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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uppmärksammad eller bortglömd? : En undersökning av myndighetsarkivariers deltagande inom e-förvaltning / Recognized or forgotten? : A study of swedish government archivists participation within e-government.

Åkerlund, Malin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the situation for archivists within the context of e-government in three Swedish authorities. The discussions that are brought up concern the archivists role, professional development and the perspective of information in the context of e-government. Since the purpose with this thesis was mainly concerning the situation for the archivists, the method chosen was a qualitative research method, and it was used in combination with interviews with the archivists at the chosen authorities. The results show that the archivists within the examined authorities are seen as experts on information management and legislation surrounding it. Problems connected to e-government are that they face prejudice about their capability concerning new technology and digital information. This problem has been handled differently within the authorities, change of official titles has been one tactic. Their tasks and professional development have been slightly changed as they are working in a higher capacity ahead of the information being created. The change that can be seen in the context of e-government is that archivists are being more visible within their work places, which can be correlated to the e-government that encourage team work and collaborations to create an efficient and accessible authority. What this means for the archivists is that they can use these collaborations to further their own projects and tasks within the organisation in a better way. Contrary to the belief that archivists can only manage information on paper the participants in this research prove they have adopted well to the way of e-government partly through the Record Continuum Model. They are aware about the different perspectives necessary for handling the new ways of structuring and seeing information, which became clear with the development and structure of e-archives within two of the authorities and the preparation for being connected for the third. Finally, this thesis shows that archivists are beginning to be able to compete with other departments and professions on the same terms and that they are starting to find their own place within the area of IT and information management. This is a two years master's thesis in archival science.

De arkeologiska artefakternas museala liv : En biografi över Valsgärdesamlingen / The museum life of archaeological artefacts : A biography of the Valsgärde-collection

Friberg, Zanna January 2016 (has links)
The museum life of archaeological artefacts - A biography of the Valsgärde-collection is a two years master ́s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies at Uppsala University in Sweden. It is an object biography of an archaeological collection housed in the university museum Museum Gustavianum in Uppsala. The collection is the result of excavations conducted by Uppsala University in the early 20th century in Valsgärde in Gamla Uppsala parish, Uppland. The aim of the study is to highlight the museum life of archaeological artefacts and relate this to the curation crisis within archaeology, as described in Anglo-American research. Archival material from the museum was examined, using a method inspired by ethnographic content analysis (ECA), in order to write a biography of the curatorial management and use of the collection. The resulting object biography revealed clear signs that the collection had been suffering from problems associated with the curation crisis during its museum life. The perspective offered by the biographical narrative also revealed some long-term issues that resulted in these problems. Both general problems described in research on the curation crisis and issues specific to the Valsgärde-collection is illustrated by this object biography. The study shows that a continuation of the biographies of archaeological artefacts beyond the mere excavation phase offers insights into issues within, as well as possible solutions to, the archaeological curation crisis. / Artefakternas museala liv - En biografi över Valsgärdesamlingen är en objektbiografisk studie över den arkeologiska samlingen från utgrävningarna i Valsgärde, Gamla Uppsala socken, Uppland. Studiens underlag har utgjorts av arkivhandlingar från föremålsarkivet Museum Gustavianum Samlingar (MGS) i Uppsala, där även samlingen förvaltas. Studiens syfte var att förlänga artefakters biografier för att inkludera deras museala liv kan se ut och förhålla det till forskning om samlingsförvaltningskrisen. Dess centrala problematik är att insamlingstakten av arkeologiskt material är för intensiv för att samlings- förvaltning ska hinna med. Resultatet blir att samlingar inte kan förvaltas på ett ansvarsfullt sätt i fråga om bevarande och användande. Studiens metod är inspirerad av etnografisk innehållsanalys (ECA), där datainsamlingen börjat med två huvudkategorier; förvaltning och användande. Inom dessa kategorier har arkivens sammansättning fått styra vilka teman som fått framträda under datainsamlingen. Objektbiografin faller inom forskningstraditionen Material culture studies, vars bärande princip är att materialitet är nödvändig för förståelse av sociala och kulturella skeenden. Objektbiografin erbjuder ett perspektiv som tillåter att kunskap om hur samlingen skapats, behandlats och använts, samt hur dess museala kontext sett ut och hur aktörer förhållit sig till den, kan användas för att förstå ett större fenomen, samlingsförvaltningskrisen. Studiens specifika frågeställningar gällde vad för bild arkiven på MGS kunde erbjuda av användande och förvaltning av samlingen samt hur detta förhåller sig till samlingsförvaltningskrisen. Samlingen har varit föremål för kontinuerligt intresse och användande, trots att den inte blivit fullständigt publicerad eller inventerad. Användandet har bestått av utställning såväl som forskning. Dock har brist på en tidig holistisk finansieringsplan gjort att den utsatts för undermåliga bevarandeförhållanden under sitt museala liv. Ansvariga har i regel varit måna om att ta hand om samlingen och upprepade försök gjordes att färdigställa samlingens bearbetning, men även här förelåg ekonomiska hinder. Arkivens bild av förvaltningen och användandet har tydligt visat att Valsgärde-artefakternas liv inte tog slut då de införlivades i en museisamling. Den övergripande slutsatsen som dragits från studien är att det fyller en funktion att förlänga arkeologiska artefakters biografier för att inkludera deras museala liv, speciellt om man vill komma till rätta med samlingsförvaltningskrisen.

Dans som arkivmaterial : En semiotisk studie av danshandlingar

Daniel, Onna January 2015 (has links)
Ämnet för denna uppsats är dans som arkivmaterial. Teckningar, dansnotation, recensioner, fotografier, rörlig bild och motion capture studeras som handlingstyper som dans bevaras genom. Syftet är att ta reda på vad som har hänt mellan dans och danshandling. Vilken slags representanter av dansen är handlingarna? Vidare knyter studien an till ett användarperspektiv och en annan frågeställning lyder: vad får forskare som studerar rörelse som har skett ut av handlingarna? Hur kan handlingstyperna användas av dansforskare? Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är semiotik och jag använder mig av Ferdinand de Saussures begrepp signifie och signifiant för att orientera mig i skillnaden mellan dansen som skett i tid- rum och danshandlingarna, som berättar om dansen. Charles Sanders Peirce begrepp symbolisk, ikonisk och indexikal används för att beskriva vilket slags förhållande handlingen har till sin signifie, dansen. Metoden är kvalitativa intervjuer. Jag har intervjuat fyra dansvetenskapliga forskare och de inspelade intervjuerna är källan. Forskarna har kunskap om vilken slags representanter för dansen handlingarna är, eftersom de i sitt arbete studerar dans som har skett genom handlingar. Genom intervjuerna har jag även fått reda på vad forskare som studerar rörelse som har skett får ut av handlingarna och hur de kan använda dem. Forskare som studerar rörelse som har skett föredrar ofta rörlig bild som källa. Detta för att den rörliga bilden har ett ikoniskt förhållande (liknelseförhållande) till dansen och för att den, likt dansen, är rörlig. Dock så finns det ingen handlingstyp som är en absolut återgivning av en rörelse som har skett, alla handlingstyper har sina förutsättningar. Det finns inte heller en handlingstyp som kan anses vara bättre än en annan, vilken handlingstyp som är bättre skiftar beroende på forskarens syften. Handlingstyperna kompletterar varandra och många forskare vill använda sig av flera olika handlingstyper. Därför rekommenderas dansarkiv att satsa på pluralitet i handlingstyper som dans bevaras genom. / The subject of this thesis is dance as archive material. Illustrations, dance notation, reviews, photographs, moving imagery and motion capture are studied as different types of records which preserve dance. The purpose is to find out what has happened between dance and dance record. What kind of representation of dance are the records? The study also connects to a user perspective and poses another question: what do scholars who study movement which has happened get out of these types of records? In what way can dance scholars use these record types? The theoretical stance is semiotics and I use Ferdinand de Saussures concepts ‘signifiant’ and ‘signifié’ to orientate myself in the difference between dance which has happened and the records, which tell us something about this dance. Charles Sanders Peirce concepts ‘symbolic,’ ‘iconic’ and ‘indexical’ are used to describe the relationship between dance and record. The method is qualitative interviews. I have interviewed four dance scholars and the recorded interviews are the source material. The scholars have knowledge of what types of representatives of dance the records are, since they study dance which has happened through records. The interviews also answer the question related to the scholar’s perspective: what do dance scholars get out of the records when they study dance which has happened? Scholars who study dance which has happened often prefer moving imagery as a source. They do so because the moving image has an iconic relationship to the dance (a relationship built on likeness) and because it, like dance, is moving. There is no record which could give an absolute transferral of a movement which has happened, all types of records have their prerequisites. Nor is there a record type which is ‘better’ than another, which record is prefered depends on the scholar’s purpose of their study. The different record types complement each other and many scholars prefer to use several different types. Hence, this study recommends dance archives to aim for plurality of record types in their collections.

Authenticity in Electronic Archives : Securing Digital Records

Hellmer, Erica January 2015 (has links)
Abstrakt   Den snabba tekniska utvecklingen har lett till ökad produktion av digitala handlingar/records och transaktioner. Inom e-arkivens domäner, har detta medfört ett ökat tryck på det tekniska området för att kunna garantera autenticitet av bevarad information över tid.          Tidsstämplingstekniker är ett sätt att säkerställa digital information för en särskild tidpunkt och kan användas för att garantera autenticitet av digital information över tid. Denna magisteruppsats undersöker funktionen tidsstämpling inom e-arkivens domäner genom en kvalitativ metod med fem semistrukturerade intervjuer av fem svenska organisationer. I undersökningen ingår också en fallstudie av det svenska innovationsföretaget Enigio Time AB för att ge en förståelse av tidsstämplingstekniker och av deras tjänst time:stamp. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i denna magisteruppsats är records continuum model med dels dess syn på kontinuitet i handlingar/records och dels dess belysande av skapelseögonblicket av handlingar/records. Den internationella standarden OAIS (Open Archival Information System) används för att hantera digital information och är, i denna uppsats, använd för att analysera hanteringen i dokumenthanteringssystem inom de fem organisationerna.                       Resultaten visar att denna snabba tekniska utveckling har komplicerat dels hanteringen i att säkerställa att digitala handlingar/records inte kan bli manipulerade eller ändrade och dels för att fortsatt kunna garantera autenticitet i ett långtidsperspektiv.                       Undersökningen visar även att organisationerna kan garantera att det bevarade materialet inte kommer att ändras när det väl är inne i arkivet men dess autenticitet, innan de kommer innanför arkivens trösklar, kan aldrig bekräftas. I och med att den moderna tiden producerar och bevarar enorma mängder data så bör detta starta med skapelsen av ett digitalt record tillsammans med bättre strukturerad metadatascheman som är säkrade i tid. / Abstract   The rapid ongoing technical development has led to increased production of digital records and transactions. In the domain of electronic archives, this has put pressure on the technical area in order to guarantee authenticity of preserved information over time. Time stamping techniques are one way to secure digital information at a certain point in time and can be employed to guarantee authenticity of digital information over time. This study examines the function of time stamping within the domain of electronic archives and is conducted with a qualitative method using semi-structured interviews on five Swedish organisations. The study is complemented with a case-study of the Swedish innovation company Enigio Time AB in order to gain understanding in time stamping techniques and their service time:stamp.                       The theoretical framework in this study is the records continuum model with the view of the continuity in records and its illumination of the point of creation. The international standard OAIS (Open Archival Information System) is used by several electronic models to manage digital information and is, in this study, used to analyse the management in record keeping within the five organisations.                       The conclusion is that this rapid technological development has complicated the management of secure digital records from manipulation and guaranteeing the authenticity in a long term perspective.                       The study further shows that organisations may guarantee that records will not change once they are received into the archive but the authenticity of them, before they were delivered, can never be confirmed. Since the modern information era produces and preserves enormous amounts of data, this has to start with the creation of the digital record where better structured metadata schemes are secured in time.

Elektronmusikstudion : : ett förteckningsarbete / The Electronic Music Studio of Stockholm : the archival process.

Bjurman, Jens January 2010 (has links)
<p>The electronic music studio ”Elektronmusikstudion” (EMS) inStockholm was initiated in 1963. It has had several different managers throughout the years. EMS soon became a rather costly project. Furthermore there have been several conflicts among staff and users wich has contributed to EMS fairly turbulent history. One main conflict concerns the issue wether EMS should be a research facility or a studio for composers. The many different managers of EMS have contributed to a rather unstructured filing of records. To facilitate the understanding of the documents in this archive, and because there is very little written about EMS history, I’ve included a rather comprehensive description of EMS organizational history.</p><p>The subject of this one year master’s thesis is to describe and examine difficulties I’ve encountered in the archival process. My main issues comprise the organization and separation of some of the documents, especially those concerning the conception and organization of EMS and also the abundant technical documentation. Also the question of office of origin has been a concern.</p>

Europeiska arkivhandlingar : Europeiskt identitetsskapande i samtida ABM-projekt / Archives and European identity : The construction of identity in EU sponsored projects for thedigitisation of collections from museums, archives, and libraries

Pihl Skoog, Emma January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this master’s thesis is to analyse the construction of European identity in three ofcontemporary EU initiated projects for the digitisation of collections from museums, archives, andlibraries. The source material consists of the web pages of the projects Minerva, MICHAEL, andEuropeana, as well as some other policy documents on digitisation and access from EU authorities.Theories on nationalism and construction of heritage are used as an overall context to the problem.After a brief description of the mentioned projects, the author undertakes an analysis of theways that the concept of ‘European heritage’ is depicted in the source material. The result is thefollowing: normally, the true European heritage is considered being united even though it isdiveded culturally, historically and linguistically. The real European spirit is seen as consisting intolerating and celebrating these internal differences. There is also a discourse on the idealEuropean citizen, who actively strives to enlargen her knowledge on (European) culture andhistory.However, there is also a narrower conception of European heritage, which can be discernedfrom some of the analysed sources. This latter definition of Europeanness, stresses Christianityand a tradition of civilisation, rationalism, and science. The ‘Other’, the non-Europeans, can thusbe interpreted as the negation of these ideals.</p>

Europeiska arkivhandlingar : Europeiskt identitetsskapande i samtida ABM-projekt / Archives and European identity : The construction of identity in EU sponsored projects for thedigitisation of collections from museums, archives, and libraries

Pihl Skoog, Emma January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to analyse the construction of European identity in three ofcontemporary EU initiated projects for the digitisation of collections from museums, archives, andlibraries. The source material consists of the web pages of the projects Minerva, MICHAEL, andEuropeana, as well as some other policy documents on digitisation and access from EU authorities.Theories on nationalism and construction of heritage are used as an overall context to the problem.After a brief description of the mentioned projects, the author undertakes an analysis of theways that the concept of ‘European heritage’ is depicted in the source material. The result is thefollowing: normally, the true European heritage is considered being united even though it isdiveded culturally, historically and linguistically. The real European spirit is seen as consisting intolerating and celebrating these internal differences. There is also a discourse on the idealEuropean citizen, who actively strives to enlargen her knowledge on (European) culture andhistory.However, there is also a narrower conception of European heritage, which can be discernedfrom some of the analysed sources. This latter definition of Europeanness, stresses Christianityand a tradition of civilisation, rationalism, and science. The ‘Other’, the non-Europeans, can thusbe interpreted as the negation of these ideals.

Elektronmusikstudion : : ett förteckningsarbete / The Electronic Music Studio of Stockholm : the archival process.

Bjurman, Jens January 2010 (has links)
The electronic music studio ”Elektronmusikstudion” (EMS) inStockholm was initiated in 1963. It has had several different managers throughout the years. EMS soon became a rather costly project. Furthermore there have been several conflicts among staff and users wich has contributed to EMS fairly turbulent history. One main conflict concerns the issue wether EMS should be a research facility or a studio for composers. The many different managers of EMS have contributed to a rather unstructured filing of records. To facilitate the understanding of the documents in this archive, and because there is very little written about EMS history, I’ve included a rather comprehensive description of EMS organizational history. The subject of this one year master’s thesis is to describe and examine difficulties I’ve encountered in the archival process. My main issues comprise the organization and separation of some of the documents, especially those concerning the conception and organization of EMS and also the abundant technical documentation. Also the question of office of origin has been a concern.

Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län : En arkivhandledning

Lundblad, Emilie January 2012 (has links)
The County Administrative Board is an authority with big variations in their work. The fact that the County Administrative Board work with so many different issues makes it difficult for the general public to get an insight in what they do and what kind of archival material they create. This handbook is made to illustrate what the County Administrative Board do and how you can find your way to the archives and its documents, both as an employ and as a public visitor. The Handbook begins with a historical overview of the County Administrative Board, from the 17th century to today, with focus on the County Administrative Board of Uppsala. As the Handbook is made for both employees and for the general public several ways to enter the archives are described. Since the employees at the County Administrative Board of Uppsala have access to the archives them self the Handbook also provides detailed descriptions about how to find the way to the records. These descriptions both explains the way to archives organized in dossier and archives organized in chronological order, both provided at County Administrative Board of Uppsala. All the records that the County Administrative Board of Uppsala has generated though the years are not available in the building of the County Administrative Board but at The National Archive in Uppsala. The records are listed in charts in the end of the Handbook.

In the event of a zombie apocalypse : An investigation into policies of long-term preservation of digital media in the modern world of Open Access institutional repositories / I händelse av en zombie-apokalyps : En undersökning av policies inom långsiktigt bevarande av digitala medier i den moderna världen av Open Access institutionella arkiv.

Axelsson, Fredrica Hedge January 2012 (has links)
With the purpose to investigate policies within long-term preservation of digital media in the modern world of Open Access institutional repository, this two year's master thesis was conducted through a qualitative study with quantitative overtures. The main objectives of this thesis centre on the criteria for long-term digital preservation, preservation in relation to institutional repositories, the issues cropping up within the field of institutional repositories, and the essential components of a preservation policy. The theoretical framework is constructed around a model based upon scholarly communication, with its aspects of dissemination, acquisition, preservation, discovery and access, and with the facet of preservation at its centre. The methodology of this study is cued to content analysis and its in-depth investigative process, which was conducted on a sample of ten preservation policies within Open Access institutional repositories that were compared to a standardised expert set of policy categorisation. The results show that a perfect preservation policy does not appear to exist in the current world, based exclusively on the selected sample. This gives a strong indication of a need for further research within the field of Open Access institutional repositories preservation policies. / I syfte att undersöka policyer inom långsiktigt bevarande av digitala medier i den moderna världen av Open Access institutionella arkiv, genomfördes denna tvååriga masteruppsats genom en kvalitativ studie med kvantitativa uvertyrer. De huvudsakliga frågeställningarna i denna uppsats är centrerade kring kriterierna för långsiktigt digitalt bevarande, bevarandet i förhållande till institutionella arkiv, problem som dyker upp inom fältet för institutionella arkiv, och de essentiella komponenterna för en långtidsbevarande policy. Det teoretiska ramverket är uppbyggt runt en modell som utgår ifrån vetenskaplig kommunikation, med dess aspekter av spridning, förvärv, bevarande, upptäckt och tillgänglighet, med bevarande aspekten i centrum. Metoden för denna studie är centrerad till innehållsanalys och dess fördjupande undersökningsprocess, och som applicerades på tio utvalda Open Access institutionella arkivs bevarande-policyer, som sedan jämfördes med enuppsättning standardiserade kategorier, utvalda av experter, för en sådan policy. Resultaten visade att en perfekt långtidsbevarande policy inte existerar i dagens verklighet, om man utgår från studiens urval. Detta ger en stark indikation på att det finns ett behov av att göra ytterligare forskning inom området för institutionella arkivs bevarande policy inom Open Access-världen

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