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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mapeamento de dados multi-dimensionais - integrando mineração e visualização / Multidimensional data mapping - integrating mining and visualization

Fernando Vieira Paulovich 07 October 2008 (has links)
As técnicas de projeção ou posicionamento de pontos no plano, que servem para mapear dados multi-dimensionais em espaços visuais, sempre despertaram grande interesse da comunidade de visualização e análise de dados por representarem uma forma útil de exploração baseada em relações de similaridade e correlação. Apesar disso, muitos problemas ainda são encontrados em tais técnicas, limitando suas aplicações. Em especial, as técnicas de projeção multi-dimensional de maior qualidade têm custo computacional proibitivo para grandes conjuntos de dados. Adicionalmente, problemas referentes à escalabilidade visual, isto é, à capacidade da metáfora visual empregada de representar dados de forma compacta e amigável, são recorrentes. Esta tese trata o problema da projeção multi-dimensional de vários pontos de vista, propondo técnicas que resolvem, até certo ponto, cada um dos problemas verificados. Também é fato que a complexidade e o tamanho dos conjuntos de dados indicam que a visualização deve trabalhar em conjunto com técnicas de mineração, tanto embutidas no processo de mapeamento, como por meio de ferramentas auxiliares de interpretação. Nesta tese incorporamos alguns aspectos de mineração integrados ao processo de visualização multi-dimensional, principalmente na aplicação de projeções para visualização de coleções de documentos, propondo uma estratégia de extração de tópicos. Como suporte ao desenvolvimento e teste dessas técnicas, foram criados diferentes sistemas de software. O principal inclui as técnicas desenvolvidas e muitas das técnicas clássicas de projeção, podendo ser usado para exploração de conjuntos de dados multi-dimensionais em geral, com funcionalidade adicional para mapeamento de coleções de documentos. Como principal contribuição desta tese propomos um entendimento mais profundo dos problemas encontrados nas técnicas de projeção vigentes e o desenvolvimento de técnicas de projeção (ou mapeamento) que são rápidas, tratam adequadamente a formação visual de grupos de dados altamente similares, separam satisfatoriamente esses grupos no layout, e permitem a exploração dos dados em vários níveis de detalhe / Projection or point placement techniques, useful for mapping multidimensional data into visual spaces, have always risen interest in the visualization and data analysis communities because they can support data exploration based on similarity or correlation relations. Regardless of that interest, various problems arise when dealing with such techniques, impairing their widespread application. In particularly the projections that yield highest quality layouts have prohibitive computational cost for large data sets. Additionally, there are issues regarding visual scalability, i.e., the capability of visually fit the individual points in the exploration space as the data set grows large. This thesis treats the problems of projections from various perspectives, presenting novel techniques that solve, to certain extent, several of the verified problems. It is also a fact that size and complexity of data sets suggest the integration of data mining capabilities into the visualization pipeline, both during the mapping process and as a tools to extract additional information after the data have been layed out. This thesis also add some aspects of mining to the multidimensional visualization process, mainly for the particular application of analysis of document collections, proposing and implementing an approach for topic extraction. As supporting tools for testing these techniques and comparing them to existing ones different software systems were written. The main one includes the techniques developed here as well as several of the classical projection and dimensional reduction techniques, and can be used for exploring various kinds of data sets, with addition functionality to support the mapping of document collections. This thesis contributes to the understanding of the projection or mapping problem and develops new techniques that are fast, treat adequately the visual formation of groups of highly related data items, separate those groups properly and allow exploration of data in various levels of detail

Resolução de correferência em múltiplos documentos utilizando aprendizado não supervisionado / Co-reference resolution in multiples documents through unsupervised learning

Jefferson Fontinele da Silva 05 May 2011 (has links)
Um dos problemas encontrados em sistemas de Processamento de Línguas Naturais (PLN) é a dificuldade de se identificar que elementos textuais referem-se à mesma entidade. Esse fenômeno, no qual o conjunto de elementos textuais remete a uma mesma entidade, é denominado de correferência. Sistemas de resolução de correferência podem melhorar o desempenho de diversas aplicações do PLN, como: sumarização, extração de informação, sistemas de perguntas e respostas. Recentemente, pesquisas em PLN têm explorado a possibilidade de identificar os elementos correferentes em múltiplos documentos. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como foco o desenvolvimento de um método aprendizado não supervisionado para resolução de correferência em múltiplos documentos, utilizando como língua-alvo o português. Não se conhece, até o momento, nenhum sistema com essa finalidade para o português. Os resultados dos experimentos feitos com o sistema sugerem que o método desenvolvido é superior a métodos baseados em concordância de cadeias de caracteres / One of the problems found in Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems is the difficulty of identifying textual elements that refer to the same entity. This phenomenon, in which the set of textual elements refers to a single entity, is called coreference. Coreference resolution systems can improve the performance of various NLP applications, such as automatic summarization, information extraction systems, question answering systems. Recently, research in NLP has explored the possibility of identifying the coreferent elements in multiple documents. In this context, this work focuses on the development of an unsupervised method for coreference resolution in multiple documents, using Portuguese as the target language. Until now, it is not known any system for this purpose for the Portuguese. The results of the experiments with the system suggest that the developed method is superior to methods based on string matching

Vem stoppar våldet? : En tematisk analys av kommuners arbete mot våld i nära relationer / Who ends the violence? : A thematic analysis of municipalities’ work against domestic violence

Jansson, Elinda, Larsson, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Enligt Socialtjänstlagen (SFS 2001:453) 5 kap § 11 hör det till socialnämndens uppgifter att se till att de som utsätts för brott och deras närstående får stöd och hjälp, behoven hos kvinnor som utsätts för våld av närstående ska särskilt beaktas. Socialtjänsten är vidare skyldig att bedriva intern och extern samverkan i arbetet mot våld i nära relationer. Emellertid saknas det i dagsläget en övergripande bild av kommunernas arbete mot våld i nära relationer. Denna studie undersöker hur ett urval av svenska kommuner organiserar arbetet mot våld i nära relationer med fokus på mönster gällande samverkan och ansvarsfördelning. Analysen baseras dels på en kategorisering av de styrdokument vilka tillgängliggjorts av de aktuella kommunerna och dels på en kvalitativ, tematisk dokumentanalys av kommunövergripande styrdokument. Studien har en hermeneutisk och abduktiv ansats vilket innebär en pendelrörelse mellan tema och helhet samt mellan teori och det empiriska materialet. Vidare har de teoretiska begreppen systemnivåer, energier och kalibrering från det systemteoretiska perspektivet samt samverkansdynamik och principiellt engagemang från det governanceteoretiska perspektivet använts vid analysen av empirin. Studiens resultat visar att kommunerna organiserar arbetet på olika nivåer: regional- och kommungemensam-, kommunövergripande- och organisationsspecifik nivå. Resultatet visar också att nationella dokument användes vid organiseringen. Resultatet tolkas som att organisationen skiljer sig mellan kommunerna, gällande såväl omfattning som innehåll och anpassningen till de lokala förutsättningarna. Resultatet visar också att kommunerna är i processen att etablera komplicerade samverkansstrukturer med såväl interna som externa aktörer, såsom polis, sjukvården, skolan, den privata sektorn, frivilligsektorn och civilsamhället. Emellertid har kommunerna kommit olika långt i arbetet kring en gemensam ansvarsfördelning och samsyn bland dessa aktörer. Avslutningsvis krävs mer forskning på ämnet för att säkrare slutsatser ska kunna dras. Studien väcker också frågor om det preventiva arbetets utbredning och effektivitet samt kommunernas uppfattning om behoven av kunskapsutveckling.

När det brister : En essä om hur prioritering av ekonomiska resurser, istället för pedagogiska, påverkar barn och pedagoger i praktiken

Westlund, Katrin January 2019 (has links)
In my essay, I start from an event in my workplace that I experience stressful and mentally stressful for both children and educators, where a child who needs extensive adjustments cannot receive it satisfactorily. Through my many years of knowledge and experience with work in preschool and school, I see how the work situation has changed and how it affects us who are in it. Administrative work is increased through documentation, reflection and analysis of the business. The child groups are growing steadily while the staff density is unchanged. Temporary absence is reduced, and we can resolve the situation ourselves by changing our working hours. I am critical of how the working environment has become for us staying in the preschool's premises. According to the school law, education must be equal and consider and be adapted to the different conditions and needs of children. How is it when we work inclusive without getting resources for it? Through scientific literature and steering documents, I reflect and explore how we are affected by the situations we end up in, both the individual child, the child group and the work team. What scope I have as a preschool teacher in the guidelines mentioned in the preschool curriculum and how / if we can meet the goals based on these premises. In the paper, I highlight that lack of higher-level organization is the big problem and I investigate what responsibilities the principals and higher executives have and how it ultimately affects us. I also reflect on whether, in my eagerness to be solution oriented, I am contributing to the fact that there is no change and the prevailing culture of silence that exists.

Kommuners framställningar av våld i nära relationer - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av sex kommuners

Danielsson, Matilda, Schön, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Domestic violence is a major problem in the society. How policies and other important documents are framed lays the foundation for how the social work is structured. The objective of this study is to scrutinize documents covering the course of actions in cases of domestic violence in six different municipalities. More precisely, the study aims to investigate how the proposed policies constructs and describes domestic violence from the perspective of the abused and the abuser but also its impact on practical social work. For this purpose, the study adopted a qualitative summative content analysis to examine the policies from themes occurring in previous literature. Themes identified and used are as follows: municipalities explanations and definitions for domestic violence, production of domestic violence relative to gender, especially vulnerable groups and lastly the support in the social work. After that, themes were put into the perspectives of the feminist structural theory as well as the system theoretical view, also named the family violence perspective. The findings of this study suggest that when the municipality explains violence in close relationships with the gender neutral conception domestic violence, both men and women can take the role of the abuser. However, if violence instead was formulated as men’s violence against women, results assumed the man to be the abuser and the women to be abused. From this, various understandings and explanations resulted in different courses of action and who would be subject to this support. Moreover, noticeable was that in all documents scrutinized the woman was assumed to be abused regardless of theoretical perspective.

Podoby výtvarných oborů na středních odborných školách / Forms of art studies in secondary vocational education

Svatková, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of secondary vocational schools, specifically secondary art schools completed by the graduation exam. The Czech Republic has a relatively dense network of these schools, however, from the point of view of pedagogy it is insufficiently researched. The aim of the theoretical part of the work is to describe art education at secondary schools in the Czech Republic, to state the forms of art disciplines at secondary schools, the organization of teaching in specific forms of art studies and the curriculum of subjects. The work also deals with issues of the number of art schools in the Czech Republic, with the qualifications of teachers at these schools and the number of pupils admitted to these schools. The didactic part of the work will be devoted to qualitative research focused on the form of graphic design, as the most numerous form of art study represented at secondary vocational art education. The aim of the research is to describe the real situation in a sample of secondary vocational schools with the field of graphic design. According to predetermined criteria, I focus on the specifics of secondary vocational schools and then compare the sample of schools admission to study, graduation, representation of vocational subjects in curricula, the composition of...

Extrakce informací z webových stránek / Information Extraction from Web Pages

Bukovčák, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on current technologies that are used for downloading web pages and extraction of structured information from them. The paper describes available tools to make this process possible and easier. Another part of this document provides the overview of technologies that can be used for creating web pages. Also, there is an information about development of information systems with web user interface based on Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) platform. The main part of this master thesis describes design and implementation of application used to specify and manage extraction tasks. The last part of this project describes application testing on real web pages and evaluation of achieved results.

Tvorba vnitropodnikových směrnic v podmínkách vybrané firmy / Intercompany Directions, Creating in the Condition of the Selected Firm

Koubková, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on processing intercompany directions in company quick-mix k.s. In theoretical part of thesis the term and general meaning of intercompany directions is explained as well as requirements for the development of specific intercompany directions. The aim of thesis is to revise current intercompany directions and suggest update of them, furthermore I aim to develop missing directions related to circulation of bookkeeping documents, travel expenses and the process of closing accounts.

Vyhodnocení legislativních předpisů pro speciální silniční přepravu mezi Českou republikou a severní Evropou / Evaluation of Legislative Regulations for Special Road Transport between the Czech Republic and North Europe

Kuře, Arnošt January 2010 (has links)
he project evaluates legislative regulations for special road transport between the Czech Republic and Northern Europe. The main purpose of the project is to formulate a basic methodology for non-standard shipment’s transit. Work observes destination of the Czech Republic - Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. There exist differences in legislative conditions for the particularly heavy and oversized loads transport in these countries. The main objective is to evaluate these conditions and recommend utilization for Czech carriers. The thesis aims to enumerate the various national legal standards for excessive transportation and recommend implementation outputs for correct and a quick orientation in the rights and obligations during executing carriage for the Czech carriers. The basic metodology how to transport oversized loads results from this project.

Penzion / Guest House

Revaj, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
Master´s thesis contain project documents of design building. It deals with new build guest house. It is situated in the town Brno - Bohunice. The building has got three floors, it hasn´t got basement and it has got flat roof.

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