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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Šiaulių miesto savivaldybės bendruomenės sveikatos tarybos politikos analizė / Policy analysis of Health Community Council of Siauliai city municipality

Pečiukėnas, Edvinas 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuoti Šiaulių m. savivaldybės bendruomenės sveikatos tarybos veiklos principai, sveikatos politikos formavimas ir įgyvendinimas Šiaulių mieste. Teorinėje dalyje analizuojama Lietuvos savivaldybių bendruomenių sveikatos tarybų veikla, Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos sveikatos politikos dokumentai bei jų įgyvendinimas bendruomenėje. Išanalizuota Šiaulių m. bendruomenės sveikatos tarybos sveikatos politikos veiklos kryptys, tarpžinybinis bendradarbiavimas. Ketvirtojoje dalyje nagrinėjamas Šiaulių m. bendruomenės sveikatos tarybos narių požiūris apie sveikatos politikos formavimą ir įgyvendinimą Šiaulių m. savivaldybėje, bendruomenės sveikatos tarybos bendradarbiavimo galimybes ir vykdomos veiklos vertinimą. / In the Master‘s Thesis, the principles of health policy development and implementation from Health Community Council of Siauliai city municipality are analyzed. In the theoretical part, analysis of the Health Community Councils activity of Lithuanian municipalities, the European Union and the Lithuanian health policy documents and their implementation in the community are investigated in a theoretical aspect. Data results on Health Community Council health policy activities and inter-agency cooperation are analyzed as well. In the fourth part, there is considered the approach of Health Community Council members to state their opinion about health policy development and implementation, collaborative capabilities and performance assessment in Siauliai city.

Ambulatorinės sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų kokybė / Quality of ambulatory health care services

Chrulevič, Erika 13 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study. To assess quality of ambulatory health care services in terms of the patient in accordance with patients’ attitude in the aspects of accessibility, information supply and satisfaction in services. Methods. Object of the research – Parents of the patients and their juridical representatives of the ambulatory consultative department of the public institution Children hospital of Klaipeda city. Research method – anonymous questionnaire inquiry. 502 respondents were questioned. Methods of the statistical analysis – statistical significance of data was measured by the criteria c2, number of the freedom degree (df) and the statistical significance. When the features were analyzed referring to other indexes, differences were found as statistically significant because the significance level p<0,05. Results. The best part of respondents comes to the specialist according to the time indicated in the coupon. Most of respondents, came without the coupon from district or other town, get to the specialist for the consultation at the same day. Most of respondents take up to 5 minutes at the registrar and up to 15 minutes by the doctor’s surgery. The best part of respondents was looking forward the consultation of the specialist for more than 2 weeks; the longest rows are at ophthalmologist, cardioreumatologist and orthopedist-traumatologist. It is estimated that as the acceptance to the specialist lasts longer and longer, more and more respondents say that the doctor... [to full text]

Priekabiavimo mokykloje bei psichologinių traumų šeimoje ir moksleivių sveikatos sutrikimų sąsajos / The associations between school bullying, psychological injuries in the family and health oucomes among students

Vareikiene, Inga 15 June 2006 (has links)
Aims of the study–to investigate the associations between school bullying, psychological injuries in the family and health outcomes among students. Methods Questionnaire information on bullying by methods of D. Olweus, Norwegian scientist. The psychological state was measured by the sense of coherence, self-esteem, loneliness, happiness, and communication skills. Health outcomes were headache, stomach ache, back pain, anxiety, etc. Family injuries were stress in the family, domestic violence, crisis. Totally 588 students were investigated among all the 670 studying in X Kaunas gymnasium. Response rate 87.8%. Results. Totally 138 (23.6%) were involved in the bullying process, among them 76 (12.9%) were bullied frequently, 46(7.8%) were bullies and 16 (2.7%) were involved in the two-way bullying process. The prevalence of frequent bullying among boys was 58 (24.1%) and among girls 34 (9.8%) (p<0.0001), among 5-9 grades it was 72 (18.3%) and among 10-12 grades 20(10.3%) (p=0.012). Though the prevalence of bullies was more often among 10-12 grades-29 (14.9 %) than 5-9 grades 33 (8.4%, p=0.015). 11.8% of students suffered from severe conflicts in the family and permanent tension. Crises (divorces, death or incurable disease of the close family member, severe financial problems) were met by 15.1%. Stress at home 6 times increased the risk of low sense of coherence, 8 times the risk of poor self-rated health, while frequent bullying 4 times in the 5-9 grades group. Though the... [to full text]

Personalo valdymas pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose / The management of personnel at primary health care institution

Ilgaudaitė, Kristina 13 July 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Ištirti personalo valdymą Kauno miesto pirminės asmens sveikatos įstaigose. Tyrimo metodika: Tyrimo metu apklausti Kauno miesto pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų (PASPĮ): viešųjų ir privačių vadovai. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas dviem etapais. Pirmame etape atliktas kokybinis tyrimas. Apklausti 4 atsitiktinai pasirinktų įstaigų (2 viešųjų ir 2 privačių) vadovai. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas interviu metodu, pateikiant iš anksto apgalvotus klausimus. Kokybinio tyrimo tikslas – išsiaiškinti kokios yra personalo valdymo funkcijos PASPĮ. Antrame etape atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas. Iš viso buvo išplatintos 43 anketos visose Kauno miesto pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose Atgal sugrįžo 41 anketa: 7 iš 9 viešųjų ir 34 iš 34 privačių pirminę asmens sveikatos priežiūrą teikiančių įstaigų. Tai sudaro 95,3% nuo visų išplatintų anketų. Į 35 anketas atsakė patys įstaigų vadovai, o į 6 įstaigų administratoriai. Uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti pirminės asmens sveikatos įstaigos vadovų kompetenciją personalo valdymo srityje. 2. Ištirti ir palyginti kaip atliekamos personalo valdymo funkcijos viešosiose ir privačiose pirminės asmens sveikatos įstaigose. 3. Nustatyti esmines personalo valdymo tendencijas ateityje įstaigų vadovų požiūriu. Rezultatai: Personalo vadovas yra visose 7 viešosiose PASPĮ, o tuo tarpu iš 34 privačių PASPĮ personalo vadovą turi tik 5,9 proc. Savo kompetenciją personalo valdyme aukščiau įvertino viešųjų PASPĮ vadovai. Išvados: 1. Savo kompetenciją... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of work: to analyze the management of personnel at Kaunas city primary health care institutions. Methodology of the work: during the research, the heads of both public and private Kaunas city primary personal health care institutions (PPHCI) were polled. The research was made in two stages. In the first stage the qualitative research was made. 4 heads of accidentally chosen institution (2 public and 2 private) were polled. The research was made in the form of interview, given the questions considered in advance. The aim of qualitative research is to find out what are the functions of personnel management at PPHCI. In the second stage a quantitative research is made. There were 43 questionnaires distributed in all Kaunas city primary personal health care institutions. 41 questionnaires were returned: 7 from 9 from public and 34 from 34 from private institutions, providing primary personal health care. It makes 95,3% of all questionnaires that were distributed. 35 questionnaires were answered by the heads of these institutions and 6 by their administrators. Tasks: 1. To analyze the expertise of the heads of primary personal health care institutions in the field of personnel management. 2. To analyze and to compare how the personnel management functions are carried out in public and private primary personal health care institutions. 3. To find out fundamental future tendencies of personnel management from a viewpoint of the heads. Conclusions: 1. The respondents in... [to full text]

Sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių suaugusiųjų gyvensena ir sveikatos būklė / The life style and the health condition of athletic and non-athletic adults

Petraitytė, Dovilė 18 June 2008 (has links)
Sveikata priklauso nuo gyvensenos veiksnių, gyvenimo būdo, kuris įtakoja mūsų sveikatą. Norėdami džiaugtis gera sveikata, pirmiausia turime patys pradėti analizuoti savo gyvenimo būdą, pradedant nuo mitybos, žalingų įproči�� mažinimo, fizinio pasyvumo keitimą į fizinį aktyvumą, stresinių situacijų vengimo. Tyrimo objektas: gyvensena. Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių suaugusiųjų gyvensenos ypatumus ir sveikatos būklę. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti nesportuojančių žmonių gyvensenos ypatumus ir subjektyvų sveikatos vertinimą 2. Nustatyti sportuojančių žmonių gyvensenos ypatumus ir subjektyvų sveikatos vertinimą 3. Palyginti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių žmonių gyvensenos ypatumus ir sveikatos būklę Tyrimas buvo atliktas 2006 – 2007 metais. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo tiriamas žmonių požiūris į sveiką gyvenseną. Siekiant išsiaiškinti tiriamųjų požiūrį į fizinį aktyvumą, mitybą, žalingus įpročius, stresą buvo pateikta anketa, kurią sudarė 36 klausimai.Tyrime dalyvavo 273 žmonės, iš jų 100 vyrų, 173 moterys. Tiriamieji buvo suskirstyti į dvi grupes, sportuojančius (n=145), kurie sportavo sporto klube „Fankas“ ir nesportuojančius (n=128). Sportuojantys sportavo nuo 1 iki 3 kartų per savaitę, po daugiau nei valandą laiko. Iškėlėme hipotezę: manome, kad sportuojantys turės mažiau žalingų įpročių ir mažiau sveikatos sutrikimų lyginant su nesportuojančiais. Todėl iškėlėme tikslą, nustatyti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių žmonių gyvensenos ypatumus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Health depends upon the factors of lifestyle, the way of lifestyle which influences our health. With the intention to enjoy good health first of all we have ourselves to start to analyze our lifestyle, beginning with our nutrition, reduction of addictions, changing of physical passivity into physical activity, avoidance of stressful situations. The object of the research: lifestyle The purpose of the research: to estimate the peculiarities of the lifestyle of athletic and non-athletic adults and their health condition. The tasks of the research: 1. To estimate the peculiarities of the lifestyle of non-athletic people and also the subjective assessment of their health. 2. To estimate the lifestyle peculiarities of athletic people and also the subjective assessment of their health. 3. To compare the lifestyle peculiarities of athletic and non-athletic people and their health condition. The research was accomplished during the period starting from the year 2006 to 2007. With an application of the method of a questionnaire was examined the people’s viewpoint regarding the healthy lifestyle. On purpose to ascertain the viewpoint of the inquired persons towards the physical activity, nutrition, addictions, stress was provided the questionnaire containing 36 questions in total. 273 persons were participating during the research, 100 of them were male and 173 female. The inquired persons were divided into two groups: athletic ones (n=145), who were training in the athletic club... [to full text]

Odos ir veneros ligų poliklinikos teikiamų paslaugų kokybės įvertinimas pacientų požiūriu / Assessment of health care services quality provided by clinics of skin and venereal diseases: the patients' perspective

Buinauskaitė, Evelina 20 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Ištirti pacientų nuomonę apie paslaugų kokybės aspektus antrinio lygio ambulatorines paslaugas teikiančioje įstaigoje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: Nustatyti pacientų požiūrį į sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų prieinamumą, saugą, dalyvavimą bei informuotumą paslaugų teikime; palyginti jų pasitenkinimą suteiktomis paslaugomis pagal socialines demografines charakteristikas, sveikatos būklės vertinimą. Tyrimo metodika. 2008 metų sausio-kovo mėnesiais atlikta anoniminė pacientų apklausa antrinio lygio paslaugas teikiančioje įstaigoje – 2 KKL Odos ir veneros ligų poliklinikoje. Atliekant tyrimą, buvo išdalintos 394 anketos, atsako dažnis 85,53%. Anketinių duomenų analizei naudoti duomenų kaupimo (Excel 2003) ir analizės programos paketas SPSS 12.0. Rezultatai. Dažniausiai respondentai nurodė, kad pas gydytoją buvo užregistruoti, kai buvo laisvų talonų, o prie gydytojo kabineto jų praleisto laiko bei gydytojo konsultacijos trukmė 10–15 minučių. 63,5% respondentų teigė, kad gydytojas jiems visada skiria pakankamai laiko. Gydytojais pasitiki 77,7%, slaugytojais 75,9%, sveikatos priežiūros sistema 45,7% respondentų. 73% respondentų teigia nežinantys, kas yra pacientų sauga.Didelis personalo darbo intensyvumas įvardintas kaip dažniausia nepageidaujamų įvykių priežastis. Gydytojas vizito metu su pacientais tariasi dėl tyrimų ir dėl gydymo atitinkamai 75% ir 73,3% atvejų, tačiau tik pusė respondentų mano, jog jų dalyvavimas priimant sprendimus dėl sveikatos būklės tyrimų, gydymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To investigate patients‘ opinion about the aspects of services quality at the institution providing second level ambulatory services. Objectives. To determine patients‘ opinion about health care services accessibility, safety, their privity and involvement in decision making; to compare their satisfaction with the provided health care services according to social and demographic characteristics and health status evaluation. Methods. During January-March of the year 2008 anonymous questionnaire survey of the patients was carried out at the institution providing second level ambulatory services – Outpatient department of Skin and Venereal Diseases at the 2nd Kaunas Clinical Hospital. 394 questionnaires were handed out, the response rate 85.53%. MS Office Excel and SPSS 12.0 software packages were used for the statistical data analysis. Results. Respondents indicated that they were registered for the doctors‘ appointment at the fixed time, the waiting time at the physician room and the duration of the physician consultation was 10-15 minutes. 63.5% of respondents stated that the physician always spared enough time for them. 77.7% of respondents trusted doctors, 75.9% of them trusted nurses and only 45.7% trusted health care system. 73% of respondents stated they did not know what patients‘ safety was. High intensity of the staff work was stated to be the most common reason of undesirable events. During the visit, the physicians consulted the patients about... [to full text]

Teisės į sveikatos apsaugą užtikrinimas Europos Bendrijų Teisingumo Teismo praktikoje / Safeguarding of the right to health protection in the case-law of the european court of justice of the european communities

Milieškaitė, Toma 09 July 2011 (has links)
Tradiciškai sveikatos apsaugos sistemos veikia pagal teritorinį principą, todėl pacientams paliekama galimybė naudotis nemokamomis sveikatos priežiūros paslaugomis tik savoje šalyje. Nepaisant to, teisė į sveikatos apsaugą užtikrinama tiek tarptautinės, tiek ir Europos Sąjungos teisės aktais. Žmogaus teisė į sveikatos apsaugą, kaip viena iš socialinių teisių, įpareigoja valstybes nares užtikrinti, kad visi asmenys turėtų vienodas galimybes gauti kokybiškas sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas. Nors Europos Sąjungoje sveikatos apsaugos sistemų organizavimas priklauso valstybių nacionalinei kompetencijai, yra nemažai antrinio reguliavimo institutų egzistuojančių Bendrijoje, kurie netiesiogiai, bet reikšmingai įtakoja šios socialinės sferos teisinį pagrindą. Europos Bendrijų Teisingumo Teismas taip pat prisidėjo prie teisės į sveikatos apsaugą užtikrinimo, nuspręsdamas, kad sveikatos paslaugos ir medicinos gaminiai patenka į vidaus rinkos veikimo sferą. Darbe analizuojama Europos Bendrijų Teisingumo Teismo praktika, siekiant atskleisti, kaip Europos Sąjungoje gyvenančių asmenų teisės gauti sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas buvo išplėstos, papildant ES pagrindines laisves. Dėl to aptariama paslaugų ir prekių samprata, jų požymiai, ribojimai ir galimi pateisinimo pagrindai sveikatos apsaugos kontekste. Darbe taip pat nagrinėjamos valstybių narių ir ES kompetencijos ribos, atskleidžiant ribotą valstybių narių diskreciją teisinėmis priemonėmis izoliuoti nacionalines sveikatos apsaugos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Essentially health protection systems operate on the principle of territoriality, therefore allowing patients to use free health care services only in their home country. Nonetheless, the right to health protection is secured both by international and European Union (hereinafter referred – EU) law. Right to health protection, as one of social rights, obligates member states to ensure that every person has equal opportunities to get access to high quality health care. Although in EU health care falls within the national competence of the member states, a number of secondary legal regulation institutes exist in the Community, which indirectly, but substantially affect the legal basics of this social sphere. The Court of Justice of the European Communities has also highly contributed to ensuring the right to health protection by concluding that health services and medical products fall within the sphere of the internal market. The work analyses the Court of Justice of the European Communities practice with the intention to reveal how the opportunities to get access to health care cervices for patients living within the EU were expanded thus complementing the fundamental freedoms of the EU. To that end, the concepts of services and goods, their elements, limitations and possible justifications in the sphere of health care are discussed. The work also deals with the competence limits of the member states and the EU, revealing limited discretion of the member states to isolate, by... [to full text]

Sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių studentų ir sveikuolių sveikatos būklės ir fizinio pajėgumo nustatymas ir įvertinimas / Estimation and determination of health and physical capability of sportsmen and non sportsmen students and persons who practice healthy lifestyle

Grunskytė, Rita 19 May 2005 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine and estimate health and physical capability of sportsmen and non sportsmen students and persons who practice healthy lifestyle. The goals were: 1) to determine, how do the control groups estimates their own health; 2) to compare the health linked values of the groups (arterial blood pressure, body mass index); 3) to detect spread of various diseases in the control groups; 4) to estimate and determine aerobic capability of the control groups; 5) to estimate and determine links between physical capability and health of control groups. There were 6 control groups. Persons were grouped by sex and activity. We used these methods: questioning, 2 km walking test. The results showed that sportsmen students and persons who practice healthy lifestyle estimated their health better in comparison with non sportsmen students. Sporting groups had no overweight and normal arterial blood pressure, but non sportsmen student and persons who practice healthy lifestyle groups had overweight and limitary blood pressure. The main health problem in sportsmen groups were traumas, in non sportsmen groups – pulmonary diseases. The best aerobic capability was found in sportsmen students groups. The lowest values of aerobic capability was in non sportsmen women and persons who practice healthy lifestyle women groups. Health and physical capability is interconnected not only physical activity but also with age.

Mokinių odontologinių ligų prevencijos prielaidos / Dental Diseases Prevention Presumptions in a Schoolchildren Population

Adomaitienė, Rima 07 June 2005 (has links)
The master’s degree job is on topic Dental Diseases Prevention Presumptions in a Schoolchildren Population. The object of this job is health care education. The purpose of this research is to evaluate dental diseases prevention presumptions in a schoolchildren population. The main tasks are: 1) to review health care education literature, 2) to evaluate children oral health status and need for dental prevention, 3) to analyze community health care specialists abilities realizable dental diseases prevention in schools, 4) to suggest some recommendations for dental prevention organization in schools. The review of literature has shown that in organization of dental diseases prevention should take part different institutions: government, municipalities, health care centers, schools and families. A prevalence of dental diseases will decline if all those institutions will interfere in organization and realization of prevention. It was examined the state of mouth and teeth of 3838 6-10 years old children in 47 Panevėžys children gardens and schools. The epidemiological survey has shown, that only 22 percent children has healthy teeth, and 78 percent children need dental treatment. There are a lot of 6-10 years old children with permanent teeth that are needed a sealing pits and fissures and a big amount are needed treatment. Oral hygiene status is not good for 41 percent of examined children. Children often need a consultation of dental specialists – orthodontist, oral surgeon... [to full text]

Psichikos sveikatos centrų veikla vykdant vaikų ir paauglių priklausomybės ligų profilaktiką ir gydymą / Prevention and treatment of youth substance abuse in mental health care centres

Maldanienė, Loreta 10 June 2005 (has links)
A national survey conducted in Lithuania indicates the tendecency, that the first contact with drugs is earlier from year to year. Also that more children and adolescents participate in substance abuse programs, who also suffer from severe conditions related with the usage of psychoactive substances. Aim of the study.Evaluating the organization of help offered in Lithuanian mental health care centres connected with the control of youth substance abuse. Objectives. 1. To overlook prevention and treatment system of youth substance abuse at primary mental heath care level. 2. To evaluate the organization of activities at mental heath care centres to control youth substance abuse. 3. To evaluate whether mental heath care centres cooperate with other institutions to provide better services for youth addicts especially to cope with related problems occuring. Methods. The analysis of Lithuanian law documents, anonymous questionaire sent to the directors of mental health care centres, statistic program SPSS 10.0 version. Results. In Lithuania prevention and treatment of substance abuse is being performed at 65 mental health care centres and is based on existing youth mental health care law. In Lithuania, no similar study has ever analyzed the situation for youth drug addicts and compared their needs for treatment and rehabilitation with offered services in mental health care centres. The survey showed that one third of the health care centres offer services that meet the... [to full text]

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