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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entrelaçando temporalidades: passado e presente em A star called Henry, de Roddy Doyle / Intertwining temporalities: past and present in A Star Called Henry, de Roddy Doyle

Camila Franco Batista 22 June 2015 (has links)
A Star Called Henry (1999), do escritor irlandês Roddy Doyle (1958-), é o primeiro livro da trilogia The Last Roundup, cujo protagonista é Henry Smart. Este nasce em Dublin no início do século XX e desempenha papel importante na luta pela independência da Irlanda. Juntamente com os Irish Volunteers, Smart combate no Levante de Páscoa de 1916, auxilia na escrita da declaração de independência do país e torna-se soldado do Irish Republican Army (IRA) durante a Guerra da Independência (1919-1921). Henry é um herói, mas não do tipo clássico: filho de um assassino de aluguel e de uma adolescente pobre, Smart é ladrão desde os primeiros anos de vida e, durante suas lutas pela Irlanda, afirma não estar interessado no ideal nacionalista, uma vez que luta por dinheiro, comida e reconhecimento. Vivendo às margens da sociedade, Henry Smart desconstrói uma aura romântica em torno do Levante, da Guerra da Independência e dos heróis nacionalistas. O ponto de partida desta pesquisa é o questionamento sobre o impulso do autor em escrever um romance histórico em tempos de prosperidade financeira, pois Doyle publica a obra durante o período conhecido como Tigre Celta (1994-2008). Também questionamos por que o autor decide representar Dublin e os heróis nacionais de modo contrastante com o simbolismo nacionalista. Entendemos que o contexto de publicação do romance influencia a produção artística e, dessa forma, ao escolher a temática histórica, Doyle constrói uma crítica ao nacionalismo do início do século XX e também à sociedade do Tigre Celta. O autor entrelaça temporalidades a fim de expor as lacunas e inconsistências do passado e também do presente. / A Star Called Henry (1999), by the Irish writer Roddy Doyle (1958), is the first book of the trilogy The Last Roundup, whose protagonist is Henry Smart. He is born in Dublin at the beginning of the twentieth century and he plays an important role in the fight for Irelands independence. Along with the Irish Volunteers, Smart fights in the 1916 Easter Rising, helps to write the proclamation of independence and becomes a soldier of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in the War of Independence (1919-1921). Henry is a hero, but not the classic kind: the son of a hired killer and a poor teenager, Smart is a thief since his early years and, when he fights for Ireland, he is not interested in the nationalist ideal, since he fights for money, food and recognition. Living at the margins of society, Henry Smart deconstructs the romantic aura around the Rising, the War of Independence and the nationalist heroes. The starting point of this research is to investigate the authors impulse to write a historical novel in times of financial prosperity, since Doyle publishes the book during the Celtic Tiger era (1994-2008). We also aim to understand why the author decides to represent Dublin and the nationalist heroes in a way that contrasts with the nationalist symbolism. We understand that the context of publication influences the artistic production, and, therefore, when choosing the historical theme, Doyle criticizes both the early twentieth-century nationalism and the Celtic Tiger society. The author intertwines temporalities in order to expose the gaps and inconsistencies of the past and the present.

The spatial ecology and roost site selection of fledging cape vultures (Gyps coprotheres) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Martens, Francis Rae, Downs, Colleen January 2018 (has links)
The Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres), a southern African endemic, is a species currently listed on the IUCN Red List as “Threatened” due to its 66-81% decline over the past 50 years. South Africa and Lesotho hold 90% of the global population, which are focused at two core areas, namely northern central South Africa and eastern South Africa. This species provides important ecological services yet faces numerous anthropogenic threats. An emerging threat in the south eastern part of South Africa is that of wind energy development. Understanding the movement and roosting behaviour of the Cape Vulture may mitigate potential collisions if areas of high use are avoided. Juvenile Cape Vultures, who naturally suffer high mortality rates, are known to forage extensively over a wider landscape and as a consequence may face a greater assortment of threats. The overall aim of this study therefore was to determine the ranging and roosting behaviour of juvenile Cape Vultures in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. In order to achieve this aim, i) the ranging behaviour and habitat use were determined and ii) roost sites and factors that influence roost site selection were determined. Using five juvenile Cape Vultures tagged with Global Positioning System (GPS/GSM) transmitters, home range sizes, distance travelled from the nest and habitat use were determined. Home range was determined through kernel density estimates and distance travelled from the nest was determined through the Euclidean distance. Habitat use was determined by overlaying the home range size onto a merged layer of all protected areas and the National Land Cover Database of South Africa. To determine roost sites, data from the tagged vultures were split into encamped and exploratory movements using a mixture model in a cluster analysis setting. Encamped movements were associated with roost sites. Roost density was determined around the natal colony using predetermined buffer sizes and a generalised linear mixed model (GLMM) fitted to the data. Conditions considered favourable for roost sites were based on previous research conducted on cliff-nesting species and a GLMM conducted. Juveniles increased their home range progressively for the first two months, then exhibited a rapid increase in size associated with dispersal from the colony. Distance from the nest increased rapidly following the dispersal period. Protected areas and woody vegetation were areas of preferred habitat. The highest density of roosts for juveniles was located within 20 km’s from the breeding colony and decreased further away. Roost sites that were favoured for juveniles and adult birds were those that were located close to colonies, had low accessibility to terrestrial predators and were in areas of high wind speed. The orientation of the cliff into the prevailing wind direction was also a determining factor. Roosting sites and foraging areas are important spatial determinants of Cape Vulture behaviour and the identification of such areas can help with conservation management. With the additional threat of wind development in areas highly utilised, wind farms located too close to colonies could have a devastating impact on the Cape Vulture population. Therefore, this study highlights the importance of conservation buffer zones as no-go areas for wind energy development around vulture colonies.

'n Prakties-teologiese ondersoek na die gebruik van liturgiese simbole en rituele in die Paassiklus

Uys, Jacobus Stephanus Petrus 29 September 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans This research paper has been prepared against a background of an apparent lack of symbols and rituals in Reformed services of worship. Chapter 1 deals with the importance of symbols and rituals in light of the demands of changing times. It has furthermore been suggested that the Dutch Reformed Church (“DRC”) has a particular problem with the use of symbols and rituals during the Easter Season. The central hypothesis has been formulated as follows: “In the Reformed liturgy it is necessary that the use of liturgical symbols and rituals be adapted to be presented in a way, meaningful and relevant in the world of churchgoers.” Chapter 2 describes the Practical Theological grounds on which the study is based. It has been demonstrated that Practical Theology is a theological science in its own right. The use of liturgy as a communications medium in the proclamation of the gospel allows liturgical symbols and rituals to claim their rightful place. The formulation of liturgical practice must also be determined by and within the background of the local religious community. The outcome of the study of relevant literature is set out in Chapter 3. The Reformed liturgical tradition, when adapted to the demands of changing times, allows for the use of liturgical symbols and rituals during the Easter Season in a concrete form. Liturgy, including all verbal and non verbal liturgical actions, finds its place as a communicative medium in evangelical services. The communications media of the 21st century serve as strong carriers for the formation of liturgy. The traditional Reformed liturgy is enriched by an amalgamated liturgy that is the result of a unique process based on the similar use of symbols and rituals by the various traditional religious groupings. Ritualism is the term used to describe liturgical acts. Symbols and rituals are used as the communication tools to translate the relevance of liturgy into modern life. The Easter Season, with its inherent Christian content, is an ideal opportunity for the use of ritualism. The liturgical symbols and rituals used during Easter must be based on sound Biblical and theological grounds and must be focused on God and the religious requirements of mankind. The maximum use of modern multimedia is necessary out of respect for the experience of the worshipper. The experiences and the senses of man, however, must be accessed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As the church is essentially outwardly directed, the <ib>missio Dei</ib> must play its rightful role in the formation of the liturgy. At the end of Chapter 3, a theological theory is put forward suggesting a new and unique proposal on the possible use of symbols and rituals in the Easter Season. Based on a questionnaire, in which the needs and attitudes of worshippers were tested empirically, Chapter 4 indicates that in general their needs are adequately catered for by the current liturgical practices of the Easter Season. However it has also been established that the people do not have a great need for physical symbolism and neither are they keen to become involved in the preparation for or delivery of worship services. Chapter 5 sets out the insights gained from the study of literature and the empirical investigation. It is indicated that the Reformed liturgy, enriched by other media, still has the ability to bring the message of the relevant Christian events of Easter into the world of the worshipper in a meaningful way. Ekserp Hierdie navorsing is gedoen teen die agtergrond van ‘n oënskynlike armoede aan simbole en rituele wat in die Gereformeerde erediens bestaan. In Hoofstuk 1 is die belangrikheid van simbole en rituele in die lig van die eise van veranderende tye, aangetoon. Daar is ook uitgewys dat daar in die NG Kerk ‘n probleem bestaan wat die gebruik van liturgiese simbole en rituele in die Paassiklus betref. Die sentrale hipotese is soos volg geformuleer: “In die Gereformeerde liturgie is dit noodsaaklik dat die gebruik van liturgiese simbole en rituele gedurende die Paassiklus aangepas word om die toepaslike Christusgebeure singewend te verkonkretiseer in die wêreld van erediensgangers”. In Hoofstuk 2 is die Prakties-teologiese vertrekpunte vir die studie beskryf. Daar is uitgewys dat Praktiese Teologie ‘n teologiese wetenskap is. Die liturgie as kommunikatiewe handeling in diens van die evangelie, bied die ruimte waarbinne liturgiese simbole en rituele tot hul reg kom. Die konteks waarin die plaaslike geloofsgemeenskap haarself bevind speel ‘n medebepalende rol in liturgievorming. Hoofstuk 3 dien as resultaat van die literatuurstudie. Die gebruik van liturgiese simbole en rituele in die Paassiklus kry konkreet gestalte in die Gereformeerde liturgiese tradisie met inagneming van die eise van veranderende tye. Liturgie vind plaas as kommunikatiewe handelinge in diens van die evangelie en sluit alle verbale en nieverbale liturgiese handelinge in. Een-en-twintigste eeuse kommunikasiemiddele dien as struktuurdraers vir liturgievorming. Verder verryk konvergensieliturgie die tradisionele Gereformeerde liturgie. Die term ‘samevoegingsliturgie’ is geskep as ‘n unieke proses waarvolgens liturgieë uit verskillende tradisiestrome ‘n sinergerende gebruik van simbole en rituele teweeg bring. Die term ritualiteit word gebruik as aanduiding van die liturgiese handelinge. Simbole en rituele dien as kommunikasiedraers wat mense in kontak met die werklikhede van die lewe bring. Die Paassiklus, met gepaardgaande Christusinhoude, vorm ‘n geskikte medium waarbinne ritualiteit gestalte kry. Liturgiese simbole en rituele in die Paassiklus moet Bybels teologies verantwoord wees. Dit moet gefokus wees op God en antropologies gerig wees. Omdat die ervaring van erediensgangers ernstig geneem word, moet die moderne multimedia maksimaal en konkreet ontgin word. Onder die leiding van die Heilige Gees moet erns gemaak word met die ervaring en sintuie van die mens. Omdat die kerk in wese ook gerig is na ‘buite’, moet die <bi>missio Dei in liturgievorming ‘n regmatige rol speel. Aan die einde van Hoofstuk 3 word ‘n teologiese teorie vir die gebruik van simbole en rituele in die Paassiklus beskryf en aangebied as ‘n besondere bydrae tot ‘n nuwe verstelde praktykteorie. In Hoofstuk 4 is die behoeftes en houdings van erediensgangers met behulp van ‘n vraelys empiries getoets en is bepaal dat daar oorwegend tevredenheid heers oor die bestaande liturgiese praktyke gedurende die Paassiklus. Daar is egter ook vasgestel dat mense nie groot behoefte het aan liggaamlikheid nie en nie begerig is om mee te werk aan die voorbereiding en aanbieding van eredienste nie. In Hoofstuk 5 is die insigte verkry uit die literatuurstudie en die empiriese ondersoek, beskryf. Verskeie verdere navorsingsmoontlikhede is uitgewys en daar is aangetoon dat die Gereformeerde liturgie, met verryking deur ander media, steeds oor die drakrag beskik om die toepaslike Christusgebeure in die Paassiklus singewend te verkonkretiseer in die wêreld van erdiensgangers. / Thesis (DD (PracticalTheology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Easter Seals North Texas Autism Treatment Program Evaluation: Child Progress

Brunson, Lashanna Yvette 05 1900 (has links)
This study reports and evaluates child outcome measures at a non-profit autism treatment program providing applied behavior analysis (ABA) based services to children age 3 to 8. To accomplish this, a review was conducted of available outcome data for a 1 year period. Several categories of outcome measures have been reported in the autism treatment literature (post-intervention educational placement, cognitive status, developmental and achievement status and/or progress, autism symptom reduction, and diagnostic reclassification). This study found that the program relied on 2 sources of data to evaluate child outcome: Hawaii Early Learning Profile® and program goal mastery. Children are making progress as indicated by these measures. The findings are discussed in relation to broader outcome recommendations.

Visitor Perceptions of Authenticity and Commodification in Easter Island Cultural Heritage Tourism : Pride and Empowerment of the Rapanui

Elf Donaldson, Evelina January 2020 (has links)
This study sought to analyze tourist perceptions of cultural heritage tourism on Easter Island, more specifically, how they perceived and valued the concept of ‘authenticity’ in representations of local Rapanui culture. By analyzing and categorizing trends found in Trip Advisor reviews left for 6 tourism businesses on the island (3 traditional performance venues and 3 guided tour companies), this primary research question was further broken down to assess 1) what factors in particular render an experience valuable and authentic to the tourist, 2) how tourists perceive indigenous Rapanui’s relationship to their own culture in the context of cultural tourism, and 3) if they perceive the industry as exploiting or empowering the Rapanui people. Ultimately the study uncovered the tendency for tourists to look to the transmitters of culture themselves (i.e. local performers, guides, company owners) when assessing the value and authenticity of their cultural experience, taking into account the transmitter’s indigenous heritage, cultural pride, knowledgeability, and openness and eagerness to share their culture with visitors (evident by the perceived passion with which they performed, or the personal storytelling and friendship evident in the guide-guest relationship). In addition to constructing value and authenticity, these qualities left visitors with the impression that local Rapanui are empowered by the industry and have agency over the manner in which their culture is showcased. The tourist’s search for meaning was also an important finding, as the majority either appreciated direct explanations about island culture and history, or created their own meaning when none was provided. While the scope of this study was limited to Easter Island, it has implications that may be applied to other destinations with indigenous, cultural tourism, as it very much speaks to the value that tourists place on cultural pride and preservation, community-based grassroots tourism, a desire for meaning and explanation, and consideration for the tourist’s own impact on the destination.

Perspektiva a katastrofa. Ambivalence pokroku / Perspectivity and Catastrophe. The Ambivalence of Progress

Zeman, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Human perspectivity, furthermore progress in all it's categories (for example technical, social or ethical progress) and finally the decline of a culture, are the main emphasizes of this thesis. It will address the issues of what human perspectivity is about and how it behaves towards progress and a cultural-socially overall structure. In historical context, the evolution of progress is set in relation to the evolution of human perspectivity. After the explaining of these two components and the connection between them, lastly, using a concrete example with the perished Easter Island in the southern pacific, it will be shown, how and why civilizations go through certain stages like early culture, high culture and late culture. So the point of this thesis is, to show, how and why human civilizations come to an end and what we should learn from them. Aside from other factors (for example military conflicts with enemies from the outside, which can lead also to a disaster of a culture), in this thesis the focus is on a cultural-ecological research of a self-inflicted catastrophe. The thesis is completed with a proposed solution for the above mentioned problems to improve the relationship between man and his environment, especially the animal. Keywords: human perspectivity, ecological catastrophe,...

Komari-motiv på Rapa Nui (Påskön) : Diskursanalys över akademiska forskningstexter om Komari / Komari-motifs on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) : Discourse Analysis ofacademic research regarding Komari

Melin, Wilda January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att kritiskt undersöka de akademiska diskurserna kring den symboliska tolkningen av förhistoriska Komari-motiv på Rapa Nui (Påskön). Genom att undersöka ett antal olika källor kommer uppsatsen att ge en översiktlig genomgång av de aktuella akademiska diskurserna samt diskutera de olika tolkningarna av symboliken hos komari-motiven. Genom att kombinera diskursanalys med ett feministiskt arkeologiskt perspektiv och ett postkolonialt perspektiv är huvudsyftet med uppsatsen att bedöma i vilken utsträckning den sociala konstruktionen av kön och sexualitet samt koloniala idéer har påverkat tolkningarna av symbolerna. / This essay aims to critically examine the academic discourses surrounding the symbolic interpretation of prehistoric Komari-motifs in Rapa Nui (Easter Island). The analysis will draw on a variety of sources and will give a brief overview of the academic discourses in question and discuss the different interpretations of the symbolism behind the komari-motifs. Combining discourse analysis with a feminist archaeology perspective and a postcolonial perspective, the main aim of the essay is to assess to what extent the social construction of gender, sexuality and colonialist ideas influenced the development of theories regarding the symbols.

"Sanningen" Bakom Koranbränningarna : En kritisk diskursanalys av kontroversen kring Koranbränningarna och samhällspolariseringen i Sverige / “The truth” behind the Quranburnings : A critical discourse analysis of the Quranburning controversy and social polarization in Sweden

Issa Abdalrahim, Yaser, Kitmiri, Edon January 2024 (has links)
This study analyzed how mass media portrays specific groups of actors involved in burnings of the quran, more precisely, burners of the quran and demonstrators opposed to it. The study has compiled 18 digitally published news articles derived from four different news agencies. By using critical discourse analysis as a theoretical and methodological framework, the study has applied the three-dimensional model developed by Norman Fairclough to examine the empirical findings. Conducted analysis of the news articles resulted in the identification of three prevalent themes also referred to as discourses. Identified themes were as follows: “The normalization of violent riots”, “Collective culpability of demonstrators”, “The quranburners as victims and the process of victimization of the quranburners” Furthermore, an analysis of the identified themes was conducted. The mentioned themes were further analyzed with textual tools as provided by Fairclough, as well as two sociological theories as necessitated by Fairclough’s theory of critical discourse analysis. The theory of stigmatization and labeling theory were applied. The empirical findings suggest that violent riots are depicted as inevitable consequences, thus undergoing a process of normalization. Furthermore, the protesters present during the manifestations are generalized into specific social groups such as muslims or arabs. Burners of the quran were on the contrary depicted as victims in a vulnerable position. Lastly, a discussion is held regarding the possible repercussions the discourses may have on a societal level and their potential impact on the field of social work. / Denna studie analyserade hur massmedia porträtterar en specifik grupp av aktörer som är involverade i koranbränningar, nämligen, koranbrännare och demonstranter utifrån en kritisk diskursanalys. Studien har sammanställt 18 digitalt publicerade nyhetsartiklar från fyra olika nyhetsbyråer. Genom att använda kritisk diskursanalys som ett teoretiskt och metodiskt ramverk har studien tillämpat den tredimensionella modellen utvecklad av Norman Fairclough för att undersöka de empiriska resultaten av materialet. Genomförd analys av nyhetsartiklarna resulterade i identifierandet av tre förekommande teman, även refererade till som diskurser. Temana är följande: "Normaliseringen av våldsamma upplopp", "kollektiv skuldbeläggning av demonstranter", "Koranbrännarna som offer och viktimiseringsprocessen av koranbrännarna". Slutligen förs en analys av samtliga temana, nämligen "kampen mellan olika diskurser – hegemoni kontra antagonism". De nämnda temana analyserades vidare med diskursiva verktyg som tillhandahålls av Faircloughs tredimensionella modell och två sociologiska teorier som nödvändiggjordes av Faircloughs teori om kritisk diskursanalys, nämligen stigmatiseringsteorin och stämplingsteorin. Det empiriska resultatet tyder på att våldsamma upplopp framställs som oundvikliga konsekvenser och genomgår därmed en normaliseringsprocess. Vidare generaliseras demonstranterna under manifestationerna till specifika sociala grupper som muslimer eller araber. Koranbrännarna avbildades i kontrast som offer i en utsatt position. Slutligen diskuteras de möjliga konsekvenserna diskurserna kan få på samhällsnivå och deras potentiella inverkan på det sociala arbetets domän.

Spatial ecology of Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene c. carolina) in the Oak Openings Region of Northwestern Ohio

Cross, Matthew David 18 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.

”Det fanns inte på kartan att vi skulle mötas av det våldet” : En kvalitativ studie om polisers upplevelser och erfarenheter av verksamhetens arbetssätt under påskupploppet i Örebro år 2022 / The work of the police during the Easter riot in Örebro

Anderzon, Fanny, Hedborg, Tilda, Sabani, Melinda January 2024 (has links)
Under påsken år 2022 eskalerade ett antal allmänna sammankomster på olika platser i Sverige till våldsamma upplopp med allvarliga konsekvenser. Händelserna har fått stor medial uppmärksamhet och en av städerna där upploppen skedde var Örebro. Forskning har visat att polisens arbete spelar en avgörande roll för uppkomst samt utveckling av upplopp och är därmed av intresse att studera. Föreliggande kvalitativa studie har syftat till att undersöka polisers upplevelser och erfarenheter av de arbetsmetoder som verksamheten använde under påskupploppet i Örebro, där ett stort fokus har lagts på den särskilda polistaktiken. Detta har uppnåtts genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med poliser som var inblandade i och/eller har goda kunskaper om arbetet med påskupploppet i Örebro. Ett teoretiskt ramverk användes som stöd vid analys av det insamlade materialet. Detta bestod av Flashpointmodellen (Flashpoints model of public disorder) och Newburns relativt nya förklaringsmodell för upplopp (The life cycle model for the analysis of riots). Av resultatet framgick en gemensam upplevelse av svårigheter att förbereda sig inför påskupploppet, som främst berodde på att händelsen var oförutsägbar och att tiden till förberedelser var bristande. Den särskilda polistaktiken som metod under upplopp upplevs av respondenterna som god, men implementeringen av denna brast. Detta var en följd av resurs- och kompetensbrist, men även fysiska förutsättningar på plats. Efter händelsen har ett omfattande utvecklingsarbete genomförts och metoden är idag fullt implementerad i region Bergslagen. Resultaten av studien förhåller sig väl till tidigare forskning och det teoretiska ramverket. / During Easter in 2022, a number of public gatherings in various locations in Sweden escalated into violent riots with serious consequences. The events have received a lot of attention in the media and Örebro was one of the cities where the riots took place. Research has shown that the work of the police plays a crucial role in the occurrence and development of riots and is therefore of interest to study. The current qualitative study has aimed to investigate police officers' experiences of the working methods that the authority used during the Easter riot in Örebro, where a large focus has been placed on the Special Police Tactics. This has been achieved through five semi-structured interviews with police officers who were involved in and/or have good knowledge of the work with the Easter riot in Örebro. A theoretical framework was used to support the analysis of the collected material. This consisted of the Flashpoint model of public disorder and Newburn's relatively new explanation model for riots (The life cycle model for the analysis of riots). The results revealed a common experience of difficulties in preparing for the Easter riot, which was mainly due to the fact that the event was unpredictable and that the time for preparation was insufficient. The Special Police Tactics as a method during riots are perceived by the respondents as good, but the implementation of this failed. This was a consequence of a lack of resources and skills, but also physical conditions on site. After the incident, extensive work with developmenting the working method was carried out, and the method is today fully implemented in the Bergslagen region. The results of the study relates well to previous research and the theoretical framework.

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