Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4store"" "subject:"2store""
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Influences on the Adaptation and Standardization Level of Swedish MNCs in the German MarketWuerfel, Tyll, Weiler, Ellen January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to describe how the factors influence the level of adaptation and standardization of a marketing strategy and subsequently analyze how the factors influence the level of adaptation and standardization of Swedish MNCs’ in the German market. The relevant factors for the decision towards standardization and adaptation are found out using a framework composed by Viswanathan & Dickson (2007). The factors chosen are homogeneity of customer response to the marketing-mix, transferability of competitive advantage, homogeneity of economic freedom and decision variables. This thesis does so in a deductive and qualitative approach using Swedish retailer Clas Ohlson as a case study. Underlying this is a contextualized and interpretivist point of view. Data was collected through focus group interviews with German and Swedish students and complemented through data mining. An analysis of the empirical data shows a high homogeneity of customer response to the marketing-mix, the possibility of transferring the competitive advantage and a high homogeneity of economic freedom was discovered. When applying the frame of reference on the empirical data, Swedish MNCs, especially Swedish retailers, are recommended to choose a high degree of standardization for their IMS in the German market. It was discovered that the used framework does to some extent not cover a wish proposed by the German participants calling for a partial adaptation of the international marketing strategy. This disproves the assumption underlying the frame of reference as the majority of factors suggest standardization, yet from a consumer perspective, there is the wish to partially adapt. In the conclusion managerial implications, limitations and research implications are mentioned as well.
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The determinants of shopping centre rent in the new townsChan, Wai-ming, 陳維明 January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Real Estate and Construction / Master / Master of Science in Real Estate and Construction Development
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The impact study of new shopping scheme in new townTsui, Ka-kit., 徐家傑. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning
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Provrumsbelysning / Fitting room lightingBerndtsson, My, Pettersson, Sara January 2014 (has links)
The fitting room is an important part of a clothing store, it's often where the customer decides if they want to buy the garment or not. Therefore it is important that the customer can feel safe and comfortable when they are trying the clothing. A typical fitting room in Sweden today has only one bright spotlight that emits light either towards the face or from the ceiling above. This study explores possible lighting solutions that take into account the customer's experience in the fitting room. The study aim to increase understanding of the importance of a good light in fitting rooms, so that customers gets a nice experience and that clothes, body shape and facial features are shown in a natural way. The issue therefore included how lighting can affect the customer's perception of the clothing and how the perception of body shape, facial features and the clothes change in different lighting solutions. To answer these questions, observations were made in various clothing stores, followed by an experimental study divided into two parts. The first part was a practical part where trying different lighting directions were tested on a mannequin, which resulted in three selected lighting solutions. The second part was a full-scale study. 15 people evaluated a fitting room with three different lighting solutions. The result demonstrates the importance of natural shadows and contrasts on the face and body and that it is important to consider how light falls and avoid glare. This is done by well-placed or shielded fixtures and by using several different lighting directions. The lighting in fitting rooms should be adapted to the type of clothes and customer group. / Provrummet är en viktig del i en klädbutik, det är ofta där kunden beslutar om plagget ska köpas eller inte. Det är därför viktigt att kunden kan känna sig trygg och bekväm vid klädprovningen. Ett typiskt provrum i Sverige idag har endast en ljuspunkt som belyser kunden antingen rakt framifrån eller ovanifrån. I denna studie undersöks tänkbara belysningslösningar som tar hänsyn till kundens upplevelse i provrummet. Studiens syfte var att öka förståelsen för hur viktigt det är med en god belysning i provrum, för att kunden ska få en bra upplevelse och att kläderna, kroppens form och anletsdrag ska framhävas på ett naturligt sätt. Frågeställningen innefattade därför hur belysningen kan påverka kundens upplevelse av klädprovningen och hur upplevelsen av kroppens form, anletsdrag och kläderna förändras i olika belysningslösningar. För att besvara dessa frågor gjordes observationer i olika klädbutiker, därefter genomfördes en experimentell studie som delades in i två delar. Första delen var en praktiskt prövande del där olika ljusriktningar testades på en skyltdocka. Denna resulterade i tre belysningslösningar att gå vidare med. Andra delen var en fullskalestudie där ett provrum byggdes upp med de tre olika belysningslösningar som sedan 15 stycken personer fick studera med hjälp av ett frågeformulär. Resultatet visar på vikten av att belysningen skapar naturliga skuggor och kontraster på kropp och ansikte, och att det är viktigt att tänka på hur ljuset faller, samt att belysningen inte är bländande. Detta görs genom välplacerade eller avskärmade armaturer och med flera olika ljusriktningar. Studien visar att belysningen i provrum bör anpassas efter typ av kläder och kundgrupp.
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體驗行銷對網路商店女性顧客保留之影響 / The effect of experiential marketing on the retention of e-store female customers邱祺馨, Chiu, Chi Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Schmitt之策略體驗模組作為體驗行銷架構,以產品特性為干擾變數,探討體驗行銷模組和顧客保留強度之間的關係。本研究採用網路問卷調查法蒐集樣本資料,並利用階層多元迴歸分析法來驗證整體架構。研究結果顯示,感官體驗、思考體驗、行動體驗和關聯體驗對顧客保留強度具有正向影響,行動體驗之影響程度較微弱,而情感體驗對顧客保留的效果未被確立。在產品特性對體驗行銷模組和顧客保留強度之間關係的干擾效果部分,風險變數的干擾效果未被確立;努力變數對思考體驗和顧客保留之間的關係具有顯著的干擾效果,且是決定女性消費者是否在網路商店購買產品的最關鍵因素。網路商店業者若想成功留住女性顧客,須營造具有啟發性與充滿新資訊的體驗情境,使女性消費者願意付出更多的努力沉浸於該情境中,進而在心境上自然而然地轉移至購物的決定。 / E-stores are springing up quickly for the past decade, making it increasingly difficult for retailers to survive in the Internet retailing market. The situation is worsened by low-price competitive strategy. To online shoppers, the differences among e-stores are shrinking. Facing this difficulty of differentiating themselves, the concept of Experiential Economy seems to come to the rescue for online retailers, because it suggests creating differentiation through offering experiences according to customer desire. Internet is especially promising in the construction of unique shopping environment without incurring high cost. By satisfying the psychological needs of customers, retailers can expect to differentiate themselves and close more deals.
Nowadays the use of Internet is equally popular between males and females. Survey data also showed that female online shoppers have increased in recent years. In addition, studies showed household purchasing decisions are largely undertaken by females. To strengthen their market advantage, retailers should pay more attention to female shoppers. Thus the purpose of this study is to examine which types of online experiences help to retain female customers more effectively.
The experiential marketing construct of this study is based on Schmitt’s strategic experiential modules (SEMs). This study empirically examines the effects among the experiential marketing modules, product properties, and customer retention intensity. The results show that SENSE, THINK, ACT and SOCIAL modules have positive effects on customer retention. The effect of the ACT module is confirmed, although much weaker, while the effect of the FEEL module is not confirmed. As for the moderating effects of product properties between the experiential marketing modules and customer retention, the result does not confirm the moderating effect of the risk factor of product properties; however, the effort factor in the product properties has significant moderate effect between the THINK module and customer retention. It is very interesting to discover female customers’ experiential preference that is described in the THINK module, because intuitively male customers, rather than female customers, are perceived to exhibit such preference. To retain female customers, online retailers need to construct an experiential condition which is rich in new information and is appealing to consumers’ creative thinking.
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L'influence du point de vente sur le capital d'une marque : une approche par les données du panel / The Impact of Store on Brand Equity : A Panel-based ApproachKaswengi Mbwiti, Joseph 20 November 2012 (has links)
De manière générale, la qualité d’un circuit de distribution peut-elle influencer le capital d’une marque ?C’est la principale question que nous traitons dans cette recherche. De nombreuses recherches ont étépubliées sur les déterminants du capital marque. Cependant, peu de choses ont été dites sur le rôle de ladistribution. De plus, une grande partie des recherches ont considéré l’image du point de vente comme unconcept global ou unidimensionnel. Or, la majorité des recherches affirme que l’image du point de vente estun construit multidimensionnel.Le but de cette recherche est d’étudier la relation entre la qualité de la distribution et le capital de la marquequi y est référencée. Nous développons un modèle qui met en relation les dimensions du magasin (l’imageprix, la variété de l’assortiment, la qualité de MDD, la qualité des produits, la qualité de service etl’accessibilité du magasin) et le capital marque, mesuré à l’aide des constantes qui, sont considéréescomme la mesure de l’utilité incrémentale de la marque. Nous utilisons les variables de contrôle telles que lacatégorie de produits. Nous élaborons un modèle factoriel dynamique en utilisant les données de panel sur4500 ménages, 12 magasins appartenant à de chaines différentes en France sur une période de cinq ans etdemi (2004-2009). Les résultats montrent que les effets de l’image du magasin sur le capital marque varientselon l’enseigne, le format de magasin, les catégories de produits, les marques et les caractéristiques desconsommateurs.D’un point de vue théorique, cette recherche permet d’identifier les dimensions les plus pertinentes del’image d’un point de vente ainsi que leurs conditions d’efficacité. D’un point de vue méthodologique, nousutilisons un modèle factoriel dynamique qui n’a pas encore été utilisé sur la mesure du capital marque. D’unpoint de vue managérial, cette recherche permettra aux responsables de marques de mieux apprécierl’influence d’un magasin sur la valeur de leurs marques. / Does a store format quality can generally influence brand equity? This is the main question we address inthis research. Numerous studies have been published on brand equity drivers. However, little has been saidabout the role of distribution. In addition, much research has conceptualized store image as a global or onedimensionalconcept. However, according to the research majority, store image is a multidimensionalconstruct.The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between distribution quality and brand equity.We develop a model that connects store image dimensions (price image, assortment variety, private labelquality, product quality, service quality, and location) and brand equity, measured thanks to the interceptswhich are considered as a brand incremental utility measure. The model controls for the variables such asthe product category. We adopt a dynamic factor model using panel data on 4500 households, 12 storesbelonging to different chains in France over a period of five years and a half (2004-2009). The results showthat store image effects on the brand equity depend on the store name, store format, product categories,brands and consumer characteristics.From a theoretical perspective, this research identifies the most relevant store image dimensions as well astheir efficiency conditions. From a methodological point of view, we use a dynamic factor model that has notyet been used on brand equity measurement. From a managerial standpoint, this research may help brandmanagers to better assess the store impact on their brands value.
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Influencia del merchandising utilizado en las tiendas de conveniencia de la zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana en la satisfacción del cliente, el ticket de compra y la recompra según 4 tipos de clientes / Influence of merchandising used in convenience stores in zone 7 of Metropolitan Lima in customer satisfaction, purchase ticket and repurchase according to 4 types of customersChávarry García, Karol Nohely, Pereyra Villanueva, Jenny Patricia 16 May 2019 (has links)
La presente tesis plantea que el merchandising utilizado en las tiendas de conveniencia de la zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana contribuye positivamente en la satisfacción de los clientes, el ticket de compra y la probabilidad de recompra según 4 tipos de clientes, lo cual se ha comprobado mediante la validación de 4 hipótesis específicas.
Luego de haber realizado el análisis se obtuvo que, dichas hipótesis fueron aceptadas. En cuanto a la primera fue aprobada mediante un análisis factorial y se encontraron cuatro tipos de clientes: Premium, visuales, buscadores de ofertas y oportunistas.
De la segunda hipótesis se obtuvo que de los shoppers que habían tenido una opinión positiva en cuanto al merchandising, el 90% de ellos estaba de acuerdo con que tuvieron una experiencia de compra agradable.
En la tercera hipótesis, mediante un análisis descriptivo de la valoración de las técnicas de merchandising; es decir, que los shoppers hayan notado la presencia de dichas técnicas al momento de su ingreso y recorrido por la tienda, se obtuvo que: el incremento promedio del ticket de compra fue de 52% en clientes Premium, 65% en clientes Visuales, 46% en clientes Buscadores de ofertas y 51% en clientes Oportunistas.
Por último, en la cuarta hipótesis se pudo comprobar que los shoppers que habían adquirido alguna oferta en la tienda de conveniencia, regresaban en mayor número de veces en comparación con los shoppers que no adquirían ofertas. / This thesis states that the merchandising used in convenience stores in zone 7 of Metropolitan Lima contributes positively in customer satisfaction, the purchase ticket and the likelihood of repurchase according to 4 types of customers, which has been proven through the validation of 4 specific hypotheses.
After having made the analysis, it was found that these hypotheses were accepted. As for the first one, it was approved through a factorial analysis and four types of clients were found: Premium, visuals, offer finders and opportunists.
From the second hypothesis, it was found that of the shoppers who had a positive opinion regarding merchandising, 90% of them agreed that they had a pleasant shopping experience.
In the third hypothesis, through a descriptive analysis of the valuation of merchandising techniques; that is, that the shoppers had noticed the presence of such techniques at the time of their entry and tour of the store, it was found that: the average increase in the purchase ticket was 52% in Premium clients, 65% in Visual clients, 46 % in customers Search engines and 51% in Opportunistic customers.
Finally, in the fourth hypothesis it was found that the shoppers who had purchased some offer in the convenience store, returned in greater number of times compared to the shoppers who did not acquire offers. / Tesis
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De « petits » employés d’un « grand » magasin : Enquête sur les employés de la vente au Bazar de l’Opéra / "Small" employees a "big" store : Survey employees selling Bazar and l'OperaBarbier, Pascal 21 November 2012 (has links)
Qui sont les vendeurs des magasins du grand commerce et quel est leur quotidien ? A partird’une enquête ethnographique réalisée, par observation participante et par entretiens dans ungrand magasin parisien, cette thèse répond à ces questions et apporte deux contributionsprincipales. La thèse contribue d’abord à la sociologie du travail de la vente en magasin. Ens’intéressant aux conditions de travail des vendeurs, à leurs modes d’emploi, à leurs pratiquesde travail, à leur rapport au travail, et notamment à l’ambivalence que nourrit la relation avecun client, elle réalise une sociologie du travail d’une activité professionnelle peu étudiéejusqu’ici. Elle en montre le caractère bigarré. Par certains aspects, ce travail est profondémentenraciné dans le salariat d’exécution, proche notamment d’une figure professionnelle àlaquelle les employés de commerce sont couramment identifiés, la « caissière ». Mais, dans lemême temps, ce travail s’en arrache en raison de l’autonomie et de la richesse que disentéprouver les vendeurs devant certaines tâches, comme la mise en valeur de la marchandise oula relation avec les clients. La thèse contribue aussi à la sociologie des employés decommerce. Armée d’une analyse du travail et des trajectoires de ceux qui l’effectuent, la thèsemontre que les vendeurs des grands magasins composent un fragment singulier parmi les« employés de commerce ». Ils composent une « petite aristocratie ». Mais la thèse rappellequ’il s’agit d’une « petite aristocratie » sous tension. En effet, celle-ci voit ses attributsglorieux malmenés par des rationalisations du travail et des transformations dans lesconditions d’emploi. / Who are the sales assistants and what does their day at work look like? Based on anethnographic survey (participant observation in a parisian department store and interviews),this thesis answers these questions and contributes to the sociology of work and the sociologyof the clerks. Firstly, by exploring the working and employment conditions of the salesmen,their technics and savoir-faire, the way they see their work, it sheds light on a work rarelyobserved by the sociology of work. Secondly, the thesis contributes to the sociology of clerks.It analyses a part of this group that can be seen as belonging to an “in-between” area: betweenthe most insecure job and the steady and qualified work.
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Hur beter du dig egentligen? : En studie om kopplingen mellan hemsidebeteende och efterföljande köp i fysisk butikAndersson, Sonny, Wiljander, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Dagens teknologi tillåter inte att göra kopplingar i konsumentdata mellan hemsida och den fysiska butiken. Det innebär att företag går miste om värdefull kunskap om sina kunders beteende och effekten av deras marknadsföringsåtgärder. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilket hemsidebeteende som föregår köp i fysisk butik och hur beteendet skiljer sig jämfört med köp online. Uppsatsen syftar även till att undersöka hur hemsidebeteendet påverkar fysiska butikers konsumenters köpstorlek samt hur konsumenters köpsituation påverkar hemsidebeteendet. Studien gjordes i samarbete med ett möbel- och heminredningsföretag, och datainsamling skedde genom en enkätundersökning i butik, Google Analytics samt observationsstudie i samband med enkätundersökningen. Resultaten visar påtagliga skillnader i hemsidebeteende beroende på köpkanal och att konsumenter spenderar mer i fysisk butik om hemsidan besökts inför köp. Studien visar även att det är mer troligt att otåliga och engagerade konsumenter besöker hemsidan inför köp jämfört med konsumenter som värderar shoppingupplevelsen i sig.
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Upplärning av visstidsanställda - Butikschefers perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie inom detaljhandeln / Introductory training of temporary employees – Store managers perspective : A qualitative study in the retail sectorClaesson, Ebba, Bergstrand, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Idag eftersträvar företag kostnadsminskning genom flexibilitet, vilket har medfört att efterfrågan på visstidsanställda inom detaljhandeln har ökat markant. Trots den ökade efterfrågan är det inte ovanligt att visstidsanställda inte får någon upplärning alls och företag riskerar lägre produktivitet till följd av lägre kompetens. Utifrån den resursbaserade teorin är det viktigt att de visstidsanställda bidrar med värde genom acceptabel produktivitet, vilket innebär hur mycket företag förväntar sig av sina anställda. Det krävs inte minst eftersom yrket butiksbiträde anses vara komplext. På grund av komplexiteten och den ökade andelen visstidsanställda är det därför centralt att bevara och utveckla visstidsanställdas kompetens genom en god upplärning för att de ska uppnå acceptabel produktivitet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för hur företag inom detaljhandeln arbetar med upplärning av visstidsanställda. Studien avser att undersöka hur företag kan bemöta den föränderliga marknaden genom att förstå hur upplärning av visstidsanställda kan utformas för att de ska uppnå acceptabel produktivitet. Metod: Studien har antagit en kvalitativ metod för att uppnå studien syfte. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med olika butikschefer, vilket har bidragit med deras syn på visstidsanställdas upplärning i praktiken. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att visstidsanställdas upplärning varierar beroende på vilken butik det gäller, men att det finns vissa aspekter som är generella. På grund av att butiker är unika och att individuella skillnader påverkar finns inget konkret arbetssätt för hur upplärningen blir mest effektiv. Trots det har studien klargjort för att skriftliga, muntliga och digitala verktyg är av central betydelse för upplärningen och borde kombineras för att generera värde. Hur kombinationen ser ut beror däremot på hur företaget arbetar och vad som förväntas av de visstidsanställda, alltså den acceptabla produktiviteten. Det har även visat sig att företag vanligtvis inte förväntar sig lika mycket vad gäller produktivitet hos de visstidsanställda som de tillsvidareanställda och att upplärningen därför varierar. Av resultatet framgår även att en värdefull aspekt av upplärningsarbetet är att låta nyanställda implementera teoretiska kunskaper i praktiken. Därmed krävs både teoretisk och praktisk upplärning. / Background and problem: As of today, companies are aiming to reduce costs through flexibility, which in turn has led to a significant increase of the demand for temporary employees within the retail sector. Despite this increased demand it is not uncommon for temporary employees to not receive introductory training, thus companies risk lowering productivity as a result of lower competence levels. According to the resource based theory it is essential that temporary employees contribute valuably through acceptable productivity, which exhibits how much companies expect from their employees. This is however partly necessary since the position of a sales assistant is regarded as a complex profession. Due to the complexity and the increasing portion of temporary employees in the workfield, it is essential to preserve and develop competence achieved through sufficient introductory training to attain acceptable productivity. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to acquire a deeper understanding of how companies in the retail sector conduct introductory training of temporary employees. The study aims to examine how companies potentially can manage the ever changing market through understanding how introductory training of temporary employees can be designed to obtain acceptable productivity. Method: The study has adopted a qualitative method for achieving its purpose. Eight semistructured interviews have been conducted with multiple store managers with the purpose of compiling views and experiences of introductory training in practice. Conclusion: The results of the study demonstrate that introductory training of temporary employees varies depending on the store in which one operates. Certain aspects appear to be prevalent, however since each store is unique and has individual variables in effect there is no palpable way of streamlining introductory training. Consequently, the study has confirmed that written, oral and digital tools are imperative for introductory training and should be combined to be of value. This combination design is dependent on how a specific company works and what is expected of the temporary employees, that is, the acceptable productivity. It has also been found that companies frequently do not expect as much in terms of productivity from temporary employees as opposed to permanent employees, seeing this introductory training can vary. The result confirms valuable aspects of introductory training involves allowing new employees implement theoretical knowledge in practice. Therefore is both theoretical and practical training required.
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