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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

På vägen hit kan de mötas av både spott och spe : En kvalitativ studie om hur skolkuratorer på gymnasieskolor bemöter och arbetar med elever med könsöverskridande identiteter / They May Face Both Spit and Derision on Their Way Here : A Qualitative Study on How School Counselors at Upper Secondary Schools Act Toward and Work with Adolescents with Gender Nonconforming Identites

Dahlberg, Tindra, Nilsson, Cornelia January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine school counselors experiences of meeting and working with adolescents with gender nonconforming identites. The study was based on two research questions which were stated as following: What do school counselors at upper secondary schools believe is essential when working with students with gender nonconforming identites? And is there access to regulatory documents or general material for school counselors to use when meeting students with gender nonconforming identites? And what are the school counselor's opinions on that being implemented? We decided to do a qualitative study and conducted six interviews with school counselors operating in six different upper secondary schools in Sweden. In addition to the interviews we decided to further our research to provide us with a global perspective using previous research as well as theories related to the purpose of the study. The results showed that school counselors found trust, continuity, confidentiality, situation based treatment, equality and gender inclusive language as most relevant to ensure students with gender nonconforming identites feel safe and accepted botn at school and as well as the counselors office. We also found there to be little to no regulatory documents or general material for school counselors to use when meeting students with gender nonconforming identites and the opinions among the informants were scattered where some had a positive take on it and others were critical.

Improvement of Optical Character Recognition on Scanned Historical Documents Using Image Processing

Aula, Lara January 2021 (has links)
As an effort to improve accessibility to historical documents, digitization of historical archives has been an ongoing process at many institutions since the origination of Optical Character Recognition. The old, scanned documents can contain deteriorations acquired over time or caused by old printing methods. Common visual attributes seen on the documents are variations in style and font, broken characters, ink intensity, noise levels and damage caused by folding or ripping and more. Many of these attributes are disfavoring for modern Optical Character Recognition tools and can lead to failed character recognition. This study approaches stated problem by using image processing methods to improve the result of character recognition. Furthermore, common image quality characteristics of scanned historical documents with unidentifiable text are analyzed. The Optical Character Recognition tool used to conduct this research was the open-source Tesseract software. Image processing methods like Gaussian lowpass filtering, Otsu’s optimum thresholding method and morphological operations were used to prepare the historical documents for Tesseract. Using the Precision and Recall classification method, the OCR output was evaluated, and it was seen that the recall improved by 63 percentage points and the precision by 18 percentage points. This shows that using image pre-processing methods as an approach to increase the readability of historical documents for Optical Character Recognition tools is effective. Further it was seen that common characteristics that are especially disadvantageous for Tesseract are font deviations, occurrence of non-belonging objects, character fading, broken characters, and Poisson noise.

Dokumenthanteringen på kulturförvaltningen i Värnamo kommun : - en studie av personalens upplevelser / Document management at the cultural administration in Värnamo municipality : - a study of staff experience

Sjöström, Viktoria, Jonasson, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Detta är ett examensarbete som är utfört på kulturförvaltningen i Värnamo kommun och där syftet varit att under april-maj 2021 kartlägga hur deras dokumenthantering ser ut genom att ta reda på medarbetarnas upplevelse av den.   På grund av en ostrukturerad dokumenthantering fick vi i uppdrag att titta på det ur vår synvinkel. Hur ser kulturförvaltningens rutiner för dokumenthantering ut? Vad sparas på vilka ställen? Vilka problem finns? Detta är frågor som vi tagit upp och besvarar i denna rapport.    För att få veta vad medarbetarna själva tycker om dokumenthanteringen utformade vi en både kvalitativ och kvantitativ enkät som vi skickade ut. Vi utförde även semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett par nyckelpersoner. Detta valde vi för att få in alla deras åsikter.    Av enkäten och intervjuerna kunde vi konstatera att de flesta ändå tycker lika. Deras gemensamma server var ostrukturerad, och filarkivet i deras intranät Nettan kunde vara svårt att förstå sig på.    I rapporten har vi en sammanfattning av resultaten på intervjuerna och enkäten. Under resultatdiskussionen har vi med egna förslag på hur dokumenthanteringen kan förbättras i verksamheten.    I slutet av rapporten har vi med en slutsats där vi tagit med vårt syfte av studien, frågeställningen, det vi kommit fram till och fortsatt forskning inom området. / This is a master thesis which is performed at the cultural administration in Värnamo municipality and where the purpose been that under april-may 2021 map how their document management looks by finding out the employees own experience of it.    Because of a unstructured document management we were commissioned to look at it from our point of view. How does the routines for document management at the cultural administration look like? What is saved and where? What problems are there? These are questions that we have brought up and answer in this report.    To know what the employees think about the document management we designed a both qualitative and quantitative survey which we sent out. We also performed semi-structured interviews with a few selected employees. We chose this way because we wanted to get as many opinions as possible.    Of the survey and interviews we could draw the conclusion that most of them think alike. Their shared server was unstructured, and the file archive in their intranet Nettan is hard to understand.    In the report we have a result summary of the interviews and the survey. Under result discussion we have our own suggestions on how the document management can be improved in the business.    At the end of the report we have a conclusion where we have included our purpose of the study, the issues, what we have reached and continued research within the area. / <p>Examen i vårdadministration, YH-utbildning: 20 Yh-poäng</p>


Niau, Aimée January 2021 (has links)
Adultery, abortion, witchcraft, sex work, are crimes that have historically until today been identified as predominantly female crimes. By criminalizing them, the patriarchal society exercises a control of the body and sexuality of women to maintain and remain them in their gender norms. However, patriarchal society participated in their victimization. In fact, many women in prison have been abused in their childhood and often faced a continuous victimization. The aim of this thesis, using feminist theories and critical discourse analysis as part of a case study, is to understand to what extent the patriarchal system has an impact on the creation of the female offender arguing that female offenders are victims of the patriarchal system before being criminals. The analysis of discourses surrounding the case of Lisa Montgomery demonstrates that gender has an impact on how people are criminalized and punished. The abuses often overlooked by the system have an impact on the crime trajectories of female offenders. However, the justice system rarely takes those aspects into consideration, especially when the female offender does not fit her gender norms. She is then described as an inhuman monster who deserves a severe punishment. This participates to maintain and reinforce patriarchy by recalling societal norms of femininity. The case of Montgomery represents thus one of many cases in which female offenders are, before being an offender, a victim of the system that allowed her continuous victimization.

Strategický plán rozvoje měst a obcí jako mrtvý dokument? / Municipality strategic plan for development as a dead document?

Kudrna, Libor January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to strategic planning of municipalities. To render the life cycle of the strategic document the diploma work uses process models of public policy and is dedicated to the problem of not implemented strategic plans of some cities in the Usti region. Study constructs and analyzes it as a publicly-political problem. This thesis identifies the views on the strategic plans in the cities where it exists, but is not systematically used to managing of the city.

Vymezení rasismu jako veřejněpolitického problému ve vládních dokumentech: Analýza diskursu z let 1989 - 2014 / The Delimitation of a racism as a policy problem in governmental documents: Analysis of discourse since 1989 to 2014

Hon, Matěj January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is mainly focused on term racism, especially how the term racism is used in government documents. The author's point of view is based on social constructivism. Author focuses on way of understanding constructions of the term racism made by relevant policy- makers. The goals of this thesis are descriptive (the description of a discourse in government documents and its broader context) and explanatory (an explanation of an interaction of the discourse and its context). The broader context is found by the event history analysis and by an analysis of stakeholders. The discourse analysis is based on texts found in government documents. The results of these analyses show racism as a complex problem including a wider category of social phenomena related to the disadvantaged situation of ethnic minority groups. Nevertheless we are able to identify several competing approaches to this problem delimitation. Two of them consider racism in context of various social problems having different views on causality between these two levels. Two other approaches link racism with security policy and differ with emphasis on preventive and repressive tools.

”Socionomexamen eller annan akademisk utbildning som arbetsgivaren bedömer likvärdig”  : En kvantitativ studie av enhetschefers agerande inom äldreomsorgen. / "Social work degree or other academic education that the employer considers equivalent" : A quantitative study of first line managers' actions in elderly care.

Andersson, Sofia, Andréasson, Tova January 2018 (has links)
Authors: Tova Andréasson &amp; Sofia Andersson Title: Social work degree or other academic education that the employer considers equivalent - A quantitative study of first line managers' actions in elderly care. [Translated title] Supervisor: Lars Sörnsen Assessor: Kerstin Arnesson Previous research shows that first line managers in elderly care act in different ways and it can affect both employees and the elderly. The purpose of this study was to investigate why first line managers act differently in elderly care, by analyzing the relationships between education and first line manager's actions. We also wanted to investigate whether managers act on the basis of education or guidance documents. To achieve the purpose of this study, a quantitative approach was used. All first line managers in elderly care in Kalmar County, Blekinge County and Kronoberg County were given the opportunity to answer a survey online. We analyzed the answers by performing different analyzes with the program SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). To analyze the results of the study, concepts of leadership and profession were used. The study concluded that the first line managers with social education acted more alike than other professions. It also showed that first line managers with more experience used guidance documents to a greater extent than first line managers with less experience.

“A stronger Denmark” vs. “to welcome people seeking refuge” An analysis of Danish and Swedish newspapers’ and policy documents’ framing of "the refugee crisis” and border controls

Jayananthan, Diantha, Pedersen, Mette January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to understand how Danish and Swedish news media and governments framed “the refugee crisis” in the context of the Swedish implementation of border controls in 2015 and the removal of external border controls in 2017. We operationalize framing theory (Entman 1993) to understand the differences and similarities in the framing of "the refugee crisis” in Denmark and Sweden. While the main focus is media representations, policy documents are included in the study to deepen the analysis and understand the similarities and differences across migration policies. Through a quantitative content analysis of 259 newspaper articles from eight Danish and Swedish newspapers, a framing analysis of ten policy documents and a qualitative framing analysis of the overall frames in the news articles and policy documents, we identified a dialectic relation of power between media and political discourse in both countries. We found that issues defined and represented in policy documents tend to reflect the challenges that news media define and the other way around. Even though Danish and Swedish newspapers and policy documents highlight similar problems, our data indicates clear differences in migration policies, in the two countries, in terms of the framing of asylum seekers, refugees and political events in 2015.

Tvorba školního vzdělávacího programu pro předmět fyzika na kombinovaném lyceu / Design of a school educational programme for physics education at the combined lyceum

Cinkraut, Kamil January 2021 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to design a school educational programme for physics education at a combined lyceum. The thesis first gives a brief overview of the development of curriculum documents in the Czech lands from the 18th century to the present day and summarizes three trends in the philosophy of education regarding curriculum documents in order to base this design on an awareness of the broader context of trends in education. As the pupil's opinions are also important to us, the results of a Q-methodology study conducted on 22 pupils of a combined lyceum are also presented. They were asked to express their viewpoint for physics topics from the framework educational programme. Pupils of a Prague grammar school were also asked to the same thing, so we can compare their views with pupils of the combined lyceum. Moreover, future teachers were asked to try to estimate the views of the pupils of this lyceum. The school educational programme for physics education at the combined lyceum was designed at the end. We based this design on the previous parts of the thesis, the current revision of the framework educational programme for the combined lyceum, the wishes of the school management and the opinions and preferences of the current pupils of this school.

Učivo o lišejnících (Lichenes) a problematika jeho začleňování do výuky přírodopisu na 2. stupni ZŠ / Curriculum of Lichens and the Problem if Its Integration into Biology Teaching at the Second Level of Elementary School

Češíková, Pavla January 2022 (has links)
TITLE: Curriculum of Lichens and the Problem of Its Integration into Biology Teaching at the Second Level of Elementary School AUTHOR: Pavla Češíková DEPARTMENT: Department of Biology and Environmental Studies SUPERVISOR: RNDr. Jana Skýbová, Ph.D. ABSTRACT This diploma thesis deals with the issue of integrating the topic of lichens into the teaching of natural science at the 2nd level of elementary schools. It contains informations about the representation of this topic in curricular documents, as well as a partial analysis and comparison of selected school educational programs and textbooks. In the practical part of this work there is a short interviews with the teachers, who the question of the difficulty integration this topicit into the teaching describe directly from the practice. Based on these findings, the work also includes a proposal for a possible concept of teaching this topic (Lichens), which was applied in practice and whose advantages and disadvantages are also part of the results of research. KEY WORDS: Lichens, curricular documents, textbooks, analysis, semi-structured interviews, natural science

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