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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Régénérer la patrie, construire l'Etat : savoirs géographiques et production du territoire : Pérou (1900-1930) / Regenerating the Homeland, building the State : geographical knowledge and the production of territory : Peru (1900-1930)

Dagicour, Ombeline 17 November 2017 (has links)
Dans le contexte latinoaméricain de l’entre-deux guerres caractérisé par la reconfiguration des champs d’intervention des États libéraux, cette recherche interroge la restructuration de l’appareil étatique au Pérou à la lumière du double discours de la rupture et de la régénération porté par le régime de la Patrie Nouvelle du président Augusto B. Leguía (1919-1930). La profonde crise qui caractérise l’après Première Guerre mondiale rend nécessaire l’appel à des formes d’expertise censées apporter des réponses pragmatiques et efficaces aux nouveaux défis socio-économiques. Le projet léguiiste se traduit dans l’émergence d’une nouvelle rationalité politique et administrative concernant la gestion des populations, du territoire et des ressources naturelles. La thèse entend montrer comment se déploient les logiques d’action et de connaissance de l’État centralisé dans les marges du territoire national. En se penchant sur les formes d’exploration de l’Amazonie péruvienne, ainsi que sur les activités des ingénieurs (civils et militaires) qui s’y déroulent, cette recherche éclaire le lien étroit entre formation d’élites techniques, production des savoirs géographiques et construction de l’État. / This research focuses on the restructuring of the Peruvian state, in the light of the double discourse of rupture and regeneration promoted by the New Homeland (Patria Nueva) regime of President Augusto B. Leguía (1919-1930), during an inter-war period characterised by the reconfiguration of Latin-American liberal states’ fields of intervention. The profound crisis which marked the period after the First World War rendered necessary those forms of expertise which were supposed to bring pragmatic and effective answers to new socio-economic challenges. Leguía’s project leads to the formation of a new political and administrative rationality concerning the management of populations, territory and natural resources. This thesis seeks to examine how the centralised State’s logics of action and knowledge are deployed at the margins of the national territory. By focusing on the forms of exploration of the Peruvian Amazon, as well as on the activities of civil and military engineers which take place there, this research sheds light on the close relationship between the formation of technical elites, the production of geographic knowledge and construction of the State.

Perspectivas de deliberação do fenômeno da prática pianística em diferentes níveis de expertise

Mantovani, Michele Rosita January 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar perspectivas de deliberação na prática pianística em função dos níveis de expertise, uma vez que a literatura consultada sustenta a temática num viés de polarização em níveis extremos e deixa em aberto à discussão acerca da prática de níveis intermediários dentre aqueles propostos na literatura de psicologia cognitiva, a saber: novato, iniciante avançado, competente, proficiente e o expert. Fundamentando-se nos princípios fenomenológicos de E. Husserl (1900-1970), o delineamento metodológico envolveu etapas de mapeamento preliminar da amostra, na qual 18 participantes (em níveis de extensão, graduação, pós-graduação universitária e profissional) gravaram em áudio e vídeo uma sessão de prática de duas peças de seus repertórios e participaram de duas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Quatro casos representativos em níveis distintos de expertise foram selecionados e analisados em profundidade por procedimentos qualitativos (perspectiva fenomenológica) e quantitativos (por estatística descritiva e inferencial). Para a descrição do fenômeno da prática, unidades de prática foram delimitadas, e nessas, as essências do fenômeno investigado denominadas categorias psicossensoriais (testar, repetir, isolar, ajustar, alternar, parar, explorar, dispersão e lapso). Essas categorias formaram o arcabouço no qual as incidências (em termos de ações, desvios e procedimentos) foram compiladas e organizadas, resultando maneiras de praticar tanto comuns a todos, como outras peculiares a cada participante investigado. As perspectivas de deliberação foram identificadas e refinadas numa dimensão mais pontual para o fenômeno da prática pianística como um indício de empenho na e para a situação de prática com relação à intencionalidade frente ao fenômeno estudado. Tais perspectivas resultaram na proposição de um modelo, que considera os limites do foco de atenção, as ações da prática sobre a natureza e a mobilidade dinâmica das categorias psicossensoriais, e possíveis fatores resultantes em função de uma dada intensificação de ações empreendidas. O argumento da presente tese é que a deliberação na prática pianística não é uma constante, e sim uma perspectiva dinâmica que ocorre a cada unidade de prática a partir da intencionalidade dos sujeitos para com as obras praticadas. / The present research aimed at investigating perspectives of deliberation in piano practice according to the levels of expertise, since the consulted literature supports this subject in polarized at extreme levels and leaves a gap in the discussion about the practice of intermediate levels among those proposed in the literature of cognitive psychology, namely: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient and the expert. Based on the phenomenological principles of E. Husserl (1900-1970), the methodological designed involved preliminary sample mapping, in which 18 participants (at university extension, undergraduate, graduate and professional levels) recorded in audio and video one practice session of two musical works from their repertoire and participated in two semi-structured interviews. Four representative cases at different levels of expertise were selected and analyzed in depth by qualitative procedures (phenomenological perspective) and quantitative ones (by descriptive and inferential statistics). For the description of the phenomenon of practice, units of practice were delimited, and in these, the essences of the phenomenon investigated denominated psychosensorial categories (testing, repeating, isolating, adjusting, alternating, stopping, exploring, dispersing and lapsing). These categories made up the framework in which the incidences (in terms of actions, deviations and procedures) were compiled and organized, resulting in ways of practicing both common to all participants and others peculiar to each investigated one. The perspectives of deliberation were identified and refined in a more specific dimension to the phenomenon of piano practice as an indication of commitment in and for the practice situation regarding intentionality at the studied phenomenon. Such perspectives resulted in the proposition of a model, which considers the limits of the focus of attention, the actions of the practice on the nature and the dynamic mobility of psychosensorial categories, and possible resulting factors from a given intensification of undertaken actions. The argument of the present thesis is that deliberation in piano practice is not a constant, but it is a dynamic perspective that occurs to each unit of practice from the intentionality of subjects towards the musical works practiced.

L'analyse des processus cognitifs comme aide à la formation initiale et au perfectionnement des traducteurs / The analysis of cognitive processes as a tool for translator training

Carré, Alice 26 October 2017 (has links)
Les formations à la traduction pragmatique offrent un enseignement professionnalisant dense et multiforme. Or il n’est pas certain que les étudiants intègrent au mieux compétences déclaratives et opérationnelles, faute d’avoir suffisamment conscience de leurs méthodes de travail. Par ailleurs, les recherches sur l’expertise montrent qu’une formation initiale solide et des années d’expérience ne suffisent pas à garantir le développement optimal des compétences professionnelles. Outre un environnement de travail favorable au développement de ces compétences, la solution résiderait dans l’adoption d’une démarche d’apprentissage autorégulé.La présente contribution vise à évaluer la capacité des étudiants à adopter ponctuellement une telle démarche à la suite d’une séquence d’enseignement renforçant leurs compétences métacognitives. Une collecte de données de référence et deux expérimentations ont permis d’estimer l’effet de la régulation sur l’activité traduisante et d’évaluer l’intérêt du dispositif d’enseignement proposé.Il en ressort que les étudiants qui ont eu l’occasion d’analyser leurs propres processus cognitifs et de les comparer à ceux de leurs pairs et à ceux de professionnels présentant un degré élevé de régulation auraient les capacités d’agir consciemment sur leurs habitudes de travail. Ces résultats, qui demandent néanmoins à être vérifiés auprès de cohortes plus larges, indiquent que le dispositif d’enseignement proposé pourrait donner aux étudiants des clés pour intervenir sur leurs habitudes de travail et, plus largement, sur leur environnement de travail. Ce faisant, il s’inscrirait dans la dynamique actuelle qui sensibilise les étudiants en traduction à l’ergonomie cognitive, physique et organisationnelle au poste de travail. / Translator training programmes comprise a wide range of contents and of instructional methods. But it would appear that students do not bridge the gap between declarative and procedural competences to the best of their abilities as a result of their lack of knowledge and understanding of their own working habits. Moreover, expertise research has shown that however robust the initial training, the mere accumulation of experience does not automatically lead to the optimal development of professional competence. The key to expertise would rest both in a suitable working environment and in deliberately self-regulated practice.The present contribution aims at assessing the ability of students to deliberately alter a given aspect of their translation habits after taking part in a workshop designed to strengthen their metacognitive skills. Reference data were collected and analysed to work out the effect of regulation on translating. Our proposed teaching sequence was then tested on two groups of students.It would seem that those students who were able to analyse their own habits and to compare them to those of their fellow students and of professional translators displaying a high level of regulation were able to consciously alter their working habits to a certain extent. Due to the limited number of participants, these results need confirmation through repetition on wider cohorts. But it seems that the proposed teaching sequence could provide students with a tool to proactively improve their working habits or their working environment. As such, it could be part of the wider movement of raising students’ awareness of the importance of cognitive, physical and organisational ergonomics at the workplace that is currently taking place in translator training.

Edmond Malinvaud, entre science et action : chronique d'une macroéconomie en transition / Edmond Malinvaud, a narrow pathway between science and action : a history of macroeconomics in transition

Renault, Matthieu 13 December 2016 (has links)
Les écrits d’Edmond Malinvaud (1923-2015) ont une généralité telle qu’ils permettent d’apporter des réponses à trois des problématiques de l’histoire de la macroéconomie à la suite de l’effondrement du keynésianisme : La recherche des fondements microéconomiques est-elle directement responsable des transformations de la macroéconomie depuis les années 1970 ? Comment expliquer le déclin de la théorie du « déséquilibre » dans les années 1980 ? Comment expliquer le succès de la Nouvelle Economie Classique dans les années 1980 ? Ces écrits d’Edmond Malinvaud montrent également que l’histoire de la macroéconomie ne se réduit pas à une simple histoire des idées, mais doit pleinement intégrer l’influence de la macroéconomie appliquée et de l’expertise économique. / The writings of Edmond Malinvaud (1923-2015), in their breadth and generality, provide an answer to three problems in the history of macroeconomics after the collapse of Keynesianism : Is the search for micro-foundations directly responsible for the transformations of macroeconomics since the 1970s? How to explain the decline of Disequilibrium theory during the 1980s? How to explain the success of the New Classical Macroeconomics in the 1980s? Edmond Malinvaud’s writings show also that the history of macroeconomics is not reducible to a simple history of ideas, as it must also account for the influence of applied macroeconomics and economic expertise.


Silveira, Jalusa Oliveira da 13 August 2010 (has links)
This work proposes an approach with studies of post-structuralist side, seeking to launch other looks for questions considered naturalized in the social and cultural field on the relationship between female/maternal care and family. Thinking it was possible to establish a dialogue between gender and education, although maintaining the differences that constitute these two cultural universes, this paper aims problematize the discourses about motherhood and the crossing of the production of the female role in the family, especially with regard to the care of children with deficiency. The locus of the research was the Design of Stimulator Essential NEPES and the materiality of the study was tied to the analysis of fragments of discourse articulated by the project participants - the group of women caregivers - about their roles in the face of mothering children with deficiency and for interns of the Undergraduate Program in Special Education - Full Degree, University Federal of Santa Maria, who treated the children of the project. Seeking to make use of portions of the thought of Michel Foucault, especially about the relationship between knowledge and power and governance of conduct, it is clear the intention to understand how the discursive practices put into operation by experts in special education is a strategy government conducts female/maternal for the care of children with deficiency. From the materiality of the study was possible to see how the discourses have historically produced an immanent rationality care for female/maternal, especially in the deficiency field, and characterize a set of discourses connected to an expertise that, underpinned by an apparatus pedagogical knowledge, knowledge that articulates the governance strategies of mothers/caretakers special, thus portraying the political legitimacy of the authority of the expert. / Este trabalho que ora se apresenta propõe uma aproximação com estudos de vertente pós-estruturalista, buscando lançar outros olhares a questões consideradas naturalizadas no campo social e cultural a respeito das relações entre cuidado feminino/materno e família. Pensando ser possível estabelecer um diálogo entre gênero e educação, embora mantendo as diferenças que constituem esses dois universos culturais, este trabalho propõe problematizar os discursos sobre a maternidade e o atravessamento destes na produção do papel feminino na família, especialmente no que diz respeito ao cuidado de crianças com deficiência. O lócus da pesquisa foi o Projeto de Estimulação Essencial do NEPES e a materialidade do estudo esteve atrelada à análise dos fragmentos de falas articulados pelas participantes do projeto - mulheres do grupo de cuidadoras - acerca de seus papeis diante da maternagem de crianças com deficiência e pelas estagiárias do Curso de Graduação em Educação Especial Licenciatura Plena, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, que atenderam as crianças do projeto. Buscando fazer uso de parcelas do pensamento de Michel Foucault, principalmente acerca das relações de saber e poder e do governamento das condutas, evidencia-se a intenção de compreender de que forma as práticas discursivas colocadas em funcionamento pelos especialistas da educação especial se constituem em estratégias de governo das condutas femininas/maternas para o cuidado de crianças com deficiência. A partir da materialidade do estudo foi possível perceber como os discursos vêm, historicamente, produzindo uma racionalidade imanente para os cuidados femininos/maternos, especialmente no campo da deficiência, bem como caracterizar um conjunto de discursos ligado a uma expertise que, apoiada num aparato de saber pedagógico, articula esse saber às estratégias de governamento das mães/cuidadoras especiais, retratando assim a legitimação política da autoridade do especialista.

Perspectivas de deliberação do fenômeno da prática pianística em diferentes níveis de expertise

Mantovani, Michele Rosita January 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar perspectivas de deliberação na prática pianística em função dos níveis de expertise, uma vez que a literatura consultada sustenta a temática num viés de polarização em níveis extremos e deixa em aberto à discussão acerca da prática de níveis intermediários dentre aqueles propostos na literatura de psicologia cognitiva, a saber: novato, iniciante avançado, competente, proficiente e o expert. Fundamentando-se nos princípios fenomenológicos de E. Husserl (1900-1970), o delineamento metodológico envolveu etapas de mapeamento preliminar da amostra, na qual 18 participantes (em níveis de extensão, graduação, pós-graduação universitária e profissional) gravaram em áudio e vídeo uma sessão de prática de duas peças de seus repertórios e participaram de duas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Quatro casos representativos em níveis distintos de expertise foram selecionados e analisados em profundidade por procedimentos qualitativos (perspectiva fenomenológica) e quantitativos (por estatística descritiva e inferencial). Para a descrição do fenômeno da prática, unidades de prática foram delimitadas, e nessas, as essências do fenômeno investigado denominadas categorias psicossensoriais (testar, repetir, isolar, ajustar, alternar, parar, explorar, dispersão e lapso). Essas categorias formaram o arcabouço no qual as incidências (em termos de ações, desvios e procedimentos) foram compiladas e organizadas, resultando maneiras de praticar tanto comuns a todos, como outras peculiares a cada participante investigado. As perspectivas de deliberação foram identificadas e refinadas numa dimensão mais pontual para o fenômeno da prática pianística como um indício de empenho na e para a situação de prática com relação à intencionalidade frente ao fenômeno estudado. Tais perspectivas resultaram na proposição de um modelo, que considera os limites do foco de atenção, as ações da prática sobre a natureza e a mobilidade dinâmica das categorias psicossensoriais, e possíveis fatores resultantes em função de uma dada intensificação de ações empreendidas. O argumento da presente tese é que a deliberação na prática pianística não é uma constante, e sim uma perspectiva dinâmica que ocorre a cada unidade de prática a partir da intencionalidade dos sujeitos para com as obras praticadas. / The present research aimed at investigating perspectives of deliberation in piano practice according to the levels of expertise, since the consulted literature supports this subject in polarized at extreme levels and leaves a gap in the discussion about the practice of intermediate levels among those proposed in the literature of cognitive psychology, namely: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient and the expert. Based on the phenomenological principles of E. Husserl (1900-1970), the methodological designed involved preliminary sample mapping, in which 18 participants (at university extension, undergraduate, graduate and professional levels) recorded in audio and video one practice session of two musical works from their repertoire and participated in two semi-structured interviews. Four representative cases at different levels of expertise were selected and analyzed in depth by qualitative procedures (phenomenological perspective) and quantitative ones (by descriptive and inferential statistics). For the description of the phenomenon of practice, units of practice were delimited, and in these, the essences of the phenomenon investigated denominated psychosensorial categories (testing, repeating, isolating, adjusting, alternating, stopping, exploring, dispersing and lapsing). These categories made up the framework in which the incidences (in terms of actions, deviations and procedures) were compiled and organized, resulting in ways of practicing both common to all participants and others peculiar to each investigated one. The perspectives of deliberation were identified and refined in a more specific dimension to the phenomenon of piano practice as an indication of commitment in and for the practice situation regarding intentionality at the studied phenomenon. Such perspectives resulted in the proposition of a model, which considers the limits of the focus of attention, the actions of the practice on the nature and the dynamic mobility of psychosensorial categories, and possible resulting factors from a given intensification of undertaken actions. The argument of the present thesis is that deliberation in piano practice is not a constant, but it is a dynamic perspective that occurs to each unit of practice from the intentionality of subjects towards the musical works practiced.

Une voie sociale pour le développement : le Bureau international du travail et les débuts de la coopération technique (1919-1949) / A social path to development : the International Labour Office and the beginnings of technical cooperation (1919-1949)

Plata-Stenger, Véronique 24 May 2016 (has links)
Fondée essentiellement sur l’exploitation des archives de l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), cette thèse analyse l’émergence de discours et de pratiques du développement au niveau international entre 1919 et 1949. Elle questionne plusieurs points importants de l’historiographie sur le développement, notamment son cadre chronologique et ses origines idéologiques. Elle se focalise sur les formes concrètes que prend cette coopération technique internationale naissante. Elle étudie en particulier les missions d’assistance technique organisées par le Bureau international du travail jusqu’à la mise en place du Programme élargi d’assistance technique de l’ONU en 1949, qui constitue le premier programme multilatéral de développement de l’après-Seconde Guerre mondiale. Cette thèse accorde donc une attention particulière aux situations d’expertise, aux experts et fonctionnaires internationaux impliqués dans la diffusion de savoirs techniques. Elle invite à renouveler la problématique du développement international dans une perspective sociale. / Based mainly on the exploitation of the ILO archives, this thesis analyzes the emergence of development discourses and practices at the international level between 1919 and 1949. This offers the opportunity to challenge several important presumptions of development historians with regard to the chronology of development and its ideological origins. This thesis focuses on the practical aspects of this emerging international technical cooperation. It analyzes in particular the technical assistance missions organized by the International Labour Office until the implementation of the United Nations’ Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance created in 1949, which was the first multilateral program of international development after World War II. This thesis pays special attention to the situations where ILO expertise played a role and to the international experts and ILO officials involved in the dissemination of technical knowledge. This thesis opens some new perspectives on the problem of international development from a social point of view.

Os saberes de orientação dos professores formadores: desafios para ações tutoriais emancipatórias / The Advising Knowledge of the Superviosing Teachers: Chalenges to the tutoring actions towards emancipation

Maria Antonia Ramos de Azevedo 06 May 2009 (has links)
Estudos recentes sobre os processos de formação docente têm destacado a importância da formação dos formadores como elemento fundamental para a melhoria da formação e atuação de futuros professores. Com essa perspectiva, pesquisas sobre saberes docentes têm trazido contribuições importantes à compreensão e aprimoramento dos processos de formação. Neste trabalho colocamos como temática principal o estudo sobre os saberes docentes relativos aos processos de orientação de estágio que seriam essenciais aos formadores de professores. Com este objetivo, buscamos identificar os saberes de orientação que professores orientadores mobilizam mediante o trabalho desenvolvido em atividades de Prática de Ensino e Estágio Supervisionado por meio de suas ações tutorais. Na pesquisa realizada sob os parâmetros de uma metodologia qualitativa, investigamos o trabalho de quatro professores formadores de um Curso de Licenciatura em Química de uma Universidade brasileira, através de pesquisa teórica e de campo, com uso de questionários, entrevistas individuais e coletivas, e a análise documental do Projeto Pedagógico do referido Curso. Ao analisarmos as informações obtidas por meio de articulações com os aportes teóricos e com saberes apontados por estes professores nas ações tutorais desenvolvidas nos processos de orientação dos futuros professores, definimos saberes de orientação, organizados nas seguintes categorias: a) os dialógicos e afetivos; b) os relativos à auto-formação e auto-organização baseados na reflexão permanente; c) os relacionados à ação colaborativa; d) os técnico-científicos e pedagógicos relativos às diferentes áreas de conhecimento; e) os relativos aos saberes sobre os processos teórico-práticos de aprendizagem da docência. Como resultados, destacamos que nos casos analisados, os formadores desenvolvem os saberes dialógicos e afetivos, e os de autoformação e auto-organização baseados na reflexão permanente junto aos seus alunos e com os seus pares. Entretanto, os saberes de orientação voltados à ação colaborativa, os técnicocientíficos e pedagógicos e os relativos processos teórico-práticos da aprendizagem sobre a docência precisam ser mais mobilizados, tanto no contexto da universidade como também nas parcerias interinstitucionais. Como idéias conclusivas, apontamos a necessidade de políticas que garantam o exercício pleno dos professores formadores junto às escolas campo de estágio, ressignificando estas atividades e as condições de trabalho destes professores, pois estas são condições necessárias a ações tutorais e estilos de orientação que promovam atitudes reflexivas e emancipatórias dos envolvidos no processo formativo por meio das parcerias colaborativas. Nesse sentido, os cursos de formação de professores precisam instituir um modelo de formação que prime pela racionalidade emancipatória e crítica, superando os processos ainda predominantemente pautados nas racionalidades técnica e prática. Defendemos que o desenvolvimento de saberes de orientação com potencial para redirecionar as ações tutorais nas atividades de orientação dos estágios pode trazer contribuições para a melhoria dos processos de formação de futuros professores. / Late research on teacher education processes has highlighted the importance of the education of the teacher educators. The present research was focused on the advising knowledge (expertise) the advisor has to develop and use about such processes, to supervise efficiently the trainee teachers. The field work aimed to survey such expertise in Teaching Practice and Supervisoned Teaching Training courses, taught in Teacher in Chemistry Curriculum at a University in Southern Brazil. Four advisors were studied using qualitative methodology (questionnaires, single and group interviews, and documental analysis). Interpretation of results from the perspective of present day knowledge of this subject allowed to identify five tutoring expertise components: a) conversational and sympathetic; b) Self-learning and selforganizing; c) cooperational action; d) technical, scientific and pedagogical knowledge as regarded to the practicing area; and e) those related to the theoretical and practical processes of teaching. Regarding the advisors studied, it was possible to identify the exercise of the conversational and sympathetic components; the self-learning and self organizing components. However, the actions related to the cooperational action, to the technical, scientific and pedagogical knowledge as regarded to the practicing area and those related to the theoretical and practical processes of teaching need to be improved, as well as a better collaboration between the university and the schools that accept the students during the trainee period. It was possible to conclude that strategies that can assure the full exercise of advisors are needed. The full exercise implies a reflexion among advisors, trainees and school teachers towards the a new meaning of training conditions in such a way that the trainee period can develop autonomy in the trainees to adapt their knowledge to the diversity of contexts each school represent. Therefore, a new paradigm has to be stated, and that the study of the advisor expertise components has a great potential to better qualify the performance of the tutorial practice of the advisors.

Participação publica e novas expertises : um estudo de caso na camara tecnica rural dos comites de bacias hidrograficas dos rios Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiai / New expertises and public participation : a case study in the rural technical chamber of committees of the river basins of the rivers Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiai

Piolli, Alessandro Luis 13 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Conceição da Costa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T10:07:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Piolli_AlessandroLuis_M.pdf: 3431431 bytes, checksum: e1844117c6ac0d0279ed63392cc86fec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A centralidade da ciência e da tecnologia no mundo atual gera, cada vez mais, um aumento da participação de cientistas em decisões públicas, especialmente na resolução de controvérsias. Esta participação crescente de cientistas aponta dois problemas para o futuro das democracias. Um desses problemas seria resultante das desigualdades de conhecimentos entre especialistas e leigos, que são incompatíveis com o princípio da igualdade das democracias liberais. Outro problema ocorre quando o Estado, ao dar especial status à opinião de experts, fere o princípio da neutralidade. Pensados separadamente, esses dois problemas poderiam ser solucionados nos caminhos da política: as desigualdades de conhecimento ou a suposta "incapacidade pública" de participar das decisões seriam resolvidos com a educação; já a questão da neutralidade, ou o suposto descontrole democrático do conhecimento especializado poderia ser resolvido por meio dos concílios de cidadãos em tecnologia ou conselhos e comitês gestores com participação do público. Pensados juntos, no entanto, os dois problemas trazem uma questão mais complexa: se os experts são o princípio do conhecimento público, e esse conhecimento não deveria ser pensado como superior à opinião do público leigo, o público é, então, menos competente que os experts e está sob o controle cultural ou intelectual desses especialistas. Para discutir esses problemas, será feita uma análise compreensiva, com uso de tipos ideais de experts e de expertises, a partir do estudo de caso na Câmara Técnica Rural dos comitês federal e estadual das bacias hidrográficas dos rios Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiaí, que terá como foco três aspectos: a elaboração de uma proposta de cálculos para cobrança pelo uso das águas no meio rural; as disputas entre setor rural e de saneamento para a definição das formas de cobrança e pela alocação de recursos arrecadados; e as propostas dos comitês estudados para divulgação e educação científica de aspectos ligados a gestão das águas. O presente estudo demonstra que a diversidade permitida na gestão por comitês promove a formação de novas formas de expertise, como a expertise híbrida - entre as expertises interacional e contributiva - que têm fortalecido o processo democrático. A análise dos processos de formação dessas expertises é o ponto de partida para o desenvolvimento de dois argumentos centrais. O primeiro é o de que a contraposição feita entre ciência e política, comum nas disputas do comitê estudado, desvaloriza um dos principais avanços do novo modelo de gestão das águas: a diversidade política, técnica e científica gera uma maior abertura ao debate político, fundamental ao processo democrático, e não a despolitização do debate. O segundo argumento parte da noção de que é possível se estabelecer, por meio de negociações, um mínimo necessário de conhecimentos que permite ao público "leigo" o engajamento na discussão, permitindo a ele, mesmo mantendo suas características de não especialista, participar das decisões políticas de assuntos científicos. / Abstract: The science and the technology are in the center of the world nowadays, which generates the crescent increase of the scientists' participation on public decisions, especially on the resolution of controversies. These scientists increasing participation highlights two problems for the future of democracies. One of these problems would result in inequality of knowledge between experts and lay people, which are incompatible with the principle of equality in liberal democracies. Another problem takes place when the State gives special status to the view of experts, offending the principle of neutrality. If considered separately, these two problems could be solved in the path of politics: the inequality of knowledge or the supposed "public failure" to participate in decisions would be solved with education, while the issue of neutrality, or the supposed lack of democratic expertise could be solved through the councils of citizens in technology or management boards and committees with public participation. If considered together, however, the two problems bring up a more complex issue: if experts are the principle of public knowledge, and this knowledge should not be taken as superior to the opinion of the lay people, the public is the less competent than experts and is under the intellectual or cultural control of experts. To discuss these issues, a comprehensive analysis will be done, with use of ideal types of experts and expertise from the case study in the Rural Technical Chamber of federal and state committees of the river basins of the rivers Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí, which will focus three aspects: the preparation of a draft recovery calculations for the use of water in rural areas, disputes between the rural sector and sanitation for the definition of the forms of recovery and the allocation of funds raised and the proposals of the committees studied to disseminate scientific and educational aspects of water management. This study shows that the diversity allowed by the management committees promotes the formation of new forms of expertise such as hybrid expertise - between the interactional and contributory expertises, which has strengthened the democratic process. The analysis of the formation procedures of such expertise is the starting point for the development of two central arguments. The first is that the opposition made between science and policy, common in disputes of the committees studied, devalues one of the main advances of the new model of water management: the policy, technical and scientific diversity generates greater openness to political debate, fundamental the democratic process, not the depoliticization of the debate. The second argument comes from the notion that it is possible to establish, through negotiations, a minimum necessary of knowledge which enables the lay public to the engagement in discussion, enabling him, even while maintaining its characteristics of non-specialists, to participate in decisions policies for scientific affairs. / Mestrado / Mestre em Política Científica e Tecnológica

La traduction du néo-travaillisme britannique dans la gauche socialiste française (1997-2008) / The translation of the new labourism in the french socialist left (1997-2008)

Rioufreyt, Thibaut 03 July 2012 (has links)
À la croisée de la sociologie des intellectuels et de l'expertise, des travaux sur le Parti socialiste et des études de réception, j'ai exploré dans le cadre de ma thèse les mécanismes par lesquels les discours et les idées politiques circulent à la fois entre espaces nationaux et entre espaces savants et politiques. Elle prend pour objet la traduction dans le milieu socialiste français de la « Troisième voie » britannique entre 1997 et 2008. Contribution à une sociologie des discours politiques et idéologiques, elle combine une archéologie des textes produits par les traducteurs, recourant aux outils élaborés par M. Foucault et, à sa suite, l'analyse de discours, avec une analyse écologique de leurs conditions sociales de production, de circulation et de traduction, recourant aux outils d'analyse des propriétés sociales des acteurs et des espaces dans lesquels ils se socialisent. Cette enquête montre comment les usages du référent néo-travailliste et sa circulation se rapportent à la position occupée par ses traducteurs non seulement dans leur différents champs d'origine (en l'occurrence le champ politique, le champ intellectuel et l'espace de l'expertise d'État) mais aussi dans le réseau hybride qu'ils constituent à la croisée de ces différents champs. Mais, contre la tentation de réduire les discours au statut de reflets ou de supports expressifs, la traduction du néo-travaillisme doit aussi se comprendre comme une entreprise d'enrôlement d'une référence étrangère au service d'un travail de problématisation et de redéfinition idéologique du socialisme contemporain face aux problèmes auxquels il est confronté. À la différence d'une approche strictement transnationale ou comparative, la référence à l'étranger fonctionne ici comme une manière de mieux comprendre les logiques socio-discursives à l'œuvre dans le milieu socialiste français. La description des références à la « Troisième voie » ou à la figure de Tony Blair fonctionnent ainsi comme un révélateur fécond de reconfigurations plus larges, comme la mutation des rapports entre savants et politiques, la désintellectualisation de l'activité politique au sein du Parti socialiste ou encore la recomposition idéologique de la gauche française à l'égard du libéralisme dans les années 1990-2000. / My research stands at the meeting point of sociology of intellectuals and expertise, works on the Socialist party and studies on reception. I investigate the mechanisms through which political discourse and ideas circulate both on a national scale and in intellectual and political spaces. I focus on how the British « Third Way » was translated within the French socialist circle between 1997 and 2008. My thesis works as a contribution to the sociology of political and ideological discourse : referring to M. Foucault's theoretical tools, it is based on an « archeology » of texts produced by the translators. It also relies on discourse analysis through an ecological analysis of their social conditions of production, circulation and translation, taking also into account the social characteristics of the agents and the spaces in which they socialize. This investigation underlines how the New Labour model is used and spread in relationship with the translators' position within the diverse fields they belong to (that is to say, political field, intellectual field, state expertise field) but also within the hybrid network they form at the meeting point of these various fields. However, in order to resist the temptation to reduce discourse to simple reflections or expressive material, the translation of the New Labourism has also to be understood as an attempt to incorporate a foreign reference to help problematizing and redefining the ideology of contemporary socialism, given the problems it has been confronted with. My research is not strictly a transnational or comparative approach : the references to Great Britain work here as a way to better understand the socio-discursive logics at work in the French Socialist circle. Therefore, the references to the « Third Way » or to Tony Blair's figure are made explicit to reveal larger reconfigurations, as the mutation of the relationship between scientists and politicians, the desintellectualization of politics within the Socialist Party or the ideological shifting attitude of the French Left towards liberalism during the 1990's.

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