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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E-mokymo/si sampratos ir plėtotės galimybių tyrimas LŽŪU pedagogų bendruomenėje / Research of E-learning/ e-teaching Notion and Development Possibilities in LŽUU Pedagogic Community

Kačinienė, Irma 14 January 2009 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Darbo autorius Irma Kačinienė Darbo tema: E-mokymo/si sampratos ir plėtotės galimybių tyrimas LŽŪU pedagogų bendruomenėje Darbo rengimo vieta: Lietuvos žemės ūkio universitetas, Profesinės pedagogikos ir psichologijos katedra, Akademija, 2008. Darbo apimtis: 56 lapai Darbe yra: 5 lentelės, 25 paveikslai, 2 priedai Literatūros šaltiniai: 35 Tyrimo objektas: LŽŪU pedagogų bendruomenės narių samprata apie e-mokymą/si ir jo plėtotę universitete Tyrimo metodai: 1) Mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė; 2) LŽŪU pedagogų anketinė apklausa; 3) kiekybinė (procentinis duomenų vertinimas, koreliacinių ryšių nustatymas) ir kokybinė (sisteminimas, klasifikavimas) duomenų analizė Tyrimo tikslas: Ištirti LŽŪU pedagogų bendruomenės narių sampratą apie e mokymą/si ir įvertinti e-mokymo/si plėtros strategijos pagrįstumą universitete. Tyrimo rezultatai: Tyrimo rezultatai patvirtino hipotezę, jog LŽŪU pedagogų bendruomenės nariai nėra tinkamai pasirengę taikyti e-mokymo pedagogines technologijas. Dauguma respondentų žino pagrindinius e- mokymo ir nuotolinio mokymo metodų principus, bet tik nedidelė dalis iš jų yra praktiškai ruošę e-mokymo medžiagą. Tyrimas taip pat parodė, jog pedagogai nėra abejingi moderniems mokymo metodams: turėdami didesnį institucijos paskatinimą bei geresnį metodinį pasiruošimą, jie aktyvintų šias veiklas. Ypač tai linkę daryti jaunesni ir žemesnes pareigas užimantys dėstytojai. Šiuo metu esančią nuotolinio mokymo situaciją universitete pedagogai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Author: Irma Kačinienė Subject: Research of E-learning/ e-teaching Notion and Development Possibilities in LŽUU Pedagogic Community Location: Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Department of Vocational Pedagogy and Psychology, Akademija, 2008. Coverage: 56 pages Volume: 5 tables, 26 pictures, 2 annexes References: 35 literature sources Research object: LŽŪU pedagogue community members’ understanding of e-learning/ teaching and its development Research methods: 1) Analysis of scientific literature and documents; 2) Questionnaire survey of LŽŪU pedagogues; 3) Quantitative (percentage data evaluation, establishment of correlative connections) and qualitative (systemizing, classification) analysis of the data. Research purpose: To research the LŽŪU pedagogue community members’ understanding of e-learning/ teaching and to evaluate the reasoning of e-learning/ teaching development strategy at the university. Research results: Research results confirmed the hypothesis that members of LŽŪU pedagogues’ community are not properly prepared to apply e-teaching pedagogical technologies. Most of the respondents know the main principles of e-teaching and remote teaching methods, but only small part of them were practically engaged in preparation of e-teaching material. The research also revealed that pedagogues are not uninterested in the modern teaching methods: in case of motivation from the institution and better methodical preparation they would be engaged more actively in these... [to full text]

Geografijos mokymas nuotoliniu būdu / Distance education on geograpgy

Bargailienė, Lina 13 June 2005 (has links)
Topic: distance education on geography. The target of this master writing is to research the usage of distance education courses to teach geography. This title gives overview on history, popularity and the spread of learning on distance education in Lithuania and the World. It analyses learning procedures and techniques, overviews existing education courses, evaluates distance education software and web services, gives overview of the distance learning course development stages, includes sample courses and even has step-by-step instructions for creating lessons for those courses. Some distance K-12 classes were observed during the year to realize the need and potential of distance education. The need of distance education in Lithuania isconstantly raises with reference to the information contained in this writing. Sometimes distance education is most convenient and evens the only way to achieve K-12 education (i.e. for physically disabled people, for children constantly traveling with their parents, etc.). Students select geography as suitable for distance education like other non-math disciplines. Great success in developing distance education geography courses gives the ability to enrich them with visual aids. Sadly not all available communication techniques are used by distance education in Lithuania and also sometimes issues with authenticity of qualification and students motivation for learning arise. This gives an opportunity to improve the procedures. Hopefully this... [to full text]

Personalo mokymas(is) valstybinėse įmonėse / Personal education in government institutions

Vilkelionok, Liudmila 26 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Personalo mokymas/is valstybinėje įmonėje Pagrindinė problema, kurią sudaro tyrimo „Personalo mokymas/is valstybinėje įmonėje“ pagrindą – besikeičiantis (tobulėjantis) gyvenimas ir tam nepasiruošusi visuomenė (valstybės įmonės „Visagino energija“ darbuotojai). Įsigilinama ir analizuojama – kodėl būtent žmonės, dirbantys valstybinėje įmonėje „Visagino energija“, nėra visapusiškai pasiruošę pasikeitimams, kurie reikalauja pastovaus mokymo/-si (tobulėjimo) – nors būtent šiuo metu valstybės įmonėje „Visagino energija“ vykdoma rekonstrukcija (tobulinamos technologijos, diegiamos naujos aptarnavimo įrangos). Tyrimo metu atlikta anoniminė apklausa, pateikiant įmonės „Visagino energija“ darbuotojams anketą. Išanalizavus tyrimo metu gautus duomenis, paaiškėjo rezultatai, kurie galėtų palengvinti, o gal ir išspręsti iškeltą problemą. Tyrimo metu buvo gaunami pakankamai teigiami rezultatai. Vienas iš svarbiausių gautų rezultatų – dauguma apklaustų įmonės darbuotojų turi teigiamą požiūrį į poreikį mokytis visą gyvenimą, taipogi mano, kad keistis yra būtina (mokytis, tobulėti). Apklausos metu išaiškėjo respondentų nuomonė, kad iniciatyva mokytis (tobulėti) turi būti skleidžiama pačių darbuotojų. Paraleliai buvo išanalizuotos priežastys, kodėl respondentai, norintys tobulinti savo kvalifikaciją, to nedaro. Tik trečdalis apklaustų darbuotojų įsitikinę, kad mokymai valstybės įmonėje „Visagino energija“ buvo organizuojami gerai. / SUMMERY Personnel Education in State Institution A basic problem being the study object of the thesis entitled Personnel Education in State Institution is our ever changing (improving) life and the unprepared community (the employees of the State Company VISAGINO ENERGIJA). In other words, here one gets insight into and examines why it is precisely the persons who are employed at the State Company VISAGINO ENERGIJA have not been comprehensively prepared for the changes that require a continuous training (improvement), meanwhile, it is precisely nowadays that a reconstruction (improvement of technologies and installation of new equipment) of the divisions at the State Company VISAGINO ENERGIJA is taking place. An anonymous quiz has been carried out during the study with the help of a questionnaire. After having analysed the obtained data, factors that might facilitate or perhaps even solve the raised problem are presented. Also, during the study one has obtained sufficiently positive results. One of the most important obtained results is that most questioned company's employees have a positive attitude to the need of training during one's whole life and also believe that it is indispensable to change (train and improve) themselves. During the quiz a respondents' opinion that an initiative for training (improving) must arise from employees themselves has become clear. In parallel, the reasons why some respondents are willing to improve their qualifications, but do not do so... [to full text]

Nuotolinio mokymo taikymas sistemos vartotojų mokymuose / Applying Distance Learning for training system users

Simanaitytė, Vaida 14 June 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe atskleistas ir įvertintas įmonėje naudojamas mokymo procesas, sudarytas nuotolinių mokymų sistemos teorinis modelis. Įvertinta mokymų laiko ir kaštų pagrindinės dalys ir sąnaudos. Remiantis įmonėje atliktu tyrimu, ištirti mokymo ir mokymosi versle poreikiai bei trūkumai, išskirti nuotolinio mokymo sistemos pagrindiniai reikalavimai. Pasiūlytos pagrindinės nuotolinio mokymo sistemos charakteristikos ir įrankiai joms realizuoti. Realizuoti demonstraciniai nuotoliniai mokymai ir gautas grįžtamasis ryšys iš vartotojų. / The theoretic model of e-learning system and processes of modern teaching and learning, which operate in business, also teaching/learning time and value are reviewed in this paper. The company personnel’s demand for learning was examined with a purpose to reveal the advantages and weaknesses of teaching and learning systems. Basic requirements and tools for distance learning were described according the above-mentioned examinations. A prototype distance learning system was tested in real-life training of the users of a new software systems. The feedback of training participants was collected and analyzed.

Internetinė svetainė Mechatronikos distancinio mokymo sistemai / The internet site for the distant learning of Mechatronics

Ragauskas, Mindaugas 07 January 2005 (has links)
Several years ago it was difficult to imagine distant learning in Lithuania. When the SC (Stock company) „Lietuvos Telekomas“ mastered the ISDN service, it became possible to organise video conferences, but the equipment, used for these video conferences was very expensive and for a video conference in two or more places, the subsequent number of equipmnet sets was necessary. With the appearance of cable Internet providers, the ADSL service, Atviras Takas service, the Internet became cheaper, and it has become possible to arrange video conferences with any place in Lithuania, which has cable Internet or phone connection. With the appearance of technologies, allowing to arrange video conferences in Lithuania, distant learning auditoriums were equipped and broadcast was begun from Kaunas Technological University to other towns: Panevėžys, Utena, Marijampolė and etc. Ar first the NetMeeting conferencing program, which belongs to the Windows operational system, was used. Lectures were broadcast with the help of this program from a computer in KTU. Since the NetMeeting program can transmit sound and view between two points at the same time, there was an MCU (multipoint control unit) used to transmit sound and view to several distant points at the same time. Problems appeared during broadcast: the sound, view or slides would break down. This was noticed when five or more users connected. Later, KTU established an internet site, which allowed students to watch lectures in the real... [to full text]

Studentų galimybių nuotoliniam mokymuisi tyrimas Kauno miškų ir aplinkos inžinerijos kolegijoje / The Research on Posibilities of Distant Learning in Kaunas College of Forest and Landscape Engeneering

Babilienė, Jurgita 04 June 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Author: Jurgita Babilienė Title: The Research on Posibilities of Distant Learning in Kaunas College of Forest and Landscape Engeneering. Place of research: Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Department of professional pedagogics and psychology. Akademija, 2006. Volume: 55 pages Research contains: 2 charts, 20 pictures, 3 supplements. Literature sources: 34 Object of the research: students, their possibilities to learn distantly. Research methods: 1. The analysis of scientific methodical literature related to distant studies. 2. The questionnaire of student learning motives, level of self-sufficiency and computer literacy. (used in 2005). 3. The questionnaire of change in student knowledge about distant learning (used in 2006). 4. The analysis of statistical data made with SPSS software. Research results: Research results show that half of college students are willing to study distantly, because they are motivated, disciplined, concious persons, who are attending lectures and other activities, who are making their assignments on time, with the knowledge what is the distant learning. We can state that the first hypothesis is disproved. It was determined that half of KCFLE students have good computer literacy skills, assume to be able to work with computers, one third of them have the computer with internet at home. 58.3 percent of the respondents think that some teaching material could be found on the internet. 43.5 percent of the respondents... [to full text]

Pedagoginių technologijų taikymas profesiniame mokyme / The application of educational technologies in vocational training

Zakarauskaitė, Jurgita 31 May 2006 (has links)
The main focus of the research was laid upon the application of educational technologies in vocational teaching. The results reveal that all educational technologies are applied in teaching process of Kėdainiai vocational training centre Lančiūnava branch. The majority of students are completely satisfied or satisfied with the application of educational technologies. The beginning of the research covered the development of the hypotheses – modern educational technologies help to master new information quicker than the traditional ones. The results of the students’ questionnaire confirm the hypothesis. According to the teachers’ position, the traditional technologies facilitates learning more than the most modern ones. In this case the hypothesis was rejected.

Pacientų mokymas apie vėžinį skausmą ir jo malšinimą / Patient education about cancer pain management

Šavinytė, Audronė 03 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimas buvo atliktas Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikų Onkologijos klinikoje ir Kauno medicinos universiteto onkologijos ligoninėje 2006 birželio – 2007 vasario mėnesiais. Tyrimo tikslas buvo: įvertinti onkologinėmis ligomis sergančių pacientų mokymo apie vėžinio skausmo valdymą reikšmę skausmo malšinimui. Tyrimui atlikti buvo apklaustos dvi pacientų grupės. Apklausai buvo naudotas 21 klausimo anoniminis klausimynas. Jį sudarė sociodemografiniai, pacientų žinias apie skausmą malšinančius vaistus ir elgesį skausmo metu atspindintys klausimai, bei duomenys apie susirgimo lokalizaciją, stadiją, ir laiko tarpą nuo diagnozės nustatymo. Klausimyne buvo naudojama skaitmeninė 0 – 10 balų skausmo skalė. Pacientų gyvenimo kokybei (GK) vertinti buvo naudojama EORTC QLQ – C30 (version 3) lietuviška versija. EORTC – C30, tai Europos vėžio tyrimų ir gydymo organizacijos parengtas gyvenimo kokybės klausimynas. Pacientai buvo suskirstyti į dvi grupes: pirmosios grupės pacientai pakartotinai buvo apklausti praėjus vienam mėnesiui po pirmosios apklausos. Antrosios grupės pacientai po apklausos buvo mokomi skausmo valdymo naudojant parengtą mokymo priemonę, mokymas truko 15 – 25 minutes. Pakartotinai šios grupės pacientai buvo apklausti praėjus vienam mėnesiui po pirmosios apklausos. Gauti duomenys buvo palyginti grupių viduje ir tarp abiejų grupių.. Pirmąją grupę sudarė 30 pacientų: 15 (50 proc.) vyrų ir 15 (50 proc.) moterų. Apklaustųjų amžiaus vidurkis 55,06 (40 – 64) metai. Antrąją... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Introduction: The aim of this study is to asses if an adequate cancer patients teaching can affect patient quality of life and self care. Material and methods: The study was performed in University hospital of Lithuania. Adult cancer patients with cancer pain score ≥ 4 were randomly assigned into to two groups: I group – patients (n=30) who had received adequate teaching about cancer pain management and educational material about cancer pain was provided. Teaching course lasted 20 – 25 minutes, II (control) group – patients who had received standard care. The anonymous questionnaires were distributed to bough patients groups a day before firs group education. Second time patients completed questionnaires a month after first group education. There were used questionnaires EORTC QLQ – 30, supplementary 21 questions questionnaire that contained questions about pain assessment, knowledge about opioids, concern about side effects, fear of addiction and tolerance, questions containing sociodemographic and disease related information. For assessing pain tolerance numerical 0 – 10 scale was used. Results: The results of the study show that following patients teaching mean score of QLQ increased from 35.3 to 58.9 points (p<0.05). Pain mean intensity in group I decreased from 7.01 to 3.1 (p< 0.05). Pain intensity correlated with QLQ (r= - 0.64). There were no significant changes in control group. Patients knowledge about cancer pain management and self care were significantly... [to full text]

Darbo rinkos profesinio mokymo programose dalyvaujančių bedarbių lūkesčių įgyvendinimo (įsidarbinimo)galimybės Utenos rajone / Darbo rinkos profesinio mokymo programose dalyvaujančių bedarbių lūkesčių įgyvendinimo (įsidarbinimo)galimybės Utenos rajone

Mintaučkienė, Vida 17 June 2005 (has links)
Für Litauen, das mit dem ganzen Europa zur Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft der Kenntnisse geht, wurde der Zugang zur Information , Motivation und Kentnissen als Grund, der die Arbeit und Anpassenheit der Leute höher macht. Die Möglichkeit eine Arbeit zu haben ist die entscheidende Voraussetzung beim Streben von völliger Beschäftigung, wenn man die Konkurrenzfähigkeit und den Wohlstand der europäischen Länder in „neuer Wirtschaft" stärker macht. Die Konzeption das ganze Leben nach der Ausbildung zu streben und der lernenden Gesellschaft wird immer häufiger aktueller. Die Untersuchung des Arbeitsmarktes des Landes hat gezeigt, dass die Arbeitslosenrate sehr eng mit dem niedrigen Arbeitsniveau, mit der Berufslosigkeit, der Losigkeit von Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten verbunden ist. Ungefähr 4/5 von registrierten Arbeitslosen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt haben keine Qualifikation oder ihre Qualifikation stimmt den heutigen Bedürfnissen des Arbeitsmarktes nicht. Doch die zur Zeit von der Regierung Litauen führende Sozialpolitik, das Grundbasis, das man ständig verstärkt, haben die Arbeitslosenrate des Landes verringert. Im Jahre 2005 (01-05) betrug die Arbeitslosenrate 8,6% (Mittelstand der EU -8,9%), im Bezirk von Utena 7,9%. Das Grundgesetz, gemäß dem der Staat den Arbeitsmarkt regelt, ist die Unterstützung der Arbeitslosen. Eine der wichtigsten Maßnahmen des Arbeitsmarktes, die nach der Harmonie des Angebots und der Nachfrage der Arbeit streben, ist das Programm der Berufsschulung des... [to full text]

Tikybos mokymo organizavimo pagrindinėje mokykloje problemos ir galimybės / The problems and opportunities the organization of religious education in a basic school

Kuizinaitė, Laura 03 June 2006 (has links)
This study has an argument that the level of problems of religious education in secondary schools depend on the localization of the school (village and town schools). 30 religious teachers took participation in anonymous survey, who are taking lections at Šiauliai district schools. The main problems are the lack of training materials, methodical and organizational equipment. The educationists working in town have highly appraised the help of school administration and school-board. The lowest evaluation had the help of colleagues and co-workers. The educationists working in village schools have highly appraised school-board and the help of colleagues. The lowest evaluation had the help of religious community. According to the teachers, the help of the parents comes through the interest in child’s grades and problems. The least direct help was expected for a teacher and financial support. The approach was formulated for the development of religious education.

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