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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Methodology For Determining The Dimensions of Community Opposition to Public Facility Location

Fincher, Beatrice Ruth 08 1900 (has links)
<p> This paper is concerned with developing a methodology for identifying and measuring the dimensions of community opposition to externality-generating public facilities. It critically reviews the traditional modelling approaches to public facility location. The methodology, by which the dimensions of facility impact might be established for incorporation into political decision-making models of facility location, is then proposed. The results of a pilot empirical test of this methodology, using techniques of non-metric Multidimensional Scaling for the analysis of individuals' perception's, indicate the types of dimensions which might be derived from the application of the methodology to questions concerning public facility location. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Essays on Agricultural and Financial Markets in Pakistan

Chaudhry, Muhammad Imran January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring unregulated climate offsetting as a means for private consumers to mitigate climate change : An analysis of 15 offset claims within the food and aviation sectors / Undersökning av oreglerad klimatkompensation som medel för att motverka klimatförändringar : En analys av 15 påståenden om klimatkompensation inom mat-och flygbranschen

Agering, Astrid, Cervall, Teodor January 2022 (has links)
Climate change has been described as “the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen”. Unregulated climate offsetting has emerged as a way for consumers to internalize the externality of climate change. Previous research abounds regarding the challenges facing the technical performance of climate offsetting, but this research has not taken into account how the interpretation of consumers will affect the ability of offsetting to mitigate climate change. Therefore, in this report, a conceptual framework illustrating possible challenges was constructed based on the technical performance of offsetting as well as marketing laws and guidelines, while adding an explicit use of system boundaries. Making use of manifest content analysis, the framework was then empirically tested through analyzing offset claims from the aviation and food retail sectors. Large risks of consumer misinterpretations of offset claims were found within all investigated system boundaries and for both sectors. As such, it seems that unregulated climate offsetting has inherited the well-known problems related to regulated climate offsetting while failing to address the general issues of environmental marketing. Until and unless these issues are addressed, unregulated climate offsetting should be used with caution as a way to mitigate climate change. / Klimatkrisen har beskrivits som “det främsta och mest omfattande marknadsmisslyckandet som någonsin skådats”. Oreglerad klimatkompensation har vuxit fram som ett sätt för konsumenter att internalisera externaliteterna associerade med klimatkrisen. Tidigare forskning har undersökt de tekniska utmaningarna som klimatkompensation står inför, men denna forskning har inte tagit hänsyn till hur konsumenternas uppfattning av fenomenet kommer påverka klimatkompensationens förmåga att mildra klimatkrisen. Därför utvecklade denna studie ett konceptuellt ramverk för att illustrera klimatkompensationens möjliga utmaningar, baserat på den tekniska prestandan såväl som marknadsföringslagar och riktlinjer. Till detta adderades en explicit användning av systemgränser. Genom manifest innehållsanalys testades ramverket sedan empiriskt genom att analysera marknadsföringspåståenden kopplade till klimatkompensation inom sektorerna livsmedelshandel och flyg. Stora risker för missförstånd upptäcktes inom båda sektorerna och inom alla fyra relevanta systemgränser. Detta pekar mot att oreglerad klimatkompensation har ärvt de väletablerade problemen kopplade till den reglerade marknaden inom klimatkompensation samtidigt som de generella problemen kopplade till miljöpåståenden inte har adresserats. Om dessa utmaningar inte tas hänsyn till, bör oreglerad klimatkompensation användas med försiktighet om målet är att verka som en lindrande åtgärd för klimatkrisen.

Online expansion: is it another kind of strategic manufacturer response to a dominant retailer?

He, R., Xiong, Y., Cheng, Y., Hou, Jiachen January 2016 (has links)
Yes / The issues of channel conflict and channel power have received widespread research attention, including Geylani et al.’s (2007) work on channel relations in an asymmetric retail setting. Specifically, these authors suggest that a manufacturer can respond to a dominant retailer’s pricing pressure by raising the wholesale price for a weak retailer over that for the dominant retailer while transferring demand to the weak retailer channel via cooperative advertising. But, is online expansion another kind of strategic manufacturer’s optimal response to a dominant retailer? In this paper, we extend this work by adding a direct online selling channel to illustrate the impact of the manufacturer’s internet entry on firms’ demands, profits, and pricing strategies and on consumer welfare. Our analysis thus includes a condition in which the manufacturer can add an online channel. If such an online channel is opened, the channel-supported network externality will always benefit the manufacturer but hurt the retailers. Consumers, however, will only benefit from the network externality when a dominant retailer is present and will be hurt when both retailers are symmetric. / National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chongqing’s Natural Science Foundation, British Academy

合理使用的理論與應用之研究-從市場失靈的觀點出發 / A Research on the Theoretical Basis and Application of Fair Use- A Market Failure Perspective

闕光威, Chueh, Kuang Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Wendy Gordon教授三要件市場失靈理論為核心-即(一) 市場失靈的狀況現實存在,(二)支持被告的使用模式對社會而言利多於弊,以及(三)允許合理使用抗辯不會對於創作者的創作誘因產生實質損害-試圖以美國實務判決為藍本勾勒出可能的觀察構面與命題,並以此為基準以音樂產業為例推演可能的管理意涵,最後從制度面的角度檢討現行合理使用判決所出現的問題與可能的解決方式,研究結果及建議分述如下: 觀察構面與命題的發展 本研究以美國近二十年來重要合理使用判決為藍本,並將市場失靈區分為交易成本過高與正向外部性兩種類型,歸納出以下命題及觀察構面: 命題一:與著作權利人進行交易的交易成本越高,主張合理使用成功的機會越高。 H1:系爭著作物在使用當時若屬於無法尋得權利人的孤兒著作,成功主張合理使用的機會較高。 H2:系爭著作物若有著作權仲介團體代理或有交易成本低廉的授權平台,成功主張合理使用的機會較低。 H3:系爭著作物若有著作權管理資訊,成功主張合理使用的機會較低。 命題二: 被告利用型態對社會創造的正向外部性越高,成功主張合理使用的機會越高。 H4:系爭著作的利用方式若屬於對原著作物的諷刺或批評,成功主張合理使用的機會較高。 H5: 使用者使用的模式若能減少資訊流通障礙而非單純販售著作重製物圖利,成功主張合理使用機會較高。 市場失靈對著作權人的管理意涵 就正向外部性導致的市場失靈而言,當被告的利用模式產生的正向外部性越大,著作權授權交易無法完成對整體社會造成的效率損失越大,依據市場失靈理論的討論架構,法院支持被告合理使用主張的機會也越大。此時,權利人最佳的管理策略應該是更積極進行授權,並避免過度利用優勢談判地位抬高交易條件,最後導致授權交易無法進行。面對交易成本過高可能導致市場失靈,對權利人來說最佳的管理策略應該是使用各種可能的機制創造最有效率的授權市場,當市場的運行越具效率,交易成本越低,市場失靈的風險越低,法院支持利用人合理使用抗辯的機會也越低。管見以為,授權著作權仲介團體進行授權交易、自建授權平台、創新商業模式或與主流流通平台建立策略聯盟,是對權利人來說降低交易成本最佳的管理策略之一。 此外,從音樂與出版產業的發展歷程可以發現技術、法律與管理是彼此互為影響的構面,對於企業經營者來說,應有任何一項變動即牽一髮而動全身的敏銳,假定任何一項要素恆久不變或外生於其他兩構面的變化,均可能成為策略錯誤的原因。以上發現可歸納為三個命題: 命題三:著作利用產生的正向外部性越大,權利人越應該積極進行授權,避免過度利用優勢談判地位抬高交易條件,導致授權交易無法進行。 命題四: 權利人應積極建立便於使用的授權機制,降低交易成本及合理使用的風險。 命題五:技術、法律與管理模式三構面互相影響,任何一項要素變動,都可能驅動其他兩項要素的變化。 現行合理使用判決的問題與制度面的修正芻議 若市場失靈理論及本研究提出的命題與觀察構面被接受,本研究建議現行著作權法第六十五條第二項規定可修正如下: 著作之利用是否合於第四十四條至第六十三條規定或其他合理使用之情形,應審酌一切情狀,尤應注意下列事項,以為判斷之基準: 「一 利用之目的及性質,包括係為商業目的或非營利教育目的。 二 著作之性質。 三 所利用之質量及其在整個著作所占之比例。 四 利用結果對著作潛在市場與現在價值之影響。 五 利用結果產生的公共利益。 六 覓得著作權人以及取得授權的難易與成本。」 現行法下,法院在合理使用與判斷被告需賠償權利人全額損害兩者間沒有其他選擇,若法院考量正向外部性的存在後,認為被告的利用方式對整體社會有極大利益,並將正向外部性所帶來的好處納入最適授權金的計算,其數額或許將遠低於客觀上填補權利人所失利益與所受損害的價額,判定被告需賠償全額損害有悖於分配效率的要求。反面言之,若被告的利用嚴重損及該著作物最主要的經濟收益,判定合理使用對權利人又將衝擊過大。此時,法院將被迫在合理使用與全額損害賠償間進行二擇一的選擇。為給予法院更多救濟市場失靈的彈性,本研究建議在制度上應盡可能補足全額損害賠償與合理使用光譜的空缺,在立法上似可考慮將現行著作權法第六十五條第三項、第四項規定移至第四項與第五項,並增訂第三項條文如下:著作之利用雖不符合第四十四條至第六十三條規定或其他合理使用情形,但法院審酌一切情狀,尤應注意前項所列事項,得酌減損害賠償金額,若行為人利用方式未達商業規模者,並得免除或酌減行為人違反本法所需負擔的刑事責任。 嚴重市場失靈發生時,因為著作權人的市場利益未受影響,應支持著作利用人合理使用的主張。本此,對於特定類型的嚴重市場失靈,著作權法可以明定為合理使用。本研究建議現行著作權法第五十一條修正如下:「著作於個人或家庭或其他類似範圍內之使用為目的者,若該使用不影響著作權人可合理預期的市場利益者,不構成對著作財產權的侵害。」 / Along with the enlargement of the scope and duration of copyright, it is generally believed that barriers to continual innovation and knowledge distribution also increase. How to leverage fair use to best preserve public interest thus becomes a very important issue. Nevertheless, fair use is called the most unpredictable and difficult problem in copyright law. Using the market failure theory proposed by Wendy Gordon to explain the scope of fair use, this research collects landmark U.S. fair use cases as the basis to develop propositions that help the judiciary to deal with fair use cases, makes management suggestions to copyright holders and proposes several legal reforms to the current Taiwanese fair use law . This study suggests that a defendant’s chance to prevail on his fair use defense increase as the transaction cost increases. For illustration, if the work in dispute is an orphan work, a defendant has a stronger fair use case because the transaction cost he has to incur to find the copyright owner and reach a deal is higher. Similarly, if the work in dispute carries with it clear copyright management information, is managed by efficient intermediaries or placed on an efficient transaction platform, a defendant has a weaker fair use case. The reseach also argues that the higher the positive externality brought by a defendant’s uses, the stronger fair use case he has. If a defendant uses the work in dispute to create a parody or to facilitate information exchange, the defendant has a stronger fair use case due to the positive externality he creates. As managerial suggestions to copyright owners, this study maintains that copyright owners should make their best efforts to reduce transaction costs in connection with licensing and copyright transfers and actively engage in licensing to uses creating significant positive externalities. This helps reduce the possibility that potential users rely on fair use and end up paying nothing to copyright owners. To reduce transaction cost, copyright owners may consider building a licensing platform themselves, using intermediaries or forming strategic alliances with primary sale channels. As for positive externalities, it is suggested that copyright owners pay attention to the public interests recognized in the copyright law. This study also finds that technology breakthroughs, legal reshuffles and innovations in business model and management are inter-related. It is simply a mistake to regard one of the three constructs as being static if another construct has been changing. This research also proposes the following amendments to the current fair use law in Taiwan. As a matter of practice, Taiwanese judges rarely consider factors outside the four listed factors in Article 65(2) of the Taiwanese Copyright Law, even though the statute gives them wide discretion to consider other factors. To encourage the Taiwanese judiciary to apply the market failure theory in fair use cases, it is suggested that “the cost at which a user must incur to obtain a license” be added as the fifth factor and that“the public interests a user creates” be added as the sixth factor in Section 65(2). Secondly, to give judges more flexibility in close cases, it is suggested that judges should be given discretion to reduce the damages a defendant has to compensate copyright holders and discretion to reduce or release him from his criminal duty, even if the criteria for fair use are not fully satisfied. Lastly, if serious market failure occurs, it will be Pareto superior to allow defendants to use the work in dispute free of charge. It is generally recognized that most types of personal uses fall within the scope of serious market failure. This study thus proposes that Article 51 of the Taiwanese Copyright Law be amended to the effect that personal or familial uses are allowed so long as the profits copyright holders can reasonably expect are not adversely affected.

Essays in resource economics

Maher, Anabelle 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse comporte trois essais en économie des ressources naturelles. Le Chapitre 2 analyse les effets du stockage d’une ressource naturelle sur le bien-être et sur le stock de celle-ci, dans le contexte de la rizipisciculture. La rizipisciculture consiste à élever des poissons dans une rizière en même temps que la culture du riz. Je développe un modèle d’équilibre général, qui contient trois composantes principales : une ressource renouvelable à accès libre, deux secteurs de production et le stockage du bien produit à partir de la ressource. Les consommateurs stockent la ressource lorsqu’ils spéculent que le prix de cette ressource sera plus élevé dans le futur. Le stockage a un effet ambigu sur le bien-être, négatif sur le stock de ressource au moment où le stockage a lieu et positive sur le stock de ressource dans le futur. Le Chapitre 3 étudie les effects de la migration de travailleurs qualifiés dans un modèle de commerce international lorsqu’il y a présence de pollution. Je développe un modèle de commerce à deux secteurs dans lequel j’introduis les questions de pollution et de migration dans l’objectif de montrer que le commerce interrégional peut affecter le niveau de pollution dans un pays composé de régions qui ont des structures industrielles différentes. La mobilité des travailleurs amplifie les effets du commerce sur le capital environnemental. Le capital environnemental de la région qui a la technologie la moins (plus) polluante est positivement (négativement) affecté par le commerce. De plus, je montre que le commerce interrégional est toujours bénéfique pour la région avec la technologie la moins polluante, ce qui n’est pas toujours le cas pour la région qui a la technologie la plus polluante. Finalement, le Chapitre 4 est coécrit avec Yves Richelle. Dans ce chapitre, nous étudions l’allocation efficace de l’eau d’un lac entre différents utilisateurs. Nous considérons dans le modèle deux types d’irréversibilités : l’irréversibilité d’un investissement qui crée un dommage à l’écosystème et l’irréversibilité dans l’allocation des droits d’usage de l’eau qui provient de la loi sur l’eau (irréversibilité légale). Nous déterminons d’abord la valeur de l’eau pour chacun des utilisateurs. Par la suite, nous caractérisons l’allocation optimale de l’eau entre les utilisateurs. Nous montrons que l’irréversibilité légale entraîne qu’il est parfois optimal de réduire la quantité d’eau allouée à la firme, même s’il n’y a pas de rivalité d’usage. De plus, nous montrons qu’il n’est pas toujours optimal de prévenir le dommage créé par un investissement. Dans l’ensemble, nous prouvons que les irréversibilités entraînent que l’égalité de la valeur entre les utilisateurs ne tient plus à l’allocation optimale. Nous montrons que lorsqu’il n’y a pas de rivalité d’usage, l’eau non utilisée ne doit pas être considérée comme une ressource sans limite qui doit être utilisée de n’importe quelle façon. / This thesis consists of three essays in resource economics. Chapter 2 analyzes the effects of resource storage on welfare and on the resource stock, in the context of rice-fish culture. I develop a simple general equilibrium model, that has three central components: one open access renewable resource with logistic natural growth, two production sectors and storage of the good produced with the resource. Consumers store the resource when they speculate that the price of the resource will be higher in the future. Storage has an ambiguous effect on welfare, has a negative impact on resource stock at the period the storage takes place and has a positive impact for all following periods. Chapter 3 examines the effects of migration of skilled workers in a model of interregional trade in the presence of pollution. I develop a two-sector model of trade that incorporates both pollution and migration issues to show that interregional trade can affect the pollution level of a country composed of regions with different industrial structures. The mobility of workers amplifies the effects of interregional trade on the environmental capital. The region with the less (more) polluting technology is affected positively (negatively) by trade. Migration doesn’t affect the trade pattern. The region with the less polluting manufacturing industry always gains from trade. If the preferences over manufactures is relatively low, the region with the more pollutant technology can experience a loss from trade in the long run. Finally, Chapter 4 is co-authored with Yves Richelle. In this chapter, we consider the problem of efficiently allocating water of a lake among different potential users. We consider two types of irreversibility: the irreversibility of an investment that creates a fixed damage to the ecosystem and the irreversibility of the right to use the resource that comes from the legislation (legislative irreversibility). First of all, we determine the value of water for users. Then, we characterize the optimal allocation of water among users. With legislative irreversibility, we show that it is sometimes optimal to reduce the amount of water allocated to the firm, even though there is no rivalry in use. Moreover, we show that it is not always optimal to prevent the damage created by the irreversible vi investment. We define the context, in which it is optimal to intervene to prevent the damage. Furthermore, with irreversibility, we prove that the marginal value of water at the efficient allocation for users is not equalized. Overall, we show that in the case of no rivalry in use, unused water should not be seen as a limitless resource to be used in any way whatever.

金融契約與廠商投資之研究-股價資訊、抵押品的實質效果 / The Theoretical Studies of Financial Contracts and Firms' Investment Decisions-The Real Effects of Stock Price Information and Collateral

林育秀, Yu Shou Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文包含兩篇獨立但主旨相關的文章, 目的均在探討融資契約與廠商投資的關聯,以分析融資契約的實質效果。第一篇文章「股價資訊外部性與新投資之採行」研究權益證券(股票)集訊、揭訊功能的實質效益,我們由股價資訊公開所產生的外部效果,分析股價資訊效率性與廠商投資效率之間的關聯。在1.眾多異質廠商,2.投資具實質選擇權(real options)特性的假設下,內生化廠商與股市交易者的資訊取得決策,發現1. 均衡時廠商的投資與資訊取得決策取決於廠商技術水準與股價效率性之高低:高股價效率性時,無廠商取得新資訊,皆根據股價判斷投資,低股價效率性時,僅較低技術廠商根據股價資訊投資。2. 股價有額外的資訊揭露效果:由於廠商僅能獲得新資訊的部份效益,且廠商利用資訊有機會成本,將投資證券化可提高新資訊被揭露的可能性,使得資訊可被充份利用,提昇投資效率。3. 股價資訊可提增投資效率,增加廠商期望報酬,但當體系平均技術水準落後,新資訊的實質效益低落時,股價資訊公開的外部淨效益亦趨薄弱,故經濟發展初期,股市資訊公開的外部效益相對不重要。 第二篇文章「抵押品、財務槓桿與廠商投資」研究借貸契約中,抵押品舒緩借貸限制的作用,及其可能產生的實質效果。我們採用Williamson(1986,1987)的狀態確認成本模型(costly state verification model),在該訊息不對稱模型,廠商向外融資面臨借貸限制,僅較高自有資金廠商可獲融資。當借貸市場資金相當寬鬆,資金供給恆大於資金需求,資金成本(無風險利率)為一由模型外因素所決定的外生參數時,抵押融資不影響資金成本,此時抵押品具有舒緩借貸限制的作用,體系財務槓桿提高,期望查帳成本下降,投資的期望淨產出增加。若資金相對緊俏,無風險利率須由借貸市場均衡所內生決定時,長期而言,財務槓桿僅受體系資金寬鬆程度的影響,短期間抵押融資雖能提高財務槓桿,但隨槓桿之提高,資金需求增加,無風險利率上揚,在新的均衡,較低自有資金廠商投資的期望報酬下降,借貸利率上漲,反而增加其應負債務,資產狀況惡化,此即本文所欲突顯之抵押融資的潛在成本。 第一章 緒論 3 第一節 研究動機 3 第二節 研究內容與架構 5 第二章 文獻回顧 7 第一節 融資契約的功能 7 第二節 金融結構與實質經濟活動 13 第三節 股價資訊與廠商投資 18 第四節 抵押品與廠商投資 22 第三章 股價資訊外部性與新投資之採行 27 第一節 前言 27 第二節 基本模型 29 第三節 期中股市均衡與股價效率性 35 第四節 股價資訊外部效益 41 第五節 小結 46 附 錄 47 第四章 抵押品、財務槓桿與廠商投資 53 第一節 前言 53 第二節 基本模型 55 第三節 抵押融資模型-資金寬鬆時的抵押品效果 62 第四節 抵押融資模型-資金緊俏時的抵押品效果 66 第五節 小結 70 第五章 結論 72 第一節 研究限制 72 第二節 未來研究方向 77 參考文獻 79 / This dissertation collects two separate but related papers, both study the channel through which financing contracts can affect firms' investment decisions and the corresponding real effects. The first paper " Informational Externality of Stock Prices and Firms' New Investment Decisions" analyzes what real benefits the information acquisition and signaling function of stocks can produce. From the viewpoint of informational externality, stock prices may disclose some valuable information beneficial to firms' investment decisions. Under the assumptions of " heterogeneous technology" and "new investment as a real option", this paper finds 1. Firms' investment and information acquisition decisions are determined both by their own technology level and stock prices efficiency. With high price efficiency, no firms acquire information directly, all make investment decisions based on stock prices. With low price efficiency, most firms acquire information directly, only few low-tech firms make decisions according to stock prices. 2. Stock prices have additional signaling effect. Firms can ony get half benefits of new information, besides they have opportunity costs in using information. As a result, stock prices can enhance the possibility of information disclosure, improving investment efficiency. 3. When the economy is underdeveloped and the real benefit of new information is small, the net benefit produced by informational externality will be tiny. The stock prices externality effect is thus comparatively unimportant at the beginning stage of economy. The second paper " Collateral, Financial Leverage and Firms' Investment"analyzes the constraints-smoothing function of collateral and its real effects. By adopting Williamson's costly state verification model(1986,1987), I find that with this specific asymmetric information structure, there are financing constraints in capital markets, only firms whose own capital inputs are higher above some level can get borrowed capital. The question is " Can offering collateral smooth this kind of financing constraints?" In markets with abundant capital where capital supply always exceeds demand, capital cost(riskless interest rate)will be an exdogenously-determined parameter which won't be affected by collateral financing. In this scenario, collateral can smooth financing constraints, increase financial leverage and improve the net expected return of investment. On the contrary, if capital is not so abnudant that the capital cost should be determined endogenously by capital market equilibrium, then in the long run this economy's financial leverage depends only on the relative abundance of capital. Though collateral financing can increase financial leverage in the short run, as capital demand increases, capital cost will also increase. This will offset the initial smoothing effect of collateral. After full adjustment of capital cost, at the new equilibrium the financial leverage remains unchanged. However, the expected return of firms with lower own capital inputs become smaller, and their borrowing rates become higher which mean they have heavier debt burden and less net worth at the new equilibrium.

Financování ekologických investic pomocí strukturálních fondů EU / Financing of Ecological Investments with the Support of Structural Funds of EU

Cejnková, Ivana January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on financing of ecological investments, let us say financing of alternative sources of energy, especially fotovoltaic eletric power stations. In one part the thesis focuses on the list of structural funds and ways of financing. The thesis offers the abstract of legislation and limitations which goes with the applicants in all periods of projects. The analysis of the background concerning the financing ecological investments in the Czech Republic is the integral part of thesis. The practical part of the thesis shows if the ecological project could be interesting and beneficial for investors. The Cost Benefit Analysis could be instrumental for finding out the relevant information.

Návrh marketingového plánu pro firmu specializovanou na informační zboží / Marketing Plan Proposal for a Firm Oriented on Information Goods

Šulc, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis "The proposal of a marketing plan for a company specialized in information products" is to suggest a system based on the theoretical background that generates the marketing plan from the input data. The important requirement for this system is to respect the specialization of the company, which operates in the field of information products. The thesis contains the detailed proposal of a prototype system, in which the focus is on the user-friendliness and the complexity considering the scale of the issue analyzed. The proposal also contains the possibilities and the limitations which are the results from the mentioned solution. The proposed prototype is implemented successfully. The work also includes the demonstration of all implemented functions and the description of the improvements that lead to its use also in other areas of business than the market of information products.

Možnosti stanovení ceny IT zboží / Pricing of IT Goods

Kacina, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The thesis contains the theoretical basis for study of possibilities of pricing information goods. The source areas are microeconomics, marketing, competitive advantage and economics of information goods. The model of market is created with constraints defined on the ground of theoretical basis. The thesis analyzes requirements that define the system that supports the choice of pricing strategy. It includes detailed design of the prototype of such system. The prototype is designed with robustness because of the future improvements. The design describes the prototype's input parameters and their transformation into useful outputs that cover basic characteristics of information goods. The designed prototype is implemented. The thesis includes demonstration of the prototype and possible directions for improvements that lead to validity of proposed model of market.

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