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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Öko-Audit als ein Instrument der ökologieorientierten Unternehmensführung. Die neue EG-Öko-Audit-Verordnung (EMAS II): Neue Anforderungen an das Umweltmanagement

Willnow, Andreas 11 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Inhalt: Das EG-Öko-Audit wird als ein relativ neuartiges Managementinstrument einer umfassenden theoretischen und wirkungsbezogenen Analyse unterzogen. Bei der Teilnahme an diesem Gemeinschaftssystem muß ein nach innen gerichtetes Umweltmanagementsystem implementiert werden, das einer Umweltbetriebsprüfung und zusätzlich einer externen Kontrolle unterworfen werden muß. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt darin zu untersuchen, welche ökonomischen und ökologischen Nutzenpotentiale durch die Einrichtung und den Aufbau eines EMAS-Umweltmanagementsystems prognostiziert werden können. Weiter ist auf Basis der verschiedenen empirischen Erhebungen zu untersuchen, in welchem Umfang diese prognostizierten Nutzenvorteile bei den Unternehmen bei der Teilnahme an EMAS tatsächlich eingetreten sind. Abschließend erfolgt eine Einschätzung der Stärken und Schwächen sowie eine Zukunftsprognose des EG-Öko-Audit-Systems. Es handelt sich bei dieser Arbeit praktisch um die erste umfassende Auseinandersetzung mit dem EMAS-II-System.

Verksamhetsövergång till skydd för arbetstagarna? : Bestämmerlserna enligt EU och AD / Business of Transfer protection for the workers? : Regulation according to EU and Swedish Labour Court

Carnö, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
Flertalet jurister hävdar idag att det är svårt att skydda arbetstagarna vid en verksamhetsövergång. Skyddet som är upparbetat till arbetstagarnas förmån fullgör inte sitt huvudsakliga syfte. De hävdar även att arbetstagarnas skydd behöver omarbetas eftersom det idag är möjligt för förvärvaren av en verksamhet att välja vad de vill ska innefattas i samband med övergången. Det är därför nödvändigt att ta reda på när en verksamhetsövergång föreligger enligt AD eftersom det är då arbetstagarna är skyddade.      I dagen samhälle skyddas arbetstagare vid en verksamhetsövergång med hjälp av bestämmelserna i 6 b § LAS som tolkas med Rådets direktiv 2001/23/EG i bakgrunden. I 6 b § LAS finns det ingen tydlig riktlinje om när en verksamhetsövergång anses ha genomförts utan endast att den ska vara föremål för en ekonomisk enhet som är bestående. På grund av den kortfattade informationen använder sig AD av de så kallade Spijker-kriterierna som upparbetats av EU-domstolen i samband med en bedömning om övergång har skett. Kriterierna benämns även som en helhetsbedömning och tar reda på om verksamheten har bibehållit sin identitet och om verksamheten kan benämnas som en bestående ekonomisk enhet. För att verksamheten ska ha en möjlighet att betraktas som bestående krävs att de tillgångar eller arbetstagare som övergår kan betraktas som en självständig enhet. Det är dock inte de enda som krävs för att en verksamhetsövergång ska vara genomförbar. Det krävs att övergången ska vara lagenlig, vilket är ett underförstått uttryck från AD och EU-domstolen     De olika kriterierna betydelse varierar beroende på verksamhetsslag och det har visat sig att den ekonomiska enhetens självständighet har brustit i de flesta mål resulterat i att skyddet inskränks. Det komplexa vid en verksamhetsövergång är att få självständigheten att övergå.     Författarens egna kommentarer riktar in sig på att skyddet behöver stärkas genom ett kompletterande skydd för att nå upp till sitt syfte. Syftet är enkelt och bör inte vara allt för svårt att uppnå. / Several lawyers claim that nowadays it is hard to protect workers and that the protection does not fulfil its essential purpose. They also argue that the protection needs to be revised because it is possible for the purchaser of a business to choose what they want to include in the transition. It is therefore necessary to determine when an activity transition exists in the Swedish Labour Court because that is where workers are protected.     Todays society protects workers at an operations transition using the provisions of section 6 b § LAS interpreted with Councils Directive 2001/23/EC in mind. In paragraph 6 b § LAS there are no clear guidelines on when an activity transition is considered as implemented, only that it should be subjected to a lasting economic entity. Because of the brief information the Swedish Labour Court uses the so-called Spijker-criteria incurred by the EU-Court in connection with an assessment of when a transition has taken place. The criteria are also referred to give an overall picture and determine whether a business has maintained its identity and whether a business can be designated as a permanent economic entity. If the business should be considered as definitive it is required that the assets or workers transitioning can be regarded as an independent entity. It is also necessary for it to be subject to a transition that is considered to be lawful. “Lawful transfers” is an implicit expression and is not covered by the Swedish Labour Court.       The various criteria importance varies according to the type of activity and it has been proven that the economic units independence in most cases has widened the protection. The hard part of a business transfers is to gain an independence. It has also shown that several criteria is taken into account.      The author's own comments addresses that the protection needs to be strengthened. Sweden, for example, is acquiring an additional protection to ensure achievement of the aim. The aim is simple and should not be too complex to achieve.

Genomförandet av bemanningsdirektivet 2008/104/EG : En problematisk implementering för Sverige?

Hellbom, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
Abstract The use of temporary agency workers has increased significantly during the last decades. Due to considerable differences in the legal status and working conditions of temporary agency workers within the EU, the directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work was adopted in 2008. The current directive has a two folded purpose, first and foremost to improve the employment and working conditions for temporary agency workers, by establishing the principle of equal treatment. The second purpose is to create greater acceptance for the temporary work agencies, and also to review and remove any unjustified restrictions or prohibitions against them. There are several different models for labour market regulation represented within the EU. The Swedish and Nordic model has through history relied heavily on regulation via collective agreements, entered into by the social partners, with a minimal amount of state interference and regulation. For Sweden there is a potential problem in the implementation of the directive on temporary agency work, since it follows from case law by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). That the Swedish type of collective agreement, that lacks universal applicability, is insufficient as the sole means of implementing EU directives establishing rights for all workers. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze if and how it’s possible to implement the directive on temporary agency work, within the established Swedish model for labour market regulation, and at the same meet the requirements of the EU-law. / Sammanfattning Användandet av uthyrd arbetskraft från bemanningsföretag har ökat avsevärt de senaste decennierna. EU:s bemanningsdirektiv 2008/104/EG har tillkommit med anledning av att arbetsvillkoren och den rättsliga regleringen med avseende på bemanningsarbete idag skiljer sig kraftigt bland EU:s medlemsstater. Bemanningsdirektivet har ett tudelat syfte, dels syftar det till att förbättra arbetsvillkoren för bemanningsanställda genom införandet av en likabehandlingsprincip av bemanningsanställda. Därtill syftar direktivet till att skapa större acceptans och undanrö-ja hinder för bemanningsföretagen. Inom EU:s medlemsstater finns en rad olika arbetsmarknadsmodeller representerande. Den svenska och nordiska modellen karaktäriseras av minimalt med statlig reglering, och en hög grad av reglering genom kollektivavtal som förhandlas fram och sluts mellan arbetsmarknadens parter. Den kontinentala modellen som kan sägas var den härskande inom övriga EU och så även för EU:s reglering, bygger på reglering genom lag och en lagfäst möjlighet till att allmängiltigförklara (utsträcka) vissa kollektivavtal. Vilket innebär att arbetsgivare som inte är bundna av kollektivavtal, tvingas tillämpa ett visst avtal. För Sveriges del uppkommer ett potentiellt problem i genomförandet av bemanningsdirektivet, då det följer av äldre rättspraxis från EU-domstolen att vår svenska typ av kollektivavtal inte är ett fullgott sätt att implementera EU-direktiv. Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda om och hur det går att genomföra bemanningsdirektivet inom den svenska modellen, och samtidigt leva upp till de krav som följer av EU-rätten. Enligt min bedömning kommer det krävas att en bakomliggande lagstiftning införs, som garanterar direktivets skydd för samtliga arbetstagare. Den nödvändiga lagstiftningen kan dock utformas på ett sätt som inte undergräver den svenska modellen.

Lamination of Organic Solar Modules

Kalldin, Sofie January 2014 (has links)
As the Worlds energy demand is increasing we need more of our energy to be generated from resources that affect the climate as little as possible. Solar power could be the solution if there were solar panels with a less energy demanding production than the established silicon based solar modules. Printable organic solar cells will enable a cheap production process, thus they are mainly made out of polymers in solution. However, to be able to decrease the total cost of the solar modules the commonly used indium tin oxide (ITO) for the transparent electrode needs to be replaced by a less expensive material. If the cheap, high conductive and transparent polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) could replace ITO the cost of organic solar modules would significantly decrease. For PEDOT:PSS to be able to replace ITO there are requirements that have to be met. The transparent electrode needs to be apart from transparent, highly conductive, have a low contact resistance to the other materials in the organic solar cell and be printable. In this study it has been shown that the PEDOT:PSS film with Zonyl and Diethylene Glycol (DEG) as an secondary dopant, is capable of laminating to thin films made out of PEDOT:PSS, metal or a polymer fullerene blend. The contact resistances between two PEDOT:PSS films and PEDOT:PSS film and a metal film proved to be low. When laminating to a metal film an interlayer of Silver Nano Wires (AgNW) was needed to achieve a low contact resistance.

Novel poly(propylene thiophenoimine)-co poly(ethylenedioxythiophene) composites of naphthalene diimide for applications in organic photovoltaic cells

Yonkeu, Anne Lutgarde Djoumessi January 2013 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / Solar energy generation arises as a result of direct conversion of sunlight into electricity a by solar cell; which is mainly made up of a semiconducting material incorporated into a system. It is emerging as one of the most reliable and cost efficient renewable energy sources. Within the solar field, organic bulk heterojunction photovoltaic cells have proved of being able to have a great impact in the future years; mainly due to the easy processability of the active layer and substrate, their cost effectiveness and above all, a good power conversion efficiency associated to the close 3-dimensional interpenetrating network that is generated from blending donor and acceptor semiconducting materials together in a bulk heterojunction active layer. In this research work, we therefore report on the study of a newly developed organic bulk heterojunction active layer based on a blend of a star-copolymer generation 1 poly(propylenethiophenoimine)-co-poly(ethylenedioxythiophene) (G1PPT-co-PEDOT) as donor material with N,N-diisopropylnaphthalene diimide (NDI) as acceptor material. Both materials were chemically synthesized. The synthesis of G1PPT-co-PEDOT started first by the functionalization of generation 1 poly(propyleneimine) tetramine, G1PPI into G1PPT by condensation reaction in the presence of 2-thiophene carboxaldehyde under Nitrogen gas followed by the copolymerization of G1PPT with ethylene dioxythiophene (EDOT) monomer in the presence of ammonium persulfate, (NH4)2S2O8 as oxidant. On the other hand, NDI was also synthesized via condensation reaction of 1,4,5,8-naphthalene tetracarboxylic dianhydride in the presence of two (2) equivalences of N,N-diisopropylamine at 110 oC overnight in DMF. Both materials were characterized using FT-IR, UV-Vis spectroscopy, Fluorescence spectroscopy, Voltammetry, HRSEM microscopy and XRD. Based on the cyclic voltammetry and UV-Vis results, we were able to calculate the HOMO, LUMO and band gap energy (Eg) values of both the donor and acceptor to be -4.03 eV, -6.287 eV and 2.25 eV for iii the donor G1PPT-co-PEDOT respectively and -4.302 eV, -7.572 eV and 3.27 eV for the acceptor respectively. From these results, the energy diagram for both donor and acceptor was drawn and it comes out that the separation between the HOMO of the donor and the LUMO of the acceptor ΔEg = 1.985 eV, the ideal value for a good donor-acceptor combination. Also the offset energy that is, the energy difference between the LUMO of the donor and the LUMO of the acceptor is 0.302 eV.

Miljöanpassad offentlig upphandling : upphandlares erfarenheter av integrering av miljöhänsyn / Environmentally sound public procurement : purchasers’ experiences of integrating environmental concerns

Karlsson, Stina January 2002 (has links)
Ett av målen i dagens miljöpolitik är att miljöhänsyn ska integreras inom alla samhällssektorer. Denna process är dock inte helt problemfri i praktiken. Studiens syfte är att få en fördjupad bild av vad som möjliggör respektive begränsar integreringen av miljöhänsyn i den offentliga upphandlingen samt att identifiera vad som krävs för en ökad miljöanpassning av den offentliga upphandlingen. Studien fokuserar pårättsliga, ekonomiska och kunskapsmässiga aspekter. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med upphandlare på tre olika enheter på Norrköpings kommun för att få fram praktiska erfarenheter inom området miljöanpassad upphandling. Intervjuresultaten visar att upphandlarna delvis upplever olika slags aspekter som särskilt viktiga. En av de intervjuade betonar det rättsliga utrymmet, medan de två andra anser att kunskap och utbildning är mest avgörande för om miljöhänsyn kan tas. För att ytterligare underlätta miljöanpassningen av den offentliga upphandlingen, behövs bland annat utökade möjligheter enligt EGrätten och bättre hjälpmedel vid utvärderingen av anbud i upphandlingsprocessen.

Etude de l'interface sang-noyau arqué hypothalamique au cours d'un déséquilibre énergétique : plasticité de l'éminence médiane et impact sur la régulation de la prise alimentaire / Study on blood/metabolic hypothalamus interfaces during an energy imbalanc : median eminence plasticity and impact on the regulation of food intake

Langlet, Fanny 20 September 2013 (has links)
L’hypothalamus médiobasal contient de nombreux noyaux régulant l’homéostasie énergétique en réponse aux variations des signaux métaboliques périphériques, telles que les nutriments et les hormones, l’informant de l’état énergétique de l’individu. Parmi ces noyaux, le noyau arqué hypothalamique (NA) est considéré comme le noyau clé de la régulation de la prise alimentaire. En effet, il est capable de recevoir et d’intégrer les informations métaboliques périphériques, pour ensuite les relayer vers les autres noyaux hypothalamiques régulant la prise alimentaire. Dans ce contexte, l’accès des molécules périphériques au NA est une étape importante dans la régulation de la prise alimentaire. L’organisation des interfaces sang/cerveau à ce niveau est d’ailleurs très particulière, suggérant une régulation spécifique de l’accès des molécules périphériques vers le NA. En effet, deux types de vaisseaux sont retrouvés dans cette région cérébrale : 1- les vaisseaux de la barrière hématoencéphalique (BHE) dans le NA et 2- les vaisseaux fenêtrés dans l’éminence médiane (EM), un organe circumventriculaire (OCV) adjacent au NA. Alors que les vaisseaux de la BHE présentent des propriétés de barrière et régulent les échanges sang/NA, les vaisseaux de l’EM possèdent de nombreuses fenestrations facilitant les échanges sang/EM. Ces deux types de vaisseaux ont la particularité d’être contactés par des cellules épendymaires hautement spécialisées formant le bas du 3ème ventricule. Ces cellules, appelées « tanycytes », expriment des protéines de jonctions serrées suggérant leur participation à la régulation des échanges sang/cerveau dans cette région cérébrale. En effet, des études menées au sein du laboratoire ont montré que les tanycytes de l’EM, contactant les vaisseaux fenêtrés, expriment des protéines de jonctions serrées (JS) organisées en ceinture continue autour de leur pôle apical. Ces JS créent ainsi un épendyme étanche qui limite les échanges EM/LCR. A l’inverse, les tanycytes du NA, contactant les vaisseaux de la BHE, expriment des protéines de JS non organisées en leur pôle apical. L’épendyme du NA est ainsi perméable et favorise les échanges LCR/NA. Le but de mon travail de thèse a donc été de comprendre, en prenant en compte tous ces éléments -c’est-à-dire la présence de vaisseaux fenêtrés, de vaisseaux de la BHE et des tanycytes -, comment est organisé l’accès des signaux métaboliques périphériques vers le NA et si cet accès pouvait être modulé afin de contrôler l’homéostasie énergétique. Nos expériences ont montré que, chez la souris mâle adulte, une glucopénie induite par le jeûne ou par le 2-desoxyglucose induisait une réorganisation structurale des vaisseaux et de l’épendyme au niveau de l’EM et du NA, modifiant ainsi les échanges sang/cerveau. En effet, chez ces souris, nous avons observé une augmentation du nombre de vaisseaux fenêtrés au niveau de l’EM et du NA, ainsi qu’une réorganisation fonctionnelle des protéines de JS au niveau du ventricule : les tanycytes du NA, contactant des vaisseaux fenêtrés à présent, réorganisent leurs protéines de jonctions serrées (JS) afin d’assurer l’homéostasie cérébrale. Ces réorganisations induisent alors un meilleur accès des molécules périphériques vers le NA. De plus, nos résultats ont montré que cette plasticité est induite par le VEGF-A, produit localement par les tanycytes. En effet, la neutralisation du VEGF-A bloque la plasticité de l’EM/NA induite par l’hypoglycémie et perturbent la réponse physiologique hyperphagique lors de la réalimentation. Enfin, nos données supplémentaires indiquent que cette plasticité de l’EM/NA est conservée dans différents modèles alimentaires et se produit également au cours de la journée, suggérant son implication dans le contrôle circadien du comportement alimentaire. / The mediobasal hypothalamus contains numerous nuclei regulating energy homeostasis in response to peripheral metabolic signals. Among these nuclei, the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH) is considered to be a critical component of the neural circuits regulating energy balance. Indeed, the ARH is able to integrate the metabolic information carried by nutrients and peripheral hormones, and to transmit their message to secondary nuclei regulating food intake. Therefore, the delivery of peripheral molecules conveying metabolic information to the ARH is a critical step in the regulation of food intake. At the level of the ARH, the organization of blood-brain interface is indeed peculiar. Both the vessels of the blood brain barrier (BBB) and the fenestrated vessels of the median eminence (ME), a circumventricular organ adjacent to the ARH, represent two pathways by which peripheral molecules may reach the ARH. While BBB vessels possess barrier properties restricting the access of peripheral molecules to the ARH, the vessels in the ME possess numerous fenestrations facilitating blood-brain exchanges. These two types of vessels are contacted by specialized ependymal cells lining the floor of the 3rd ventricle called tanycytes. Tanycytes express tight junction (TJ) proteins providing a putative role in the regulation of blood/brain exchanges. While ME tanycytes contact the fenestrated vessels which lie in the ME, they express TJ proteins organized as a continuous belt around their apical pole, creating a tight ependyma limiting ME/cerebrospinal fluid exchanges. In contrast, ARH tanycytes contact BBB vessels and express TJ proteins in a disorganized pattern thus creating a permeable ependyma allowing CSF/ARH exchanges. In the following studies we wished to examine how peripheral signals may reach the ARH through this peculiar blood-brain interface. Moreover, we wished to determine whether the blood-brain interface undergoes dynamic remodeling according to the energetic status of individual. To these aims the plasticity of the BBB vessels, fenestrated vessels of the ME, and tanycytes were analyzed under various metabolic challenges. Our studies show that both fasting- or 2-deoxyglucose-induced glucopenia induce vascular and ependymal reorganization in the ME and the ARH. This reorganization is characterized by an increase in the number of fenestrated vessels in the ME and in the ARH, and a reorganization of TJ proteins in ARH tanycytes, and led to improved access of peripheral molecules to the ARH. Furthermore, our results reveal that VEGF-A expression in tanycytes modulates the plasticity at the blood/brain interface. Indeed, the neutralization of VEGF signaling blocks fasting-induced barrier remodeling and significantly impairs the physiological response to refeeding. Finally, our supplementary results show that the ME-ARH reorganization is also observed in mice under different diet, as well as implicated in the circadian regulation of food intake. Strikingly, the ME-ARH organization is disturbed in diet-induced obese mice, which could be the origin of hormonal resistances observed in these mice. Altogether, our results suggest a new concept in the regulation of the food intake: peripheral glucose modulates blood/brain interface in the ME through a VEGF-dependent mechanism to improve the access of the metabolic signals towards the ARH. As other circumventricular organs possess a similar organization, characterized by fenestrated vessels and a tanycyte barrier, these exciting results pave the way to for future studies examining the remodeling of the blood-brain interface and its role in other neuroendocrine processes.

Visstidsanställningar på den svenska arbetsmarknaden i ljuset av EU-rätten

Johansson, Mikaela January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish regulation concerning fixed-term contract has been a topic for discussion during the last decade. It has been criticised for not following the council’s directive 1999/70/EG on the measures to prevent the abuse of fixed-term contracts. Since 2016 the regulation has changed. It has changed in order to have the legislation within the purpose and measures set in the fixed-term directive. This essay aims to clarify whether the new Swedish legislation is in accordance with the framework agreement attached to the directive on fixed-term contracts. This will be done by analysing the measures established in the framework agreement and the purpose of the directive, then compare the result with the Swedish legislation. This part of the essay will be written using the legal dogmatic methodology. Since fixed-term contracts are more common among young people this essay will focus on how fixed-term contract, and regulations on fixed-term contracts, will affect the position of young people in the labour market. It is obvious that there are some difficulties to harmonize a legislation that suits all the social partners on the labour market. In fact, it can almost be impossible. By illuminate the political discussion regarding the use of fixed-term contracts it will help to understand why this matter is so complex and how it can be a stepping stone or a dead-end job. This will be done with a legal policy method.

Frequenzpolitik im Nutzerinteresse? Die Berücksichtigung der Interessen von Frequenznutzern im neuen EG-Rechtsrahmen für die Kommunikationspolitik und bei der Novellierung des Telekommunikationsgesetzes

Voigt, Stefan 20 April 2007 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie Forderungen der Nutzer von Frequenzen im Rahmen der Frequenzpolitik der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Berücksichtigung finden und in entsprechende Rechtsakte eingearbeitet werden. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass das Frequenzspektrum welt- und europaweit zu einem wichtigen wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen und politischen Faktor geworden ist. Die Nachfrage nach Frequenzen steigt ständig. Daher müssen Entscheidungen darüber getroffen werden, wie die Nachfrage und das Angebot an Frequenzen in das erforderliche Gleichgewicht gebracht werden können. Die Kommission der EG veröffentlichte zu diesem Zwecke im Jahre 1998 ein „Grünbuch zur Frequenzpolitik“. Mit Hilfe dieses Grünbuches sollte durch Anhörung der interessierten Parteien festgestellt werden, auf welchen Gebieten der Frequenzpolitik und in welchem Umfang die EG tätig werden sollte. Im Ergebnis der Anhörung wurde im Jahre 2002 ein Paket von Rechtsakten zur Kommunikationspolitik verabschiedet, das in nationales Recht umzusetzen war. Auf Grundlage dieses neuen EG-Rechtsrahmens erfolgte im Jahre 2004 eine Novellierung des deutschen Telekommunikationsgesetzes. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird ausführlich untersucht, welche Forderungen die Frequenznutzer während der Anhörung zum Grünbuch zur Frequenzpolitik gestellt haben und inwieweit diesen Bedürfnissen im Rahmen der auf dem Grünbuch fußenden Gesetzgebung durch die EG und die BRD tatsächlich Rechnung getragen wird.

Den semidispositiva arbetstidslagen : En studie av hur EU-direktiv, svensk lag och kollektivavtal samspelar kring arbetstidsreglering / The semi-dispositive Working Hours Act

Ayar Médoc, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Working time is a constantly discussed topic. In Sweden working time is largely controlled by collective agreements. About 90% of all workers are covered by a collective agreement. For those who are parts of a collective agreement, it is important to consider the regulations in both the Swedish Arbetstidslagen (ATL) and the Working Time Directive (the Directive) when making a collective agreement. The purpose of this thesis is to examine various aspects of working time regulation in the form of directives, law and collective agreements. The thesis intends to contribute to knowledge of how the regulations regarding working hours in Sweden meet the requirements of the Directive by the EU. Further, the purpose is to examine how deviations from ATL can be regulated by collective agreements. The legal dogmatic method has been used in combination with an EU legal method. Directive, law, preparatory acts, case law, doctrine and literature were studied to investigate the legal situation. Collective agreements have been used as a source of law as well as empirical material. When studying implementation of the Directive to Swedish law, certain contradictions can be identified. The Swedish model collides with the Directive and the Swedish legislators as well as the Labour court choose to safeguard the Swedish model. Another contradiction is the purpose of the directive, protection of worker's health and safety, it is important and the Court of Justice of EU returns to it in many cases. A counterpart is lacking in ATL, instead, a connection is made to AML. Furthermore, the definition of working time is an issue where differences can be noticed between the Directive and Swedish law. Interpretations of the Court of Justice of EU and ATL defines different interpretations of call time and a new case may affect the travel time. The Court of Justice of EU calls the member countries to have equivalent definitions of working time and it should originate from the Directive. Regarding deviations through collective agreements the study shows that there are difficulties to interpret 3 § ATL, which is giving contradictory instructions regarding deviations. The paragraph and the EU-lock puts a great responsibility on the parties of the labour market to be familiar with both the Swedish law and the Directive. Some regulations are better for workers in ATL than the Directive at first glance, but this can be settled by collective agreements. Practice shows that there may be errors in the preparation of collective agreements.

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