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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suaugusiųjų tęstinio mokymo organizavimas, problemos, perspektyvos Utenos rajone / Organization of extended education of Adults, its problems and prospects is Utena Region

Zabulionienė, Laima 17 June 2005 (has links)
The subject of this postgraduate’s work is organization of extended education of adults, its problems and prospects is Utena Region. The subject is up-to-date and topical, because education of adults is not properly organized in Lithuania: only an inconsiderable part of adults take part in the programmes of extended education, and some of them dont`t have qualification which coincides with the work market requirements. There is also a lack of expedient syllabus and the system of vocation education education is not purposefully organized, to compare with the developed UE countries. The work contains tree parts. In the first one (`Precondition for Refresher Course and Re-qualification of Adults`) the conception of education of adults, its regulation in legal documents are considered. In the second part (`The Aspects of Education of Adults`) the peculiarities of psychological processes in educating adults are analyzed (motivation and other aspects affecting learners`) the methods of the survey (interview, questionnaires) and the results are considered and analyzed. The survey shows thet a system of institutions which organize refresher courses and re-qualification course in Utena region is sufficient, the problem is a lack of state support.

Personalo mokymas ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimas viešajame ir privačiame sektoriuje / Personnel training and qualification improvement in public and private division

Tammi, Ingrida 01 June 2006 (has links)
This master`s work deals with similarities and differences in public and private division personnel training and qualification improvement systems (according to chosen organization examples). Work includes anglysis of works of various Lithuanian and foreign authors. In this work there is analysed the meaning of training, training and qualification improvement reasons, trining frequency in organization, exclusions in training limitations, mentioned main methods and forms. Work includes comparison of opinions of public and private division employees and persons who are responsible for emloyees training and qualification improvement. In this work there is made analysis of legal documents. Authors stated research project hypothesis, that employees want to participate in training and improve qualification, but they need to be motivated, is partially confirmed.

LieDM tinklo nuotolinio mokymo kursų administravimo sistema / LieDM network administration system of distance education classes

Vičiulis, Darius 05 June 2006 (has links)
The main goal of this project is to analyze structure, possibilities, principles of creation, users requirements and extend functionality of the present system (ViPS), which is designed for distance education. This system gives possibilities to Lithuanian institutions of science and education to supply distance studies in all over the country. Besides that, it gives possibility of life-long learning to all people. System is oriented to synchronous education, but it also supports asynchronous. Material of lectures contains of video records and lecture material (usually slides) made by professor. ViPS can be used by four types of users: lecture listeners (outside users), professors, institution and system administrators. Users activities are: • Outside user – has an opportunity to look through the list of courses, participate in lectures, get news by email, execute search, change data of profile and accession. • Professor – despite outside user’s functions, can also give lectures, describe courses and lecture material (metadata). • Administrator of institution – despite professor’s functions, has a possibility to attach non-grouped users to institution, give special access rights (can change user status to professor) to users, register institution resources. • System administrator – despite institution administrator’s functions, can create groups, send system news to users, create licenses, register institutions, control user groups. The modern CASE tool “Rational... [to full text]

Profesinės motyvacijos ypatumai profesinėje mokykloje / The peculiarity of professional motivation in the vocation school

Lukšienė, Asta 04 July 2006 (has links)
The aim of Asta Luksiene master’s paper “The peculiarity of professional motivation in the vocational school” is to analyse the peculiarity of professional motivation in vocational school. In order to reach this aim these tasks were set: 1) To study scientific, juridical, pedagogical psychological literature, which explores professional education and professional motivation; 2) To set the peculiarity of motivation of professional choice; 3) To highlight the tendencies of professional motivation. The master paper consists of 3 parts. In the first part there is analysed juridical base of professional education. In the second part there is revealed the essence of professional motivation. In the third part there are presented the results of made empirical research. After the work was done these conclusions were made: the main reasons, which determined the choice of profession, are the requestableness of speciality in the work market, personal skills, hobby, and the prestige of speciality. Coincidence and small prices for education influenced speciality choice least. Respondents gave the highest evaluation to the competence of accomplishing the job till the end; the lowest evaluation was given to the general educational knowledge baggage. Guys are more tended than girls to choose the speciality for its prestige. Guys more often choose speciality incidentally. Girls more often choose the speciality according to individual skills and prices for the education. Guys more tend to think... [to full text]

Mokymo ir mokymosi organizavimo internete metodinė priemonė / A Methodical Tool for E-teaching and E-learning

Ivanickienė, Gerda 09 January 2007 (has links)
The key aim of the designed system is to create the e-teaching and e-learning tool to be applied for the studies of the module “Designing Hypertext Systems”, taught at the Faculty of Business and Technologies of Utena College. The major objective of the system is to facilitate the studies of the abovementioned module and ease the communication between professors and students, who are not able to attend lectures due to reasonable excuses, as well as part-time students. Seeking to clarify the relevance of the designed tool, as well as the need for it and, in pursuance of its efficiency, the following directional issues have been analysed: institutions that organise training based on distance technologies; spheres that cover the majority of offers for such training; tools that are accessible to all the persons requesting them; the number of offers in relation to particular title of the designed system “Designing Hypertext Systems”; its accessibility to common users and conformity of its contents to the contents of the mentioned module; advantages and disadvantages of distance education; possibilities to make use of the system for presumptive users of the system, their motivation, requests and proposals; supply of website design tools, educational material for e-teaching, as well as training methodology. In addition to that, the analysis of the already existing decisions has been also carried out. In the result of what, conclusions have been drawn on the fact that designing of... [to full text]

Mokymas ir kvalifikacijos kėlimas Valstybinėje mokesčių inspekcijoje: apklausos tyrimo duomenys (Šiaulių ir Panevėžio apskričių pavyzdžiu) / Learning and training in the State Tax Inspectorate: Survey Researching Material (for Example of Siauliai and Panevezys Districts)

Šimaitytė, Giedrė, Karkliuvienė, Anželika 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe mokymas ir kvalifikacijos kėlimas analizuojamas remiantis mokymosi visą gyvenimą bei besimokančios organizacijos koncepcijomis. Konceptualiojoje dalyje buvo išanalizuotos ir susistemintos įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių teorijos mokymo ir kvalifikacijos kėlimo aspektu, jų reikšmė žinių vadybos kontekste; aptarti mokymo procesas ir kvalifikacijos kėlimo sistema, pateikti modeliai ir metodai bei jų taikymo galimybės; pateikta besimokančios organizacijos bruožų raiška ir jų santykis su darbuotojų kvalifikacijos kėlimu. Darbe pateikiami atliktos darbuotojų apklausos tyrimo rezultatai. Apklausoje dalyvavo 462 respondentai, dirbantys Valstybinėje mokesčių inspekcijoje Šiaulių ir Panevėžio apskrityse. Tyrimas atskleidė šios organizacijos darbuotojų ir vadovų požiūrį į mokymąsi ir kvalifikacijos kėlimą. Patvirtinamos autorių suformuluota hipotezė, kad darbuotojų mokymas ir kvalifikacijos kėlimas yra neatsiejami besimokančios organizacijos kūrimo, vystymo, tikslų pasiekimo ir rezultatyvumo veiksniai. / This Master’s final paper analyzes learning and training in the context of lifelong learning and learning organization. The paper presents the results of theoretical and empirical surveys of Lithuanian and foreign scientists in the field of learning and training, there significance in development of knowledge management; discusses theoretical system, models and methods of learning and training; shows the expression of learning organization’s features and there relationship to the elevation of employee’s learning and training. The paper presents the results of Survey Researching. There were questioned 462 respondents from Siauliai and Panevezys Districts State Tax Inspectorate. Research showed what the attitude of employers is and leaders to the employee’s learning and training. Hypothesis has been proved: the elevations of employees’ competencies are inextricable from the development of organization, achieving goals and high result.

Programavimo Pascal kalba mokomosios aplinkos sudarymas ir tyrimas / Research and construction of computer-aided educational environment for programming in Pascal

Čeplikienė, Rima 10 July 2008 (has links)
Besikuriančioje informacinėje visuomenėje vis svarbiau tampa bendrieji mokinių gebėjimai naudotis informacinėmis technologijomis, o ne konkrečios žinios ar kompiuterinių programų įvaldymas. Vis daugiau moksleivių domisi programavimu ir programavimo kalbomis. Mokyklose programavimas dėstomas tik 11-12 klasėse ir tik išplėstiniu kursu. Šiame darbe buvo analizuojamos kompiuterinės priemonės programavimui mokyti. Atlikta kompiuterinių priemonių analizė, ištirta mokytojų ir moksleivių nuomonė. Sukurta mokomoji priemonė „Pascal programavimo kalba“ – puiki alternatyva pasirenkamam moduliui programavimui dėstyti, tai pat jaunesnių klasių moksleiviams besidomintiems programavimu. Darbe supažindama su sukurtos mokymo priemonės paskirtimi ir turiniu. Priemonėje supažindinama su programavimo kalbos Pascal valdymo konstrukcijomis: priskyrimo sakiniu, sąlygos sakiniu ir ciklais. Mokymo priemonę sudaro teoriją, užduotys ir 2 tipų testai: savikontrolės ir kontroliniai. Testų kūrimui panaudota interaktyvių užduočių kūrimo programa HOT POTATOES, HTML kalba bei nuotolinio testavimo sistema TESTTOOL. Mokymo medžiaga pateikta HTML formate, animuoti pavyzdžiai sukurti naudojant Wink2000 programą. Ši mokymo priemonė gali būti naudojama: • Aiškinant naują temą, kartojant, ar atsiskaitant • Moksleivių individualiam, savarankiškam mokymuisi gilinant programavimo žinias Darbe pateikta programos naudojimo analizė mokymo procese bei pedagoginio eksperimento rezultatai. / Living in a fast moving world skills of using informative technologies are of great importance. Students' general skills to use informative technologies are more important than specific knowledge or being able to use computer programs. Educational aid „Pascal programming language'“ is a wonderful alternative not only for students choosing a programming module but for junior pupils who are interested in programming as well. The aim and content of created educational aid are introduced in this paper. Programming language Pascal governing constructions: attribution to sentence, conditional sentence and cycles are presented too. An educational aid consists of theory, tasks and tests of 2 types: self control tests and tests. Hot Potatoes programme of creating interactive tasks, HTML language and distance testing system TesTTool are used for making tests. Teaching material is presented in HTML formate, animated examples are made using Wink 2000 programme. This teaching aid can be used: 1. Introducing a new topic, revising or answering a lesson 2. For students' individual, independent learning while extending programming knowledge. Analyses of the use of programme in training process and results of experiment are presented in this paper.

Hemodializuojamų pacientų mokymo svarba ligos valdyme / The importance of haemodialysis patients' education in their disease management

Šiniajevienė, Irina 23 June 2014 (has links)
Lietuvoje, kaip ir visame pasaulyje kasmet daugėja sergančiųjų galutinės stadijos inkstų nepakankamumu. Ši liga yra svarbi medicininė ir socialinė problema, kelianti sudėtingus uždavinius sveikatos priežiūros sistemai. Todėl pastaraisiais metais daug dėmesio skiriama hemodializuojamų pacientų priežiūrai gerinti: hemodializės kokybei, pacientų mokymui, anemijos ir hipertenzijos kontrolei, mitybai ir panašiai. Todėl ši tema yra ir bus aktuali, kadangi pacientų mokymas yra svarbus visose sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose, o slaugytojo pareiga- mokyti sveikus ir sergančius pacientus. Slaugytojai sveikus pacientus supažindina su ligų profilaktika, o sergančius apmoko teisingai vartoti vaistus, išaiškina gydymo režimą, supažindina su dietos ypatumais, moko prisitaikyti prie naujų gyvenimo sąlygų, sugebėti kontroliuoti ir valdyti ligą. DARBO TEMA- hemodializuojamų pacientų mokymo svarba ligos valdyme. TIKSKLAS- nustatyti mokymo svarbą, hemodializuojamų pacientų ligos valdyme. UŽDAVINIAI: 1. Išanalizuoti slaugytojo vaidmenį mokant hemodializuojamus pacientus. 2. Įvertinti slaugytojo žinias apie ligą ( LIFN ). 3. Įvertinti hemodializuojamų pacientų žinias apie ligą (LIFN ). 4. Nustatyti mokymo apimtį ir kryptis. DARBO METODAI: 1. Teorinė apžvalga; 2. Anketinė apklausa. Tyrimas buvo atliktas VšĮ VUL Santariškių klinikų Nefrologijos centro Dializių ir inkstų transplantacijos, Bendrosios nefrologijos skyriuose ir B.Braun Avitum dializės centre. Tyrime dalyvavo 40 slaugytojų ir 104... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every year the number of patients suffering from end stage renal failure increases both in Lithuania and the world. End stage renal failure is a significant medical and social issue causing a number of complicated goals for the healthcare system. Therefore a lot of attention is being paid towards the improvement of haemodialised patients’ care: quality of haemodialysis, patients’ education, anemia and hypertension control, nutrition etc. It is a relevant issue since patients’ education is important in all healthcare facilities, moreover, a role of nursing staff is to educate healthy and ill people. Nurses help healthy individuals in disease prevention and advise ill patients on how to use medicines correctly, explain about treatment regimes, introduce to important dietary aspects, help to adjust to new life conditions, advise on disease control and management. TOPIC: importance of haemodialised patients‘education in their disease management. PURPOSE: to determine importance of haemodialised patients‘education in their disease management. GOALS: 1. To analyze a role of nursing staff in haemodialised patients‘education. 2. To evaluate the knowledge of nursing staff on chronic renal failure. 3. To evaluate haemodialised patients‘ knowledge on chronic renal failure. 4. To determine the scope and directions of education. METHODS: 1. Theoretical review; 2. Survey. The research has been carried out at the Santariskiu clinic Center of Nephrology, Department of dialysis and kidney... [to full text]

Mokymosi elektroninėje mokykloje tyrimas / Research of learning in e-School

Gudelevičius, Darius 10 January 2006 (has links)
E-learning provides faster learning at reduced costs, increased access to learning, and clear accountability for all participants in the learning process. Benefits of this kind of learning are obvious. Western Europe or USA are far ahead creating virtual learning environments and we need to improve a lot in this field in Lithuania. The theme of the work is “Research of learning in e-School”. The result of that analysis was learning management system that enables instructors to create and manage web-based learning activities and course materials. There is possibility to individualize learning needs beside usual tools and methods. System user can estimate his knowledge and to watch the process of learning. Also student tracking has been done and it is the ability to track the usage of course materials by students, and to perform additional analysis and reporting both of aggregate and individual usage. Instructors can get a report that shows number of attempts and time per attempt on each assessment for individual students or report showing the duration of time each student or all students spent on course content. That can be very useful information for the future development of present e-course. In analysis process are viewed most popular e-learning systems like Moodle or WebCT. The system was designed with PHP, HTML and JavaScript programming languages, in concert with MySQL database management system. Rational Rose was used for designing and ULM diagrams, JavaScript – for... [to full text]

Neformalus suaugusiųjų švietimas Lietuvoje / Informal adult education in Lithuania

Garšvienė, Asta 15 June 2005 (has links)
This work is meant for informal adult education research as adult informal education in Lithuania is not widely used. The above mentioned factor is based on many factors and tendencies of the previous years, i.e. qualification of the most people does not meet requirements of the market or there is lack of formal qualification, professional training system is not developed as it should be; compared to EU well developed countries only small part of the adults participate in informal adult education programs, lack of informal and self-education acknowledgement makes it harder to take part in labour market. Goal. Evaluate informal adult education status analyzing independent informal adult education situation in Lithuania. At the time of the research scientific literature and documents regulating informal adult education were analyzed as well as secondary statistics data. Possibilities of informal adult education were analyzed, too. Besides, informal and self-education identification, evaluation and acknowledgment process in Lithuania and abroad were evaluated. Vilnius city and municipality informal adult education organizing institutions (5) and adults (165) studying there participated in the research. One of the goals was to analyze studying conditions and motivation of the adults studying there. The results of the research show that the most active adults participating in the educational programs are adults of employable age, having university education and having... [to full text]

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