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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementación de una solución de inteligencia de negocios para toma de decisiones de la junta directiva de la gerencia de proyectos de una consultora de sistemas / Implementation of a business intelligence solution for the decision making of the project management board of a systems consulting company

Cortez Jesús, Magdalena Libertad, Ibarra Espinoza, Yolanda Lorena 15 August 2020 (has links)
Los negocios necesitan transformar los datos que generan sus diversos procesos en información, que pueda ser comprendida por diferentes públicos, quienes necesitan conocer de la situación de la empresa desde múltiples perspectivas. Con el fin de poder consultar, analizar y así poder tomar decisiones estratégicas para la organización en el momento oportuno. Las tecnologías de información proporcionan mecanismos que permiten satisfacer la visualización de los datos. Es necesario recalcar que todo el proceso de obtener y centralizar los datos de diferentes fuentes, debe estar automatizado ya que esto permite asegurar que la información se pueda obtener de manera confiable y en el tiempo oportuno. El presente proyecto comprende el análisis y diseño de una propuesta tecnológica para la implementación de una solución de inteligencia de negocios, la cual se desarrolla para una empresa consultora de software orientada para su proceso de Gestión de Proyectos. La solución contempla el uso de tecnologías Microsoft Azure para de la arquitectura y Power BI para la herramienta de visualización de datos. Este proceso es de vital importancia para la organización debido que, no sólo comprende la etapa de desarrollo de un proyecto sino también involucra la gestión de la plataforma de la empresa llamada GeoPoint. Lo antes mencionado repercute en la rentabilidad del proyecto por lo que es necesario para la Junta Directiva pueda conocer el estado de una oportunidad de negocio y en base a ello determinar acciones que aseguren de manera positiva la rentabilidad económica y la imagen de la empresa. / Businesses need to transform the data generated by their various processes into information that can be understood by different audiences, who need to know the situation of the company from multiple perspectives. In order to consult, analyze and thus be able to make strategic decisions for the organization at the appropriate time. Information technologies provide mechanisms to satisfy the visualization of data. It should be emphasized that the entire process of obtaining and centralizing data from different sources must be automated, as this ensures that the information can be obtained reliably and in a timely manner. This project includes the analysis and design of a technological proposal for the implementation of a business intelligence solution, which is developed for a software consulting company focused on its Project Management process. The solution includes the use of Microsoft Azure technologies for the architecture and Power BI for the data visualization tool. This process is of vital importance for the organization because it not only includes the development stage of a project but also involves the management of the company's platform called GeoPoint. The abovementioned has an effect on the project profitability so it is necessary for the Board to know the status of a business opportunity and based on this determine actions that positively ensure the economic profitability and image of the company. / Tesis

Business Growth by Mergers and Acquisitions : A Qualitative Study of Business Strategies: The Case of Smile Tandvård / Tillväxt via Fusioner och Förvärv : En Kvalitativ Studie av Företagsstrategier: Fallstudie av Smile Tandvård

Augustsson, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
M&A is a strategy with a process that greatly revolves around achieving an approved merger, and subsequently being ready to act upon an approval. The strategy’s focuses are on the preparation and the analysis of the merger. A firm that is consistently up-to-date on the information available and on the status of the market, can prosper when opportunities reveal themselves. This paper studies business strategies from the point of view of what might bring growth to firms, based on theory and empirical evidence. Moreover, a case study is used of the firm Smile Tandvård, who actively uses M&A. The study is consisting of a research of the theoretical background, to enable links from several of these theories into the case study, as well as into the analysis. Additionally, was an interview conducted with the accounting manager of Smile Tandvård to get a clear insightinto the firm’s processes. The qualitative part showed the theories, the empirical evidence and the case study aligning in their characteristics, where I could pinpoint certain aspects of Smile Tandvård to the choices a firm has on a market, according to the theories. Moreover, showed the research there being plentiful ways in which you could examine the success of a merger or an acquisition. The direct result or direct returns not being the sole aim when deciding on M&A, and there were competitive advantages to gain. The quantitative test showed there being a correlation between business cycles and the amount of mergers and acquisitions. / Fusioner & Förvärv som strategi, har en process som till stor del handlar om att få förvärvet godkänt, och sedermera kunna agera vid godkännandet. Strategins fokus är på förberedelsen och analysen inför förvärvet. Ett företag som är konsekvent uppdaterat på den tillgängliga informationen och statusen på marknaden, kan uppnå framgångar genom detta när möjligheter uppstår. Denna studie undersöker företagsstrategier från perspektivet av vad som kan ge företag tillväxt, via en bas av teori och empiri. Utöver det, används en fallstudie av Smile Tandvård, som aktivt använder sig av strategin av fusioner & förvärv. Studien består av en research av befintligt teori, för att möjliggöra flera kopplingar till fallstudien, såväl som till analysen. Adderat till det, utfördes en intervju med redovisningschefen hos Smile Tandvård, för att kunna få en klar inblick i företagets processer. Den kvalitativa studien visade att teori, empiri och fallstudien följer och knyter an till varandra i sina kännetecknande drag, vilket möjliggjorde att jag kunde precisera aspekter hos Smile Tandvård som följer de val ett företag ställs inför på en marknad, enligt teorin. Därtill, visade undersökningen att det finns åtskilliga sätt att tolka och granska fusionen eller förvärvets framgång. Med det direkta resultatet eller den direkta avkastningen icke varande det enda ett företag siktar mot vad gällande fusioner och förvärv, det fanns även konkurrensfördelar att vinna. Det kvantitativa testet visade att det fanns en korrelation emellan konjunkturcykler och antalet fusioner & förvärv.

From outsider to insider: how creative professional service firms internationalise

McQuillan, Deirdre, Scott, P.S., Mangematin, V. 2018 May 1923 (has links)
Yes / Purpose – The management of reputation and status is central to creative professional service firms (CPSFs) rendering the internationalisation process a particular challenge. We build on arguments that internationalisation requires moving from outsidership to insidership within client networks and focus on how CPSFs build signals about quality to start this process. Design/methodology/approach – The exploration draws from the international business, professional services and organizational status bodies of literature. A multiple case study design is developed comprising ten Irish architecture firms. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted. Findings - The findings clarify how relationships start in the internationalisation process through signal building. This allows firms to join client networks moving from outsidership to insidership. Our findings systemise three different approaches for CPSFs: from outsidership to insidership within a local market network, within a global industry network and within a global project network. Research Limitations/Implications – Research within other sectoral and geographical contexts could support transferability of the findings. Practical implications – The study has implications for CPSF’s international business strategies as it identifies multiple paths to gaining network insidership and the tactics employed to achieve this.

Integration of the outsourcer's strategy with that of the client

May, Shaun Patrick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "Strategy is when you are out of ammunition but keep on firing so that the enemy won't know". (Mintzberg, 2005, 13) Business Connexion (Pry) Ltd (BCX) is a leading black empowered ICT company with a proud 25-year track record. BeX is an integrator of competitive, innovative business solutions based on information and communications technology (ICT). Business Connexion runs mission-critical ICT systems for many JSE listed organisations and manages products, services and solutions for key public sector organisations, parastatal enterprises and a host of medium sized emergent companies. Nampak is the largest and most diverse packaging company in South Africa, with operations in Africa and Europe as well. Nampak Pty. Ltd. has experienced declining revenues over the last two years despite an upturn in the South African economy. This has resulted in them putting pressure on BCX and going out on a request for proposal (RFP) for the infrastructure outsourcing. This research report addresses how a company like BCX can align its strategy to that of an outsource client, Nampak Currently in an outsource environment the client will say that they see no value add from being outsourced. BCX will produce statistics to say that they are performing to service licence agreements (SLA). Between BCX and the Nampak there is misaligrunent. The outsource market is a maturing one and companies like BCX are struggling to maintain and grow their market share. Currently there are international players like HP trying to enter the African market. Globalisation is affecting the economy of South Africa. An organisation's strategy defines the sum of its choices about where it will compete, how it will create superior value for its customers, and how it will generate superior profits for itself. If you look at the strategies of the competitors they will invariably say and come to the same conclusions as Bex. This report hopes to show that strategy development is the search for ways to build a competitive advantage through distinctive capabilities. It is about finding new ways of doing things that provide an advantage over the competitors. The literature review indicates that everyone is a strategy consultant and that there is no one definition in defining and aligning this strategy! Methodologies do exist and where a company takes the advice of consultants they fmd themselves ending up with a synonym for the word strategy - expensive. The literarure review looks at some of the academics and consultants thinking on the subject since 1960. Interviews were conducted with key players within Group IT for Nampak and with some of the business executives of Nampak. The interviews were supplemented by information gathered by the author from working on the account for two years. This researeh report aims to use the experience of the people working on the account to derme the strategy with Nampak going forward. Currently BCX runs the Nampak account within the structures of a cluster and uses shared services to manage the account. The strategy is a reactive one and Nampak sces very little value add from BCX. Nampak sees BCX as a strategic supplier as opposed to a strategic partner. The conclusion of this report represents the "what" of the report. By continuing to carry on in the fashion BCX has, will result in them losing the outsource contract with Nampak. This is the reason that Nampak has gone out on a general request for proposals to the market. The "so what" of the report is that BCX will lose the Nampak account should it not change the way it handles this outsource business. BCX would be better off running the account as a stand alone business with its own executive who is empowered to make decisions. This fmding supports the work of Miller and Heiman who do consulting on how to handle large strategic accounts (Miller, 2004). The recommendations of this research report support the direction some of the executives at BCX would like to take, which is treat each large outsourced account as a stand alone business. BCX needs to position itself as a strategic supplier to Nampak and be more involved in the business. The "now what" is more fully explored in the recommendations part of this report. Companies think that by introducing a new product or service they will beat the competition. Whilst this is sometimes true, companies are better off focusing on delivering what they do to the client better. The recommendations focus on how BCX can deliver better value and strucntre themselves more efficiently. A good strategy in outsourcing means fully understanding your own and your customer's position so that like a good general you are in the right place with the right people at the right time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Business Connexion (pty) Ltd (BeX) is 'n voorstc swart-bemagtigde ICT-maatskappy met 'n trOlse rekord van 25 jaar. sex integreer mededingende, vemuwende sake-opJossings met inligtings- en kommunikasietegnoiogie (lCT) as grondsiag. Business Connexion bedryf missie-gerigte ICT-stelsels vir baie maatskappye wat op die JSE genoteer is en bestuur produkte, dienste en opJossings vir sleutelorganisasics in die openbarc sektor, semistaatsmstellings en 'n groat aaotal opkomende maatskappye van gemiddeJde groone. Nampak is die grootste en mees gediversifisecrde verpakkingsmaatskappy in Suid-Afrika, met takke in die res van Afrika en Europa. Nampak Pty. Ltd. het die afgelope twee jaar 'n afname in inkomste ondervind, ten spyte van 'n verbetering in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie. As gevolg daarvan bet hulle druk op sex geplaas eo '0 algemene versoek in die mark gerig om voorleggings vir uitkontraktering van die infrastruktuur. Hierdie navorsingsvcrSlag dui aan hoe 'n maatskappy soos BeX sy strategie op eeo lyn kan bring met die van '0 uitkontrakteringsklient, Nampak. Tans sal die klient in 'n uitkontrakteringsomgewing se ciat bulle geeo waardetoevoeging sien in uitkontraktering nie. sex sal statistieke voorsien om te toon dat hulle presteer volgens dienslisensie-ooreenkomste. sex en Nampak is nie op een Jyn nie. Die uitkontrakteriogsmark is 'n ontwikkelende mark en maatskappye soos sex sukkel om bulle markaandeel te bebou en te vergroot. Daar is tans internasionale maatskappye soos HP wat probeer om die Afrika-mark binne te dring. Globalisering het 'n impak op die ekonomie van Suid-Afrika. 'n Organisasie se strategic defirueer die sam van sy keuses I.o.v. waar am te kompeteer, boe am uitstekende waarde aan kliente te bied, en boe om vir bomself uitstekende wins te genereer. As jy na die strategie van die kompetcsie kyk, jy sal sien dat bulle baie na aan die strategie van BeX is. Hierdie report wil wys dat strategie ontwikkeling is die besoeking van nuwe maniere om kompetitief te bly deur distinktiewe maniere. Dit is hoe u nuwe dinge doen, dat u kompetisie nie doen rue. Die literatuuroorsig dui aan dat almal strategiekonsultante is en dat daar geen enkele defirusie is wat hierdie strategie defmieer en belyn nie! Daar bestaan wei memdicke en waar 'n maatskappy die advies van konsultante aaovaar, vind hulle dat bulle eiodig met 'n sinoniem vir die woord strategic - duur. Die literatuuroorsig bekyk die gedagtes van akademici en konsullante oor hierdie ondelWerp sedert 1960. Onderhoude is gevoer met s!eutelro!spelers binne Groep IT vir Nampak en met sommlge van die uitvoerende sakebestuurders van Nampak. Die onderhoude is aangevul deur inligting ingewin deur die auteur, wat twee jaar lank op hierdie rekening gewerk het. Hierdie navorsingsverslag het ten docl om gebruilc te maak van die ondervinding van die mense wat op die rekening werk, om toekomstige strategic vir Nampak te dcfinieer. Bex bedryf tans die Nampak-rekening binne die strukture van 'n saamgroepering en gebruik gedeelde dienste om die rekening te bestuur. Die strategic is rcaktief en Nampak ondervind baie min waardetoevoeging van Bex. Nampak beskou BeX as 'n strategiese verskaffer cerder as 'n strategiese vennoot. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie verslag verteenwoordig die "what" van die verslag. As BeX voortgaan soos tans, sal die gevolg wees dat hulle die uitkontrakteringskontrak met Nampak verloor. Oit is waarom Nampak algemene versoeke in die mark gerig het vir voorleggings. Die "so what" van die verslag is dat sex die Nampak-rekening sal verloor as hulle Die 'n verandering aanbring aan die wyse waarop hulle hierdie uitkontrakteringsbesigheid hanteer nie. sex sal beter vaar as bulle die rekening as 'n aparte besighcid bedryf, met sy eie uitvoerende bestuurder wat mab>tiging het om besluite te neern. Hierdie bevinding ondersteun die werk van Miller en Heiman, wat konsu!teer op hoe om groot strategiese rekeninge te hanteer (Miller, 2004). Die aanbeve!ings van hierdie navorsingsverslag ondersteun die rigring wat sommige van die uitvoerende bestuurders by sex wi! inslaan, naamlik om elke groot uitgekontrakteerde rekening te hanteer as 'n alleenstaande besighcid. sex moet homself posisioneer as 'n strategiese verskaffer vir Nampak en moet meer betrokke raak by die besigbeid. Die "now what" word meer volledig ondersoek in die aanbevelingsgedec!te van hierdic verslag. 'n Maatskappy dink dat as hulle 'n nuwe produk skep dat bulle die komperisie sal oorwin. Party keur is dir waar, maar meestal is dit beter om dinge beter to lever as die kompetisie. Die rekomendasies vir sex wys dat dit bcter is as hulle korrek restrukteer vir die klient. 'n Goeie strategie vir uitkontraktering beteken volle begrip van jou eie en jOll klient se posisie, sodat jy soos 'n goeie generaal op die regte tyd op die regte plek is met die rcgte mense.

Deliberate and Emergent Strategies for Digital Twin Utilization : A PLM-Principal’s Perspective

Wågberg, Felix January 2019 (has links)
The industry has during the past decades been changing towardsdigitalization at a rapid pace, adapting new frameworks and digitalsolutions, with the thrive to improve efficiency, and output quality.This thesis covers how a hyped industry concept, digital twin, incontext of smart manufacturing, could be applied in this changingclimate. Focus is put on what strategies a Product LifecycleManagement (PLM) principal could adapt when approaching theutilization of digital twins, in a customer setting. The research project, using a qualitative exploration format,incorporated a thorough review of journal articles and standards,interconnected with conducted interviews with industry experts, inorder to develop two strategies on how to approach the conceptof digital twins. The two-part strategies were formed on the basis of Mintzberg(1978) emergent and deliberate strategies. The former, consisted ofIDEF0 function modeling diagramming, where a digital twin businessprocess was portrayed, based on the literature review and interviewdata. The latter, approached the digital twin application challenge ina theoretical manner, based on the concept’s high risk anduncertainty, incorporating organizational structure theory andinnovation theory. The two strategies showed two different pathsto approach the digital twin phenomena and how to, boththeoretically and practically, adapt digital twins in a customer setting.

Strategies to Improve Productivity of a Multigenerational Workforce

Beasley, Grace Elizabeth 01 January 2017 (has links)
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that millennials will soon represent 46% of the workforce. The anticipated changes in the workforce are of great concern to business leaders who may manage individuals from different generations. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies that administrative leaders in an advisory group of community-based organizations and educational institutions used to improve the productivity of a multigenerational workforce. The conceptual frameworks that grounded this study were the social constructivist perspective and generational theory. Data were collected from semistructured interviews to elicit narratives from 6 administrative leaders from 6 different nonprofit organizations selected via purposive sampling throughout the northeast region of the United States with experience improving the productivity of a multigenerational workforce. Data also came from a review of company documents and a reflexive journal. Data analysis entailed coding, identifying relevant themes, using Yin's 5 step analytic strategy approach, and member checking to strengthen the validity of the interpretations of participants' responses. Two principal themes emerged from the data: effective leadership strategies and essential retention strategies to improve productivity. The overall analysis of the 2 principal themes revealed the importance of communication, teamwork, training, work-life programs, recognition, knowledge sharing, and feedback in improving the productivity of a multigenerational workforce. Findings from this study may contribute to social change because chief executive officers (CEO) may use the strategies to implement corrective measures to positively influence the productivity of a multigenerational workforce.

Implementation of Export Business Strategy for Internationalization Entrepreneurial Startups to achieve Competitive Advantage in an Emerging Economy. : Evidence from Sri Lankan SMEs Textile and Tea Industry.

Solanga Arachchige Dona, Saumya Nelshani January 2023 (has links)
This research study concerns entrepreneurial startups that converted into internationalization by implementing an export business strategy. MASApparel and Dilma Tea companies in Sri Lanka, two leading companies, were selected to illustrate the export strategy for business expansion in foreign markets. The research focuses on how both companies achieved their foreign markets and their continuous successful presence in the industry even now by doing. The study begins with a comprehensive discussion of the theory of competitive advantage, business strategy, and entrepreneurial internationalization. The terms examine both conventional and contemporary views of business strategies implemented to gain a competitive advantage to expand in the international market. A review of the basic concepts of entrepreneurship and internationalization proceeds with a detailed review of the literature on the competitive advantage of the business strategy. Various local and global influences are identified in the export strategy for the internationalization process. The selected two case's findings are presented, and the evidence is based on considering implementing an export business strategy for business internationalization.


徐鴻森, Hsu, Hung Sen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要研究探討國內系統整合業與資訊服務業的關係,資訊服務業目前的產業生態與環境,系統整合服務業的關鍵成功因素,及研究業者應如何因應環境與擬定策略。 系統整合服務業產業的趨勢包括:顧客以強化既有投資為主,服務逐漸走向模組化,以服務為主軸,強調產業顧問、專案管理與服務分級能力,中小型專案市場之獲利性將逐漸變差。系統整合服務業的關鍵成功因素有:(1)特定行業的專業能力與知識,(2)使用者口碑建立與利用,(3)新產品的創新發展能力,(4)公司財務狀況,(5)行銷人員素質,(6)強烈企業文化,(7)公司形象,(8)策略聯盟,(9)與政府單位之關係,(10)立即回應之服務,與(11)對顧客之教育訓練等。 根據內外在環境分析和企業目標,研究顯示個案公司最適合採行成長策略,而以「集中多角化」之成長策略為個案公司未來發展之最佳策略。本文亦根據Aaker的分析架構與Glueck所建議的策略規劃流程,為個案公司做一策略規劃,可做為個案公司及類似之系統整合業者擬定策略的參考。

Estudo sobre a estratégia de negócios das empresas de autopeças no Brasil / Study about business strategy of Brazilian auto parts companies

Lelis, Ivan Farah 07 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:45:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ivan Farah Lelis.pdf: 515426 bytes, checksum: 190520fecf7f4e729fb2c3cadc02bef0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Auto parts Industry has an important participation in the Brazilian economy, with a turnover of US$ 29,8 billion/year, investing US$ 1,3 billlion/year and keeping 200.000 jobs. Despite the importance, the sector has been presenting negative profits. Some issues can collaborate with this bad result: incorrect business strategy, high cost of production, expending labor, cost of non quality, products replacement due to failure, etc. This paper will have focus on the first issue: business strategy in auto parts sector. This paper will identify and understand the business strategies used by auto parts companies and verify the respective effectiveness, concluding about the direct relationship between business strategy and financial results. The auto parts business strategies are evaluated according the theories of business strategies. This study involves a theoretical reference about auto parts, strategy, business strategy and finance. This theoretical reference is tested by interviews and searches into auto parts companies. At the end, a business strategy model is proposed to auto parts companies in Brazil / A Indústria de Autopeças tem uma grande importância dentro da economia nacional, faturando e investindo anualmente respectivamente US$ 29,8 bilhões e US$ 1,3 bilhões e gerando 200 mil empregos. Apesar dessa grande relevância, o setor vem apresentando resultados financeiros negativos. Algumas variáveis detalhadas a seguir podem colaborar com esses resultados financeiros negativos: estratégia de negócios não eficaz no mercado, alto custo de produção, excesso de mão de obra, custo da não qualidade do produto, necessidade de reposição de produto no mercado, entre outras. A primeira variável é o foco dessa pesquisa: estratégia de negócios no mercado de autopeças. O presente estudo busca identificar e entender as estratégias de negócios adotadas pelas empresas de autopeças e verificar sua respectiva eficácia, comprovando a relação direta entre a adoção da estratégia de negócios e o resultado financeiro. As estratégias de negócios adotadas pelas empresas de autopeças são comparadas com as teorias sobre estratégias de negócio das empresas, sendo avaliadas as respectivas semelhanças e diferenças. O trabalho é estruturado no referencial teórico que trata do tema, nas entrevistas e nos questionários realizados em indústrias de autopeças. Por fim, é proposto um modelo de estratégia de negócio eficaz para o mercado de autopeças no Brasil

Homens do Barro E estratégias empresariais: um estudo da relação capital-trabalho no Pólo oleiro-cerâmico da Região Metropolitana de Manaus-AM

Maciel, Cleiton Ferreira 26 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T22:03:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 cleiton ferreira.pdf: 3518928 bytes, checksum: 204cf63d4accf7930ba77129cea8b0bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente estudo analisa a relação capital-trabalho em uma das maiores empresas do Pólo oleiro-cerâmico da Região Metropolitana de Manaus, e os seus condicionantes em termos de condições de trabalho e perfil dos trabalhadores. Produzindo cerca de 80% de tijolos e telhas consumidos na cidade de Manaus, esse setor tradicional da economia do estado do Amazonas vem passando por transformações no âmbito da configuração do trabalho que estão ligadas ao processo global da nova forma de acumulação do capital, qual seja, a acumulação flexível. Como um estudo de cunho qualitativo, este trabalho buscou compreender como emerge e desenvolve-se esse processo de reconfiguração produtiva em uma empresa de um setor que, até pouco tempo, era caracterizado pela baixa tecnologia empregada na fabricação dos seus produtos, e que usava a madeira nativa como matéria-prima na queima dos tijolos e telhas. Trata-se, portanto, de investigar de que forma o mundo do trabalho oleiro vem se metamorfoseando, incorporando meios globais de dinamização do capital tendo em vista o desenvolvimento da racionalidade capitalista no interior de um processo produtivo até então tido como atrasado e rudimentar. Além disso, a pesquisa procede à compreensão das estratégias empreendidas pelos proprietários das olarias quando da implantação de inovações tecnológicas e organizacionais, bem como analisa a ação dos trabalhadores oleiros frente a essas mudanças na organização do trabalho. Dentre os resultados da pesquisa, destaca-se a associação entre Estado e empresários em nome do desenvolvimento das olarias que contrasta com o alto grau de precariedade e péssimas condições de trabalho a que são submetidos os homens do barro .

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