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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eating disorder symptoms and exercise motivations across exercise investment levels among female distance runners

Canady, Andrea. January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of eating disorder symptoms and differences in exercise motivations in female distance runners at various exercise investment levels. One hundred and seven distance runners, aged 19 to 59 years, who run a minimum of five kilometers, three times per week, were asked to complete three questionnaires. The runners across exercise investment levels were not found to differ in Eating Disorder Inventory sub-scale scores. They differed from college women only in exhibiting fewer symptoms on Drive for Thinness (p < .05), Body Dissatisfaction (p < .001), and Interoceptive Awareness (p < .001). Significant differences in the Exercise Orientation Questionnaire sub-scale scores were found between the least and most exercise-invested runners with the latter scoring significantly higher on Exercise Orientation (P < .0001), Identity (p < .004), and Competition (p < .002). It was concluded that while eating disorder symptoms among female distance runners at various investment levels are no different, exercise motivations are different across levels of exercise.

Body shape and weight as determinants of women’s self-esteem

Geller, Josephine Amanda Caroline 05 1900 (has links)
Shape- and weight-based self esteem was proposed to be a central cognitive component of the eating disorders. In this thesis, the psychometric properties of the Shape- and Weight-Based Selfesteem (SAWBS) Inventory, a newly-developed measure of the influence of shape and weight on feelings of self-worth, were determined. A preliminary examination of possible developmental precursors of shape- and weight-based self-esteem was also performed. SAWBS scores were stable over 1 week, and correlated with women's negative perceptions about their bodies in eating disorder and undergraduate control groups (EDG and UCG, respectively). In the UCG, SAWBS scores correlated with one of two measures of shape and weight cognitive schemata. The validity of shape- and weight-based self-esteem as a central feature of eating disorder symptomatology was supported in a number of ways. SAWBS scores correlated positively with eating disorder symptom scores in the UCG, and were significantly higher in women identified as "possible or probable" eating disorder cases than in women not suspected of having an eating disorder. SAWBS scores were also higher in the EDG than in the UCG or a psychiatric control group (PCG), even after controlling for age, socioeconomic status, Body Mass Index (BMT), selfesteem, and depression. Interestingly, a differing relationship between depression and SAWBS emerged as a function of group. Follow-up investigations revealed that SAWBS scores differed significantly between depressed, but not nondepressed women from the three groups. With regard to discriminant validity, SAWBS scores were uncorrelated with BMI and socioeconomic status in UCG and EDG women, and were uncorrelated with the tendency to respond in a socially sanctionned manner in UCG women. Although the tendency to respond in a socially sanctionned manner was related to SAWBS scores in EDG women, SAWBS scores remained higher in EDG than in UCG women after the effect of social desirability was controlled. The proposed developmental precursor variables of SAWBS included endorsement of stereotyped beliefs about thinness, perceived SAWBS in friends, siblings, and parents, and perceived importance placed by parents and romantic partner on the woman's own shape and weight. In both EDG and UCG women, endorsement of societal beliefs about shape and weight, and perceived importance placed on their own shape and weight by mother and father were significantly related to SAWBS scores. In sum, the SAWBS Inventory showed early promise as a reliable and valid measure of shape- and weight-based self-esteem, and may be a useful tool in the assessment of eating disorders. Theoretical and clinical implications with regard to the role of SAWBS in the development and treatment of eating disorders are discussed.

Valgymo sutrikimų rizikos paplitimas tarp moterų ir jį lemiantys veiksniai / The occurrence of eating disorders risk among leisure sport involved women

Gaigalaitė, Laura 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Valgymo sutrikimų rizikos paplitimas. Tyrimo problema: Valgymo sutrikimų rizikos paplitimas tarp sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių moterų ir jį lemiantys veiksniai. Yra tyrimų, rodančių, kad profesionaliai sportuojančios moterys susiduria su didesne valgymo sutrikimų rizika. Tyrimų tarp laisvalaikiu sportuojančių moterų yra atlikta mažiau. Todėl savo darbe siekėme patvirtinti, ar profesionaliame sporte randamos tendencijos reiškiasi ir tarp laisvalaikiu sportuojančių moterų. Savo tyrime analizavome 247 anketas (73 nesportuojančių ir 174 sportuojančių moterų). Anketą sudarė 47 klausimai, kurie buvo suskirstyti į demografinių veiksnių bloką, požiūrio į savo išvaizd����� ir kūno svorį bloką, valgymo sutrikimų rizikos nustatymo klausimų bloką, psichoemocinės būklės bloką ir klausimų, susijusiu su sportavimu ir jo motyvacija bloką. Tikslas- nustatyti valgymo sutrikimų rizikos paplitimą tarp laisvalaikiu sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių moterų ir išanalizuoti jį lemiančius veiksnius. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti valgymo sutrikimų rizikos paplitimą tarp laisvalaikiu sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių moterų bei nustatyti demografinių veiksnių sąsajas su valgymo sutrikimų paplitimu. 2. Išanalizuoti socialinių santykių ir psichoemocinių veiksnių sąsajas su valgymo sutrikimų rizika. 3. Nustatyti su sportavimu susijusių veiksnių sąsajas su valgymo sutrikimų rizika. Tiriamieji klausimai: Ar sportuojančios moterys yra labiau linkusios į valgymo sutrikimų riziką ir kokie... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objectives of work: the risks of eating disorders. Problem of research: the spread of eating disorders along with physically active and non active women and the factors that determine the spread. Aim of the work: to investigate the occurrence of eating disorders risk among physically active and non active women and to analyze predictors of eating disorder risk. Tasks: 1. To conclude the connection between demographical factors and risk of eating disorder. To determine the occurrence of eating disorders risk in physically active and non active women. 2. To analyze the connection of social relations and psycho emotional factors with occurrence of eating disorder risk. 3. To determine the connection between physical activity and eating disorder risk occurrence. Questions of research: is eating disorder risk higher among physically active women and what factors are related with the risk of eating disorders along with physically active and non active women. Conclusions: 1. The occurrence of eating disorders risk is higher among leisure sport involved women to compare noninvolved (p>0,05). Eating disorder risk is higher among young, single and poor educated women (p>0,05). 2. Women of lower self-esteem and unhappy are at higher risk of eating disorders (p<0,05). Family and friends teasing is not related with higher risks of eating disorders (p>0,05). Women with suicidal thoughts are at higher risk of eating disorder (p<0,05). 3. Women involved in leisure... [to full text]

Valgymo sutrikimai: patologiško moters kūno ar patologinės kultūros atspindys? / Eating disorders: reflection of pathological woman's body or pathological culture?

Bagdonavičiūtė, Giedrė 02 February 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjami pastaruoju metu Vakarų visuomenėse itin dažnai pasitaikantys valgymo sutrikimai, į kuriuos bandoma pažvelgti kaip į kultūros įtakotus reiškinius. Atvejų, kai paaiškėja šios su valgymu susijusios problemos, skaičiaus augimas įgyja vis didesnį pagreitį ir šiuo metu siekia 5-10% visos populiacijos. Mūsų kultūroje idealia moterimi paprastai laikoma liekna, sveika bei jauna mergina, kurios svoris, afišuojamas įvairaus pobūdžio visuomenės informavimo priemonėse, iš tiesų yra daug mažesnis, nei vidutiniškai turėtų būti. Medicinoje pernelyg didelis moters susirūpinimas maistu bei svoriu, pereinantis į valgymo sutrikimus, laikomas psichikos liga, tokių asmenų elgesys patologizuojamas, o atsakomybė už tai, kas vyksta su pacientų kūnais bei jų sveikatos būkle, perimama į medikų rankas. Feministinė prieiga yra pagrindinė šiame tyrime. Feministinės teorijos, kurios pabrėžia lyties nebiologinius aspektus, buvo išplėtotos profesionalių valgymo sutrikimų specialistų – praktikų, realiai susiduriančių su šiuo reiškiniu. Todėl pradinėje darbo dalyje ir yra pristatomos Kim Chernin, Susie Orbach, Marlene Boskind-White bei kitų autorių teorijos, kurios išskiria moters/vyro santykį, moteriškumo sampratą, kultūrinės aplinkos „indėlį“ valgymo sutrikimų kontekste. Feminizmo šalininkai išreiškia kritiką medicininiam diskursui už tai, kad pastarasis analizuodamas valgymo sutrikimus neatsižvelgia į sociokultūrinius, ekonominius, politinius veiksnius, kaip priežastinius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The focus of the research is based on eating disorders as a culture-bound phenomenon, which is wide spread in Western societies. The prevalence of eating disorders grows enormously: 5-10% of population are struggling with analysed eating problem. Nowadays the ideal woman‘s body is one of a thin, fit, young woman. But the weight of such „ideal“ woman‘s body demonstrated in mass media, actually, is much lower than the average of the female population. Within the medical discourse women‘s proccupation with food and weight is mostly explained as a mental disorder; their experience is concerned with pathology, making them unresponsible for their bodies and submitting them to medical service. Therefore feminist background has weight in the research; feminist theories, which address the non-biological aspects of gender, eating disorders, have been developed by feminists Kim Chernin, Susie Orbach, Marlene Boskind-White and other therapists working on eating disorders. They pointed out, that the male body is seen as a norm while the female is an inessential object, “other”. Feminist investigators criticize the medical discourse for disregarding socio-cultural, economical and political factors, which contribute to emergence and maintenance of eating disorders. They also suggest, that eating problems are cultural phenomena, influenced by the pressures women experience trying to conform to socially constructed female gender role, that emphasize thinness as a symbol of femininity... [to full text]

Jaunimo tapatumo raiška: „kūno vaizdo“ sutrikimo atvejis (sociologinė analizė) / Youth identity expression: "body image" disorder case (sociological analysis)

Paskačienė, Ineta 04 January 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – ištirti jaunimo vertinimą apie tapatumo ir „kūno vaizdo“ nuokrypį valgymo sutrikimų kontekste. Darbo uždaviniai: ištirti sociologinę tapatumo sampratą, jauno žmogaus tapatumo raidos ir raiškos bruožus; išnagrinėti vartotojiškos visuomenės iššūkius jauno žmogaus tapatumui ir vertybėms, įtaką „kūno vaizdo“ formavimui(si); išanalizuoti jauno žmogaus valgymo sutrikimų ypatumus bei atsiradimo priežastis ir pasekmes modernioje visuomenėje; atlikti sociologinį tyrimą, leidžiantį išsiaiškinti jaunimo požiūrį į valgymo sutrikimų, „kūno vaizdo“ ir asmens tapatumo sąsajas. Tyrimo objektas: jaunimo tapatumo raiškos ir „kūno vaizdo“ sutrikimo valgymo sutrikimų kontekste. Tyrimo dalykas: trijų informantų grupių ir vienos sergančiosios valgymo sutrikimų liga vertinimas. Darbo metodai: Dokumentų analizė; anketinė apklausa ir interviu. Teorinis tyrimo pagrindas. Jeigu visas gyvenimas panašus į teatrą, kaip teigia E. Goffman, o mes esame nuolatos susikoncentravę į vaidmenį, ar neiškyla pavojus prarasti savo tikrąjį Aš? Nepasimesti tarp įvairių visuomeninio elgesio šablonų, kuriuos mums primeta aplinka, kad patenkintume jos lūkesčius, mums padeda asmens tapatumas. Ši sąvoka išreiškia asmens gebėjimą apibūdinti save, atsakant į klausimą „kas aš esu?" ir gautus įvairius atsakymus derinti tarpusavyje. Asmens tapatumas nusako žmogaus vientisumą. Tyrimo aprašymas. Pasirinktas kokybinis tyrimas, nes jis leidžia giliau pažvelgti į trijų informantų grupių ir vienos informantės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the thesis is to analyze the evaluation youth about deviation of the identity and the “body image” in the context of eating disorders. The goals of the thesis are to analyze sociological conception of identity, features of development and expression of a young person; to analyze challenges of the consumer-oriented society on the identity and values of a young man and influence on the “body image“ formation; to analyze peculiarities and causes of eating disorders of a young person and the outcomes in the modern society; to make a sociological research allowing to clear out the point of view of youth towards relations among eating disorders, the “body image” and personal identity. The object of the analysis is expression of a young person and the “body image” in the context of eating disorders. The subject of the analysis is the evaluation of the three groups of informants and one group having eating disorders. The methods of the thesis are the analysis of scientific, statistic and publicistic literature; questionnaire survey and interview. Theoretical basis of the analysis. If the whole life is like theatre, as stated by E. Goffman, and we are always concentrated on a role, isn’t there a risk to lose the real I? In order not to get lost among various templates of social behavior, which are imposed by the environment in order to satisfy its expectations, the personal identity helps. This concept expresses the ability of a person to characterize him/her by... [to full text]

Anorexia Nervosa - en fast identitet i en flytande modernitet? : En kvalitativ undersökning av individer som utvecklat anorexia / Anorexia Nervosa - a solid identity in a liquid modernity? : A qualitative study of  individuals who have developed anorexia

Thorslund, Rebecka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze how individuals experience their eating disorder, the focus being if anorexia may be perceived as a secure safe zone in the new modern world. The aim is to examine if individuals affected with anorexia nervosa understand the disorder as a solution to the modern worlds changes and the new individual freedom that it entails. This will be analyzed with the help of terms in Erich Fromms theories about escape mechanisms and Catarina Kinnvalls theories about the modern worlds ontological insecurity. The study is based on data collected from four informants of different ages and gender. The interviews were conducted through email and informants were chosen based on a strategic selection and snowball sampling. For the analysis of the empirical material Fromms escape mechanisms (authoritarianism, destructiveness and automaton conformity) and Kinnvalls theories of identity in the modern world have been used. The results of the analysis show that the eating disorder has a great significance for the individual construction and maintenance of identity and that the eating disorder becomes a safe zone to retreat to in a world of performance anxiety. To escape the anxiety that arises when individuals are faced with unmanageable choices he/she develops anorexia in an attempt to regain a sense of control and security.

Att leva med ett syskon som lider av en ätstörning / To live with a sibling who suffers from an eating disorder

Callio, Carina January 2014 (has links)
Utifrån mina tidigare erfarenheter inom barnpsykiatrin tänker jag att syskon till psykiskt sjuka barn och ungdomar varit en exkluderad grupp som inte fått sitt utrymme inom vården. Det är av stor vikt att deras tankar och känslor blir belysta för att hitta sätt att möta upp denna grupp. I hälso- och sjukvårdslagen betonas barns behov av information, råd och stöd. Studiens syfte var att undersöka ungdomars upplevelser av att leva med ett syskon som lider av ätstörning. Tre pojkar och två flickor i ålder 15-20 intervjuades i studien. Som analysmetod användes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Morse och Field. Denna studie bekräftar tidigare kunskap om syskons erfarenheter av att leva med ett syskon som lider av en ätstörning. Syskonen beskriver en oro för systern och brist på information om syskonets sjukdom och behandling. De påverkas negativt av konflikter vid måltider och flera syskon beskriver att de känner skam över systerns sjukdom. Den här studien visar också på att det fanns skillnader i hur pojkarna och flickorna upplevde sin systers sjukdom. Flickorna upplevdes mer känslomässigt drabbade. Flickorna beskrev att deras vardag blivit starkt påverkad av systerns sjukdom, medan pojkarna beskrev att deras vardagsliv med kompisar och aktiviteter inte påverkades i större utsträckning.Ett resultat som framkommer som något nytt och positivt i studien är att flera ungdomar framhåller att familjens rutiner vid maten blivit något bra för dem, sedan deras syster påbörjat sin ätstörningsbehandling. Flickorna förmedlar att de kommit sin syster mer nära och att de känner mer samhörighet nu än innan systern fick sin ätstörning. Om föräldrarna förmår att skapa en god struktur och ett öppet och stödjande samtalsklimat vid måltider så kan de negativa effekterna för familjen minskas och behandlingen skapa ett tillfälle för hela familjen att hitta bra rutiner för familjens måltider. / In my experience siblings of mentally ill children and adolescents have been an excluded group within health care. It is of great importance that their thoughts and feelings are expressed in order to find ways to meet up this group. The health care law emphasizes children´s need for information, advice and support. The study´s purpose was to examine adolescents’ experiences of living with a sibling suffering from an eating disorder. Three boys and two girls in the age 15-20 were interviewed in the study. The interviews were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. This study confirms prior knowledge of adolescents’ experiences of living with a sibling who is suffering from an eating disorder. The adolescents are concerned about their siblings and lack information about their siblings’ illness and treatment progress. They are negatively affected by conflicts at mealtimes and several siblings are feeling shame about their siblings’ illness. There were differences in how brothers and sisters experienced their sisters´ disease. The girls seemed to be more emotionally affected. The girls described that their everyday life had been heavily influenced of their sisters´ illness, while the boys described that their everyday life with friends and activities weren´t affected to a greater extent. One new result that emerges as something positive was that several informants described that the eating disorder had led to better meal situations in the family. Although the adolescents described initial conflicts around meal times, it appeared that ones the parents took control and organized family meals together the adolescents could see that this was beneficiary for the whole family. The sisters described that they felt more togetherness now than before the sister had her eating disorder. If parents are able to create a good structure and an open and supportive climate at meals the negative effects for the family may be reduced and treatment may create an opportunity for the whole the family to find good meal routines.

När gymkultur blir problematisk : En kvalitativ studie om ohälsosamt träningsbeteende / When Gym Culture becomes problematic : A qualitative study about unhealthy training behaviour

Meakin, Sebastian, Carlsson, Dennis January 2014 (has links)
Gyms are populated by more and more people and there is an increased interest in wellness and health. However, there is a downside to the culture that people choose to step into. Exercise can go too far and take unhealthy directions. The purpose of this study is to examine how norms are created in the gym culture and how unhealthy behaviour is reproduced inside the walls of the gym. We have also done research about how a local gym identifies and handles deviant behaviour such as the use of doping and eating disorders. Methods used are qualitative interviews and participating observations. Our theoretical framework has consisted of social constructivist theories of Peter Berger and Howard S. Becker such as the socially constructed reality and deviant careers. Our results have shown that it’s difficult to draw a line between what is healthy and unhealthy. The gym atmosphere and it`s message, the gym visitors and how they relate to values, interact and confirm each other mutually. This creates the gym norm. The gym handles deviant behaviour by conversations with its visitors and by having close ties to medical care. Knowledge is the key to a healthy approach towards training and also to the identification of deviant behaviour.

Att vara syskon eller partner till en person med ätstörningsproblematik

Aarenstrup, Sophie, Granholm, Fredrika January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att belysa behandlares uppfattningar om syskon och partners upplevelser av att ha en nära person med en ätstörning, samt betydelsen av att involvera dem i den drabbades behandling. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med 6 behandlare på olika ätstörningsverksamheter i Sverige. Resultat och slutsats visade att syskon och partners, samt andra närstående, är betydelsefulla för patientens tillfriskande. Det är viktigt att syskon och partners involveras i behandling, och att de får information om sjukdom och behandling. Syskon ska inte anta en ansvarsroll, medan partner behöver ta ett visst ansvar i vardagen. Ätstörningar har en tydlig påverkan på partners och syskon, samt på närstående i allmänhet. Närstående bör få goda verktyg till hur de kan vara ett stöd på bästa sätt till den drabbade. Behandlaren ska bemöta närstående med förståelse, respekt och ingen skuldbeläggning. Det är väsentligt för patientens motivation och tillfrisknande att det finns en god och nära relation till de närstående som är involverade i behandlingen. Det finns en brist på forskning inom detta område. Vidare forskning krävs för att stärka studiens resultat och slutsats.

Jag kan ju inte säga himmel och pannkaka vad du har gått ner i vikt! : Hur skolsköterskor upptäcker och bemöter elever med ätstörningar / I can't just say good heavens how you've lost weight! : How school nurses detect and encounter students with eating disorders

Inborr, Sara, Norlin, Lovisa January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Barn och ungdomar i skolan som är missnöjda med sina kroppar tenderar att börja experimentera med mat och träningsvanor vilket kan leda till en ohälsosam kroppsuppfattning. Sociala medier tillsammans med andra media spelar en stor roll i hur de påverkar framförallt kvinnor. En utmaning för skolsköterskan är att lyckas identifiera och stötta dessa elever i ett tidigt stadium. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur skolsköterskor upptäcker och bemöter elever med ätstörningar. Metod: Intervjuer med åtta skolsköterskor utfördes efter så kallad snöbollsrekrytering och analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innebördsanalys. Resultat: Skolsköterskan erfarenheter av att upptäcka och bemöta elever med ätstörningsproblematik visar att det krävs kompetens, samarbete sinsemellan skolpersonal och elevernas föräldrar samt att det är av största vikt för skolsköterskan att bilda en trygg relation med elever. Konklusion: Kontinuerligt utbyte av erfarenheter samt yrkesmässig handledning kring elever med ätstörningar skulle stärka skolsköterskor i deras profession. / Background: Children and adolescents in school who are dissatisfied with their bodies tend to start experimenting with food and their exercising behaviour which can lead to an unhealthy body image. Social media and other media also play a big role in how they affect women, above all. The challenge for school nurses is to identify and support these students. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe school nurses’ experiences from detecting and encountering students with eating disorders. Method: Interviews with eight school nurses were performed after snowball sampling and analysed using a meaning analysis of the context. Result:School nurses experience of detecting and encountering students with eating disorders shows that it demands competence, cooperation between mentors and the students parents together with an ability to show an open attitude and that it is important to build a trustworthy relationship with the students. Conclusion: Continuous exchange of experiences as well as professional guidance surrounding students with eating disorders would strengthen school nurses in their profession.

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