituições disponibilizam, para alunos estagiários destas práticas, a apreensão e a compreensão de modos de ação profissional, que se reconfiguram a partir da solicitação dada pelo contexto. Os modos de reflexão e construção do fazer clínico são investigados no âmbito destas práticas, buscando reconstituir o percurso de aprendizagem dos alunos. Para tanto, recorre-se a narrativas de alunos do curso de Psicologia de uma mesma Universidade, participantes de uma modalidade de práticas clínicas em instituições, o Plantão Psicológico, em projetos de extensão universitária. As narrativas em torno da experiência de aprendizagem da ação clínica através da prática foram colhidas por meio de depoimentos coletados a partir de uma pergunta disparadora e registrados através do uso de gravador. Depois de transcritos, trechos dos depoimentos foram esclarecidos junto aos participantes da pesquisa, e as respostas foram incorporadas aos depoimentos. Os depoimentos foram literalizados e devolvidos aos sujeitos para sua avaliação, veracizando-os. A análise dos depoimentos foi realizada conforme a proposta de Critelli, norteando-se pelo diálogo com um dos depoimentos em particular. Busca-se o sentido dos relatos e apresenta-se a crise e o desalojamento como lócus privilegiado para a desconstrução de conceitos pré-formados, resgatando a esfera da afetabilidade como condição da abertura de possibilidades para o encontro clínico. O resgate da própria percepção para a tecitura de um espaço intersubjetivo vai sendo construído a partir do seu questionamento nos espaços padagógicos de diálogo, particularmente na supervisão, e permite reconfigurar a reflexão teórica partindo-se da experiência. Este questionamento permite também a reconfiguração experiencial do encontro clínico como lugar de questionamento visando o resgate de sentido, a partir das possibilidades de compreensão abertas pela afetabilidade. Os depoimentos apontam para a necessidade de uma horizontalidade que favoreça a dialogia entre teoria e prática como forma de melhor possibilitar uma aprendizagem auto-apropriada. / This research intends to study, in a existential phenomenological perspective, the way by the psychological practices turns avaliable the professional actions modes compreehension, and his departing context transformations, by the students of this practices. The forms of reflection and clinical practice construction are investigated in this practices circuit, seeking to reconstruct the studen\'s learning trajectory. For this intend it uses the narratives of psychology students of the same University, that participate in a clinical practice mode, the Psychological Attendance. The narratives about the learn experience of clinical action trough the practice were coleted by testimonials, made departing of a shooting question and recorded. After the transcription, parts of the testimonial were confirmed against the subject\'s research and the answers were incorporated in the testimonials. The testimonials were turned literally and returned to the subjects for their evaluation and confirmation. The testimonial\'s analysis were made according Critelli (1996), directing by the making of a dialogue with the testimonials, looking for the report\'s sense. This investigation presents the crisis and the dislodgesness like a privileged place to the disconstruction of pre-made concepts, ransoming the affectable dimension like a possibilities opening condiction to the clinical encounter. The ransom of self-perception like an instrument to the intersubjective area\'s weaveness are going to be constructed, departing of this self-perception asking in the dialogues places, particulary in the supervision. This movement turns possible the theorical reflection configuration, departing of the experience. This asking trajectory permits, too, the experiential reconfiguration of clinical encounter like a questionarity place, aiming at the sense ransom, departing of the comprehension possibilities opened by the affectability. The testimonials points to the relevance of an horizontality that privilege the dialogy between theory and practice, imp´lementing the possibilities of a self-appropriated learning.

Separation of Duty in Role Based Access

Kugblenu, Francis M., Asim, Memon January 2007 (has links)
In today’s business world, many organizations use Information Systems to many their sensitive and business critical information. The need to protect such a key component of the organization cannot be over emphasized. Access control has been found to be one of the effective ways of insuring that only authorized users have access to the information resources to perform their job function. Role Based Access Control has been found to be the access control mechanism that fits naturally with the organizational structure of businesses. Separation of duties is a security principle that has been used extensively to prevent conflict of interest, fraud and error control in organizations. In this thesis, we identify the various forms of separation of duties in role based access control systems. We also do a case study of the role based access control system in the banking application of a financial institution.

Fuel cell layout for a heavy duty vehicle

Nguyen, Henrik, Lindström, Sophie January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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