Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kharkiv"" "subject:"charkiv""
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”On the Side of the Angels?” : Representationer av kristendomar i TV-serien Arkiv X / ”On the Side of the Angels?” : Representations of Christianities on the television series The X-FilesMadden, Oliver January 2014 (has links)
The X-Files (svensk titel Arkiv X) är en TV-serie som producerades mellan 1993-2002. Serien har gått till historien för att fånga tidsandan och dess postmoderna misstro mot myndigheter och intresse för nyandlighet. I ett flertal avsnitt kommer huvudpersonerna i kontakt med den kristna religionen. Uppsatsen undersöker hur olika former av kristendom gestaltas i The X-Files. Frågeställningen berör de bikaraktärer som dyker upp i serien och som kan beskrivas som representationer av kristendomar. Genom närläsningar av sex avsnitt nås följande resultat: Generellt sett kan man inte säga att framställningen av kristna är uteslutande positiv eller negativ. Den är mångfacettered, vilket stämmer väl överens med TV-seriens postmoderna och ”livsåskådningsfragmentariska” natur. En vanligt förekommande stereotyp är protestantiska fundamentalister, som kan visa sig vara goda karaktärer eller charlataner. Den katolska kyrkan framställs som en liberal kyrka vars främsta roll är terapeutisk och katolicismen framställs som den normativa, sansade och vanliga formen av kristendomen. The X-Files bryter mot en hel del stereotyper som förekommer i amerikansk film och TV. Trots att fundamentalisten har en framträdande roll så framställs den ofta i slutändan i en relativt positiv dager. Skräckfilmsstereotypen där katolska präster tampas med det övernaturliga bryter serien också mot, och låter protestantiska karaktärer ha dessa roller istället. The X-Files lyfter fram positiva och negativa aspekter hos såväl fundamentalism som mer liberal kristendom. Med det konstaterat så är slutsatsen ändå att den kristendomsform som får mest utrymme i serien är fundamentalistisk. / The X-Files is a television show that was produced between the years 1993-2002 . The series has gone down in history for capturing the zeitgeist of the 1990s with its postmodern distrust of authorities and its interest in new forms of spirituality. In several episodes, the main characters come in contact with the Christian religion. This thesis examines how different forms of Christianity were portrayed in The X-Files. The questions asked concerns the secondary characters that are featured individual episodes of the series and can be described as representations of different form of Christianity. Through close readings of six episodes the following results were discovered: Generally speaking, one cannot say that the portrayal of Christians is exclusively positive or negative. It is multifaceted, which is in line with postmodern nature of the show. A common stereotype is the Protestant fundamentalist, which can prove to be good characters as well as charlatans. The Catholic Church is portrayed as a liberal church whose primary role is therapeutic and Catholicism is presented as the normative form of Christianity. The X-Files contradict a lot of stereotypes that exist in American film and television. Although fundamentalists have a prominent role, they often end up as portrayed in a relatively positive way. The common horror stereotype where Catholic priests struggle with the supernatural, is also one with which the series break, and instead Protestant characters are given these roles. The X-Files highlight the positive and negative aspects of both fundamentalist and liberal Christianity. Even so the form of Christianity that gets the most screen time in the series is fundamentalist.
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Arkiven och allmänheten : En undersökning av marknadsföring inom arkivsektorn / Archives and the Public : An investigation of marketing in the archival sectorMartin, Meijer January 2018 (has links)
This paper constitutes an investigative analysis of how marketing is utilized in public archives in the municipality of Uppsala. By studying and contrasting two local archives and putting these findings in a wider marketing context this paper hopes to answer several questions about how archives market themselves: How important marketing is considered as an aspect of archival work, How highly marketing is prioritized in regards to archive resources and funding, how traditional and social media impacts the marketing landscape and effort of the archives, what differences in methodology occur between the two archives and what constitutes the basis of these differences, and how the economic terminology of marketing is used in archives as cultural institutions. The conclusion is that marketing is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the archival business model and that several channels for marketing archives, both digital and analogue, are seeing greater utilization. Archives are in the process of departing their role as passive conveyors of information and are adopting models for a significantly more active interactions with the public.
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Från Kvinnohistoriskt Arkiv till KvinnSam : kunskapsorganisationens funktion för genusvetenskapens akademiska etablering / From Kvinnohistoriskt Arkiv to KvinnSam : the knowledge organisation’s function in the academic establishment of gender studiesPreinitz Gärdinge, Louise January 2017 (has links)
KvinnSam is stated to have had an important role in laying the foundation of academic gender studies. The initial organization was founded relatively long before the subject entered the academic arena, which places the knowledge organization of the field prior to the authoritative demand for it. This study aims to analyze events, initiated by the library, significant to the academic establishment of gender research from a discursive perspective. By utilizing the concepts of documentality and legitimacy, and cognitive authority the analysis answers the question of what active function and significance the library has had in establishing the academic field of gender studies. The empirical material is gathered from the libraries own archives on historical women associations, published accounts of librarians engaged in the organization and articles and debate pieces published in media. The historical method used results in no produced material but a controlled selection based on the theoretical approach and the placement of the accounts in a contemporary context. The analysis results in a review of both the official and informal constitutive forms the library has been situated in and its effects on legitimacy. It also covers the relations to the academic sphere as cognitive authority and the process of making an uninstitutionalised subject field considered veracious science. The most valuable conclusions are the library’s function to describe and value knowledge and thereby declare their scientific relevance, as well as the discursive significance of stating the field as a possible research domain by creating an academic infrastructure for it.
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Den kollektiva minnesfölusten : En normkritisk studie om attityder och möjligheter till representation av marginaliserade grupper i arkivenRuneby, Agnes January 2018 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka attityder och möjligheter till representation av marginaliserade grupper i arkiven. Våra arkiv förvaltar vårt gemensamma kulturarv och anses utgöra vårt kollektiva minne. Problemet är dock att många grupper inte finns representerade i arkiven då materialet i arkiven bygger på normer och värderingar om vems historia som ansetts viktig att bevara samt vem som har haft makten att sätta avtryck. Marginaliserade grupper som befinner sig utanför normen och som saknar makt hamnar således utanför arkiven. De teoretiska perspektiven som uppsatsen grundar sig i är postmodern arkivteori och normkritik. Detta baserat på att det är normer som styr representationen i arkiven och att de grupper som syns och tar plats i arkiven är de grupper med makt. Postmodern arkivteori hävdar att arkivarien besitter en maktposition där hen kan exkludera eller inkludera vissa grupper men för att förhindra detta måste arkivarien acceptera sin egen roll och påverkan i skapandet av det kollektiva minnet. Jag har intervjuat sex arkivarier vid sex arkivinstitutioner. Målet med intervjuerna var att undersöka deras attityder kring representation, hur de eventuellt arbetar med representation i sina arkiv samt vilka möjligheter de har att faktiskt påverka representationen i arkiven. Jag har också studerat arkivlagen, rapporter och arkivutredningar med målet att undersöka huruvida de tar upp representation och inkludering samt vilka möjligheter som ges arkivinstitutioner att aktivt arbeta med inkludering och en bredare representation. Min slutsats är att det verkar finnas en medvetenhet och en vilja hos arkivarierna att förändra ojämlikheten i arkiven. Samtidigt känner de sig begränsade av styrningen och lagstiftningen. Jag föreslår därför att åtgärder behöver ske både på arkivnivå men också på en beslutfattande nivå för att arkiven aktivt ska kunna arbeta för en bredare representation. Arkiven bör själva göra en intersektionell analys av sitt arkivmaterial för att skapa en medvetenhet om ojämlikheten och ur en sådan analys arbeta vidare för ett mer normkritiskt arbete med normkritiska processer. På en beslutfattande nivå vore det av värde om de enskilda arkiven kunde få en mer erkänd position som en viktig del av kulturarvet, en mer reglerad finansiering till de enskilda arkiven samt att det ska ingå i de offentliga arkivens uppdrag att också sköta och värna om de enskilda arkiven. Det vore även av värde att de offentliga arkiven hade större möjlighet att arbeta med aktivt insamlande för att fylla de arkivluckor som finns i de enskilda arkiven.
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Bevarande av spatial data inom Sveriges kommunerVilenius, Miika January 2018 (has links)
Municipalities in Sweden handle and create data which includes GIS/CAD in the form of blueprint and geographic information systems, so-called spatial data. As data is received and established within a municipality, the Data Archiving Act enforces the archival of this information. GIS/CAD files are created in different computer programs and stored according to file format. The Data Archiving act requires data to be available throughout time, which in turn requires both an archivist and technical systems within the archive. Within the industry there are until now no clear guidelines and standards for spatial data. The lack of standardization and the use of proprietary formats is a key issue. The purpose of this research is to find out how municipalities in Sweden handle inbound and spatial data within the municipality. Furthermore, this research aims at finding out how spatial data is preserved in municipalities in Sweden and to reveal any reported problems with the management of spatial data. This research is a case study derived from a survey sent to Sweden's 290 municipalities. These entities are divided into two groups of KLM municipalities (municipal with a land surveyors office) and other townships. The study is limited to investigating only municipalities' work on handling GIS / CAD data. The survey was designed according to the question of open and closed questions, which gave the opportunity to present the results in statistical data, but also to return quotes and to present unique answers from individual municipalities. Thus, the data on which the study results are based are both quantitative and qualitative responses. To interpret the results of this study, the Life-cycle and Records Continuum Model will be employed. The result indicates that municipalities handle spatial data. The results show that there are municipalities that have a functioning strategy for a long term preservation of spatial data. But there are also municipalities experiencing problems in handling spatial data for a long term preservation. / Till kommuner i Sverige inkommer och upprättas handlingar som innefattar GIS/CAD i form av planritningar och geografiska informationssystem, så kalla spatial data. I och med att data inkommer/upprättas till/inom en kommun lyder det under arkivlagen och blir därmed en allmän handling som ska arkiveras. GIS/CAD skapas i olika dataprogram och lagras i olika filformat beroende på vilken programvara som använts vid upprättandet av filen. Vid arkivering av data ställs krav på att datan ska vara tillgängligt över tid vilket i sin tur ställer krav på arkivbildaren och de tekniska systemen inom arkivet. Inom branschen saknas det fram tills nu tydliga riktlinjer och standarder för spatial data. Bristen på standardisering och användningen av proprietära format är ett centralt problem. Syftet med arbetet är att ta reda på hur kommuner i Sverige hanterar inkommande och inom kommunen upprättade spatial data. Vidare syftar arbetet till att ta reda på hur spatial data bevaras inom kommuner i Sverige och om kommuner upplever några problem med hantering av spatial data. Arbetet är en fallstudie där en enkät skickats ut till Sveriges samtliga 290 kommuner. Kommunerna delades upp i två grupper, KLM-Kommuner (kommunal lantmäterimyndighet) och övriga kommuner. Studien är avgränsad till att enbart undersöka kommuners arbete med hantering av GIS/CAD data. Enkätundersökningen var utformad enligt frågeställningen med öppna och stängda frågor vilket gav möjligheten att presentera resultatet i statistisk data men även återge citat och presentera unika svar från enskilda kommuner. Datat som ligger till grund för studiens resultat är således både kvantitativ och kvalitativ. Det teoretiska ramverket som används för att tolka resultatet är Life cycle- och Records continuum modellen. Resultatet tyder på att kommuner i stor utsträckning hanterar spatial data. Resultatet påvisar att det finns kommuner som har en fungerande strategi för långtidsbevarande av spatial data men att det också finns kommuner som upplever problem vid hanteringen spatial data och dess bevarande.
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Arkivarien som väktare eller facilitator: En samtidshistorisk undersökning av svenska arkivariers professionella identitetLihv, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines contemporary professionalism among Swedish archivists and how they create a professional identity and defend their status in a context defined by societal change and a new techonological, political and organizational setting. The results are interpreted using two ideal-types drawn from sociological theory on professional change due to the emergence and incorporation of New Public Management in the public sector. The results show that Swedish archivists tend to defend a traditional role as objective and neutral keepers of truth, but also strive to redefine their professional role within organization as experts of information, leaders and managers. Furthermore, the professional status is strenghtened by defending the archive’s role in society as a memory institution for cultural identity and historical truth as well as an important asset for private enterprise and public sector.
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Utveckling och förnyelse av yrket arkivarie inom ABM-samarbetet i VästernorrlandOlsson, LiAnn January 2013 (has links)
In recent years it has become more and more common with discussions concerning professionalization in professions such as archivists. Professionalization means that a profession strengthens, develops, innovates and monopolize their business. In order to strengthen the profession you can also use a variety of strategies and these strategies emphasises the process where a profession is being professionalized or is about to be professionalized. This development of an occupation could start within ABM-cooperation’s. ABM stands for Archive, Library and Museum. The purpose of this paper is to examine how an ABM-cooperation has influenced and developed the institutions involved and their professions, job roles and tasks. As an example study to examine this I have chosen an ABM-cooperation in Västernorrland that consists of Riksarkivet Landsarkivet, Länsbiblioteket Västernorrland and Murberget Länsmuseet Västernorrland. To do this, I have contacted and sent questionnaires to employees in these three institutions. Three of these employees, I have also met in person to go over their answers. Prior to these meetings, I also conducted a literature review in which I have found out information about the background to the cooperation. The results show that none of the employees that I have interviewed think that their participation in the ABM-cooperation has led to major changes within their respective institutions. But when you read their answers to the questionnaires you can see that this is not the case. Duties have changed, been added, and the cooperation with the other institutions should be considered as a change in itself. One reason that these changes are not considered changes may be that cooperation has a long history and they have become part of everyday life in the workplace. There is no evidence in my results that an institution intentionally have used a strategy to develop and strengthen their workplace or professions though there are some points of contact. Instead, one can see signs that it has created a whole new strategy and a whole new approach to the co-operation started when the institutions and their employees in connection with the collaboration has strengthened their positions in their own institutions and with other participating institutions.
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Dokumentationens gråzoner : Utmaningar när krishanteringen får stöd av frivilligaHolmström, Lina January 2017 (has links)
Krissituationer innebär att många personer måste agera och hjälpa till för att situationen ska kunna lösas på bästa sätt. Frivilliginsatser i krissituationer har i och med samhällsförändringar på senare tid blivit ett allt vanligare fenomen och frivilligorganisationer har även tagit över en del av det arbete som tidigare utförts av offentlig verksamhet. För myndigheter finns det lagar som reglerar vilken dokumentation som ska bevaras för att tillgodose de krav som ställs på bevarande av allmänna handlingar. När delar av den offentliga verksamheten övergår till att vara icke-organiserat och delvis hanteras av privata verksamheter, försvinner då lagkraven gällande dokumentation? Och hur påverkar detta möjligheten för allmänheten att få insyn i arbete som utförs i en krissituation? Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur frivilligas arbete i FRG:er kan se ut i krissituationer och hur deras arbete dokumenteras för att sedan kunna undersöka hur dokumentationen i dagsläget står sig i förhållande till lagkrav och framtida behov och önskemål. I arbetet med uppsatsen har en stor del av arbetet utgjorts av litteraturstudier. Den information som samlats in har kompletterats av intervjumaterial. Intervjuerna har gjorts med en FRG representant och en representant från kommunen för att få insikt hur deras arbete och rutiner ser ut i praktiken. I studien identifierades potentiella brister i rutinerna kring dokumenthanteringen. Detta har inte utgjort ett problem för den FRG som intervjuades, men kunskapen som finns i dagsläget tyder på att bristerna skulle kunna utgöra problem vid en insats. / When a crisis occurs many people have to act and help to solve the situation in the best way possible. The importance of the help of volunteers has grown considerably lately and volunteers as a support in situations of crisis has become a more common phenomenon. The change is due to the fact that there has been a shifting in responsibilities and some of the work that earlier were a part of the government controlled businesses is now partially under the responsibility of private businesses. For the authorities there are laws that regulates what documentation needs to be preserved to cater for the demands the requirements for keep public documents. When parts of the government controlled business makes a shift and instead are partially handled by private businesses, does that mean that there are no longer any legal requirements regarding the documentation? And how does this affect the public’s ability to gain insight into work done in a crisis situation? The purpose of this study is to describe volunteer work in FRG looks in a crisis and how their work is documented and then examine how the documentation that is being done today stands in relation to the legal demands and future needs and desires. In the work with this essay, much of the work has been done i literature studies. The information collected has been supplemented by interview material. The interviews has been conducted with a FRG representative and a representative from the municipality to gain insight into how their work and routines look like in practice In the study potential deficiencies in handling documentation was found. This has not formed a problem in the FRG that was interviewed, but the knowledge in the field suggests that the deficiencies could form a problem when the work is put into practice.
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Arkivet- en resurs för skolan? : En arkivpedagogisk studie utifrån arkivens samarbete med skolan. / Archives – a resource for school?Andersson, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the cooperation of the archive and the school. The theoretical framework is socio-cultural perspective. The main method used is qualitative interviews with employees at the archives. I have studied three different archives which, in cooperation with the school, conduct archival education. In addition to the interviews I have participated in two observations. The research found that there was a great interest in the school to participate in the archive's educational work. Factors such as stress for the teachers and too few archive educational resources adversely affect the archive education mission. The views look different, but the goal is to present archives to the students and provide a positive experience. The fact that archives are to be regarded as an obvious place of visit, was the democratic right of citizens, and that information is being discussed what the archives want to convey to archive education. The archival material used by the archives has a clear link with the curricula and places great emphasis on teaching source criticism.
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HBTQ-historia i arkiv : Var finns den och hur ser den ut? / LGBTQ-history in archives : Where can we find it and what does it look like?Rune, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how the history about LGBTQ-people is represented in archives, focusing on the websites, social media and projects of the archives. The study revolves around three themes, identity, accessibility and participation and seeks to examine how four selected archives work to highlight, gather and inform about the history, experiences and lives of the LGBTQ-community represented in their collections. The study is based on the theoretical framework of the connection between archives and identity and the problem of silence in archives where marginalised groups are not heard, and therefore seeks to examine how archives can work towards breaking the silence. The search process consists of a netographic survey and is analysed and then discussed in a broader perspective using the three themes and the theoretical frameworks. Conclusions of the study shows that the chosen archives, depending on their respective starting points, skills and resuscitations, work in ways that together could form a basis for better understanding of how to create and highlight LGBTQ-history. There are e.g difficulties today in searching for documents about LGBTQ-history in traditional archives, due to the need to revise the subject words to create more accessibility. This is something traditional archives can learn from the more progressive LGBTQ-focused archives. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.
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